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GOES HARD AGROUND AFTER TWO COLLISIONS Brltlsli Steamship George Ppee Stuck Fast In Sand at Point Breeze. DRAGGED HER ANCHOR OVER A HUE Swept Before Violent Gale, the Ves? sel Passed Through Fleet of Ten Schooners, Crashing Into the John Twohy on the Way?Hull Probably Damaged. After dragging anchor for more] than a mile down the harbor through' n fleet of about ten big .schooners.) and colliding with the four-masted! schooner John Twohy, the British steamer George Pymnn, Captain I Oalne, which arrived here Sunday from St. Vincent, Cape Verdje islands,' went hard ashore on the big sand bar at Point Breeze, just south of this: city, about 8 o'clock yesterday morn-' ing during one of the most violent wind storms that has swept over this section in several years. The steam- j er now rests in an easy position on the bar and probably will be floated , today, whatever damage, if any, that has been done her; hull, will not be j ascertained until offer she has been j docked at the shipyard and a survey of her hull made. Had Lost One Anchor. When the storm arose the Pymnn , wns anchored off Chesapeake &. Ohio i pier No. 8 with only her port anchor overboard, the starboard one having been lost in Hampton Roads Satur- j day, while the vessel was anchored off Old Point Comfort. i As the fury of tho wind Increased Captain Oaine played out the cable on the port anchor, but tho anchor could not hold the big ship against the strong wind and about t; o'clock she began drifting down the harbor toward Hampton Roads. Her'skipper Immediately sent up distress signals, which were unanswered. He then hoisted signals asking for n tugboat, i but these, too, were unheeded. Blown Rapidly Down Harbor. With the wind steadily increasing In velocity the steamship was blown ' rapidly down the harbor and before! the crew could hoist sails and by' their means keeps the drifting ves- j sei clear of schooners anchored in the harbor, the Pymnn crashed into tho schooner John Towhy. The stenmer Immediately heaved off with? out damage to herself and it has not yet been ascertained whether or not the schooner sustained any damage. Captain Gnine dared not attempt to steam Ills vessel, for fear of ram? ming the anchored schooners before lie could get sufficient headway on his vessel to keep her under control In the face of the gale. Sails Unco to Advantage. Soon after the collision with the Tw?hy, however, the crew succeeded in hoisting the steamer's sails and by heroic work prevented her from colliding with other vessels. Tho steamer enme dangerously near strik-1 lug the steamer Springburn, anchored iu the harbor about a mile off Point Rreeze, on several occasions, but she was finally worked away from that vessel. In Bplte of every effort that could be made to keep the drifting steamer j In deep water, the wind blew her shoreward and she was soon piled on ' the bar at Point Ureeze. The vessel was not loaded and the wind and waves forced her high on the bar until she rested In only about soven feet of water. Fortunately the strong tide running over the bar quickly When You Start Out to Look for Treat the matter as cold busi? ness. In simple justice to your? self, loolt for the newest things;'don't be satisfied with articles old and out of date. OUR STOCK IS ALL THE NEWEST CREATBONS And much of It a better duali? ty than hn3 ever before been shown in Newport News. We make a specialty of Gor ham's silver. Hales Company, (INCOttrOllATKIl) Jewelers and Opticians 291h St. & Washington Ave. Newport News, l/a. Our engraver Is tho finest on the Peninsula. BLOOD GETS SOUR. At this time of year, says u wcll-kuowu authority, the Khfc ncy< become Weak, dogged htul Inactive, rolling to filter out the poisons uttcl acids, which sour i a< bl >od. causing not on? ly facial mid bodily eruptions, hut tho wors! fcrius <>r Rheu? matism, Nervous ami Stomach trouble's, Backache and painful, annoying Urinary afflictions. It i.- worth anyone's time nbw to g?'t froi)l some good pre? scription pharmacy the follow? ing Ingredients; Fluid Extract ]i Dandelion, / one-half ounce; !