Newspaper Page Text
HAI THE STOCK MARKET Dealings Lack Breadth mi ine Commission Houses Complain ot Small Orders. LIST MUCH DISTURBED By RUMORS It Was Made Weak by Reports From Washington That Harriman Would be Compelled to Answer Interstate Commerce Commission's Questions, j The Total Sales and Closing Quota tions. (By* Associated Press.) NEW YORK, April 1!).?The char? acter of the operations in stocks to? day continued to suggest the domi? nance of professionals in the deal? ings. Transactions were, conducted with signs of organization and con? tracts which were largely congested In a few stocks usually favorites In stich operations. The market lacked breadth and complaints showed Uiere was a small general participa? tion In the market. The market was much the sumo as that of yesterday except that the advance came first followed by reaction. The stocks | which were, of most Influence In the leadership or the early advances were subject to such Influences, largely in i tho shape of unconfirmed conject-1 ores. American Smelting was conspic? uous feature and responded to very positive assertions that an advance lh the dividend rate to ten per cent had been determined upon. There also was talk of a probable coming increase in the dividend on United States Steel. No authority could be found for these reports. The strength of the market was quite general In the early part of the day and the de? velopment of nintked weakness in the Southern Railway stocks came while] strength was still marked in the rest of the market. The fall in those stocks suggested a renewal of the kind of, liquidation which was in force last month and aroused some disquietude I and the whole market was not long hi [ responding. The latter weakness of the market was aggravated by reports from Washington that the deposit of cus? toms receipts with the banks was to| be discontinued for the present, and also that proceedings would be had ] to compel B, H. Harriman to answer questions to which he refused to re? ply at nn* Interstate Commerce hear? ing. The closing tone was easy. Bonds were unchanged on call. To-| tal sales, par value, $1,888,000. Unit? ed States bonds were unchanged on | call. Total sales today, 1,080,0001 shares including: Copper, 99,000; Smelting, 103,700; Sugar, 2,700; To-1 bacco, 1200; Anaconda, 22,900; Atchl-| son, 25,600; Atlantic CoaBt Lino, 000; Brooklyn. Rapid Transit, 20,500; Ches? apeake & Ohio, 500; St. Paul, 25,300; Erie, 37.700; Louisville & Nashville. 1,000- Pennsylvania, 39,000; Reading, 13E.100; Southern Pacific, 45.600; Southern, 11.800; Southern, pfd. 2, 700; Union Pacific, 181,200; U. S. S.,| 136,700; Virginia-Carolina Chemical, 200; Great Northern pfd, 20,100. Adams Express .280 Amalgamated Copper . 9C 7-8 American Car & Foundry.37 1-4 American Car & Fdy pfd.98 1-2 American Cotton Oil . 301-2 American Cotton Oil pfd. 80 American Express .20s> American Hide & Leather pfd. 22 American Ice .\. 82 American Linseed Oil '. 14 American Linseed Oil pfd. 30 American Locomotive . 05 .American Locomotive pfd.105 American Smelting & fng.130 American Smelting & Rfng pfd.1081-21 American Sugar Refining.126 American Tobacco, pfd certif... 92 Anaconda Mining Co. 02 3-4 1 Atchlson. 96 1-81 Atchison pfd .?.i.... 85 Atlantic Coast Line .104 Baltimore & Ohio .101 3-81 Baltimore & Ohio pfd. 89 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 011-21 Canadian Pacific .176 3-4 ] Central of New Jersey .190 Chesapeake- & Ohio. 41 1-2 Chicago Great Western .13 1-2 Chicago & Northwestern.150 1-2 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul.13(5 1-2 Chicago Termlnnl & Trans_ 5 Chl?ago Terminal & Trans pfd, 10 C,C, C. & St. Louis. 713-4 ?Colorado Fuel & Iron. 36 1-4 Colorado & Southern . 27 3-4 Colorado & Southern 1st pld.. 59 1-2 Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd. 48 Consolidated Gas .128 1-2 Corn Products . 19 5-8 Corn Products pfd . 80 Delaware & Hudson ..J.....180 3-4 Bolaware, Lackawanna '& Wost460 Denver & Rio Grande.'