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Ini'iiin iKiiMuy of the position inoy Fipy will novor In- oul or place un? it bo when hospitality would ho |feod. Mio Boostern' Club's enrollment 11 continue only for tllo mouth of tly, hut Iho moral and lesson which [conveys should live for ninny days |l inonlhfl 10 come, it is a whole lesson and one that. Rhould he Ted hy every person who la innlt a living In Newport News. Itv Rating the Boosters' club you will ft do any harm and from prcHcnl }dicntlons you will do much goo.i. nd yourself and he a good friend Jto city anil the Jamestown Ex [ion hy never loRlng :in opportun! |fi aid in nnywny the city and the Whether It he in a small or way you will have the satis lion and pleasure of knowing that Pi anyway, If nobody else has, have Pine your duly. '.r.n ri'.sys 1*2.50 .fr..(iu Ao, 1 I 16. 1X1 pally Press contract |mo of the lisoe in the [upon order OK T1IIC low?, Va. matter l!U)7. LUSTY I'ldowntoi about na nfunt as 11 is kite Daily liners bo mockers' pood re? ify tbo The lro? fnvjir fro^? Id private oil api'ioval to letter and as i of the llooat >y it has. ho? ch nn iUHtttu mich, was an ' Ul i y. ,Ye boon sent d are hiding deep Hhndo Bource of in all lovers nnd jport News ion IT SUITS THE PEOPLE. From Washington comoB the assur? ance Hint the Atlatllle lied pi In he Rent around the Pacific COnat merely for practice and UinnooiiVor purposes, and that no Kpoo'al Hlgnlflcance can be attached to lite movement. See i Hary Meleall furlher slates that he has contemplated this cruise lor a long time, and thai there is no ex? cuse for the I'dhf that the possibil? ity of trouble with Japan is respon? sible for Hie aetiou ul this time. Now the government may, or may not, have boon planning the stop for| 'a year or more; and the Japanese question may, or may not, lie respon? sible for the movement of Iho nhlp8, but the country at large Is ol* the opinion thai a score of great battle? ships on Hie Pacific.list will do| more toward disposing of Japan's Im? pertinence than all of the diplomats| In Iho world. Consequently Iho pee 'pie are glad to know that the fleet Is going, nnd nobody cares what Hurt] of nl reason Is assigned for the gov? ernment's course. Whin Hear Admiral Evans nrrlvos] off the coast of Cal'fornla, ho will I have under his command n Ron riebt Ing force probably greater than Unit which represented the United .Stales In Hampton Bonds at the opening ofj the Jamestown Exposition; (bo finost| fleet oyei' gathered honcntll tbo Stars und Stripes, nnd without doubt the most formidable- assemblage <>r war vessels over Rent by any nation on | stich a voyage, lie will have a force equal to tbo cut In- Japanese navy, and if lie doea not handle anything hat may happen to Interfere with.'I )m, ho will prove himself unworthy being an American admiral, ho withdrawal of practically all] nnv&l strength from this side of the continent will prove rather concln-i ftlvely\that Undo Satn Is well satis fled asyo his relations with Europe even if\it does not prove that the government has decided that the time has come to* remind the little yellow I man that n^ victory over the poor, j ilisenHnd ^Russian Hear does not with it the right to pester the an Engle. was "willing" to testl his statement. Most [hlnk thnt they wert they had been 'lilted Stales court. ^Ollie,ers over the Vm his tramp Ihe sea will I particular harm, apital of Vir? il of ham ratters baseball din Id Of the elaborate Capital City Is niak slimond day at the inc. but there is no rnaklng the .lames greater and better. |>uld Secretary Metcall he couldn't tell one fie 'practice cruise" talon. iot a booster you must Jf Experience, recently went to her lentous occasion. She ft n gentleman was com r. be likes me," she added, means to propose, lik mother how I circumstances, BiTuplcd aunty $18.00 and $15.00 Suits -. , at i y/v ( . ?-? $9.85 H3? Several hundred of them on Special Sale. One, two and three of a kind, consisting of Cashmeres, Cheviots and Serges. They are not the newest styles, hut all to the good for business and working purposes. Sizes 34 to 46. 2715 Washington Avenue, NEWPORT NEWS, l/A. Hotel Warwick Laundry ? trial will convince yon that wo turn out nothing but Strictly High Grade Work. Drop ua a postal or phone us to call for your package this wnok. j PHONES, NO. 18. 