Newspaper Page Text
SPLENDID CONCERT GIVEN BY GLEE CLUB Big Audience Gathered at Academy and Enjoyed Singing of Young Men. One of the most enjoyable musical concerts ever heard in Newport News was that given by the Hampton Roads Oleo Cluh at the Academy or Music last night under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Asso? ciation. The large and fashionable audience guthered in the playhouse showed its appreciation of the enter? tainment by frequent outbursts of genuine and spontaneous applause, calling for an encoro to almost every one of the twelve enjoyable numbers on the well arranged program. This was the first concert attempt? ed by the clnb, which was recently organized at the Young Men's Chris? tian Association, but will not be its last as was stated by Mr. Charles S. McOowan, president of the organiza? tion, In a graceful little address to the audience just before the close of the- entertainment. After thankiug the audience for its liberal patronage and kind reception, Mr. McGownn stated that the club Intended to sing In Hampton and Phoebus and the Jamestown Exposition and during the winter to appear in other cities of this State and possibly in New York. Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washing? ton. He also said that as several members of the cluh were from across the Atlantic and had written home about the organization that next sum? mer the club might condescend to favor King Edward VII with a con? cert In his royal palace at London. In conclusion the president thanked the officers'of the German cruiser Bremen for extending to the club the nsslstanco of the bnnd of the Bremen In making the concert a success. Occupying the boxes in the Acad? emy as the guests of the organization were the officers of the Bremen, Ger? man Consul Fred J. Gauntlett, Mayor Samuel R.- Buxton and pnrty and Ma? jor Gonzales S. Bingham, U. S. A.. and narty. Following Is the program as ren? dered : Soldier's Chorus . Fnust Glee Club. Deutscher Reichs Adler. .Band from S. M. S. Bremen. Queen of the Earth.Plnsutl JtL-J. Jackson. A Father's Lullaby. Messrs. Moore, Jenkins, Pnyne and Koeker. My Old Kentucky Home.Foster Glee Club. The Mighty Deen.Jude _Oeo1_M^_Rlchtpr... Army and Navy (Duet).Cooke Messrs. Jackson nnd Leaf. The Old Brigade.Bnrr! Band from 8. M. S. Bremen. Chorus . Selected Glee Cluh. Bandoliero . Stuart J. P. Leafe. Star of the Slimmer Night.. .Hatton Glee Club. When the Bell In theUght ITous? Rings. Solman . W. H.. Hobbs. Stein Song. Ballard and Hovey Glee Club. ? BASEBALL GAMES * JACKSONVILLE, FLA., April 9.? Blrkoot's single, a stolen base, fol? lowed by a clean single drove the only run of today's game. Kanseter wiis removed from the game for kick? ing. Score: Jacksonville.. 10?00000 0?1 C 0 Columbia_ 0 0 00 0000 0?0 5 1 Batteries: Slltz nnd Robe; Heis man and Smith. Time 1:33. Umpire Fitzsimmons/ SAVANNAH, April 9.?Savannah tobk the seco.nd of the series from Atfgusta today by a score of 2 to 1. A feature was the batting of Patience for the homo teams. Score: Savannah... 00 0 00200x?2 3 2 Augusta. 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 3 1 Batteries: Ferd and Kahlkoff; Platt and Connelly. Umpire Davis. Time 1:25. CHARLESTON, S. C, April 9.? Base hits were few and Charleston made five runs in one inning which Macon later duplicated, winning the game. Score: Charleston_ 00000501 0?G 1 5 Macon. 0 01 20 0 0 0 5?8 11 1 Batteries: Chrlstmaa and Rei.slng er; Clnrk and Robinson. Time '1:15. Umpire Mace. GREENSBORO, N. C, April 9 ? Davidson College today won the sec? ond game with George Washington University. The feature was Hester's home run. Score: Davidson_ 0001 1020 0?4 2 2 Gj Washington 000101001?3 7 5 Batteries?San ford and Sherrill; Hester, Shea. Titus and Stevenson. At Durham, N. C-?Trinity College 13; Virginia Polytechnic Institute 0. MRS. VAN CALUSSEN WANTS HER SANITY ESTABLISHED Being Denied Admission to White House, Offers to Prove By Ex? perts That She is Sane. WASHINGTON. D. C. April 9.? Mrs. Ida M. Von Claussen, the woman who had a grievance against Minis tor and Mrs. Graves, because they refused to present her to Kln?r Os? car, of Sweden, called at the White House today in order to lay lier case before the President. Secretary