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Rotors You know that there tiro colors which Blgntfy Badheas, others which Ifldloatu hnpplneaa?-but <io you ever stup to think how olten people me made Bad or glad because of tho colors? You know that children and Hoovers t'nrive best in tho sunshine. Why hot have moro sunshine (a your okvn home, then?why n?>t let us uhow you h.<?v to" net it In tUa walls by using Tito ?amtaiy Yvull Coating By having your walls decorapid with Alanastine you will muku them mo'ro artistic, more dur? able, more sanitary, and will mhko your homo u moi'o cheer? ful place to live in. LettlS show you how euay and economical AlabastinO is, und how thaiiif ferent tints und (stenciled de? signs can be combined to nro dueo "exactly the eliect you want." \V? trill (novo to you that A tut um i \t luiiorlor. to every eilier wull coy? tf, II >ou ?III Blvo im Uli opi/oiUiulty. fOn SALE DY ?ammel Hardware and Crockety Company,i 3202-3204 Washington A\e , Newport News, Va. wwehkek mvsn n~iTrniTlirr7i>ma^7Trr'sw um jiihi in?*" Listen to the good tilings at the growing store made so by the people. We furnish the goods at the right prices und the people do the rest. Have you looked over the very good values we have on every one of our 4 floors? If not, you are certainly slow. Got In line, fol? low those wise buyers who have long Blnee. located the place. We sell thu hard to sell. It will be easy with you. Iron Beda . $ ."t.OO up. *U3idehniirdH . $17.50 up. Tfr-/'rJ?oi-liters . .? 8.00 up. Bed springs . ? l.fitl up. ?Mattresses . $ S.00 up. Rugs . 40o up. Mattings . 25c up. Extension 'rabies ... % 4.00 up. Bed Room Suits ... $22.50 up. no-Carts, all prices. Ranges, all prices. In fact, all kinds of prices; till kinds of goods! THE PEOPLE'S ST0R2. 223 TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. H HB^fffM?iJ<?MBiii^ii>iiwiiiii n iiiiimiiiifHm1'' and keep the moths o it of your Clothing by using FOR SALE BY Whire Ihey keep open all night. Pubst Blue Ribbon Beer helps tbc Btomaeh-action, berat se the Pubst Perfect Eight-Day Malting Proccsa has practically digested all food substances in the beer. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer ^ is thoroughly aged, rich and j mellow -itagrees with overt dyspeptic Btpmachs and is an active aid to digealion. Tha hops used give flavor to Ute beer and tone L'.i the system. V/tu u you order bear, ( ?\ Cor Pabst Blue Ribbon, the Beer of QittUto. Pabst Brewing Co., 26th St. & C. & O. Ry., Newport News Plumes: Cltlr. 123; Bell 270. and whibkey HA6ITa cured at home t?llti. out pain. Boot of per* _ Ulcuints Bent WftKB, tatsxaoeiznraea it. m. wooi,l,ky. m.i>. 1 Aitau'ir,??. Office hum. Pryut tiueck SsuBHeK? ABSOLUTELY PURE WHISKEY. Physicians and others desiring an excellent article are respectfully re-| quested to give this whiskey a trla'. I on my guarantee. Mellowed by age. j B. R. COFER, Solo Agent. 24th Street, near Washington Avenue. ARB TOD BKS MB T. G. COBURN, Electric, Gas and Oas= oline Construction and Supplies COMPLETE STOCK. j Both Bcones 148?Residence Bell ! Phone 148-Y; Residence Cltl2ena I Phono 4181 Office and Store i.Ji7 W/.OHINQ.TON AVENUE. HE WON HIS CASE. An Incident That llluitratoo the Ohrowdnoss of Gen Butler. A number of years ugo General Ben? jamin V. Butler was a guest of friends lu Brooklyn. During bis visit be noted the rule of the street railway com? panies compelling conductors to regis? ter tares as soon as passengers entered the ears and before the fares were ac? tually collected. Two or three years afterward be represented the plulntllT In u damage suit for $15,000 in which a Brooklyn street railway company was the defendant. The principal witness for the company was the conductor of the cur on which the accident occur? red, aud bis testimony was so strong ns to make things look bail for liutler's client. But Butler recalled I hi* unusual rule be had remarked years before, ami on cross examination be suhl: j "Your company requires you to ring ' up fares as soon us passengers enter ' the cur. doesn't It?" "Yes." "Suppose a passenger boards your , car and then llnds be Is on the wrong line, bo you stute that fact to your I superiors, und do they make allowance ' on your returns for that fareV" "No. I lose the nickel." "Do you mean to say the company won't take your word for 5 cents'/" "No, they won't." "Yet." said the shrewd veteran, turn? ing to the Jury, "tho company