Newspaper Page Text
HAMPTON, P? No More Lotterie? in the Cigar Business What is your cigar expenditure in a year ? j^S!__ Taking chances one at!T~time dis? turbs your comfort and enjoyment more than it seems to disturb your income or confidence; but after a year of it youVe paid a very fat tax to a very flourishing lottery?and drawn a long list of blanks. It's all unnecessary We designed the Triangle A merit mark to be a sign to ijou?a sign that you could not only recognize but pro~ nounce and ask for. It enables you to make your selec? tions from cigars that you know are the best your money can buy. The New CREMO is one of the most convincing examples of the improved quality produced through our new processes of refining tobacco. Every box is extra-wrapped in glassine paper to make sure the cigars reach you fresh, clean and in the best smoking condition. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY, Mfr. IEWISH CONGREGATION ELECTED NEW OFFICERS Mr. Joe Gold Chosen the President and Mr. Louis Kantrowitz is the New Secretary. The Jewish, congregation. B'nln Is? rael, held its annual election of offi? cers Sunday afternoon. The congre? gation Is now in a flourishing condl-' tlon and Is getting things In shape for the erection of the handsome new synagogue Jn Locust street in the near future. The newly elected officers are: President?Mr. Joe Gold. ? Vice-president?Mr. M. Wnsserman. ? Treasurer?Mr. Louis Kantrowitz. Sinking fund treasurer?Mr. J. Aek ermnn. Trustees?Messrs. H. Tuckscherer, William H. Knpeport and J. Lauesky E. M. HASTINGS, PHOEBUS SALOON MAN, FINED $iOO Mayor Furness Also Revokes the Li? cense of the Dealers Who Sold Whiskey on Sunday. B. M. Hastings, who conducts n sn loon in Mnllory avenue, was before Mayor L. P. Furness, in the Phoebus police court, yesterday morning on a ' warrant charging him with selling whiskey on Sunday. Several weeks ago Mayor Furness Issued an edict to. the saloon men! that the sale of liquors on Sunday must stop and he stated' that after the first day of April he intended en? forcing the law by punishment that would deter the liquor men. After hearing the evidence ngainst Hustings. Mayor Furness Imposed a fine of $100 and costs and entered an order revoking his licenses. Hastings noted an appeal to the Circuit Court. MR. CHARLES D. CAKE DIES IN NORFOLK Remains Will be Brought to Hampton for Burial in St. John's Cemetery ^ Tomorrow Afternoon. Theremalns of Mr. Charles D. Cnke, who died In his home, HOI) West Rrnmbleton avenue, Norfolk, at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, will he brought to Hampton for interment in ;St. John's cemetery tomorrow after? noon. The body will nrrlvo nt Hamp? ton wharf on the Old Dominion steamer nt 1 o'clock and the burial services will bo held at the grave in fiha cemetery. Mr. Cake was horn in Elizabeth City County, March 8. 18:10. He made his home in Hampton until 188(1, when ho moved to-Norfolk. He served an apprenticeship with his uncle, the lato May? or John W. Rrown. For a number ?of years ho was connected with the Hampton Normal School as superin? tendent of the saw mill and wood! working department, and also con? structed a number of the buildings In the school grounds. He was closelv siHRoelntod with the late General S. C. Armstrong and was held In high fcsleem by him. He served as a soldier In the Con? federate army with Company E, Hampton Grays, Thirty-second Vir glnla Regiment, Ho was a man ofi blorling qualities, upright character | and strict honesty, and a friend to j all in trouble. He leaves one slsler, Mrs. Jane Owen, of Hampton; one brother, Mr.! Richard Bi Cake; of Norfolk; a widow, who before her marriage was Miss Sallie Wood, and'seven children?] Mis. Charles H. Bentley, of Hamp? ton; Messrs. Charles W. Cake. John W. Cake, W. Percy Cake, Miss Mat tie L. Cake. Mr. J. Marshall Cake, Miss Sallie L. Cake, all of Norfolk. NEW JERSEY MAN BUYS THE WILLEY PROPERTY Charles W. Van Wagner, of Englc wood, Becomes the Owners of Pret? ty Home on Hampton Creek. Mr. Charles W. Van Wagner, of Fnglcwood. N. J., has purchased the Willcy property, on Hamptton crook,! consisting of a dwelling, outhouses, and twenty-six acres of land. Mr. Van' Wagner expects to bring his family hero and will occupy tbo property. The deal was negotiated by Mr. M. 6. Lackey, manager of the Phllllpa Lackoy Company, and the purchase price was iu the neighborhood ol | $4,000. Mr. Van Wagner Is the ?son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Van Wagner, who came to Hampton recently to make their, home. I Mr. I. N. Van Wnguor said lo ?16 Dally Press representative that Jiej has been desirous or living in Hamp? ton ever since his vlst here in IStii. Although the visit then was not one in which a fellow could get a luste of the real Hampton hosptallty, Mr. Van Wagner has llnally discovered that no whore livo a more hospitable people than those ot the Virginia pe? ninsula. Mr. Van vvagner, Sr., Is a retired capitalist. Funeral of Mrs. Hogge. Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Hogge, the wife or Mr. John Hoggo. were conducted from the residence at New Market yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. E. 1?. Jones, IJ. ?-, was assisted In the services by Rev. J. W. Porter, D. D.. or the Newport News Baptist church. WANTED?LADY OR GENTLEMAN; with $500 to take charge and half interest in a high class business during the Imposition at Williams burg. It. should clear $5.000 if prop? erly looked after. None but (hose who would take thorough Interest in the business need apply. Ad? dress, E. L. SIMPSON, Phoebus. NOTICK?TO ALL WHOM IT MAY concern. Warning is hereby given to all parties engaged or intending to engage in any business requiring a license to ho paid for the privi? lege, especially thoso parties en? gaged in the business of boarding house keepers and all are hereby notified that unless such license be paid when due, the snme will be doubled. HARRY W. BOOKER. I Commissioner of the Revenue. Licenses expire April 30, 1907. 4-C-l?t. WANTED. Vn. 4-9 3t. IOEBUS AN 'A.J ARGUMENT OF FORCE. %'apcloon Smashed a Vase, and th< Treaty Was 8igned. Early tri April, 1707, tuo people of Austria demanded pence with Frunce. .'. ,. illutluiili vvcru begun lu lire vicini? ty of Leoboa. Ltoriaparte, In an Inter? view \vlth tue Austrian ploulpotentl attc.t, saiil to them, "Your government lias sent against me Coin" armies with? out generals, and tills 11 mo a general without an army." In the treaty which the Austrian commissioners pro Jo.-to l Hi,- ilrat article stipulated %ut il.o emperor of Austria thereby rccog nlzod the Kreuch republic. "Erase It!" exclaimed Napoleon. ' The exlstonco Of the republic Is as plalu as the sun. This article Is only lit for the blind. We are our own masters and shall es? tablish any government we prefer. If on a day the Preach people," ho cou tt:n:ed, "should wish to create a inou erchy, the emperor might object that be bad recognized a republic." Tho prollmliirirles were soon settled, Nupo leo? s|gniug for France, thus placing !.:::iself on nil equal routing with the emperor of Austria. The foruiril treaty knowri ud Cutnpb Kormlo waa signed hi October. 17!>7. Austria fiUUIIlug the plcUg3!i she bad already glveu. The Austrian plenipotentiary protested against the distribution of the prov? ince.; beyond the Atllge. Napoleon waa angered at this, and, seizing a vase, dashed It to the ground, exclaiming, "If It Is nut so arranged I will break your monarchy as I hnvo broken this vase!" This argument of force, as demonstrated to the diplomat was convincing; and the treaty was signed. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Don't Devolop tho Mind at the Expenn of tho Body. The man or woman who would train the mental faculties without any refer ence to the physical shows a faulty qualification for the work lu which bu or she may bo engaged. The mind may be ever so well trained and stored with knowledge of the books, but un? less there Is behind It u reusouubly strong body life runs the risk of be? l?g a failure; if not that, an existence I of pain that serves as a limitation upon its possibilities. It Is a Speeles of cru? elty to educate the mind at the ex? pense of the body. Better let a child grow up into manhood or womanhood with nn Inferior education tbuu with a better education of the mind und a body weakened lu the effort. The fact tbnt so many men in this country who bare succeeded in busi? ness and in professional and public life have been the sous of farmers, whose early life baa been spent out of doors, has beeu a subject of remark. May It uot be accounted for on the Rround that In their boyhood their physique wus developed so that In aft? er life, besides their mental acquire? ments, they bud strong bodies with which to do the work Uiey have so successfully performed? This Is not only uossiblo. hut very probable ? ' 25 $ ? POI S WILLIAM HIDING IN YORK Deputy Sheriff C. C. Cortto and tuwln Curtis Went to Grafion Yenter day Morning. Deputy Sheriffs Kdwiu Curtis nwl Charles Curtis Went to York county yeostorday In