(' o in p o U n d Kargen, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarstl ptirilla, three ounces. Mix by slinking well in a bottle and take In teaspoonful doses after your meals and at bedtime. ; This simple home-made mix? ture will force the Kidneys to normal, healthy action, so they will filter ana strain all uric acid and poisonous waste mat? ter from the blood, and expel this In the urine, at the same time restoring the "full blood i count"?Hint is. !)5 per cent red blood corpuscles?which is ab? solutely indispensable to perfect , health. I heaved tip sand on each side of llie ship and prevented her from taking a list to the starboard. First Steamship Ashore. I This Is the first steamship over driven ashore in this harbor and the news of her grounding spread rapidly and hundreds of people journeyed to Point Breese during the day to wit? ness the novel sight of a big steam? ship lying only about 150 feet from the shorp. No. efforts to float the vessel were made yesterday, as Captain Gaiuo. Is awaiting instructions from tho George Paymnii Steamship Company, of West. Hnrtlepool, England, owners of the vessel, who were notified of the accident by cable yesterday af? ternoon. The Merrltt - Chapman Wrecking Company probably win bo contracted with to haul the steamer into deep water. Collided With the Hudson. The- Python came here to have her hull cleaned and painted at tho ship? yard and late Monday afternoon the shipyard lug Dauntless steamed down the harbor to tow her to the yard, but the little tow boat was unable to handle the big craft in the face? of the strong wind then blowing down the I harbor and the Pymnn was again an? chored; Several hours afterward, the I five-masted schooner. George P. Hud j son crashed into the Pymnn, carry? ing away the steamer's fore topmast. The schooner had her bowsprit 'slightly damaged and some of her forerlgging carried away. After the 'accident the schooner, wldeh was be? ing towed to Chesapeake & Ohio pier No. 12, was hauled away and taken to the-coal dock. After the George Pymnn Is floated whatever repairs that are found ne? cessary. Including the Installation of a new fore topmast, will be made at [the shipyard. ; SHIPPING REPORT Tuesday, April 9, 1907. Arrived. i | Steamer Cnyo Soto (Br.). Rudder, New Orleans?to C. H. Arnal for hun? ker coal. I Steamer Themist? (Dich.), .Teens5 man. New Orleans?to Chesapeake &. Ohio Coal Agency Compnny for bun? ker coal. ' Steamer Bay View, Cumiiiings, Beiston?to White Cak Conl Company in ballast. I Schooner Harriet C. Kerlln, Coch | ran, New York?to New River Con? solidated Coal Compnny In ballast. j Schooner Helen W. Martin, Sprague, Boston?to White Oak Coal j Company in ballast. Schooner Samuel W. Hathaway. 1 Nash, New York?to White Onk Conl 1 Compnny In ballast. I Barge Baravln from Providence?to White Oak Coal Compnny In ballast. I Harke Berkshire from New Bed? ford?to White Onk Coal Company in ballast. I Barke Knickerbocker from Provi? dence?to C. H. Arnal in ballast. j Barge Enos Sonic from Providence; ?to C. "H. Arnal In ballast. Cleared. ' Steamer Cayo* Soto (Br.), Rodder, London?Chesnponke & Ohio Opal ? Agency Company. I Barge Kentucky for Portland Chesapeake & Ohio Coal Agency Com pany. Sailed. Steamers Ormesby (Br.), Whnlcy, Stettin; Themlslo (Dtch.), Jeensman, Bordeaux; Sun. Ockleman, Sabine Pass (and latter anchored In Hamp? ton Roads). Schooners Ellen M. Colder, Pierce, Roston; Independent. Robertson. Bos ton t>nd both anchored In Hampton Roads). Calendar For This Day. Sun rises. 6:37 a. m Sun sets . 0:.15 p. m High water.8:15 a. m., 8:fiS p. m. Low water.2:05 a. m., 2:30 p. in. Steamer Sun in Roads. After completing binding 600 tons of bunker coal and 200 tons of cargo coal nt Chesapeake & Ohlewpier No. 12, the Sun Oil Company's ml steam? er Sun dropped down into Hampton Roads at 4 o'clock yesterday after? noon and will sail this morning for Sabine Pass. ' Couldn't Explain. Robert Slitting and Harry Hngeny, of New York: banish Cory, of Nor? folk, and William -I. R"rke, of Ports? mouth, who were In the police court yesterday charged with being not of good fnmo. could not explain their presence In the city to the satisfaction of Justice Brown and were locked up' when they foiled to give bonds of $250 for three months. i MORE 'LONGSHOREMEN REPLAGE TRE GREEKS Old DotT.inlon and Merchants 5 Miners Handled Four Steam? ers Yesterday. NO EFFORT TO RE-EMPLOYMLBROESj Both Companies Expect to Have Reg? ular Sailings in Future and Situa? tion Already Has Bsen Relieved to a Great Extent?Additional Men Will be Imported. With the Old Dominion Steamship Company and the Merchants & Min? ns Transportation Company working it total or about 100 white 