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DIVER GIB UP DEAD Body ot Miss Pendleton Found 16 Below Clifton Forge Bridge SEARCH FOR GAY'S BODY CONTINUES Father of the Dead Boy Expresses j Regret That the Couple Were In? tercepted at Staunton?Police of Latter Place' Subject of Criticism. CLIFTON FORCE, VA.. April 20.? The body of Miss Mabel Pendleton; ilte pretty soventpen-yonr'oid girl who looped from a suspension bridge con? necting this city with South Clifton on Thursday morning at an early hour, was found ahout a mile down the JnoKson River at 8:30 this morn? ing by, R. L. Watts and Oeorge Droughman. members of the search? ing party, which has heen relentless for the past two days In their efforts to locate the bodies of both Miss Pen? dleton find her lover. Mr. Stuart Gay. The discovery of Miss Pentlleton's body was made before the regular nenrchlng parly had begun their work for the day. The swift current had washed the body into nn eddy In the river, where It has remained possibly Hlnce the time of her leap to death. The water Is very (dear und not over Utree feet deep where the body hnd lodged, so it was an easy mutter to make the discovery from a hont In Which the men were rowing. With the exception of the exposed parts being discolored by the settling tif mild the remains of Miss Pendle? ton were ns natural looking as In life. The body was taken to the home of Mr. C. A. Shomo, whose wife was a ?dose friend of the dead girl. Father of tho Boy Expresses Regret. Captain O. S. Cay, father of the young man drowned, expresses regret over tho Interception of the couple at Staunlon. He recognized the nseless nnss of trying to stop the mnrrlnge and would not take any part In it, for he felt satisfied that the couple would eventually marry, and there (Wits nothing to gain by throwing ob? stacles in their way. The most sur? prising thing connected with the elopement Is that the couple returned to Clifton Forge without an officer. They could have left the train at GoHhen and boarded No. 1 and In this way passed Staunton without fear of molestation, but young and timid they possibly did not think of this. There has been some criticism of the Staunton officer stopnlng Mr (lay and Miss Pendleton. They bad been guilty of no crime, hnd a legal pass to Washington nnd tin* Rlnnnton officer, without a warrant or rennest from an officer in this city, held these onforlnnnto persons until the arrival of No. 2 and sent them hack hero. f They're Going to Smithfield. A party of well known Hampton* iftUB w"l leave early this morning for nn outing that has every prospect of proving to be a most onjoynhlo. one. Smltlt?eld will be the objective point nnd tho medium of getting there will be tho yacht Waneta. The party, which will be composed of the follow? ing gentlemen, will return home on MPTON, PH W. N. TIGNOR SPECIAL FOR MONDAY'S SALE. 4-Quan nine und White Enamel Pans, double coated; worth double, 1 Family Spring Scales, with Pan attached; Weighs from 1 to 2.r> pounds. 10c Corner Queen & Wine Sts.,'..: PHONE 261, HAMPTON, VA. IIMIIIHBi ilHIMI iW IIIIII Iii llil'llllllll'H Monday morning: Eugene llnusor, 11. M. Cniidllsh, ('. I). Spfntloy, ('. W. Cox. II. II. llorsinun. W. J. Iludglns, A. (.'. Jones, Windy 'Wyu'.i. Stephen Clnrko, Simpklits, Jones, .1. II. Bon novlllo, 15. it. Moore, I,. M. Parker. Pay Sinclair. S. It. Cltisnt, C. Hi Ulnckstmio, .1. 