Loeb refused to seedier when she sent in her card, and de? putized Assistant Secrotary Forster to interview her in the visitors' ante? room. He explained that It would bo impossible for the President to re? ceive her. She thoreupon left with Poipfrr the following letter: "To tho Right Honorable Theodore ??GRIHCB^Tl?MMID BIMS Much Interest is Already flanifest in the Popular Vot ing Contest Started by the Daily Press in Its Issue of Sunday. OF NEWPORT NEWS PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED Ballots are Already Beginning to Come in to the Contest Editor and Names of Candi? dates Nominated Will be Announced Soon. If Yau Have not Already Placed Your Friend in Nomination Do so At Once?Nearly Anyone Can Filter This contest?No Favorites are Played, Except by Their Friends, in whose Hands Rests the Question of Success. Considerable interest in being dis-i played by lodge and society workers in tlie announcement made concern? ing the popular diamond voting con-j test started by the DAILY PRlCSSj in its Sunday's issue. All indications point to the success! of the venture, and while not many votes havo been received the list ot candidates 'already voted tor, and which will be published within the next several days includes many oi the lodge, club, and society workers of the city. It is the desire of the DAluY PRESS that the contest will be the means of r< warding, in some degree at least, the ones who shall he most deserving of the trophies it offers. That both ladles' and ge ntlemen s organigations may have a voice in ne te induing the question trojihMS have been purchased for both the in dy and gentleman receiving the lar? gest number of votes. You can vote for your favorites by simply clipping the ballots which ap? pear in this and will appear In all subsequent issues of the DAluV PRESS during the life of the contest and bringing or mailing the ballots to the office of the DAILY PRESS with th nanu s of the candidates you wish to vote for signed on same. It Is lit? tle for you to do, but your frleuus| will appreciate it. While candidates trom n numberof societies have already been voted for many of the other organizations wh.'eh have deserving members are not yet represented. It is believed that these unrepresented organizations will come to the front within a few days and I that the coming week will see a lnrge | number of candidates In the held. Would it not be a gracious thing to honor the lady and gentleman in your favorite organizations who m your opinion Is the most deserving and has done the most in its advance? ment. Think It over. Then clip the ballots and vote ttiem at once. Don't delay the matter and you will feel better for having helped In even liuS small way. if you are interested in the contes;, either for yourself or a friend and Go not understand the conditions, call up the office of the DAILY PRESs nno Mr. Cooke, who is managing the en-1 terprise, will be glad to thoroughly LADY' One Vote For (Name ( Name In the Newport News G ZW ballot to be Counted .\ Around llordcr und Uopo Publication of the names o Roosevelt, President of the United1 States: "Mrs. Von Claussen If. In receipt of] President Roosevelt's refusal to seej hor and redress the insults offered! her by-his representatives In Swo-I den, Minister nnd Mrs. Graves. "She cannot against appeal to the State Department, as she received Its! final decision before she left Sweden. "Mrs. Von Claussen begs President' Roose,velt to at once appoint a com-', mlttee of experts to make sure that she Is of sound mind beforo she pro? ceeds further hi this case, for snci well knows, from previous reports,! that when President Roosevelt isj 'cornered' he has a habit of. appoint-! ing such committees to help him out1 or his difficulties. "Therefore, not caring to iny her-! seolf open to further criticism, Mrs.I Von Claussen demands that such a! committee be appointed at onco;oth-| erwise she will call In the experts! herself." All hands at the White House, wuo had the opportunity of seeing ?irs.