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SABBATH DAY SERVICES Mil Anniversary of Dr. Porter's Pastorale Here. WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED Newport News Bnptir.t Church Mem? bership Has Been Doubled nod Splendid House of Worship Erected ? Dr. Sykes' Fourth Anniversary. Today marks I ho rIxUi anniversary of (lie coming of Rev. .1. \V. Porter, D. I)., in Newport News as pastor of llli) Newport News Baptist church. I uriiig the doctor's pastorate. the membership of the church bus In en j nearly doubled, a splendid house of worship has been built, burned and .rebuilt, titter than before, and the church has become a more potent fac? tor in niii;hius work of the city and State. That tiie pastor Is popular within and without his congregation, it Is hardly necessary to siaio. No other man has addressed as many people in Newport News as Doctor Porter, and his congregations every Sunday night are larger, and sometimes dou? ble. Hie full membership oi his' church. Services will 1)0 held at Hid church today at the usual hours. This morn? ing the pastor's subject will lie, "Love," and in the evening. "Would a Boso by Any Oilier Name Smell as Sweet?" will be the subject The pastor will meet the Baracca class nl 0:50 o'clock ami Sunday school will be held as usual nl 0:30 o'clck. Special music has been arranged lot all service;-.. Dr. Sykes' Anniversary. Another minister who celebrates tVo nnnlvorsnry of bis coming to the city today is Rev. A. t>. Sykes, I). 1?.. rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Dr. Sykes came two years alter Doc? tor Porter, and today marks his fourth anniversary as rector of St. Pauls. Si. Paul's has had substantial \ growth during the past lour years, and Dr. Sykes Startes his fifth year i wiih bright prospects. The usual services will he conduct-1 <d at St. Paul's today, the sixth Sun? day after Trinity. Grace Episcopal. There wil be regular services . mi | Jowed by baptism, at Grace Episcopal] chinch ibis morning at 11 o'clock.! Tin- rector. Rev. Henry. .1. Geiger. Sunday school will he conducted a: j 9:30 o'clock. Revival Services. Revival services at Itaines' Halb House, on the boulevard continue. This evening at s o'clock Mr. G. VV. Blick will preach on tin- subject, "Virtue. Liberty and Patriotism from a Biblical Standpoint.' Tomorrow evening Key. I). S. Henkel will preach. Chestnut Avenue Methodist. Rev. \V. V. Tudor, D. P.. will preach at the Chestmie Avenue Meth? odist church this morning at u o'clock. The pastor, Rev. .1. T. | Green-, will preach in the evening at ^ o'clock. j St. Vincent's Catholic. Services will be held at St. S'hV] cent's Catholic church today as fol? lows: First mass nj 7 o'clock; sec-! ond mass at 9:30 o'clock; vespers and benediction or the blessed sacra-' niont at 7:30 o'clock. Trinity Methodist. Ri v. W. V. Tudor, D. D., presiding ? Iflor of this district, will preach at Tiut.iv M. ihodit.1 church this oVott Ihg at 8 o'clock. This morning at II o'clock th?- pastor. K<'\. \V. Asbury (".niaian will iii'cacli pit the subject, "Cllory Through Sunfqrln?.'' First Presbyterian. Services will be conducted as usual a; lite first Presbyterian church t?' ? lay by llio pastor, Rev. E. T. W't l< ford. There will b. preaching at 11 ( o'clock this iunrninc anil at fi o'clock 11Iii? afternoon. Sunday school and ifjlble class.