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HS. YOUTSEY'S SIORY it Contains Sensational Statements Against Caleb Powers. HER HUSBAND MADE ? CONFESSION Judge Robblns Hears Argu mcntB As to Why He Should Not Preside at the Trial and Then Ad . Journe Court Till Tins Morning. i rity Astfoclatod Press.) OKOIUSHTOWN. KY., July 30.? "Wlu n the trial of Caleb Powers was rcsuint'd today tho Slate nskotl for further limo to consider the uilldavit (lied by the defenso to have .bulge Kcbbins removed and court adjourn cd um l| afternoon. The deposition of Mrs. Henry Yoilt r,n, llled hi tho Suprctn? Court iu the ('.ileb Powers trial contains sen national matter pcrtnlnlng to the treatment of hci husbnnd in the pom ilentiary before ami nftor bis confes? sion to the mui'di r of Corbel. She nays thai Col. Ulllard, warden of the prison loh) her that her husbaml could jjci ,"" " ''e told what he Knew. The slab an nt wns also mndo 'o the effect thai her husband admitted to Powers in the Ceorgo liiwn jail Hull he would commit per? jury If he testified against him. Arguments to have special Judge Itohbhis vncate tho bench In the trial of Powers were completed this alter noon ami coin-! took Iho mallet un? der advisement, adjourning until in o'clock tomorrow morning. The Nile. Every morning from a little room of n great while house on the eastern Shore of the Nile, at Assouan. Is elicited by tulegrnph tho question, "How much water?" The answer comes bo many thousand gallons less. A hill Ion Is pressed, the water Which flows under tho Iron bridge at Cairo is increased or diminished with the telegraphic answer, and the Interven? ing valley between Assouan and Cairo has a little more or a little less water on its surface. The man at the button may bring Joy or sot row to thousands id little farms, It Is all according to the message he receives. Prom the great white liotiso there extend;, across tho river n granite wnll or dam I fit) feel high. Halt way up Ulis wall ami stretching Its entire length a line ot shutters opons or closes by a pressure (>r the button. In the winter months a huge lake ex? pands to the southward, which has ?vory appearance or being a flood, for, iu certain places the tops of palm trees are dosccrnlhlo above tho sur? face und Hu' summits of inundated ruins apparently mark tho sites of BUnkon cities. As the days go by nnd Cairo demands more and more water the palm Ircos and I ho ruins seem lo rise from their watery beds, until in June ami early July the river Hows freely with all Iis historic indolence. Silll Iho cry tor water is insatiable, nnd now the ICO reel ,,r granite wall will be Inngthcnnd In- 23 rect, wh eh will double the power of the man at Crab Feast! The public In cordially Invited to nttond n Crab. Feast In Colobratlon ol tho first anniversary of tho roi'Elt TON HOTEL, Wednesday Night. July ::ist. Come and enjoy yourself. The Cof erton, A. A. LANOHOHNE, Mgr. the button, and after that no more palms or ruins will unfold tin tie elvi s as tin' hot months Com? from tho sur? face of the lake. The palm trees will not be missed, but what of the ruins? That Is the tribute of the past which modern agricultural Egypt Is called upon to pay. Wives Who Never Speak. The Coreiih woman who speaks or event nods on her wedding day Im'mo dlately becomes dh object of ridicule and loses caste, says London Til lilts Neither threat nor prayer must move her, for the whole household Is ever on the alert to catch a single mutter od syllable. Her period of sllonce of? ten lasts for a week or more nnd when complete silence is broken she only uses her tongue for tho most ne? cessary uses. Some sixty years ago a native of Pennsylvania undertook for a wager of III) pounds to remain mute fur the first month of her marriage. Her husband, not being In the secret, left her. only to return later when he was npph'sod of the real reason of bor si? lence A nrussels couple named Do pout