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Spouse Will Gel Divorce Thai Ar? tist Way Wen His Mfllnity. EVERYBODY SEEMS SATISFltD Prorpective Bride Already Living At Future Husband's Home?The. Women Met on Friendly Terms and] Said Cordial Good-Bye. NHW TOHK, S<-i.t. I?A remarka? ble Btory <>r n eliange In iho nmrlial nlalion-: of Fredluund P. Harle, an artist, and son of the late tlon. Fred Inand P, Barlo, Hie hotel nmn. Ih pub? lished today, apparently on Iho author? ity or Mr. Karle himself. The ar riuigontonl which Mr. Karle says lias be. u deelded upon Included tin <uturn to FrnilCU Of bis wile, where it Is planned she is to secure a divorce, ami this accomplished, Mr. Karle Is to wed a young woman whose name is withheld, but who Is already living With her brother in Mr. Karle"? coun? try home near Monroe. Orange ?nun l.v. N. Y. A young son Is to accom? pany the wife, who Is to be sent away to Franco. I The arrangement, strange to say. Is apparently acipiloscod in by all the persons Involved. A part of tile ar rangomcnl was carried but today when til,- wife and child boarded the steamer Itwulham, which sal led to? day tor Kuropc. Harle nod the wo? man he Is to marry accompanied ttie wire io the steamer to see her orr. Karale. in a lengthy published III torvlow says he Is acting on Ills con? victions, and maintains that bis scheme of life Is one designed to so sure happtlK SB. lie also says he Is a socialist, but thai his determination was not ovllved from the tonnchlug or socialism, but from his own concep? tion of a man's duly to himself. Ho Is not a believer In free love, but In the freedom of love when Its dictates um counter to Iho formal precepts la hi down by SOCloly, Katlo frankly admits thai his wife, a Frenchwoman, whom lie married id years ago, was very dear to him, but that UVCIItunlly something begun to nrlse between thorn which ho cannot explain. Tills stale of affairs grew continuously. A few mouths ago, while traveling to ISuropo, be met the young woman whom he plans to make Ills wife. Like himself, he says, she was a socialist mid held Iho same views be did as to the happiness of wedded life. They became attached and realized that their marriage had been foreordained before their birth. When this kllOWledgO came to him, he says . ho went (o bis wile's lather in France, told Iiiin Ihn situation, ami tin- fnlht r Booing the point of view, a lawyer was called in and a divorce arranged. Then ho came homo, told bis wife and persuaded her that It was for the host. Then I be woman who was his real affinity he says, came to his home and met his wire. I lei- mother came with her. and later her brother, and all have since lived under the same roof, according to the artist's story, HOT FIGHT ON AT CONVENTION OF EAGLES Order is Embarrassed Because of Complicity in Their Political Affairs. NORFOLK, VA.. Sept. I.?The sec olid day's session of lb,. National Convention of the Fraternal Order of Kngie-,- opened today with an Increas? ed attendance, The foronooh was devoted to the hearing of the reports of iho grand officers; presentation und request for petitions eommunl cations and memorials and the heal? ing of the reports of tin- judiciary committee and finance committees, in the afternoon* the reports of iho grievance appeals and credentials commit con were heard and the report or the ritual committee was received The session of iho flrand Aerie was kept busy this afternoon reading re pnrts and compiling statistics prepar? atory to the final readings. New del? egates continued to pour into the city nll day bringing with them largo numbers of visitors. The latest arrivals are from the far West and Southern cities. It Is Iv Iloved that iho parade tomorrow will find 10,000 men In lino. Delegations id inarching clubs and degree loams are arriving on every incoming boat I and train. There Is a strung factional fight on in the order between iho administra? tion and the nntl-ndminlstrnilon ami candidates for of lice on both sides Uro numerous. It is claimed by both factions that the order is In a Mate of embarrassment because of com? plicity in their political