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FORMER POSTMASTER ON STAND IH BANK CASE Testlles Concerning Certain Trans? action With the Late Ir? win locker. PLAINTIFFS BEADY T? CLOSE Ltst Evidence for the Depositors WIM he Taken Next Tuesday; Then the Defendants Witnesses Will be Ex nmined?Case Goes to Judijc In About Three Months. Former Postmaster Fred Read war thp principal witness yesterday In tho suit of the depositors <>f ihb Savings' Dank of Newport News against the officers and stockholders of that In? stitution, his testimony relating lo n certain controversy between the Into president of the bank, Mr. Irwin Tucker, and the Post'offlce Depart? ment over a shortage in Mr. Tucker's accounts with the depart mint. Mr. Head was called to tho stand in tho trial of HiIh suit BOVerul Ohles, Hit declined to testify until in? structed lo do so by the Postoffice Dopurtment. Mr. Read'? Testimony. In reply to questions from Attorney v.. c. Borkcloy, counsel for the plain? tiffs, Mr Retui said on the stand yes? terday thai at one lime Mr. Tucker had been short in his accounts at the local postnfflce to the amount of $1,5(1 and tlinl for sometime he refused to lu-ttie tho account, claiming that the shortage resulted from a stamp rob? bery at the poslofflce. After the lust? ier had been In dispute for some tithe the department ordered the bill col? lected ami It finally was paid by Mr. Tucker. Tho only witness .heard yoatorday was Mr. Arthur Dec, assistant cashier of dho First National liauk, who |os lifted that Mr. J. W. Ayler, Jr.. who ban boon examining the books of tho defunct Institution, Is an expert book? keeper Mr. Aylpr was oil tho stand sometime ago, but was not i.ailed yesterday, counsel for the defense announcing that they had no deslra to cross-examine tho witness. Continued to Tue?day. Yesterday afternoon the inking of, depositions In ibis case was coutlnuodl until Tuesday, when the plaintiff will) close their case BO far as the taking of depositions Is concerned. Among tho'witnesses who will be examined Tuesday will bo Miss Lllllo 0. Blow art, who was bookkeeper In Urn wrecked bnjik; Messrs. E, It. Vaughan nnd B. W. MllStoad, slockholders of thit look, mid Receiver Allan D. .Tones. Tho defendants probably will be? gin taking tho depositions of Its wit? nesses next week. This Will, It Is expected, require two or three months time ami tho case probably will not go to Judge Ingrain, who was appoint? ed by Governor Swanson to try the Btilt, until November or December. FABIAN COMPANY GOES INTO RECEIVERS' HANDS Seward Heldelbach President of the Concern, Disappears Mysterious? ly Over Month Aflo. CINCINNATI."o.. Sept. I.- Because of the mysterious disappearance In New York of Seward Heidelbach, president Of the Fabian Manufactur? ing Company In this city, M. E. Much was today appointed receiver of that concern and placed under a bend <.f $(?(10 QUO. Tho petition for the receivership. In addition to sidling forth the tacts of tile disappearance of Mr. Heidelbach, states that the action is taken with the consent of the largest creditors Olid Hlso one of tho two defendants, Stanley S. Roub. tho other defendant being Mr. Heidelbach. The Fabian Manufacturing Company Is known over tho entire country in clothing circles. Seward Heidelbach, disappeared lost month while In New York city. He bad returned but h few days pre ylous with Vvs. Heidelbach from nn extended stay in Ruropo, On the day when ho was last iVn by bis re latlves and friends in New York ho secured from the New York financial ngeuls of the Fabian Manufacturing Company drafts for $1.000 saying he had to pay accounts con tract oil while in Europe. He started for" an express nfflcn anil since then has hot been heurd from. t 8MITH-WALKER. Youno Richmonder Comee to Newport News for Bride. Miss Oplmlii, K Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T Walker, of 551 [Twenty-seventh street, and Mr liar vey Smith, of Richmond, were quiet? ly married nt D:30 o'clock last night by- Rev. A. A. Butler pastor of the Calvary Dupttsk church, ai his home In North End. The ceremony was Witnessed ' by tho parents of the bride nmi a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left last night for northern cities, where they will spend their honeymoon. Tluv will live In Richmond, where Mr. Walker Is a division Superintendent of the Virginia Passenger and Power Com? pany. Death of Mrs* Ware. Mrs. Martha H. Ware, aged 52 years, died nt her home. 1030 Twen? ty-seventh street, nt 7 o'clock last night nfler u short Illness The fun eral services will bo held nt Ihe Beventh Day Adventlst church at 10 Want to sell Kcal Es tat?