Newspaper Page Text
tej DooM II til loo Measures of Relief Will Meet all the Demands. HILL ROADS DISTURBING FACTOR Twenty-four Million Dollar Payment on New Stock Calls Attention to the Monthly Recurrence of Five Per Cent Installments?The Total Sales and Closing Quotations. (By Associated Press.) NI3W YORK, April 8?The frequent turns In the course of prices, the nar? rowness of the fluctuations and the] notable shrinkage in the aggregate j sales of the day all pointed unmtstak rbly to the abstention from the mar? ket of any largo and consistent class of operators. This was the response of the market to a rather general note of warning from responsible sources of the rate and tin; extent to which the rebound was running af? ter the recent extreme depression. Inj the money market situation par lieu-1 larly, although the reality of the re? laxation from stringency is not ques? tioned on any hand, there Is cautious| Inquiry as to the adequacy of the re? lief to meet all the needs to be facctl.-| Today's maturity of four ten per cent installments of now Great Northern I Pacific preferred stock calling for $24,000,000 directs attention to the monthly recurrence for some time to come of a live per cent installment of these .subscriptions. For Northern Facile new stock subscriptions also there will fall due quarterly install? ments of 12}? I'er cent beginning Ju? ly 1 each of which will call for up wards of $11,000,000, while for ul Paul $100,000,tiU0 new stock. 15 per cent is payable June 1 and 20 per cent Installments on the present yenr-l ly period after that with a final 151 per cent to be paid in March. 1909. in the meantime, large note issues by corporations will mature which are expected to call for refunding, with success dependent upon a revival of tho demand for bonds. Brokernge bouses today reported a small volume or orders for stocks.! and early attempts to advance prices! 1 ?pilte gcnorally mot with supplies of! j stocks, which turned the room trad-| " ors to the bear side or the market, pletoly recovered later and the clos The resulting decline was incom? pletely recovered later and the clos? ing tono was rather heavy. Tho irrogttlar tono of the bond mar | ket showed some reactionary ten? dency from tho recent uniform | strength. Total sales par value $2, 008,000. Adams Express .280 Amalgamated Copper . t">-74 ] American Car & Foundry.37 American Car & Foundry pfd... 'M"A\ American Cotton Oil. .11 American Cotton Oil pfd. 80 American Express.205 American Hide & Leather pfd.. 22 American Ice.81 | American Ice pfd. Amorican Linseed Ofl. 14 American Linseed Oil pfd.31 American Locomotive . 05 American Locomotive pfd.10S American Smelting & Being-132% | American Smelting * Ret tig plu American Sugar Refining.12.51 American Tobacco, pid certf_92 Anaconda Mining Co. u3? Atchison .97% | AtcpiBon pfd. 05 Atlantic Coast Line.105 Haltimoio & Ohio..100% | Baltimore t? Ohio pfd. 8'J Brooklyn Rapid Transit. in1/*! Canadian Pacltlc..174 Central of New Jersey.100 Chesapeake & Ohio. 41 Vif Chicago & Alton. Chicago & Alton pfd.; Chicago Groat Western. 13%] Chicago &. Northwestern.15.4 Chicago, Mil. & St. P?.nl.13.7Vi] Ohlcogo Terminal & Trans.... i: Chlcogo Terminal Trans, ptd. 12 C. C, C & St. Louis.- 13 Colorado Fuel At Iron......:?'?:& | Colorado & Southern. 27 % Colorado & Southern 1st pfd- ou Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd.. 48Vfc| Consolidated Gas.12'J'/j Corn Products. 20 Corn Products pfd. 80% | Delaware & Hudson.186 Delawnre, Lackawanna & West. 400 Denver & Bio Grande. 31 Denver & Rio Grande pfd.Vo Distillers" Securities.71% Erio . 25 V? j ICrle 1st ptd. 58 %| Erie 2nd pfd. 40 General Electric.140% Hocking Valley. 81 Illinois Central.148% j International Paper.145% International Paper pfd. 74% International Pump. 2'.)