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CONTEST IS UNDER WAY Interest Manifested In Offer of Handsome Prizes STANDING TO BE SM NEXT SUNDAY Lodges and Church. Social and Labor Societies Preparing to Support Pop? ular Members in Effort to Land Ring or Watch. Since the announcement Sunday morning that the Dully Press would i'.ive handsome diamond- rings and gold ' watches to the most popular j lodge or society Workers in the city, fl great deal of* interest In the idea has been manifested, and the Indiek-1 tlons are that a very interesting con-1 test will In; on when, the first; nn-' uduncoinent of the standing of thej contestants is made next Sunday. ? \ In the advertising eolumus today the details of the plan are given to the public again. To place? a friend in nomination for one of the prizes, j it' is only necessary to place his or her name on a voting coupon and de- | liver it. to the business office of this paper. There are really two con-! tests, one for the latlies and one for the men. n diamond ring being given tts the first prize In each contest, and :i gold watch being given to the lady I and man receiving the next highest ' number of votes. Several of the lodges, labor unions, ? church and social societies are ex- [ peeled to select members of their re- , spective bodies to back In the con? tests. All coupons appearing in the I six issues beginning Sunday morning, j must be voted before next Saturday : night, as they will be void after thnt'| time. Beginning next Sunday there i will be a new series of coupons, good ; for one week. This plan was adopt? ed to prevent candidates from hold? ing Lack coupons and thus detracting interest. -Mr. Orvlllc Cooko. or New York, who is to have charge of the contest will arrive tomorrow and until the end will bo in the business office of the Dally Press to mnniigo the cam? paign. STEAMER SUN SAILS TODAY. New Tanker is Completed and Ready For Services. The Sun Oil Company's new oil tank Sun will sail this morning for Sabine Pass, Texas, where she will load a cargo of oil for Philadelphia. Tlie vessel will ply in the oil trade between those ports. The Sun left the shipyard yester? day morning and steamed down to one of the Chesapeake & Ohio 1 piers, where she is londing S00 tons of bunker coal and 200 tons of cargo coal for Sabine Pass. Captain Ocklcman, who has been superintending the completion of the steamer is in command and her crew or .14 men and two officers arrived here Sunday from Philadelphia. Bremen Out of Dock. The Gorman cruiser Brcmnri, which lias been having repairs math' to lior bull in dry dock No. 2. at the riitp yard, was floated out of the basin yesterday. Repairs to the cruiser are nearly completed and site is expectau to leave the yard within a wecu or ten days. Louis White Dead in Cuba. Captain C. C. Moore, of the Hunt? ington rifles, was notified Sunday of the death of young Louis White, of this city, in Havana, Cuba. Mr. White was a corporal in the Uifles. Recent? ly he enlisted in the army transport j service and was employed In Havana ' at the lime of his death. A Criminal Attack on an iuonenslve citizen is frequent-', ly made in that apparently useless j little tube called the "appendix." It's generally the result of protracted constipation, followed liver torpor. Or. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and es? tablish regular habits of the bowels. 25c at The Ideal Pharmacy. (? Where Quality Is Uppermost. &| i?-I i t g Domino \ Si I Wizard ( r'teBtg|| I Spud I Limit / S Popular sfjics in Men's Low ?