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idnlisls SayTtiat They Are Aglta ted by Succession of Catastrophes ;?! ATLANTIC LINE UNSAFE icords Kept In New York 9how Twenty-Six Earthquakes Within the Past Three Months, and Fear More Will Follow. ?g ? NEW YORK, April 20?Scientists i?ie attention have been directed the subject by the rapid succession earthquakes in 1 Mexico, Spain, istcrn South America, and even j Charleston, explain that the earth ( passing through a period of un jual instability. Whether further train storms" of the earth threaten Inger to the more thickly populat |. portions of the world is a subject j which the seismologists differ jdely. One set of scientists be? eves u universal disaster is ininii jnt while another group fears no Ich calamity, although agreeing kfcr slight seismic disturbances are fcstble. Dr. John M. ..Clarke, State geologist New York, > says the entire At tt|c coast is by no means safe, al ?ugh he admits the shocks general follow the newer mountain ranges the Pacific. Records kept here show that since icember 30th, there have been enty-six earthquakes. Added to ese disasiers. in the same periods veral hurricanes have occurred, ,t phoon on Good Friday swept over e Carolina Islands, killing 230 of e SOO inhabitants of the Uluthi oup; tne Gulf of Mexico was re ntly turned into a boiling pot d?r? fe; the Mexican earthquake, and the pamer La Provence, in today from irope, encountered a wierd eleetrl 1'bJirricane, attributed to the seis ic disturbances. Scientists show that there are two eat earthquake zones about the rth in which 04 per cent, of tie1 focks occur. One of these belts ings roughly east and west through te Mediterranean region, Asia-Minor, '?HAMPTON'S BEST STORE" 6> Trimmed Hats at $4.98. Hundreds of beautiful effects from which to nuike your selec? tion. Every Hat Is the product of the highest skill. Many are re? productions of New York and Paris Model Hals?and to duplicate them elsewhere you would pay in 0/1 00 least $8.50 . i)t:JU ItEADY-TO-WEAR 1! A T S? J very smart jaunty styles In I the newest tailored effects. I in black and the leading eoi- j ors. tastefully trimmed with ribbon, quills, wings und fan? cy pins- such Hats as you would pay else- A Q where $.'..50 . fylrto YACHT AND SAILOR HATS? in white or black, made of flue Or heavy straw, in vari? ous widths of braids, 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00. LEGHORN PLATS KOR WOM eti and Misses?the 7[J^ kind sold at $1.25 .... I db STEINER & KAUFMAN ihr- Caucasus, Himalayas. Kast Tu- I (lit s. Central America and West In? dies. Ii catches 5:5 per cont.'of the ' quakes. The other belt circles the Pacific Ocean, passing along the Andes, up the west coast of North America, across to Asia. South through Kamchatka, the Japanese and Philippine Islands, extending to New Zealand. Forty-one per,cent, of the shocks occur in this zone. The thickly populated districts or the world, embracing a surface twen? ty times that of the earthquake zones, received I he- remainder of the shocks. SCHOOLS CLOSE FRIDAY. Supt. Willis Announces That the Children Will Get Holiday. County Superintendent of Schools John M. Willis yesterday announced I that the schools of Hampton and the , county schools will be closed all day I on Friday to allow the children to .attend the opening,of the Jamestown \ Exposition. LOOK OVER OUR New Styles BEFORE you buy any? thing for Spring or Summer come in here and see what we have. Ten to one we ean give you better quality at the same price or the same quality at a better price. This week we offer as n special some unusually attractive Spring Suits at $15,? (a good picture of the style above.) These are splendid garments, cut and made up in pre? cisely the 8amo smart style as our finest hand-tailored SCHLOSS Clothes. Of course, the fabrics nrn't quite as good, but they are far better ?than nine out of ten Suits yon could pick up anywhere for $15, and really good enough for anyone. These are remarkable values and so are our other offerings at $18, $20, $25, and up. Wo have all grades? you can suit yourself as to price, knowing, in every case, you're getting the most value your money can buy. Come In?wo have everything for fashionable Men's Spring wearing. FRANKEL & EISENMAN Complete Outfitters, 36 W. Queen St. COLONEL ?ROOME FOR THE COUNCIL County Committee to Meet Tomorrow Evening and Complete the Ar? rangements for the Primary. The Elizabeth