*, and Borne have great bniguiiiB. Why don't we buy them?. Well, we can't buy them all; wo want our clients to take nome of them. Please allow us to show yon what we have paying from S lo 12 per cent, net. BANKING X INSURANCE Renis & Real Eslale 2711 WASHINGTON AVK. N10WI'OUT NEWS, VA. o'clock thin morning, conducted by (bo pastor Flov. Mr. Ilaboock. Inter? ment will tin made at Green lawn. Mrs. Wnro wnH ilm widow of tho Into Mr. J. e. Wnro und is survived by um' tlntightor, Miss llolonn Wuro. Social-Personal & Misses Anno nnd Pago Hoy till, of Richmond, Hin spending tho week wltn Dr. and Mrs. Willlntn Rpuno AydloU. Miss Pago itoYiill will I),, tho hostosa nt tho Virginia building next wcoK. Miss Lewis Stcnraos has rotnrnod from Pulaskl, whoro aim spool tho HUtniuoi Mrs. II. T. Sty 1| Is visiting frlcnos In lioiirhlnnd. Mr. uu,| Mrs. R. Ixjo Davis will loiivo today for Hot Springs Va., whole I I y will spend two weeks. . Mr. Thomas P. Duncan has returned from an oxtondod vnontlou, spent on tho Fast em Shoro, and a business l. Iii North. , , ^-,(81 Mr. William Sprakel-, formerly of this city, now of Italtlmore. Is spend? ing a few days In the city Blinking hands with obi friends. Mr. .1. II. Lindsay, editor of Ilia ChnrloUosvlllo Progress is mnklng Xewpnrl Newa bis headquarters while visiting the Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Wllmlnk. o! Grand Rapids, Mich., are guests at llotei Warwiek Mr. Wllmlnk for? merly wus a prominent business man of Newport News. He now operates I one of the largest bakeries In Oratld Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. ('. II Candy, of Dor? chester, Mass., are visiting their daughters, Miss Cntuly. of this city, and Mrs. T. K. Search, of Homestead. I Hampton. Mr. und Mrs. Phil Siegel and sun loft last night for a trip to New York. Miss Florence Christopher and Mrs. Harness, who have been the guests nf Mr. ami Mis. .1. N. T/oator en For tyseventh street, have returned to Lexington, Ky. KILLED THE MAN WHO TOOK HIS WIFE AWAY Fire Chief of Dayton. O., Murders Person Who Eloped With Wife. Now a Maninc. (ltv Associated Press.) DAYTON, OHIO. Sept. I? Fire Olllof Ii. II. Miller, of Franklin. OulO, shot and instantly killed .1. II. Lit? tle, who recently eloped with his wife mid was returned tu Franklin las; Jllgllt for trial. Miller entered the po? lice station and going directly to Lit? tle's cell fired two shots which lodg? ed In the victims breast. Miller is now a raving maniac und is under guard. Mis Miller eloped with Little about n month ago. She is a handsome woman nud belongs to a prominent family. Jt was because Little bus a missing thumb that the detectives lo? cale,! the pair. When the pair were placed under arrest Little denied bis Identity, but Mrs. Miller said she was the runaway wife and that she wanted to return homo, but Little would not let he-. ^ ^ Death of Young Girl. Miss Ida llneluh Prince, aged PI years, tiled at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. John A. Primmer. 323 For? ty-eighth street, yesterday afternoon after a lingering Illness. The funeral will take place from the residence at 4 o'clock this nfternoon. services be? ing conducted by Rev A. A. Iluller, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church. Interment will be made at Groon lawn. Lieutenant Goes to Sea Aboard the Namesake o! His Native State. HAS SERVED TWENTY FOJR YEARS Din ing American War He I Attracted World wide Attention by Carrying Message to Cuban Com-' I niander and Securing Information Inside tho Spanish Lines. Lieutenant Victor nine. u. S. N.,' who Came Into national promt.too in tho Bummer <>r istis by his hero? ism during tho Beige or Santiago, bus been assigned la duty on the now Culled Hintes armored cruiser North CarolItin when that vessel |s deliver? ed to the navy department by her builders, tho Newport News Ship? building & Dry Dock Company. Lieu? tenant Hille has been Inspector of ordinance hi the local shipyard tor a number of years, but Is at present at Ids old home in North