rjunrrcled so bitterly on their wedding day that Hie wife vowed that her husband should never bear her voice again, ills entreaties went for noth? ing ami to her ilying day she kept to the letter of lief oatll. A nrunu woman whose husband was In hiding from Hie authorities Inad? vertently betrayed bis whereabouts i<> a police spy. As a result the tuna was taken and reccf.vcd a term of Impris? onment. So much did she take tc heart this misfortune, brought about by heir gossip, that she resolved ti remain mute to the end of her life. Oog's Done In Human Body. N ne Inches of a dog's leg hone In serted in tlie leg of Danny Murk, nlni years old, of l<os Angeles, has prov ed a success In surgery after nearl> a year's work. The doctors have pro pounced the healing process comploti and have given tho boy permission li throw away his crutches. Capital Dry Goods House WASHINGTON AVENUE AT THIRTIETH STREET. On Sale Today AT $1.98 see them in our window. Correct Summer Stylos, not a lint in tho lot worth less than $3.00, most of tliem worth $4.98, all go, at each $I.*?S. just a few left of those pretty embroidered whlto lawn drr-HK.-s Hint wo red need to 51.69. bathing suits, that were $;?.oo. reduced to $1.98. Those that were $2.50, reduced to $1.50, new lot of extra good long Fslo Gloves at pair 93c. Wedding Invitations and Visiting Cards. If you aro thinking of having a new plato mndo or need anything In this line, lot us attend to it for you. , \ ;Wo do all kinds of copper plato .works and turn out nothing hut the ?Tory finest work in this lino. t .' i \ In ;.'Sj*e-i ? , >*K..y* J. J. PALMER'S SONS THE LEADING JEWELERS 2704 Washington Ave. milSLl&i****^ Est. ??2. JLi._jL 1. k'i:-H'ii^:3&k> Opposition Throughout the Country to Increasing President's Power. STATE RIGHTS AN ISSUE NOW Corporation nnd Citizens Alike Find That The Constitution Protects Them From Injustices?Occasion Rife Also to Make Tariff an Issue. WASHINGTON, July 30.?Though the) North Carolina COSO has been ad? justed in u way to avoid a more ser? ious phase of the conflict of authority bolWCCU Slate und Federal courts, it appears certain that the incident will have an Influence upon the political Issues of the next Presidentini cam? paign. It is one of innny things re? sulting from n period of agitation dur? ing Mr. Rooaevi it's administration to the fact that many loose ends of rig? ging are flapping In the gale and that the ship of state may require a prac? tical and thorough overhauling. ? The rational suggestion from all the many evidences' of political dlstractin Is that It is time to turn back to the Constitution. Mr. \V. J. Bryan has said that the campaign cry should be "Hack to the people." But he bus In? dicated that by this he means the adoption of the "In'tiatlve nnd refer? endum" In n wny to make a still fur? ther departure from constitutional methods, only through the Constitu? tion can the government get buck to the people without converting the peo? ple into a many minded mob. The Con slltntlon provides its own methods of Initiation and reference, not subject to the wh'm of every Idle hour. Provides For Equal Justice. A campaign cry of "Hack to the Constitution!" would comprehend much that Is now particularly desir? able. || would mean opposition to centralisation, the preservation of the rights of the States: a resistance to the tendonc'os toward paternalism: the protection of both men and cor? porations in their rights, without spe? cial privilege to either corporation or community to prey the one upon the other, it would mean protection of rights, not of special privileges; sta? bility of business Intorests and secur? ity of the individual against all en? croachments, ns well as a prohibition of his encroachment upon others. It would mean a check to both socialism and corporation control of the Gov? ernment. It would be the clearest and truest nntl-truBt cry, for the Constltu tlon recognizes no favored