Newspaper Page Text
World i iVIRGINIA LEAGUE j Results Yesterday. Danville, C; Portsmouth, 1. Richmond, 6; Norfolk, 2. Rdanoko-Lynchburg, no gaino; rain. Standing of the Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. J'.C Norfolk . 52 -12 .661 Ronnoko . r,i .p; ,52C Lynchburg . -id -is .nur, Danville . t;i 49 .500 Richmond . -is is .600 Portsmouth . 39 55 .ill Today's Games. Norfolk at Richmond. Roanoke at Lynchburg. \ Portsmouth at Danville. AMERICAN LEAGUE Results Yesterday. Cleveland. 2; Washington. 1. Chicago, 0; Philadelphia, 2. Detroit, S; Uostou, 7. Standing of the Clubs. W. L. PC. Philadelphia . l.l 4.1 .698 Detroit . Oil 43 .694 Chicago . 07 17 .r.SS Cleveland . 66 47 .680 New York .51 56 .17" Boston . 48 62 .436 St. I^mls . 15 62 .420 Washington . 31 74 .2'JI Games Today. Philadelphia at Chicago. Washington at Cleveland. Boston nt Detroit. ' ' New York at St. Loulf Sievcr Saved Game for Tigers. DETROIT, .MICH.. Aug. 22.?Don hovnn walked three men In the ninth nnd wns replaced by Sievcr who saved the game. Score: R. IT. P.. Detroit ...3 1 1 2 0 0 (I 0 1?8 13 1 Boston ...1 1 0 0 0 2 1 I 1?7 S 2 Butteries?Donnovan, Slover, Archer ami Schmidt; Kxoh, Morgan, Glaze and Shaw. Time, 1:55. Umpire, Connelly. Indians Win Two More From Senators. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Aug. 22.? Cleveland beat Washington today in u fust game. Score: R. 11. P. Cleveland, 0 0 0 0 1 0 I) 1 *?2 6 0 Wash'gton 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 8 1 Batteries?ClarkBon and Clarke; Patten and Block! Time, 1:27. Um? pires, Evans and Sheridan. Waddell In Rare Form. CHICAGO, ILLS.. Aug. 22.?Waddell shut out Chicago today. Only three bnlls were hit beyond tho infield by the locals. A wild throw was re? sponsible for Philadelphia's two runs Score: R. II. E. Chicago ..ooononoo o?o ?> ?> Phll'd'lp'a 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?2 5 2 Batteries?Walsh and Sullivan; Waddell and ghreck. Time, 1:45. Umpire, O'Loughlln. Results Yesterday. V Brooklyn, 7; St. Louis, 6. Philadelphia (first game), ? cinnatl, 2. Philadelphia (second game), ; cinnatl, 1. New York, 5; Pittshurg, 20. Boston, 2; Chicago, 3. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Chicago . 81 31 New York . 63 44 Pittshurg . 63 44 Philadelphia .5S IK Brooklyn . 52 69 Cincinnati . 47 64 Boston . -11 68 St. Louis . 34 81 Games Today. Pittshurg at New York. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Chicago at Boston, f Cincinnati at Philadelphia. Dorner's Wlldness Gave Game to Cubs. POSTON, MASS.. Aug. 22.?Horner s wlldness In the eighth inning and er? rors by the incals enabled Chicago to win today. Score: Chicago ..1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0?3 I 3 Boston ...0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0?2 6 5 Batteries?Frnzler and Morari; Dor ner and Brown. Time, 2:10. Umpire. Carpenter. Timely Hitting Woo for Brooklyn. HROOKLYN. N. Y.. Aug. 22?A timely hit In tho ninth, following n doublo won today's game for Brook? lyn. Score: Urooklyn :t l o 0 n o a 1?7 :> G St. Louis . 1 o t) i) I t i) it ii 0 D i) Uatteries? [tucker, Bell, and llcrgcn and Ritter; McCllynu, knrgor and Noonan, Time, 1:57. Umpire Rlglor. Philas' Hitting Won Two. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Aug. 22.? Through superior hitting Philadelphia defeated Cincinnati in a doublo head? er today. The second gas was called tit tho end of the seventh by ngrco ment. Scoro. First game: 1( it. E, Cincinnati 2 a u n o n n n o?l> io Phlla .1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 ??0 <; - Battorics?Ewing and McLean; Sparks ami Dooln. Time 1:40. Um? pires BmBlie and Klom. Pirates Smother Giants. NEW YORK, Aug. 22.?l'lttsbnrg played all around New York in today's SUino. The game was called at the end of the eighth inning mi account uf darkness. Score: It. H. P. Pittsburgh ..2 0 3 7 4 1 1 2?20 l'I 2 Pfcw York .0 1 o l 2 1 0 o?.-, 12 Battorles?Lelfold, Qlhson and riinith; Matthewson, Ferguson, Tay? lor and Bowermnn and Brcsnnhnnj Time. 1:56. Umpires, Johnstoho and 0,'Dtiy. HITS FROM THE DIAMOND. The Athletics are certainly going at a tremendous clip, hut they may 1MB making their run too soon. There's nearly two months of play yet. Have the Detroits walked Into their egular fall slump'.' Tirltl is ahout the line of the year when they take a Ohle on the toboggan. The Ticers lou't seem to he nblo to stand up un-: lor a grinding finish. There Is a strong likelihood that I next season titforc will he a rule pro? hibiting pitchers from rubbing the shine off new balls. "Muck" Freeman made two triples iti a gam,, at Indianapolis last Satur lay. He is hitting well over .300. j Josh Clarke, the Toledo outfielder | i younger brother of ('apt. Fred Clarke if l'lttsbnrg, is now leading the Amer? ican Association at the bat with .348 Chicago's cripples, by Una way, are reporting favorably, and if Fielder tones can put the full playing strength of his club into the field within a| week or ten days the White Sox are far from being out. of the hupt. If one were to ask .Manager Prod Clarke of the Pirates why hie released Pitcher Eddie Karger,' the Texan] southpaw, who has been doing phe? nomena) work all the season at St Louts, be would probably reply:" That; Is where 1 made the greatest mistake of my managerial career.' George Huff of the Boston Amorl-i can League team announces that be has procured options on the entire Lincoln and Pueblo team of the Wcst-I ?rn League, from which to recruit Hos? ten for next year. The only club team from which tWo Boston American have won doublo figures in victories Is the Ohleagoj White Sox. What is more. Hosten has laadVd more games from the White' Sox than any other club. That brings to mind that Boston landed from the While Sox every game played in Bos? ton In 1001 and twenty out of twenty two in 1901 and 1002. If Danny Hoffman can make ar? rangements to get off he will enter' the race around the bases at the Cin? cinnati base ball field day In Septem? ber, lie would much rather run 100 yards straightaway. You know Danny h'as done lots of racing, and on three occasions he made 100 yards in 10 flat. Han Ion says that tho ?Ens torn lea? gue umpires are Incompetent. After all he baa been told by the Cincinnati critics, I Inn Ion ought to be an expert on Incompetcncy. "Must the great American game die for lack of men to play It?" Is what a western fan wants to know. We fear so. If