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^AMP TO ARRANGE THE DATE FOR PRIMARY Democratic County Committee Mil ffel In Office of Treasurer David Johnson. ELECIIH HAHIPTBM M PHOEBUS Hampton Voters Will Select Eight Councllmcn, Mayor and Treasurer, While In Phoobus Ten Councilmen Are to he ChoBcn?Hot Springs! Campaign Is Anticipated. County Chairman Henry C. Shoftbh J Yesterday morning Issued a <:;ill for I a meeting of the Elizabeth City jl County Democratic committee In the if office of Treasurer David Johnson J Thursday evening at S o'clock; The ineotlllg Is culled for tho pur- J p?ite or arranging the, plans and so.. ' looting (he date for the primaries to , ho held in Hampton and PhocbiM prior to tlio general municipal elec? tion on the first Tuesday In June. It is expected thai the (late for the primary will he made audit! May lt>, or possibly sooner. In Hampton the mayor, treasurer und olght members of the town coun? cil will be elected, while In Phoebus 11 ten councilmen are to lie chosen; ' it is expected thai the campaign will he Interesting In both towns, us In Hampton the annexation matter will likely plav an ?Important part In the selection of the counctlinon, while In the town of Phoebus the present muddle with the police officers will he one of Ute Issues. '. Mayor Thornton K. .tones will he ( opposed by Magistrate R. L. J. (luy-1, lord. So for no one has come out ' ( for the nomination of town treasurer ., against Treasurer Alonxa A. Pat ride. I who Is completing hist second term In \ the office. I ( Up to this time none of the candl- < dates for council have announced J j thentselve:;. It. 1b expected Dr. .1. 11 Wilton Dope will bo one of the cnndl- ( dates in the Third ward, which Is now I represented by Messi'S, E. R. Sohraudt , and C. T. Taylor. I The general county elect Ion will I take place next June and it In thought ' the committee will decide to hold the county primary at the same time of the sensatorlal primary In June. MAY ARREST THE INCENDIARY Mr. T. S. Harris Brings Fullor Details of the Burning of Negro Church. Mr. T. f->. Harris, a well known at? torney, morchniit und goneral Insur? ance man of G ration, rork county, came to town last night. Mr. Harris , brought fuller details of the burning of the Graf ton negro Rapt 1st church on Friday night by an Incendiary. Mr. Harris said that he expected to seo tin arrest made In the enso within a low days, as tht York authorities are In possession of ovdenco that may lend to til ocohvlctl?n of the guilty party. Several days ago when the light lh' the church membership became heated Mr. Harris withdraw an Itisitr unco policy for 52,000, as ho was led to believe that the church building would be destroyed. Ho says the church was worth S-l.?OO. Roy. Mr, Greene whs reosenttiy de? pose.! a:; pastor and dismissed from membership In the chureh on nccount of charges preferred ngainst him. Erl Always Get j the Best. No matter whether you want your Suit made to order .or 'ready made?you'll always find tho very best bore; Handsome, strictly hand-tail? ored garments for gentlemen, read V-for-service, from $10.00 to $26.00. Anything & Everything ?IN? HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. At most reasonable prices? drop in today?we'll bo pleased to show you all the now things ?to wear. Franke8 & Essen man Complete Outfitters, 36 W. Queen St. I "Hampton'? Bett 8tore." TAN STOCKINCS IN ALL GRADES AND SIZES. You can nlwhys dopend for (lie best values und tho correct styles of Hosiery In this de? partment, -lust now when near? ly every hosiery stock Is short on tans, you