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Daily press. [volume] (Newport News, Va.) 1896-current, March 17, 1907, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Subjacts Announced lor Toddy by
City Pastors.
Special Exercises at East End Chris?
tian Church?Rev. W. Asbury Chris?
tian to Preach on Proposed Late
Closing of Bars.
First Presbyterian.
Rov. Dr. Klncald, until recentlyl
pastor '>r the Centra! Uplon Church'
(if Honolulu. Hawaii, will preach aT
tltb First Fresbytor..ni church If.iia
morning at ll o'clock and this nf
ici noon at ."> o'clock. Dr. Kin. aid
Is inow resting in Virginia and for,
(he next Hi reu vyeeks will occupy
tho pulpll of the First Presbyter
Ian church. In the absence or I he
pastor, Rev. 12. T. Weliofrd.
Thirtieth Street Christian.
Hoy. W. R. -Motley, pastor of the
Thirtieth Street Christian church |
will preach to hisi congregation at
the Y. <M. C. A. ball this morning
and evening at the usual houi i.
JHs subjects will be, morning, ?'Di?
vine Sonsthip; fts .-'A'nteccdi :' and
Consequent;'' evening. "Srilrlllial
Laws or Gravitation, or Lire What
Wo Make It."
Trirvty Methodist.
Rov. W. Ashbury Christin, pnetorj
or the Trinity Meth.i.l'.-i church,
will preach itc-.lay on the following
Subjects: 11 a. in.. "Personal Lib?
erty Which is Reil:" 7::!n p, hi.
"?Need a City be God'esa to bej
Crlvary Bapt'st.
Af'.er a Shoi>; Bermon at the!
Calvary Baptist church tin?- morn?
ing, the building cotniu'ttoo will]
have an importatiit statement
make to the congregation. The pas?
tor. Rev. a. a. Butler, will preaehl
today on the following Bllbjt Els:
morning, "Some Thoughts on Church]
Building"; evi ting, '.'Filially
Hell." '
Newport News Baptist.
Rev. .1. W. Piner. D. D.. pastor
of the Newport News Rapt ist church
will tureacli to his congregation at
tho Casino today on the following
subjects: morning, "The Burled
Talent;" evening, "Sold Oui for
Trinity Lutheran.
A detachment of officers and men
from the German cruiser Bremen
will attend srvices at Trinity Luth?
eran clinch today. The pastor. Rov
BS. A. Shonk. will preach on the
following subjects: nicrnlng, "The
Idciil Church"; evening, "The main
?in Whom Was Found No Fault."
Miss Lydia Bueknian will sing at
the morning service.
St. Paul's Episcopal.
Services will he conducted at St.
Paul's Episcopal church today ns
follows: Fnrly celebration of the
hlc-.-sod holy communion at 7:30 a.
in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. in.;
Bible classes aj !':-fn a. m.; morn?
ing prayer, 'Litany, penitential of?
fice and sermon by the rector. Rev.
A. O. sykes, D. D.. at 11 a. in.;
evening prayer and sermon at 7:30
p. m. ,
Twenty-fourth Street Christian.
Rev. D. S. Henkel, pastor of the
Twenty-fourth street CliriftUam church
will preach today on the following
subjects: morning. "The Christ of
History?'; evening. "The Temple
Rebuilt." Mr. G. W. Blick will lea';
Hie Relief Association tills afternnoi
at 3 o'clock, speaking on the sfcb
jtft. "The Silent Guest."
Baptist Ta'iernacle.
'Rev. W. M. Black, of Richmond
F. are now Showing
a Fine Large Assort?
ment of Silverware
and Cut Glass, in New and
Exclusive Designs.
Somz rxccptio.iat op
portunities that should not
be passed by.
Come in and Look over
our stock.
Hales Company,
(iS'c?nr'oR?i Eii)
29th St. & Washington Ave.
Newport News, Va.
'ashington Avenue ?ml 'L".?th Strecl
One of the tuleuted Utile girls ?f this
ocli?oi, doing good work.
will preach at the Baptist Taber?
nacle today. Kla subjects will be:
111 mning, "A Great Interprlso anil
Its Operat''.on''; evening, "Self-In?