search of William Hanks, the negro, wanted b?te for murdering Samuel Robinson und Jake Smith, In Thomas Kennedy' saloon, last week. During the morning the officers r< colved a report from York county I the effect that Hanks spent Sunday hlglil near Crnftoii and they hnmedi? ately left for that section. II wan said by m vornl men that llnnku got to York county Sunday morning. The ofllccrs hud not returned to I Hampton up to mld-nlght mid no ntos i sag?? had boon received from them I nt the Jail. Father Fallon Away. Hev. rather William Fallon, pastor I of the St. Mary's Star of the Hen-M Catholic church nt Old Point, left yOHtbrdny for a short visit In Ihol western part of Virginia. Hev. Father| Vnmi is in charge or the work here during Father Fallon'u absence. To Attend Board Meeting. Mr. Harry IT. Holt left yesterday for Wllllamslmrg, where he will to? day attend the meeting of the board| of directors of the Eastern Stale hon pltnl. John Donnelly Dead. John Donnelly, a well known mem? ber of the National Soldiers' Homo, who was visiting In Philadelphia, died very suddenly In the. Quaker City Sunday, Mr. Q. J, R?WO, who has been rpilte| siek at his home on Victoria avenue, Is slowly Improving. The old west dlsnppenrs when Mon? tana virtuously punches the slot ma? chines where poker and roulette were] so long the rule. Hut why not stop | (lie games in Wall street and the frauds or the tariff und a few or lho| bigger gambling devices before nt tucking bridge and the gum lotteries? | ?Florida Times-Union, Davis Durability 'My house was painted In 18J9 with Davis' 100 per cent Pure Paint j and today looks very wi ll. I can cheerfully recommend It to 1 those wanting the best Paint." J. 10- Wine, Berlin, Md. Do you think adulterated Paint] would give the samo satisfaction? For Sale By RANSONfc HARDWARE Company. FOR RENT FURNISHED 7-room dwelling, clly wnter nnd electric lighta; good location. 7-room dwelling; all modern conveniences, fi-room dwelling, on waterfront; modern conveniences. 4-room cottage, on waterfront. Groom dwelling, King street, near Queen, $40.00. 10 room dwelling, on wnterrront; modern conveniences. 9- rnom dwelling, city water and gas, on avenue. 10- room dwelling, centrally located; modern conveniences. The Phiilips-Lackey Co. Inc. REAL ESTATE BR0KER8, ?18 East Queen street. Hampton, fa. K _ You vnil miss a big treat if you fail to seo the line of AT Wild Cherry, pAlipn 0V| Glycerine and Tar UuiJuii Uli Just the Thing you Weed. Your prescriptions are accurately filled It brought here. GARDNER & HUDGINS, The Druggists, North King Street Phono 13. asm Eat More of the most nutritious of flour foods?Uneeda Biscuit?the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to Earn More because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be able to Saw More because for val?e received there is no food so economical as Uneeda Biscuit 5? In a dust tight, ' moisture proof package* NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ?esmsxzxssstztna Christie Tie PATENT KID, I,AilOE EYELETTS; (ilhson heel, Mai Klu Qunrtor, $4.00. LADIES' PATENT COLT OII380N Oxforda; Cuban heel, $3.60. LADIES' TAN OlDSON OXFORDS, $2.60. C. L. CROCKETT & CO. NO. 5 QUEEN STREUT. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. HENRY L. SCHMELZ, President. FRANK W. DARLING, Vlco-Presldent. THE BANK OF HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. IS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEW8, CAPITAL, $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $125,000.00 DEPOSIT8 OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated Depository In the State of Virginia in Eastern Virginia. Wo make loans on Real Batate?NOT PRO IIIIMTED?as are tho National Banks. FOUR PER CFNT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEP08IT8. A JAUNTY SAILOR HAT Will make any lady appear attractive this Boason of the year. We have tho prettiest line in Hampton, not alone of "Sailors," but of pattern and mado to order headgear. It's a money savor to you to como here. (Beasley &. Bush's Old Stand). EAST QUEEN STREET. See the Magnificent Display of s The exhibition embraces somo of the most attractive articles to bo found outside of an Indian reservation. Tho prices will mako them sell rapidly. BOYS' HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Finest stock of baseball goods and other sporting paraphernalia, HOTEL DISHES AND GLASSES. We have a splendid line of hotel dishes, bar glasses and other chlnaware. S 18-20 "WEST QUEEN STREET. Phone 235. 9 HAMPTON, VIRGINIA.