Newspaper Page Text
38 DEATHS IH AUGUST Wily Among (lie Negroes Again Doubles the Whiles. COUNTY IN HEALTHY GONDITIOli HOW - i Extremely Few Cases of Illness?May j Report Physicians for Falling to j Send In the Girth Lists?Advises ' That Well Water Be Boiled. j The mortality among ihe colored , population in Rllr.aboth City county continues to double the number of deaths among the whites, according to the monthly mortuary report of Dr. Waller A. Flecker for the month of August, or tlto thirty-eight deaths repelled to the health Otflcor iu Au? gust, twenty-five were among the ne? groes and'thlrteon among the whites. Of -tjliis number eight were white males, three while females, thirteen colored males and twelve colored fo> males. Of the CauSOS of dedth four were due lo congenial debility, lour to III definod causes, three to consumption, three to imrnlyslsi two bach to prr mature birth, hemorrhages of Ihe lungs, drowning, acute nephritis, heart disease, dlarrhore, and one each to homicide, sepllcema. lipnlngllls, malarial fever, blight's disease, plo mahle poisoning, congestion of tho liver, typhoid fever, gastritis, cancer Of the lltngS, dysentery. Dr. Plocker nays there are twelve cases or typhoid fever In the entire county. Nine of the eases wore traced to well water, lie advises that all well WUtor be boiled. blight of the cases are among the colored popula? tion. In closing Dr. Plocker said: "No oilier acute Infectious dlsenses occurred In this county during the mouth. . CCjCtHBfUKj) "Physicians are refluopt?d b?umte a careful report on tho water supply in typhoid fever cases. It Is desired to gather as complete statistics an possible on Ihls point In order to pre? sent more forenbly the danger or using unboiled water, together with careless sanitary surroundings. "There Is remarkably 111 tie sickness in the county for this season of the year. "Four physicians habitually fall to report births. They will probably be summoned before a magistrate.' "Parents are advised lo have now pupils vaccinated boforo Ihe opening of school." Officer Slmklns Got 10 Votes. In giving the number of VOTOS re? ceived b.v Olneer Hurry A. Slmklns In the Phoebus town council Tuesday night Ihe type In yesterday's Dally Prosa made It appear that ho rocolv od only eight votes. Mr. Slmklns re eelved ton votes, every councilman present voting lo retain him. This correct loa Is made not at Mr. Slm? klns suggestion, but simply to give tho popular young officer the credit for the compliment paid him by He eouncllnien. You'd Better Hurry! If you wish to avail yonr Bolf of pome of the Kaufst Bargains you ever heard of. It truly would he a good invr-Rtnient for you to buy a nice Su.mmkk Suit at a ridiculously Low Prior. ALL STRAW HATS AT ^H^FJPmCE^_ FRANKEL & EISENMAN Fall Suitings Ilavo arrived?would be pleased to show them to you?let's take your mea? sure NOW. I "Hampton's Best Store" g 1 I mm? | !5 Ohoico of any Lace S ^ Lisle Hose, in many pal- ^ ^ teniH, both all-over lace ? and boot patterns, g The regular pi ice is ?. 60c per pair; for today 39c. ^To^TrrirTnrinfTJ irr o"Bi5 5 fftftnrir) i Matters Personal ?. SUULISLSLSL SLSUL JUl fl SLSLSl 9, JUUULIUlJlx' I Mrs. H. 1.. Howard, in Locust] strebt bus its lior guest Mrs. Nellie Quucki nluish und h?r little huh, of. Saddle lllv.-r. N. .1. Thb Misses itniii Rnyuor nnd Fa1 Ililco Rnyiior returned yosterdny |to tholr limn,, in K<hilhamiitiin. I. I , nl ter a visit lo Cnpt. nnd Mrs. N, Hay liar, in MolroSo nvoiiue. .Miss Hllcnboih llnlnos, Miss Viola 11 tallies and Miss Mary Rhodes, who have boon visiting tin- Missi s iio/arth I In Hanks street, have returned to |tholr homo In Philadelphia. Hr. und Mm. Qyr Wyatt, of I While Sulphur Springs, are tllO guests I of Mr. ,1. S. Wyatt, at Fox Ulli. Air. and Mrs. It. C. I.awson, who are the guests of Mr. und Mrs. Vor 1011 nouughorty. In Iho West 13ml, Iwill return to their home In lOllznbUth |Olty, x. 0? Saturdny. Messrs, Alton 10. Huck ami J. P, ROblllSOn left yesterday for Raleigh. X. C whore tUoy will resume tholr studios In the Agricultural und Me ehnntcnl hist Undo. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Royal and fam? ily, of Cnmdon, N. J., are visiting ('apt. and Mrs. Xoah Raynor, In Mel-: rose avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HnmbdOn Ma-sey have as Ihelr guests Mr. and Mrs. w. M. Rose, of Washington;! Mrs. Rllgotlo Rose, Raleigh, N. C; nahe Misses Massey of Westmoreland ouniy. Mrs. .lohn Howard, of Alexandria. Iis visiting Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mug I lor, In Rast I lampion. Card. 10. V. Francis, a clerk In the I adjutant's office at the Xallonal Sol ? dlers' Home. Infi yeslerdav tor a I visit of ten days to Xew York, Niaga? ra Falls and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Howe return ul yosterdny front a visit of two weeks in the mountains of Virginia. Miss Nettle Montgomery, who has heen visiting her former home In Warsaw, is now the guest of her sis? ter. Mrs. lOdwnrd A. Sein pie, in North King street. WILL ELECT THE TOWN OFFICERS THIS EVENINGl Spirited Contests Are on for Town] Attorney and Town Clerk?To Name the Committees. The Hampton town council will moot this o von big for organisation | und the election of the town clerk, attorney sergeant, members of lhe| police force and minor offices to serve during the coming two years. There are decidedly Interesting contests for Iho office of clerk and attorney and last night lite politicians were busy at work in the interest of their respective candidates. Town Clerk W. T. Westwood is opposed by ('apt. Oeorge W. Hope and Town At? torney W. C. L, Tnllaferro will have pitted against him Mr Fay S. Collier. It is understood that Offleer| Thomas Watts will oppose Town Ser? geant Walter 10. Owen. Mayor Thornton F. Jones will an-1 nounce the committee appointment| tonight, Will Attend G. A. R. Encampment. C'apt. A. A. Hager, adjutant at the| National Soldiers' Home and depart? ment Commander of the Orand Army of the Republic of Virginia and North Carolina, will leave on Sunday for Saratoga Spring*, whore bo will at? tend tin? forty-first animal encamp? ment of the Orand Army of tho Re? public. Capt. Hager will bo accom? panied on the trip by Mrs. Hager nnd| tholr nub: daughter, Congress to be Asked to Approp? riate Large Sum tor Purpose. BONAPARTE 15 NO! IQ RETIRE Attorney General Discredits the Story That Financiers arc Endeavoring to Secure His Removal?CongrCBs to Vote Sum Asked For. ?)VAS|llKOTON,Sept, l?It Is hum? id in day on ahsoluii- authority that tho Department or Justine will nsit Congress nt tho coming session for a largely Increased appropriation in l"' expended in trust prosecutions under tho Sherman null trust law. This is taken to mean that Mr. Bonaparte has not beult directed 16 put oil "tho nit i? dal" in Hie matter of trust pin i i ui ions, criminal and civil. In cldcntnlly. It may he mated that .Mr. Bonaparte, In a telegram rrom~Lonox, .Minis., today to u friend, stated that he knew nothing of the roportod df rorts of financiers <>f Now York to compel his retirement from the cabi? net, and that he expected to occupy the apartment in this city which ho recently rented for a year beginning October 1st. Mr. Bonaparte told a friend n few days ago Hie Department of Justice as at prosonl constituted was wholly Incapable of meeting the demands upon it In the way of proaocutleUs of corporation violators ot the law. j lie has been so greatly lihmporod In his ufforts to do die work with the comparatively small force at als coin-j maud that he has determined to In? augurate n movement to secure an Inorenaso In force. Under tie plan of the Attornoy-Con Oral, additional attorneys will he em? ployed, although It Is not thought