Carolina. ? Lieutenant Blue is a native of the tibi North state and was appointed to the navy from South Carolina on September 6, lSSa\ At the outbreak of the Spanish American war he was serving in Admiral Schloy'H Moot and when lhat fleet, with Admiral Snilip uoii'h Warships, was blockading Santi ngo harbor he was sen I ashore to as? certain the number and positions of the ships of Admiral Cavern's squad rnn In Santiago harbor. After being landed on the CiiIo.ii coast. Lieutenant llhie ttavclcd past the Spanish lines to the camp of the Cuban insurgents. and the Commander of those foroea accompanied Ihe lieutenant lo a hill overlooking Santiago harbor where with Ihe ubl of a telescope, the Ameri? can officer was able to gather the de? sired Information relative to the Spanish squadron. Lieutenant nine then made his way back to Ihe const and reported to Admiral Beb ley. The trip whs fought with danger and hardships, and Lieutenant BIllO was advanced In rani; for his feat. | Sine,, entering the service. Lieuten? ant Mine has served nearly fourteen years at sen and about ten years on shore duly, lie In one of Ihe most widely known and popular of'.lcerfl in Iho service. | SP0RT9 AND THE SPHERE.1 Tho Boele Pursuit In Most Game? U to Drive a Ball. Some iVuy there will arise a patient Investigator who will work out this problem, Why are most sports but the Variants of one object, the propulsion of u siibere V i Dllilardn, baseball, polo, golf, sling-' lug, marbles, squash, handball, foot I hall, rackets, cricket, hockey, bagatelle, i?nn|s, Shooting, polota- the basic pur? suit In each Is to drlVO n bull, the pro pubdou of a sphere. | Tipcat, shuttlecock and top spinning nre the employment of modifications of tho sphere, and archery la Isil another method of propulsion. It la a strange limitation of form, und there must be n reason. Those who delve Into origins tuny ascrllio the whole motive of sports to Rome long nrnied, hirsute ancestor who first threw a pebble at n fellow Cave dwell? er jlil'tj found It great fun. I Or It may lie poor mortal's attempt to gel lu u small fashion Into the tre? mendous scheine of the universe, which Is the everlasting movement of the Spheres. Or It may be that sports tire framed In inevitable obedience to some Irresistible law of nature. I At any rate the fact Is sports nre bused on the propulsion of the sphere. I ami some one ought to lind n reason I therefor. - New York American. Wych Hat?), Not Witch Hazel. The correct mono for Hamamelis vlr glnlca Is not witch tinsel, but wych liniiol. Our plant has no connection with the magic of the water hunter. The blackthorn of England, Prunus (tpJnosn, wns the wood used In these divinations, or whatever these super? stitious practices may be termed. Ha ;-.'-l hail u very wide inclining In the Pillen times, pud tho elm us well as the nut now known us such was hazel.' One of these elms, now known us Li? mns montnuo, was the favorite wood for making wyebes, or provision chests, und was therefore known us tho wych hazel. In the present day It Is the wych elm. Our baimimells re eelved from the early Bettlers the nnrue of wych hazel from tho resemblance.' of the leaves to those of the wych ha-| 7.0I or elm of the old v.orhi. Longuago reformers Imagining that wych should bo spelled wllc'i nie responsible for the confusion. Wych baicl In the correct term for our plant. Health in Canal Zone. The high wages paid nuike It n mighty temptation to our young nrtl snns to join the force or skilled work? men needed to construct Ihe Panama ('anal. Many are restrained, how-eVef. lv the fear of fevers and malaria.' It is the knowing ones?those who have used Electric Hitters, who g<> there without this fear, well know lug they are safe from malarious In tlitonce with Electric nil tors on hand.! Cures blood poison too. biliousness, weakness und all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Guaranteed by all Druggists. GOc, REFINED MALICE. Reminiscence of a Notable Thoatrleal Performance. nerberl Kelcey tells ? story that establishes a now record fur refined tnallco. The lust previous mark was fixed by the Eihprcss Josephine, who smilingly Invited u rival beuuty to sit beside ber on a green sofa which ab? solutely klllud (be effect of tho vic? tim's blue gown. The horn of Mr. Kelcey'S tide of woe is a New York customer