8. \Vynit. LIVELY FIGHT ON STEAMER. Officers of the British Steamer Planet Neptune Had a Hot Scrap. A lively fighl took place hetween the first nnd second officers of the Hrltlnli steamer, Planet Neptune In Hampton Roads, yesterday morning and the Mritlsh consul at Norfolk will make an Investigation into the cause of the battle. It Is said that the second officer was very badly assaulted by his superior. Dr. 11. W. Keatloyj the assistant quarantine officer at Old Point, wns on board of the British steamer when the light took place. The second officer had to receive modlC'al attention. Ho has asked for an Investigation by (ho British Con? an!. Body Taken to Albany, N. Y. Tho remains of Mr. Hf<rry B. Rifle dorph, who died in Iiis home in King street Friday, wero taken to Albnny. N. Y., last night for burial. The intermehi will he made in Al? bnny with Masonic ceremonies. Mr. Lewis Llverlght. a former Hamptoninn, hut now a prosperous manufacturer in Philadelphia, is in town renewing old friendships. i_ Monday Sale April 20th 2,000 Yards Voile. &p VD SALE PRICE. This is a Bargain For Monday RAN SOME BROS, S and 10 W. Queen Street, Hampton, Va. LlJLSJUUiL8JL2_V kSJUUUJUJLfi-ttJLI JLftJLVjLJU **y*+i+t^+*+4M^+4^K!*+*+*>+*hl+4>+* ??????????4M"' GEO. W. PHILLIPS, j Real Estate, Rentals, Fire Insurance, Auctioneer & Notary Public, i 9 & 11 N. KING ST. HAMPTON, VA. J FOR RENT?FURNISHED. \ Victoria avenue, near water and car line, 10 rooms, modern con- ^ venlences; best location, per month. $125.00. 4 South King street, one block from either car lino or ferry, in < rooms, hath and modern conveniences. Per month, $125.00. ; Corner Him and Marshall streets, 10 rooms and bath, cellar and i modern conveniences. Per month, $125.00. j 13. Mallory avenue, on car line, 0 rooms, bath anil two attic 4 100ms; modern conveniences. Per month, $75.00. < Newport News avenue, 12 rooms, bath, pantry and modern eon- * veniences; half block from the car line. Per month. $140.00. ?s Chapel street, 0 rooms and large lot. Per month, $40.00. ' FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED. < Store room, Armlstoad avenue. $10.00 \ (i-rooni dwelling, Poplar avenue, Phoebus . $ fl.00 <j G-room dwelling. Klvervlew . $ S.OO <j 4-room dwelling, Klvervlew . $ 4.00 ? FOR SALE. I A seven-room house and two large lots on Holt street for <? $1,000.00; terms can bo arranged. 3 Two cottages and lots In the West End, Hampton, with rental | value of $10.00 per month for $1.000.00. ? A twelve room dwelling and large premises In East End, Unmp- % ton, for $5,000.00. Terms easy. <j ?#$*e>^-**0**44>^?>**4> *?* Kl i4 * 0*4> 0 ***** * * 4 \)N THE HAMPTON CHURCHES TODAY Dr. Jones to Preach on' a "Triple Preparation" In the Hampton Baptist Church Today. "A Triple Preparation" will he the jihenie of the morning sermon by Rev. IE. PendlQtoii Jones, I), i)., Jn mo Hampton Baptist church this morn jlng and tonight he will preach on i"The Things That Count." Rev. J. W. Still will conduct the usual services In the First Metho? dist church this morning and even? ing. Services In tho Presbyterian Ichurch will be in charge of the pas itor, Rov. 'Abner C. Hopkins. Jr. Central M. E. Church. 1 "Is the Young Man Absolutely Safe'.'"' will bo tho subject of Rev. John P. 'Cuthrell, at Central Metho? dist Church this morning, and at 8 p. m. he will speak on "Man's Great? est Discovery, What Is It?.'1 Roth services will he of an evangelistic nature and at night .Miss Cosby will sing. WOOD-WITTE. j Pretty Home Wedding to Occur at I Normal School Tomorrow Night. Mr. A. J. Wood and Miss Louise Mary Witte will be quietly married In the home of tho hride-to-ho at the Hampton Normal School tomorrow pbvonlpg at 8 o'clock. The wedding will he witnessed by a small party of the intimate friends of tho young people. Mr. Wood Is very well known around Hampton, where lie lias a number or rrlends. Miss Witte IS a very attractive' young woman and Is popular with a wide circle or act iptaintancca. WILL COSTM CENTS FOR ROUND TRIP TO EXPOSITION Hampton and Old Point Folks Will Have to Pay This Sum For Both Ways or 25 Cents for One Way. According to announcement math yesterday the various