% International Pump pfd. 79% Iowa Central. 10 Iowa Central pfd..... 37% Kansas City Southern. 20% Kansas City Southern pfd. 80% Ixntlsville "& Nashville.119% Mexican Central. 22 ft Minneapolis & St. Louis. IS Minn.. St. P. & Sault. Ste. M...108 Minn., St. P. & Sault St. M. ptd 13 Missouri Pacltlc.7b Missouri, Kansas & t'exas. 30 Missouri. Kansas & Texas,, prd. 00 National Lead. 01% National R. R, of Mexico pfd-53 New York Central. 120% New York Ontario & Western.. 39% Norfolk & Western.70 Norfolk & Western prd. 80 North American. 7f? _ Pacific Mall.'.. 20 Pennsylvania . 122 People's Can. 92% Pittsburg. 0; C. & St. Louis-71 ProROod Steel Car. 37% ON?R IS DUE _I DAILY PRE Handsome Diamond Rings to Be Given as Trophies the Most Deserving Lodge or Society Worker of Newport News and Vicinity. GOLD WATCHES TO BE GiVEN AS to BE AWARDED BY POPULAR VOTE Vote Today and Every Day for the Lady and Gentleman You Think Most Entitled to the Honor and the Tokens of Esteem?It Costs You Nothing to Vote? Vot? Now. Pick Your Favorites and Those You Would Reward for -ailhftil Work in the Cause of Your Lodge, Club Society, or Organization, and Help Them Get Om of These Splendid Trophies of Merit?No Favorites are Played, Except by TheirFriends, in whose Hands Rest the Question olSuccess. TRANSPORTATION GUIDE. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway HOURS THE QUICKCS! LINE Soo V). \V. Robinson, Agout C. & O. Rf. Before arranging for your trip. Through Trains, Vestlbuled, EtectrU Llghtod, Steam Heated, Dialog Cars a La Carto through tho grandest scenery East of tho Rocky Mountains. For Richmond, Cincinnati, oils, Nashville, Chlcarjo, Louie* ' villa, Na6hvlllo, Memphis, West and Southwest. 10:10 A. M. and 6:26 P. M. dally. Local for Richmond and James Rlvsr Points: 7:40 A. M., dally. Looal for Richmond: '' 6:40 P. M? dally. Steamship Lines. PuBBongor & Freight Newport News to Baltimore. Kvury Mou,, Thum., KM,, Hut., nail Hun. 8 p. tu Fare $3.00 Ono Way, fS.OO RounC Trip, Including Stateroom Berth. Tlckots to All Potnto. Norfolk to Boston. Kvery 8un?Tnet. wmi. su<t Vri. o p, m, Norfolk to Providence, Kvory Mou., Th?r?, ami Hut. 0 p, in. Kor ticket? ami further lufortnattou, npidy to l). u. McNKIML, a It has frequently been said that, the gentleman who in the opinion or. no city or Its size in this section or! the people of tills mciion art most) tin country has more lodges, clubs, entitled to the honor and tno tokens societies, and similar organizations! or esteem nnd who receives the larg ban has Newport News. I osl number or votes. They are boltl The past year has been ono inj diamonds of the very llrsl qunllty, an tvhlch tlte different organizations) sblutely llnwleBS, and are personally uvve done much good-and the mem- guaranteed. liers have cause to felicitate them- Gold Watches as Second Trophies alves on the achievements ana pro- I" ndditlon to the two diamond sross made, ami while congratura-l rings two beautiful gold watches w;ii .ions are in order it Is well not toi be given as second trophies, to the "orget those men and women who' lady and the gentleman receiving the lave made possible the success nnd, second largest number of votes. ?ood which have obtatned. They are In keeping with the diu For the growth and prosperity which have attended ami different br? iers all tho members are entitled to share of the credit. The loyalty mond trophbs in point or beauty and artistic merit. It is the desire or the DAILY PRESS that the contest will oe tut >r the rank and tile of those enlisted means or rewarding, in some degree n the cause or the different lodges at least, the one who shall be most md societies has never been ques-' deserving of the trophies It offers, loned. but after all has