.. 311-4 Denver & Rio Grande pfd.75 Distillers' Securities . 71 7-8 J3rio. 24 3-8 TSrle 1st pfd. 52 1 2 ?73rie 2nd pfd.;.38 Oenernl Electric .'_148 1-2 Illinois Central .145 International Paper. 14 1-2 international Paper pft. 74 1-2 International Pump . 29 International Pump pfd. 79 1-2 Iowa Central .108 1-4 Iowa Control pfd. 37 Kansas City Southern. 26 1-4 "Kansas City Southern pfd_ 00 7-8 Louisville & Nashville .118 Mexican Central . 223-4 Mlnnepnolls & St. lA?uls. 48 Minn., St. I*. & Sattlt. Sie. M.M07 Minn.. St. P. Ai Sault. Ste. M., i>ra .13QJ.-2 Missouri Pacific .?. 76 1-2 Blssouri. Kansas & Tevas.... 117 l-? Missouri, Kansas Ai Texas pfd 00 National Loud . ?1 3-8 National lt. R. or Mexico pfd... :>:t New York Central .HUl-sl New York Ontario & Western.. 118 1-21 Norfolk &. Western. 78 Norfolk A- Western pfd. SO North American . 7f> Pacific Mail . 28 3-4) Pennsylvania! .120 1-4 People's (Jas. 93 Plttsburg, c. C. & St. Louis_71 Pressed Steel Car. 37 1-4] Pressed Steel Car pfd. 94 1 Pulltnnn Palace Car.116 Heading .110;>-S| Reading 1st pfd. 86 Reading 2nd pfd . 86 Republic Steel . 2!? 3 41 Republic Steel pfd.:_86 Rock Island Co./ 22 1-4 | Rubber Goods pfd. 95 St. Louis & San Kran'. 2nd pfd 3G Si. Louis Southwestern. 23 St. lentis Southwestern pfd... 55 3-81 Southern Pacific . X4 5-S| Southern Pacific pfd.111". Southern Hallway . 213-S| Southern Railway pfd. 08 Tennessee Coal & Iron.144 Texns & Pacific . 29 5-81 Toledo, St. Louis & West. 3D Toledo, St. Louis & West pfd.. 53 1-2 Union Pacific . 140 3-4 Union Pacific pfd . 8ti 1-^ United States Express .101 United States Realty . 77 United States Rubber . 43 3-41 United States Rubber pfd.104 United States Steel._38 United States Steel pfd.1001-21 Virginia-Carolina Chemical .... 29 Virginia-Carolina Chetn pfd_104 Wabash . 14 Ml Wabash pfd . 25 3-i | u'ells Kargo Express.230 Westlnghouse Electric .145 Western Union . 82 1-41 Wheeling & Ijtke lirle. 13 Wisconsin Central . IS., Wisconsin Central pfd. 10 Northern Pnciric .136 Central Leather . 30 3-41 Central Leather' pfd. 95 SloBR-Sfleffieid . 54 1 21 Interboro Metropolitan . 26 1-4] fnlerboro Metropolitan pfd_60 Baltimore Produce Market. (Hy Associated Press.). BALTIMORE, MD., April 19.?Flour ?Dull. Wheat?Quiet; spot contract, 7.8 1-2 to 78 3-4; Southern by sample 08 to 75. Corn?Firmer; spot, mixed 52; No. 2 white 53 1-4 to 53 1-2; Southern white 52 to 54. Oats?Easy; No. 2 mixed 47 asked. Rye?Firm; No. 2 Western domes? tic 75 to 76; choice SO to 81. Butter?Firm and unchanged; fan? cy imitation 23 to 24; fancy creamery 31 to 32; fancy lndlo 22 to 23; store packed 17 to 19. Eggs?Steady and unchanged; 16. Cheese?Active and Btrong and un? changed. Sugar?Unchanged. Money Market. (Rv Associated Pressi. NEW YORK. April 9.?Money on call easy 1 3-4; ruling rate 2; closing . bid 1 1-2; offered nt 2. Time loans I dull and heavy; 60 days 4 1-2 and 90 days 4 3-4; six months 5. I Close?Prime mercantile paper 6 to 6 1-2. Sterling exchange heavy, with actual business In bankers' bills at 485.40 to 4S5.45 for demand, and at 481.95 to 482 for 60-day bills. Posted rates 482 1-2 to 483 and 486 to 486 1-2. Commercial bills 481 3-4. Rar silver 65 1-4. Mexican dollars 50. Government bonds steady. Railroads bonds heavy. Roasting Coffeo. In Norway, where superb coffee Is made, a bit of butter Is added to the beans while they are roasting In the covered shovel used there for that purpose. In France as well a piece of butter the size or a walnut Is put with three pounds of the coffee beans, and also a dessertspoonful of powdered sugar. This bringj out both flavor and scent and. moreover, gives the slight caramel taste which will be re? membered a3 a pleasing part of French coffee. The Bloody Meadow. Tewkesbhry, where n famous bnttle was fought during the war of the roses, Is In Gloucestershire at the con? fluence of the Avon nud the Severn and 180 miles from London. The bat? tle was fought on the bloody meadow Just outside the modern town, anil, ac? cording to local tradition, oue night In every year on the anniversary of the conflict the adherents of the white und red roses meet nnd light the bnttle over again.?London Academy. WANTED. WANTED?LADY OR GENTLEMAN.