-, at 9:30 o'clock this met it inc.. Calvary Bapti&t. Key. A. a. ilutier, pastor of (he Calvary Capli.l olnit'ch, will preach ibis morn tug on the subject, "(.Iron! Is Hie Wrath or the Lord Thai Is Pouted Out Upon Us." This evening his subject wir, ho, "Many People nroj Saying It on the streets of Newport New;: Today." Mrs. Veil I lies will sine, a solo during Ihn morning ser? vice and in the evening Mr. I'nyue will shit-;. Tabernacle Baptist. Regular services will be held at the Baptist Tabernacle this morning ai 11 o'clock ami this evening at H o'clock. Hev. R. B Sanford will preach at both hours. There will bo Sunday school at !>::!<i o'clock. I Rev .1 T. Rlddlck, the pastor, will preach ai the Second llaptlsl church this morning a I t> o'clock and this evening at 8 o'clock. Special Services. I A special service lor children Will h"' conducted at 'he East End Chris? tian church ibis morning a: il o'clock, and iho pastor. Rev. M. W. Butler, will preach on the subject, "How is u Walen Like a Person;' In the evening the pastor's subject will bo "Ha. kslidinc." ami Mr. K. M. .Ionian, a teacher in Iho Training Institute, New York, and a returned missionary rroin India, will speak. Mr Jordan will be attired in native Indian costume. Church of Chrirt. I There will be services nt the Twenty-fourth slroet Church of Christ today at the usual hours. Rev, I), s. Henkel, (ha pastor, will preach Uns morning on ''Deception" and in the evening Iiis subject will be "Blood Salvation." The song. "The l.ove I That Sought Me." will lie illustrated with sterooptlcon views. The Re? lief Association moots at I o'clock this afternoon. Thirtieth Street Christian. Rev. W. It. Motley, pastor of Iho Th lit leih streit Christian church, will pn ach today on the following subjects: Morning. "The Best Kind of Religion;" evening. "The Call ol the D. op." NORTH CAROLINa'oOES INTO DRY DOCK f\T YARD Satisfactory Progress is Being Made On Ship and She Will Soon bo "Ready for Trial. i Thi' new United State; armored cruiser North Carolina was floated in? to iiiy dock No. ". at the shipyard, yesterday morning to have her pro polor blades sa t in place. Work on the bin warship is progressing at n very satisfactory rn:o ami she will lc given hot- dock trial within about two months. Before i ne Atlantic Heel starts on its long join in y to the Pacific coast, the North Carolina, ami probably her sfRtcrshlp, the Montana, will bo in commission. They will remain on Ibis side of the continent as a pari of the coast defense snuadrou. June Exports. The value of all exports shipped foreign from this port during the month of nine was $1,001,131, This total is over $200,000 in excess of the value of the exports in May. OLD TIME BALL TOSSERS ?'Originals" Gelling Ready to Tackle Shipbuilders. SERGEANT BILSIEAQ UUOU Jock Host Will Pitch, Jack MnGcc Will Catch and tbc Bunch Expects to Trim Youngsters and Make Something for the Hospital. Th,. "originals," or "Ohl Time" baseball players of Newport News are getting ready for their linttl? with tie Ship) Milder" at th" Casino park nl i o'clock next Saturday afternoon and they expect to give Iii?1 younger 'players a hard tight for the honors. Tin' game will he lor the benefit of lite General hospital fund and it la expected thai u record breaking crowd will turn put In see i' The eld players und at the Boon boiitas hot'd inst night and elected City Serjeant K W. Mllsfead Innung er and assign, d the men to their po? sitions on (he team. Manager Mil stead has ordered the team to report at the Casino lor practice al I o'clock oyery afternoon ibis week and by Sat? urday Hie players should be in good trim for the fray. Most of the ??Orlpiual. " |il.ived with I he old New