Dedicatory Exercises.
The East I3hd Christian church
w 11 dedicate Its now house of wor?
ship. ;,t Konnokc avenue and Twen
ty-thlrd street, this morning at 11
o'clock. The < 11 flee, which is on<
of tho mc ?; at ti act Ivo in East End
u is comploted some lime ago, hut
the congregation waited until it wot
tree rroni debt before holding dedl
cKitory exercises.
Following is the program arranges
for the ilay's services:
Voluntary Anthem?"The House ??1
the 'Lord."
Hyro-n No.so?Congregation iStaiwllnt
lnvocSi' h 1.
11 . . ( 11 skotch of the church.
Sculpture lesson.
Hymn No. 090.
Prnyer?II? v. X. <; Newman
Offertory, An/lu in?"How Lovely if
Zloiii" .
Sermon and Dedicatory Formula?
Rev. X. c. Newman.
Dedicatory Prayer?'Rov. M. \V. Hut
Hymn No. 879
Voluntary by choir.
Hy>mtn No. I'll?Congregation stand
Invo< a l ion.
Scripture Lesson.
Hy.nn No. 999.
Seiet tion by choir and offering.
11 linn No. 879.
Grace Episcopal.
Services will lie conducted ai
? Grace Episcopal church this morn
ing at 11 o'clock by the assistant
rootor of St. .lolin's parislh, Rov
Henry .1. Geiger. There will hi
Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock this
morning. Services are conducted 01
the church on Wednesday after
[iiioons at 4:30 o'clock and Friday
evenings !>,? S o'clock.
Y. M. C. A. Men's Meeting.
Rev. E. Pemlietcin Jones, D. D
of Hampton, will ho ilhe speaket
at the meeting for men at the
Young Men's Christian Assooiation
this afternoon 11,'. 3:15 o'clock His
subject will he, "The Tragedy of
Strength." a special musical program
will he rendered.
A* the Riverview Baptist churca
, this evening ait 7:30 o'clock the
I pastor. Rev. w. R. Keefe, will preact
on the subject, "New Names for
1 Old Sins."
Chestnut Avenue Methodist.
The revival services which have
been in progress at Hie Chestnut
Avenue Methodist church during the
past week will be continued tonight
and throughout tills week. Special
services for children will be held at
the church at 11 o'clock this morn?
Her Brother Dead.
Mrs. R. N. Coates. or this city, re?
ceived a telegram yesterday afternoon
announcing the sudden death in Nor?
folk county of her brother, Mr. .lohn
Ironmonger, yesterday morning. The
deceased was 37 years old and is
survived by a widow.
Douglas Cox and Miss Bertha Fisher
Surprised Their Rela?
A telegram was received iiere yes?
terday announcing 'the marriage in
Washington of .Miss (Bertha FirDci
rnd Mr. Dough' s Cox. who left th'J
City Friday evening on the Oliora
peako &. Ohio train. Trie welding
oncurn l yesterday morning at 9:3t
O'clook and the bride and gro :n
are now on their way back to New
port News.
Miss Fisher, whoso home is it
I Ac.lciT.-n, W. Yn.. has been visiting
tlher sister, Mrs. B. J. Kclley, at
j 2,8(15 Jefferson avenue, for several
j months. Attending a party soon
: after her arrival she met Mr. Cox
I who is ?* fireman on the Chesapeake
& Oliio and divides Iiis time between
here and Richmond.
Although the young people hat'
ser. 1 a great deal of earfi othei
during the past few months, tlielt
I elopement came as a great surprise
to both families. Mrs. Cox is only
21) year* old.
(Mr. Kelley, who received the teie
gram announcing 1110 wedding, aii'i
j last mV.il that he did not know wiij
j the young people should have olopei
unless ifiey "Just wauled to bf
romantic." ,
Some Exceptional Values in Spring Goods
Our display of Spring Goods is qoW at its best, all lines are complete
and tt\e assortment is larger and better tiqan ever before. Rt no time
can your buying be done to better advantage tiqan r\o\ti. Start your
buying tomorrow wbjile tt]e selection is at its best.
