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Business Men Willing to Pay S3, 50 and S2.25 for Bell Sepylce. LAST NIGHT'S MEETING LIVELY Committee Named to Visit Business Men Generally and Secure Tliclr^ Signatures to the Pledge Not to Pay More Than the Above Sum. The mod im; of Um Subscribers to the telephone hi Hampton drew sixty business men Ln lite Young Men's Chr'ailhn Association last night when the proposed Inerease in the rales was discussed at considerable length. Tim question was debated In its every phll&C ami it was filially decid? ed (?( name a committee to call upon the business men und I he telephone auliscrlbra and ask them to endorse a. petition au.Inn In pay $3.fifJ per month for business 'phones and $2.215 per month for residence phones, l'n less the telephone company agrees to th s compromise the Indications are ithnl there will bo n number of ll*< subscribers who will cease to use the telephone. The connnllce to draw up the paper Betting forth Llio compromise indicat? ed was Composed Oi Messrs. .lohn Woymouth and William C. L. Tulla ferro, while .Messrs. It. L. Tennis. Herbert Wilson and 10. It. Sindbis. W.Ore named as the committee to vls't the business men and secure their endorsement. I luring the evening a number of speeclt's were made. Most of tho speakers opposed Hie raten. but M?SSrn. .lohn Woynmuth, George A. Schmelz, v. P Holt, .lohn W. Howe und Others, thought It unwise to at? tempt, to do away wllh their 'phones, unless another system was In poor lit Ion here. Mr. Schmelz argued (Hit the 'phone was a necessity Wtth hihi, Iis did Mr. Howe. Mr. Howe, how? ever, stated that If all the wholesale dealers n Hampton would agree to cut out their 'phones, he would do the name. Mir. Woymouth thought, be could do without the 'plihnn If all Other lawyers did the same thing. My. t\ H, t'heyne, Mr. It. L. Tennis, Mr. George 11. Wood and Mr. DlggR. favored a. resolution that all the sub? scribers to the service refuse to agree ito the new tariff rates and that they agree- to cease to use the service. The telephone people acut ft loiter In which they stated that the com? pany could not afford <o give service in Hampton ohqHpcr than Ms for bus'ness 'phones and fllf. for real* deuces, The meeting adjourned to next Thursday night wMcn the report or the committee named last night will bo received. TO VISIT HAMPTON AERIE. State President B. j'. O'Hnra Will Come Tthhj Evening. Mr. H. .1. O'llara, worthy Stale President of the ?aglos, will pay an official visit to Hampton Aerie, No. Im'-', this evening. The meeting w 11 probably he largely attended and tilt" local birds are expecting it big time. Mr. O'llara has recently recov? ered from bis broken leg and this will bo his first official visit to Hamp? ton Aerie. Plans for the Grund Actio mooting lit Norfolk, will ho taken up and d's cussed and all together an evening of sport and fun Is promised the UlOlh bers of the Aerie. Sale of TROUSERS at Little Prices An extra pair of Trotis er? will prove a npcfiil ad? dition to your wardrobe n o w. Three lines of Trousers in this Bale at little prices. $6.00 Trousers, for $4.50 $5.00 Trousers, for $?.5)0 $4.50 Trousers, for $8.50 $4.00 Trousers, for $8.00 $3.50 Trousers, for $2.75 $3.00 Trousers, for $2.25 $2.50 Trousers, for $2.00 Frankel & Elsenman Complete Outfitters, 86 WEST QUEEN STREET.. mPTor "Hampton'? Bait Store." Ribbed Vests August Clearance Prices Vou c-nn never havo ton many changes of uiiilorwbar, ho buy these while yiut can go) i hetn at lesH than rogulur prlcoH. Pure White Silk Halo, VobIb, lustrous and WtOor?2GC. grade 19c. 20c. Swiss lllhhed Vests, with tloop lace yoke in fiont and hack, uiso plain lisle, hand crochet finish 12 l-2c. All (if ntir Misses 1111(1 Cllll dreu'h Itll.