| Von Claussen voted her the handsom? est caller that has appeared there In! many a elay. Sho Is tall, statuesque] and Gihsony. She was attired inj explain Ihom to you. Diamond Rings A3 Trophies. To further Increase its subscrlp-J lion list?as well as to offer a re? ward for faithful effort on the part| of lodge anil society workers?the DAILY PRESS Is Impelled to oner two handsome diamond rings, valuedI at $2D0. to be voted to the lady and the gentleman who in the opinion of] the people of this section are most; entitled to the honor and tne tokens of esteem and who receives the larg? est number of votes. They are botltl diamonds of the very Itrst quality, ab sohitoly flawless, and at e personally j guaranteed. Gold Watches as Second Trophies In addition to tho two diamond rings two beautiful gold watches w;n be given as second trophies to the lady and the gentleman receiving the second Inrgest number or votes. They are in keeping with the dia? mond trophies in point of beauty dm; artistic merit. It Is the -destro of the DAILY PRESS that the contest will oe tue moans of rewarding. In some degree at least, the one who shall be most deserving of the trophies it offers, and the only regret Is that a similar offer cannot he made for everyone i deserving of such rownrds of merit. | Tito rules governing the balloting| have been made as clear jib possible! to permit of nbsolule justice and ln>-| partiality to all. | The simple clipping or the ballots] published herewith and tilling in tne] names of those counted deserving oi ] the honor will serve to place them ml nomination when the ballots are re coived at tho billed or tne DAILY PRESS?and surely there are many who sit In lodge meetings with you who deserve this slight token at your hands. ? The thing to do Is to clip the bal? lots today?1111 in the name or your favorite lady and your favorite gentle: man In your lodge or society ctrctos and send in the ballots to the Contest editor or the DAILY PRESS. Everything Is In readiness to re? ceive and register (hem and the vote will bo published in each and every issue of the DAILY PRESS during tin- life of the contest. The DAILY PRESS would suggest that the different lodges and societies take the matter up In an official way and nominate candidates who will no S BALLOT ofCandidate ) of Organization ) Daily Press Popular Voting ijb wiest. $ Infi be So?aratcd Cnn-fnlly Trluiuicil ss^ sited unfolded. f contestants and the numl brown, from her huge picture hat with its sweeping plumes to her dainty ox? ford ties, and carried a big white muff. SMALL FIRE CAUSES SCARE, j Blaze in Trash Under Pool Room in Darling Building. Quite a scare was caused along Washington nvenuo yesterday morn-1 lug by a slight, blaze In the basement] of the Darling building on Washing? ton avenue, beneath Dohlken's pool room. The fire started In a pile of trash and for awhile a serious fire was threatened. The Central department, turned out lit response and quickly extinguished the blaze. Newspaper Loses Its Home. COHJMI1US. OHIO. April 9.?1"te six story llrickoll Mit hoff building on High Ftjjeet, a square north of the State honso and occupied by the Evening Dispatch newspaper plant mid also the Hosier threo story build? ing adjacent, were practically destroy? ed by fire early today. Tho loss is cki I ma ted at $300,000. the- unanimous choice or thu organi? zations. Orvlllo Cook, or the Cook and Bor? ders Service, of Now York olty; will manage the enterprise tor the daily] PRESS and will be ready at any time to assist any an? all candidates, but in tin impartial manner. If you arc Interested In the con? test cither for yourself or a friend and do not understand the condi? tions, call Up the DAILY PRESS of lice and Mr. Cook will be glad to thoroughly explain them to you. Rules and Conditions. Candidates must bo members of regularly organized lodge, club, church, labor, literary, or social or? ganizations. The voting will be by ballots clip? ped from the DAILY 1-HBS8 and by! voting certificates Issued With sub? scription receipts for the DAILY PRESS. For payments made on subscrip? tion certificate votes are Issued vor both a lady and a gentleman as tot lows: On Payments on Old Subscriptions. $1.00..10 weeks. GO votes $1.50.IE weeks. 90 voles $2.50. <; months.Tnt; votes $5.00. 1 year.312 votes On Payments on New Subscriptions. $1.0(1.10 weeks. . 90 VOvOB $1.50.15 weeks.135 votes $2.50. 