port News team in the memorable bat ties with Hamilton at ItjyerVlew park many years ago and all of them have been Riiotl hall Players, .lack Host will do Hie twirl ling and -lack Mafien will be the hack stop while Small will look lifter the initial sack. .lames Dcfargo Will I"' nt second, Voriion Pnyno at third and Oshonio at short. Composing the outfield will be Blanford. Archil0I I and Dr. Baghy. SHIPPING REPORT Saturday, July G, 1907. Arrived. Steamer Brookby (Br.L Campbell, Tnfiipn-^-to White oak Coal Company for hunker coal. Steamer Bay View. Cummings. Searspori- to White Oak Coal Com? pany In ballast. Schooner Rebecca Palmer, Carlisle, Boston?to White oak Coal Company in ballast. Cleared: Barge Badger for Boston?White Oak Coal Company. Barge Charit s K. Sargen I for Prov? idence?Smokeless Fuel Company. ' Barge Kennobec for Boston?Ches? apeake &- Ohio Coal Agency Com? pany. Barge Lancaster for Portland CiheBapenko & Ohio coat Agency Conipany. Barg.- Annie for New Bedford? White Oak Coal Company. Sailed. Steamers Powhatan (Br.), Max? well, Norfolk and Liverpool; Brook lyh (Mr.). Campbell. Bottcrdnm; Bay Slate, von Sm Idem, Boston. Schooners Luther T. Onrreltfion, Hashed. N?whur.vport! Allee m. Col burn, McLood, Porttnnd; Harriett C. Kcrlin, Cochran. Tlverton. Calendar For Today. Sun rises . 1:52 a. in. Sun sets . 7:28 p. in. High water ..4.8:05 a in.. 8:11 p. in. Low water ....2:06 a. in.. 1:49 p. in. What hi the use of you baking this hot weather while r>c will buy a loaf of Jonning's Butter Bread at your grocer's. Save the tags. 7 2 (It If you want good Bread see thai I1 is labeled "Jonning's Butter Bread." "Fresh,'! twice daily, at all grocery stores. 5c. Save the tags. 7 2 Cl iUR store is full of suggestions for Wedding Presents? Many novelties en? tirely new. We call especial attention to some very beautiful pot? tery. Hales Coo, Inc. JEWELERS 2900 Wash. Ave. ALL NEXT WEEK i $1.95 This Spring fully gnuvnutocrl. One hundred spiral spring, all strict; will last a lifc-iim?. Fold-, up iiko a book. No trouble to gel oil* and on the bad, Regular price, and Bold by onrcompetitors foi 1(4.1)0. Our special price Eor 4 CfcC this week.. *PJLa*J3* j Newport News Furniture Company 3007-9 Washington Avenue, Hewpori Mews, Va. Pilgrimage Jamestown Under auspices <>f the VJ It GINIA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF. Sunday, July 7 Round Trip, $1.00 Children Half Fare. Take the big Steamer iiOSK DALE," oapacity 1,700; no crowding. Leave Old Point . 9:30 A. M. Leave Newport News ... 10:15 A. M. (Pier A, Void .'.".ill St.) Th? Jefferson Ave. Shoe Store. We have Just received a bountiful line of LADIES' TAN OXFORDS "Kelly's" DroWU Kid in I be corn et sha.le, according to "FnsiihloO." Wo have tlieni from $2.on to $3.50 (be pair. The Hi W. D. Thomas, Mgr., 1408 Jefferson Ave., between Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth Streets. FOR WEN Priratf o.? .?8j hue flirre the mo?l difficult C??*i 11. tu:r ioijillijl? and cllnlC*. SkIiI by GORSiiCH'S DRUG STORES .164 MaiN Othct, Non.iH?, v. IO*k WaaHIMCTOX AVINUK, Nlll.alll Htm?. 91 kaltf h.NW ? l-aoelct tJ-new ?I ?5? HOi.LISTER'S A Busy Medicine (or Busy Pcoplv. EtlnsS GbMovtltalth and Rtniwed Vizor. . A rpprir.c for Constipation, lndlpcstion. t.ivei ind Kldn-v troubles, riinplrs. Kcz.