who harbored ? grudge against Lawrence Barrett In the famous ull star testimonial per? foruiuuee of "Hnmlct" at tho Metro? politan opera House, Mr. Barrett was to play tho ghost and Mr. Kelcey Bernardo, Now, Barrett was tailor In art than In Inches, while Mr. Kelcey la a good at* feut The cos turner provided Ber? nardo with a glittering l/diongrln suit of mull, with u dragon lopped helmet of portentous altitude. Tho majesty , of buried Denmark looked like a tin I soldier, though if the audience could i have measured htm by the height of bis piisslnn he would bare been colos? sal. If Mr. Kelcey was hoist with prldo, however, be met with the proverbial j full, in the entire performance tin ; had had only one Hue. announcing to tho king the return of Hamlet. But the king was faking his lines' and out bill the one. After waiting all evening in Ills hardware shop, Mr. Kelcey was foiled. That porforrnnuco, given ns a testi? monial to one of the most artistic of American actor managers, I<ester \Val laelc, was In fact a monumental exam? ple of the futility of nil slur oasis. There were only three rehearsals, and Bouth, who played Hnudet, foresaw tho catastrophe, as appears In a letter he wrote to his daughter before It fell. 11? insisted on casting for Horatio un actor who was neeusloinod to play With hllh, and ho saved his own bucon, ! If not the play of Shakespeare. lie was, however, the solitary sur? vivor. Mr. Kelcey, whose sense of humor Is delicious, Is voluuiluoua in anecdote of the fatalities. All the lending theaters In New York were closed iu honor of the occasion, and the actors swelled the crowds on the stags to hundreds. Do Wolf Hopper wore u costume sev? eral Mixes too small fur him, und Mar? shall Wilder drugged about garment! proportlouatoly Inriju. It wus about the least successful effort cither of them ever nnide lo conceal the fact that they are born COIuodlOUS, The stage, which was of the old klud, raked backward nt u ten Uli: angle. At the burial of Opholla, as they wore lowerlug Mine. Modjuska luto 1 tier grave, .Mr. Hopper sank to bis I knees and, wringing hi* bunds, loudly I moaned out: "Heaven help her! They're burying her on the side of a \ hill! They're burying her ou tho side : of a hill!"?Saturday livening I'ost.. | Tho Champion Elactrie Sign. The biggest electric sign in tho world is bung ou the western expo- j sure or a building nt Eprlug and Mac- [ Htroots. Now York. Flushing lt.-, light across the Hudson, this ulgu may bo read miles awny on the New Jorscy side, and so deceptive are Its dimensions to those lu Jersey or the millions that cross tho river by day und night that Cuw routine the urea ' over which the glittering letters are ', distributed The Initial "It" Is sixty olgbt foot blub. This approximates the height of an ordinary live story building. The smaller letters com? pleting Ibe word oro fifty foci high, each letter covering on a perpendicu? lar Hue at least four ordinary stories. The letters are llv-j feet wide, and n full grown inau could nlmust lie down hotweeu tbu edges, About 1,400 elec? tric lights are used for the illnminn tlou?this approximating the number of lights used In the entire Illumina? tion of many small towns. It requires practically all the time of one man to replace the burned out lamps, and It Is Interesting to watch him as he works up.>ii his swinging scaffold, hundreds of feet In the air at times.? New York Post. A Now Problom. It Is reported that more than 1.000 Hindoos have crossed the Canadian border Into the stale of Washington recently and have become coniptttltura lu the labor market of the state. Men of their race, who present a strange und ein Inns type to most Americans, may be seen at work now ou the rull roada of California, 'ijey are made conspicuous even at a distance by their turbans. A gang here and there makes an Impression on the traveler without being noticeable because of Its size. Hut there Is a population of 204,301,000 lu India, aa area of 1.70(1.