City County Demo? cratic committee will moot tomorrow evening to complete the arrange? ments for the primary to ho held In Hampton on Wednesday, May 15th. The committee will select the judges and clerk for the primary and also arrange the ticket to he voted. The time for candidates for coun? cil mayor and treasurer to tile their notices with the secretary of the committee, Mr. N. S. Qrooine Will ex? pire tomorrow afternoon at 4:110 o'clock and any candidate failing zo send Iiis name into Mr. Croome be? fore that hour cannot be placed on the primary ticket. It is also expected that the com | mlttte will determine to bold the general county primary, for the elec . lion of treasiiror, sheriff, common? wealth's attorney and other offices, on Jurte 2U, when the state senator and member- of thp*'teglsli\(ure will be"chosen. Colonel Nelson S. Groome yester? day announced that he will be a can? didate for council' in Hampton in the first ward. Colonel Groome has heen on the council before. Dr. George W. McAllister is spok? en of as a candidate lor council in the second ward. It is expected that the contest will be Interesting on account of the an? nexation movement, although thoso opposing the "Greater Hampton" are exceedingly active in their work. (t is evident that if the annexn tlbnists expect to win they will have to get to work today and get their ticket in shape for the primary. MISS MOLUE WILLIAMS THE BRIDE OFJ. M. WOOD Well Known Hampton Couple Mar? ried in Washington Yesterday Morning?Will Reside Here. A telegram from Washington by friends of Miss Mollie Williams and Mr. James M. Wood announced that they were married there at 10 o'clocit yesterday morning by Rev.?Mr. Wil? liams. Miss Williams, accompanied by her I aunt. Mrs. Daisy Casey, of Ports? mouth, left' for Washington Friday evening on the steamer and Mr. Wood joined them in the National Capital yesterday morning. It was not a I runaway match, but the couple wish i ed to be married in Washington, i Mr. and Mrs. Wo d will spend a few days taking in the sights or Washington and will make their home in Hamilton. Miss Williams was Tor several years manager of the Postal Tele it graph office here and is very popular, j Mr. Woo'd is the secretary of the Hampton Carpenters' and Joiners I'liion. \_ I CAME TO HAMPTON i AND WERE MARRIED Mr. Arthur Ethelbert Watts and Miss Angeline Haviland United by Rev. Reverdy Estlll. Mr. Arthur winelbert %Vatts and ; Miss Angeline Haviland, both of De? troit, Michigan, came to Hampton yesterdny and were married by Rev. Reverdy Estlll. D. D., in the Episcopal rectory in South King street. Mr. Walts said lie is at present en? gaged us a clerk in one of the hotels in Norfolk. After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Watts left for Norfolk, where they will make their temporary home. C. <?. O. Trestle on Fire. A slight fire on the Chesapeake and Ohio trestle at Old Point caused some excitement around the depot at that place last evening. The blaze, which was due to sparks from the evening train, was soon extinguish? ed. Try Hull's Little Liver Pills for bll ltousnoas. constipation aud torpit liver. 40 doses. lOo. A splendid aftei (dinner pill. . 9-0-au-tt CAPT. J. C. TUCKER HAS TAKEN OATH OF OFFICE Will A6?iime Charge of the Postofflce at the National .Soldiers' Homo on Wednesday Morning. Cant. J. c. Tucker yesterday nunii (led as postmaster at the National Soldiers' Homo and will probably lako charge of the office on Wednes? day morning, relieving Postmaster H. D. Woodlln. resigned; Cunt. Tncti er gave bond in the sum of $5,000. with Messrs. M. C. Itansone, .f. P. Copcland, lt. T. Johnson and Dr. Harry D. Howe as surety. Mr. Duncan to Speak. Mr. I*, s. Duncan, general secre? tary of Newport News Y. M. V. A., will add'1- fss the Hampton Associa? tion nun' meeting this afternoon at it o'clock. Subject: "Character us Capital." Try Mull's Little Liver Pills Tor ble llousness. constipation and torpid liver. 4.0 dosen. 10c. A splendid after dinner pill. 9-9-su-tf. To the Voters of Hampton: I tuke this method of Informing my friends ami Iho volets generally that I am a candidate for mayor of Hamp ton, to be voted for in the Democratic primary on .May 16th. It will bo my highest aim to serve the best interest of everyone, If the people of Hampton confer this honor upon mo. 1 tint heartily in favor of ''Greater Hamp? ton," and naturally am for annexa? tion. It. L J. GAY LORD. ._t_ PROPOSALS WANTED. Sealed proposals will be received I by the Committee on streets of the) Council of the Town of Hampton, Va., to be opened hy the said Committee in the Council Chamber at 5 p. m.. Monday, April 29th, 1907, for the re laying of KS9 or more square yards of street paving on Court Street In the said Town of Hampton. The Committee reserves the right to re jeet nny or till bids. For specifica? tions, etc., apply to W- T. WESTWOOD. 