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Newspaper Page Text
Vfl* Ha Hg fir ess. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING (Bxcept Monday) at the DAILY PRESS BUILDING, 111 Twenty-ruth Street, by the DAILY PRESS COMPANY. C. H. Thacktr..Editor and Publisher. L. B. Pugh.Advertising Manager. 'iht Ii?.. / freu ti delivered bj oerrtere any Kr?ci? In tbe city llmltt for 10 oenli ? week. Any Irregularities lu delivery ihoold be Imme dlatoly reported to tbe oOee ol pnbllcetlou. Ordere tor item-cry of tbe Dally f run to eltbor teildeuce or p.acei of bmhieii may be ma'te by pootal card or telephone MAID SUBSCRIPTIONS. (Payable Invariably in advance.) Oqe Month. . I .60 Tbree Montbe . Wir Monlhi. ?2.60 Year. . *>-?' TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Kdltorlel Boomi.Bell 'Phone No. MI imnlneti Offloe .Bell 'Phone No. 181 No employee of the Dally PreM Company la aothorteed to eoultaot any obligation tn tbe Demo of tbe oumpany, ur to make juirchtim In Ihe name of the lame except npon order ilRtied bv the PUBLlHHBK OF TUB DAILY PRK8S. Entered at the Newport ?ewe Vs. PoitofHce ai leouua-uUii matter! TUESDAY, APRIL D, 1007. PRESIDENT'S POSITION. Almost tbo solo topic of convcrsa tlon in Washington recently bus been tlui President's disclosure of the at? tempt to repudiate him by securing Hie nomination of some one not in ac? cord with Iiis policies, at the next Republican convention. With charac? teristic frankness the President took the public Into his confidence at the most favorable opportunity. No soon? er hud the Harrimnn letter been made public property than the President handed out the correspondence which tended to show that for some reason Mr. Hnrrlmun desired to eliminate Senator Depow from the Senatorial contest. Some nscrlho Mr, Harri ?H^^JttUlfJgst to ^..ilOHl.rc tp.sticceetl Mr. Depew In the Senate, and the President is said to have suspected such to bo. the predominating thought with tho railroad magnate However that may ho, the President followed this sledge-hammer blow with a lon.^ talk with tho newspaper me I H-i called a number to, the White and discussed with the greatest frov- i dorn tho combination which wns or? ganized to defeat him lor the Presi? dential nomination in 11104. At thnt time Ihe "interests" would have ral? lied around the lute Senator Hannn. His death left them without an avail? able cumlldate and the renegades re? turned to the reservation and prom? ised to "he good." This made people sit up und take notice nnd tho next day tho President went at It again. This time he gave out tho informa? tion that n cabal was now being formed lo trot out favorite sons, the delegations to be swung In line at the proper time for an- uull-Roosevelt candidate. The President has thus squarely outlined tho issue between himself nnd his policies on one side, and trusts and corporate Interests on thu other. "I think I will havo the peo? ple with me," he said, and he has some grounds for the belief. The dan-, ger lies in his announced determination to retire from the field nnd leave his mantle to his successor, whom he frankly desires to select. No one but Secretary Tuft appears to fill the bill and not all the specification fit the genial Secretary of War. Mr. Taft Is a great man; If his capacity for work, of his ability, his fairness, as tntenoss, incorruptibility nnd his gen? eral fitness for the highest office, no ono can speak too highly. But Mr. Taft lacks one quality predominant In Mr. Roosevelt, naniely. aggressive? ness. His bent of mind Is not In that . direction and yet It is that quality In Roosevelt which appeals most strong? ly to the American people. They real? ize that with the handicaps he has had It has been n tremendous task to accomplish what ho has and that the results have been due almost en? tirely to his restless, relentless activ? ities. He haB Infused the officials of his administration from top to bot? tom with a resistless desire to prose? cute offenders against the existing! laws, and to design other laws and write them In the statute books to further