-heil Vents that mild from 12 12c. In 20c; titzCM rnngo from Infinit? in Voting Lildleii, 9c. PERSONAL NOTES. I The Coming and Going of the People j You Know. Mr. ami Mrs. ('has. K. Btnnton have bven visiting friends lu Madlows county. ! Messrs. Cecil and Bruce Wood have returned from Suffolk, where they nl ! tended a house party gtvon by Miss Saitudors. ('apt. and Mrs. Charlos 10. Ilowlps and Master Ned llowlns havo re? turned from a visit to Mt. BlllOtl springs and Orcoiiwood. I Mensis. H, P. K.lani and Moncliro I Hope left yesterday for a visit of a few days In the mountains, Including Staunton and other points. 1 Miss Molllo Hope has lofl for :i visit of it few weeks with Miss Maggie . Daniels, In Washington. I Mr. and Mrs. .lohn W. Rowe will leave tomorrow for a stny of Bovcral weeks in the mountains. Mrs. W. 11. Push has left lor Balti? more, where she will enter her daugh? ter In a College for the winter. Mrs. Hush will reside in Baltimore so as to he near her daughter. Mr. Klllott lllckmnii hits returned from a visit to friends In Franklin county. Mr. Kdward Oiciiand and the Misses Ruth mid Rlsle Clollaud, of Lynchhurg. tiro visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hoheit Co Vor b ton, iii Pulton street. I Mr.-. P. .1. Ford, accompanied hy her children, has left for u visit In - friends In Hlchmnnd. Messrs. Thomas Illaekmorc and Phillip Blnckmore have gona to Barn] slahle. where thoy will spend some ', time. Mr. and Mrs. Loxley Loo, of Phlla dolphin, with their two children, are the guests of Mr. Lee's mother, Mrs Bakor V. Lee, in Fast liampton. Miss Mildred Lon Collier, of Sails htirg, Md.. la visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas \V. Konton, in King street. MAJOR B. A. BEASON TO LEAVE SOLDIERS' HOME Giver, Up the Position of Treasurer So Ag To Return to His Former Place With Iowa State Home. Major B. A. Reason, for the piist five years treasurer nl the National Soldiers' Home, has sent his resigna? tion to the hoard or managers With the request that he he relieved of Iiis work here on the tenth day of Sep? tember. Major Reason has determined to return to Iowa to become the treas? urer of the Iowa State Soldiers' Home. He was the treasurer of this insti? tution before coming to Hampton Major Reason's resignation will ho greatly regretted hy the officers of the local home, as well as the mem? bers of the hoard of managers, llej Is regarded as an exceptionally good man for the place he has filled and; everything possible was done lo keepi him from resigning the tronsurship. | which is a position of great trust. lie has made a number of friends among the inmates of the Home, as well as among the outside people. The hoard of malingers will selcot Major Reason's successor, hut so far no one can even surmise as to the man. Mr. Willis in Richmond. Hon. .lohn M. Willis, superintendent of schools of K\'zahoth City county, la spending n few daytt in R'cam'ond. VICTIM OF HI Whbu Kir. and Mis. Rurhrhlgo ro it timed homo from lM.ii- outing it was noticeable to tlu. sight or all ?ion that Mr. Kurhrldgc won- HlloK a sheepish manner 'hat lie almost look? ed pastoral, while as lor Mrs. Ihirv bridge, that lady hm| the appearance or one who could bile I he flukes off a man of war's anchor lust as soon its look at it. Seohig this, tic neigh? bors ran in at mice ami sat around rollclllng (he homccomors upon their safe return, until ai last the expected happened ami Mrs. liurbridge lifted her voice ami sniffed: Lands sake!" (Aip cried, "It Isn't his fttull we an- home!" She nodded the back of itscr lead towards her liege lord and master with an air of frightful scorn and derision, as though he were not worthy of being recognized more directly, and tie n. as If thinking hi tler or lids, she maidenly spun around, placed hor bauds upon her hips and faced that unhappy man. shouting: ??Whenever I think of it?" "Hut you mustn't 'kink of It, Mary." bogged Mr. Ilurbrldgo, blinking Ilia cy s. "You mustn't think of it. you know, ii upsets you so. "Mustn't!" sheared Mrs. Ilurbrldgo! "Mustn't! \tftl\ may you sll there and loll in.