classes and contemplates the collect :<m of reve? nues for legitimate purposes; A pledge of stability of administra? tion, of restraint of trusts and of hon? est tariff would be comprehended in the shibboleth: "Hack to the Consti? tution." The occasion Is ripe for such an Is? sue. Many who had acquitted the ha? bit of looking w'th contempt upon con? stitutional restraints, because Ihev saw In such restraints only a hind? rance to their selfish alms, now find occasion to turn to the Constitution for protection .and they see now the pood that lle? in an Instrument long disniscd by them. Corporation mag? nates no longer shrug their shoulders and smile when they hear that instru? ment discussed. It Is spoken of re? spectfully even In board meetings of the trusts. Danger In a Departure. It has been discovered that such a disregard of the Constitution as will permit paternalism will also allow op presa'on .and that such "Interpretation nnd const ruction" as permits the rob bery of the public for the benefit of favored classes may nlso render the Constitution Ineffective to prevent confiscation. Conditions now seem favorable for convincing all classes of people that it would be the part of wisdom to get hack under the shelter of the Consti? tution. Constitutional revenues, const'tu tlonal control of corporations, consti? tutional limitations of executive pow? er, recognition of the constitutional rights of the States, Independence of the judlclnrv nnd of the legislative branch of the government and the test of all laws hv the wr'tfen Consti? tution not amended by legislation or construction or executive nsstimptloh, would offer n Rholtor to all who find public and private Interests threat? ened by the present prevalence of political "Hind staggers." Confiscation is no worse than rob bery; discrimination nga'nst has as much warrant as discrimination In fnvor of. nnd flexibility In a constitu? tion permits it to stretch one way as well as another. M.-iy Not Confirm Rate Laws. It Is by no means certain that the Supremo Court w'll sustain the act conferring the ratemaklng nower noon the Interstate Commerce Commission. Ily to the agitation of public owner \n adverse decision win give activity lo the a g'tut Ion of pttbllo ownership and. with Mr. Bryan ns the accepted candidate of the Democratic parlv that would Inevitably become an Issue. If President Roosevelt succeeds In hav? ing the Sunreme Court ndopt his the? ory that the Constitution can be amended by legislation and construc? tion, the preservation of the rights of the States will become a lively 'is? sue. No mailer what mav happen, the tariff nnestIon cannot he Ignored In the eamnalcn and Mr. Roosevelt, with bis faculty for raising new questions, Is likely to attract attention In some unexpected direction before the enm pnlgn 's on. No Issue that Is not] broad enough in comprehend the whole nuestlon of ratinnalltv versus radical? ism can be expected to hold under the kaleidoscopic evolutions of Mr. Rons? veifs administration. He may make anything from race suicide to war. a topic for public attention. The only Buch conditions in one that combnts ?issue that can haw stability Under radicalism in general and demands ordof instead <?r disorder. Numerous issues have arisen and win arise during this administration to distract attention, bill the whole question cornea hack to that of radi? calism of conservatism?whethor the w hole form of government is be chang? ed by Construction, legislation and executive assumption or whether the Constitution, un tampered with, shall control. THE MEANING OF MUSIC. What It Can and What It Cannot Say to You. Music is called the universal lan? guage; and yet when you are strug? gling to understand what a composer Is trying to sny, always remember that he Is speaking a primitive lan? guage Hint frames' vaguely a senti? ment, or a mood, or a tangled fabric of sentiments and moods. "The best definition i ever heard of music.