Newspaper Page Text
HA/ HUGE DISCREPANCY IN ?Cnof Reserve [Aiioiil Ten Million Away from the Preliminary Estimates, HO COHEBEHT EXPLAN?TIOH OFFERE0i Cohldtlona Make it Evident Thai Corporations Depend Less Than Usual Upon the Money Market to Finance the Seml-AnnUal Disburse1 '-' (Uy Associated Press); NKW YORK, July ii. rTho cash rc serve showing In the hank slaloim nl j was frbiii $10,000,000 in over ,M:'... 000 away I'roni hie preliminary esil inateH, (he $5,000,000 rash decrease comparing with mi ox pee teil Ihcrcnso of $0,000,000 in over $7,000,000. rlie. loan limn at Hie Haino lime showed a. con I faction of $10,811,800 the result* lag scaling of deposits hulplug to rO-| BtrlCl the decline in surplus to $1,053.? j (!:'.'? inn loading lor Hint Item only #6,0,250. u... The loan .showing, following a heavy coniraclion Ins I Week makes ii evident that corporations deponed on the money market nnjch less than usual lo llliunco the semi annual (Iis hui seineiiis. hav ing npupreutly ac? cumulated cash tor thai purpose which was transferred hull lud In uu Which was placed temporarily in call loans and recalled fo.i the purpose id' pa) incuts, The elpai'lllg llOIISO Panks still hold $30,752,201) oi governmoul deposits, Compared with $31,275,200 lasl week, so that small progress lins I.n mado in i.ling the reiiuiremenl for return of government depo: its to I?' made on Jill) 10. No coherent explanation was offered for the huge discrepancy In the cash sowing. The exhibit was not taken seriously as a reliable showing of the actual operations of the week. The stock market practically Ig? nored ii placing more reliance on the downward tendency of call money rales us an Index of actual hanking conditions. Tin- notable strength ol foreign exchange rate:: was also ig? nored in the market, although it was believed to point iiiuulHtakably lo a resumption "i gold expoiis next week. Amalgamated Copper was Hie mar kit lender. 'I'be whole mal ke| rose substantially and closed active ami buoyant. otal sales 6l bonds par value, $020,001). Total solos today, 381,300 shaies. im ludlng Copper 30, 700; Sugar, K00; A. C. I. -100; C ft O.. 100; I., ft N . '.'uu; N ,v- \V., Tun; Heading, 30,1100; Southern, 1,400; IJ. S. Steel, 17,100; Sloaa Sbelliohl, mo. Colorado .v.- Soul hem ls| pfd... 00 Colorado .v.- Southern '-'nil pfd.; 17 Cousolidateil Das .IUI .1! ('ein Proilucia . 18% Corn Products pfd . 7:! Delaware A Hudson.17L' Delaware, l.ackawaniiu \- Wost.-il5!l1)i Denver .\- Bio Rriitide . 28M Denver .V it In Ur?mie pfd . .a Distillers" Securities . CO'a Ki le . 25'/a Kile 1st pfd . f.S'/b Kilo 2nd i>fd . 42% tlelleral l'.lcctl ic .; 138 Illinois Central .143% International Paper.111% Intel national Paper pfd.71 % International rump . 23% fulprpatlonol I'limp pfd. 70 Iowa Central .108 lOWn Central pfd . ?9 Kansas City Southern . 2C% Kansas City Southern pfd . 61 '-j Louisville Nashville .11.0Vi .?Mexican Central . 20% rtlinn? apolis & Si. I.ouis . -IiMil Mill., St. I'. ft S.llllt Sie. M-|07 Jfjup., SI. 1'. ? SilUll Sie M pfd. 139% Missouri I'aclllc . 77 i Missouri. nKhsas Toxr.a . 35 Missouri, Kansas H Texas pfd;, ft?V&j National J,e/ol . 03% National Ii. B. of Mexico pfd.. 51% New York Central . IIV New York Ontario 7s Western.. :tvlu Norfolk ft NVostern . 70 Norfolk K Western pfd . 70 ) {\'orl)i American . (?9% Pnclfiq Mail . 2xv? )'< nnsylvaiiln .12514 People s Ca? . 92% Plttslnirg, c. 0. & St. Loitl?? 68 Prrs-ft'd StC0| aCr . 37 Pressed Steel Car pfd . 00 I'llBuiail Palace Car .100 Heading .109% Rending ist pid . no Rea."UK 2nd pfd . T* Republic Stool . 29% Republic Steel pfd . B4M Rock Island Co. 22% Hock Islam) Co. pfd . 1* St. Louis Sap I-Van- 2nd pfd.. 38 st. Louis Southwestern . '-'a St. Louis Southwestern pfd ? fid Southern I'aclllc . 81% /Sondern I'aclllc pfd .IIP)* Southern Hallway . 20-Ti Southern Hallway pfd . 