restrain Uie encroachments of aggregated and predatory wealth. Now, with his task only fuirly well begun, he Hlnceroly wishes to relin? quish tho reins to a new-comer and retire to a well-earned rest. All Indi? cations point, however, to Biich an Insistent demand un Hie nnrl of the people Dial. Air. Roosevelt shall con liriile at the head of nffulrs, that thoj shrewdest observers hellevo ho will bfl forced to take the nomlnntlou. No man can resist tho call which they hellevo will he made on him In J90S. A nomination tendered as u sort of compliment, or one In which there was a contest, might he declined. Hut not, they say. one spontaneously offered by a devoted constituency. While admiring tho devotion of the Johns Hopkins student Who tins not enjoyed as much us one-half hour's consecutive sleep for two months on account of the need of watching an instrument recording tho Ionisation of air, we do hope that he win taXO a nap or two before writing up a theory about the results of his In? vestigation. There are so many sci? entific hypotheses already on the market hearing the marks of Insomniu and nightmare that n new one, look? ing as If jt had been slept over, would he a refreshing novelty. They have Just Inaugurated a new system of automatic registers for cabs In New York Tor the purpose of protecting riders from overcharge. Hut what good will that do? In less than twenty-four hours nrter rney put the cash registers on (ho Chicago street ears, somebody had Invented ami sold to every conductor In the city, the "brother-in-law," u neat lit? tle Instrument capable of beating the register. What Is the matter with the fel? lows In the census department at' Washington that they can never make a census count or even nn estimate thnt will please the people chiefly concenter? Just as soon ns the, figures are given onp us to any city, j Immediately there c*?mes n nowi from that particular place about a false' count. Are the census counters hold? ing out on tho cities? Perish the thought thnt the cities would kick without cause. It would be Interesting to know if j the President bus his Jamestown' speech framed up or outlined, and It i would he equally Interesting to know | thai Just what effect recent develop- J meilts will have on thnt speech to which so many people have been look? ing forward to with so much Interest. A woman up In New Jersey made money by shaving her husband for IG cents a du)v -lt- atrlke,H- us tluit the man Is tho one the clinrcn'should thank for tho offering. My Aim! la to handle the best and to Bell name at reasonable prices. I car? ry all .ne leading brands of Maryland Rye and Kentucky Bourbons Wines nnd Liquors of every de? scription and at prices to suit the pocket-book. Family trade a special? ty. Jno. E. Muglere' Cafe, 2312 Washington Ave. Bell Phone 67. Promptly Done From a Parcel to an Engine. FREIGHT, BAGGnGE, FURNITURE AND SAFES CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY MOVED Virginia Transportation Co Storage Warehouse 514-520 27th St. REASONABLE RATES A Cordial Invitatio^ is extended J ALL SOUTHERNERS to visit The JELL-O Booth at the Jamestown Exposition Located in Food Producta Building at en trauoo to Horticultural Court. Wu have provided a Bpneious Rest Honm espuciully for your convenience, wkuro you may incot friends, writo loiters, reud your fnvotite umgio:iuo, etc., otc. Our denioustrutors will bo glad to servo you with JULL-O, tho dainty dessert, and Ice Cream mode from JxUj-0 TCK CltEAM Powder, free, and explain liow easily they can lie prepurcd fur tliu tuhlu. The Genesoo Pure Food Co.. Le Hoy, N. Y. ?P TO DftTE ?l DftY. E ALL PROPER CB.OTIHIES for MEN They are the Finest and most perfectly modeled Spring Suits ever submitted for vour approval by him or any concern in the city. Your inspection is courted and they are moderately priced too. Shoes, Hats and all the other "fixins" at FROM THIS DATE OUR DRUG STORE WILL BE OPEN NIQHT AND DAY. WE WILL BE PREPARED TO FILL YOUR ORDER8 IN OUR LINE AT ALL HOUR8. IDEAL PHARMACY 8PRUILL & LANQHORNE, Proprietors. Corner 28th St. and Washington Ave. Ker First Experience A young Indy of Newport News tells her chum that when she received her first mascu? line kiss she felt ns ir some? thing was running down her nerves on feet of diamonds, es? corted by several little Cupids In chariots drawn by angels, shaded by honcy-suckcls and canopied by melted rainbows. Why ahouldu't she llko It? There is nothing better except Chesterfield Ginger Ale With your Hps take a sip at leading fountains and bard. T S For Sale or Lease ! In all Parts of the City INION L, Hotel Warwick Building. SCHMELZ BROTHERS, BANKERS, A Savings Account is the best starting point to success: This Bank pays 4 01, THE STRONGEST BANK IN THE CITY. I When a Bank % has grown continuously since Its foundation, there Is a pride In mer jX Ring the absolute confidence of tbe people. Strong and well equip & ped, progressive yet conservative. (ELECTRIC LIGHT ?ND POWE? [ The' best and cheapest. Bee ua about connecting your bulldlnl Rate, 10c per. 1.000 wattB, Ubject to our usual terms nnd dlscouts. PURE ICE MADE OF DISTIIIed WATER?COLD STORAGt Power bouse and plant, Tv^iry. fifth Street and Virginia Avenuepf flee, Thirty-first aud WashliW, Ave. \ Both 'phones, No. 16. Night 'pb No. 408. Citizens. CITIZENS' RAILWAY, Llfit AND POWER COMPANY. * Expects to continue to grow, anil to that end invites tbe patronage v $ io which It believes its faithful service to the people has proved it- J ? 'self entitled. 4 ?| ? W. A. POST, President. J. R. 8WINERTON, Vtco-Pres TT Pn.1,1? ti J. A. WILLETT. Cashier. ARTHUR LEE, Asst CaBhier. The Fitst National Bank U. 3. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY, CITY DEPOSITORY, CITI ZENS' DEPOSITORY. Capita. . 1DflnnnM Stoekholders' Liability.* irm'ooooo Surplus and Profits.:. . 100,000.00 Other nesourccB make total over. $1,000,000.00 MORE OLD HENRY SOLD THAfl ANY OTHER. WHY? BECAUSE QUALITY BE?F?R SALE EVERYWHERE. otel Warwick Laundry. A trial will 'onvlncs you that wo turn out n^thlog but Strictly High Grade Work H. QU1NCY smith, PresldeuL A. L. POWELL, ^ice-PreBident. WM. h. KELLOQ, CaBhier. The Newport News National Bank CAPITAL, $100.000. U, S. Government Depositary Traasacts a general banking business. Four per cent. Interest allowed on savings accounts. HICKS' CAPUDINE tMMUHKTEty CUBM HEADACHES BrtUu Up CO LS>S In 6 to ItHouM i TrWfiUii.IJ< AtbuSrct COMPARISONS Comparisons bring out the strong points in favor of our glosses; demon? strate superior* ity In tho make and finish of our frames and show tho high? ly pol Ished, clear cut, and i accurately cen? tered excellence j of our lenses. We court COM-J PAR1SON i n our GOODS, our FITTING, and our METHODS, and require but an oppor? tunity to CONVINCE, as to the EASE, and COMFORT, and PLEAS? URE, afforded In the PERFECT VIS? ION our corrections always give. HULL & HULL, Graduate Opticians, 121 2Gth St., Newport News, Va. Near Postojflco. SSSES sasassa TIDEWATER LOAN AND TRUST CO, First National Bank Building. NOTE BROKERS ergency Loans a Specialty. Reasonable Charges no Delay. M- J- Solomon, Mgr. SEE ME T. G. COBURK Electric, Qas and Gas= ' oline Construction and Supplies COMPLETE STOCK. [Both Pnones 143?Residence Bell ?hone 148Y; Residence Citizens ^hone 418. Office and Store 2917 WASHINGTON AVENUE. SPOT CASH?NO GOODS DELIVERED. WE BUY YOUR SACKS. Feed, per sack, 200 Iba.,.* .50 othy Hay, per'100 lbs. 1.15 hy Hay, per 100 lbs. 1.10 " per 100 lbs. 1.20 r 100 lbs.,. 1-20 v irgmi?tr ground white bolted Meal, sacked. 1.30 Cracked\ per 10f)lba . 1.10 No. 2 MlVop,!, sacked, per bushel.55 No. 2 wllVppPd Oats.50 Dunlop h> ^ative Flour per bbl. 4.00 Choice mi\ H p p Beans, per sack, 160 lbs. 4.0C Choice MicVWhite Potator, per sack 150 lbs. 1.50 &APyHA GRAIN CO., Inc. Arnm<A34th Street and C & O. Tracks. ,lUS?r.At,KUJ- \RIDGB NEWPORT NEWS. VA. l?cet Choi No. 1 Bran, Ship St' Virgini EPES OOL, Wash. Ave. & 30th St Well equlpAAfternonn and Night Clause, branches of a IIP Rood library, experienced teachers. All tions in BooS-seljtcatlon taught thoroughly. Special instruo noRTaphy. Typewriting and Music. 8-28-tusu