Newspaper Page Text
SUFFERS FOR CRIME Frank Allen Who Attempted to As? sault Woman Dies on Gallows. SWIFT JUSTICE FOLLOWED THE DEED He Tried t0 Ravish Woman Near , South Hill, Mecklenburg County, and Had to Be Taken to Richmond for Safe Keeping. , l U_,_ BOYDTON, Auk. 22.?Frank Allen, the negro convicted of attempted criminal assault on Mrs. Harvey Cat II?, living near Bouth Hill, Mecklen? burg county, was hbugod In tho Jail horo today in accordance with tho law, The execution took place at ton o'clock! this morning. Allen went rto the gal? lows quietly. Ho had nothing to say. There was no hitch In the proceed? ing!-. Home days ago Allen confessed his guilt The assault was aitlemptcd July 1. Mrs. Collis was III 0 Held near her homo' unending to graying her cow when, without Warning, she was at? tacked by a negro man who attempted to nssault hex. Her cries frightened the man off and ho made his escape. Rusplclon pointed to Allen, and hn wan subsequently arrested by the In? furiated citizens of the town and vi? cinity nnd brought to South Hill, where ho wn? Identified by Mrs. Chi? lis ns ihn man. He was tnken to Itlehmond for safe keeping. ; Judge Bnrksdnlo called a special session of the Circuit Court .Inly 2(1. The prisoner was brought to Hoydton from Richmond hy Sheriff Reales. IM wan Indicted by tile grand Jury nnd the trial began nt ouco. The (bill? eons of Rpydton and of Hill guarded the prisoner rrom any at? tempt at violence. Rut mono wan made. Mrs. Cailln was the first witness ex? amined. She testified Without hesi? tation to the fact that tire prison or Tf/OB tho guilty, party. Rhe said: "He Is tho man; I know It." Allen 'Ictjl no counsel. Common wollh's Attorney Goodo conducted the trial with groait fairness to Alton, The lirlHoner>lini a forbidding countenance nnd allowed but Utile Interest In tho trial for Ills life. At the conclusion of Mr. Coode's nrgument, tho cnRe was given to <lho Jury, who, after be? ing out twenty tnlnutVs, returned a verdict of guilty and'fixed his punish? ment at dead On going from the courthouse to lall Allen naked ? Sheriff Reales liow long it was Before Ko would be bofom Hie would he banged. The sheriff replied 'that It would bo a little over a month. "Well," said the prisoner. "I will bo rendjf then." EXPECT ALTON TO GO FREE. Believed at Federal Building In Chica? go Immunity Will Be Granted. OtilCAGTj, ILL., Aug. 22?It In now believed nt the Federal building that immunity will bo granted to t)hV< Chi? cago and Alton Railway for giving re bates to tho Standard Oil Company. United States District Attorney Sims reached'the city today and Was at Ills office all day. Ho would not dlbouss the decision that Attorney General Bonaparte Is likely to make. All ho did while In Washington, Mr. Sims "d. wan to lay tho record of tbVi case before. Attorney Oeneral llonaparte. Those in close touch with Mr. Sims' work Relievo thnt the immunity hath ?will he granted, not because the Chi? cago and Alton earned the hath, for the fo<;ling In general Is that tho rail ?road handed a largo goldbrlck to tilno government, nnd that It was not through the willfngness of the raid to testify that the conviction against the Standard -was secured. It is said that the entire caso hangs' on th<o ono fact that ti!iV> road Ue<i to the Stand? ard Oil when they claimed they had filed their tariffs with tho govern? ment. Bishop Gibson Has Close Call. WINOIlF.STICR, VA.. Aug. 22?Mes? sages received hero from White Post Clarke county, stato that Bishop Rob ort Atkinson Gibson, of the Protestant Episcopal Hloeosc of Virginia, had a very narrow escape from serious In? jury, if not hurled to liiHtnnt death, vrhllo with Rev. Thomas Carter rage, rector of Calvary Churol*. of Front Royal, when n large automobile, belonging to Lawyer D. C. O'Flaiherly. of Richmond, cnnio along, and tho horso became frightened. Roth clergy man Jumped out'to hold the ilibrse, but In doing so were thrown Violently against a stone wall. Mr. Page sus? tained numerious cuts nnd bruises, and blood flowed freely from his wounds. 