- says Rupert Hughes In the August Delineator, "Is that of T.lllte, 'Music is n cry,' and?to my thinking, at least?the best music is that in which, to the largest degree, each note represents an outcry, lint then a cry may mean so much or so lit? tle! "The spirit of brooding music may be found in tin. story of Roheit Schu? mann and his cherished friend, Kran Voigt. One Summer evening lie took her out. In n rowbont, shipped the oars and sat Tor nn hour In complete silence. When they landed again. Schumann pressed her hand in fare? well and said: " 'We have understood each other perfectly.' "There |K the message of contem? plative music In a nutshell; WO have understood without words; and witli words we could not explain. "Mus:c cannot even hint at a glo rlous contour or n ripple of muscle which sculpture can make immortal; nor suggest the color of a landscape or a woman's eyes, which painting can give to posterity: nor spin out skeins of thoughts well-chosen and deftly arranged as poetry and prose are wont to do. It cannot, with n ges? ture, grip your heart, or. with a grimace, make you laugh as Drama can. It cannot narrate a romance, nor indulge in the whimsies of nn essay. Hie patriotic fire of an oration, tho fact-mosaics of a history, the massive flights of architecture. "Music is eternally debarred from even attempting any of Huso fields. And yet it finds compensation in be? ing allowed to nestle a little closer to the heart of things in themselves and emotions as emotions than any other of the muses that make tin' world worth while." "SPORTY"~SET"AT" SARATOGA. You W?ll Find Them All Resplendent at the Races. It's not the medicinal waters?only tourists drlrik them?that makes Sar? atoga: It'n the races. After the luncheon, the great hotels are emp? tied. All the world makes B rush for the racetrack?Mme. Modiste like a princess royal In her perfect victoria. The society women sit at the right hand of tho enormous stand, facing the track?at the end near the club? house. Clarence Mackay, always im? maculately dainty, with wh to trous? ers and blue coat, watches the start from the Judges' stand. August Bel moht, too. is often up there. Mrs. Joseph Wldener, the little beauty from Philadelphia, who loves to plunge; Mrs. Clarence Mackay, who looks am? iably tolerant or it all; "tailor-made'' Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.. who never placed a hot in her life, though her husband's horses, with their tails are tied with green ribbon, are fa? mous; and gentle, auburn-haired Mrs. Herman R. Duryen?these are some of the well-known matrons you meet, says the August Delineator. There Is a wild cry, "They're off!" and the great stand creaks and throbs with the madness of it all. There is a rush of men like black ants surg? ing toward the fence close" to the track. The bands play with a crash that sends notes like brass cannon Hall? Into the air. After the races, there Is the drive to tho polo grounds, or to the restaurant at the lake?seven miles from the grand stand. WHEN CHILDREN COME. It Is the Critical Point In the Lives of Husband and Wife. With the advent of the children a new element enters the home, a new transforming power for I jotter or for Worse, hut a factor that never leaves conditions unchanged, says the Au? gust Delineator. The mother, nhsorlied and concen? trated In Hie loving care of her child, which has become so nearly all lie ' world, may let motherhood eclipse the tenderness of w'fehood. She may some day wake to realize that she Is missing certain customary graceful attentions and caresses?the bciHI coin of love?that the good-bye kiss In the morning is forgotten or be? come perfunctory, and finds many other little beads of attention missing that but a short time ago made bright spots of memory on the golden thread of her daily living. She may miss the old conferences and confidences and feel in a vngue way that It