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[T'jnrK'O'? 6UBB ITA ? ?TO A A o A A A A t1 DURING tha past week (ho work of squelching trio knockers bus til-oil Kolgu steadily forward mid, whllo tho Job Is yet far from complete, tho knocking contingency lias been made to sit up ami take no? tice ami tho Monsters Chill Is on Its feet as a popular movement. of course the pessimists and hammer handlers are still in evidence, for they are too '-set in their ways" to he cured, silenced or driven out In a week's time, hut the boosting move mem is bearing fruit hud Nowpdrt News Is gaining from It substaiitial and material benefit, Tlmi the iioosii r.i' Clnh Is recog? nized by people who have the Interest of the city uilc] i.t Ion nt heart Is proven by Hie list of members pub? lished this morning. Some persons, to the credit or the city be It suhl that they are few and far between, have stood upon what they Imagined t<> he their dignity and scoffed nt the Idea, ilcollnlng to enroll their names willi the booslers. When such peo? ple as Mr. Walter A. Post, general munagor of tin- Newport News Ship? building and Dry I lock Company, Mayor Samuel It. Duxton, the rash ieis of the city's banks, loading Im si in ami professlolllll men, cit y Olli-j e is and, in fuel, people prominent| in all walks of life, have Kindly placed their names in the Monster honk mill I given hearty mid cordial promises or) support tor the movement, It is pe? culiar, to say the least, that anyone I In the city should feel himself so im? portant ami dignified as to be above) b'livlng his name appear on the list. I Poll Hah:- nnd Knockers. Unfortunately there are n few of these Pooll Halls to be foil II tl III every community, ami the very fact that they do OCCIIpy positions of more or less prominence makes them dntiiforoiiH to a certain extent. They should he classed with the knockers, even though furl her evidence nguilisl Ihein is lacking, but in nearly all such Instances It would be easy to make out a case of chronic kiidckltlR. lb- who is not a booster must be n knocker, and as knockers are going to he in had order around here in the Inline, it will behoove anybody who happens to be Bitting on the fence to climb down on tho booster side as' quickly as possible. The manner in which Its bleu ofj putting the knockers down and out has in I ii received is gratifying to the Daily Press. l-'rinn people whose opinion is Valued by Hie paper, only tlie must fuvorublo conimonts have been heard. Several well known clt-i Izons have taken occasion to address loiters to the editor, expressing tholr views on the subject, Among those wns Mayor Hnxtoil, who Is mid bus always been In the front rank of boosters, ami the mayor's letter, with those of Mr. T. I.. Earrar, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. A T Moore ami Mr. A. I,. Powell uro roproducod in these columns today. Tin- Division of Exploitation of the Jamestown Exposition has also made it a point to communicate with tho Dally Pros?, mentioning the fad that the booster movement has been watched' with Interest at the Exposi? tion, and offorhiK to contribute "t every possible way to the success of the effort. Prime Object of Club. The prime object of the Monsters'' Club, us set forth In these columns be t Sunday, is to lie up the tongtlos of pessimists and grumblers who are forever, with or without reason, suy ing unfavorable things about the Jamestown lOxpositlou, Tidewater