arfalrs, and both sides declare that the only rem? edial stops that can allovlato Hi'' tension of the situation Is the Instal? lation of their respective elans. Man and Woman Rob On Highway. PKTBTtSBUnO, VA.. Sept. -1.?Wil? liam Ward and bis wife. Anna, typi? cal negro hoboes, were arrested here today, charged with highway robbery In Chesterfield county - They held up J. T. Pitman a citizen of Hint coun? ty, Monday 'night. They flashed a pistol In bis face, and under threats of death, forced him to givo up his money. i The ancient Kgyptlnns used in form of blnst furnace In IXJOO B. XX Wo have pictures of these Irouworkers on lb- tombs at Thebes. <&-The-* In His Own Lino. .Ilm Jackson whs brought before o judge churned with chicken Bleating. Aiier .inckxon'ri conviction the JtiHtlco, with n perplexed look, Bald: "lint l do not understand, Jackson, how it was possible for you tu stcnl those chickens when they were roost lug right under the owner's window Mini liiere were two vicious dogs lu tile yard." "lilt wouldn't do ycr n I'll o" good, Jedge, for nie to 'spin In how I kolched dein chickens; for you couldn't do hit ycrsclf of yet- trh-d It fohty times, tin' yet- might git ycr hide full er lend. Do bos' way for you tor do, Jcdgc, is Jos' tor buy ye' ehlekons In de market, Baton ex islder folks docs, nu' when ycr wants tor commit any rascality do hit on de bench, whlir yo' Is ut homo." DRAVIO LOVI3, Ilo'd nothing hut Ids violin. I'd nothing but my song, ten wo were w.-il wlioii nklcs were blue And nunilncr duyn were long. f And WllOII wd rested by III" lu-ilge Tlio roblnn coma und told How tie y im.) durod in woo and win When early spring wim cold. We noinotlmcR Biimwd on dowborrlois, i ii -u. pi unions: the buy. Hill oft the far.rii" wives ut ovo to hear mi play The ruro "id lunoii tin- ileur old tunes? We could not Rlurva fur limn While my inon biet ids violin Anil I tny sweat love houk. The world has live sono woll with us. Old man, Him o wo were ono? ciur hoinolcsM wnnilorlnitsdown tho lanes? It lOIIU SB" Was den.-. Bui those wlio wait for gold or coar, I'm liounuH Mud fur ktne, 'rill youth'u sweot spring grows brown Mild Here, And love and beauty lino, win never know tho Joy of ln-nrtn That mot without n fodr When xiiu bud but your violin j And I n sohg, my <l.-iir. An Interruption. a Utile hoy in his nigh I dress wns on his knees saying Ills prayers, und Ills little sister could not resist the tempta? tion to tickle the soles of his reel. He stood It ns long us he could mid then said, "Please, Clod, excuse mo while i knock the Btuflln' out of Nel? lie." The Don. William .1. Stevens, for several years local station agent at Swansea. It. I., was pettcbfiiliy promenading his pint form one morning when u rush dog ventured to simp nt one of William's plump legi. Stevens promptly kicked the lintmill halfway across the trucks und was Immediately confronted by the ow ner, who demanded an explana? tion in language more forelblo than courteous, "W hy." said Stevens when the other paused for breath, "your dog's mad." "Mud! Mad! Voll double eyed hlntikoty-blnuk foot, ho ain't mad!" "Ob, nln'l ho?" cut In Stevens. "QoBhl 1 should be If any one kicked mo like that:"- -Everybody's, Politonoao Pays. In one of the churches of New York, | according to District Attorney .Icrouie, then- was once an old woman who In? stated on bowing her head every time lite name of Satan was mentioned dnr 1 lug the service or sermon. The rector, after noticing HtO eccentricity for | many months, asked her: "Madam, why do you Ixiw nt the inline of Sa? tan? It la not customary, yoii Know." "Oil, 1 know that." she said, "but It doesn't cost anything to be polite, und one never knows what will happen." On the Job. A New York printer who occupies n floor III Seventeenth street directed olio of ills clerks to hang out u "Boy Want? ed" sigh at the street entrance a few days ago. The card hail been swing? ing In the breeze only il few minutes when a red headed little tad climbed to the printer's olllcc with the sign under Ids aim. "Say, mister." be demanded of tho printer, "did youso hong out this hero ?llo.y