Is all his fault, thoroughly unconscious thai, on repeated recent occasions svhen he had told her little enres and worries as of old, tried to win her enthusiasm to some new plan of hiB, or some new dream of ambi? tion, she bad only half heard, her in? terest was slight, her sympathy unex? pressed, her thoughts wandering as she walled for a pause and side-track? ed bis confidence with the latest in? stance of the marvelous Intolloctunllty of Hie baliv. She may not realize that the child that began ns n real reason for dropping familiar customs nnd - habits, acLi of thought ful? ness and-attentions, baa now become but an-. Saving the Remnants. It Is Interesting to note the care with which Americans are turning Ni? vard the saving of remnants of what wns once found in (lie country tn groat abundnuco. Whether In (lie ah. Inini or vogctnblo kingdom there is noted the same activity. The wan? tonness of u former day wns natural because there wen- comparatively fow people and u multitude pf animals, bids and trees. To build a bouse out of fine walnut logs was not an extrav? agant proceeding because the logs were everywhere available. To kill a buffalo was not a crime with the prairies full of the animals. The prodigality of early years only em? phasises the importance of all the movements now in progress for the preservation of types of animals and plants which have had much value In the past nnd whoso usefulness In the future is the more npproc nted as the danger of their extermination seems Imminent. I Pearl Hunting. Twenty years ngo a pearl craze started In Wisconsin. Everyone dug claims. Mills stopped and the water was drawn from the mill ponds thai the people might get tlie mussels more easily. Previous to HfcfJS, ac? cording to the government report. $300,00 worth of pearls were found in Wlscons it?Sugar river alone yield? ing lin.nilii before becoming exhaust? ed. At that time river pearls were not valued as highly as "Orientals," bat now they ate eagerly bought by lowelers. s> vorn I years ago button factories were established ui various points on the Mississippi river. Men collected clams and sold the shells to these factories to be made into pi ail buttons. Some pearl; wen1 found ami another craze soon started. Men flocked lo the river ftom nil walks of life. While men, red men. black men, brown men ami women, all came, though after a month ot sun. wind nnd river water coffee, ra? cial characteristics were not conspic? uous. In the summer or 1902 It was sai.l that twenty thousand men were clamming on the Mississippi and Its tributaries. In the spring of tin next year the rush was even greater, but this did not last long. to the oycrflshlng or the previous season the market was already overstocked and the price of shells had dropped so low. that by .inly comparatively fow boats were at work. Many enor? mous beiis that were thought Inex? haustible had given out. the buyers re? jected so many (only about a quarter of those caught) were gnluMe even at the jailer part of the senson the riv? er was almost deserted. PROF. D. D. BRUCE, 1H. D THE GREAT AUSTRIAN MEDIUM, The Only Livlnn Apostle of Science of the Mysteries. $5,000 IN GOLD To anyone in the World to compota with him. Possessing more power than any four mediums combined. No Card, Trance or Hand Humbug. Greatest Hindoo Medium In the World. SO GREAT IS HIS POWER that ho can toll you while in a ClaH-roynot state, all you wish to know Without a word being spoken. I l Como all yo broken hearted wives, all with low spirits and let him lilt the burden from your aching and Jeal? ous heart. He challenges tho world to compete with him In causing a speedy marriage with the one you love; unit? ing Ule separated and l/rlng back tho lost one. Traces lost or stolen goods. Unearths bidden treasures. Removes evil Influences, Crosses, Spells, 111 Duck. Gives luck and Success in till you undertake?cures the !V?cacco and Liquor Habits, allows