'longshore? men, the situation at Chesapeake & Ohio ph r No. i; was considerably lleved yesierday, four steamers being handled by the two companies during the day. Mr. David R, McNeil, local agent for the Merchants & Minors Com? pany, yesterday morning secured over a half hundred 'longshoremen 10 re? place the r,0 Greeks who refused to work Monday because they were afraid or being attacked by the strik? ing negroes. The new force reached, this city about the middle of the morning and was Immediately put to work unloading and loading freight on the steamer Dorchester, which ar? rived hero Monday from Providence. When the work on that vessel was i completed, the force loaded and un? loaded the steamer Junlata, which nr. rived in port yesierday morning from | Baltimore for Boston. Both' vessel.! sailed law yesterday afternoon, Mr. .1. H. London, local a geht for i the Old Dominion Steamship Com? pany, secured nn additional fordo ol workmen early yesterday morning and 1 during the day tho 'longshoremen I handled a large amount of freight 1 The men wcrkod the steamer ?onscn ' during the morning and In the after-1 noon unloaded and loaded freight on the steamer Monroe, which arrived Monday morning. Tho Seneca left for Norfolk last night and the Monroe will rcilow to? day. Regular Sailings In Future. From this time on both companies expect to have regular sailings from this port and Norfolk. Additional men will bo secured as rapidly as possible and the officials of the IIix-h hope within a few days to have full forces of 'longshoremen at work In' this city and Norfolk. I So far ns can bo learned tho strik? ing negroes here and across the Road', have shown no inclination to call off the strike. SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. LIVER TROUBLE. A dull, sluggish liver always brings a dull, sluggish feeling to the entire body. When tho liver w o r k b-. properly the blood course* through tho body In a bright red stream. When the liver Is Inactive the blood be? comes dull and muddy.- and It In full of polsouo'.w natter. A great manv people try to got Micnaei Silk a line, clear, pink and white complexion by rubbing tilings on their faces. They might rub 0 life time and the samo yellow complexion would remain?for the li? ver causes it. Only bright, red blood brings fine complexions. Blood load? ed with Impurities from the liver tjcnds tho impurities out. through the pores of the skin nnd turns the skin a brownish yellow. To get. rid of the dull, heavy feel? ing and muddy, yellow complexion gel the liver to working again. Two bottles of Cooper's New Discovery i will do this nine times out of ten j though sometimes it takes four or five bottles. Here's what. a man who tried It says: "My health had been poorly for several years. My face was yellow and covered with pimples, I was both t ered constantly with chronic consti? pation, had little or no appetite and could not. sloop well at night. I be? came weak and lost all ambition. I tried many different medicines but nothing seemed to help me until I began taking Cooper's New Discov? ery. It seemed to help mo al once. Now, after I have taken several bot? tles I feel entirely well. My face is clear, 1 sleep well, have a pood appe lite and am quite myself again." "1 am deeply grateful for my re stored health." Michael Silk. 24 Ken? tucky Ave., Indiahapb|{s, Ind. We sell iho famous Cooper modi eines. Tho Academy Pharmacy Co.. corner Washington nve. and 33rd St. West Fnd Pharmacy, Hampton. After others f?nTtTSTSerman Tre?tmont la the only cure., ?S Prof. G.F.THEEL. 527 ftSb'Sjj Vtftfl rhllartrlplil.. !??. **Kt. Aril." O.lfOrr. 5 ??* ???H'I. ln.r,l,j. JfSJfft?, br M*U M?t? 1. ,?<-.-,-. l.?rr?r-. Abmn, ITrU. aiSBMO ?,.?.,.111.0,1 r?i..- > ? 'i. \r....... ii,i.iiii., 1.1,1 Manhiwt, lairrr, Vnrlrwrlr t Wrlrliirr, (?o ?Hill??. In dr,rlo|immlt& Khrunlrn <lr;a..,llrl:hr? IHmw* Hl?l>?lr?, Uwi, Drain?. ti,.l. ??.? lo r?rr ?**? In * to HI 40ff?r.,?r?llf?l* fl lr?rv,Uu.nll?lr.|,rrirnfr l.<)rrm?njf. M.-..-I r..r"li....l.,"i. I'. ^II.,-,.nr.i:rel*rlcHrl??, iMj k ronnlr; in,u.l. Sr.r. r, ?u.rairlwl Innjfr Dr. Lyon's _J PERFECT^ TwfhlPowder Cleanses ^and^ beautifies the teeth and.purifies.the breath, TJ8ed iby people ? of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for touristB. t 1 PREPARED BY/ Fresh Strawberry AT KIRK MAN'S 2617 Washington Ave. Both Phones 521. ?T Where Quality la Uppermost. ? I Brown, Red, I Blue, I Green, if Suede Pumps % and k? I' Sailor $3.50 I ? 