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ONLY TEN THOUSAND REMAINS TO BE RAISED V. Nl. C. A. Campaigners Have Raised Over Two Thirds of Desired Amount. INTEREST 13 DAILY GROWING Captains Duxton and Went Having Lively Dout for First Place, Which is Still Held by the Former?Other Leaders Say the Battle Ic Just Be jjlnnlng. Of the ?LT..noo which tho Young Moil's Christian Association propoBUH to raise In llftobn days, beginning last Krldiiy. only $!i,si;7.r>u remains to* l*o r.ubseHbed. Although the weather conditions yesterday wire most un? favorable. (8-17.50 was reported to headquarters last nlghl. bringing I lib total amount subscribed. Including the Huntington donation, up to $l"v 1112.50. Intbroul In the campaign Is growing dally and II Is now believed that the twinty-llve thousand murk will he reached bbforo the nftceitili day' rolls around. Mayor fluxion's tbam is making a strong light for Ural place. Captain Caleb I). WosI und his team are working equal? ly us hard lo retain the h ad. Captain I W. II. I1'. Knos's team Is In third place anil promises to give the leaders u close run whin the reports are turn? ed in tonight. Fight Juct Beginning. Several of (he captains whose teams are now pretty well down In the line declare that they are Just beginning to gel their "ducks in a; row" for the light and that boforo luiiny more days havi> passed there will be1 u dlfforcnt story to teil. Secretary Oiincnii hail tbe< manage? ment of the campaign all lo himself yesteirday. State secretary Coulter was called lo Lambert's Point to par? ticipate in the dedication of tin-1 Norfolk und Western Hallway Y. M.i ('. A., at thai place. Mr. Coulter will return to the city today and remain until llu- campaign Is over. Will Plot and Eat. ' This morning Cnptaln West will ] Huntington donation . Citizens committed . '?" Tenm No. 1?C. Aylott AbIiIij-_ Tonm No. 2?S. R.'Uuxton . Team No. U?K. Q, Camoron..., 'ream No. A?W. II. Colohnu .. . Tenm No. 5?W. H. P. Hues .... 're am No. li?J. H. Craves. Team No. 7?J. H. Greaves I? Team No. 8?Or. C. P. Jones_ Tjir- Tonm No. 0?O. B. MoAIplnri_ Tenm No. 10?C. D. Wiest _ Totals . ACADEMY TEAM WINS FiRST GAME OF SERIES Ball Toesrs of Hampton High School Proved Easy Victims?Girls as "Rooters." In n comparatively well played game, the baseball team of the New? port News Academy e>aslly defeated the nine of the Hampton High school nt the Casino park yesterday after? noon by n score of 9 to 1. Included .111110111-: the> two hundred fanatics in nt tendance wore n large number of young lady pupils of the two institu? tions niul their strenuous "rooting" >vas a feature of the performance. This was tho first of a series of Ihevo games between these schools for it handsome silver cup offered the winner of the series by the Rosen b?um Hartlwaro Company, of this city. Judging from the showing of ; BUY CLOTHES RIGHT. Our Children's Department Full lo Overflowing, with all the new Novelties to be had. Belts and Straight Suits, with straight and Bloomer Pants. Full Line of Blue Serges, $1.50 to $6.00 26th and Washington Avenue, and 2206 Jefferson Avenue. For Rent Nice Cottage at Buckroe Beach, Furnished. One at River view on Shell Road, unfurnish? ed with 7 rooms, stable etc., Six acres of good land; 2711 Washington Avenue. crtertqlh the members of Ins team ai breakfast ai Hotoi Warwick; .last v.hat (luik plot is to bo hatched at this btvakfnst Is not l.nown. but itj Kt pretty genci'ally understood that, plai.s for forging of the llus lonltcs will 1)0 under consideration, | 'ICt noral" Powell Is saying little ami "cawing wood.'' Ho seems to he mi\ well pleasqtl with the result of, the efforts of tin' young business inen - c?mmltlcb, which I? formed l>>* j tho ien canvassing lonimt. Chairman] \\ Hielt, oi ine citizens' committee ni-l ro hits reason to la well sailslied, au lu- mil! his men have scoured nearly ? I jOOO since Friday. Th|! iline ?f reporting to head ru'nrlers hats been charged to 7:.7U o'clock in tin ovoiiingi All of tho le-ini captains tire expected to bo at he.uli|unrt< y>; tit that hour. The following table tells the story of tho ennipngn In brief: Previously Reported Reported. Yesterday. Totals. , $10,0(1(1.00-$10,000.00 < 8-18.00 08.00 040.00 j 2110.00 - 2,10.00 . 