0 months.234 votes $5.00.1 year..4US votes Mall Subscription. $ yonr........:500 votes $2.50.six months.150 votes While each payment of $6.00 tor a year's .subscription entitles the hold er or the receipt to G24 votes, it the subscription is an old one, or u;iii voles if the subscription is a now otto, these cannot bo voted Tor one candidate, but must be equally dlvld ed bet ween a lady and a gentleman. No certificate will be Issued ior a loos payment than one dollar. Combinations may be formed tic twee n a lady and a gentleman can? didate' by which the lady may ex? change her gentleman's veites for lady's votes, and vico versa. Hut combinations between enndliiutcs or the same sex will not be permitted. Voting cortlllcates will be Issuod on? ly upon cash subscriptions, paid at the ofitee of publication, no account being taken, tor the purpose or this contest, of subscriptions through newsdealers or others who band to me GENTLEIVS One Vote for ( Nnin In the Newport News 14 , tiidlnt* in in- Conrttnl ! Around Horder ami Iiepu ber of votes received by th< Southern Society's Bouquet. (By Associated Fress.) NEW YORK, April 9.?The Now York Southern Society held its an? nual dinner at the Hotel Astor to? night. The speakers were Rear Ad? miral C. D. Slgsbee nnd Marion J. Verdrlck, former president of the so? ciety. Some two hundred former residents of the South were present. Coal For Maniln. The British steamer Springburn. which has been loading a cargo of about, 8.000 tons of coal for .Manila. P. Li has been towed from pier 12 into the harbor where she is anchor? ed. The vessel Is only half loaded nnd left the dock because the gov? ernment coal Inspecteir would hot al? low wet coal to be loaded on her. I Bomb Explosion at Barcelona. (By Associated Press.) BARCELONA, SPAIN, April H.~ Another bomb explosion occurred here this morning and several casu? alties are ronorted to have resulted. It appears that five persons were se? riously Injured by lust night's bomb e xplosion at No. 2G Boquoria street. paper on their own account. No voting certi lien tos will bo la-] usod in return for the payment or j buck subscriptions one to newsdeal? ers or news agents. Voting corllti rMsW?ro available only at the DAh.Vj ritioss ?fllce, whore all payments must he made In order to Boeuro the) same. Tho DAILY IMtlOSS reserves Ilm] right to reJoel nny candidate and also to pass Until judgment on any tpien-J lion that may arise. Voten on'cu cob! cannot bo chnugod to count Vor nnothbr candidate, iv^clnl Awaras. To the lady and gentleman candi? dates receiving Ihe largest number or voles up until 5:30 o'clock Friday evening. April I'.lth. an additional credit will be given of 1.0(10 VOtOB. After tba llrst special award oi 1,000 votes in made an honor ccrMu cute will bo given dully to each lady and gentleman candidates who receive the laigosl n.niber of votes for that1 day These boner certificates are to bo retained by tne candidates until the end of each week when the candi? dates having tho largest number will be given upi ..h.l vote awards as fol? lows: Week ending Friday evening, April 26th, 800 votes. Week ending Friday evening, May 3rd, 000 voteB. Week ending Friday evening, -May 10th, 300 votes. In tho ovont or a tie In number or honor certificates held at end ot any week between candidates ot tlie same sex tho extra credits will be awarded to the candidates having mado tho iarg-st Increase in votes during that special crodlt period. These dally honor certificates nrej good only for tho week for whlcn they are. Issued and cannot bo used in the competition of any ot the fol? lowing weeks. The baflotlng will begin with thoj Issue or Sunday, April 7, nnd win close at nine o'clock Saturday even? ing. May 11. 11107. Tho returns at a close of Ihe bal? loting will bo canvassed by a com inltteo ot well known business men of standing In the community. The place of holding the llnnl cotiutj will be announced in a later Issue of the DAILY PIU08S. No employee of the DAILY PRESS not member of bis or her Immediate I family may become it candidate. AN'S BALLOT e of Caiulldtitc) nfUrgiiDlzjltlnti) Daily Press Popular Voting ontest. dust diu Supnrated, Carefully Trluiiiiuil iild-d l.'nro.iled. 9m will begin in a few days Buckingham Property Damaged. DILLWYN, VA., April 9.?Fire a day or so ago partly destroyed the homo of lSImo Carter, near this place. Mrs. Bettle Atkinson's homo, near Cold Hill, was nearly saved from de? struction by a forcBt fire which raged in that section a few days ago. Smathers Gets Cup.. Won By Delmar. NEW YORK, April 9.?The jury in the case of the Memphis Trotting As? sociation, which sued 10. 