- that 1 mustn't! Ughl When? ever I think or II?" "Poor soul!" murmured Mrs. Flnchoy while tire otiv.'i- women clicked their tongues hgnltisl the roofs of their mouths with a comforting nolno, or llfiid Iholr bosoms with commiserat? ing sighs, meanwhile trembling with Impatience for Mis. hiirbrhlga to tell them all tn* details. "We gol on the train lo com.' back!"' cried Ilia I Injured lady, "and settled ours Ives back In our seat. I iltkldu't had the bent of times, either, for mother bad two of my sisters and their husbands there and the bouse was full, but he?" sli'e indicated the miserable Ilurbrldgo again with that same scornful gesture with the hack of her band ami mimicked his voice horribly, crying, "Make the bot-.t of everything! Make the best of every lll'lngi my dear. No use worrying!" "Poor, ilenr soul!" breathed Mrs. PlneW'y hi the voice of one who can sympathize with a sister who lias also; suffered, "Poor, dear, dear soul!' "And so we got on tile train," cried Mrs. Ilurbrldgo, aftor sounds of com 1 I fort bad unveiled around the olrclo.i "and jusl after we had settled yonr solves In our seals- the conductor, came along rind walked right past us, [thinking he bad taken our tickets be? fore. So I up nnd says to lhirbrldgv JOHN SMITH MONUMENT UNVEILING POSTPONED Shaft Being Erected on Jamestown Island Will Not Be Com? pleted on September 11. (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK, VA.. Aug. 22.?Lieuten? ant Governor .1. Taylor P.lly.-on, act? ing president of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Anptpil lies, announced today that the un? veiling of the monument to (.'apt John Smith, being erected on Jamestown Island, by the Dulled States govern incur, will necessarily have to be post poned. the Contractors giving notice that It will not he completed on Sep? tember lltb. the day set for the ox Preises. Ohcorta'nty ns to whr-n 'ho shaft will be completed, prevents the naming of a future day. I In the Police Cpurt. W. I. Rollins, 22 years old, a young white man. was before Mayor Jones yesterday to answer the charge or drunkenness. Ho was flucti Warner Robertson, OS years obi, col? ored, was fined $4.30 for tin. same offenso, Mr. Holston Resigns. Mr. IL K. Holsten, who Mas been the manager of Mr. John 11. Klniber ly'S store at Old Point, has tendered his resignation to accept a position with the Deep Water Pier Company. Mr. W. Tt. Hush will probably be? come the successor of Mr. Holsten. Wbat'a In a Name? Perhaps you may have bennl of the celebrated divine who could movo a congregation to tears simply by repeat? ing the word "Mesopotamia." It was In the sound. Some words) have Indi? viduality of their own. Yon cannot twist "Mesopotamia" to mean any? thing but n sleepy, sun-klsscd land. You could not, for Instance, endow those soft vowel sounds with the rug? ged quality of another unmistakable word, Saskatchewan! Ras-katch-c-wnnl Spoken ob though It (nine always from the full ridged chest of u tall red man, thin la the flank; bard In the leg, spoken as though with the exhalation of lungs full of rugged northern ntr. What word In the glossary of rivers sur? passes this In the virility of Its