will rind n com? plete assortment here. Ladles' Tan und Brown Gauze I .nee Hose, In Plain, Ijioe All-over ,j>r Hoot *)C> Pattern styles . CxtU Ladies' Tan (inuzc Lisle HoKo ?double heels, soles and toes; worth 90 ntic . ?i?iu Ladles' Imported Lace LlalO and PlalU Lisle, with neat em? broidery of- Cfl? fects.?UC Tan and Brown Silk Hose, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. Misses' Plain, Lace or Ribbed Tan Hose. 12 1-2c and 25c. Men's Tan Hose, 10c, 12 1-2c, 25c and 50c. ...n. - ? .Ml?II .. i? day afternoon an attempt was made to have him reinstated, but the op? position won. The burning of tue church followed thai night. Mr. Har? ris said Ihe church was not named Shltoli, but Grnfion Uuntlsl clnircn. HEV C. N. WILLIAMS TO LEAVE CHURCH OF CHRIST Has Forwarded His Resignation to Take Effect on the Last Sun? day In June. Rov. Charles N. Williams has re ?lglled the pastorate of {*\0 Church of Christ and tue resignation has been iccoplod by the congregation to be-1 tome effective on the Loj Sunday In lune. .Mr. Williams has been the pastor )f the church for the past ton months tud was only a .few weeks ago ro ilectod for another year. Ho has, lowovcr, determined to leave Hanip on and he sunt his resignation to tbe| iougregutlon. It Is not Known Just where Mr. | iyilllams win locate. Ho is at pres: Hit visiting In Middlesex county. Tho | jelectlon of the successor to Mr. Wil latus Will not bo considered until he finally ends his labors hero. Mr. Williams Is a young minister j it promise and his work In Hampton ins been successful. MISS HOPE UNDER KNIFE. Young Lady Operated Upon In Rich? mond Yeoterday. Miss Mollie Hope, u teacher in tho Newport News public schools, and one of tho best known ladles In Hump ton, undorwent a ijorlous operation In the 'Memorial Hospital In Rich? mond yesterday. Dr. George Hen Johnson performed the operation. Dr. J. Wilton Hope was present and wit? nessed it. Dr. Hopo returned last night. Ho said the operation was h success and that his sister was doing nicely when ho left her. IN AN ADJOURNED SESSION. Town Council to Hold Important Meeting This Evening. The Hampton town council will meet in adjourned session tonight, when several very Important mat tors will he taken up and disposed of. It Is expected that the council will finally dispose of too Locust Strebt franchise to the Newport News* and Old Point Railway and Electric Company and also adopt the ordi? nance allowing the Hampton Roads Traction Company to tear up its tracks in Hampton. The street committee was In ses rlon some time last night preparing a report to bo presented to the coun PHOEBUS FIREMEN TONIGHT. They Will Receive the Final Reports on the Recent Entertainment. The Phoebus fire department will meet this evening to receive the re? ports from tlie vnrlous sub-commit? tees on the recent amateur show giv? en in tho National Soldiers' Home (heater. It is desired that all the members will attend. Mr. Frank A. Kearney, (ho fore? man ,of tho department, said last night that the entertainment would not the firemen between $'.!00 anc 5400. Condition of Wood Children. Two of the Hide sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, who are II! witb spinal meningitis, wero Bold to be critically ill last night, while the other two showed sight improvement in their condition. Inspector General ic Coming. The annual Inspection of the N*a tlonnl Soldiers' Home by one of the inspector generals will take place Thursday. Colonel Wndsworth is the inspector general, but It i? thought he will send an assistant here. Or? ders wero given yesterday for the