this chair throwing habit once fastens Itself upon the big leagues. It Is practically a cinch thai Ruck Freeman will be back In fast company next season. He Is batting at a fear? ful clip In the American Association. A notable thing?two notable things In fact?happened In one of the Yan? kees' games nt Cleveland. Kcolor struck out. and. more remarkable, be kicked when the third strike was cal? led on Mm. MARKET/ SHY DEALERS List Showe-1 Prices Higher Gener? ally ?ut Busine? Was Moder? ate In Volume. NOTABLE ABSENCE OF PRESSURE Time Money Market Shows Another Advance?Stagnant Conditions In tliie Bond Market Found Further Re? action?Traction Shares Fail to Re? cover?Total Sales. (Iiy Associated. Prosa.) , NEW YORK, Auk. 22.?Following tiho early period 01 Irregularity ilay's block market moved to n gon urully higher level, Business was Only inodorale in volume, however, and op erat ions savored strongly of profeS Blonals, On the whole a hotter fcollng pro vntlcd as to the future of the market. This sentiment was based in part on the absence of pressure to sell stocks and Ahe belief that all ordinary com? mercial and Industrial failures have been discounted. Business on the ex i hange during th" early session was slightly enlivened by the suspension of an inconspicuous brokerage firm whoso embarrassment was attributed to the failure of Its customers to make good Impaired margins. The traction shares were an exception to the general rocovory. Pressure against the llltorborouglt Metropolitan issues resulted in mnrked dccllnon in both Uro common and preferred stocks, ami followed further reports of a general reorganization of the whole system. Another cut In the price of Copper was made by the local metal exchange bid the Copper shares held well above yesterday's closing quotations! During the late session on the Ex? change the movement became irregu? lar again, prices sagging somewhat on realizing for profits. Tht> final hour developed Increased dullness, hut i ii a renewal of short covering prices moved up and closed at general net gains. A notable feature of (he clos? ing was a further decline In Third avenue slock which suffered n net loss of 8% points. The time money market showed an advance In thirty days rates of 0 per cent. For the longer periods, however, rates were unchanged and the security continued. Tin- stagnant conditions In the bond market found further reaction hi the advance in the Interest rate on city bonds from .| to IVj per cent, the In creaso aplylng to all but. revenue bonds. Bonds were irregular. Total sales if bonds par value, were $922,000. (T. bonds were unchanged on call. To? tal sales today 630:500 shares Includ? ing: Copper 63,200; Siicnr. 1,000; To. hncco. 1,000; P. fi O., 700; L. % N. 1,200; N. Jfe \V.. 700; Heading. 101, 600; Southern Railway, 1,200; South? ern Railway, pfd.. 200- 17. S. Steel, :tl.'.)00; V. 0. C, 200; Bloss Sheffield son. Adams F.xpross .l"'n Amalgamated Copper . 7ov? American Car ft Foundry .67 American Car Foundry pfd .. 03% American Cotton Oil . 30Vi American Cotton Oil pfd . 85 American Express .l sr? Amorcnri Hide & Leather pfd.. 15V6 American lice . 53 American Linseed Oil . S American Linseed Oil pfd . 