tho captive to bo set free. He the only one that will glvo a Written Guarantee to complete your business or refund your money. Aro you nick? Do you know what the trouble is with you? COME AND CON? SULT NATURE'S DOCTOR. Rheuma? tism, Insomnia, Hysteria and all Dis? eases Cured. He will tell you whom you will marry. Will you bo happy? He will tell you who your friends and enemies are. Can you tell? Don't take a leap In the dark, but bo advised by this won? derful man. Greatest Prophet In ex? istence. He always succeeds when others fail. This is the chance of a lifetime?don't let ir. pass you. Hundreds of prominent Nowport News nnd Peninsula peoplo ha\\J been wonderfully pleased with the work of Prof. Bruce. Call and seo him, and yon will he more than pleased. 330 30th Street, near Huntington Ave. Office Honrs: 0:.".O a. in. lo 0:30 p. m. Sunday: to 7::;o p. m. N. P.?Our consultation fee la r>0c. Settings, $1.0?. All letters containing $1.00 will he answered In full. Exclusive Days for White Peoplo. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. OKI/en's Phono 11!). Appointments can bo made ovor phono. If You Never Risk You Never Gain But there is No Risk in Daily Press Class Hied Ads. j& j& & If you have a Room lo Rent, If you want Help, If you have something to Seil, Put an Ad in the Classified col urns of the Daily Press. 25 Words 25c wanted. WANTED?GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Good wages to . xpcri cnccd girt. Apply 213 Thirty-fourth | street. It WANTED?AT THE EXPOSITION I grounds Intelligent white young ] men as chair guides. A roprpson' tativf will moot nppllcnnts at Infor inatlon hurcu, main gate, between I S::i() and 9:30 mornings. JAMES TOWN ROLLER CHAIR C?ltPOR ATION. 7;il3t WA NTEI) -STENOISRAPH ER; LA 1 >Y perforred, Apply VIRGINIA GUAR? ANTY AND TRUST COMPANY. ?? 7 29 21I WANTED?OCUPANTS Poll cool, pleasant rooms, 130 Thlrtyflrsl street. If I WANTED?PANAMA AND STRAW hats to be cleaned, blocked or ro lilted with sweat bauds and rib lions. Our work Is all done at i home, tub HUD, Academy of | Music bldg. Doth phones. 5-23-tf. I WANTED?TO BUY, SELL OR Ex? change furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS, 2">?2 Huntington avenue. 3-17-3m. WANTED?THE PEOPLE TO KNOW we are buying and selling new and | second-hand Furniture. Messick &\ Chendle, 200G Huntington avenue. 3-2-Hm. FOR SALE. FOR SALI-:?1 HORSE. I1UGGY AND harness. Horse I, years bid, thor? oughly broken to double or single harness, gentle. Any lady can drive, not afraid of automobiles nor trains. Price $210. Robert M. | Spencer, Lee Hall, Va. 7 20 Cti i LOTS FOR SALE Oil LEASE IX ALL parts of the city. Call ami get prices. OLD DOMINION LAND] CO.. Hotel Warwick building. DRAFTSMEN IN DEMAND. ThnrnUfiir emnpetMltrirnftwnth t? i>:irilrnlarly ?ln>HK. T..MI moil otnl.lllly i.n.t a -s ppliolH1? In (hin Hum wn rnii Ptfllml v.-ry nltrai-IIVf pofltUoaa al ( ?<i $;oii win, ?, in i.'eiti.K ? ? aiwardiST? ? >l^'n)iiKi ll-l..I f..r'.lr ..r.Mpalila in. n nml run hi-ip roans Uwhnleiil Hrn-inat? a lopotlUon* In which thry nifty Kiiln .??|?*rlrnr? ntul i-arn rapid u?lvnnco Intnl. writ.'u. t'xlay btuttui; i-m^tIv-iicu rully. HAPOOODS fine.) Brain Brokers. 1113 tabsm?*l?h Trst*. Elte, rtilalelfiU TRANSFER COM PAN ltd. I OLD DOMINION BAGGAGE TRANS fer: offices C. ft. O. (station. ?Phones, Bell Nos. 401 and 135; O.ltz.. No. 12. TICKET BROKERS. BLACK CAT CIGAR STORE Billiards and Pool. Cut Rate Ticket Office. We want to pnrennse Railroad tick lets to nil points, particularly Rich I mond, Lynchburff, Charloltcsvilo, Staunton, Cincinnati, Chicago, and points west. Highest prices paid. This add and 2." cents entitles you to either a shampoo, maul cure, massage or fancy hair dress at NICHOLAS' HAIR DRESS ING PARLOR 203. 27th street, SUsby Buldg, MEN?NOWOMEfn. I'r ? Hin li for unoaiar&l die li?r^-'b.Io01.0' IrrltfttiuLf or ulc*irallo?