steamship lines running from Old Point and Hamp? ton to the Jamestown Exposition have agreed upon h rate of 40 cents rov tho round trip or 25 cents for one way. The new rate will become opera? tive tomorrow morning, although it was said lhal the working men will bo given tho rate of 25 cents for the round trip by leaving on the flrsi Btnamors at 0:15 in the morning. The workmen will bo allowed to return at any time during the day on the i turn slip of the ticket. Today the steamer Mabel Gould man, Capt. C. J. Bonnevllle, will make two trips to the Exposition grounds 'going through the long line of war? ships of the North Atlantic squad? ron. The first trip will he made at 0 o'clock this morning and the second at 1:30 This afternoon. The return from the Exposition pier In tho even? ing will he such as to get the Hamp? ton tan 8 home by 5:30 this after? noon. [ The Jones-Smith Transportation Company Is also going to run ex? cursion boats to the Exposition to? day. Personal Notes. The Hampton Dancing School will meet Monday night in the Auditor? ium of the Pythian Castle. Mr. Howard W. Saundcrs return? ed yesterday from a visit to New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Mr. James Turner is hack from n I visit to his former home in Salis? bury, Md. MOONSHININQ. Mora Illicit Still* In New York City Than In Kentucky. "Dou't talk to me about tuoonshlnlny In Kentucky," said the Internal reve? nue agent. "There's more moonshln lug going on all the time in little obi New York than could be done In ten Kentuckys. In the crowded sections of the CHBt and west sides stills spring up right along and for awhile conduct a nourishing business lu the low grade whisky they manufacture. You see, It doesn't tuke much trouble to equip a still with corn ami yeast and start in to make the mash, which Is finally turned out ns a pretty poor sort of whisky. The great difficulty Is lit get? ting rid of tbe peculiar smoke and odor from the stills without exciting j suspicion. This Is usually attempted I by running the still lu connection with a dye shop or some other chemical en- [ tcrprlBo as a blind. We keep watch on ? all such establishments and have the ' town well covered by sharp eyed and sharp dosed agents besides. We tiro ' constantly arresting these small moon? shiners and sending them to Jail. But euuiigh spring up In their places for you to say with safety that, as I say. there's more mooushlning going on in New York city right along than there I could be In ten Kentuckys."?New York 8tm. 4 j No. 8,000 drew tho box of cigars at j HULL'S CUT RATE- DRUG STORE I last night. It. | I.OST?NEAR KI NO AND QUEEN I vfreets, black whip, with rubber | uiongs about 18 inches long. Find? er please return to STEINER ft It AUFM AN, 'phone 158. Hampton. It Ii $ Greatest Display of The 4> I Long Gloves ? Including till kinds, Blindes und 'V sizes ever brought fo Hampton. % Will In- on sale Monday at h educed prfec, at. % I "The Big Six" | I We caught a real snap by gj ?t* purchasing an entire stuck of 4> ??? <?? <??? ibcse very desirable and abso- ?; lately fashionable gloves and ',1-, 2' they go tomorrow at a very <| small cost. ??? <$. IJetler come In early and get .i, % your choice. I "The Big Six" " W. Queen St. Hampton, Va. iverview Lot .'50x120. Two-Btory frame six room dwelling. Could not build the house for less than $1,000.' In good repair. For quick sale $800.00. It's a great snap for some hus? tling man. Address P. O. BOX, No. 238 Hampton. Va. FE R R Y TO EXPOSITION Running between Hampton and the Commercial Pier at Jnmeutown Grounds. STEAMER ELENA' Stopping at all piers en route when flagged.and regularly at Old Point on two trips each way daily. Schedule I subject to change without notice, as followa: ? LEAVE HAIYIPTON: Foot of Shields afreet, near electric] plant, for Exposition Grounds: Morning. Afternoon. 