Special Values in White Goods
MERCERIZED CHIFFON, 25c. The most popular of all white
wash fabrics for ladles' waists, line sheer weave, soft silk finish. 32
Incites wide, an exceptional Quality, at 25c the yard.
40-INCH INDIA LINONS. Our selection of India Linons is larger
than ever before and contains a heatitlful assortment of line sheer
weaves, variously priced from 10 to 25c the yard.
MERCERIZED GINGHAMS, 1Cc. A small lot of mercerized Ging?
hams in a good assortment of neat checks and plaids in several v? ry
;7 inches wile, worth
special Saturday, 19c the
Oven weave, 110 Inches wide, makes up
1'ho liest quality we have ever shown
seiet lion of linen Smllllga,
colors, including tan, violet,
ami cream, special at 25c
desirable colors,
LINEN LAWNS, 25. Sheer
into pretty waists and dresses,
at 25c the yard.
LINEN SUITINGS, 25c. A beautiful
full yard wide, in all the different plain
green, light blue, gray, cadet blue, white
the yard.
PERSIAN LAWNS. An excellent assortment of Persian lawn, fine
eVon weave, very sheer, from 32 to 45 inches wide. One of the most
desirable wash fabrics, at from 10 to 50c the yard.
FRENCH AND MERCERIZED BATISTE, 17c. /bout 10 pieces of
French and mercerized batiste, fine even weave, soft finish, very
sheer, suitable for shadow work. 1.", Inches wide, worth 25c, at 17c the
40-INCH NAINSOOK, 12 1-2c. 2,000 yards or French Nainsook,
soft finish, fine even weave. Sheer for lingerie, lull 40 Indies wide,
worth ISc, special at 12 1-2c the yard.
CHECKED MUSLIN, 5=. 20 pieces of Muslin from the small neat
checks to the large check, forming an inch square. BOft, smooth finish,
worth lue. special, 5c the yard.
INDIA LINON. 1 3-4c. We wl 1 put on sale Monday morning
1.000 yards of India Linon (Mill Remnants), vor) desirable lengths,
2 to 13 yards, fine sheer weave, \ orth 10c, special, 4 3-4c the yard.
very flue weave, full
never sold for less
Spring Dress Goods and Silks
GREY SUITING AT 48c. (me piece or grey suiting in fancy
mixture and novelty weave, 4(1 Inches wide, tin ideal'fabric for ladies'
skirts, very special at 48c the yard.
50c MOHAIRS, 39c. A small lot or mohairs,
3(5 inches wide, in plain black, navy and garnet,
than BOc, special at 39c the yard.
$1.00 VOILES, 69c. Finely woven French volles! in tan. white,
navy, cream and black, 44 Inches wide This voile Is the regular qual?
ity sold lor $1.(10, on sale Mondny at 69c the yard.
PONGEE SILKS AT 50c. We have Just received some pongee
silks, very fine weave and exceptionally sott finish, (he colors nro
violet, white, cream, light blue, Alice blue, pink, black and natural,
34 inches wide, special at 50c the yard.
Ladies' and Misses' Spring Hose
LADIES' COLORED HOSE, 25c. Made or good grade French Lisle,
mercerized finish, full rognlnr made, fast coloi-s, gauze weight, in
light blue, gray and red. sizes 8 to 10, nt 25c pair.
LADIES' GAUZE LISLE HOSE. 25c. This Hue of hose come in nnvy
pink, heliotrope, suede, grey and reseda, are full regular llllldo, excep?
tionally fine quality, extra long, fast colors, all sizes, at 50c tho pair.
LADIES' SPLIT 80LE HOSE, 3 for $1.00. Full regular made, with
split s<de, made or the finest Kgyptlan ynru, stainless, sizes 8 to 10,
ut 3 pair for $1.00.
LADIES' BLACK HOSE. This selection includes a beautiful se?
lection of the guaranteed last black bpso, in plain Ingrain lisle, gauze
lisle and mercerised lisle, full regular mnde, with double toes mid
heels. All sizes 8 to 10, at 39c, 50c. 59c, 75c, 79c, $1.00 and $1.25 the
LADIES' LACE HOSE. A largo selection or very neat and dainty
designs In both the nil-over and hoot patterns. last black Rue lisle
with silk finish, mnde with double toe nu<\ heel, cut. full size. All
sizes 8 to 10, at 30c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 the pair.