4-18-llt. Town Clerk. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE, I shall sell at public auction, In front of the courthouse of Elizabeth City county, on Tuesday, April 23, 1907, at 12 o'clock lot of Instalment] furniture contracts, supposed to bo | Of the face value, assigned to me by M. B. Headley & Company. T. L. SCLATER, 4-18-4t. " Trustee. FOR .SALE. FOR SALE?EDISON MOVING Pic? ture Machine; 4,000 feet, films, and] 7 illustrated songs. Box 377 D.. | Hampton. Va. 4-18-4L FOR SALE?12 SYRUP SODA I Fountuln. in good condition, two < new tanks. Call at BAKERY, 48 West Qneen street. 4-16-6L WANTED WANTED?BY DRESSMAKER..SEW ing in families, by the day. Phone 463. Hampton. 417-Ot, FOR RENT?TWO NICELY FUR-I nished rooms; electric lights, for gentlemen. Rates $2.50 and $3.00 per week. 25 Banks street, Hamp? ton. 4-19-St. JUST OPENED Call and see us If you are looking for good Prime Meats, Broilers, Turkeys. Chickens and fresh farm Produce. The Butcher 8 S. KING STEET FOR SALE A very desirable place for sale at a bargain, the old Bnokroe Botel Prop? erty. House of 18 rooms and 17 acres of land, sit? uated on the car line and near the beach. Conve? nient to fine fishing and bathing. W. E. Lawson Bank of Hampton Bldg. Hampton, ? Virginia 1 BgBBBgf^ffnUff KiVBBa STATES FLAGS 5C. tO $5.00 A Piece If you luivn'.l u good simply or UNITED STATICS FLAGS? wo s.iy iihphntlcatly, you certainly should nnd sd should every iruu Virginian. Get Ihem here ni saving prices und decorate on the op? ening date of the Jamestown Exposition, April LMi hint. DBPARI WENT STORK, HAMPTON, VA Patent Leather Oxfords, $3.50. Gun Motal Oxfords, $3.50 Yici Kid Oxfords, $3.50 Tan Oxfords, - - $3.00 Ladicb' Glim Metal Ox? fords, $3.50. C. L. CROCKETT & CO. NO. 5 QUEEN ST HE ET. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. A JAUNTY SAILOR HAT Will make any lady appear attractive this season of the year. Wo have the prettiest lino In Hampton, not alone ot "Sailors," hut of pattern and made to order headgear. It's a money savor to you to come here. ~ (Beasley & Buch's Old Stand). EAST QUEEN STREET. B?fflHB?n?Bm^ HAMPTON. If s the Exposition Sailor, And of course you want to bo In the "swim nnd puBh" on the open? ing of the great Exposition. If you do, you hud better cnll at SURGES' MILLINERY STORE Today and have your sailor arranged for the occasion, the nobbiest thing we've to offer you. It's really We have the hat or bonnet that will perfectly fit your head and make you feel comfortable, i mi mi i huh ii Ii" in im i minimi um i nimi ?iiiiiiiiiiiini'iiiii mi n iin iniiimm Completely Furnished Houses for Rent. IN/!. ML MORGAN <& CO., 18 South King Street, Hampton, Va Wild Ohirry, RAI pi] 0V[ Glycerins and Tar uUlIull U11 Just the Thing you Need. Your prescriptions are accurately filled If brought here. GARDNER & HUDQINS, The Druggists, North King Street. Phone 13. xnroTToTririmro^^ We ask for your business on busi? ness basis. Dollars and cents is what we save you. Richmond Furniture Co. 21 W. Queen St. Phono 297. Newell & Co., 5.1 W. Queen St. Phono 536. in Clothing Can be found In Hampton tb&n the fine stock of ready-to-wear goods at NEWELL & CO., (Incorporated). 3-7-3m JLILOJLxJLO-PJLSLP^PJLQJ^ * I Alter men fail, the Gerrrun Treatment Is the only cure, Prof. G. F. THEEL, 527 ft&r if. ?MV VMI.drlpkU.I-?. "lit. Uiul.rh.r int." Oilj lift-. ,0(1 mau Np..l>llil I? iatilM. Onaranlrt. I? ?.r* ?1? ?y\.l < ?all Trlnt. Ularasn, Km*n. Mm? link. n ,.?-slll,-?l IVI.r n ,<..t n.r. ??VI> Kw?W> OrMIU/, U*' 4.ahtfoJ,, A si i Irl ?i '.o lultlni;), C* ?1? l.fOK.t. J HI.. :? >iV Kr'. l.l-. II!.. IM A Irt.u.t.s I .r .i.. Oralav, ..n, la nn r. r . , IW, I. 4 I. 10 ,1a) i. ?10 }??>!?.? i-ia.ll, ,1 '? > ? ..' -'I i, -I "??' ' ? I'"!. ..... Im <!. r.1.1.1). Hr.Jr.r,,Kuak,"l.ll* all,Fiuad?(Mrr)r ?,r,ll?l Jrrl.rtrl.kl, The Baltimore Merchant Tailor. We make you a suit for the price asked for a "hand-me down" outfit in most stores. Our fits are guaranteed. Cor. Quern A Court Sta.. HAMPTON - ? ? VIRGINIA.