6:30 ?1:00 ?10:00 4:00 LEAVE EXPOSITION GROUNDS, (Commercial Pier) FOR HAMPTON: Morning. Afternoon. 7:30 ?2:00 ?11:00 5:00 ?SJop regularly at Old Point. PARE: One way?15c. Round Trip?25c. Tennis Construction Co. s-i Wines and Liquors I belong to the Tost tribe that stray? ed away from Dublin before Mosea sailed on the Red Sea. I'm a price cutter. I'm a money-maker; I'm the | one that sells all straight Whiskies retail at wholesale prices. The fol? lowing high grade 10c Whiskies 1 sell for 5a. a drink: Paul Jones, Pure Rye, Sherwood Rye WhlBkey, Carroll Springs, pure Maryland Rye Whiskey, Overbold Rye whiskey, Park-wood Rye Whiskey. All of the above namid Whiskies are e*xlct.y high ?trade; watch my erlcw* it you dare, beat me if you can. Whiskey In bulk at following prlcei Old Nick Pure Rye, 1-2 pt, 26c; gallon ..$4.00 Leonard's Favorite, 1-2 at, 20c; .gallon . t.00 Hunter's Baltimor i Rye, 1-2 pt., 25c; gallon .4.00 Maryland Club, 1-i pt.,?25c gal- | Ion . 4.00 Paul Jones Pure Rye, 1-2 pt., 20c; gallon . 2.75 Star A. Rye, gallon .*.0o. Mosa Rose, gallon . 2.001 Larkwood Puro Raye, galloa .. 2.00 I Jefferson Pure Rye, gallon. 1.75 Kentucky Bourbon, gallon.1.40 Double Stamp Qtn. gallon . 2.00: The following brands of Califor? nia Wines, Port, Sherry, Catawba Claret, Blackberry at 25c per qt., per gallon, 75c. Pride of North Car-] olina, A years old, gallon.2.00 Kumnieli). per gallon. 2.00> CarrolP. Springs, gallon .2.50 XXXXBaker Rye, gallon .2.50 N. LEONARD'S Barrel and Bottle House, 16 AND 13 MELLEN ST., ' Phoebus, Va. ? ? Phone 230. The Steamer Queen Anne TO EXPOSITION GROUNDS AND PINE BEACH F R OM OLD POINT Leave Old.Point for Pine Beach and Bewall'a Point: Loave Pine Beach, Sewall's Point Pier tor Old Point: *"::.<> a. in. 9:00 a. m. 10:80 a. in. 12:00 a. in. 1:30 p. in. 3:00 p. ni. 4:30 li. in (5:00 it. in. V:::<? p. in. 9:no p. in. *X:15 a. in. S|:45 a. in. 11:1.'. a. in. IL': 45 p. in. 2:1T. p. in. w 3:45 p. in. f,: 1*. p. in. 0:45 p. in. 8:15 p. m. ?Dally Rxeept Sunday. FARE:?20 CENTS EACH WAY SPECIAL EXCURSION -TO Exposition Grounds 25c Round Trip SUNDAY, APRIL 21st. WORKMAN'S TRIP 6:30 A. IYI. Leave Hampton, Foot King St.: Leave Exposition Grounds, Com? mercial Pier. 0:30 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. (1:00 P. M. L JkSJLl 7:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 7:00 P. Mi For further information phono 185 or '.\1A. Will have largo, pa? latial steamer on before opening of Exposition. Jones-Smith Transportation Co. FERRY TO EXPOSITION RUNNING BETWEEN PHOEBUS AND THE COMMERCIAL PIEP! AT EXPOSITION GROUND^; Subject to Change Without Notice. STEAMER SQUIRREL Will leave the Pier or the Phoe? bus Coal & Ice Co., root or Wa? ter street, (Sundays excepted) R:30 A. M. , 0:00 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Fare one way, 25c; round trip, 10c. Special round trip tickets good only on C:30 A. M. trip, returning any time, 25c. Leave Commercial town." 7:30 A. M. 10:00 A. ,M. 3:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. Pier, "James CAPTAIN. PEOPLE'S LINE OF HAMPTON The New Steam Ferry on and After Monday, the 2nd. The People's Lino from Hampton to the Commercial Wharf, Exposition grounds. On and after Monday, 22nd, the steamer Mablo Gouldman, stopping at Normal School and Soldiers' Home, and Old Point, after the early trip, subject to change without notice. Leave Hampton Foot of King St. AFTERNOON. MORNING. MORNING. 7:30 10:30 2:00 5:30' Leave Commercial Wharf. AFTERNOON. 3:00 0:30 C. J. BONNEV1LLE, General Manager. "HIRAM BIRDSEED" -AT THE Jamestown Exposition Containing,the best things that ever came down the Warpath and a map of the Exposition Grounds. Schraudt's Book Store