been Bald and the only regrot is that a similar ihd done- it will not bo denied thai| offer cannot be made for everyone the wor furthering at' BP 'tiSSmVWF'tllM itfi ^1^?? ?9*? of the organizations lias de-j WVjjmU 0fabsolute Juatiee and la Fhe simJe clipping of the ballets rork or extending the principles 'deserving or such rewards of merit. S aV BP L?nfliS*? inr- p^sstb s ol the organizations lias de-| to permit of absolute justice and It ed upon the few. , partiality it an inis Is true of societies every- The simJe clipping of the ballet.., whore It has been true of every; published [orewill, aad lining in the Svement designed for the better-. names ol lioso counted deserving o. en ot humanitv since time Legan i the honor* I serve to pace then. ... nominalloi when the ballots are ceived at the otllco or tho DAM may beTene?ted"unfli7lm PRKSS-fd sur< ly there are many! ; who sit > lodge meetings with you1 who d?BffV? this slight token at your hands. j of human? iiid no doubt the hnndlul or workers tvill continue to do the work that Die many m Mid of time These men nnd women, row in number in every community, nave, , given of their time unsparingly ami: The Ittg-to do li to clip the hai unxrudglngly that their favorite or- iot8 \Tu7 " " 1,10 nnm? ?r -vm,r d S li and prosper. Wim' ?v?i' and your favorite gentle them it nas been a labor ol love, niai Ifrourlodge or society circiea win" no thought of reward other tnan ?d J iV^A^ Pnm^ the consciousness of duty well per- odUo,]^l"c "AlbY PRESS. . formed. But while their services; EvfUimg Is in readiness to re havo been rendered thus unselfishly] celveud register them nntl the vote it does not follow tnat they shou.ti will > published in each arid every go entirely unrewarded. ! Issujpl the DAILY PRESS during Votts of thanks are good In their, thoP ol the contest, way. but the DAILY PRESS helieves y DAILY PRESS would suggest in something more substantial. . tlVi?ne different lodges and societies Diamond Rings As Trophies. ; talfbo matter up In nn official way To further increase its suhscrlp- j w!!lftCaf W!'a Wi" :'? lion list-as well as to offer a re- tljP"?'"?"^* choice of the organ. ward for t'nithful effort on the part z?' or lodge and society workers?the v'"? Cook, ol tho t'ook and Bor DAILY PRESS Is Impelled to oner v Sorylce, or New York city, wdl two handsome diamond rings, valued fjjso the enterprise for the DAILY at $200, to be voted to the lady ana"lrss :n,(l ?'"1 bo ready at any time to aids) any and all candidates, but in it Impartial manner. If you are Interested In the con tost either for yourself or a friend nndilo not uudcrstaud the condi? tion call up the DAILY .PRESS of llo> >ml Mr. t'ook Will be glad to thoiughly explain tin ... to you. Rules and Conditions. Cadldaluu must ho members of regmrly organized lodge, club, churl., labor, literary, or social or ghiiutlons. Tp voting will he by ballots clip . d'roin the DAILY PRESS and by votig certificates issued with suu BcrCloh receipts for tho DAILY PRBS. lir payments made on suhscrlp lio cortlllcato votes are Issued tor bol a lady and a gentleman ub lol? lop: n Payments on Old Subscriotiono. $i0.10 weeks. GO votes fho.10 weeks. 90 votes SliiU.U inuJiihu. . . . , . t r?a votuii $!ty. l year.312 votes On^Payments on New Subscriptions. ..10 weeks. 