the. practica of employing special attor? neys will be discontinued. The force of Investigation agents will he great? ly Increased should the Congress grant the increased appropriation asked. In the present temper of the country It's believed Congress will hardly dare not to give the Altorney tii neial all tno money lie may need upon his promis? ing to spend It In chasing the octo? pus. GOOD MUSIC AT BUCK RO E. Excellent Program to Be Tendered at Concert on Sunday Afternoon. An usually attractive program nas beeil arranged by Prof. John Rein? hardt, director of Stein's orchestra, for the concert Sunday afternoon. It will he us follows: Overture ".Schauspiel."... Chr. Bach Air in Olden style,".. Gabriel Mario Spanish Pantaslu--"La Paloma," . Mismul Selection-'filme of Pilsoll" . Part II. Medley Selection ? "Port yPI vo Minutes fiom Broadway... .t'obard Song?"The New Rorn King." ?. l.espolr Intermezzo?"A Bird of Para? dise." .Matthews E\1leotunn?"Amorlta," .Clzbulka: "Stur Spangled Banner." ''THE^OYSTERMAeL" Weekly Paper to be Issued in Hamp? ton Hereafter. "The Oysternian." n weekly news? paper devoted exclusively to the In? terest of men engaged in the ovster business, will hereafter he nuhllshed In Hampton. A company has been formed here nnd ihe puhlicnUnnu will he Issued from the Houston Printing und Publishing house. The officers of the Company are: President and editor?Rev.' T. 0. Davis, of lAtirlO, N. .1. Vice-president?J. a. Holland, of Chlnntcague. Treasurer?W. McDonald Lee of Virginia. Secretary ami general manager? Harry R. Houston. The ptil'ilcntlon is an eight pago paper nnd has heon conducted for Several years by Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis believes that Hampton Is the center of the ovster Industry, as well as being the homo of the largest plant for shipping the bivalves in the United States. An attempt will be made later lo establish Its hcadnunrtnrs In llamp have the State Board of Fisheries ton. The "Oysternian" will mnke Its ap? pearance today and will he published every Thursday. WILLIAM M. DORE VICTIM OF TYPHOID FEVER Well Known Younti Man of Phoebuc Passed Away Yesterday After? noon. Mr. William M. Dore. 2!i yenrs old. died In the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. lMward H. Dote. In Wtllard avenue Phoebus, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. l ore was taken 111 in Bristol, Pa., threo weeks ago and when It was found that he was suffering from typhoid fever his brother. Mr. Bd ward Dore. brought him tp Phoe? bus. Here be received the bost med? ical attention niwf nursing, but the disease proved too much for bis con stitlltlon. Mr. Dore was most popu? lar nrountl Phoebus. He la survived by his parents, pev oral brothers and several ulsters. Funeral RorvleoR will bo hold to piorrow afternoon, and the burial will EBU Us made in Oakland cemetery. Rev. O. w. stalling*, of the Phoebus Methodist church, will oMciatp. HAMPTON ELKS TO HOLD BIG BAZAAR IN AUTUMN Mr. David Frankel Named the Chair? man of General Committee to Make the Necessary Arrangements. At the mooting Of Hampton Lodge] No. HOC. B. P. I). F.. F.lkH last night plans word started for ll hlg bazaar, which the Klks ox peel to hold some? time during November. The plea Is lo have a week of the ba/aar and to conduct H along entirely different lines from any entertainment of the kind eyer undertaken In Hampton The plans are yet too Indefinite tor an outlining of the proposed bazaar. Mr. David Frankel was appointed general chairman of the l.nznar ami bo will later appoint the various conti mlttoes. Tho wives and daughters of Ihn F.lks. as well as all ladles, will bo asked lo assist In making tho bazaar a success. BROWN-SCHAUB. Quiet Wedding In the Episcopal Rec? tory Yesterday Afternoon. Mr. Frank M. Brown, ol Phoebuai and Miss Mary Schntlb, of Klizaboth city county, were quietly married in the Kptsoopal rectory yesterday at ternoon at .1 o'clock by Itbv. Homy Oelger, assistant rector or St. John's Episcopal church. Mis; Veronica Bchaub attended her sister as the maid of honor and Mr. Frederick Bchaub was the U-st man.' Tho cere? mony was witnessed by only a few of iho friends pf the couple. Following the wedding Mr. nnd Mrs. Brown Ibtt for a visit in the northern cities. Mr. Brown is (ho foreman of tee harness department In tho .1. 