Wanted' sign?" "I did." replied the printer sternly. "Why did you tear It down?" na<k of Ills freckles the youngster was gnr.lug in wonder ut the man's stupidity. "Hully goer1 lie blurted, "Why, I'm the boy!" And he was. f / < -* i A Sympathetic King. ' I.oiiis Philippe knew that Marshal Soult clung to power and that bis fall would be bitter to him, but when the tlrho came the future ministers, with Thiers at ihe'.r bend, were assembled nt lb" TuillerlCS, wldlo In the next room Louis broke the news- to Soult. The Interview took ii Ion- time, and the ministers wore not without appre? hension, Finally thcfdoor wus opened just enough to allow* the king's queer Pefir shaped bead topass, und he whis? pered: "A little paxtencot gentlemen; Just a little patience. We nie weeping together."?St. Louis Qlobc-Dcanocrnt. Couldn't Go to Egypt. An old gentleman advertised*, for an agreeable companion to visit Egypt with him. This advertisement! wns seen lato nt night bp a young*, man who had been dining freely. lleAcogl tated awl,lie and then told the tclub porter to call a hansom. Tho cab?was procured, and with u little musaular oxortlon on the part of the porter vaud the cabby tin: young man was stO'Ved away In Its recesses. lie told tho man to drive to the ml dress given in tho ?advertisement. Ar? rived there bo was assisted to . the pavement and -with much dignity or? dered the cabby'to practice on thoibcll and knocker offthe old fushlonod<resi? dence. Thp advertiser stuck hlsivcn ernblo head ojit of tho window, ?and after it parley conducted with explosive Indignation, which was met with mi rallied assurance from the pavement, tin- ancient came down ami unboltud tint door. When ho had picked up the diner and stood him in the corner the following conversation look place: "Now, sir, what do vmi mono by waking mo up at this hour?*' "Come t'nnshcr 'vcrtlshment," "Well, sir. this is no lime to come on Stich mi errand. What bare voll to say ?" "I've come to tell you?very sorry? con'l go wIth you." A Volnntcor. A darky preacher was lont In Un? happy selection of his text, which ho repealed In vigorous invents of plead? ing. "(ih. biedern, nt do las' day (lore's gWhlO te be sheep an' (lore's gWtllO to be gonis. Who's gwlno to be do sheep an' who's gwlno to be do goats? Lot's all try to be like do I1T w hile lambs, brederil. Shall wo In- dp goals, sis? ters'* Naw, wo's gwlno lo be de sheep. Who's gwlno to bo do sheep, biedern, an' who's gwlno to be do gontS? Till;' care ob youh souls, sisters, Itetneiubor dole's gwlno to be goats an' sheep. Who's gwlno lo bo do sheep an' who's gwlno In be do goats?" .lust then a solitary Irishman who had been silling in the hm-k of the church, listening attentively, rose und sit h I; "(It'll bo the goat. Go on; tell us the Joke, elder. 01*11 bo the goat'."?Lip ptncott'a Ho Knew Hlo Fathor. "Siippeso," said a father to Ids lltlln hoy, ".von Iiiivo half an apple ami I give yen another half. How much have yen7" "A whole apple," said the bay. "Well," continued the father, "sup pose yuii had a half dollar and I gave you another half dollar. What would you have then?" "A 111," promptly answered the boy. Pnscod In the Dark. It Is said that General Knyphausen. who COIIIUIUIlllcd the Hessian lllereena rles In Amurlcil In 1770, knew little about the sen and less about geogrn pby. On the voyage to America ho was mi Lord Howe's ship, where be passed several uncomfortable weeks, as Iho voyage was unusually long. Kuyphausoh was a martinet so far as discipline was concerned. lie had strong scruples against Interfering, but the lime eailie when he COUld keep si? lence no longer. He inarched stiffly I up to the admiral and said: "My lord, 1 know it Is the duty of a soldier to bo submissive at sea; but, being Intrusted with the troops of Iiis serene highness, my master, l feel it my duty to in? quire If it bo not possible (hat during the extremely dark nights wo have lately had wo limy have sailed past America."