mtrtl to prepare for the nspecior's vis It on Thursday. Humorous Is Coming. Marshall P. Wilder, the humorous, lecturer and traveler, will give nn illustrated lecture In the theatre at the National Soldiers' Homo on tho evening of April lGth. INJURY TO SISTER Daughle? ol Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walton Has Her Skull Broken and Bone Driven In Brain. DEUCME OPERATION IS PERFORMED Although the Accident Occurred Ten Dnya Ago the Little Girl Did Mot Become Decpsrately III Until : tin day?Now III In the Dixie ijosp tal Much Pun Had Formed. Llttlo Garnet,! Walton, tin thre< years old daughter ot Mr. ad Mrs Thomas Walton, In 1.aSalle av line, is very ill In the Dixie Mospll 1 from the effects of u most del lentil opera? tion performed upon her he.jl Sun? day nftornopn; A portion of ti> skull whk h had been driven into til brain was removed by Dr. H. W. Ilaboll who was assisted by Dr. W. l How ttrd. The bone had pressed n tin brain for ten days and mor than two ounces of pus was take from the wound. Ten days ago little Garnet las in the yard piny in? when one If hot small brothers accidentally stl'tllc her in the head with a hoe. The louild inflicted was a very painful 4e on I the scalp and Dr. W. II. Mown I was called iu tie- absence of the imllv physician. Dr. Caboll. Dr. I ward dressed the wound and sewed > tin incision and soon the llttlo gi was out playing with her llttlo play ates Last Friday lb,, child becam, verv ill und Sunday afternoon Dr. ?beli docldod that an operation wot! be the only means of saving he Hf(> He was certain that the skill was fractured, hut was greatly nut Isec upon opening the wound to flu thu a portion of Hi,, skull bone was Irlv en fully an inch Into the ehild'sUid breaking the brain tissuo. Thimis had farmed in the wound nuilthe wonder is Unit the child Is livn\ to day. Tlte operation is one of the delicate in surgery. \ 11 was said at the Dixie Hos\n> last night that the child was i Jug as well us could possibly be pocted. Her chances tor recov are regarded as slim. To Visit in New York, j Mr. C. J. Stephens, manager ( (he theatre at the National Sollers' Home, will leave Thursday mining for his former home in New York city, where ho will visit for a ,'eek Mn. JtWETT NEW LIBRARAN. Mr. Fra6er Resigned as Librarm at the National Soldiers' Horn. Mr. Simon Frnser. who for tin past year hns been the librarian in barge I of the library at the NaMons Sol SGrLY ERUPT10IS IS Itched Constantly?Scratched Intil Blood Flowed?Suffered 10 Yiars ?Doctors and Medicines Vero Fruitless?Tries Cuticura ari Is Completely Cured BY THREE BOXES OF CUTICURA OINTMENT i| old )i my "When I was about nine year small sores appeared on euch o lower limbs. I scratched them Wth a brass pin ind shortly at ten SU*da both of those mba becamo so son that I could sen cely walk. When! had l>een sufferirif for about a montt the sores began to Jical, but .imall sjaly eruptions npi>iire<l whero the sores had been. From .that timo onward I was troubled by Vuch severe itching lhat, until I beofino accustomed to it, I would scratch the sores until the blood tiognn to Bow. This would stop t.ho Itching for a few days; but scaly places would api>ear agnin and ?ho itching would accompany them. After I suffored about ten years 1 made a renewed effort to effect a eure. The eruptions by this time had appeared on every pnrt of my body except my face and hands. Tho best doctor in my nativo county advised mo to u?o nrsenio in f.mnll doses and a salve. I then used to bathe tho sores in a mixture which gavo almost intolerable pain. In addi? tion I used otherrcmediod.sueh ns iodino, sulphur, zino salvo, -'s Salvo, ? Ointment, and in fnct I wns con? tinually giving Romo remedy a fair trial, never using less than one or two boxes or bottles. All this was fruitless. Finally my hairl>egnn to fall out and 1 was rapidly l)ocominR nald. I used-'s-, but it did no good. A fow months after, having used almost everything else, I thought I would try Cuticura Ointment, having previously used Cuticura Soap and being pleased with it. After using throo boxes I wan completely cured, and my hnir was restored, after fourteen years of suffering and mi expenditure of at least $.r>0 to $00 in vainly endeavoring to find a euro. I shall Iks glad to writo to any ono who may be interested in my euro. R. Hirnrn Mnttingly, Ver mllll?n, S. l>pk., Aug. is, moc." RoUl UirovRhout -tho -world. Potter Drug * Ctii-m. Corp.. Bole Prupfl., notion, Mftio. of-?M^ tiw, BtfeUrt ol Uio &Uu and blood. diets' Homo, has resigned tho posi? tion, and Governor Thomas T. Knox 1 has named Mr. Je welt to succeed him. I Left for Pinehurst. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lniie Schmelz left yesterday morning for, Pinehurst,1 N. C.i Where tli<*y will attend the an? nual meeting of the Southern Educa? tional Assoelatlon. They expect to he away for the remainder of the week. I Suit In Chancery. In the Circuit Court yesterday no? tice of suit was filed by William .1. A. Cumming, administrator, against Armistead Smith, an action in Chan? cery to enforce I he opening of a nat? ural drainage through Smith's prop? erty. Wines and Liquors I belong to the tost tribe that stray, ed away from Dublin before Moses Balled on the Red Sea. I'm a price cutter. I'm a money-maker; I'm tho me that soils all straight Whiskies retail at wholesale prices. The fol? lowing high grade lOo Whl?klee I Bell for Be. a drink: Paul Jones. Pure Rye. Sherwood ll>?j Whiskey. Carroll Springs, puro Maryland Rye Whiskey. Overhold Rye whiskey, Parkwood Rye Whiskey. All of *ho above namul Whiskies aro strictly high *rade; svatch my sricv* ir you dare, beat ne If you can. Whiskey in bulk at following prices Jld Nick Pure Rye, 1-2 pt., 2Gc; gallon .94.1)0 >onard's Favorite. 1-2 pt., 20c; gallon . 1.00 funter's Baltlmor i Rye, 1-2 pt., 25c; Gallun .4.00 Maryland Club, frj pt., 25c gal? lo a .4.00 Paul Joues Puro Ryo, 1-2 pt., 20c; gallou .2.75 Star A. Rye, gallon .2.00 Most? Rose, gallou.2.bO jorkwood Pure Raye, gallon .. 2.00 elTerson Pure Rye, gallon.1.75 Centucky Bourbou, gallou . 1.40 >ouhlo Stamp Gin. gallon . 2.00 The following brands of Califor ia WlneH, Port, Sherry, Catawba llaret, Blackberry at 25o per qi., or Mllon, 75c Pride of North Car Una, 4 years old, gallon. 2.00 Eummelll. per gallou . 2 00 larroll Springs, gallon . 2.50 '.XXXBaker Rye. gallon .2.50 N, LEONARD'S Jarrel and Bottle House:, 16 AND 18 MELLEN ST., hocbus, Va. ' Phone 280. FERRY TO EXPOSITION Running between Hampin and' the '.ommercial Pier at Inmeotown ' ? rounds. \ STEAMER EL\NA Stopping at all piers en rou when '& lagged and regularly at Old lW on , ? wo I rips each way dally. Sl.dule % object to change without not ~~ > ollows: LEAVE HAIftPTOl ?oot of Shields street, near el?,jc 3? >lant, for Exposition Grounds: \ ^ Morning. Afternoon. \ |<j> 6:30 *1:00 \ \% ?10:00 4:C0 \\& ? it LEAVE EXPOSITION GROUNl\* (Commercial Pier) FOR HAMPTON: Morning. Arternoon. 