1). Mil? ler store und Miss Schaub Is a most attractive young woman. Mr. Knewstep to Study Medicine. Mr. William I-:. Knewstep, who has boon one of the pharmacists in the Johnson Pharmacy, yosterdny tender od his resignation lo Manager W. F. Phillips and will (liter the Medical Colle-fo of Virginia, where he wll take tho course of four years in medicine. Mr. Knewstep expects to go to Rich? mond about the 17th ol September to .begin his studios. Mr. Davis Is Very III. Mr. It. A. Davis, who Is 71 years old and a highly respected citizen of Hampton, Is quite ill In his residence In West Queen street. Mr. Davis is tho father of Mrs. Patrick, the wife of Town Treasurer Alonza A. Pat? rick. Bl-County W. C. T. U. The Hi County W. C. Y. ?. conven? tion of Warwick and Elizabeth City counties will meet at the Hampton Y. M. c. A. this morning at I0:3u o'clock. The annual election of offi? cers Will lake place and everyone in torcsiod In temperance is Invited to attend. A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main Street, says: "I appeal to nil persons with wonk lungs lo take Dr. King's Now Discovery, the only reme? dy Hint has helped me and fully comes up lo tho proprietor's recommenda? tion." It saves more lives than all other throat nnd lung remedies put together. Used us n cough nnd cold cure the world over. Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at all Druggists. r,oc. and $1.00. Trial bot? tle free. If if: if |w in The Greatest Conve? nience ot Modern Times: A GAS IRON. CALL AND SEE IT. Huron i mm m so. Hampton, Va. Carver Makes a Statement. Charles P. Carver, om> of tho men gl von In tho list uf applicants tor recorder in tho town of Ph'oobtis, saiil yostcrday that Im did not make for mal application tu tho council tor his position. li<- wrote a letter to Coun< oilman .1. .1. Loughrnn nsklng the sup; port of the councilman, hut ho saysl he dhi not expect this letter to bo" road to the council. Mr. Lbiighrnn accepting the letter as an application hail it read In the council as such. Mr. Carver stated that Councilman Loughrnn had no authority tor pri Heuling the letter to the council. MR CURTIS WON PRIZE. Took the Second Trophy In the| Tournament In York County Deputy Sheriff Edwin Curtis re? turned yesterday from Gloucester | County, where he Was one or the rid? ers in a tournament on Tuesday. Mr.| Curtis won the second prize, whih Mr. Fiank M. Sinclair, of York coun? ty captured the first money. Mr.J Pape, of Gloucester, was the winnerf *t> of tin- third trophy Haldren-Murrell. A license to marry was granted by Clerk of the Courts Marry II. Holt vesterdav to Mr. William Henry Hal dren and Miss Elisabeth Murrcll, both of Phoebus, Mr. Haldron is employe,] as u fireman at the ChambCrlitl hotel. The wedding took plnce In Pboobus last evening. WANTED?COOK TO GO TD NOR folk. Apply at once to MRS. .1. \V. LH 13. 32:i Central street. Hast | Hampton. 