-nvi, Inn-ur. Itlood, Had llrvatti. BhlCTllSh Unwell. Headaeti uul ItnckiMihu. tu ltoi liy Mountain Tea in ml> Ct torm. 3ft ciailH it box. (Ii inline lhatlii-b. lOI.i.isTKii lliii-il CoMfiNT, Ma?isoo, '"I i GOLDEN WUQQErS FOR TALUJW PEOPl' WASH GOODS SALE WASH GOODS SALE 29u8 Washington A'v'r. NkNVPOUT N i . w . VlltOTNIA now is the time i.i buy youi Skirl, Siill or Shirt Wulst mat* rial, lor M.lay we will sell llio Benson's best fabrics ut very low pricey. Linon Suitiiuj, 12 1-2c yard. Our Ini'fl? Ilii" ill Lim n Suit Ink. In brown, Inn, champagne rind white; Ilfiincluaj goad weight; regular 17 !??..'<? values; Monday, 12 P2c yard. C.innon Cloth, 12 1-2c. Cannon Clolli is pnpiiliir materials. Oiir lino consists ot him regular 20c; Monday, I lc yard. Duck, lOc yard. All colors Duck. 32 In heavy wpiglit, I lie Vftrd. ?10-Inch Lawn, 10c. yard. Kota Pongee, 12 1-2c yard. A large If in d.its and stripes, n|*o checks and plnldH good weight; Monday, r? l-2o yard. one and of Hie season's white; 30 Inches; in light and tin" el ahove malerlal,' In with champagne ground; A 1; 20c Silk Mulls, 12 1.2c dence (Ills season. Our lln .Monday only, rj I-2c yard. 18c Dotted Swiss, 10c yard, 10c yard. 12 1-2c Chambrays and Gingham lion of cliamhray.i ever shown In th Monday, No yard, 3G-inch Taffeta Silk, 08c yard. All 11.2'.'. Monday. flSc. 25c Mercerized Walstlng, 10c yard, cerlzed Madras Waistlng; regular 2fic; $1.00 Shirt Waist, 73c. Monday we groat<'?l collection oi' shrt Wai ts eve low phenomenal price. The r<uisoii for y.ird. Sill; Mull; ale very consists of all colon 8c y. 'Ity, ird. iml much In oyl ii'lid nhades; -mall I eollee designs; mri inch Silks; value Mcr over 200 designs of Monday. I lie. oif. r lor the first time, Hie brought together at stich this reduction Is the fact that we overloaded, ami would rather sell at a lots than carry them until next Boafmn. Tl. Shin Waists are Irlniincd with Luce and Embroidery, front and back?sjioii or lone, sleeves open front ami back; all sizes, and g ? "I material; value $1,f?t). Monday, 73e. $0.00 Silk Shirt Waiats, $2 93. A large Hue at above priced all sl/CB, ?2.!IR. $2.00 Warb Skirt, $1.09. Large line of Ladhs' Limn Skirts; full sizes, ijll.Ci). $:..00 and $6.00 White Voile and Serge Skirtr, $2.98. The above line of Skirls were made In our N. V. Paetory and in shipping . nice line, were damaged |jy rain leaking through the roof of car. not for that we would gel r< gular price; Monday. $'J.!is. $5 and $6 Wash Suits $3.98. Monday we i if.-r th" l ir;. sl line of Ladles' While Wash S.lili lo hi ?mount. : - | .my.,|w-re consisting of all Ihn '"test styles; Coat. Eton; Cutaway or Pony effect*?Skirts made plain or wltji tucks and plaits?tjiese Suits were made under our personal supervision in our N. Y. I'netoi y nnd are ail made full and of good material. Windows full of Bdiis, Monday, i:\ !is. 19c Wash Belts. 10r. Monday. 15c Undcrvcst. Gauze-, 9c Monday. 12 1-2c Cambric 8c. (10 vards to a customer). Kimono Wrappers and Tea Gowns at reduced prices. Come to our ' tore and see what wo make and sell in Newport News. Wo have the only Ladies' and Children's out-filling stole In tlld city ? what wi tnilprluf don't carry We cap mi department can make matter what you want, our Our Ladies' Tailoring Deparlme n Is tho'ihb'sl up lo date fo !?? encountered anywhere. We employ none but the best men ami wcm<n tailors. No fit-no pay. If you will call at the store Monday and leave your name and address, we will mail you free, the DESIGNER for August?We want 1.000 names?con.e. i desire to become a member of the Boosterc' Club, and here by promise to live up to the need of the organization as set forth 'n the preamble and resolutions published in the Da'ily Press. City or Town .,..,. Street.No.