Newspaper Page Text
? THEATRICAL ** "Our New Minister," n delightful pastoral drains, pleased a fairly largo uudlcnco at. tlte Academy uf Music Inst night. The play Is well staged and Is in tho hands of u capable com? pany, II made n good Impression hero early in the season and had the weather been less unfavorable a big crowd would hjivu turned out. lo greet tho company oi| H? seeond visit. Gorton's Minstrels Next. Gorton's Minstrels will appear at the Academy next Friday afternoon und night, with a new and updo date production. According to the advance mini i he wardrobe, stage und scenic ?'fleets uro new, elaborate und oxpeii-j nlve, und the company comprises a number of capable performers. A street parade will bu given at I noon oil Washington avenue. Prices for the matinee will he 2r> and 50 cents untl at night I he prices will he 125 cents to $1. The advance sale be? gins at the box office tomorrow morn? ing. ? BASEBALL GAMES * I At Raleigh? Agricultural and Mo > Chnnlcul College 16; Vlrglnlu Poly ! technic Institute 4. At Greensboro, N. c ?George : Washington University 4; Davidson College 2. ! At Mcbone?Trinity Parle 4; Ring , hamtori 3. At Lynchburg, Vn.?New York Americans :t; Lynchbiirg o; (called fifth Inning, ruin). Because it's clean. Because it's econom? ical. Because it saves time. Because it gives best cooking results. Because its flame can be regulated instantly. Because it will not overheat your kitchen. Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because it is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. Tho Z2?^*n- ?* ^^.^ cannot be equaled tftHljJXorita bright aod steady light, simple construction aad absolute safety. Equipped with latest Improved burner. Mndo of brass throughout aud beautifully nickeled. An ornament to uny room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OUL COMPANY (IKCttttl'OUATKD) AT OUR NEW STAND, We are pleased to state that we are now ready to serve you in every line of the Having the largest and prettiest store in this section, filled with a big line of new and beautitul goods, we feel and know that we are bet? ter fitted to serve your want? than elsewhere in the city. You will find it to your advantage to see our line and compare prices before you make your selection. The Leading Jewelers. 2704 Washington Established 1892 MR. BOOKER Several BuslneGS^^B j^ave Agreed to Back EntcrJfljP^But More Money lirfteeded. Mr. G.,TJ. A. Hooker, who has an' option oil the Norfolk State league \ baseball team, said last, night that he was very much encouraged over the oui look for raising the $(1,000 neces- i sary to buy the club and bring It here. Several well knosvn business | men have agreed to back the enter? prise substantially, but more money Is needed. Mr. Hooker last night had a long-1 distance telephone talk with Mr. Jake i Wells, in Richmond. Mr. Wells said that his brother would hold the offer to Newport News open until Wednes? day. It Is understood that several Nor? folk parties are after the franchise ami will buy it unless Mr. Hooker Is able to put up the necessary amount. Local fans are very much Interest? ed in the matter. A Stnte leugne lc am In Newport News would be a great advertisement for the city dur? ing the Exposition und this fact will Influence those who put up the mon? ey as mttch If not more than the de? sire to see good baseball games on i ho Casino. DELM?S HITS STRAIGHT AND HARD IN ADDRESS (Continued from 1st Page). lei by which ho might leave her alone in the world?her father ele.w, bei mot In r unnatural, her husband executed. The attorney doclnrcd that Th.iw had no ro'.'