'The Cofertor) Hotel. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Wu arc going to tnko euro ot our home people at most reas? onable rate*, Come and satisfy yourself that this 1b nn tibBo Into fact. Special rates will bo offered young men. CuIbIuo tho "HoBt Ever." Servlceo nil you can desire. nooina cool anil airy. See us at once. H.fl.Larigjr]orrie Manager nistiop Gibson's Injuries were not h r lous, but ho was Bovoroly shaken up. ROCKEFELLER AGAIN SILENT. Announced That He Has Given His Last Interview to the Press. CLEVBLAND.OHIO. Aug. 22?Novfcr again will John D. Rockefeller glvo an Interview to a nowspnpor. it Is declared thai IllliO oil king hns returned to his old policy not to talk to tihio public. About two years ago, beginning with the visit of the Humorists Association to Forest Hill. Rockefeller began to be Interviewed. It was not a difficult tnsTf for an Interviewer to approach htm. Thto news that Rockefeller had de? cided to quit talking for publication canto late Tuesday. Ily that time he had read President Roosovolt's Prov Incetown spooch, In which was reit oratted tho administration's policy fb keep after unlawful corporations of capital. Went Against the Grain. The young woman in the grand stand demurred. 'A few minutes ago." sho said, "you remarked that these two clubs split even la their last two games. Just now you observed that It was an even break. The two statements are Ir hoconcllnble. If It Is a spill it cannot ho a break.'" "You've got the dead wend on me!" grasped the young matt', mentally resolving to reconstruct his basolxtll vocabulary before springing It on a Hosten girl again.?Chicago Tribune A Ohance For Her 'What 1 would like," said the eager young nctross "Is a part with a death scone In It. I inner fall to make n big hit when I die." "I don't doubt It." replied tho heart? less manager, "and I may say that yon would make the biggest hit of your lifo if you would go away some wli'ere nnd die right now.'?Chicago Record-Herald. Put It In Soak. Mrs. Hardup?Willie, what on earth I are yon doing playing In that tub Of water? ) Willie?Why, mama. I heard papa Sny lft? guessed he'd have to put Ms watch In soak, ho 1 am Raving him the trouble. The Last Word. Daughter?-Why it it. father, that all the funny papers have something to say about women havlug the last word In every argument? Father?Ask your mother, dear; If anyone On earth knows, hIio docs. WATCHES! Evorybody In this strenuous age must havo a timepiece. We have watches for any price from $1.00 to $150.00; one especial value wo are of? fering for this week Is a guaranteed 20 year case, with Elgin movement for $9.75. ?.; ? Hales Co., Jewelers, ' Washington Ave. & 29th SL The "Ml Vernon" j* Call ana boo our new and truly beautiful Sterling Silver Pattern The **Mt. Vernon" f Acknowledged hy nil to ho tho prettiest pleco of Silver ever made up. It's olegnnco of design and rich, but Hlmple ornamentation never fall to appear to people of tasto and refinement. Wo havo It made up In Hlnglo plecoa from 11.50 to completo chcBt at $100.00. J. J. PALMER'S SONS THE LEADING JEWELERS 2704 Washington Ave. ? ^^?awst'. 18?. a-z-i^j^4 THE BABY'S RASH. 7' flints to Anxious Mothers Who Dis? cover Red Spott. Nothing strikes more terror to n young mother's soul than an appear? ance of rash on her baby. Unless the eruption Is prickly heat, which even the most Inexperlenced^ajorson is like? ly to know. It indicates lllm-ss, and a physician should be called. Rut while waiting for him her mind muy lie much relieved hy knowing something of the different forms rush takes and precisely what they mean. For Instance, scarlet fever, that loost dreaded of all Illnesses, Is not to bO mistaken for measles by a person versed io tho Indications of both. In scarlet fever the eruption Is bright col? ored atul the spots arc so close togeth? er that they seem to run In one mass, though each little speck Is really clear? ly defined. It begins on tho chest or about the neck and spreads quickly. Measles show first, to the Inexpe? rienced, on the