asks you to take this conductor's word for $15, 000." Butler's client received a verdict.? Brooklyn Eagle. HOW TO REPEL A DOG. Letter Cnrriar Had a Remedy For 1 Vicious Curs. "No one comes in contact with all ! sorts of dogs inoro tbau the letter car? rier," said tho man In gray us the In? terviewer trudged along beside him. "Take It outside the business districts nnd every other family has a dog. Many of them I pay no attention to, but about one out of five aches to get lils teeth Into my legs at llrst sight. It is a part of niy duty to teach such curs a lifelong lesson." "Do you kick tlioin?" was asked. "That would be foolish. I carry here in my side pocket about a quarter of a pound of dry fine cut tobacco. You see it Is almost us fine as snuff. The dog thut moans to ! bite you won't come charging down with a roar. He sneaks up behind ami gives it jump In. I am ready for it. Without seeming to be watching. 1 know where be Is, and nt the right moment be gets the tobacco dust in his oyos. Then there Is n cir? cus. That dog goes through such a performance as you never witnessed, I nnd bis owner, man or woman, In- j dulgcs In nil sorts of threats. I deliver ? the mull anil say nothing and go on. , The dog's eyes are sore for a fortnight, ? und If be afterward meets me on tho street bo will drop bis lull und mako a bolt for home. It's a lesson be never forgets, und I believe It also Increases his owner's respect for Uncle Sum's uniform."?Chicago News. Indians With Bluo Eyes. One of tiie mysteries of Mexico Is presented by Ibo Maya Indians, wlio Inhabit the Sierra Miulre mountains in the lower pnrt of Sonora. They have fair skins, blue eyes and light bulr, and students of ethnology have always been puzzled to account for them. There Is a tradition, however, that these Indians are the descendants of the crow ami passengers of a Swedish vessel wrecked on the Mexican coast centuries before Columbus discovered the new world, but this tradition is founded on nothing more oubstuntlul than n folklore tale current among them that their ancestors came over the big suit water hundreds of moons ago. An Ancient Prayer. Old John Ward, who was pilloried by Pope In the "Dunclad" nnd who actually stood In the pillory in tbe year 1727. wheu be was said to hnve been worth ?200,000, was nevertheless ! a pious man. He had large estates in London nnd Essex and did not omit to piny for their welfare lu tbe.follow I lug manner; "O Lord. I beseech thee I to preserve tbe^two counties of Middle? sex uud Essex from tiro nnd earth? quake, and as I have a mortgage In Hertfordshire I beg of thee likewise to have an eye of compusslou on that I county, and, for the rest of the coun [ ties, deal with them us tbou pleasetb." The Vulgar One. Comhill Magazine tells of an Eng- j Ilshwomun of high station who bewail? ed to u friend tho loss by death of a somewhat 111 bred but extremely wealthy neighbor who had been very liberal In his help to her country chari? ties. "Mr. X. Is dead," said she. "ne was so good and kind and) helpful to me in all sorts of ways. He was so vulgar, poor, dear fellow, we could not know him in London, but we shall j meet lu heaven." Odd Coincidence. Not many years since a pastor In New York state read in his pulpit this portion of n hymn: 'Well, tho delightful day will come When my u>ar Lord shall take me home. And I ohiill boo his face? Just then be was stricken with paral? ysis and died in a few moments. Thir? ty-three yours before la the same pul pli another pastor was reading the very same stnnsa when he, too, was stricken and died.?Scrap Book. Advertisement. "Why do you allow yourself to be posted nt your club?" "Well," answered the easy going, youth. "It's a large clnb and a swell' one, and no ono would know I was *i member of It unless I got posted now. aud then."?WashJjugtea Star. Grew Miss Wallace's Hair AND WE CAN EVERYBODY CAN HAVE NICE HAIR NOW, and you don't have to wslt around weeks and months for results either. You will see improvements from the very fust application. Her Hair Takes on New Life and Grawe i Feet Longer than It was Before. Knowi.ton DANDESIXE Co. ' Gentlemen; Your Dandertn'e hns inaile my hair grow over three feet louver than it wax whea i be? gan its use. It is now over five (ertlonc and keeps right on growing, it seems to fairly crawl out of my scnlp, it is so glossy tinrt nice too. Dauderlnc will nlwuys have my best wishes. Sincerely, JEANETTE WALLICR. This GREAT HAIR-GROWING REMEDY can now be had at all Druggists in three sizes, 2Sc, SOc. and $1.00 per bottle. FREE JEANETTE WALLICE, u3 W. 54th Stre?