00 yotQ8 ..15 weeks.136 votes .. (! months.2114 votes .. I year.4<iS votes Mail Subscription. . .one y< ar.300 vo.'os ..six months.150 votes Miilt each payment of $6,00 ror yeah or suhl votjt one cauldate, but must be equally divid? ed >4 lout C tw, did atween a lady and a gentleman. tho \ ly the new N uset In the Newport s Daily Press Popular Voting Contest. .. a subscript Ion entitles the hold tho receipt to 024 votes, II tile rlptlon Is an old brie; or l?3U if the subscription Is a now, those cannot be voted for one) certificate will be Issued .or a payment than one dollar, [mblnations nitty bo formed tie-. In a lady and a gentleman can-! |e by which the lady may ex? change her gentleman's votes for lady's votes, and. vice versa. But com illations between candidates or ' " tune sex will not be permitted, ling certificates will be Issued on? ion cash subscriptions, paid nc jlflce of publication, no nccount belli; taken, for the purpose of tills contm, of subscriptions throng)) dealers or others who handle too pap*- on their own nccount. voting certiilcntee will bp la? in return for tho payment of back subscriptions tine lo ncwstleal orn or news agents. Voting cortlli cateu me avalluhlo only at the DAIuY PltlOSS olllco, whore all payments must be made In order to secure the same. Tito DAILY FIIKSS reserves the right lo reject any candidate anil also to pass Until Judgment on any ques? tion that may arise. Votes once cast cannot be changed 10 count tor another candidate. Special Awards. To the lady and gentleman candi? dates receiving the Inrgesl number of votes up until 5:110 o'clock Friday evening, April 19th, an additional credit will be given of 1,000 votes. Aftor the llrsl special award tu l.Ouo voice !? made an honor cert in CUto will be given dally to each lady nnd gentleman candidates who recei ve iho largest n inber of votes for that day Those honor cert Ideates are to he retained by the candidates until the oud of each week when the candi? dates having the largest number will bo given npi ..It.] vote awards r.s fol? lows: Week ending Friday evening, April 20th, SOU votes. Week i tiding Friday evening, .May 3rd, fiOO votes. Week ending Friday evening, May 10th. :!00 votts. In the event <>r a tie In number <>t honor cert Ilten tea hold at end of any week between candidates of the same sex the extra credits will ho awarded to the candidate i having made tho Increase in votes during thai spi eial credit period. These dally honor cerlltlcntes are good only for the week ror willen they arc. Issiii tl and cannot bo used In the competition or any or tho fol? lowing weeks. The halToiing will begin with tho Issue or Sunday. April 7, and will close ol nlno o'cincK Saturday even? ing, May II, tu.07. The returns at a close of the nal lotlng will he canvassed by a com? mittee ol well known business men of standing in the community. The place or holding the llnal count, will be. announced In a later Issue of the DAILY PRESS. No eniployoo or the DAILY PRESS not member or bis or her immediate family may become a candidate. NOetolk* Ferry Schedule Pino Beach Route. 8teamar Endeavor LenvoH Ivy avenue pier for Pine Beiicb or Norfolk ?6i4B, **7:?0, 9:00, 10::i0 a. n.., 12 m.; 1:30, 8:00, 4:30, 0:00, 7:30 and 0:00 p. m. Leave Norfolk, 7:30, 0:00, 10:30 a m. nnd 12:00 m., 1:30, 3:00, 1:30, ii: on, 7:30 mid 9:00 p. m. ?Dally except Sunday. ??Sunday only. Schedule subjeot to change without notice. GENTLEMAN'S BALLOT One Vote for ( Num.- of candidate) (Nemo of Organization) In the Newport News Daily Press Popular Votina W _f?ntest. J }g 5F p ^^^^h?W^^W^ J Publication ol the ,esof contestants and the number of votes received by them will begin 2 in a few days Pressed Stool Car., Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Palace Car..... Reading.i Reading 1st pfd.' Reading 2nd prd.' lit public Steel. ' Republic Stjel pfd.../] Bock Island Co./*? Rook Island Co. pfd./;*" Rubber Ooods pfd.. .prfj St. Louis & San Frar St. Louis Southwes;' St. Lt.uis Southwes/ " " Southern Pacific./"" Southern Pacific. /" " " Southern Pacific r '' Southern Railway*.*"*. Southern Railway' \ i Tennessee Coal I i Texas & Pacific/* ?7% . !>:> . 10(1 . .in'.4 .. 85 ,. 84 . 29% . 86% - 22% . no . 95 . 