7:30 *2:00 ?11:00 6:00 ?SJop regularly at Old Point. FARE: One way?15c. Round Trip?25c. rennis Construction Co. 8-l-tt SALE \% m A fine little farm, of 10 acres, on Hampton Creek, nbout one mile from Hampton, In high stato of cultivation; 6 room cottage, barn and plenty of outbuildings. Young . orchard and shade; good well water; can give possession at once If sold. Price J3.G0O. cash. Boulevard lot, 27x135, block 4, N. N. H. & O. p. Development Co. Pint. Price $450 cash. Two houses for rent; one furnished. jjjw.E. LAWSON *j Bank cf Hampton Bldg. |fiV Phone No. 3. A%fjt ? , ' - ' ' ELEGANT FOOTWEAR Our New Collection of the Famous Queen Quality Oxfords Awaits Your Inspection. The materials used in those Shoes are certainly far better than most other makes at the same price, anil as for stylo, eom rort and durability, they are without an equal. We present to you the opportunity?puss your Judgment. $2.50, $3.00, $3.00 the pair. DEPARTMENT STORE, HAMPTON, VA FOR RENT 10 room house, centrally located, completely furnished, $125.00 a month. 12 room house, centrally located, completely furnished. $100.110 a month. ' 5 room cottage Buckrpe Beach, for tho season, $175.00 Furnished house, 9 rooms, all modern conveniences, $50.00 a montli. 4 furnished rooms, ijiSallcAventie, $15.00 a month. PHOEBUS, VA. C rooms, high lot, Bplondid water, corner Mellen and Wlllard Avenue, $l?!oO. 7 rooms, Asylum street, $10.00 a month, f! rooms Curry street, $10.00 a month. 15 acre farm, l 1-2 miles from city, c room cottage a year, $150.00. M. H. MORGAN ?: CO., Beal Estate, Rental and Insurance, 18 S. King street. J LACE AND MULL CURTAINS 400 pairs oh sale Monday Come Early o ciijtf to w; Queen street,- Hampton, Va. LOJLSLgJLCJLgJLiL^^^gJJ ft a o. a g q q oo q o 0 q_o_o_o_o pop iuuULki gJ?U?LKJ??tS GEO. W. PHILLIPS, % REAL ESTATE, BENTALS, FIRE INSURANCE, NOTARY PUBLIC % 9 and 11 North King street, Hampton, Va. 4? Phone 50. % FOR RENT. & 4 room cottage, ear line, East Hampton . $ 7.00 4> 3-room cottage, car line. East Hampton .,. $ O.OO 'L 0-rooin cottage, Curry street, Phoebus . $12,00 G room dwelling, Richmond avenue, Rivervlew . $ 8.00 % 4 'oom cottage, Shell Road, Rivervlew . $ 4.00 7- room dwelling, 12 1-2 acres land, 1 1-2 miles from town.. $11.00 <g 8- room dwelling, Newport Newa avenue, possession April /.> l?tli. $25.00 <?> I have six furnished bouses for rent. These rango In prlco & from $85.00 to $150.00 per month. They aro all excellent houses, % and conveniently and centrally located. ??> STORES FOR RENT. i> 152 East Queen street . 112.00 <i> S South King street . $20.00 $ 11 Artnistead avenue. $ S.OO % FOR SALE. %> A beautiful home, well located on Chapel street, $1,700.00. ^ A nicely located home on Chapel street, easy terms, $1,200.00. fh Two lota, nicely located on Moore street, near LaSalle avenue, w each 45 by 145 ft. price $150.00 each. Terms to suit. g I have a number of places in York County, Ya. ror sale. Will ? give all necessary information. 4> Also a fine farm In Matnews County, Va., on tho Mobjack Bay. A large farm on the Back river, four miles from Hampton, & Will sell cheap to quick buyer. J> -Appear "Springy" by coming out in? A BURQBS HAT The season's best creations are here for you at tho Bmalleat slble cost. A Burgos guarantee is the thing that counts. \JRGES' MILLINERY STORE The Peninsula's Leading Millinery Store, Can be have one f*V Everybody Wo these stores. ? all. RichmipHrnitureCo. 21 W- Quc\ Phone 297. Nothing Better in Clothing Can he found in Hampton than the fine stock of ready-to-wear goods at & Co., 53 W. Queen 3-7-3m Phono 536.! FOR BKNT-'V I third floor of ply to V. P. I \ of Trustees. 3 The Baltimore Merchant Tailor. We make yon a suit for the price asked for a "hand-me down" outfit In most atorea. Our flta are guaranteed. Cor. Queen A Court 8tt., HAMPTON ? ? ? VmaiNIA.