\ NEW YORK CITY. To show how quickly Danderln* acts we will send u large sample iree hy return mail to anyone who sends this advertisement to the Knowlton IlHiiderlne Co., Chicago, with their name and address and ten cents in stiver or stamps to pay postage. Watt, Doxey & Watt The Busy Store : Watt, Doxey & Watt Special Showing of Household Supplies Single and Double Sheets, Pillow Cases, Counterpanes, Huck and Turkish Towels, Table Damask and Table Cloths. Hemmed Sheets Made of good grade of Muslin, 54x90 inches. 30c; 72x90 inches, 4l>e; 81x!IO inches, 59c Double Sheets. Fine Round Thread Muslin full douhle bed size, 69c Moha*k Sheets Extra good quality, size 71x00 Inches, 85c Pillow Cases In such popular makes as "Salem. "Hill." "D. G. U.," and Standard. 12l-2c, 16c and 19c Togo Bed Spreads Full donhle bed size, medium weight, easy to launder, special value. 39c Fringed Bed Spreads Specially designed for brass or iron beds, $1.75, $2.25 and $2.75 Huck Towels Good, large size, all white or colored borders, $1.15 a dozen. Ladles' Suits The season's most desirable models, including Panamas and neat Checks and Stripes. The coats are satin lined and hand? somely trimmed. The skirts are perfectly tailored aud stylish, $10, $12,50, $15 to $20 Black Taffeta Silk Skirls Made of extra quality Black Taffeta Silk, $3.95 and $5.50 Heatherbloom Skirls In black, nislle llko real silk and Hive satisfactory wear, full corded ruffle, $2.98 and $3.25 Shirtwaists Dainty Lawn "Waists, short sleeves. The finest and pretti? est embroideries have been used in trimming, 98c Demotes! Sewing Machines ON THE CLUB PLAN Every Machine Fully Guaranteed, $17.55, $18.50, $23,00 to $27.50. Panama Superior quality, brown, tan, grey, navy and cream, 48 Inches wide, $1.00 ? ? - * *a-LJ< Black Taffeta Silk Fast black, sort finish, good, heavy ?weight, ? $1.00, $1.121-2, $1.19, to $1.50 Silk Gingham Neat Shepherd's Plaid, green and white, blue and-white, or black and white, 22c Dress Gingham A new assortment of designs In neat Stripes and Checks, also solid colors, 8c. Thomson's Glove Fitting Corsets New Spring models in light weight Bateste, high or low bust, with or without hose sup? porters, 50c, 69c, $1, $1.50 io $3. Long Silk Gloves 20 .and 22 inch. $1 and $1,50. the Pair. Long Lisle Gloves Black and White, 50 and 75c a Pair WATT, DOXEY & WATT, 2909-11 Washington Avenue, Newport News, Va. MISTAKE TO WEAR CLOTHES. I about the exposure of the upper than - of the lower limbs? Nude Nations More Virtuous, Says' "Modesty is the latest evolved of Mrs. O. A. James. all the virtues and originally is the In a paper read before the "Twen-1 the Both Century Club" today. Mrs. O.! <' ?thes. The first chapter of Genesi, A. .lames, speaking on "The Science \ that clothing originally was the of Artistic Dress." said unclothed! result of moral degeneracy. Because people, accustomed to see the human | we are clothed ar? we human beings body nude, are less vicious than cloth- more virtuous than the unclothed cd nations, nmong whom clothing ,hor?e wo d"?e? adds .allurement to the mystery of "The very adoption of clothing by the human body. Continuing, she! the human race in the beginning was said, in part: !u mistake hygenlcally. Compressed "Women wear tight-fitting bodices j waists, distorted spines, bunions and on the street and exposed busts in i ether physical ailments are the pen public gatherings, like the opera, and | ally, as well as the hate, envy, grief, yel we blush at the exposure of the | extravagance and vice that accoinpa ankles and call It Immodest. \Vhat|ny their use. There was positively is thero more essentially Immodest ? no excuse for people of. warm cB mates to adopt clothes originally. "The garments worn by"Japanese women are the best of all models hy glenlcally for women's wear, yet the Japanese are discarding them fot Western styles. "Clothing, to bo really modest, must lie so from the universal standpoint, and the clothing worn by heathern nations is really more modest than that worn by us Americans, with Him exception of the English, who have less sense of beauty In clothing than any nation. "Who shall say that the dress of the South Sea Islander is lesB artis? tic thnn that of the Twentieth Century dames?"?Detroit Dispatch in New York World.