3? . 23 . r.fiTi, - 84% . 84% 116 ? 22% ? 70 % .144 . 29 Toledo. St. Louis & West. Toledo, St. Louis & West, pfd Union Pacific. Fnion Pacific pfd. Union States Express. United States Realty. United States Rubber. United States Rubber pfd'^Vj United States Steel. Upited States Steel pfd - Virginia Carolina Chemical . Va. Carolina Chemcal pfd ... Wabash . Wabash pfd . Wtlla Fargo Express . Westlnghouse Electric . Western Union . Wheeling and Lak oErlo ... Wisconsin Central pfd . Wisconsin Central . ? 29^ ? r,3!4 141^ . SiP(i .102 .. 43 Vi 104 -. . .looy, .. 20 . .104 . 14% - - 25% . .2:;o . .14?'^ _ S2 .. 13 . . 40'4 -- 13% President Roosevelt, with a tooth? ache must bo as uncomfortable as a giraffe with a soro throat.?Clove land Leader. "The truth shall make us free," Is tho Inscription on a frieze in Penn? sylvania's new $13,000.000 Stnte hottso But as the trntn Is coming out It seems to be having the opposite tendency.?Cleveland Leader. Children eat, sleep and grow after taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Brings rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, pood health and strength. A tonic for sickly children. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.?J. C. OORSUCH & CO. As long as Colon ol Bryan's chief advisers are the .Tom L. Johnson nnd his chief boomers tho Oeorgo Fred WlUlamses, the chief obstacle In his road to the White House will bo the American peoples-Kansas Citv jour? nal. During all this turmoil within his ! party, tho policy or Mr. Fairbanks seems to ho to keep cool nntl say nothing.?Washington Post. Columbus bad just landed. .Meeting ja great Indian chief with a package i under his arm he asked him what B j was. "Croat Medicine, Hollister's i Rocky Mountain Tea" said the Injun, j 35 cents, Tea or Tablets,?J. C. COR j SUCH & CO. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. Tho new nnd powerful Iron Palace BtemneiH, Newport News, Washington ami Norfolk will leave dally as fol? lows: NORTHBOUND. Lenvo Portsmouth, foot of North at reet . 6:00pm I>cavo Norfolk, foot of Wa? ter street . 6:00pm Leave Old Point Comfort 7:00 pm Arrlvo in Wauhlugton .... 7:00am Arrive In Philadelphia, Ponn. It. R.??10:60atn Arrlvo In Philadelphia, B. ft O. R. R.??11:10 am Arrive In Now York, Penn. R. R. 1:10pro Arrlvo In Now York, B. ft O. R. R.?3:00 pm SOUTHBOUND. Lv. Now York, Penn. R. R., 12:00pm Lv. New York, B. ft O. R. R. ?1:00 pm Lv. Philadelphia, Penn. R. R. 2:66 p m Lv. pblla., B. ft O. R, R_ 2:08 pm Ar. Washington, Penu. R. R. 0:10 pm Ar. ?Wash., B & O. ft R..??5:00pm Lv. Washington . *G:30pm Ar. Old Point Comfort.... ?7:00am Ar. Norfolk . *8:00am Ar. Portsmouth . *8:39am ?Dally. ??Dnlly except Sunday. Tho trip down tho historic Potomac River and Cbesnpenko Bay on the elegant stoamerB of this company Is unsurpassed. Tho steamors are com? paratively now, having been built In 1891, nnd are fitted up In tho most luxuriant manner,.with electric lights, call bolls und Btenm heat In each room. Tho tables aro supplied with every delicacy of tho bcubou irom tho markctB of Washington aud Nor? folk. For tlokots, reservation of staterooms, and further information, apply to D. J. CALLAHaN, Agent, Norfolk, Va. Clyde Steamship Co. Steamers to Philadelphia MONOAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. Sailing from Philadelphia, Tuesday, Thurctlay and Saturday. Freight received and delivered dally nt C. ft O. Pier No. 6. Office, Rlvor Road. JAS. W. McCARRICK. neu. southern Agt ? CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO., 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadel? phia, Pa. 26th & Washington Ave. Offer Special Prices Gold Crown and Bridge Work $5.00 per Tooth. FilliBgs $1.00 up. Qua anminlstcrcd. Full sots of teeth w(*hout plates.