0-5-3L New Fall Styles Are arriving daily and the showings nro far superior to anything we have ever offered in the line of high-class tailor? ings, .lust as well he in the "push1' and get your order In early. Wo guarantee the most per? fect fit, and we challenge others to duplicato our prices. Order now and have the suits ready when fall is here. S. Marbach THE EXPERT TAILOR. Corner Court and Queen Street, Hampton, Va. Wines and Liquors I belong to the lost tribe that stray? ed away from. Dublin before Hoses sailed on the Red Sea. I'm a price cutter. I'm a money-maker; I'm the ono that sells all straight Wblskie* retail at wholesale prices. The fol? lowing high graue 10o Whiskies 1 sell for tc a drink: Paul Jones Pure Ryo, Sherwood Rye Whiskey, Carroll I Springs, pure Maryland Ryo Whiskey, I Overholt Rye Whlskoy, Parkwood Rye WhlBkoy. All of the above nameo Whiskies aro Btrlctly high grade; watch ray prlceB If you dare, beat mo If you can. Whlrjtoy In bulk at following prices: Old Nick Puro Rye, % pt, 26c; gallon.14.00 Ivoonard's Parorlto, % pt., 10c; gallon.8.00 I Huntor'a Baltimore Rye, % pt., 26c; gallon .4.00 jMaryluud Club, % pt, 26c; gal? lon.4.00 I Paul Jones Pure Rye, H pt, 20o; gallon.2.75 Star A, Rye. gallon. 2.00 Moss Rose, Ka'.on..2.00 Larkwood Puro Ryo, gallon.2.00 Jefferson Pure Ryo, gallon. 1.75 I Kentucky Bourbon, gallon. 1.40 I Double Stamp Oln, gallon.2.00 I Tho following brands of Califor? nia Wines, Port, 8herry, Ca tawlia, Claret, Blackborry at 25c per qt., per gallon, 75o. Pride of North Carolina, 4? years old, gallon. 2.00 J Kumraclll, per gallon. 2.00 j fur mil Springs, gallon. 2.50 |XXXX Baker Rye, gallon. 2.50 N. LEONARD'S ! Barrel And Bottle House 16 AND 13 MELLfcN ST., Phoebus. Vs. "Phon? ESO A GOOD PIECE OF PROPERTY. Is always worth Its paid price nine times out of ten; a great deal more as the years advance. Savings In? vested now aro sure likely to be In? creased manifold a few years hence; it will pay you to come In and talk tho mntter over, as we have proper tics listed In every section, and some decided bargains In ncreage suitable to develop. Houses and Lots nnd farms of all sizes. E. LAWSON. Hank of Hampton Wdg. Hampton, Va. D POINT % We Close at 6:00 O'clock, Saturday Excepted & . ?.-_-j A Big Showing of Gauze Hose FOR MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN 2$c PAIR11 *fHEY?KB just the KIND -?- YOU have been looking Popular Colors. fou, and only ?5? a pair, double heels and toes?pine and silky textuhe. I ROWE'S DEPT. STORE Hampton, Virginia. I RANSONE 8 & 10 W. QUEEN ST. BROTHERS HAMPTON, VA. GREAT ODDS AND ?ENDS SALE AT??? Kirsner's Clothing Store. We want to oIobh out several broken lots of Shoes, Clothing, Men's and Hoy's Furnishings, left over from the Cue-third OH Sale. There arc many bargains in the lot. GET THE BOY READY FOR SCHOOL. By coming to our store and inspecting the bargains we offer in Hoy's Suits, Shoes and Furnishings. TELEPHONE US your needs for Ice croam. It Insures Immediate delivery. We' nro ex? perienced caterers In this lino, nnd our delicious creams, sherbets, Ices, Sorbets punches, are fnnious for their high grade excellence. For parlies, receptions or entertainments, wo servo you with the choicest I hat Is made. We use the famous V. P. L tested milk. Ru E. Gatewood. Corner County and Curry Streets. Phoebus. 'Phone. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Six-room cottage La Snllo Avenue, $1,050.00. lCnsy terms. Modern home Newport News Avenue, $3,000.00. Forty acre farm, twenty acres oyster grounds; fruit of nil kinds, $.1.500.00. M. H. MORGAN & COMPANY Hampton, Virginia. 18 8. King Street. Houses for Rent or Sale in all Parts ot the City. ;S3SSZ9I Hard to Beat Is our cigar. The more you smoke, the inor?> you'll praise it, because a veteran votary of tho weed knows a good Ihing when he lights It. Only smokers of these cigars have a match for them. Our 5-centers can't he du? plicated for a nickel anywhere elso in town. Gardner & Hud gins 'Phono 13. 13 and 15 King Street, Hampton. 1 For Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating T D' H ' .' ""' see i -j CHAS. T. TAYLOR of Hampton, Va., The reliable plumber, who carries the largest stock of Plumb? ing. Steam and Hot. Water Fixtures on the Peninsula. All war., guaranteed. Repair work promptly attended to. 'Phono 173, Cor. Court Queen Streets, Get Ready for winter Now.