.Boii to lie to his mother when he told the story in Plttsburg alter his return from Europe, contrast to IhO mother of Evc-lyh NoBbit, Mr. Hi limiu pictured Hie mother of Hnrry Thaw. He reviewed (he testimony she gave on the sMnd nuil pohited to the love and n.?e? (ion ?be displayed for her son when he began (ii display thai reut1083110 ??? which culminated in the tragedy, lie upoke in eulogistic terms of her .i.v blo chnraeh r and of (ho sacrifices sho made to lighten the burden and ease the pain of her heartbroken hoy. BCVS LOCAL PROPERTY. Mr. Hamilton Makes Real Estate Deal from Plttsburg. Mr. C. C. Hamilton, formerly of 1 lampion, now a real estate dealer In Plttsburg, Pa., has just purchnse:d three, six-room brick dwelling houses on Twenty-ninth, street, and a two story brick store house on Twenty eighth Btrcet, near Huntington ave? nue, from James P. Moycr and Mrs. Helen C. Moyer. , Hard Times In Kansas. The old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost, forgotten In tho prosperous Kansas of today; although a cil of Codell, Earl Shamburg. has not yet forgotten a hard time ho encountered. He Bays: "I wns worn out and discouraged by cough? ing night and day, und could find no relief till I tried Dr. King's New Dis? covery. It took less than one bottle to completely cure me." The safest and most reliable cough and cold eure and lung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by The Ideal Pharmacy, 50c and $1.00. Trial bot? tle freo. HANDBOOK oS the Jamestown Exposition and Historic Tidewater Virginia It contains Interesting fncts, 1 rlefly slated and some excel? lent half tones of .Newport News and Exposition, sched? ules, etc. A fine thing to send your friends who will visit the Tccenlonnlnl. Published by G. C. BLAND. For sole nt Warwick Hotel News-stand, Spencer's News? stand, Thirty-first street and Washington avenue, Mrs. Mor? ton's Rook Store, and other places. 4-0-Ct. Musical Concert ?BY? Hampton Roads Glee Club Academy of Music TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 8:30 P. M. Assisted by band from German pro? tected cruiser Bremen. Reserved Scats, 50 and 75 Cents. The National Congross of Mothers 'meets in I^os Angeles in May. about the Ihne fathers' Congress mows the lawn.?Minneapolis Journal, j Oklahoma's Constitution provides Hint nobody can be re-elected to a state office here. Evidently the peo? ple of Oklahoma do not place much confidence In unwritten laws.?Cbica go Record-Herald. QualU} will ALWAYS win out. C. W. Selby. of Chester, Md., says? ' I have been handling Davis Yellow '-Metal Copper Paint for some years, anil It has always given entire satis ruction. Us quality cannot be improv? ed upon." QUALITY Is the ONLY thing to consider when buying Copper Paint, and Davis stands ALONE In this res pect. t THE H. B. DAVIS COMPANY, BALTIMORE. ?For Snle By? S. P, MARS TON !_,_ AMUSEMENTS. ?CADF.MY. Anr 1? Pit I DAY I'AT. A- N Kl I IT. .r *. GORTON'S FAMOUS MINSTRELS] 30?People?:15. Gorton's Celebrated Solo Band. PRICES: Matinee, 25 and 50 cento; Night, 25c to $1.00. FEMALE HELP WANTED. STITQHERS, VAMPERS AND LIN- j ln^ makers. Steady work at our new factory. Address RED SEAL| SHOE FACTORY, Atlanta, Ga. 4-7 & 9. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY Tkj LOAN IN SUMS OF $66 to $1,000 at 6 per cent Merchants Mechanics Savings Association,Allao T). Jonen, Secretary and Attorney Firot NaUonal Bank Building. TENT5, AWNINGS, FLAGS, ETC. WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF TENTS, Awnings und Flags to order on short notice. Window Awnings and Boat Curtains a specialty. Prices reasonable. W- P. JONES & CO., 235 Twenty-eighth street. 3-2G-lni. POOL AND BILLARD PARLORS. ACADEMY POOL PARLORS?NEW tables, new fixtures, plenty ot room. 2 l-2c per cue. Leading brands ot cigars, clgaretteH and tobacco. r.jiB-tf NOTICE! Patrons of tho Newport News Light and Water company are hereby re? minded that water bills must bo paid by the 10th inst. All delinquents on the llth inst. will have their supply cut off pursuant to notice given all consumers. NEWPORT NEWS LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY, by L. B MANVILLE, Superintendent. 