sheet I sound! It recks of klnnlktntc and dried white llsli and smoked breasts of wild geese and service berry and pom ralcan. You cannot avoid seeing dog sh dges, or help bearing the ho'jk of wildfowl, or refrain from noting the I blown breath of men tunning in tbo cold, when yon bear the mero namo, wild, mysterious, of this river, ono of the trails of the young men.?BnwrjMB Hough In Outing Mngazlnc. ta A system i>r treating low ?l*aHo Iron ores in an electric smelter with graphite as a reducing medium. In? stead or coal, has been Invented by n Mr. Hlorth of Norway. The Iron nnd steel institute haa awarded lilm a prize, S CONSCIENCE right away, ?Tail's tho first hit of luck we've had this n ip.' 'What?' say* hi-. 'Why, (h<> conductor didn't sec us says I.. '1 didn't havo my tickets <nit.' says he, 'I'll catch hlin the next time lie cofrH s through.' " William Burhrldgo!' says 1. "Mo you iirean to say that you nrb going to sit tliere ami deliberately give him Whose tickets when you might Just as well keep them in your pocket? If so.' says I. 'I wish to tell you plain and straight that, you \Vill hear front me, good and hard, tod-^gootl and hard!' " 'nut,' says he. 'they're only re turn tickets and-' "Only net urn tickets!' says I 'Don't you know that you can redeem tin in for cash?' Ami Jus! then the eon title.tor came along again and I had stop, hut I kept my eye on him and he didn't dare to give those tickets up. I saw hlin wiggling, ihough!' " 'William llurbrldge,' says l. 'if you (lure to give thbso tfekcts to that man I'll make It hot for you!' i don't want to steal a ride," he growls, 'I aln'l no thief!' 'Thief!' says I. Thief! ir a man thai rohs his family ain't a Uttcf I'd like to know who is?" lie says noth? ing, hut he curls his lips in a way that well I know, so I up und says to hlin: 'Now. William Burhrldgo, for l.H'o last time. 1 warn you!" "Around came the conductor again and what did this this fool do hut put his nrnis out and stop him. 'Didn't I get yours?" says the conductor. 'No.' aayn ho. 'not yet,* And ho feels In IiIh pockets! And he finds that lie had lo.-t |)*n|o tickets! Oh. laws! Oh, laws! I could have struck him down!' "Lost them?' says the conductor. "Guess 1 have." he says, smiling sickly like. "Two?" says the conductor. "Two.' says he. 'yes.' "Seven dollars ami ninety cents, please,' says the conductor, and oh, I nearly fainted." Tho circle grnnnod in sympathv. Mrs. Plneltov lending the refrain, till Mrs. Riirhiidgc stopped them with a sudden gesture. "And he didn't have lie money!" she exclaimed In Inojcprosslblo tones, "and he had to borrow it from me!' And in the 'chorus of groans that followed those words, no groan was so full and yet so hollow, so strong and yet so pitiful, as Iho mighty groan tluil hurst fro inthe heart of William Bdrbrldgc, ISso... the husbnnd of his wlfe.tlie victim of his conscious an i tho man who had booh warned! ? l'.venlng Sun. Authors Worried About Tltloa. Nov. lists spend a deal of time over their titles. Dickens worked through thirteen before he found the fourteenth In "Hard Times." Hamlet's famous soliloquy, as Mr. 0 ribbln reminds ur. has one sentence that has given three writers their titles. W. D. Howclla hns employed "Tho Undiscovered Coun? try." Roliert Purr i'From Whose Bourne," while David Christie Murray and Henry Herman twist the tall of the quotation by employing "One Troy, elor Returns." Rut Is the title of auch Importance? asks the London Chron? icle. It Is delightful to know that novelists search the Scriptures und rend their Shakespeare In the ?inest for tlth-w. Rut one recurs to tho meth? od of I.ytton when he wanted to dis? cover whether bis name or