17 'Anfsrtcnn Locomotive . 61 V6 American Locomotive pfd .... 99 V4 American Smelting ft Kling .... 95% American Smelting A Ring pfd.; 95 American Sugar Roflnlng .lPi?fc American Tobacco, pfd. oetrif.. 7."> Anaconda Mining Co . 44% Archlston . B? Atohison pfd . 90 Atlantic. Coast Lino . 81 Baltimore & Ohio . 89% Baltimore ft Ohio pfd . ST Brooklyn Rapid Transit .42 Canadian Pacific .\C\% Central of Now Jersey .170 Chesapeake & Ohio . 32% Chicago Croat Western . 9aj Chicago & Northwestern _143V4 Chicago. Mil. ft St. Paul .119?,4 Chicago Terminal ft Trans .... -1 Chicago Terminal & Trans, pfd.. 13 C. C, C. ft St. I/mis . 58V4 Colorado Fuel & Iron . 23 Colorado ft Sonthlcm . 22 Colorado ft Southern 1st pfd .. 61 Colorado ft Southern 2nd pfd .. 40 Consolidated Gas .103% Corn Products . 12% Corn Products pfd . 03 Delaware ft. Hudson .161 Delaware, Lakawanna ft West. .450 Denver ft Rio Grande. 23 Denver ft Rio Grande pfd . 05 Distillers' Securities . 17'i Brite . 20% Erle 1st pfd . 52% Brio 2nd pM . taneral Electric .123 Illinois Contra! .132 International Paimr . 12 International Pn|?or i?fd . 72% International Pump pfd . >??'? Iowa Central . 10% low? Central pfd . 3G Kansas City SbuUiorn . 23 ?as City Southern pfd . 50% IjOUlSVttlc ft Nashville .105% Mexican Central . 18% Minneapolis ft St. Louis . "7 Win.. St 1*. ft Sault Ste \l_ 90% Minn.. St. P. ft Sault St. M. pfd..122 ] Missouri Pacific . 156% Missouri. Kansas ft Texas . Missouri, Kansas & Texas V(,\ .. G2 National Load . National It. R. of Mexico pf,|- II New Vork Central .104%| New York Ontario * We tern.. 31% Norfolk ft Western . GOy Norfolk ft Western pfd . 7< North American . 54% Paeifie Mall . 21 Pennsylvania .117%| People's Qaa . 85?, Plttshurg, C. C. ft St Louis-GO PfoBscil Steel Car . 27 Pi . sseil Steel Car pfd . SI Pullman Palace Car .lfM Reading . Oil Reading lut pM .77 Reading '-'nit pfii .72 Republic Sleel . I0'4 Republic Steel pfd . 71% Rock Isiaiui Co . 18% ?k Island Co pfd . 12 St Louis & San Fran. 2ml pfd.. "'JTs St. I.onls Southwestern . 17 Si Louis Southwestern pfd .... 41% Southern Pacific . V'-N Southern Pacific pfd .100% Southern Railway . Southern Hallway pfd . 5814 Tennessee Coal ft. Iron .135 Texas & PaclRc. 25% Toledo, St. l.ouls ft Wesi . 24 Toledo, Hi. Louis ft West pfd.. 18% [jUnlon Pacific .120% Union Pacific pf.i . si United Slates Express . S8 Unlfetl States Realty . 48% United States Rubber . 2tt United state,; Rubber pfd . B0% United Blmtos Steel . tl United STntes Sleel pf<| . 93 V5 Virginia Carolina Chemical .... 21% Virginia Carolina CUomlcal pfd.. 96% Wnhaslt . ii Wabash pfd . 20 Wells Pargo Express .250 Wicstlnghouso Electric .130 Western I'll Ion . fli Wheeling ft Lake Erie . 10 Wisconsin Central pfd . 31% Northern Pacific .lis% Central Leather . IK Central Leather pfd . S3 floss Shelf field . 17 Crone Northern pfd .121 International Metropolitan .... 0% International Metropolitan pfd .. 23% New York Money Market. NEW york. Aug. 22.? Money on call firmer. 