3-31-lOt. NOTICEI To Whom It May Concern: Any person soliciting aid in any form in the name of tho Central La? bor Union of Newport News, who Is not In possessio? of credentials un? der seal of this body is not endorsed by or upheld bv said union. JOHN M. BROWN, Sec. 4-G-S-10. NOTICE. To whom It may concern: This Is to notify the public that J. E. Wood, doing business at 140 Twenty-seventh street, under the firm name or J. E. Wood and Bros., has on Saturday. April (!, 1007, turned over his busi? ness, together with all fixtures, horse and wagon, etc., to me on account of a deed of trust held by me on s-nne All debts contracted will be paid bv J. E. Wood, and all bills due him will l a paid to J. E. Wood. 4-9-3t MAX LEVINSON. SEALED PROPOSALS. Office Purchasing Commissary, U. S. Army, Newport News, Virginia. April 8. 1907.?SEALED PROPOSALS for furnishing and delivering subsis? tence stores In this city, and In Jamestown. Virginia, for the month of May, 1907, will be received In this office until 11 o'clock a. m., on April 19, 1907. and then opened. Informa? tion furnished on application. Enve? lopes containing bids should be mark? ed "Proposals for subsistence storos, j to be opened April 19, 1907," address? ed to CAPTAIN J. N. KILIAN, Com? missary, U. S. Army. 4-9-Gt u. s. transfer company.] MOTOII POWKB UEPt.?cks THR HORSE. $.15 to $85.-300 HKAD OK IIORSKS mid 100 iiKA h OT young hi.OCKY - buii.T IMVbKS, f. tos years Old, weighing 900 to 1,400 pounds, to be positively sold, on Recount of our new inolor-wanon system. Will bo sold ntthe ruteofbo head a werk. All nood, lervlrenhle s-oek, rlKht out Of hard work. Also .to HKAD of iii?, YOIINC), FAT MARKS, pavement nore, w'll come sound In the country. See sUl'kk INTKN'DKNT ill COMPANY'S STABLE', 583, /CT and fcty WKsT i'll att 8TKKKT, Corner Greene, ualtimokk, md. mules, mules, mules.I v. 8. TRiKSPBB COMPANY. 100 HKAD young mules, $78 to $ i so ] A pa i It See Superintendent at Company'). "-?lBhle.1, ft!W. M7, f>39 W. Pratt St., cor. (Ircene. Baltimore, Md. 8-14 3m ULUH PRINTING A.ND TKA?lNO? On/ P. Murray. R2? t8th Bt.. City. ' LADIESI < Don't suffer with corns, bunions or| Ingrown nails, when there la an ex? pert Chiropodist at NICHOLAS' Up-to-date Hair Dressing, Massaging | i and Manicuring Parlor, 203 27tL Street. Sfiohy Building 7 If You Never Risk You Never Gain But there is No Risk in Daily Press Class? ified Ads. If you have a Room to Rent, If you want Help, If you have something to Sell, Put an Ad in the Classified col urns of the Daily Press. 25 Words 25c WANTED. WANTED?OCCUPANTS FOR TWO rqoms, with board; gentlemen pre? ferred. Apply 218 Thirtieth street. 4-5-Ct. WANTED?TO SELL, ONE LATEST improved Soda Fountain, with full equipments. BOLKEN'S Washing? ton avenue. 4 S-6t. WANTED?BOILERMAKERS AND ship builders to stay away from Great Lakes, as there is a Btrlke on j at till yards. By order Locul, No. 65, Boilermakers' and Iron Ship? builders' of America. 4-4-Ct. WANTED?UY A SINGLE MAN. AN airy room on West avenue between Twenty-sixth and Thirtieth street. Address, stating price, ' SINGLE," care of Dallv Press. 3-30-tf. WANTED?TO BUT, SELL OR Ex? change furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS, 2502 Huntington nve. 3-17-3ra I WANTED?YOU TO KNOW THAT] the Exposition Hotel and Accommo-| dnllon Exchango will keep your rooms full during the Exposition. I See us. H. B. HALL, Manager, at I the Real Estate & Insurance Office1 of Nelms Ak Co., lue, 2517 Wash-J lngton aveuue, Newport News, Va. 3-14-tf j WANTED?TO BUY 3 to C HORSE power steam boiler. Address P. O. | Box 508, Newport News, Va. 3-13-tf WANTED?LADIES, CHILDREN AND gents' clothes to be cleaned, pressed, dyed, etc.; work the nest; prices reasonable. THE HUB CLEANING & PRESSING CO., 211 33rd St. Both Phones. 3-17-tfj WANTED?TILJ PEOPLE TO KNOW we are buying and selling new and sccond-hund Furulture. Messlck & Cheadle, 2506 Huntington ave 3-2-3m WANTED?BOARDERS, ISO THIR ty-flrat Street. Modern coavenlen ces. References exchanged. ll-2-Zm WANTED?A GOOD LOCATION IN or near Exposition grounds for a concession. Whole lot or half. Quote lowest sule and lease price. Box 395, Newport News, Va. 4-7-3L WANTED?TO BORROW. $1.400, 1, 2 or 3 years on house and lot, west of C. & O. tracks, valued at $4,000. ? per cent, interest, payable seml anniinlly or quarterly. All expenses paid by borrower. "W.," Box 395, City. 4-7-3L WANTED?AT ONCE, A GOOD young work hocse, weight 1.000 lbs. Must he sound. Apply NEWPORT NEWS LIGHT AND WATER COM? PANY. 4-7-2L LOST AND FOUND. lcT ^r^^fw^^^^Foimok grounds and the Pocahontas hotel, a leather pocket-book, containing a railroad ticket and baggage check from Richmond to Jersey Cit^'; also papers valuable only to the owner and also n check drawn to M. F. Crosby, trustee. Liberal reward if returned to POCAHONTAS HO? TEL. 4 9-31 FOR RENT. FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS. Apply 234 Thirty-eighth street. 