| with $500 to tube charge and half, interest in a high class business during tho Exposition at Wllllams burg. It should clear $5,000 If prop? erly looked after. None but those ?o would take thorough Interest the business need apply. Ad dross, E. Ii SIMPSON, Phoebus, Va. 4-9-31. I NOTICE?TO ALL WHOM IT MAY concern. Warning Is hereby given to all parties engaged or Intending, to engage in any business requiring a license to be paid for the prlvl-! lego, especially those parties en-' gaged in the business of boarding houso keenore nnd all aro hereby notified that unless such license be pnld when due. the same will be doubled. HARRY W. BOOKER. I Commissioner of the Revenue. I Licenses expire April 30, 1907. I 4-C-lOt. OEBUS AN THE RESULT N*C<v?^ OF YEARS XV OPSTUOY AND EXPERI MENT The mothod of prepar? ing the etool and tem? poring is our ex? clusive secret VOU GET EVERLASTING SHAVING COWIFOHT, HKMUt" - ralrtn ??0 tw?MT?? "ST 'Carbe-Mafntiic Ulattic Cnk?? StrcAt. ft .00. Uoakki "Hlou le Shaven." For Sale By II. R. BOOKER & CO. HAMPTON, VA. It's Now Cnpt. Seltzer-. Cnpt. Turrencc, of Home Company O, lias tendered his ro?lgnaitton as commanding officers of one of iln< National Soldiers' Home com panics and will be succeeded by Sergenn: Samuel Seltzer, of company E. H. H. Henry, Jr., Dead. News whs received in Phoes?nn yesterday of the dealb of IL II. Henry. Jr., which occurred in Washington yesterday morning. The little boy was the son of the late Hugh II. Henry. Sunshine Circle. Sunshine Circle of the Kings Daugh? ters will meet In tho auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Associa? tion this morning at 10:30 o clock. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS. The Coming and Going of the People Rev. und Mrs. Hoheit U. Frlaaell and Key. Thomas J. Jones, of llio llaiuplun Normal school, have gone to 1 'tin hurst, x. c, to attend the nniiuai eoiifcrotico of thi> Southern Educa? tional Association. Miss Helen llartlotl, the stenogra? pher in I ho clerk's otflce, has returned from a month's vlsla with Rev. und .Mrs. A. U. Woodlln. in \\ nynoshoro. Vn. Mr. M. J. Murphy, who accompanied the remains of the lato D. A. O'llilen to Lawrence, Mass., returned to 1 lampion yesterday, j Mrs. Harry II. Klmbcrly Is dolnlUed in her homo In Ma I lory avenue by an attack of tonsllltls. Mr. .lohn YVInslow, who has been living In Richmond for tlu> past year, has taken n position with Mr. IL L. Tennis and is expected to come Hero on April 15th. Mrs. R. J. Marrablc. who ban boon quite ill in her) homo In ICust Hamp? ton, was said to bo very mtict Im-, proved yt si< nlay. Mrs. Segar Whiting bus left for h visit to her sister lit Capo Charlhg. Miss Laura Nottingham, who has been visiting the Misses Whiting. In Kast Queen street, has returned to her home In Cape Charles. Funeral of Mr. C. D. Cake. Funeral service:; for the Into Mr. Charles I>. Cake will be held In St. John's cemetery thin afternoon. The body Is expected lo roach Hampton from Norfolk on the 1:309 o'clock bout and the burial will be held ImmOdlUtte ly upon the arrival of tho stenmer. You Know. Carolina Whiskey Cardlina Whiskey vrtll cive ?xcalUnt satisfaction. It Is a wall wred ?Itide and in our cM'inntlon. far superior to tho decuc?ono And mix? tures Bold by irrc.ipoiu.ihlo mail order whiskey huusnn nt ?1.00 to f-'t perrrallon. Womakoasi-ecliilprieeon CAROLINA WHISKEY to rhow tliat we) nro not afraid of any kind of competition Our plant n covor four toon acres, making uu Uiu largest mall order whiskey house in tho world. 