}] $ ! t' jtf Shoes, in Oun Metal and Patent Jl i fi< 9 Colt; both Button and Mlue.her. ^ t $3.50 and $4.03 1 s & WE FIT FEET. 1 - 1 JEISEKMAN'S J I Shoe Palace, | 5j 2600 Washington Avenue. TRY THIS AT HOME. Mix tliih following by slinking well In it bottle, mill (ukc in teii8|M>?ntii1 douses alter incnls ami at bctllinie: Fl 'Id Kxr.aei Dandelion, one bait ounce; Compound Kurg?n, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, Chreo ounces. A local druggist advises Hint these simple Vegetable Ingredients ciiu lie obtained at nominal cost from any good prescription pharmacy. This mixture Is said to cleanse hud strengthen the clogged ami Inactive Kidneys, overcoming Racknche, Bladder weakness and even Hie worst, forms of Rheumatism, which, as everyone knows, is produced by excessive Ul'lc acid und oth? er poisonous waste matter which the Kidneys fail to sift and strain from the blood. Bvory man or woman here Who feels thai the Kidneys are not siren-; or acting in a heal? thy manner, should mix this i prescription at home ami pglyo il a trial. I SHIPPING REPORT Sunday, April 7, 1907. Arrived. Sic.uner George; l'ymnn (Hr.), Gallic, St. Vincents, C. V.?-to .lames I-:. Abbe agent. Simmer Daiarne (Swd), Itjoke roth, Port Arthur?to Smokeless * iici Company for bunker coal. Steamer Sunnier (U. s. transport', Scott. Havana?to United StatpsQuar? termasters t)i pot with passengers. Schooner .1. .1. Hansen, Whit ley, Dover?to White Oak Coal Co., in ballast. Schooner Lymrin M. Law, Chat field. New York-to C. II. Arnal In bal? last. Schooner William 1'. Hood, Smith, Now York?to New Ulver CohsolIda lion Coal Company in ballast. I largo Sthibury Irom Uoston-to Whin Oak Coal Company in ballast. Sailed. Steamer Vittorla lllr.). Killen, Ha? vana. Schooner Sarah W. i.aronce, Moore, Roston. Monday, April 8, 1907. Arrived. Steamer Ormcsby dir.). Whaloy, Tampa?t? White Oak Coal Coniimny for bunker coal. V< BBO) entered by Furnoss, Withy ?\i Company. Steamer Bay Port, Jensen,TJostoh? to White' Oak Coal Company in ba': last. Marge Rrltlanin from Moslem?to White Oak Coal Company in ballast; Cleared. Steamer Ormesby (Mr.). WUatey, Stottln-Furness, Withy & Company. Sailed. ?SI ( a rpora _ I ki Jarno (Swdj _ 1 llok $ ?_ Robert son. Havre; Georgetown, Smith; Portland. Calendar For This Day. Sun rises..">::is a. ,ro, Sun sets.6:34 p. m. High Water_7:22 a. in.. 7:4S p. ni. Low water_1:08 a. m.; 1:42 p. Goer to Shipyard. The Mritish steamer Qeorge Pyhinri arrived in port Sunday from St.1. r. cents, C. V? and will go to the ship yard today to bo docked to have hull cleaned and painted. Sozial-Personal 0_9 JLPJLOJ1 2JL8JLJL8JLS 4 Those who are going to (al.e iiar'J In the production of the Japancx-^ Honeymoon, which will be presonte/ at the Academy of Music in the nei; future for the benefit of the John V Daniels Chapter, Daughters of t/ ' Confederacy, will meet at the You. Men's Christian Association this ternoon ni I o'clock, instead of at Academy of Music as previously; nounced. A full rehearsal of the con>v will bo held at. the Academy of ,c at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Mrs. Cecil Cornelius has /or suests at I he Colonial the*es Kirk, of Norfolk. Miss Edith Redding has rol'J '? her home in Cape Charles n/J? ?" ing the Misses Noonnn on -v' seventh slrcet. Mrs. .T. .1. O'Donnell and/n.U?h" tor, Miss Florence have re?' , ,om Richmond, where Miss O ? naa been having her throat tv Miss Harriet Weaver IfL'"'??* for a visit to friends unmos "' Baltimore and Washing) Mrs. John V\l~4!*}?-? Va.i is the guest of ife,J?.r: and Mrs. Hudson, at > enih r.treet. j MISS Louise ^feClim?"d' IS the guest of MK,an tU '"<' I St. .Tnmes' hospital. MISS Grace S^S''. ^? her homo In rtich?*pe"? "<S a week with her,*'8. Vh ?P O. Mitchell on r,f"' strcot' ' Mrs i h hvi WR? oPeratod on at ,no Bt-vhuffered a rb v.o weeks agS,18,v j], at !le> lapse and is nn?, stITOt home on Twry Mrs V c t?n- ,of R?nti'sn. I Is H,o ?cSim ,tt th0 C!*' ,,, [?? o' Washington u. i, ? "liroii spending two Mrs. Mall. vs. Mr. nhU Mrs y;. nks wlt^c t0(la>, ??; !!:;)] will r- J 0. Al wii onl i it r for Krrnni Scji Clear that I) mov^s 'the da ovo -y lifo U)i too. T dnndrui r.rd ?To do thru cldn bj loaves i Ma turf, you ret druff fi leadlnsr tor sam 'rolt. M Two ALLEN / IBM THE SUPREME COURT Tesllmony of Boy Jauses Three Saloon Keepers to be Summ-inod. TRIAL IN POLICE COURT TODAY John Muglcr, Hamlet Mugler and Pat Sereeney, Complained Against by Chief Reynolds on Strength of 17-Year-Old Hazel Edwards' Stery. Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe. Relieved by Pe-ru-na. .lohn Mugler, Hamlet M. Mutier and Pat Sereeney. well l<nown sahtan j keepers of ibis city, were yeslenliy I morning summoned to appear In pnlf court this morning to ahswor charge of selling lbpior to Hazel wards, a i7-year-old white boy. V#?o I was arrested in a drnnUen condlmn in , Rocketts ahout midnight Saturday 1 nlghi by Patrolman Price.- 1 While being tried by .lustice Brown in the police court yesterday morn at I on the charge of drunkenness, Btl wards. In response to tiueries I nun the justice, stated that he hough! | drinks at Iho Huntington hotel, Pal j. Sereeney proptietor, corner Wash? ington avenue and Thirty-sixth street: John Muglor's saloon, 2312 Wishing i Ion avenue ami Hamlet M. Muglor'H saloon, corner Washington avenue und Tw?niy-fourth street. chief or Police Reynolds bad .Ins lice Brown issue summons for the saloon keepers and the papers were nerved by Patrolmen Pearson and Harp. Edwnrdn was round guilty ?>r the charge of drunkenness nnd fined $:i.r,n by .lustice Brown. Ho wits after? wards ordered to appear in police' court ibis morning to answer the charge of entering a saloon. The Grip Is Properly Termed Epidemic Catarrh. As Pe-ru-na Relieves Every Form of Catarrh, It Has Probably Relieved More Cases of Grip Than Any Other Remedy. NORFOLK CARRIED OFF HONORS. Ensy Victory for Visitors in Indoor Athletic Meet. The in door track team of the Nor folk Young .Melt's Christian Ass or I a linn easily won the final In door nice' between the associations of this city: Norfolk nnd Portsmouth In the gym iinsium or the local association build ? lug last night. For unknown reason! the Portsmouth association ftilled l< send Its team to the meet. The exceedingly smnll crowd lha attended the sport saw some Interes lug athletic exhibitions. The No folk team outpointed the locnl tea from start to finish and carried a rirst honors in the series or thr< meets. GLEE CLUB RECITAL. Big Crowd Will Gather af AcadoY Indications nTe t h:u a largf tin enco Will groei the Hampton' R/v?l< 3leo V'ltil) on the occasion of ,'ts fir' public/ recital at the Academv of M do oi 8:30 o'clock tonight. An ?eptinally Interesting and well rangll musical program ??. Ill ho rtcd/utt nnd the con "irrt Is expeote Lo i, one ?r the best musical treat! r,f |b season. 'lb elu;> will bo assisted by th| bin; of the Oermnn cruiser Bremen ao'being overhauled at the shipyun The Fear of Grip Makes People Nervous. There I? no remedy In iho world that meats the conditions produced by tho Kt ip bettor than Porunn. Poruntv strengthens an It renovates, Bontlicff while it ?tltnulatofl, beul? as It expurgates. 11 roachos the sourco of nil disonsos of the mucous niumbruueu by Iis tictIon on the vniio-inotor system of nerves. Attcr-ElTccta of tho Grip. Every person who has bad In grippe luring the lust year nbould tnko n course of PorunSi The trrij) bus produced enliirrhal In? flammation of tho whole mucous oioiri brnue, und good health In impossible until those uro restored to n normnl eon du ion. This Portina will do. A great many remedies hnvo been suggested for this condition from time to time, but Pornna la the only romody that hns guiucd (;rest popularity In these cases. J thus seldom failed to givo sntlsfuc tlon during forty years' experience nnd still occupies the untquo position of being the leading and most genurnlly lined fomody ror the aflvr-offucU of la fl ippe. W. II. Parsons Is Kx Ktato Senator and Kx-Hpoclal .lutlgo of tho Suprotno Court of Texas, nnd was also Brlgadlor-Oonoral In Confedorato Army. In a recent loiter from 1128 II street, N. W., Waohlugtou, D. O., this prominent gontlumnn snys: '?Upon the recommendation of personal friends and many strong testi? monials as to the cfflcacv of Peruna In the treatment of tho numerous symptoms of the grippe w ith w hich I have been attlcted tor four months past, I have been Induced to undergo a treatment with this Justly cele? brated formula. I feel a decided change for the better after using It only ono week. "It Is especially good In toning up the stomach and has a decided effect upon my appetite. I therefore feel much encouraged that I am on tho road to complete restoration. "My numerous friend* In Texas, wbero I have had tho honor to command a brigade or her Volornh ?n'valry In n four years' war, may ace opt UiIb vol uuimy tcBtlmonlnl to the merits of Pornna as a sonso of obligation on my part for its wonderful eflloaoy."?W. II. Parsons. No Timo Like Iho Present. If yon are Buffering front the after? effects of In grippe?If you have become discouraged In your attempts to euro yourself with other treatments, tnko a bottle of Pornna now. A bottlo of Porunn taken during tho beginning of tho dlseaso is worth more than a dozen bottles nftor tho troublo bus become tleop-scntcd. Fo-ru-na, a Good Medicine for In Grippe. Mrs. Louisa Eastman, Lancaster, WIs., writes: "I um all right. I do not think 1 need any moro treatment. 1 am ablo to do I none, my appetite Is good, I sloop gootl, nnd my bowels uro nil right, 1 think' Pornna is a gootl medicine for tho grip." A Most Eftectivo Medicine For ' La Grippe. H Hobt. I,. Madison, A. M., Principal of Cullowheo lllnh School, Painter, N. O., is chairman of tho Jackson County Hoard of Education, Ho Is a writer of occasional vorse'aud has contributed to number offloading papora and mags*, xlnos, Inspoaklngof Peruns, Mr. Madison says: i "I am hardly ovor without Pornna In n.y homo. 11 Is tho most effeutlve med* my own work which 1 could not do all leltio 'hall Irn'OCYor tfU'd f?Vla-gfipb?,* tho timo I wrolo you. tough Is | It cured my wlfo of nasal catarrh," J You v/ill do belter work for cup of fragrant delicious 1IOSA Coffee ? and you 1 rest better afterwards. Cuts your coffee bills about half. Sold ib one pound packages V, scaled for your protection, -oose coffee isn't the same? be dttsly, dirty and b^d' your stomach ar/J nerves. inpL-j wii!i allr.Tjiiitrrnrr!' ? I \}a Nirlon.l Per/. Lnw. C-Juraabe t.'j. ^'0;!. !.!