face, but a physician will usually see small spots In the mouth before they appear elsewhere. This particular eruption that develops rapidly from the face to the body Is accompanied by swelling aud Is blotchy. Rash that Is part of chicken pox ap? pears, too, on the face llrst, an a rule, but its formation Is quite different from that seen tit measles. In the former It la in little lumps that quickly develop Into bllstorllke looking things. It does not break out all at once, but appears In rotation In different parts of the body, ho that at first, one por? tion may be quite clear of any erup? tion while another Is covered. It dis? appears by drying Into crusts that drop off after a time. German measles, less serious than tho other form and frequently llrst mistaken fur It, may show by n rash tiofon) there are any fever symptoms, Tho eruption l-i usually much paler than In real measles and may be ei? ther tiny or fairly largo. It sometimes runa in together, but an a rule re? mains clearly separate and dcdnetl. It lants a shorter time than lu measles and may fade after two days. LAVENDER DUMBBELLS. They Mako Charming Triflos For Bazaar Stalls. Take nbout n dozen stalks of laven? der ami tie them together nt the base of the flowers With one end of 11 yard of mauve baby ribbon, shape the dow? ers Into a ball, using extra pieces of flowers to till up where necessary, and .Wind cotton round to keep all necuro. TUB DUUPUIU,!, Win::,' BTAItTEP. Then bend each stalk down over the ball aud thread the rlbUm In atul out of-tho tttulka until the flowers are com? pletely covered. Now take a dozen more stalks of lavender ami muhe an? other ball In the same way. When tho two ball? are finished Intermingle their stalks nnd bind (irmly with the two ends of ribbon which should havo been left loose and fasten off by tying lu a smart bow. These lavender dumbbells will bo found to sell splendidly nt ba> eaurs and look pretty made In various colors. Tho Perfumos of Araby. Sometime:) a combination of two or more odors gives a much more delight? ful perfume than either used singly. For example, combine an ounce nnd n half of BOme really good violet extract with half an ounce each of rose, tulie roso and cassia extract, and the result Is n decidedly novel yet delicate nnd lasting perfume. If to this uru added half an ounce of the tincture of orris root, five drops of oil of bitter almond ami two nnd a quarter drama of triplo rosewntor, tho odor is Intensified, yet not too strongly. If two and one-half ounces each of extract of rose nud tuberose, with a gill of extract of cassia and two and oue-half ounces of tincture of orris root, with a single grain of bitter alm? ond oil, are well blended, n most ex? cellent Imitation of a fragrant violet perfumo results. These delicate extracts, It must bo re? membered, call for care and exactness in blending and most exquisite clean? liness In uteusllo and bottles, as tbo oils nre so absorbent that tbey lieeomo spoiled, and one's time, money nnd work nre all for naught. Green Her "Hoodoo" Hue. There are charms In great vurlery that superstitious women carry with them In tho firm belief they nre Indispensa? ble to their success at cards or In oth? er ventures. Now n fashionable inodlsto In town soys mnuy of her customers aro equally superstitious about colors. Htie made a green dress for a woman who liked It greatly. But within a fortnight she wan back to tho shop with a tale of woo. She said that whenever she had worn it 111 luck hod come to her or to n friend. Tito "hoo? doo" was no pronounced, Indeed, that sho gnve the gown away. She told the dressmaker never to mnke her another frock of that odor. The unimaginative dressmaker couldn't see how tho color mnde nny difference; but, as sho wont? ed to keep tho customer, sho was wise enough to nod In sympathy. WILL TELL GRAFT STORY Johnstown, Pa-, Man Heady to Make Clean Breast of Whole Thing. PROMISES SOMETHING SENSATIONAL Claims That the Graft Was Allowed in Order to Cover Up Shortage in State Treasury?Reputation of Deatl Senator at