400.50 IS.8.00 (178.00 \ 435.00 10.00 475.00 .'109.00 55.00 424.00 415.00 111.00 520.OO 110.00 130.60 270.50 noo.r.o 210.00 40.00 250.00 .,' 280.00 50.00 3.10.00 025.00 05.00 090.00 $14,295.00 $S47.50 $15,132.50 I lie nines yesterday the Academy should win the trophy with ease. The features of the match was the hatting or Heyner and Cunningham, the till round work of Cunningham In the box and an unassisted double play by 11 any Heyner. Score by Innings: It. H. E. Acafdtamy _03 00021 3x?9 o o Hampton .0 1 0 0 00000?1 2 ? Balteries: Cunningham und Sam dottrel l; Bentley and Brlttlnghnm. Cmpire?Davis. CORPORATION COURT APRIL TERM BEGINS Few Criminal Cases Have Been Sent Up and There Mayf Be No Grand Jury. The Corporation Court convened yesterday morning for tho April term. Judge Harham called his dock? et and set a number of cases for trial. Although this is the regular crim? inal lernt of the court, only a few felony cases have been sent up from the police court and Commonwealth's Attorney ltohlnsou said yesterday that it was probable that no grand jury would bo summoned for the term. His Dear Old Mother. ' My dear old mother, who Is now eighty-three years old, thrives on Electric Hitters," writes W. B. Bran? son, or Dublin, Gn. "Sbo has taken them for about two years and enjoys an excellent appetite fools strong and sleeps well." That's tho way lOlectric Bitters afreet the aged, und the same happy results follow in all cases oT female weaknesses and gen? eral debility. Weak, puny children too, are greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stomnch, liver and kidney troubles, by The Ideal Pharmacy. 50c. Take me back to old Wisconsin, Where the sugar beets and tobacco | grow, Where the farmers are healthy, hap? py and bright? They all take Iloekv Mountain Tea] at night. ?J. C. OORSUCH & CO. Out of Sight. "Out of sight, out of mind," Is nn old saying which applies with special forco to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and cbllbalns disappear under ita healing influenco. Guaranteed by The Idenl Pharmacy. 25c. GREEK'LONGSHOREMEN AFRAID OF STRIKERS Filly Hen Imparted by merchants ft Miners Refuse lo Work. RESULT OF ATTACK SUNDAY NIGHT While Strike-breakers Were Walking Beneath Coal Piers They Were Fired Upon from Ambush?Police Escort Headed by Chief Prevented Further Trouble. Following an attack made upon them on the River Road near the Chesapeake & Ohio depot Sunday evening by Ihe striking negro 'long? shoremen of tho Ohl Dominion Steam? ship Company and the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company, about 50 Greeks Imported hero by the Merchants & Miners Compuriy to re? place the strikers, refused to go to work yesterday morTiIng and as a re? sult operations at the company's wharfage space on Chesapeake & Ohio pier No, li were nt n complete standstill nil yesterday and last night. The Gfeeks have made no explana? tion of their action to Mr. David R. McNeil, local agent for the Merchants & .Miners Company, and ho Is at a loss to account for their failure to report for work. In tho opinion of some persons who claim to he In close touch with the situation the Creeks want CO cents an hour for their work while others sny that as a result of Sunday night's attack the Greeks are afraid to continue work. Mr. McNIel stated yesterday after? noon that he would make every pos? sible effort to secure additional 'longshoremen this morning and he hopes to hnve a large force of men at work before noon. . Negroes Attack Greeks. Tho attack upon tho Greeks by the striking negroes Sun? day evening came as quite a sur? prise. The Greeks were walking up River Road from pier No. 6 to a res? taurant on Washington avenue near Twenty-third street nnd when they were passing under Chesapeake & were In'um bush, fired several revol? ver allein und threw lumps of coal at them. The Greeks heat a hasty retreat up the River Head to Twen? ty-third street and all escaped with? out injury. Protected by Police. Upon learning of the attack some limp afterwards, Mr. MeNlol. reported' ill to the police department and Chief, of Police John \V. Reynolds and Pa? trolmen Fisher. Padgett and Johnson J went to the restaurant ami escorted I them back to pier No. G. The negroes jdid not renew their attack during tin? I rip, nor were the Greeks molested when they stopped work about