Virginia or Newport News. If this can he done, and the result of n week's trial Indicates that the move? ment can be successful lo a gratify? ing degree, then the Monsters Club will have accomplished n Brent anil real service for the Exposition, city and section. That the Exposition and Tidewater have suffered on account of the knockers Is only too well known. Traveling men passing through the section have been heard to remark that they had been very favorably impressed until they heard some of the local people talking. This Is n sad commentary upon the civic pride nnd common sense of Tidewater peo pie. Such a state of affairs should not exist, and if the purposes ol the BOO Cordially Received. ?oTHMinoM?flitss? pTfjmnnnnr<nn v STERS' C L8JL?-SLCUUL9JLSt.aJLSLOJ^^ Boosters' cinii arc carried <mt, there will he n change. Co After the Knockcrc. There are sonic liinllcloiiB knockers, hui all knockers are not malicious ami many of llichi will gel Oil the right side or the fence If the inalter Is put t.i thoni In the right way. lOvory uieiuher of the llooslers' Chili should (|0 something lieshles sign his or her name ami refrain from knock lug; there should he a campaign of offense as well as of defoilBo. When you hear anyone knocking, ii you can do so without being Imporllnonl or otherwise putting yonrselt In a had position, as thai person "Why?' 'and call his or her attention lo the fact that knocking does no good ami may do harm. .lusi a day or two ago a well known citizen was using his hammer, vig? orously against tin' Jn'mcsiown I' v position, tolling what the manage? ment hnil and had not done and ex? plaining why the fair was "a failure, as he expressed It. Before the con vcrsal Ion was over, II developed that the man doing the knocking had hol paid Hie subscription on his stock in the KxposltIon company and had been posted as a doHnipicnt. Sonic people may have good reasons for not pay? ing subscriptions on slocks, bill il Ihey have hucIi reasons and do not make the payments, it certainly he hooves them to keep very (pilot upon the subject of bow the (Exposition has been managed or mismanaged. | Everyone Should Sltjn. In another week the Dally ProHH expects lo see the membership of the 1'ioosiers' Club more than doubled, ami In-fore (he month of July has j passed the name of every man and j woman who has the Interest of (he | city a) heart should appear on the membership list. I; costs only a very little trouble to join the unique or? ganization- -all one lias to do Is I?' sign his or her name to one of the blanks appearing In Hie Dally Press, or sign one of the hooks which may be found at all the hanks and lead lug hotels. The names will be published every Sunday, ami when the campaign Is over the Daily Press will publish a souvenir booklet, containing n brief history of the Booster Club ami bs work, and ihe names oi the mem? bers. Roll of the Club. Following Is ihe present roll of (he club: W. A. Post, Samuel It. Rlixton, 11. 1?. Holmes, .1. II. Craves, It, It. Blood, \v. w. Rnmes, 0. \V, Pierce, P. I\ Pa? len, It. I.. Mnrston, .1. T. Keel, J, It. Johnson, P, M, Unporto, 13, B. Cross ley. S. .1. Bradshaw. W. 10. Rouse, W. D. Kahn, C, L. Maffott, Ceo. M. John? son. IM. N. Rubnilk, W. S. Hill. John Fitzgornld, J. W. Wlngflold, I.. Wag? ner, Mrs. A. Wagner, .1. lt. Wagoner, I.. .1. Boiling. I.. R. Boiling, l.. A, Wynno, Mrs. R. M. WagBtan*, W. II. Rohrbucll, C. II. Tall, Mrs. P. (!. Ilau eock, Henry Uvorllng, Mis. II. Uv erling. Miss Nellie Roberts Kerlln. Mrs. Lou Hartman, Miss Janet Ker? lln. I,. I-'. Ilarpol, 10, May Leader. Mrs. M. V. Troutman, Miss Kosa Troiit mnn. J. A. Vandogiift, Miss M. A. Vnn ilegrirt, Mis. 18. U. Glldnor, Pred R. Qildnnr, II. A. Council. J. It. Jones. Mrs. P. P. Ware. Mrs. T. M. Ware, A. P. Caw. .!. H. Wright. Mrs. GOOI'gO Kopp. Mrs. May Kopp. James Walker, Mrs. Agnes Wlllkor, 1*. P. Davis, (ho. W. Bnicher, Mrs. 1.. Van pelt, Mrs. .1. P, Wiegel, Mrs. T. 11. Wnlsoii, (). O, Herring. Oeo, A. .Schmelz, Saxon \V. Holt. 10, M. Braxton, 10. s. Bl?hton, .1. I. Proctor, J. J. Chendle, John W. Read, Mrs. .1. It. Jones. C. A. Sinclair. J. W. Allen. I,. S. Coltrell, T. C. Pat? terson. F, I.. Norment, P. W. drove, Jr. w. B. Colonna, p. it. Bartlottc, James L, West. A. (1. Taker T I.. Fiirrnr, W. C. Morton. T. M. Smith, l.eroy Jenkins, (5. A. Froincs. .1. K. Mngler. W. It. Avlett, 0. W. Todd, W. T. Glenson, W. U. Grnff, K. J. CratT. W. B. Vest. 10. W. Mllstead. W. O. Heath, 1'. S. Duncan. W. S. Brond wcll. A. c. Peachy, B. West Tnhb, W. 10. Barren. W. T. Webb. T. A. Fowler, 10. D. Boot. W. II. P. lOnOB, .1. 10. T. Hunter, l.onisa Read Goddnrd. K. C, Kline, W. 1*. I'owell. .1. Ilampdcn Jones. Anne U. Pinch, Mrs. M. A. Pinch, lOliznhelh Pinch, Maxlno Pinch, J. A. Willelt, J. w. Ayler, M. D., A. P. Blake. Jos. 'I'. BllXtoit, Ceo. N. Wise, .i. w. Qulick, A. c. Peachy, Rich? ard Warren, .1. T. Gregory, H. B. Hanger, Morris lOllas, S. .1. Cauunel, Vacation Oxfords Your vacation outfit is incomplete with? out a good supply of shoes. Cool and stylish Tan Court Ties for walking; Dressy Patent Kid Pumps and Qibsons for evening wear. $3 50. White, blue pink and gray canvas Ox? fords to match your gowns, $2.5J. We Fit Feet, ?nii'irinnfinsvir^vrsis vis vmrvsvi \ vrs" :lub ani juLP.iiJULOJLsjLtiJL^^ j.C. 0, SI tin ?Held. 3. 1). Cnsaadn, E. B. Man-is. .1. C. Cllnc, W. U Tulib, W. II. Kellogg, .I. W. Davis. J. 10. Heath, Krank C. I*cius, Abo Koine. J. ll. Ash? ley. <i. Albeit Lenz. A. I). Engelhardt, Ceo. c. Iilaml. t). w, Beeker, J. J. Dar I den, II. Hl, Robinson, H. M. Sob lor, i loo. It. Mould. W. S. tlrloker, A. T. Moore, W. J. Mingle, W. T. Hopkins, I 10. M. BonniltgtOU, II, O. Head, Jr., H. S. ninghlini, I.. I). Daniels. Ceiranl I Pricstmun, W. 10. Bheeloy, Powell I TrilSt Co.. A. I.. Powell. Newport Na I tlonnl Hunk, Hank nt Poquoson, Vit., (i. it. A. Hooker, \V. I.. Cooko, O. II. Hansom, A. I.. Uorry, 10. W. Itoblnson, P. I). Cunnlllgliain, II. P. Moore, (). 1). Butcholor, A. S. Tanner, 10. M. Orni? thin!, I., it. Boiling, Bllxabetli H. Moore, Elsie II. Gontly, A. M. Hamll i ion. W. s. (inoch, W. D. Portlock, W. Loo Powell. .1. A. Huxtoii, 10. W. Huff iiian, .1. 10. VVurreii, \V, T. Chnplu, r. V. Klridll. .1. L. Hosier, Sol Peyser, M. I lamllesmau, .1. Sinner, Hales Co., A. s. Plowers, .lames Dotiert y, .1. 1-'. Tllghmnn, T. N. Iliumicult, W. li. Williamson, George f. Clin pin, .1. .1. Ward, W. S. Green, II. .1. Ivos; .lohn It. Morton, T. N. Harris, llendrlcks Goodman Hardware Co., W. \V. Wash burn, Garner ?<? Co., Abe llnrwltx, ,1. It Slone. M. II. Lnsll, O. T. Newblll, Ceo. 10. Via, CohtlI'll K- Coolie, T. A. Ho won, Porgnsson Music Co., Lyric Music Co., W. .1. Naw, .1. P. Shellhouse, 10. W. MllStotld, Louis Loel.. Fred Mai lander, W. II. Blllloy, Gco. S. Dames, W. D. Thomas. C. C. Deal. Harry G. I Smith. 101 Ins Peyser. .1. lOiseutnan. .1. A. Will, ll, Jr.. Proctor & Cornelius, A. V. Smldt, 10. s Itoblnson, J. c. Cur? tis, W. S. Henley, Hull K- Hull. W. Mel). Williams, A. (1. Maney, W. D. 3fl?oo?o3??aooo??S??SCo?i.o?3 ) WHAT Strnllmnn, J. (*. Hebdltch, N. W. Bry ?nt, J. L. Mttrye, Ohl Man Brauch, s. 8. Pohnybacker, .Inn. lt. tacke, P. XV. l?den, .lohn c. I., M. b\ Nicoini, T. (I. Bubnhk, A. B. Burcher, lt. N. Brld gors, B. .F. Powell. ('. K. Illindlev. .lohn i. Coltroll, It. M. l.ett. Theo. Utax, T. I). Iii.ville. YV. B. Spruill, (i. A. Qunyle, .1. ll. Sprugito, ('. P. ItOOl, A. II. Applewhite, W. PoW ? II. B. IlOher 18, Meyers Pros.. .1. B. Magier, A. B. Clements. Toy T. \e\ i s, \v. .1. Pnrkor, C. P. Bowman. Nannie XV. Young, N. D. Smith. C. (1. Nelms. Werbholmer R Co.. (J. A. Ashby. .1. A. Mlissio, R, 1). Ilolloway. I'loyd A. Hlidgins, .1. J. Palmers Sons, .lautes W. Davidson. .1. A. Hayes. II. P. Plummer, .lames A. Sommcrvlllc, Win. c. Stuart. ? j-fl'j MAYOR BUXTON. July 1007. Bditor of Daily Press: 1 respect? fully request thai you enter my name as a member of the BOOSTEKS' CLUB. This organization meets, in my opinion, a long fell waul. There has been ton much knocking und too little boosting. If 'he creed of Ihn Club Is lived up to and the members are true to their plodgo, every knock? er should be greatly benefited and everybody will he happier. Newport News has done much for the Exposi? tion and she ean do still more If her citizens will give the proper support to the Roosters' Chili. Membership in this club. 1 am persuaded, means a greater Exposition and a greater 0 (I U W O V V V VV VVUOVWHU VU V V i ** " " IT IS DO oj iJLBJLSLSLILiL^OJ^^ Newport News. 1 trust every citizen will join. Respect fully, ? - SAM URL R. BUXTON. ~"~ A. L. POWELL. Rdltor Daily Press?No one appre? ciates your efforts in trying to rid the community of knockers more than I do. yol since Newport News lias grown in population since I came here thirteen yours ago from U.000 to live times six. I am persuaded that the knocker contingency must. lie greatly in the minority. Without the knocker, I am prepared in say our population would bo 00,000 instead of 30,000. In every community, you will find knockers by way of excuse for not. doing well. Often one shows his or her hand in this way and It makes It hard for them to gel credit, and they remain in the old rut so lung that knocking becomes chronic; We do lots of business with knock? ers and they are not always to ho blamed, as they speak thoughtlessly. Somo people get. In the habil of say? ing "I am right well." when sick and others "poorly" when well. I only hope Mr. Rdltor you will keep it up, as a hint to the wise is not always BUfliciciit, it should he repented until Ihoy realize that no one likes the knocker, who simply knocks ami does 'nothing lo belter the condition. Yours very truly, A. L. POWKLL. A. T. MOORE. .Inly 2. 1007. Rditor Daily Press: Hearty con ?NG. grill illations ntnl earnest support should ho oxtonded the management nt the Dally Press, by every citizen of Newport News, for its organization of the long needed "Booster?' Club." This Exposition means much to ua all and can Uo made a great success, if the pledge or the club Is supported by the entire community, Very truly yours, . A. T. MOORE. T. L. FARRAR. Editor Daily Press: ?I desire to congratulate you most, heartily on the inauguration of the "Hosiers' Club," and to express my appreciation of your ihough!fulness ami courage In undertaking a task fraught with so many difficulties. The idea Is a most commendable ono und I hope and believe that nil public spirited citi? zens, men and Women, will vie with leach other to occupy llrsi place in I the line of "Boosters." Let every citizen's motto ho "Don't knock your home town?Boom it." i With sincerest wishes for the suc ,cess of the "Boosters Club" and the Daily Press. I beg to remain. Yours most rnrdiallv, T. L. FARRAR, Secretary Chamber of Commerce. To Attend Convention. Mr. P.. A. O'Ifnra left last night for Atlantic City, N. .1., where iu. will at? tend the annual convention of Ute Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers I Association during this week. MEYERS BROTH ER9. DEPARTMENT STORE. MEYERS BROTHERS. I DEPARTMENT STORE. Mammoth Clearance Sale Begins After Fourth July. Unquestionably the most striking array of values?the most sensational quoting of little prices ever known in the history ot MEYERS BROTHERS, are combined in this great Clear? ing Sale. It isn't a "Clearing Sale" in name only?but abounds with countless bargain offers that are ahead of all produced by any and all competition. With smaller expense for conducting business, stocks equal in size and quality to those found anywhere, we are in a position to easily name prices. Positively the lowest in town. Clearance Sale ol Women's Suits. A Sale Without a A Sale With Marvelous Values. Ladies' Coat Suits In white, light blue, tan and natural linen. Coats are made "Prince Chap," 24 inches long, with lone or short sleeves, turn back cuffs, turn over collars; have three pocket*, und are trimmed w.tb largo pearl buttons. Skirts are twelve gored, plaited models, cut very full, with deep plaits and warranted to hang correctly. Thcoe <p C r.n are special values for . ?JlUiUU The new Knaki Cloth Suits in two lengths, 24 and 30 inches, correctly made, perfect fitting garments, just the thing for Exposition OK OH wear. Per suit, $6.00 and. ?j>OiUU White Mercerized Rep Coat Suits, made Prince Chap. Skirts full plait-] ed back, coats have Black Taffeta Collars and Cuffs. These are especially new and pretty. The suit . $5.00 Ladies White Jumper Suits, the new models, trimmed with light blue,1 pink ,green and lavender lining. Skirts have two deep folds around the'] bottom and are piped with colored linen to match the jump? ers. Special . CLEARANCE IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 75c Men's Negligee Shirts, 50c. Coal stylo, black and white pat? terns, sl/.es 14 I?) 10 1-2; attached cull's. .".He Men's Underwear, 25 c. Long or short sleeves, white and ecru. I Bo Black and Tan Hose, 12%o. Three different weights, seam? less, fast color. Men's Wash Ties. 25c. Plain colors, neal pfalds. checks, stripes, dids, figures, etc., four-in-hand style. Nainsook Underwear, 50 c. Short drawers .shirts made In coal style, all sizes. CLEARANCL SALE IN WASH GOODS. Pine assortment of silk Ging? ham in nil colors, blank, white, brown and green checks, 25c. Only four pieces of these beau? tiful Silk Mulls loft; they will go at halt-price; regular 50c value for Monday only 25 c. Ask to see the material suitable for bathing suits, only 15c a yard; positively fast color. 1,000 yards of fine Kimono Lawns, Dress Lawns and Batiste In checks, dots, stripes, flowered and oriental patterns We bought this full lino to sell for 19o; to close out at 15c. Glasgow Linen Finish Suiting, nil colors, 15c. White and Colored Dress Linen, regular .1!)e value; special for this sael to close at 25c. CLEARANCE SALE IN DRESS GOODS. 3C, Inch Cream Serge.50c .'IS inch Cream Sorgo, all wool, 50c 44 Inch Cream Serge, all wool. 7?o 40 inch Cream Serge, all wool, S9c A complete line of Cream Serge for Skirst and Suits. CLEARANCE SALE IN HOSIERY. Children's Black Cotton Hoae, double knee, heel ami too, sizes from 5 to 7. two pair 25c; sizes 7 to ;). 16c pair. Children's Black Hose, double knee, full seamless, extra fine quality, regular 2 for 25c. Our price 10c. ? CLEARANCE SALE IN LINEN DEPARTMENT. Just received a ease of Mercer? ized Table Damask, will be on sale Monday only. This Damask is one of the largest bargains ever offorqd in our store; G4 Inches wide in beautiful floral designs, regular GOc value, only 39c; 58 Inch Damask (union) floral, 10 different styles. A good value for .10c. Special for Monday, 25c. One lot of Towels In plnin and rod borders, 30x18. Our regular 12Vje values. Special nt, per dozen, $l.oo. Two pieces of All-Linen Dam? ask in Flour do Lis and Holly pat? terns. 72 inches wide. These spe? cial patterns are worth $1.25 per yard. Will be on sale Monday only at 85c. For Monday only wo will sell our 15c red border Huok Towels, size 20x42 inches, at $1.50 per dqz. Only In dozen lots at this price. A lot of :?0 inch New Percale and Madras, worth 12'.Ae the yard. For Monday only we will sell them at 10c. CLEARANCE SALE OF WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR AND AT A GREAT REDUCED PRICE. all "?0c Misses' Lace Hose, and sizes; regular For this sale. Children's Giilizo Lisle lor this sab; . colors value. ...25c Vests .be Ladies' extra size Pants, trim? med with lace. ,<nee length, 25c and .29c Ladles' Laco Hose, tan and White, regular 25c value. For this sale, only .15c CLEARANCE SALE OF LACE & EMBROIDERY. Fine Swiss Embroidery und In? sertion, wide and narrow, some pieces with open work and neat patterns, value -lilc, to close out this lot. .25c Torchon Lace edge; and Inser? tion to match, value, Sc, to close out this lot .5c CLEARANCE SALE IN WHITE GOODS. 45 Inch French Lawn, value 35b, our price .29c 40 inch French Batiste only one piece, cannot duplicate at ..20c -s inch Doited Swiss value 15c our price .12'/2C Checked Nainsook, value 15o; our price .12'/2c 4S inch White Organdla ..25c Clearance Sale in Silks One tine lot of assorted nlllts in Black Taffeta Rajah and Pon? gee at .39c Clearance Sale Housefurnish ing Department. The Climax Lawn Mower is guaranteed to give satisfaction, wit Ii I! self-sharpening blades; regular ?2.50. For this sale, only .S2.25 Something all houses should havo. Moth bags; positively air tight, two sizes.50c and 75c Two burner stove; regular this sale, only blue frame oil $1.98 value, for . $1.50 Mason Jars, qnnrt size, 1 doz. to a box; regular 09o value. For this sale only .,.....59c The finest made Blizzard Ice Cream Freezer, 3-quart size, reg? ular $2.:i0 value. For this sale, only .$2.00 Window Screens, largo size ex? tend to 36 inches, made of fine wood and flno wire netting; reg ular 38c value. For this Bale, only.,..33c A Bargain in Remnants. 2.000 yards of fresh crisp Rem? nants, Including white and col orod LawiiB, Madras, Batlsto, Dress Goods, etc., at less than cost. On Monday only. White Waists Sale. Our White Waists Salo is still on and we are Riving extraordinary values; $1.00 Waists for 69C $1.25 waints for 79c, $1.50 waist for !)5o and $2.00 waists Tor $1.19 All sizes and doxen of stylen to select, from. ?