(11'.! miles, us against a population that Is probably considerably less than ? on an men of 1,632,420 square miles lu China, and a popula? tion of on an area of l-i7,('..Y3 squiirc miles lu Japan.?Chicago Roc* .ord-Hernld. Vanishing Old London. The "Old Curiosity Shop," In Ports? mouth street, ami other contiguous property lending into Lincoln's inn Fields, an- being demolished, the free? hold having been sold, and a block of business premises will be erected. The ipiolnt looking building, which bus hud ii great fascination for American tour? ists. Is said to be more than 300 years old, dntlug back to the early days of JainCS I., hut the fact has never been established that this was tho "Old Curiosity Shop" Immortalized by Dick? ons. The lucrative attraction of the name of the great humorist will there? fore come to an end. but the tenants of tho shop have received compensa? tion and will carry mi their printing business In Ureut yucca street.?Pull Mftll Uaxette. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Library Paste. Wot a cupful of Hour, previously dried In ('.von, with a pint of cold water, nibbing K smooth. Hare ready three ?opinis of hulling wuter in n saucepan. Pour gradually upou |he paste, working it well until you havo u smooth batter. Add more bulling water should It thicken too much. Flpur varies inueh In the matter of thickening. .Sot over the lire and stir for three minutes. After the boiling point I- reached pour It out, and then It Is lukewarm beat Into It u teaspoon fill of oil of cloves or of cinnamon. Carbolic add I? better still unless the odor lie objectionable. I'ut up in small, wide mouthed bottles and cork tightly. _ Headache and Insomnia. For severe headache and neuralgia the application of a cloth wrung out 111 hot water Is good, but one Wet In very < obi witter will prove still more Immediate In Its good effects. The chill deadens the nerves, nnd the pain is soothed. For Insomnia a touel fold? ed In four wrung out In very cold water. Iced If possible, and applied to the spine will usually put the wakeful one to sleep. If one towel does Hot effect tin1 desired result, try a second ami even a third one at lifteini minute Intervals, placing n heavy bath towel between the bed and the wet applica? tion. Cleaning Matting. To clean matting sweep It thoroughly tlrst with a stiff broom, following care? fully the grain of the straw ; heal up u soft broom in warm water and brush across the grain. Finally wash the matting off with warm water In which a handful of edit bus been dissolved. If light In color borax will aid In brightening and preserving the shade. Remove Lines In Face. Tired lines can be removed by dip? ping1 the lingers Into a good skin food and running theill over the lines with n gentle movement. When the Hues come from old ngo there Is nothing so good us almond oil. which gives mois? ture to the skin. When the lines tire premature It is always best to use u food which nets ulso us u stimulant. Handy Throod Cuttor. The thread cutter herewith shown was designed especially to do uwuy with scissors for cutting the tin eiul. It comprises u pair of pivoted blades, the handles of w hich are set ut an angle. At the end of one handle U n slot and In the other a lug. to limit the move? ment of the blade-". In use the thread lUttill IN I'AI.M OH IIAND. cutter Is placed In the palm of the blind, being belli In position by n loop which slips over tho little, linger. It Is claimed thut It can be kept In the palm of the bund without Interfering with the operation while sewing, there l>o lug perfect freedom of the lingers at all times. A slight twist of the lingers Is nil that Is required to operate the cutter to break the thread. Air Cushion Substitute Cut two circles of cloth eighteen inches in dlnmetcr, Cut the center out, leaving the circle six Inches wide. Sew tin- Inside circle together. Take cotton (sitting, roll snugly until you have a roll large an your band Is wide, place pudding In circle of cloth and sew out? side seam. It la as good nud some? times better than tho ulr cushion. Iodine For Bruises. A small bottle of Iodine und n camel's hair brush may be added to the sum Hier outfit of medicaments with pro? spective advantage. A bruise painted With Iodine loses Its soreness In very short order. One pulntlng Is usually BUfllclcnt, but If there Is soreness re? maining the second day put ou a sec? ond coat. To Make Clothes White. To glvo clothes thut bluish w hl tonen? so bard to obtain under ordinary cir? cumstances souk them the night before washing In blue water. Then the next day do not use bluing ut all, but alter washing rinse them In dour wa? ter only. This will do ttWOy with tho yellow appearance so annoying to most persons. To Clean Black Chip Hat. Black chip bats may !