7, R. WOLFOLK, Manager. | not even kin to him. Edward L. Frye Wants It Understood He's Not Smith D. The following communication ox plains Itself: Newport News, Va. .Inly G, 1007. Edjtbr Dally press: In view of iho fart that u grout many of the people of our city are laboring under a mis? take as to the identity i>f the Mr. Smith I"). Frye. referred to and com? mented upon In the columns of your valuable paper, ns being the proba l?d author of certain articles appear? ing In the niuefleld, w. Va., "nails* Leader" regarding the Jamestown Kx posltlon and this vicinity, and that a number of my friends, knowing Hint L Hdward Ij. Frye, am employed in the Custom Service and not knowing that there Is another "Frye" also In the customs service nt this port, nat? urally Imagine that I am the "Frye" 'referred to In your paper and have spoken of and criticised me for thnt which i nni not responsible, thus do? ing me, though unintentionally, an in? justice. Therefore, T desire lo state that I, Edward I.. Frye. was for four years a letter cnrrler. tinder Postmaster Fred Head, from Nov. 15, 1S07 to .Ian. .18, 1001, and on .Tan. 10. 1001, was nppo'nted as Inspector of customs by Collector J. W. F.lllott, and since that time have been in the customs ser? vice working in what Is known as the lower, or Inspectors' office. Mr, Smith T>. Frye D. Frye, refer? red to in your paper, came into the customs service from the postofflce department at Washington, P. C, In September. 1000, by effecting a trans? fer or exchange, with W. H, C. Drown, colored, one of the employes of the customs service at this port and since thai time iliar. been work? ing in the clerical force of the upper office under Collector .1. K. It. Stuart. In justice to myself I will thank you to place before, tho renders of your paper the fact that Mr. Smith I). Frye and Edward 1,. Frye are two different people in no wise related to ea heather, and that this city has been the home of Edward I.,. Frye for tiho past ten years; that ho'i expects to remain here; thnt he haft always been and shall be an optjm'st in" everything pertaining to this/city and the jarrtoatown Exposition. ^ Very respect fully! (Signed). ROW A im J* MORE OLD HENRY 80LD THAN ANY OTHER. WHY? BECAUSE QUALITY 18 BEST. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. m Promptly Done From a Parcel to an Engine. FREIGHT, BAGGAGE, FURNITURE AND SAFES CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY MOVED Virginia Transportation Co. Storage Warehouse 514-520 27th St. REASONABLE RATES *-mm, I Would TakoTil III Ifrtflli Kanawha Grain Co., Inc. 8P0T CASH?NO GOODS DELIVERED* ^4 WE BUY YOUR SACKS. __, j Good Timothy Hay, per ton $20 or $1 Per 100 Pounds KANAWHA GRAIN CO., Inc. 3-Jth Street and C. & O. Tracks, just across the nmnoE, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. SCHMELZ BROTHERS, Bankers Oiler the. public gener? ally every facility of a' strong, <?( inserva ti vel y managed bank,with hx tensive direot connec? tions. Foreign draft' bought and sold at pre? vailing New York rate. The Strongest Bank in the City. When a Bank has grown continuously sine? Its foundation, there Is a pride In men Ring tho absolut? confidence of the people. Strong and well equip ped, -progressive yet eonssrvatl?*. z Expects to continue to grow, and to that end Invites tho patronage 4 Z to which It believes Its faithful service to the people haa prove* it- % 9 self ?ntltlea. , , |W(iM ,, , Z W. A. POST, President. J. K. 8WINBRTON, Vlc?-Pr?s J. A. WILLETT, Cashier. 'ARTHUR LEE, Asst. Cashier. The First National Bank U. t. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY, CITY DEPOSITORY, CITI? ZENS' DEPOSITORY. Capl?u .r. ?v?.. s Stockholders' Liability..... ?........... 100,000,00 Hurplus and Profit*...-. 100,000.00 Other Resources make total over. 11,000,000.03 a. QOINCT SMITH, A. L. POWELL. JWM. H. KELLOQ, President. Vice-President. Cashier. The Newport News National Bank CAPITAL, 8100.000. U. S. Government Depositary Transacts a general banklug business. Four par cant, lataresfi allowed on savings accounts. ? i'.j, SB55SS352?3 EES TIDEWATER LOAN AND TRUST CO., First National Bank Building. , _ NOTE BROKERS Emergency Loans a Specialty. Reasonable Charges and no Delay. M- J- Solomon, Mgr. 8 LOTS! FOR SALE or LEASE IN ALL PARTS OF TBE CITY! Old Dominion Land Co. Hotel Warwick Building: ?