Stake. (fly Associated PresB.) PHILADELPHIA, PA., Auk. 22.?A spoclal from jpnslowri, Pa., says Jamoj M. Shumnkcr, formor superintendent or public huildlm'.s ami mounds at Harrlsburg, who Is implicated by tho reports of the capltol Investigation commission, has declared that ho will make full confession <?f nil ho knows in connection with Iho capltol scan? dal. Ho claims that tin- manipulation of funds was ohglncorori by n high official or the state at Harrlsburg to cover up a shortage in tho State treasury. Shumnkor lives at Johns? town, and when ho was subpoenaed to appear before Iho capltol invest i gntlori commission to toll what he knew, pleaded Illness ami remnlnod secluded In his house. Now ho is apparently ready to divulge important secrets, when the trials begin in Sep? tember. Shumnker's statement given out by one of bis closest personal ami politi? cal friends is as follows: "I am going On the witness stand to tell OVOrv thing. 1 will not keep back a single secret, ami when | got through, I will show that a man hieb in offllcal life at Harrlsburg ought to no to the peni? tentiary. I have committed no wrong. Tho prohers may be after mo, hut I will go after the man they are pro? tecting. I will mil spare him. I am going to teil everything I know. I do not propose to suffer for the sins of a scoundrel who Knew the colossal graft, but refused to stop it as I urged. I know what the graft, was for; that it was to cover a treasury shortage, and save the name of a former United Stales senator from Pennsylvania, now dead. | am now anxious to go on the stand, and the sooner the better for me. 1 want to get myself right before the people, for also, help tno Cod. 1 am au Inno cent man.'' Stricken Pennsylvnnian Town. HARTUSDUnO, PA.. 22.?Or. Ar thiii D. Moniten, nsslstnnt chief med? ical Inspector of the state Dopt'V n-ent of h.-ilth, who Is nft Uidgewny. Pe. n.j reported to Health Cmiffil* ?dotier b!xor> I Kai there were no-v i i.ety cav-s pi typhoid fever, twelve cases of epidemic cerebro-splnnl men IngMIs nn I s Mi en eases of In'.t-lile paralysis In Iho stricken town. Stole $20,000 of Union Funds CHICAGO. ILLS, Aug. 22.?Through the defalcation of a trusted seciv lary-trcasuror, 0. .1. Camp, tho mlllc wagon drivers' union, one of the strongest labor organisations in Chi? cago, has been plunged from afflu? ence to temporary poverty, ny means of duplicate books and Juggling the various accounts. Camp has seemed In the course of a year all the union's funds, something over $20,000. ViROlNIA: IX TilE CLERK'S OF flee of the Corporation Court for the City of Newport News, the 22d day of August, In the year, 1907. In Vacation. .1. .1. Jones, N.Plaintiff Against C. A. Hartman, n. L Hart man and Riverside Manu? facturing Company.nefendnnts AsBltmpsIl and Attachment. The object of this suit Is to recover a Judgment in favor of the plaintiff against the defendants, for the sum of $ with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of six per centum per annum from the 1st day of May, 1907, till payment, and the costs, ami to attach certain moneys In the bands of Allan P. Jones be? longing to the said defendants or cer? tain effects or the defendants In the bands of Allan D. Jones. And affi? davit having been mnde and filed that the said Defendants C. A. Hartman, O. I.. Hartman and Riverside Manu? facturing Company, are not residents id the State of Virginia, it is there? fore ordered that Ilm said defendants C. A. Hartman, G. L. Hartman aad Riverside Manufacturing "company, appear within fifteen days after due publication of this notice, In the clerk's office of our said Corporation Court, and do what is necessary to protect their interests. And It Is or? dered that a copy of this order be published once a week for four suc? cessive weeks in the Dally Press, a newspaper published in tho city of Newport News, Virginia, ant. that a copy hereof be posted at tho front door of the court bouse of the city of Newport News, on or before the next succeeding rule dnv after the date of this order. Teste: D. O. SMITH. Clerk. Tlv K R. MA RA Hl.IC, D. C. ASIinY ?? READ, p. q., A Copy--Tes|e: D. O. SMITH. Clerk. By It. B. MARABLE, D. C. S-2.1-FH. it. AC A DEMY?WESDA Y Charles H. Yale Submits for Your Pleasure the Everlasting DeWfs Ruction Prices 25, 35, 50, 75 and TRUSTEES SALE OK EFFRCTS OF KELLUM MEDICINE COMPANY, INCORPORATED, Pursuant to the terms or a certain Peed or Trust front tho Kellnm Med leine Co., Inc.. dated Aug. it;. 