mld-j night Sunday night. The Old Dominion Steamship Com-' party yesterday put a force of about 2r> men at work on their wharfage since at pier No. (> and late last night the situation there was somewhat re? lieved. The freight aboard the Old Dominion liner Jamestown, now at Norfolk, consigned I for shipment ' through Gils city, was brought here? from Norfolk on barges In the after-1 I noon and was unloaded and re-loaded | j on cars. The steamer Seneca arriv? ed hero last night and the work of unloading and loading her will begin '. this morning. This will be the first Old Dominion liners that has been worked here j I since the negroes struck last Weil-, , n< rtday. The steamer Monroe arrived 1 j here Sunday, hut has not yet been i unloaded. I Tile officials of both companies are ] as positive as ever in refusing to meet the demands of the strikers and j I liny expect the strike to be declared off In the very near future. Make. THE HUB Cleaning and Pressing Co., ?WE Glean Dye Press er 211 33rd SL Both Phones THREE DAYS ONLY This limited time in which to enter our "Baby Contest." DON'T DELAY ! Positively no answers received after Thursday, April 11th, 1907, G p. m. at is a For the Best Definition we will give a To the next 20 second best answers a $100 Credit Due Bill to each. To the next 25 third best answers a $75 Credit Diuv Hill to each. To the next 80 fourth best answers a $25 Credit Due Bill to each. Credit due bills arc good at face value as first payment on any new Piano in our show rooms at 2517 Washington Avenue, Newport News, Va. Five prominent gentlemen of Newport News will deside on the definition and award the prizes. Their names will be announced Inter. Of course everybody can't win a prize, BUT E? 10 It Y BODY CAN TRY. Get Busy! Address 2517 Washington Avenue, Newport News, - - - Virginia. Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, especially on reaching the age of puberty. A mother's tender care and words of caution will often accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a gentle, safe and reliable strengthening tonic is Wine of Cardui, It will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the functions, clear the complexion and strengthen the constitution. It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. It has tided thousands over a critical period, and saved them from years of suffering. It can never do harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls and women. At every druggist's in $1.00 bottles. Try it. "Let m me tell yon? Something about Pabst." 'For over sixty years Pabst has been brewing quality beer. "Quality produces quality. "The best materials, the best workmen and the best methods?these make the best beer. *'It is the quality of the malt, the quality of the hops, the quality of the Pabst methods that make Pabst uei!CiDDori The Beer of Quality There is a reason for this Pab3t quality. "Forfour generations the constant aim and purpose of Pabst has to brew quality beer. "No task has been too great for Pabst?no detail has been too small? only the final results have been considered?the perfection of brewing." Order a case ofPnbst Blue Ribbon today and ?atisfy yourself that quality In beer, like quality in c very Um,u el?e, in wuith having. LendiUsWour Ear! Llsten to the good things nt the growing store made so by the people. We furnish the goods at the right prices and the people do the rest. Hnvc you looked over the very good values we have on every one of our 4 floors? If not, you are certainly slow. Get In lino, fol? low those wise buyers who have long since located tho place. We sell the hard to sell. It will be easy with you. Iron Beds . $ ::.()0 up. Sideboards . $17.50 up. Refrigerators . $ 8.00 up. fled Springs . $ 1.50 up. Mattresses . $ 2.00 up. Rugs . 40c up. Mattings . 25c up. Extension Tables ... $ 4.00 up. Rod Room Suits ... $22.50 up. Go-Cnrts, all prices. Ranges, all prices. In fact, all kinds of prices; nil kwuls of goods. HARVEYS THE PEOPLE'S STORE. TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. coal and;wood ?Sold by the Newport News Disflled Ice Co. Is guaranteed to give entire satisfactioncoal kept under sheds, and is always screened. FRED. W. SA^FORij, General Manager. Thirty-fifth Street and C* O. Railway. Bell Phone 98. Citizens Phone, 308.