?Detroit Free Press, Divoico Wanted. Scene: Lawyer'-; olllco. Killer little girl, sobbing bitterly, Lawyer--Why, lllllo one, what's wrong? Little Girl?Are you Mr. Blank, the 1 lawyer? The Lawyer?Yes. What Is It you want? Little Girl?I want (sob)?I want?n divorce from iny pa and mil. A Director of the Union Pacific. Pushing Into the private car of Mr. Harrliuan, a messenger boy said: "Hello! l got or telegram for Mo Keen." "You mean Mr. McKcen," Interrupt? ed Mr. Ilnrrltnnn, with a frosty smile. "Yep, 1 guess so; the bend checso of the motive department.'' Mr. Harrlmnn took the telegram and had It sent to Mr. McKcch. "What do you do?" ho asked the lad, with a glance around nt his compan? ions. "I'm one of the directors of the Un? ion Pacific," Raid the boy, taking the challenge. "WhatV" exclaimed Mr. liurrimnn. "Yep. I direct envelopes over lit the master mechanic's nlllee," was the re? ply as the hid left the car. A Mattor of Etiquette. The wedding ceremony was conclud? ed. The proud but bashful bridegroom hesitated and then leaned over mid whispered to iho oiliclntlng clergyman, bis natural tendency toward stuttering Increased by embarrassment, "Is It k-k-klstomnry to c-c-cuss the brideV" She Won Her Uncle. Uncle Harry was a bachelor and not fund of biibles. Kveii winsome four year-old lldeii fulled to win his heart. Kvery one made too much fuss over the youngster, Undo Harry declared. One day Helen's mother was called downstairs und with fear and trem? bling asked I'ncle Harry, who was stretched out on a sofa. If he would keep Ids eye on Helen. Undo Harry grunted "Yes," but never stirred from Ills position ?in truth libs eyes were tight shut. By and by woo Helen tiptoed over to the sofa ami leaning over I'nele Harry softly inquired: "Feepy?" "No," growled I'ncle Harry. "Tired?" ventured Helen. "No," said her uncle. "siokv further inquired Helen, with real sympathy In her voice. "No," still Insisted Undo Harry. "IHis' feel bum, hey?" And Hint won tho uncle! -Ladles' Home Journal. Scotch Ostentation. Bos well, nt a public dinner, com? plained that be bad Ids pocket picked ei' his handkerchief. "Pooh," said Dr. Johnson, "It's nothing but the ostenta? tion of a Scotchman to let the world know that he had possessed a hnnd kerchlef." Will Japan Declare A "Monroe Ootte" For Portion of Asia?. SHE KEEPS OH BUILDING SHIFS Army Officers Believes Her Show of Hir.lility Toward United States is A Feint to Hide Other Designs? Reasons for Believing So. WASHINGTON, D. P.. Sept. I?A prominent army'offlcei win si- nnnn for obvious rcauns. cannot It* men? tioned, expresses the opin'on 111 it .Inimn I? permuting her people la make n show of hostility ngnlnsl this country, with which the Japanese Government is on excellent terms, for the well considered purpose of dis? tracting] attention from Japnifs In? tention of forcing recognition of her Asiatin "Monroe doclrlno." "Bvor since OermnijyT" In 1809," said this officer, "mndo a pretext <>f outrages oil missionaries lo got n lease on the KIno-Ohaii peninsula and extend lior sphere of Influuiicu lo the greater part of Hie Sunn-Tung pen? insula, .l.ipan has Wlltclil d her ag? gression with a paloiis eye. "Japan needs lb roe years more in which tp get her ships, already laid down, completed und her war mater? ial and ctpiipnicni assembled. She lias perfected alliances with nearly all oi ihe Germany's enemies, and if she can distract att< ntlon from her warlike iircparntlons tor that period oi limp, she will he in position to oust Gorhinny from the soil of China, and Hun sit tight ami defy the Teutons to retnko their base. "Japan's navy really outclasses that of Germany now, and it Japan should cany out this program Germany might find herseil in II very delicate, If not an untenable, posit ioiu fc>oc would have to cany the war right to Japan, ami. as Russia found out. that is no oasy undertaking. We know from the reports of our agents that Japan is exhibiting great activity in her shipyards and arsenals. If She ils not going to fight us?and 1 do hot think she is?then at whom Is she aiming? I "Japan's fear that the ?O-year lease of Germany on the Shan Tung peninsula may develop ami grow into a vested right Is given color by the fact that the French got possession of Tonqillll in u similar manner. Japan