MISSES' SILK LISLE HOSE, 25c. Made In very fine rib. cut ex?
tra long, double toe and heel, fast co'iors, in pink, blue ami black, sizes
5 1-2 to 8 1-2, at 25c the pair.
MISSES' LACE HOSE, 25c. Several very desirable patterns In
nil-over lace, made or fine ilsle, have double toe and heel, colors are
light blue, pink, black and white, size f? to 8 1-2, til 25o the pair.
LADIES' LISLE HOSE, 25c. Gunrahtqod Tast black, mil regular
made, silk finish, made with double toe and heel, sizes 8 to 10, 25o
the pair. Gauze, Medium and heavy weight.
Domestics Specially Priced
$1.00 SHEETS, 75c. One ensn of bleached muslin sheets, size
81x90, made of very flue muslin, IInoil finished, h*^^ wido hemmed
ends, never sold for less than $1.00. special 75c coon.'
$1.00 BED SPREADS, 89c. About 10 dozen bed spreads, made to fit
double beds, In a very neat crocheted pattern, nicely made, worth
$1.00, special. 89c each. <
PILLOW CASES, 12 1-2c. A special lot of pillow enses, made of
fine quality bleached muslin, linen finished, sizes 30x42 and 30x45,
nicely mnde and finished, an exceptional value at 12 1-2c each.
59c 8HEET8, 48c. A small lot of sheets, made of very good grade
of bleached muslin, with hemmed ends, size 72x'J0, worth G9c, special,
. 48c each
LINENETTE CENTURY CLOTH, 10c. Finely woven llnenotto
cloth, good heavy weight, Just tho tiling for ladles' white Bklrts and
jackets, washes and '(years like linen, special at 10c the yard.
Long Gloves
The "Onye" glove for ladies,
made ol* fine ribbed mercerized
lisle, black only, Mill length,
very special at 50c the pair.
' 2707-2709 WASHINGTON AVE. ?
Silk Gloves, 50c
Ladles' nil-bilk gloves,. short
length, plnln black, guaranteed
Tast color, all sizes, nicely fin?
ished, tu 50c the pair.
[ Chamber of Commerce Banquet
Next Thursday Mglil.
inr g?esis m cn?t
President Tucker, of Exposition;
President Stevens, of C. & O., and
Army and Naval Officers Accept
Invitation to be Present.
I Arrangements for the annual ban
quent of the Chamber of Commerce,
to be held at tho Hotel Pocahontas
next Thursday night, were completed
yesterday by the entertainment com
. mittee. Among the prominent people
who have accepted invitations to be
j present are Hon. Harry St. George
Tucker, president of the Jamestowii
j Exposition Company; Mr. George \V.
I Stevens, president of the Chesapeake
& Ohio Railway; Frigate Captain Al?
berts, commandant of the German
' cruiser Riemen, and his staff of of
' fleers; Commanders Raiisone and
'. Rock. U. S. N.; Major Ringham. I'. S.
j N.; Governor T. T. Knox. Major .lohn
i A. Johnson and Captain P. E. Skin
. per, of the National Soldiers' Home.
j The toasts and speakers will be as
I follows:
! "Our land the. firat garden of Lib?
erty's tree;
It has been, and shall yet be, the
land of the free.''
1 1. "Planting the seed of Liberty's
tree at Jamestown"?C. C. Berkeley.
"God had shifted three kingdoms to
find the wheat for this planting."
1 2. "The tree appears at York
; town"?O. n. Batchelor.
ri "Freedom's battle, once begun,
\\ Bequested by bleeding sire tr> son,
j Tho' battled oft. Is ever won."
1 3. "The Growth of the tree'?S
j Qerdon Gumming.
"Do streams from little fountains
, flow?
Tall oaks from little acrens Rrow?*'
4.^ "The torn boughs reunited' ?
Dr. J. V. Porlcr.