05 Tennessee Cdal & Iron .141% Texas & Pacific . ?!% Toledo. St. L?dla & Wem. 27V, 'J'olodo, St. Louis K- West pfd .. 50% Union Poeijio .112% Union I'ncfflc pfd . 84 .United Stales Express .100 United Slates Realty . 51 United states Rubber . 37% United Slates Rubber pfd ...... 00% United Sillies Steel. 3t{% lljiltod States Stool pfd .100y, Virginia aCrolina Chemical - 20% Virginia Carolina Chemical pfd. 101 V/abpBh ._.. M% Amalgamated Copper . !?::'/,; American Car .v> Foundry. II-, American Cur & Foundry i? t'?I .. '.t.s Ann in im Cot (QU oil. :'.'..''h American <'<>it<>n oil pro . OtVSi .American ICxpreHfi .210 American IIlde .v Leather pfd.. I8V? American loo . 011% American LIlIRCOd Dil. II',, American lillisood Oil pfd .... 2 !'L American Locomollvo . Nil American Locomotive pfd .I Oil American Smelling & Helm; .", 121% American Sinnig ,v Itcfng pfd...Uli . iVmeileun Sugar Itelitilug .I:' 11 jj Vmorlcau Tohacco, pfd certlf.. !H',4 Anaconda Mining Cd . 00!y, AicluBOti . Oil Vi Atchlson pld . '.ej Atiunlle CotiBi Line . Jill l '.itIt 11.e ,V Ohio . OS Haitlmore & Ohio pfd. KO Itrooklyn Rapid TrtiiiBll. 00 Canadian Paciiic .11 :.' Central of New Jersey.180 Chesapeake * Ohio ,. :tu'/t Chicago (Jrcat WVstoin . 11 Chicago & Noil llWeslel n .150 Vi Chicago, Mil. .vi St. Haul.HMVa Oh longo Terminal .m- Trans. Chicago Terminal ,V Trans pfd.. 15 C. ('.. C. .v SI. LoiiIh. (10% Colorado Fuel .v Iron. :|.'i% Colorado A Southern . 1151 b WnbstBli pfd . 25Vi Well.. tiFrgo Express .280 WeHlinghouHo Electric .I 12 I Western Union . >s Wheeling .v Lake Erie . 11 Wisconsin Central . IT Wisconsin Central pld. 10 No'I hem I'aellic .lUTVS C. n Leather . ?'?'"?t Cen Leather pld . '-'-'/i Sloss Sholllold . ;,s c.t. Miu pfd .i:t5% Int. Mel. Is Int. Mel. pfd. Wh STEAMER WARDEN CRASHES INTO WIT ARE Forcerl to Go to Norfolk to Make Re. pairs to Her Row on Account Of the Accident. The passenger steamer .1. S. War din, of tin- Tidewater Navigation Coin puny, crashed into the wharf at old Point yesterday nflornbon. The steamer was tying up when the nccidout occurred and her how was inmincd into (Im heavy lion girdors of the wharf. 'I'iie ciii'bIi came with Itemendous forcu. The Warden's how was stove in ami rac vessel was very seriously crippled. Tiie captain ol the Wurden Instruct od llio-puBseiigorH to h ave tin- steam of and Immediately took his ship to Norfolk, where (ho Warden will go I." repaired. The wharf was only rr::ghtl) dam aged. . Iuiu~ A Dit Too Much. Seeking l<? lind a euro for his deaf? ness. Hie Duke of Wellington once em? ployed a celebrated itnrhtt. The doctor gave his patient a strong solution of caustic to Inject into his ear ami, call? ing on him later, found htm rinding in agony. The tteiliment had set up a furious Intluiiimullon, which, unless cheeked, Would result tu death. The hearing was completely destroyed. Tiie aurSst expressed his grief mid llior tllleutlon, "Ho not say n word nl>out tt: you did your liest." said the duke, adding '.hut he would not tell a soul about II. Thus encouraged, the doctor asked If he Illlghl continue to attend him, si ihm the pit bile might see that his confidence had net been with? drawn. 'I bis wrta too much. "I can't agree lo that." said the nuke, for that would in- a lie."?London Saturday Re? view. OEBUS AN Daughters Meet Tuesday; The oiii Dominion Dragoons Chii'ii tcr, O?ughtcrH dt Mio Coufodornc} will meet In the Fr?gs' room Tuendii) afternoon nl 1 o'clock. Severn) mal b is .if Importance tu lite chapter wll in- taken up iintl discussed and tin members are tirgod tu allem! To Come September First. Tie- Uov. W. Ii. Heildershot, who re< j vi ally accepted ib.