has declared that she will not permit tho dismemberment of China, she has already driven Russia off Of Chi? nese soil, niUOh to her own advan? tage, and she seems quite capable of driving out others whom she also deems intruders, Meanwhile it would lie highly desirable for Japan to ct ri cea| her real object, ami how could slu- do that better than to iillou it lo be assumed that she intended 10 ,ivo battle to this country, while she is in reality preparing to fight tier tunny V THE ROYAL BOX. The king of Italy is an ardent col Victor of coins, giving particular ut IClttlon to those of Hie Klimans and tin ?lent Greeks. Princess Ludwig Ferdinand of Ba tarlll has fanned u league to promote the wearing of shorter skirts. Tho knlscrin and other prominent women ?re said lo be In entire sympathy with the movement. The Prince of Wnlcs has two sets of visiting cards, one for use abroad anil the other for Iiuglntld. The Knglish MIC bears the words "Tho Prince of Wales." the other the French equiva? lent, "Prim e do t Julies." Prince Victor Marayah of India, whose father rules one of the provinces of the Indian empire, has announced Ills Intention of entering Cornell Col? lege of Agriculture this fall. The prince, who is an athlete, is to try for a place on the Cornell football team. The shah of Persia has cultivated Ills talent for drawing witii considerable (.'UthllShiBm. His hobby takes a very curious form, for we tire told that In Ids palace at Teheran be has a studio the wails of which me covered with white paper, on widen he docs his sketching. When the four walls arc covered with drawings he has them rcpapcrod and starts nguln. TRAIN AND TRACK. A single rail line \ itli four trucks on an elevated structure is proposed between Newark und Jersey City. Some very influential people are back of the project; It was an Interesting coincidence that the new Danger (Me.) railroad Station was opened for business on (he lifty second nuulyersary of the day when the llrst railroad train pulled out of Dnilgor for the west. Tlie Los Angeles-Pacific company, operating electric railways to several beach resorts near Los Angeles; Col., has imported OO.OUO sleepers from For? mosa. These uro of hard wood, most of them being of narrn, a wood much tlsiit in the east for Interior work. Thomas 11. DrlggS of Hope Valley, It. I.. Is tlie youngest locomotive en? gineer in the stute. lie Is twenty-two years old, und constitutes tho entire engineering force of tho railroad that runs from Wood River Junction to the little manufacturing village of nope Valley. Five round trips Is his dully ituut Jamestown Official Bankrupt. NORFOLK, VA., Sept. I. Robert ll. Sexton, director of congresses and i special events at the Jamestown Fx- ] position, has riliil a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. ills liabilities an' placed nt assets, nothing. His creditors nrb in Itnltlniorc und st. Louis. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. IN TUB niSTIHCT COURT OP TUB UNITBD ST AT BS POR TIIK EAS TKKN DISTRICT OP VIRGINIA. In the matter of .1. G. Freemnn and I. II. Smith, trailing as .1. <;. Freeman & Cn.. Bankrupts, in Bankruptcy. To tbo creditors of J. (!. Krecmaii and 1. 11. Smith, trading as .1. (.. Prociunn K- Co., of Hnmplon, in Hie county or Ellznbvjth City and district uforosuld bankrupts: Notlco is hereby given that on tho 19th day of August, A. D., 1907, the said J. a. Precmnti ami I. ll. Smith, trading as J, G. Preouian & Co., were duly adjudicated bank? rupts; and that Hie first meeting of their creditors will in- held at ihel office of P. s. t'oiiier. Esq., in llnmp ton Vn., on the Uilli day o|* SeptCin-| her' a. I>. 1907,al 3 o'clock in the oftor no?n, at which lime the said credi? tors may attend, prove I heir claim.:, appoint a trustee examine the bank? rupts, ami trausnct such other busi? ness as may properly come before said meeting tinted Newport News, Va., Septem? ber 5, 1907. JNO. B. LOCKE, Itofcrce in Unnkruptcy. P. S. COLLIRIt, Esq., Counsel tor Bankrupts, it. EDUCATIONAL. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTI? TUTE. (State Agricultural and Mechanical College) at Blacksburg, Va. A SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OP TECHNOLOGY. Fifty four Instructors, thoroughly equipped Sho|M, Laboratories and In firtnnrics, Faun of cloven hundred acres. Steam healing and electric lights In dormitories. Degree courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Civil, Mo ebunlcnl ami Electrical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Applied Geology, Preparatory .Medicine and Veterinary Science and nonorn) Science. Shorter courses in Practical Agriculture and Prncl leal Mechanics. Total cost of session of nine months, Including tuition ami other fc-s. board, washing, text books, uni? form, medical attendance, etc., $247. 10. Cost of state Students, 1197.40. The next, session opens Wednesday. September is, 1907. For catalogue and oilier Information, nppiy to PAUL H. BARRING ER, M. I?.. l.l.l).. 8 1 3t President. Randolph-Macon College Newport News Academy Will begin Us Sixth Session In the Academy Building on Casino grounds, SEPTEMBER THE TENTH, With a largo and competent faculty. For catalogue and further informa? tion, address Goo. II. West, Citizens & Marine Hank, or W. O. Beflzley, principal, Box 211, Newpurt News, Va. I Virgil Piano School and School of Public Performance. Washington Avenue and Twenty ninth street, Newport News, Va., opens Tuesday, October 1. 1907. The most scientific and progressive meth? od fraught. The method of the great conservatories of Europe. MISSES EWELL, Directors. Hampton College Classical School for Glrla and Young Ladies. Tho eleventh session will begin Oc? tober 1st, 1907. Miss Fltchett will be at homo any morning to thoso desir? ing a personal Interview. For cata? logue, &c., address, Miss Fitchett Hampton College, Hampton, Virginia. Tho 1 aw Bchool ef Richmond Collex? nll'i-r- ItiiirniiKli rimtm-ol l*o yi-an. 1,-n.l lue to ilcsreo of l.l. 11 professor* Moderst? in- Hot advantage*. He* slon lieclni Pent. 19, Address Kre?. V W. BOATWKIUHT, Richmond, V?. St. Vincent's School for (illlLS St. Vincent's School sltuatt. d on Thirty third Street near Virginia Avenue, will reopen on September 3rd. This school is conducted by the Sisters of Charily. Pupils of all do nominations are admitted. 825-1m. :-, ONLY RESTAURANT IN TOWN THAT SERVES CHOP SUEY AND YOKOMA. Any person wanting nlco Chinese or American meal go lo New York Restaurant, uitOI Warwick nvenuo. S-30-3mos. Mesic's Cash Grocery. 3510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS YOUR CASH TRADE. 4 Klnilty not., n fow of our ?pcoials. for cash only. Preserves?In bulk, (Johnson's pure fruit), 3 lbs. for 25c. Jelly?the good kind, (In bulk) :u Be n lb. Good PreservoB?by the pail, for $2.00?30 lbs., (any kind you want. Iluttor?host creamery, at 80c n lb. Green and Smoked Sausage?received fresh every day. S. ('. limns?the best, (any size desired), al I7e a li>. white Meat?good as you want, nl 10c Ii lb. Lard?the good kind at He a lb. Canned Lobster?the very best, nt 15. 26 and 30c a can. Rons! Dcef? In ?'ans. at 1". and 26c a can. Whole ?X TongUC?-two Ih. cans al ".lie. Whole Lunch Tongue at 1 r, and 25c a eati. Cooked Corned lleef?sliced to order, at ir>c a lb. Cooked Corned Ham?In o:ins_ at lue. Quaker Itlce -puffed, at 10c ii pkg. Kgg-O-Sco?fresh und good, at 10c a pkg. Host Hog's Lard?(It. M. Jones'), ;:. B and 101b Uns at 40c, 08c und $1.25 a tin. Coffee -fresh roasted, good as you want at l?c a Hi., or Llpton's in 1 Hi. scaled tins at 25c. Fresh Pork Loins received daily. liest Full Cream Cheese al 20c a Ih. ; Upton's Toil?green black or mixed, at 40c a lb. tl MESIC'S 3510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. Cit. Phone 109. ??^'^-?^TitTrrmTTWTrffi^ - WHY DON'T YOU RENT YOUR VACANT ROOMS INSTEAD OF LETTING THEM STAND IDLE? A 25c For Rent Ad. in the "Daily Press" Wlil bring you In Many Dollars for them. Those who want rooms don't go up and down llio streets looking for signs. The first thing they do is to scan the "For Kent" column of the Dally Press. If you are interested, call us up. Our representative will call and get your ad. or give other Information If desired. Bell 'Phone 101. WANTED CLEAN RAOS. APPLY Dally ProBS. a -4 -tf. WANTED?APPRENTICES IN MIL llnory department. Apply A. J?O & CO., 2900 Washington Avo. 9-4-tf. I W A XT ED?AN EXPERIENCED | hutclier. Apply J. REYNHU . STORE, 2415 Washington avenue. 