his nature was the attraction. Why should not all six shilling volumes be entitled nlm ply "My Novel?" Ono Way to Trap a Bear. The Ways Of trapping hear are nu? merous, hut there Is one old fushlouod way that amuses uinny. It is the sys? tem of getting a molasses barrel and driving spikes around through the out? side near the open end with the points of the spikes protruding downward toward the bottom on the Inside. A bear will force Ids head Into the luir rol lu the center of the circular row of spikes and cat all the molasses he can dud, but when he comes to pull his head but the points of the spikes catch lu the fur and skin of the neck and head and he cannot get rid of It. The barrel prevents his seeing. He Is help? less and sure to get rattled as soon ns the situation dawns upon htm.?Dul?th News-Tribune. Tales of the Derby. Whep the Duke of Quccnsbcrry ("Old Q ") was eighty-six and in very feeble health, his friends tried In vain to dlfl BUsde him from going to Uie Derby of 1810. "Not gu!" was his Indlgmiut re? tort. "Why, 1 haven't missed a Derby for thirty years, and I'll go If I die on the road." He went, but It was for the last time, for be died before the year was out. Year nfter year Lord Palmer ston redo down to Epsom on Derby day, until In isofi tho weather com? pelled him to drive down. "If the for? eigner wins I shan't survive n year," ho said to some friends on the course. Oladlntour ("the foreigner") came in first, and In the following October l'al merston was slopping In Westminster abbey. -Westminster Gazette. LAWN PARTY TONIGHT. The ladies of Central Methodist Church will hold a lawn party in the yard of the parsonage tonight. The public s Invited. It W.WTP.D?A SMALL ROW BOAT, ynwl or canoe preferred. Address Box 90, Hampton, St. FOR SALIC?GOOD SECOND HAND soda fountain, in excellent condi? tion. Apply KIMBERLY'S STOR12, Old Point Comfort, Vn. 8-ll-tf. Mercury in the Orient. JftjIMkn and China now uso more mercury than most of,'the other conn irics and (Iiis Is ahout llio only metal l he price of which has decreased of late. In the I-'ast it i.< useii for making vermilion, and In Japan largely in Ihn compounding of a secret explosive eomiiosltion. REACHED EYES Disease Spread Over Whole Body Face Was in Awful Condition ? Itched So that Baby Could Not Sleep?Doctors and Home Rem? edies Failed?Mother in Despair. CURED IN THREE WEEKS BY CUTiCURA REMEDIES "I take groat pleasure in dropping you ft lino t" tell y>u what a (loiUcnd CuUcurn Homo* dies were for my baby. Ho was Buffer in g from that terrible tor lure, eczema. It was nil over his body In patches, but the worst was on bis face and bend. His face was awfully bail; the oazoma ox tended up to tho lower eyelids and I wan jiir.1 about t-iek for fear it would get into his eyes before I got it stopped, lie cried nnd scratched till the time and could not sleep night or day from scratching. I took him to tho l>est doctors, nod one of them said that ho would keep the dtscosu till ho got nil of his tooth; but if 1 had de? pended on the doelors, I guess my boy wot?d have been laid at roil by this time. My friends told rho to try innny kindn of remedies, nnd I pestered the child to death with oil the different things, but could son no Improvement. Finully I got discouraged, ami was just about to givo up all hope of hi- ovqr getting cured, when 1 rend about the wonderful Cutioura Remedies, which camo just In time to rave my baby from the terrible torture. I used Cuti eUra Snap und Cuticura Ointment, and gnvo him Cutioura Resolvent, and 1 euw an improvement in |throo days, and in throe weeks bis skin was as clear as It e<iuld l>e. That was six or seven months ago, and I have not seen any return of t he disease since. I should have written long ago, but I Waited to siv> if it would return. I shall recommend tho use of Cuticura from one end of the world to the other. Mrs. Maggie Smith, 314 W. Crosier St.. Akron, O.. July 24 und Aug. 11, 1000." Complete Ivitrnml and Internal Trrnimcnt lor Kv.'ry lluninr ol lt>Unt;i. OilMn n. ni.