- rail tu Ihn Church I Ol Christ lu re, lias WritlOII Hie eon grcgiiitou announcing thai be will conin te ntimplon i<> take up his work cie. the first tiny of September, Mr. Iiendershot is at presini the pastor ..i the Chinch of Chrisl in Delta, o , [ where he is very universally esteem 0(1. What la "China?1' There should he a clear understand? ing of the use of the word "china." As a matter of fact, tumizlng though II seems, china colluding is mostly mit of china, Technically china t.leans por? celain, write-; shuck In the Saturday levelling I'ost. but by the usage of all collectors and writers ami from the lack of a moil- adequate term it In cludon tilsO the line products of the early L'uglish potter led. The Clothing in workmanship; dura? bility and style can al? ways be found at Kirsner's Clothing Store. A perfect (it and satifac tioh or your money back accompanies each snil that loaves our store. 18 and 20 W. Ouecn Street, HAMPTON, VA. i.i riTiniwiriMiinTniriirrrTifni^nii^^ WE OA KUY Electric Chandeiters In stock. Come in and have a look. S. J. Watson's New Store. 10 Queen St. Phones 160 and 841. Hampton, Va. Ice Cream Made from fttofill/.cd milk or iin best quality. Only good Ice cream made on the Peninsula: Try il once; yon will always lie our customer. R. E. GATEWOOD Cor. County & City Sts., Phoebus, Virginia. Wo (lnllver it in Hampton, Phoebus, ohi Point or any place on the Peninsula. the Pcnlnsulni Phono 177. THE VERY LATEST Wedge wo od Blue China. A Neat Souvenir. Schraudt's Book Store 42 West Queen St. ? Hampton, Virginia. D OLD POD i Three Aged Persons Sent to Jail, .lohn Monncy, l'.. Umlauft and Sirs 15 Umlauft, throe tiged persons ol PhoelitiK, were committed to jail foi 'thirty days by .Mayor J.. P. Kit most! yesterday morning, Tlio trio lias in . it "enjoying themselves" Mr aov oral tlays and llie mayor rofliitrod a I notice bond of $25 from each, ami h? 'inj: unable to give the bond they wer? ! sent to Jail. WANTED?TO PURCHASE A HEX Ho. fresh row Apply to 11. I..1 SCHMELZ, Hank ot Hampton, I lump to ii, Va. 7-7 tit. \\ \NTED V?UNC LADY TO DO off lei' work. L. HORN, 51 Weist Queen street, Hampton. 7 7:',t. F< Hi RALE t Mi CAP TWO nit three horse-power upright boiler ami engine, in first class rendition. I. HORN, r.i West tj.n street, Hampton. 7-7-"t. Wines and Liquors 1 belong to the bist tribe that stray i ii away [rem Dublin before Moses Balled on the Red Boa. I'm a price cutter. I in a money-maker; I'm the one that sells all straight Whiskies retail at wholesale prices. Tho fol? lowing high grade 10e Whiskies I sell for 5e a drink: Paul Jones Pure live. Sherwood Ryi Whiskey, Carroll Springs, pure Maryland Ryo Whiskey. Overboil Rye Whiskey, Park wood Uye Whiskdy. All of the above nanied Whiskies are strictly high grade: watch niy prices If you dare, beat nio if yon can. Whlrjcey in bulk at I Mowing prices: Old Nlek Pure Uye, V4 pt, 25c; gallon.$4.00 Leonard's Favorite, V6 pt, 20c; gallon.3.00 Hunter's Baltimore Rye, % pt., 25c; gallon . 4.00 .Maryland Club, V(. pt., 25c; gal? lon .4.00 Paul Jones Pure Rye, Vi pt., 20c; gallon.2.70 Stni A, Ryo, gallon. 2.00 Moss Rose, gallon. 2.00 Lark wood Pure Rye, gallon. 2.00 Jefferson Pure Rye, gallon. 1.75 Kentucky Bourbon, gallon. 1.40 Double Stamp Oln, gallon. 2.00 The following brands of Califor rlri Wines, port. Sherry! Ca tawba, Cluiot, blackberry at 25c per tit., per gallon. 75c. Pride of North Carolina. I years old, gallon. 2.00 Kunimclll, per gallon. 2.00 Carroll Springs, gallon. 2.50 XXXX Baker Rye, gallon. 2.00 Barrel And Bottle House 16 AND 18 MELLtN ST., Phoebu?. Va. 'Phone 280. You are not at all slow in other things why let this Im? provement get by you? Buy n jtafl stove and cook by 11 am pton, Va. Nothing Better in Clothing Can h? found la Hamp'rc than ths fin* stock ot r?ady-to-w*ar goods at S. MARBACK, The Baltimore Merchant Tailor. W?- ai*k? yon a oult for the prle.a asked for a "hand-me down" outfit in moat stores. Our fits are guarantwd. Cor. Quean A Court tU.( HAMPTON ? ? ? ITCROINIA-. ?Continued. White Oxfords Ladies' White Oxfords .