-.,! ?t V.VMr.rua. CLEANLY WOMAN. ?onoly Tlilnha by Scoortnir ner dp That She Cure? ?nndrair. ily woman has an erroneous Idea y scouring the srat;>. which rc tho dandruff scales, she Is curing: ndruffl She may wash her *eul;i day, and yet have dandruff her iff, accompanied by falling hnlr. ho only way In the world to cure It Is to kill tho dandruff gorm. re Is no hnlr preparation '"hat jvlli but N'etvhro'n Homicide. Itorp! r killing tho dr.ndruff gerrn. ho hnlr free tn prnw ni heUthy Intended. Destroy the c.iuse Ttove the effect. t-CIll the din. ;erm with ITertdeldo. Sold hv drupelets, fiend inc. In ntnmr-s ip'c to Tho HetplCldo Co., Ho Ilclv. sizes?fjOn find $1 no. "S DRUG store, SOCIAL AGENTS. Are daily receiving additions to their large* slock, nnd persons v) ishing Iron Bed?, /Waitresses, Cots, Odd Bureaus, Washstands, Refrigerators and Go=Carls, Will do well to call early. fluxion & Parkt Furnishers for Every Room the House. BSBSCelTttaWDI apital Dry Goods Housi Washington Avenue at Thirtieth Street. 30-INCH ALI* "Wool Grey Novelty Suit? ings; new and most desira? ble wonves, . at yard m po n t 13 n English Silk G lug numb; 2.ric nnd ??e values; spe? cial at, yard YAItO - WIDE Black Taffe? ta Silk; worth $1.19, ut yard W O M ID N ' S' ItWADYVTO Wear Hals ami Sailors; all the correct styles for tho coming season at tho lowest prices. 52-inch ALI^-WOOL pan nmn Suitings, In a full range of all the popular colors, greys and tans, in checks and solid colors: also in black, at yard . $1.00 WE ARE SHOWING THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF VOILES IN THE CITY. ALL TUB NEW SPRING nnd Summer Weaves, In checks and broken plaids as well as black; cream, blue, grey and cham? pagne; all at, Q4 (\f\ yard . ?p I lUU 10 I, 15 fl A N T Silk Parasols, with wldo h enmtltched Dresden bor ders; $7.00 values for NEW LON1 ^llk Glove;:;; e x t r n goncl quality: worth ,41.50, at pair, $1.25 Aber otheis fall, theGerm.m Treatment Is the only cute. ^ Prof, Q, F. THEEL. 627 fiwJh' |fi >,,.-!.!.., I., Annlm. t..I?r.r?.liu> mall I'rltalr i>;. lArr.rr., \ < . . . Hr.k ... im... r.i,. ? 11,.,-. i >,,?.... ii. i.ii,11, I.O.I 1?ilhooil,t?B?rtV.,lr.^,lr*MlrlM?rr.,.Ufl.lll..l.l?. ?'?*?'?> ????>?'? * Slir?.l,n Orc.a.,l!rl>lil'. Hi . . . a e. I I, .. KS***? ,,'?l'"?- ???lj >"i' I" nr. Tn-.h r?n In 4 t? 10 .1?)?. 40 n?? Sradl ?Ii. J. i In Wrrraanr. ir.llralA-rl.-rtrl<al, Rii.rulr^l l,t aljj AT KIRK MAN'S |26i7 Washington Ave. fiolh Phones 521. Hanipion Roatfs Villa Company Desires to make contracts ftir pas'soitger service to and from Exposition. Shortest antl most direct rou to from Newport Nt ws to Exposition grounds. Elghl feel pi water at low tide. Tho company Is propnred lo offer most liberal terms to owners of passen gor boats making regular schedules: For particulars, sec B. J. PRESSEY, Rooms 1 and 2, Citizens & Marine Bank Building, Newport. News. AARON MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of Bank, Store and Office Fix? tures, Partitions, Counters, Show Cases, House Interior Furnishings, Beg to announco to the pub' lie thnt. they can execute ordora at short notice. Your natroiiage Is solicited. ? Estimates cheerfully furnished on application. Factory. Cor. 28th Street and Huntington Avenue. Bell 'Phone No. 77 Newport News, V?. "mm iii in ii nimm? wii'IiI?'iiwiiwih'iu FORMEN Private O.' i Checkt in nom rrs thf mint ditfirtilt c.i?? tu Ihre? ,!.? ?piifli and cllnle? SolJ 1,t ?naS' fcH'9 DRUG STOrlfit ..IM ?>?,:.. KlUtOlA, Vj ?:...?. l,r/iH 'ion K.w^, 9?,