8 WE FIT FEET. S - h I EISENMAN'S S Shoe Palace, I $ 2G00 Washlnoton Avenue. ^ My Aiiia! la to handle the best goo** und to sell same at reasonable prlceH. I car? ry all Ine leading brands of Mar} land Rye1 and Kentucky Bourbons Wines and Liquors of every de? scription and at prices to suit the pockctbook. Family trnde a special? ty. Jno. E. Muglers' ?,312 Wnshlugton Ave. Bell Phone 67. Promptly Done From a Parcel to an Engine. FREIGHT, BAGGAGE, FURNITURE AND SAFES CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY MOVED Virginia Transportation Do Storage Warehouse 514-520 27th St. SEASONABLE RATES Capital Dry Goods House Washington AVotitU) at Thirtieth Struct. n 1.10 a on K D I'llloW C'UHOtl, at. each 10c A I.I. LIN ION Fringed Hoy Urs. white und colored bor ,, ,H 50c dozen, P R E T T Y styles In /.ephyrs. Dress OlnghnniK, i.' TODAY WE WILL SELL WOMEN'S NEWEST STYLE DRE5S SKIRTS Made of extra flue Panama In till the popular novelty weaves and In black and col? ors. Those Skirls are a spe? cial bargain at $4,98 And are the best we have ever sold at thai price. NEW PI, A 11) 9 Taffeta Silks. yard %\ uOQ n mo a c li ic n I Auto Cloth, heavy und line finish, yard wide, yard, 121c ClIII.DIirON'S Ribbed lllhcU Cotton: Hose, good value. J0{? pair Has Returned to Newport News at Last Strange, Wonderful But True?Are the Awe Stricken Tests given by THE GREAT AU8TRIAN MEDIUM, The Only Living Apostle of Science of the Mysteries. ?5.000 IN GOLD To anyono In tho World to compote with him. Possessing more power than any four mediums combined. No Card, Trance or Hand Humbug. Greatest Hindoo Medium In tho World. SO GREAT IS IIIS POWER thnt ho can tell you while. In a Clalrvoyout slate, all you wish to know without n word being spoken. Come, all ye unbelievers, scoffers and jcerers; bring nil your spoktlclsm ?with you? he will opon your eyes to the private chamber mystery. Come all yo broken hearted wives, all with low spirits and let him 'lift tho burden from your aching and Joulous heart. Ho challenges tho World to compete with ? him in causing a Bpeedy mnrrlago with tho one you love; uniting th? separated and bring back the lost one. Traces lost or stolon goods. Un? earths hidden trenBurcs. Removes ovll Influences, Crosses; Spells, 111 Luck, Cuces tricks and Conjurations. Ol YES ' LUCK AND SUCCESS IN ALL YOU UNDERTAKE?CURE8 THE TO? BACCO AND LIQUOR HAHITS. ALL0W8 THE CAPTIVE TO BE 8ET FREE. Ho Is tho only ono that will give a Written auhrnutce to complete, your business or refund your money. Are you Blck? Do you know what tho trouble Is with you? COME AND CONSULT NATURE'S DOCTOR. RHEUMATISM, INSOMNIA, HYSTERIA and all Diseases C U R E D. No matter what alls you, como und see this wonderful man. Reader, have yon noticed thnt Homo people have a hard tlmo to got along, no matter how they toll, while others hnvo success? Many wealthy men and women owe tholr success to this wonderful man. HE WILL TELL YOU WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Will, You Be Happy? Ho will tell you who your friends uud enemies are. Cnn you tell? Don't take a lonp In the dark, but bo advised by this wonderful man. GREATEST PROPHET IN EXISTENCE. HE ALWAYS SUCCEEDS WHEN OTHERS FAIL. THI8 18 THEj CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME?DON'T LET IT PASS YOU. 330 30th St. Near Huntington Avenue. OFFICE HOURS:?9 A. M. to 9:30 P. M.J Sunday: 2:30 to 7:30 P. M,' N. B.?Our consultation Fee Is 50c, Settings, fl.00. All letters con? taining $1.00 will be aim we red in full. EXCLUSIVE DAYS FOR WHITE PEOPLE. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ' ) COAt AND WOOD -Bold by the? Is guaranteed to glvo entire satisfaction; all coal kept under sheds, and is always screened. FRED. W. SAN FORD, General Manager. Thirty-fifth Street and C. & O. Railway. Ball Phon? 98. Citizens Phona, 308. -WK Dye or THE HUB Cleaning and Pressing Co., 211 33i\l St Both Phones Pier Privilege for Hire Hampton Roads Villa Company Desires to mnke contracjs for passenger service to and from Exposition. Shortest and most direct route from Newport News to Exposition grounds. Eight feet of water at low tide. The company is prepared to offer most liberal terms to owners of passenger boats making regular schedules. For particulars, see B. J. PRESSEY, Rooms 1 and 2, Citizens & Marine Bank Building, Newport News.