(. $1.00 and $.?.00 Men s White Oxfords . $1.70 and $2.50 Bathing Suits Men's Bathing Suits . $1.00 to $-1.00 Dcys' Bathing Suits .$ .00 to $2.00 C. L. CROCKETT & COMPANY NO. 5 QUEEN STREET. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA'. armwi ????? ?----?-~-"-"--?"-~~-?^?'-^^ ? FOR SALE! A nice house with seven rooms, city water, large It . at Hampton Heads, mar ear line. See US fur price; terms easy. Ten lots in Shell Head near La Salle avenue at a bargain. Two collages ou Stuart street, renting at $11.00 per month. FOR RENT! Desirable cottage til Buckroe Beach, furnished for $7f>.00 per month. Nino room house King street: completely furnished for $75.00 por nmnth. m. H. MORGAN & COMPANY Hampton, Viryinia. 18 S. King Street. HENRY L. SCHMELZ, FRANK W. DARLING, President. VIce-President. Hampton, Virginia IS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEWS. Capital, .... $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits, - $125,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated Depository In the State of Virginia In Pastern Virginia. We make leans on Heal Estate?NOT PRO? HIBITED?as aro the National Hanks. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS NELSON S. GROOME, - - Cashier. Farm for Sale On nccouiil of the owner's having to leave this section, I am offering for -^l" a forty-four ucrc farm within two miles ami a live room dwelling with all the stork consisting of 2 horses, two cows, over 200 lend of poultry, 2-"> turkeys, 5 geese; and with nil the fann? ing Implements consisting of 1 teed culler, l disc harrow. 2 drags, ?I plows, carts, I double wagon, i new top wagon, ami all neces? sary small tools for farm use; together with all the growing crops on the farm for $2,500.00. Will show to anyone Ihtere-tlod. Two lots and four-room collage on West 0,110011 street; must he sold 'a a short lime, and will dispose of cheap for cash. A good clinnce to." the investor. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance. I] Auctioneer and Notary Public. 3 and 11 North King St., Phone 50. Hampton, Va. Do You Want to Buy a Cheap Farm? If you do yon should lcso no tlmo In consulting me. I am offering a Farm of 100 aoros in York county, head of Po quoson river, with good house, barns, and plenty of outbuild? ings ; Boine timber and barge orchard; some excellent oyster ? shoro. Price $.'1,000, on easy -> Irrms, The. buildings cost, more a than price asked for entire 3 property. Must bo sold to set 3 tlo up an estate. 9 \ W. E. Lawson Bank of Hampton Building Hampton, Va. Phone No. 3. PARKER'S HAIR BAUSAM ClMiT.trr nn.l bcMuMGcfl 0"' tialr. " r.>i I'.lct h Itm.itAlit K?>iwtn. H.-vor Fnlln to Bpftoro Urn*. "ltalr lo |t? Youtlinil Ool^r. Cur., ?.-rlp il'U-ura Ii (mir ItUiug. 2\: Dnjgpjti FOR TREASURER. To Die Voters or Ellznbotb City County: I shall bo a candidate for treaaurer of the county In the general election to lid hohl on Tuesday, November 4, and I will appreciate most cordially your support. I am not. running as a candidate of nil/ political party, clique or organization, tint shall sub? mit my claims <<> the people, believ? ing that It is tho voters who must de? cide who shall servo them in their offices of trust.. Seventeen years in tho office gave mo a training that certainly fits rite for the position, and if i am ngain elected to the position it will he my aim to treat all of the people as I did while in office. G.Vtf JESSE S JONES. WM. JENNINGS BRYAN The great orator of the Jday. would have been President of the United states, hut he talked tod much. That Is whorl) we differ. / The. prices on our goods and terms soli them, thus salving im lots of chin music. \Ve have several thousand satisfied cus? tomers bilking for us every day. Wo purp?SO to bo tUio largest distributors of furn/lluro and furnishings on the P/onlnsula. 21 Weet Queen St., (Phone 297. NEWELL & CO., Inc. ._. Hampton, V?u J_j? 53 West Queen