1907, and recorded in Deed Book 32, pnge ?OS. in Clerk's Office of the Corpora? tion Court for the City of Now port News. Virginia, I shall offer for sale at public auction lo tho highest bidder on the promises, No. 3100 Huntington Avenue, Newport News, Virginia, on Friday, August 30, 1907 at 12 M. for cash; all Block In trade, wares and merchandise belonging to said busi? ness situate on the promises or else where, together with all furniture nnd fixtures, aud all Implements id trade belonging to said corporation, or any goods, chattels, or properly of any de? scription used lu the conduct of said business, und all other property, debts, store accounts, choscs in action and evidences of debts which the said Keitum Medicine Co., Inc., may own or possess, or to which it is legally or equitably entitled. There are two Deeds of Trust on a port Ion of the property above de? scribed, recorded respectively in Deed Hook 31, page 370 and Heed Hook 32, page :!'.?t of the aforesaid Clerk's Of? fice; the first securing the payment of $800, nnd the second securing the payment of $7011. The above sale will lie made subject to these two deeds of trust. L. A. McMURRAN, Trustee. \V. B. KITCHEN, Crier. SALE OF IVY AVENUE PROPERTY. As executor of the estate of Mar? garet L. .tones, docsasi d, and in ac? cordance with the ?irtotlons of her will, which was duly probated In the Clerk's oftlcc of lb'' < irctllt Court for Warwick County, Va., I shall offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, In front of the premises, on Tuesday. September ::. 1007, at 12 o'clock ni.. all of that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situated In Warwick County, Va.. which is known and designated as lot number Two Hundred and Fifteen (215) in Hh.ek! Nine (9) a;; shown on a certain map j out It led "Map of part of the City of Newport .vows the property of i.. T.I Ivy," made by 10. A. Sohiplo, Civil | Engineer, and filed in the Clerk's Office of the County Court of Warwick 1 County, Va., on December 1". lvsT. Terms; The purchaser will bo re? quired to assume an Indebtedness "f about flSK.tjO (the exact amount will be made known on day of snlo), to the Peoples' Building & Loan Asso? ciation of llanip'on. Va.. which Is se? cured by n tioed of trust on the prop? erty, and lo pay In cash the residue of the purchase money. 8-21-td. o. A. SCHMELZ, Executor. EDUCATIONAL. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, Lexington, Virginia. 9tli your. State M illtnty, Bclenllllo and Tech. iilcal School. Thorough contact nf Rollout and appllpil i loinlMi y nun In alcutrlcal nti.t i Irll KiiRliii-crtiiR. Dunne <>!' gnoliiat,- In academic course, and dep;reoi of luicliolor of Science in Technical Courses, an expenses! luoludtn? elolhlim anil hinldontals, provided nt rate nl SKfi poi annum, as an average fm lie- four year*, exclusive of outfit, l or Information, address E. W. NICHOLS, Acfg Supt. 7 10 Cw?eod Newport News Academy Will begin Its Sixth Session In tho Academy Building on Casino grounds, SEPTEMBER THE TENTH, With u largo and competent faculty. For catalogue and further Informa? tion, address Geo. B. West, Citizens & Marine Rank, or W. O. Beflzloy, principal, Rox 211, Newport News, Va. Virgil Piano School and School of Public Performance. Washington Avenue and Twenty ninth street, Newport News, Va., opens Tuesday, October 1, 1907. The i most scientific and progressive meth? od fraught. The method of the great conservatories of Europe. MISSFS RWF.LL, Directors. Hampton College Classical School for Girls and Young Ladles. Tho eleventh session will begin Oc? tober 1st, ]?07. Miss Fitchett will be at homo any morning lo thoso desir? ing a personal Interview. For cata? logue, &c, address, Miss Fitchett Hampton College, Hampton, Virginia. Richmond College. Richmond College has Just celebrated I it-< 7Mh annIvomary with a neater en- ! riowment, target faculty, better ciuip moot, more do par I nton U of study, and , im?