10. Staat hers to recover the gold cup won by Ma? jor Delmar in 1904, today returned a Verdict in favor of Smatbers. Caring For White Dresses. A fine white dress is never as beau? tiful after it has been laundered as when new, yel it Is almost impossible lo keep a white dress clean around the hot ton. One can keep it clean for a long time if the hem of the skirt is folded together and washed in a shallow dish of gasoline. It may take several washings, yet it Inyariapty cleans the- slit or fabrics, and saves ono from washing the whole dress. Dry before pressing. TRANSPORTATION QUIDS. j Chesapeake & Ohio Railway HOURS WE QUICKES1 LINt 800 B. W. Robinson, Agent 0. & O. Ry. Before nrrnnglng for your trip. Through Trains, VoHtlhulod, Eleetita Lighted, Steum Heated, Dining CnrB a La Curto through the grandcat sccuery Enut ot i tho Rocky Mountain.'). For Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianap? olis, Nashville, Chicago, Louie vlllo, Maslivillo, Mcmphlt, West and Southwest. ; 10:10 A. M. nnd 5:25 P. M. dally. Local for Richmond and Jameo Rlvtr Points: 7:40 A. M., dally. Local for Richmond: V 5:40 P. M., dally. Steamship Lines. PnBBongnr & Frolght. Newport News to Baltimore. Kverjr Mod., Timm., km,, Hut., and sun. 8 p. iu Fare $3.00 One Way, $5.00 Rountf I Trip, Including 8tatcroom Perth. Tickets to AU Point?. Norfolk to Boston. Ivory Htm,, Tuos. Weil, und Frl. 0 p, m. Norfolk to Providence, Kvory Mou,, Thum, ami Rat. G p. in. j For ItckoUi anil rttrttnc Information, apply to U. it. Mt'NKll.t., A Nortolk Ferry Schedule Pine Beach Route. Steamer Endeavor Leaves Ivy aveutio pier for Pine Reach or Norfolk ?0:45. ??7:B0, 9:00, 10:30 a. ru., 12 in.; 1:30, 3:00, 4:30. 0:00, 7:30 and 9:00 p. ra. Leave Norfolk, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a. Im. nud 12:00 m.. 1:30, 3:00, 1:30, 11!:00, 7:30 and 9:00 p. m. ?Dally except Snnduy. ??Sunds.y only. , Schodule subject to change without notice. Ilorfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. The iiuw und powerful Iron Paluc* steamers, Howport News, Wnuhlngto* nnd Norfolk will leave dally uu fob i lown: NORTH ROUND, j Leave Portsmouth, foot ot North street . 6:00pm Leave Norfolk, foot of Wa? ter stroot . 0:00pm Leave. Old Point Comfort 7:00 pm Arrive in Washington .... 7:00am Arrive In Philadelphia, Penn. R. R.??10:50am Arrive In Philadelphia, B. & O. R. R.??11:10 am Arrive In New York, Ponu. R. R.1:10pro Arrive In Now York, B. & O. R. R.*3:00pm SOUTHBOUND. Lv. New York, Penn. R. R., 12:00 pm Lv. New York, B. & O. R. R. ?1:00 p in Lv. Philadelphia, Penn. R. R. 2:55 pm Lv. Phlla., H. & O. R. R.... 2:08pm Ar. Washington, Penn. R. R. 6:10 pm Ar. Wash., IJ & O. R. R..??5:00pm Lv. Washington . *6:30pm Ar. Old Point Comfort.... *7:00am Ar. Nortolk. ?8:00am Ar. Portsmouth . *8:30am ?Dally. ??Daily except Sunday. The trip down the historic Potomac Rivor and Chesnpcnke Bay on the elegant steamers of this company Is unsurpassed. Tho steamers are com? paratively new, having been built In 1891, and are fitted up in the most luxuriant manner, with electric lights, I cnil bells and steam heat in each room. Tho tables are supplied with every delicacy of tho neu sou trom tho murkots of Washington and Nor? folk. For tlckots, reservation of staterooms, and further Information, apply to D. J. CALLAHAN, Agent, Norfolk, Va. I Clyde Steamship Co. Steamers to Philadelphia MONDAY, THURSDAY and ' SATURDAY. Sailing from Philadelphia, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. * Freight received ami delivered dally I at C. & O. Pier No. 6. Office, River I Road. JAS. W. McCARRlCK. Oed. Southern Agt CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO.. 12 South Delawares Avenue, Philadel? phia, Pa. 26th & Washington Ave. Offer Special Prices Gold Crown and Bridge Work $5.00 per Tooth. Fillings $1.00 up. Gas administered. Full sots of tuet* without plates.