-l A.l'ilM ?taM ?t i.*uii>-uki Soup ejSc.i 1.1 rti-anv! UM Skin. Oltktirn Olnlmrnt ir.Or | to llcnl Ilm Skin Mill emt'-tiru ftjflliitil iWV t.tOf in tin- t.inn uteiioru:nle c.iiol raw, .'.'.c pur vi?l ..r eoi io i-uniy t|i? uu?d. H.iM ttiniiichnui itm wi.rM I'.aicr Drue ft i -i.. 1-1 Corp.. Sol.. Pr.ip.-i. nirtinii. Mnsi im-Mm : ? . C'uticum Uuuk on 6Va i .'? . .?, The Greatest Conve? nience of Modern Times: A GAS IRON. CALL AND SEE IT. Hampton, Va. jt? !* St S* All Summer Suits at Re? duced Prices. We hnve an excellent assort? ment to select from $12.50 Suits Now $10 They cannot be duplicated either. S. Marbach The Raltlmore Tailor. HAMPTON, VA. Corner Court and Queen 0t? D POIN I ^eCjose at Saturday Excepted j MEIN'S 50c. Jean Drawers 39c. j Tho kind Hint sells for fifty cents the pair every where. A fill] range of BI7.C8 for lall, short. Btout on.I silm men. 39c. Rair ROWE'S DEPT. STORE ^ SSampion, Virginia. ^ j REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE. Five lotn and nice cottage on ear line near Rlovorvlow. Will cell very cheap for cash. A largo lot on Myrtle Streit near (he Boulevard. I.ol SI hy MO feet deep to 20 feet alley a'tld 20 feet alley on Bide. Can he llO?ght for $360.00. Two excellent np todate homes on Newport News Avenue. Can sell you these at rock-bottom prices. f6r RENT. C-room dwelling. Rlvorviow . $ 8.00 fi room dwelling, \ji Salle Avenue . $ 6.50 t; room dwelling, Lnuderdale street . $12.50 One side of double cottage, Phoebus . $ 5.0U STOR ES. 20] West Queen Street .,. $10.50 152 K. Queen Street. $12.50 North King St.. either side. $ 6.00 GEORGE W. PHILLIPS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, FIRE INSURANCE. AUCTIONEER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. 9 and 11 North King Street. Phono 60. Hampton, Va. Sale of Lawns 12 1-2C ^WNS THIS WEEK $ |_2c RANSONE BROS, 8 and lO West Queen Street V, P. I. Cream and Milk. That's just wliut you get when you buy I C B CREAM FROM? "L^t-jLvi ..*?.-.* l?oJ^ R. E. GATEWOOD Cor. Curry and County Sts. Phoebus, Virginia. Phone 177. Tho V. P. I. Milk is absolutely pure as the cows are examined by an expert votornnry every week. We use fruit in our Strawberry cream. |1.2C Gallon; 05c. half gallon. DELIVERED ANYWHERE ON PENINSULA. '^-^?^??v''.^-?!^!???' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Rlx-room cottage Iji Salle Avenue, $l,nr.n.00. ICasy terms. Modern home Newport News Avenue, $11.000.00. Forty acre farm, twenty acres Oyster grounds; fruit of all kinds, $3,600.00. M. H. MORGAN & COMPANY Hampton, Virginia. 18 8. King Street. i" ' Houses for Rent or Sale in all Parts ot the City. ?Phone 13? jy IF YOU WANT A SAUCER OF THE MOST DELICIOUS ICE CREAM Come to the Fountain of GARDNER &HUDGINS We served the famous Montnuk Crenm nnd there is no oipial to It. Our soda is the beat to bo found. Then we will accurately fill your prescriptions. GARDNER & HUDGINS North King street. HAMPTON, VA. For Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating I i <h . jrfj' "i SEE if N ; \ t- . CHAS. T. TAYLOR of Hampton.. Vs., ^ ' The reliable plnmrvr, who carries the largest stock of Plumb? ing. Stcahl arid Hot Water Fixtures on the Peninsula. All wor.. guaranteed. Repair work promptly attended to. 'Phono 173, Cor. Court and Queen Streets. Get Ready for v.inter Now.