>o successfully cleaned In this way: First carefully brush the straw; then with n soft brush apply a little sweet oil all over tho hat. rubbing il In well. Now pol? ish the Btraw with a piece of black cloth, and the hat will look almost new. Rendering Lcrd. If. when rendering lard, yon add a half cup of milk you will Had II: will inalto the bird smell sweet and puro and make It as white as snow. A Great Roast! Over a ton of Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee is roasted at a time, in a large revolving cylinder, which drops the coffee through heat again and again until each bean is uniformly roasted. i No other coffee is in suffi? cient demand to afford such scientific and perfect prepara? tion. The sales of Arbuckles* Ariosa Coffee exceed the sales of all other packaged coffees combined, and this scientific roasting, which no other coffee can afford, by its very magni? tude, reduces our cost to a minimum, and enables us, with our other advan? tages^ givebetler valuein Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee than is possible for any one else. Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee is the cheapest good coffee in the world, and the best of all for you. AUIUTKI,!? imos., New York City. OLD VIRGINIA Mint Juleps. Will dissipate that weary feel? ing. Nothing more bracing No Exposition prices. Every? thing iu DRINKABLES FOREIGN & DOMESTIC -CAN BE POUND AT John E. Mugler's CAFE & Family Liquor Store 2312 Washington Avenue! Autumn with its round of calls, dances, theatre parlies and social func? tions suggest Hie need of your Laundry being properly Latin drod. Have your work done by tlio top notch of your city; best work guaranteed. Hotel Warwick Laundry BEST BY TEST. Both .'Phones No. 10. After olhan f2il,thcGrimjnTrcitmriit I? the only curs. Pnf. G. F. THEEL, 527 gift,' s? 4S^& Prhtti Ofeuassi a^fL^^ Cbtcki In ? tw.ui- w?&?QmP Cvrcc tho facmn difficult uiti to tbree dav?. by fcoipkaU <t>d'clinic*. Sold by t GORSirCH'S DRUG GTORB9 304 O. I*. aTfOtKT. NORrc ,A. V*. IO?j w?<h<xaTOH AviNut. miomhi HiMtAi Mlft<IMM?i>nM?l^ll(>(t49 Storm Damages Crops. ATLANTA. CA.. Sept. 4.?A heavy wind ami rain storm with blinding electric flashes passed over Port Haines, da., late last, night. All wire communication was ent off and no word WIW secured until nearly noon today. The slorm prevailed over a wide territory but lib loss of life has been reported'. Great damage Is re? ported to crops. Lost and Found. I?ost. between 9::!0 p. m., yesterday and noon today a billons attack, with nausea and sick headache-. This loss was occasioned by finding at all Druggists a box of l>r. King's New Life pills. Guaranteed for bilious? ness, malaria and Jaundice. 2f>c. Fine Stationery. Lends tone to your IsibI ?>> SS lind creates 11 favorable Impression. Wo make good impressions on stationery ut prices consistent vvltli good work. We carry tliu following well known brands of paper: Honda ? llousatonlc, Dur rlngton, Danlrer, Cambric, j Carthago. . Plat Writing ? Windsor, I van hoe. Palo Alto and River? side. Engraving. Wo represent one of tho best engraving bouses In tho United States and guarantee Quality und prompt delivery. Our specialty, nil kinds of commercial prln?'ng. Warwick Printing Co. (INCORPORATED.) 211 Twenty-fifth St. Bell 'Phone 123. THE Fall Season is here, and it Is now In order to begin making select Ions of articles that will add comfort and COZlnOBS to the homo. Rugs m3 Druggets Wo have them In great quantity and In great varieties; for bedrooms, parlors, halls, oil li es ; in oriental ami floral designs. Prices start In Hugs at GG cents and In Druggets, Ox4!!! ft., at f?.UO. All sizes now in slock. Up-toDate Lines of Bedroom Suits, Parlor Sulta, Parlor Tables, Dressers, Chif? foniers. Library Tables, Morris Choirs, Extension Tables, Chairs of all kiutls. Brass and Iron Beds, Couches, Daven? ports, Etc. Prices and Terms All Right CASH or CREDIT. Buxton & Paiker m liquid '0 Cta ...i'KCTS IMMEDIATELY ^ REMOVES T1IK CAtl.SK. r- Rolluvci Inclbf.flit.,,,, i>?i?B ?i,*, Regular iUo tic & ?c at dt uaiflute. Coal for Curacao The Norwegian steamer Aladdin, Captain Bogh, sailed yesterday morn? ing for Curacao with a cargo of 4,174 tons of coal, valued at 111,178.50.