*,- Rtndi-ni- Hum ever before in Iis Ions and honorablehistory, Ainnngro cent Ktrt? t? a subscription ol by ihn Qcneral K-hn-ntlou Board of K'ew Vet k, nrhlcn Is the hugesl grant made by mis iinnni to any -.-ui.-.e Institution. Cvaiscs of study ti-mt tu degrees or 11. A.. U.S., H.A.,anil Lb. II. Psrllrulnrly strong courses la Bolenee ami in Law, i i Scholarships for worthy undents. Bcs kIoii hoiflii- Boot, 10, AddreM Pres. I-'. W. nOAT\VRiauTt|Klehinond, Vs. i_I HELP WANTED MALE. KB WANT BOOKKBBl'EKS for good positions with hi?h grade tii in-.. Mori* opportunities for comi>ctcni men in this line we can fill. Write us today Manner your opcrienre and WO will nend copy of Offijr tu mit its containing litt of open positions. ' ! ? ? ? I openings now avail? able for capable Salesmen, Kxccultvc, Clerical and Technical men in all our u utticca at ^io>j-$ic*jo. Service strictly confidential. HAIHIOOnS (Inc.) Hrnln Brokers. 1812 fcaacairwiU Trait &Ug., Fi.U4i.jfcU Mesic's Cash Grocery. 3510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. Respectfully solicits your cash trade. Dclow wo namo u few prices, for cash only: Flour (Gold medal) the host Hints made?two 12-lb. bags for 70c, or $5.50 a bbl., or W'aslo (something good) at 3Gc. for a 12-lb. bag or $5.2.1 n hid. Syrup (Cold.'ii Crown) 1-2 gal. cans at 25c., and gallons at ?trio. Hams) tin. host, uncovered (Jone's or Swift's) at I7e. a lh. Dry salt men) at inc. a pound- something good?worth I2c. Nutmegs, the host, a rail I Mb. for I0c., regular price 20 to 26cts. Coffee (as good as you waul), fresh roasted, whole or ground a< 16c. a lb. or Llptoll's In I IU tins at 25c. a lb. fresh meats,?full line and well kept, nl very lowest prices. Wine or Cider?Hlackhcrry (something useful and good, nl 2.">e. a ql. btl. Cheese?full nveam?the Very best at !0C. a pound. Try a package of our Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powder, only 25c. Cigars?Fitz Leo (the host 5c, Clear on Harth), 7 for 25c, for a limited tllUO only. Tobacco ?Apple S. t\, :', plugs for 25c. Clin'l buy it for less by the box. Cocoa (Swiss Milk), U10 best Hints made a-. IOC and 26c. a bottle. Lard?the good kind, at lie. a lh. Hints worth |j L-2c. Making Powder -llumfords, in hollies, at 10c.? regular price 12c. Soap?Swift's Buapp brand?good for the laundry, 12 cakes for 25c. Soap'? SwIft'sPrldo?no heiler laundry soap made seven 6c cakes for 26c. Cottoleno Pnlrbanks, 2 1b. cans 28c., 1 lh. cans 56c. Toilet Soap- two 26c. boxes for 26c., three lue. cakes in each box. tl MESIC'S 3510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. Clt. Phone 109. WHY DON'T YOU RENT YOUR VACANT ROOMS INSTEAD OF LETTING THEM STAND IDLE? A 25c For Rent Ad. m the "Daily Press" Will bring you in Many Dollars for thorn. Those who want rooms don't go up and down the streets looking for signs. The first thing they do Is to scan the "For iteut" column of the Daily Press. If you are Interested, call us up. Our representative will call ami get your ad. or give other information if desired. Bell 'Phone 181. ^ WANTED. WANTED?D() YOU KNOW THAT yon c.ui got Quaker Hl?l Candy with! oul going to the Exposition, by call? ing at the IDEAL PHARMACY? Prcsh every day. 8-23-3t. WANTED?GOOD SODA CLEUK KIMIIKRI.YS DltlUi DHl'A HT MENT, Old Point, Vn. It. WANTED?COLLECTOR ft SALES man; experience; necessary. Apply BIO 25th Street. S-23-3L MEN?'to DISTRIBUTE CIRCULARS, samples, tack signs; good pay; no canvassing. OLIVER, Monroe Bldg., Chicago. It. PATIENTS WANTED POR FREE clinics?During the meeting of the American Osteopathie Association .at the Exposition Grounds, August 2Cth-30th, a froo clinic will be <? in? ducted each day and about 200 cases will he examined, dlugndscd, prognosed and treated tree, by the most skillful ami experienced Os? teopathie physicians. Any person ailing In any way?whether with acute or chronic disease, spinal trouble, dislocations, or deformities of any kind?desiring to take ad? vantage of this opportunity, can do so i? applying nl once to Dr. W. 1). WILL ARD, office New Jewelry Building, cor. Qrahby street and City Hall Avenue, Norfolk, Va. s-22-:;t. WANTED?BY YOUNG LADY WITH experience position as stenographer; has some knowledge of hooks. Ad? dress "C care tills office. Ct. WANTED?BY OCTOBER I, 5 OR ? rooms for light housekeeping in con tral location. References. Address COUPLE, care Daily Press. 8-21-tf. WANTED ? THREE OR POUR rooms for house keeping. Central location. Address with particulars, Plat, care Daily Press. S 20 I'.t WANTED?BOY TO WORK IN Printing Office. Applv to WAR? WICK PRINTING CO., 211 Twenty fifth street (up stairs). 8-20-tf WANTED?OCUPANTS FOR COOL pleasant rooms, 130 Thlrtyfirst street. tf WANTED?PANAMA AND STRAW hats to ho cleaned, blocked or re? fitted with sweat bands and rib? bons. Our work is all done at borne. THE HUH. Academy of Music bldg. Roth phones. 5-23-tf. WA NT BD?TO BUY, SELL OR Ex? change furniture and stoves. 0. W. LEWIS, 2f>02 Huntington avenue. 3-i7-:im. WANTED?THE PEOPLE TO KNOW we art? buying and Belling new and second-hand Furniture. Messlck & Cheadlo, 2506 Huntington avenue. 3-2-3m. 8PECIAL NOTICE. A STIEFF PIANO. IN YOUR HOME, is one emblem of purity in musical refinement and proof of an aes? thetic taste. ALLAN EDWARDS, local representative. P. O. Box 468, Newport Now? 8-6-1 m. MONEY TO LOAN IN BUMS OP 168 to $1,000 at 6 per cent. Merchant* Mechnnlea Ravings Association, Al? lan D. Jonen. Secretary and Attor? ney, First National Bank Building. FOR RENT. POR RENT?TWO FLATS WITH modern couvcnicnccsi Apply to PROCTOR & CORNELIUS, 233 280? Street 8-21-tf. FOR RENT?FURNISHKD ROOMS. Private family, modern convenienc? es. 225 2Dth strooL 7 2 tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE?FINE NEW 0A80LINE Yacht, licensed to carry 12 passen? gers, equipped with loll. i?. Smnl loy Marine Engine speed of IG miles per hour; finished with every mod? ern device for com fori and speed. Address W. R. MEYERS, Box 38C Suffolk, Va. -It. FOR SALE?A NICE TWO-STORY nlx-room dwelling, modem conven? iences, on two lots, -17th street, near Washington Avenue, only $3, 360. One nice dwelling, good loca? tion and neighborhood on 2iilh Street, near Chestnut Avenue, only $1,300. One large dwelling ou 32nd street, near Jefferson Avenue, only $1,300; easy terms. NELMS &. CO.. INC., Real Estate', Insurance. Rents mid Loans, No. 2517 Wash? ington Avenue, Newport News, Va 8-18-6L LOTS FOR SALE OR LEA3E IN ALI, parts of the city. Call and get prices. OI.O DOMINION LAND CO.. Hotel Warwick building. WE SELL AND RENT PIANOS, cash or easy payment plan, accept second-hand pianos or orgnns as part payment on new Instruments. Tuning and repairing a specialty. All work guaranteed, Ferguson Music Co., 200 Thirty-first street. Clt. Phono 95. 7 10 4m TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION BAGGAGE TRANS lerj offices C. ft. O. Mtatlon. 'Phones, Bell Noi. 401 and 136; Cltz., No. It UNDERTAKER I hare completed the most up to ('ate Undertakers' establishment In Ihn city, with a mortuary sufficiently largo for most funerals, i* show room equipped with the latest Improved show cases, enables me to display a large lino of my c.lnss of goods. 1 make a specialty of the Undertaking business, mid glvo my entire time to It, and with two assistants and two licensed embnlraers, and tho most modern paraphernalia, I am prepared to give the very best of service to all classes. Respectfully, W. E. ROUSE, 221-230' Twenty-fifth streot. Phonca 51 office. Residence 110. FUNERAL DIRECTOR J. HUGH CAFFEE Mmlcrn Service, with rnriiphcrnalla e-ipinl to the Heat. TWO LICENSED KMHAKMKR8, en Hl.lliiK am ><> Rive to my pxtron? Iii? heul o ntteiilton at ino.lerntit price*. Phone, OSlee?Both I'honr-s No. 1, KiMldcnoe l'i.Mr. t.'alluo tl Mr. Overtoil 9-I&.