4 i)-2t. FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS 3200 West avenue. 4-5-Gt. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED?TREERS ON MEN'S Vi? el, Hox Calf, Patent Leather, Gun Metal Calf and Bright Colt. Steady work. Address RED SEAL SHOE, FACTORY, Atlanta, Ga 4-6 & 9.1 A Young Lac Whs wishes steady employmer, easy work, earning $6.00 to $10. today. Learners pale* while unc Newport Ne American Tc ?P Thirty-fourth ttresft and Vlrglr FOR SALE, FOR SALE?LOT NO. 1, BLOCK 277. cornel' Virginia avenue and Thirty seventh street. T. H. BROOKS. Sinithlield, N. C. 4-9-Ct. FOR SALIC?RESTAURANT KEEP era' attention. Fine ferns and esparngus, etc; all sizes. Make your pluce attractive by callihg at STARMBR'S GREEN HOUSE, Twenty-seventh street, near Jeffer? son avenue. 4-9-11. FOR SALE?SLOOP YACHT?31 Teet long, 12 feet beam, 3 feet depth. Can bo seen at HALL'S RAILWAY. Hampton, Va. 3-28-12L FOR SALE?ONE GOOD SCHOON er, oyster sklfts, and outfit in first class order und 12,000 bushels ot planted oysters, 29 acres of good oyster planting ground In Warwick River, one fourth Interest in 43 acres of good natural oyBter rook In James Rlvr-r. Apply A. R. DAW SON, Menchville, Va. 1-29-lm. LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE IN ALL parts of tho city. Call and got prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO.. Hotel Warwick building. FOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 2 lots, with wide vlow of water and in Bight.of Exposition build? ings. 7 rooms, nicely papered, bath, hot water and gas plumbing; 2 ranges nnd double heater, In Newport News, 1-2 square front cars. Only $2.000; 1-4 cash, balance $20 monthly. SOMMERVILLE TRUST CO., (Incorporated). 4-7-3L FOR SALE?TWO COUNTERS nnd four Show Cases. Apply 2007 Chestnut avenue. 4-7-3t. SPECIAL NOTICE. \ NICELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM I flat; bath, phone and electric lights; centrally located; $50.00 per month. Write J. I. C, Press Office. 4-6-Ct. BIRDS AND GOLDFISH, AMATEUR photo supplies, urgo. cyko, and disco papers, hummer and defender plate and ausco films; developing, print? ing and mounting at lowest prices. 2502 Jefferson avenue, noxt Jeffer? son Bank. tf. NOTICE. To satisfy a mortgage held by L. M. Brown against the schooner Sarah Frances, of which Umphry T. and John R. Washington are now owners and masters, said schooner will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1907. For further Information apply to L. M. BROWN. Gloucester Point. Va._3-13-td TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION BAGGAGE TRANB fer: of flees O. ft O. Station. 'Phone-, Bell. No*. 401 and 18S. Olts.. No. IS. UNDERTAKERS. UNDERTAKER W. E. ROUSE BEGS TO AN nounce that he will have completed in the next Jew weeks, one of the most up-to-date undertaker's estab? lishments in the State. With a Mortuary sufficiently large for most funerals, a show room equip? ped with the latest improved show cases, and with two assistants and two licensed embalmers, and the most modern paraphernalia, he is prepared to give the best of ser? vice to all classes. 234-236 Twen? ty-fifth street. Both phones, 61 ;l residence, 110. 3-31-6m. ??-?-. ?-? -IJASgg FUNERAL DIRECTOR. J. HUGH CAFFEE Modern Pervlco, with Pnrnphernalln eqnal to the Pest. TWO MOKN8KD BMBALMBRB.'en Kbltng mo to give to my patron- the best i? intention at modorntc prices. Phone, onire-Ilnth l'hono? No. 1. j Residence Phono?Hell, No, 41. ty or Girl, it, with pleasant surroundings, 00 weekly, can do so by applying lir Instruction?. fws Branch, fbacco Co.,. ila Avenue, IM-tls.