3 SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE. Cut out this advertisement and return It with $2.99 and wo will ship you by express 6 full quarts of Carolina Whiskey and we w III Include In name box, complimentary, a sample bottle of each " ZuUeka," "Hold Hand " and Casper's 12 Year Old White Com SPECIAL NOTICEI Wo deliver tho nbovo express prepaid anywhere in North Carolina, Virginia and Went Virginia, hut customers living In other states reached by Adams or Southern Kxprcsa Companies, must remit 60c. extra. Buyers east of Mississippi Ilivcr residing on i ..iee oi her express lines must send 13.93 for tho 0 quarto and 3 ssmpla bottles wo will prepay express. Remit cosh with order und uddress 3 THE CASPER. CO., Inc., RoanoKe, Va. FOR RENT FURNISHED 7-rooni dwelling, city water and electric lights; good locntion. 7-room dwelling; all modern conveniences. G-room dwelling, on waterfront; modern conveniences. 4-room cottage, on waterfront. G room dwelling, King street, necr Queen, $40.00. 10-rooin dwelling, on waterfront; modern conveniences. 9- roont dwelling, city water and gns, on avenue. 10- room dwelling, centrally located; modern conveniences. Phis lips-Lackey Co. Inc. REAL ESTATE BROKER8, 18 East Queen street. Hampton, Ta. You wiil miss a big treat if you fail to sec the iiuc of POST CARD ALBUMS AT lid Cherry, Glycerins and Tar BE?S?ffltaSaiE2232PJ I Just the Thing you Need. Your prescriptions uro accurately filled If brought hero. GARDNER & HUDQINS, The Druggists, North King Street. Phono 13. NT?Continued, 3* The greatest menace to woman's permanent happiness lo life Is too tin ffortug that comes from some de raukenienj of tln< feminine organs. Many thousands of women have realised this too luto to save their hculth, barely In time to save their lives. To be* a successful wife, to retain the lovo and admiration of hor bus liiind, should bo n woiuuu's constant study. If a woman Hods that her ener glcsaro flagging, that shu gets easily tired, dark shadows nppcnr under her eyes, she. bus backache, heud ache, boarlug.down sensations, nor vouBness, Irregularities or the blues," she should ttturt ut OUC0 to build up her .system byn. toulo with spccillc powers, suoli as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the prent woman's remedy for woman'sllls. in ode only of roots and herbs. H cures Female Complaints, such an Dragging SonsutionS, Weak Buck, Falling und Displacements, liitlmnmiition nnd Ulccratlon. and all Organic Diseases, nnd Is Invaluable In the Change of Life. It dissolves and F.xpels Tumors at an early stage. Kubducs Falntnoes, Nervous Frostrallort, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones tho Stomnch. Cures Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, und lnvlgoratos tho whole female BVSflm. It Is un excellent remedy for dcraugoinonts of the Kidneys In either sex. ?SJBSJSMSJMBSJM rraniisiffliimarfimi*' r' Tii"TviirTfrmu.iiH' Himiibimn Mr^ Christie Tie PATENT KID. LA110E BYELBSTTB; Gibson heel, Mat Kid Quarter, $4.00. LADIES' PATENT COLT GIBBON Oxfords; Cuban heel, $3.60. LADIES' TAN GIDBON OXFORDS, $2.60. C. L. CROCKETT & CO. HAMPTON. VIRGINIA. 18 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEWS. CAPITAL, - - . - - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $125,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLAR8. The only designated Depository in tho State of Virginia In Eastern Virginia. Wo make loans on Real Estate?NOT PRO? IIIDITED?as are tho National Banks. FOUR PER CENT. INTERE8T PAID ON SAVIN08 DEPOSITS. NELSON S. GROO/nC. Cashier ' ?v. iraKiMwy KgttaaragK A JAUNTY SAILOR HAT The exhibition embraces some of tho moat attractive articles to be found outside of an Indian reservation. The prices will make them sell rapidly. BOYS' HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Finest stock of baseball goods and other sporting paraphernalia, HOTEL DI8HE8 AND GLASSES. We have a splendid line of hotel dtshe3, bar glasses and other cblnawaro. 18-20 WEST QUEEN STREET. Prnne 235, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA,