Newspaper Page Text
iAMP T 6U OUT Only Americans Wan'ed in (he Army and Navy. OUISIOERS PROVE 100 IIQUISITlVE New Older Forbids Employment of Foreigners on All Military Work;; And at Naval Stations?Special Ap? propriations for Philippines. WASHINGTON; I). C, July I?.? Folowlng tin- policy of putting only Americans on guard, it is understood thai orders liavo boon Issued forbid? ding iln- employment of foreigners on all miliiary works and a; -naval sta? tions. A similar order was issued Bometlmo ngo relating to I he employ men I oi foreigners on tin- ships of the navy. This re-Bulled In the discharge of it large number of Japanese and Chinese who had shipped as ^towards and in other minor capacities. The nnvni ollicors were rat nor sor? ry to let them go, because of their efficiency, but it was found that lite Japanese.especially, wero using much Of their spare time in making careful examination of the ships and guns and learning a lot about machinery, etc., which it was not supposed a mere cook or cabin boy would care to know. The policy of depriving foreigners of tliis source of information has now been extended io the works on Amer? ican fortlllcatlons, and the news j comes from Manila thai a number of Japanese who have been employi d on the foriillcations and also at Hie Olongapo and Cnvitc naval stations have l.n discharged. Army maneuvers similar to those ?which are noitij; on this summer at nil the principal ports of this coun? try arc about to bo conducted at Olongapo, where army and navy forces will Join in an attack and de? fense of that place. This is for the purpose of developing the strength or weakness of the meagre fortlfica tiotis in place there now and to ascer? tain the points nl which pew de? fenses are necessary. Congress will he osked next winter to make large appropriations for tho fortification of Manila, Olongapo and Ca vile. hamptonTiremen get a mysterious package "Do Not Open Until Committee Ar rives" Are the Instructions Writ I ten Uoon the Bundle. Tho curiosity of the members of tin- Hampton Fire Department was | aroused yesterday by the receipt of a large e xpress package, which came addressed to the "Hampton Fire be pari incut." On the outside of the package were written Instructions to the firemen not to open the package until a committee arrives from Read? ing, Pa. The packngo probably contains n handsome picture, although the In? structions were lived up lo by the' firemen, notwithstanding that b was, a groat temptation to take a. peep through the covers. The package is about six feet lu length ami lour foot lu width. The express marks show that it was sent, from Rending, but just what It will turn out to bo is the hurtling ques? tion among the laddies. Three years ngo a fire company from Rendihg came to Hampton and Bpont two days here. At that time the local firemen showed the Pcnit sylvnnlans around the Peninsula, and it Is likely that the mysterious pack Special Sale of St taw Hats Not wauling lo wait until the season Is near gone?we've de? cided to fiivi yoti the benefit of liberal reductions on all Straw Hals?so you'll have a chance to wear it quite n long while yet. All $3.50 Straw Hats now $2.50 AH $3.00 Straw Hals now $2.25 All $2.50 Straw Hats now $2.00 All $2.00 Straw Hats now $1.50 All $1.50 Straw Hals now $1.00 All $l.oii Straw Hats now $ .75 All $ .7.". Straw Hats now $ .50 All $ .50 Straw Hals now $ .'10 Come early and get a good pick. Ill I Corrtplftte Outfitters, 36 WEST QUEEN STREET.. TON, PH OB STEINER & KAUFMAN, 'Hampton's Best Store.' Special Monday Sale! The following are a few of file ninny limns on which dec iloil price reductions lirevnll Ihroughoul the Rtoro; Tri<' Sailor Hats, of rough <>r smooth Mack ami white straw; reduced to , f> 4 ? 48c. 50c Sailor Hats, of L'tack or white Straw, (mostly Mack). 29c. TT.c ami $1.00 Untrlmmod Straw Hats, in all wanted styles anil colors, including the mushroom shapes, 39c. 15c and 20c Japanese Folding Fans. In tlu; latest novel effect, as well us solid black, 10c. 25c Lace Stockings in black mid tan; nearly all sizes, 19c. 25c Ladles' Lisle and Silk Mixed Swiss Ribbed Vests; '.! for C*0o( 19c. fide Underwear for Men -Shirts with long or short sleeves; Drawers have reinforced seals, tfgmuUfc. 39c. . tan. hint of sizes, $1.00. cry fine I ! casoti, 19c. s: 10 diff I or back 98c. rasols, in 98c. $1,50 elbow length brown, tan. black and white Lisle Thread (Hoves?complete assortment of sizes, 25c Kreuch Lawn, of very fine texture ? 46 inches wide; best "White Qbods barga'n of the season, $L50 White Lawn Waists: 10 different styles; all sizes; long or short sleeves; button front or back, $1.50 to $2.00 Sample Parasols, In white and all the leading colors, ???? * STEINER & KAUFMAN. age contains a gift from that depart-' mnnt. .lust when tin- committee will roach I Hampton is not definltoly known to the firemen. PROMINENT AUTHORESS HERE. Mrs. Flora Adams Darling, of Wash? ington, Will Rest Here. Mrs. Flora Adams Darling, of Washington, D. ('., who hns been at Norfolk since the opening of the Ex? position, is a guest of the Virginia 1 louse this mouth to enjoy rest. .Mrs. Darling's new book- "Memories of Virginia, a Souvenir of Founding Days." is in press?its object is to es? tablish a medal in the interest of his-J tory. I Mrs. Darling is a member of the! old Adams family of Massachusetts,' the willow of Oeill. Edward Irving Darling, of IjOtilslann, who was killed in the Confederate service, and is an Interested member of tile Daughters of tin- Confederacy. Through memo? rial gifts she is doing much patriotic work this Tercentennial year. The large oil portrait of President Davis that she presented to Wie Slate of Mississippi, was placed Beavvalr, and regarded with much prlcio as a splen? did work of art and life-like appear? ance. Mrs. Darling is founder and was first vice-president of Organization ofj the Daughters of the American Revo? lution National Society in 1890, ami ' later of the Daughters of the Revolu? tion state Societies, and also founder of the United States Daughters of i 1812. of whioh she is general director. She leaves the activities of society! work to others ami lives more with her pen than in public. MR. WILLIAMS QUALIFIES. Gives Bond as Town Serjeant of the Town of Phoebus Yesterday. Mr. W. K. Williams, who was elect? ed town sergeant of PhooDas Friday night, yesterday gave bond in the sum' of $2.000 and took the oath of office before Clerk of the Courts Harry 11. Holt. Messrs. E. M. Tennis and T. .T. Daly became the bondsmen for I he new sergeant. Mr. Will ams imme? diately entered upon his duties. Mr. R. A. Phillips w?g sworn in by Mayor L, P. Fnrness as a police officer to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Mr. Williams. MARINE HAD BAD FALL. Seaman Wethereil Dropped Through the Ohio's Hatchway. Seaman Wotheroll, a marine on tin1 United States battleship Ohio, fell down the ship's hatchway yesterday morning and received painful Injur? ies. Ho had three broken ribs and is bruised about the body. He was tak? en to the ship's hospital and given medical attention. Mrs. Schmelz to Sing. Mrs. Henry I?ano Schmelz will t'3 the soloist at the services in old St John's Eposcopal church this after? noon. , . _ ^ _ ? SUNDAY SERVICES IN HAMPTON CHURCHES Children's Day Exercises Will Be Held In Central Methodist Church This Morning. Interesting Children's Hay Exor? cises will lie held in Central Metho? dist church this morning at 11 o'clock. An especially attractive pro gram has been lirrnngoo, rtov. J. F. Cuthricll, the pastor, will deliver an Illustrated sermon on "Christian Ar? mour," ami musical numbers will be given by the choir nhd the children. Tonight Mr. Cutlir|ell will preach on "Homesickness of the Soul." Beginning with tonight the Rev. Hi 'Pcndleton .'ones. I?. I>., pastor of the Hampton llaptisl church, will preach a scries of sermons on "The Devil." iThls morning Dr. Jones will conduct bis usual services. I _ The Rev. Rovordy Estlll. D. P.. will conduct the usual services lu old Si. Josi pn's Episcopal church this morning and this afternoon. His morning theme will be "A Name Above All Other Names." "The Crave of Lazarus and Its Lesson," will be the subject of the Roy. .1. \V. Stiff in the First Metho? dist church this morning and tonight In- will preach on "Influence of Cod's Will Upon Mao's Conduct." The Rev. William dimming, of Lexington, Ky., will preach to the congregation of the Hampton Pres bytorlnn church this morning and assist in the quarterly communion services. The pastor. Rev. Ahner C. Hopkins. Jr.. will conduct the even? ing services. ! Rev. Mr. Ho well will preach morn? ing and evening to the congregation of the Church of Christ today. Christian Endeavor services will be I held Ibis morning at it o'clock. Sub? ject. "Life." Testimonial meeting I Wednesday evening at S o'clock, at U:i Hope St. Memorial Baptist. Rnv. T. Ryland San ford, tho pas? tor, will preach al tin- Memorial bap? tist church this morning at 11 o'clock and this evening at S o'clock. The Men's Bible class meets promptly at 1 o'clock. All men, and especially visitors to this section, are invited to attend the meetings of the class. The Coliseum at Rome wns/bullt by Vespnsinn to nccoramodnto 100,000 spectators, It covers live nudtouc-lialf acres and was 120 feet high. Wythe District to Entertain. Wythe Coune'l, No. 1242. Royal Ar? canum, will tender the lady friends of the council a social session tomor? row evening. An enjoyable program nns been arranged and it Is likely that a large crowd will be In attend anco. 4 j k.; WixJili W?GE MONTAGUE SPENT [ $32.60 IN CAMPAIGN Secured Nomination for Common-' wealth's Attorney of County With a Very Small Expenditure. it cost ,lud;:e Edgar K. Montagm only (32.00 to bo nominated for coin-1 mnnwculth'a ntloinny in the Doiiio eratie primary held a week from yes tordny, 'I'lils fact was brought <ait yeslor day when Judge Montague filed with Clerk of the Courts Marry II. Holl hin llsi of expenses, (It the sum $20 was paid Into the county committee as an entrance fee, $:'. went tor printing,' $5.10 lor ear fare ami $2.50 WOlll to hire bllggy at Fox Mill on lue primary' day. I li is probably the miiaUesI amount ever expended |iy a candidate In a contest which was as spirited as the hat lie hid ween Judge Montague ami Commonwealth's Attorney it. A. Lewis. I Mr. Lewis has pot yet riled his list of expenses. Mr. Day to Preach) The Rev. Fr< dertck N? Day, lay evangelist of Oxford* N. <" . will preach t<> the congregation of ihn Ithoehna Baptist church this morning and evening. For Rent. Two furnishes, houses, well located rmd well rui n shed. Will rent at I mi gain prices. M. (I. LACKEY. It. I Try null's Little Liver i'lils Tor bit lIoiiHnoHs. constipation and torpid lUer. 40 doses. 10c. A splendid aftor dinner pill. 9-9 sti-U. Try Hull's Little Liver Pills for hi' llouanesfl, constipation nml torpid liver. 40 donea. 10c. A^plondld aftor dinner pill. 9 9-su-tf. AT Kate's SPECIALS FOR MONDAY 100 All-Woo) Hoys' Suits, bcniltiflil pntterhs; dark bine, black, etc, lielis made of same goods; regular value $?1.00; sizes up to Hi. Monday, only $1.50 Per Suit This is a chance of a lifetime. Samples in Ladles' Oxfords, 1 hide and tan; $3.50 value. $2.25 Pair Sample Lace Curtains; 2 l 2 yards" long, 12 12c Each s Hare foot Sam o 2 boys, 59c Pair 50c boxes pure 15c Box Children's Dare foot Sandlos; 2 infants to 2 hoys, 25c and r>oc boxes pure Linen Pa? per, iilki%'il M 45 East Queen St. Hampton, Va. Steamer "Edna B." Leave Hampton fi a. in. Leave Boulevard ti:30 a, in. Arrive O Pier 7.10 a. m. Arrive C Pier 7.20 a. in. Return? Leave C Pier 7.10 a. in. Leaves Old Point 8.10 a. m. Leave Boulevard O.oo a. in. Return? v Leave C Pier 5 p. m. V Leave (5 Pier 5: in p. m. i Arrive Boulevard fi.00 p. m. Leave Boulevard 0.15 p. 111. Arrive C Pier . no p. m. Leave C Pier 9.40 p. m. x Arrive Boulevard 10.00 p. in. v (Except Sunday.) \ Leave Hampton S.30 a. m. , Leave Boulevard 0.00 n. in. N Return? ^ ^ Leave C Pier 7.30 p. m. Arrive Hampton 8.30 p. m. Subject to Change Without Notice. Swell Toggery FOR THE OUT-DOOR DAYS. The keynote of correct dress is harmony of colorings. Select the proper contrasting shades, an easy task when assortments aro as attractively complete and diversified as ours. A handsome showing of Spring Shirtings, in the very newest novelty patterns. Very special values at $1.50 ami $1.00 NECKWEAR?A profusion of Spring Four-in-Hands at $ 1.00. 50c and 25c. W. S. MOORE CO., Makers of Good Clothes. 35 E. Queen St., Hampton, Va. OLD POINT The MATTRESS Question Is a serious niic. All people hpetal otto-third of tHoIr tlhio on a mattress of some kind, and some most of the ilino. Think of thin and yotl will boo how Important it is to gel tho best. We havo two two good linos? ' ?i OSTERMOOR & HAMPTON GUARANTEED NOT TO MAT OR PACK Moth Riinrnntecd. Tho lntlor wo open and show whnl Is Inside ns well as outsido. Notion display in window. .Made especially for us by Slonrnos a Foster Co, PLEASANTS & JONES Pythian Car.tle, Phone for Furnitur.' STORE CLOSES G P. M? SATURDAYS EXCEPTED. $1.00 & $1.25 Washable White Duck Skirti 79c Each This offer is. worth Investigating?It Includes our entire assort? ment of $l.iii) and $1.2.% Washable skirls. Propiire lor Ho- hot weather, yon ran keop comfort aide for 79c. HOWE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Hampton, Virginia. (The Phillips-Lackey Co. (INCORPORATED). Real Estate, Rents, Loans, Auctioneers. 18 E. Queen street. Phone 32. Insurance Hampton, Va. FIRST?I have moiiey to invest in Rank Slock?will buy stock In either of lb,- following Hunks: The Hank of I [ninpti ti. The First National Hank. ' ? Tho .Merchants National Hank. ' T ^ 1V, SECOND?I will sell the EARTH as you like it. I lave the largest list of Real Estate on the peninsula for sale. NEWPORT NEWS AVE. HOME, desirably situated. If inter? ested, I Would i ke to lake the matter up with you. HOUnEVARD HOME?desirably Bitunter], overlooking Hampton Roads. Two story 7-rooui dwelling; modern conveniences, 50 foot lot. BOULEVARD LOTS?A couple at sacrifice prices lor quick sale. LA SALLE AVE.?I acre?$mo ennh; balance $10 por month if yon want. MERRfMAC? LOTS?3 near car line, will sell for half price. $ to i/mn 0 Per Cent.?Long Time. HOUSES TO RENT? ALL SECTIONS. i hihi iwtiiM'iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiawiiBiwiiiMwiiniiiiiiiii[iiiiiM uiiin.iiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiwimiim mim11 Ransone Bros. Monday Sale, July 8th I luck Towels, 18x86, Sale price V^o 100 Pieces Curtain Ends, Monday 19o Ransone Bros, West Quean Street,.,. Hampton, Virginia.