# of mncout atmhrMiM -n ..............? y?inli-,i. and not ?Urin T?ttHtfY?HSCnt*ilCUC<). ??nl or pol.unuoii. CHICINIUTI.OKH? ?Ol?'by ?rnislolfc l- B i. TMP ot >?nl In pl?lo ?rr?r>j><f. Lr ??pt???. pr?r?'i?. t"* ? I .00. it 3 bottlcl II 7? Olf JlJM W?t ? WM* U. S. Rubber Imports. The value of the India rubber Im? ported into the 1'n.ted States during the last year In the crude form ag? gregated $r,t),oon,ooo. Brazil is the chief source ot supply. Twenty third session begins SKI" formation concerning Stato Scholars! FOR RENT. FOR RENT?GOOD STAND FOR small business. Free for whorl time to start business. Address "M." this office. 7 27 .'It FOR RI3NT?FURNISHED ROOMS. Privnto family, modern convenienc? es. 22r> 29 th street. 72 I hi WE SELL AND RENT PIANOS, cash or easy payment plan, accept second-hand pianos or organs as part payment oh now Instruments. Tuning and repairing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Ferguson .AI usie. Co., 211".) Thirty-first Btreet. Cit. Phone 95. 7 10 4m SPECIAL NOTICE. SPECIAL NOTICE -SOM MERVILLE Trust Co., 2717 Washington avenue, will save yon money and lime if you want to buy Real Estate, Rent a House or horrow money, or If yon have property to sell, rent or money to loan. Fro Insurance at lowest rates. Notary Public ill offlco. Open until 7. 3 phones. .1. A. Sum iner'vlllo. President. Guy p. Murray. Secretary. , 7 2:1 lm MONEY TO LOAN IN bUM.S OF *r,0 to $1,000 nt 6 per cent. Merchantfl 1 Mechunics Savings Association, Al lnn D. .Tones, Secretary and Attor? ney. FlrRt NnMonal RnnV- imildlnir I UNDERTAKER J I have completed the most up to , dato Undertakers' ostmbllshmont In I tho city, with n mortuary sufficiently large for most fiinernls, 1, show room I equipped with the latest Improved show cases, enables mo to display a large line, of my class of goods. 1 tmiko a specialty of tin- Undertaking business, nnd give my entire time to lit, ami with two assistants nnd two licensed emhnlmers, nnd tho most j modern paraphernalia, I am prepared to give the very best of service to all classes. Respectfully, W. B. ROUSE, 234-236 Twonty-fifth utreet. Phones 51 office. Resldenco 110. FUNERAL Dl RECTOR. J. HUGH CAFFEE Modern Rarvlce, with Paraphernalia emuil n> the Heat, two LIOKN8KD km u.M..m Kits, en? abling mv in itItu 10 my piiuiuia the bent o Bttonlton iu moderate prices. Phone, Omce?llntb Phonei No. 1, UusMeiiea Phone - Mr. t'aflce II Mr. Overtoil 046. EDUCATIONAL. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, Lexington, Virginia. sib year, state Military, Rclenllllc anil Tech? nical school. Tharnngfi coniiea of ri -neral nun aiipltu-l triiMiiMry himi ta RloetrloAl nnd Civil Kaslncorins'. Degree of gradnate in Beadeiiile eoiiraa. and degreee of liechcloc of Science in Technical Courses. All oxpeusfs. Including elotblnK and jiuddanlala. provided nt rata of ascit per anttiiiti, an un average for the tout year*, exclusive or nuuli. for Information, atldrcM E. W. NICHOLS, Act'g Supt. 7 10 Cw?cod UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Mend or State Public School RyMeni. Letten, BcteiicS, Law, Ucillcluc, Knglneerlng. SlO Covery All Coyt/ to Virginia ?IikIvjP of fee ami billion in cither of the academic depart.lilt; lowe-l ehargra In the South. Next teuton beglm September 12. Bend for catalogue. HOWAKU WINSTON. RetfUfrar. Cliarlottcijvlllo, Va UNiVERSSTY COLLEGE RICHMOND VIRGINIA STUAKT McGUIRK. D , PnrsiniHT. Thh College ennforma to the Btandnrda !fixed by law for Mi. Itcal Education. Send lor Iiullrlin No. 11, which telln about it. M tree attatoguet?Specify licnarimcnt. IMEDICINE - DENTIS ffiY PHARMACY Hampton College Classical School for Girls and Young Ladies. The eleventh session will begin Oc? tober 1st, 1907. Miss Fitchctl will he at home tiny morning to those desir? ing a personal Interview. For cata? logue, ftc, address, Miss Fitchetf Hampton College, Hampton, Virginia. 8 TEMPER, Ith. For catalogue and In lips, write to J. L. JARMAN, Pros. Farmvlllo, Va.