"One flag, one lnnl, one heart, one
hand, , ; Jj* 4
One nation everinoro."
5. "The fruit of the tree"?Hon.
S. Ft, Buxto'n.
? Trees yielding all fruit, wIioho
leaves are for the healing of the na?
6. "Virginia's Bough"?Hon. Harry
St. Oeorge Tucker.
"And statesmen if. hot" council met
Who knew the seasons, when to
Occasion by the hand and make
The bounds of freedom wider yet."
Col. Edgar's Address. I
The following letter gives an idea
of w"" is to be expected from Col.
Oeorge M. Edsnr, who will lecture
on ".stonewall Jackson" at the V.
"Up to the minute In style and
none better mado.
M. C. A. next Frldav night. '
"I was highly entertained and
much pleased with tho loctnro on
Stonewall Jackson delivered hero
laut week by Ool Oeo. M. Edgar
The address was well delivered am'
replete with conspicuous incidents
In the life of that most extraordl
nary man. His career as a citizen
sohMer, professor and consocrntod
Chrletlan?his honesty, humility and
gnl'.M'iry everywhere?his unswerv?
ing loyalty to (luty and patriotic
devotion to h's J-Ua^te?his wonder?
ful military a.i iW'vein? nts were all
forcibly delineated n I set forth
in a very aceepi'.able imanner by Col.
"Attached als 1 was in the very out?
set of tho war to the Stonewall bri?
gade, having been prrsoat on duly in
every movement, made by Gen. Jack?
son with his army from Harpers
Ferry to Chancellorsvllle, where the
splendid career of 'that great leader
ended (whose military genius I ad?
mired more perlnps th? i that of
any other man living or dead,) I
took In every word of the speaker,
followed him closely, and was much
impressed with his accuracy oven
in <ho matters of detail. The lec?
ture, both in iiMiii 'Cr of delivery an.1i
diction, wr t all tho most exacting
could wib-'i.
"{Most truly.
Battleships Louisiana, Virginia and
New Jersey Go South to Join
Squadron This Week.
Bear Admiral Evans' powerful At?
lantic flset, now manoeuve.ring in the I
tropics, will sail from Guantanamo i
Bay, Cuba, for Hampton Heads on i
April 14 to participate in the great.:
naval parade incident to the opening
of the Jnmestown ? Exposition on i
April 2C. The fleet should reach the I
Roads not later than April 22 and;
the vessels will anchor In single col-1
'umn on tho three-mile stretch be?
tween Old Point Comfort and the!
Hampton flats on this side of tho .
Newport News and Norfolk channels.
As soon as the vessels drop anchor ,,
the crews aboard will get busy put?
ting the ships Into shape for the na
val review.
Tho battleships Loulsinnn and Vir- i
ginia, now at the New York navy -
yard, and the Now Jersey, which la
anchored In Hampton Roads, will Hall
South to Join tho Root this week laid
tro Georgia. Minnesota, Vermont and.
Kansas will join tho fleet in Hamp?
ton Roads on tho date of Its arrival.
Criminal Assault Charged. '
Detective Sergeant Rtidgers yes?
terday arrested Willie Stores, a ne'
gro, on tho chnrgo of criminally as?
saultlng Ella Rudd, a negro girl 12
years old. Tho complain!, was made
by the girl's mother and the girl Is
being bold ns n witness. The pris?
oner was balled for his npponrancs
tomorrow by Justice Drown, William
Denmark being nccepted us security;
for $a00.
Have your property insured before
you get fired. WOMBLR & BRY?
ANT, Fire Insurance Agents. It
. 11 1
IAn Invitation Is cordially
extended to you to attend my
Consisting of fine Millinery
trimmed and designed by an
experienced trimmer.
Ladies1 Dress Skirts
and Shirt Waists,
a Specialty.
The new Ednai Wallaco
Hopper Collars. The latest fail
In Persian Belts.
The old and reliable R. & G.
Corsets. Also Lonsdale Cam?
bric Muslin and Aimroscoggin
Bleached Cotton going at 10c.
IMrs. M. E. Fergussm,
1153 27th Street.

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