91-tf. WANTED?HOY TO WORK IN Printing Offlco. Apply to WAR? WICK I'RINTING CO., 211 Twenty firth street (up stairs). 8-20-ttj WANTED?OCU PANTS FOR COOL pleasant roomB, 130 Thlrtyfirst street. tt WANTED?TO RUY, SELL OR Ex? change furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS, ilCOH Huntington avenue. 3-17-3m. WANTED?Tino PEOPLE TO KNOW we are buying and selling new and secoud-hand Furniture. Messlck <fc Chen,lie, 2501? Huntington avenue. 3-2-3m. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?WIT! I HOARD, ONE| Second floor front room, one B ond floor middle room. 330S West avenue. HI-fit. FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS. Private family, modern convenienc? es, 225 29th streut 7 2 tf I 8PECIAL NOTICE. A STIEFF PIANO, IN YOUR HOME. Is one emblem of purity in musical refinement nnd proof of nn aoB thetlc taste. ALLAN EDWARDS, local representative. P. O. Box 458,] Newport News. 8-G-lm. PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENING. The Piddle Schools of the. city will be open for the admission ot pupils Monday, September 9. Pupils in at? tendance l.iBt Juno will report promptly at 9 o'clock for enrollment and assignment of text books for the term. All other pupils will he ad? mitted at 10 o'clock provided the par? ent or guardian accompanies them. New pupils must bo at least seven (7) years of age, and must show physician's certificate of successful vaccination before they can ho en? rolled in the schools. Non Resident pupils will be ad milted upon the payment of the usual tuition fee. nine (9) dollars for the primary and grammar schools, and twenty-five f2.r>) dollars for the High School, provided that no resident pupil Is thereby deprived of a seat In the schools. All parents or guardians should see thai their children aro promptly en? rolled the first day of the school term. W. C MORTON, Superintendent. 8-30-Ot. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?SECOND-HAND TOP boggy* leather trimmed, $15.00. MILLER" & GLiSASON, Twenty eighth Btroot. " u-4-Ct. FOR SALE- Cool) WORK HORSE, Apply f> B. C. SHIELD, 315 Twen ly-otghth Btroot. 9-4-Ct. FOR SALE GASOLINE LAUNCH it! root long, with canopy top, in first-class condition. J. B. LAKE, .ir., ii;i Molroso avenue, Hampton, A'a. 830 01. LOTS FOR SALB OR LEASE IN ALL parts of tho cltv. Call and ?et prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO.. Hotel Warwick building. WE SELL AND RENT PIANOS. caBh or easy payment plan, accopt second-baud pianos or orgnttB as part payment on new Instruments. Tuning and repairing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Ferguson Music Co., 20'J Thirty-first street. CiL Phone 95. 7 10 4m MONEY; TO LOAN fN bOM3 OF ?5? to $1,000 at 6 per cent. Merchants Mechanics Savings Association, Al? lan D. Jones, Secretary and Attor? ney. First National Hank Hiillrtlna. SPECIAL NOTICE TO MEMBERS of Now port News Aerie !?!>!> Fra? ternal Order Eagles.?All' members of Aerie No. 559, will assemble at the Homo Wednesday morning at 10 a, m.. with social session badge to welcome visiting Eagles. Ladles committee will also ho present. On Thursday the members will assem? ble at 7::'-u a. in., at the homo for the parade iu Norfolk with uniform, and white gloves, and lake the steamers General Putnam and Gen? eral Lee. al the loot of Twenty fifth street. By order of commit? tee. GEORGE HENHOEFFER, Secretary. 9-3-2L TRANSFER COMfANtfci? OLD DOMINION HaGGAOW TKaINBI fer; offlceB C. ft. O. Htatlon. 'PhoneB, Bell Nor.- iOl and 1515; Gltz.. No. 1J. kunekaL Director, W. E. ROUSE Funeral Director ? 234-236 25th Street. I Office Phones 51, Resi? dence Phono lio. J. HUGH CAFFEE Modern Swire, with T'nrfti.liernBll? caimi lo thsBeit, TWO LIOXN8KO KMBAbMKRS, en? abling mo In give to my I'Hiroim ttio butt o Httciiltnii ?t uioilemte I 11 ? ,i Phone, Offline?Both Phonal No. I, Kunidcm-e l'linno-Mr. f.'uflsa 41 Mr. Ovurlon Wi>.