2,/J(f(,3 per cent; ruling rate 2%; closing bid 2%; offered at 2%. Time loans continued firm; six? ty days C% per cent and 00 days 6% (3*7 per cent; six months 7 per cent. Prime mercantile paper BQ>G% per cent. Sterling oxchnngo steady at decline with actual business in hankers' hills at 487.55 for demand nml at "483 for sixty day bills. Com? mercial hills 482%: bar silver f!77M; Mexican, dollars 52%'. Baltimore Produce Market BALTIMORE, MR, Aug. 22? Flour, steady and unchanged. WHEAT?Battler: <, snot contratr* 90%$ 90%; new Southern by sample 08f3>86c. corn-/steady: (not Gl%?3>61%o? Southern white com 58%(j>02%c. OAT8?Unsettled; old No. 2 mixed r,offiT,n%c ?!?? ?? a .'i It ye? (Jlllet. BUTTER?Firm and unchanged; fancy imitation 22<Q)24o; fancy cream? ery 27c; fancy ladle 20@21c; store packed 17? 18c. ECUS?Steady 2Ie. CHEESE?Firmer, and unchanged; large 15c: medium 15%@15%C; small 15%@15%c;. JCew cheese, unchanged, large I2%c; flats 13%c small I3%c. SUOAR?unchanged; coarse granu ?d ? fine ? Life Job For HIb Honesty. \ crisp $? bill ami a Job for life, are the rewards received by .lames Hooker a ncgrp, of Marcus Hook, in reeogni tlon of his honesty. While walking along the. Reading Railroad Hookvr found a wallet containing 83,000 In bank bills ami a number of valuable papers. Learning that Howard Pew, super? intendent of the Sun Oil Company's plant at Marcus Hook, bad lost, the waltet, Hooker promptly returned thfo money to him. Mr. Pew complimented Hooker on his Honesty, ami handing bim SO, told him to go to work ns watchman at Hie plant, assuring him thai the posi? tion was good for life.?Philadelphia Record. Woman In the Case. Mrs. Nowod?Some bonded mnn wrot'p every one of these stories. Mr, N?WOd?In every ease just as soon as the bank cashier was found short In bis account the detectives started out to hunt for the woman. Mr. Newed?They bad to bo quick (dear; if they hoped to rcscuro any ol the cash. You naturally would prefer to treat yourself at home, for any form of female ? trouble, wouldn't you ?. , Well, it can be done. No reason why you should not T* afVWM a be able to relieve or cure your suffering, as thousands of other women have aIJLO done, by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment,' vBeglnby.taking Wine of Cardui / ( the well-known female ton!6__For sale at alljdrug storesi; ' teuvs. ??^ JL Jo? Moorhead. of Archibald. I. T.. writes-: "MyVfo had Buffered for years fro m fernala, to^fe On /iJJ?j?WtHl your advice. I gavo her tho Carrful Homo Treatment, ond now she hardly cutlers at all. Sold by drugglata. S%lAWaUV l.iraiTC fl?C 1 f ETTEI? Writ. ?rfiO'for *fr*.coer<rfvat^ r,.?, WRITE US A LcTTER jaas^^a xsa^yggy.- r^aa&ja ^.s?1^. ^t,L%^?T^'"v',op*- . DELIGHTFUL ON CHESAPEAKE BAY TO BALTIMORE $2.00 ONE WAY. $3.50 ROUND TRIP OLD BAY LINE, 5|).! CHESAPEAKE LINE, ; From Foot of Main 8t., From Foot of Jackson St., Tuesdays, Thursday*, Saturdays. Mondays, Wednesday*, Fridays. Lv. NorfotK . 7:30 n. m. Lv. Old Point . 8:30 a. m. Ar. Baltimore . 7:30 p. m 3 up -^^entensg ?Tor particulars apply t" J. N. 8MITH, Union Ticket Office, Hotel Chatnbcrlln, Old Point. FAST LINE TO Exposition ?Steamers "GEN. LEE" & "GEN. PUTNAM" LBAVR PIBR A, FOOT 25th ST, ALL WATRll HOUTIO PASSING THH QBKAT ('. (i O. COAL PllOHS AND BATTLESHIPS LYINO IN HAMPTON ROADS. Lv Pine Deach Pier Lv ft Newport Newa Pier A fi:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. S:3U a.m. 0:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 12:00 m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p m. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. Ii:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. b:00 p.m. 0:00 p m. 10:00 p.m. 10:46 p.m. i I ; mil i. t i R?r*3< *1 ' 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 0:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 12:16 p.m. 1:00 P.M. 2:oo p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. K:0D p.m. 0:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 I' m. 11:46 p.m. M fl i FARE: 15 Cents. ROUND TRIP: 25 Cents. B. F. M'HORNEY, CerTI M(ir. Ferry "IVY AVENUE AND PINE BEACH ROUTE" 'Endeavor" Steamers: 'Annie L. Vansclver" For Exposition, Pine Beach, Ocean Viow or Norfolk: For Newport Now* and Hampton: Ship : , Now- : Lv. N'OWB j Ava. IS 3:301 0:30 30 4:15i 7:45 15 5:00 0:00 10 5:46 0:45 :00 0:30 10:30 7:15 tl: 15 8:00 12:00 8:45 12:46 0:00 9:30 1:30 I v y Plor 3:45j 4:30 6: K.i r,:. 0:46 7:30 8:16 9:4i 10:46 2:46 11 i4 6 [_3_: 00_ 12 MM i{ : Lv. folk 7:30 S: 15 9:oo 0:46 lo:::o 11:15 12:00 12:45 1:30 NorLv. Ocean View. Lv. H)xpo> i hit lull Lv. II e Pier Vino c h 2:16| 2-::oj 7:OO 2;r.0 7: 10 3:00 3:001 7:30 3:00 8:10 3:35 8:20 3:45 3:461 S:30 4:001 8:50 4:20 9:00 4:30 4:30 9:00 4:30] 9:36 5:05 9:45 6:15 5:15110:00 5:30110:20 5:50110:30 0:00 0:00110:30 0:00|11:05 0:35111:10 0:46 0:45111:30 7:00)11:50 7:20112:00 7::io 7:30112:00 7:30(12:35 8:05(12:46 H:15 R:l?j 1:00 K:3o| |;20 8:501 1:30 9:00 8:30 1:30 9:?oj 2:06 I0:0u| 2:15 10:15 10:30 ll:o(i| 11:20] 11:'J0 OLD VIRGINIA Mint Juleps. Will dissipate that weary fcnl ing. Nothing more bracing No Exposition prices. Every? thing in DRINKABLES FOREIGN & DOMESTIC -CAN UK FOUND AT I John E. Mugler's CAFE & Family Liquor Store 2812 Washington Avenue Cleanliness is Let our driver call for your Laundry, and wo will convince you thai we do Hid bosl won; in Ihn city; our domestic finish is the only finish for well dressed men. f j Doth 'Phones No. 10. Hotel Warwick Laundry BEST BY TEST. Th? Hplondld Now Stoamors QUEEN ANNE aaa?iii^iB*' ??* Im? ?>?... MONTAUK njp ?-to?_ 4'-v EXPOSITION GROUNDS & PINE BEACH 3R. ?? from- g A OLD POINT Leave Old Point for Pino Beaoh: 0:00 a. m. 4:20 p. in. 10:30 n. m. , , 0:00 p. m. 12:00 in. 7:30 p. m. 1:30 p. m. ? ? 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Leave Pine Beach for Old Point: 9:45 a. m. 3:45 p. m. 11:1G a. m. 5:16 p. m. 12:45 p. m, 1 (1:45 p. m. 3:15 p. m. ; - 8:15 p. m. 10:00 p. m. FARE: 25c ONE WAY; ROUND TRIP, 40c. Schedulo subject to chanja wltBout notice. Special Invitation To ace Mr.--. Toussant, Export Chiropodist, before going to tin- Exposition, Manicuring fur ladies arid goritlomon, electric face massage, shampoo, hair dressing, 2?e. Marcel Wave. 50c; scalp treatment; hair goods, puffs and switches, made out of combings. 2507 Washington Avenue. Phono Number 217-Y. Bell A't" others (all, thaGerman Treatment Is thaonly cars, ~ Pref.Q. F.TKEF.L.627 A&fMj 1 I,i11 ? i '[.I. *, I'a, >*IU I i ? . * r, t, ? l- lj ikvt s, , <?, U * >. - - -.i j. Ilnatinlw? to run aft* bj u ..l I'rltat,* I * i ??.??.", I ?'?-???. iT.,. v -,ll1rwi.1[|'ol*aa^n|H?rt r*n't !.I It-Mill), 4 Im?c?, DriW Half uh <tO)rurV ttrfctlrsf JL il j e*r*M.o.r>U.kl i-i jrrtVnrt la lit rtsany. tWs>4 for?(|u<>i,/-Ujl. ?ll.*ii.o*l...- Mi-rjr mc.1I?! AtWrtjfcft^ TRANSPORTATION MUIOB. . Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Trains to Richmond. I liOiivo Nowport Nowb 7:45 n. m.;j lOiOO a. m.; 5:30 p; m.; 8:30 p. m. Local Tralnn to Richmond . \ 15:15 n.< m., 5:40 p. in. Through Trains to the West. ,,-it, io:<io u. in., 8:30 p. in. f'j Cliarlcr.ton, Columbuo and Toledo 7:15 u. in. Trhlna arrive Nowport News, 7:46 a. in.. 0:16 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 6:30 p. Ul.,0:00 p. in., 7:20 p. in. Steamer Servlco for Norfolk. Leavu Nowport New? 7:50 n. tn.t 10:35 a. in.. 6:36 p. ni., 0:05 p. in. Ferry Service to Pine Boach Pier. LcnVu Nowport News 7:50 n. in., 10:35 a. in.. 0:06 p. in. Leave Pluo Iloach plor, 0:50 a. in., 3:0V a. ,jn., 4:45 p. ni., 7:46 p. in. Norfolk & Washington . Steamboat Co. The new and powerful Iron Pnlnco Btoninors. Nowport New?, Wnnhington and Norfolk will leovo 'dally an fol? lows; , NORTHBOUND. MW^att Leave Portsmouth, foot of Ncirih Btroot .i 6:00 pm Leave Norfolk, foot of Wn tor Btroot . 0:00 pm Leave OKI Point Comfort 7:00 pm Arrive lu WiiHhliiRton ... 7:00am Arrive in Philadelphia, Ponn. It It.??10:50am Arrive In Philadelphia, D. ft O. It. It.??11:10 am Arrive lu New York. Ponn. H It. 1:10pm Arrive In Now York, P. ft O. ft. It. ?3:00pm BOIJTI1 BOUND Lv. New York, Ponn It. It...12:00pm Lv. New York P. & O. It. It ?1:00 pin Lv. Philadelphia, Ponn. H. H. 2:65 pm Lv. Phllu.. D. Jfc O. It IL... 2:08pm Ar. Washington, Peon, it. It. 0:10 pm Ar. Wash., P. ft o. It It..,??6:00 pm i.v. Washington . ?0:30pm Ar. Old Point Oomrort_?7:00 am Ar. Norfolk . ,.. ?8:00am Ar. Portstnoutl. ?8:30am ?Pally. ??Daily except Sunday. The trip down tho historic Potomao River ami Chesapeake Hay on tho olognnt steatnern of thin company is unsurpassed. Tho ntoumcrs are com? paratively new, IuivIiik he on hullt 'In 1801, and are fitted up lu tho most luxuriant manner, with elcctrlo lights, call hells and steam hent In eticlt room. The tauloa arc supplied with every delicacy of tho season from tho markets of WashliiRton ami Nor? folk. For tickets, reservation of i staterooms, and further Information. I apply to T). J. CALLA11AN, Agout, Norfolk, Vn. Clyde Steamship Co. ?toamara to Phll*<?lphlo ? MONDAY, THURSDAY and [??[} SATURDAY. Sailing from Philadelphia, trnalgft Thursday and Saturday. Freight received and delivered dalljt at 6. ft O. Pier No. ?. Office, Rives Road. JAS. W. McCAJtftieJC, Con. Oouthena Agt CLTDfl BTBAMBHIP. CO., ! II ?oath Delaware -tvsnue, FklI&Ba? ?Mai, Pa. IWfflS X MINERS TRAHS CO Steamship Lines. R'asoongsr ft Freight " tt*> M,s:r- ?n -'Trii Nswporl News to Baltimore cm; Mini., Thun.', Kii, Hat., and Ban. (p.m Far* 98.00 On* Way, SSM Round Trip, Including SUteroom Berth. . rnckaU to All Points. j ? . ami Norfolk to Boston. ~*k KrerrHtin, Wort, and Frl. 6 p, m. Norfolk to Providence, ffj Kvery Mon., Thura. aud Bat, 6 p, xa for tickets and farther Informattju, apply to 1). K. MoNKU.I. A IDEAL PHARMACY COR. WASHINGTON M. AND 28ft1 ST. Where Thky Kkkp Open ALL NIGHT The leading Prescription Drug Store in the City. You Can Meet All of Your Friends at Our Fauntain