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THE DAILY PRESS It the only newspaper published In Newport News that receives the full newn report of the Asso? ciated Pres?. VOL. XII. NO. 211 v BRYAN SCORES TAR'S OKLAHOMA ADDRESS In the Same City the Nebraska Man Shows Up the Fallacies In Secretary of War's Speech. COMMONER RECEIVES Bi? OVATION Three Thousand Perrons Were Una? ble to Get Into the Hall and an Overflow Meeting Had to be Held? New State Constitution Better Than That of United States. (My Associated Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY, OKI.A.. Sept. 5.- Ton thousand persons tonight heard William J. Mryau reply l<> the I'eoonl address of Secretary of War Tart on ih<> Oklahoma political situ? ation nnd 3,00(1 persons unable In Rain admittance to the auditorium at? tended an overflow meeting. Sir. Mrynn was enthusiast lenity received. In addition to scoring Secretary Taft Roundly lor condemning the proposed constitution for Oklahoma and at? tacking tlio views of tin- Soc.letary of War on national policies. Mr. Bryan declared the constitution or the hew stale is evCll better than that of tllC United Staes. "Secielary TaH in his speech made in this territory a few days ago ad? vises the people to reject Ihn propos? ed constitution and postpone stale hood until another enabling ac| can be secured. At first blush one might suspect that the S.'OtntW'B advice was due to bis personal interest in the next election. Ho might bo ac? cused of advising the postponement of statehood with a view of keeping seven olectorlal voters out of the Democratic column, but lb., more generous view taken of the matter is thai bis advice resulted from bis habits of thought. TaH is inclined to postpone everything. He promises to acqutYtt the title of the groat post notier. He is on bis way in the Phil? ippines <o tell the Pllfolnos, that while he thinks Ihoy ought to have self-government after a while, he wants It postponed for the present. It Is not strange, therefore, that he should yield to bis ruling spirit in the matter of statehood and toll yon to pill it off. Ho holds out to the people the hope of another enabling ad, but what assurances can he give thai a flcnubllcnn Court "ess will act Immedi? ately io briiig In a Democratic Stale lust before a presidential election. Does he control the Conen ss Id such an extent thai he can guarantee Immediate action? The two Senators fnom his own stale do not accept his advice. "His influence as a presidential can? didate cannot yet b,. measured, toy not a sincle slate has yet Instructed for him. Have you read his Columbus Speech? If so. yon will find in it an arraignment of protect ion as we have It today, an appeal for a revision of the larirr. but he sees the force of his own speech by postponing thn tariff "eform until after (he election. "I am dad Hint Secretary Taft re ferred to the Philippines question, for his discussion shows that he l.olleves in a colonial policy and thai ho dis? putes the doctrines sei foith in the Declaration <>r Independence. While he seems disposed to ncqulosco ill the suffrage amendments adopted in the South, he overlooks the fact Hint Hie black man of the South is t. tented much belter than the brown man of the Philippines. Tile black man of the South has the protection of eon si Hut ions., state and national while the constitution is denied to the Kill plno." WOULD SEARCH ON HIGH SEAS. France Declares It Only Wav to End Smunlinn Arms Into Morocco. ItKItLIX. Sept. R,?The Colonial Ga? zette nays I he continued smuggling of arms to the Moroccan const Is causing grave lihxloly to the French government. In view or the inability or Morocco's%nllltary and customs de? partments io perform tholr function-; and prevent smuggling. France de? sires thai the French and Spanish war. hips In- empowered to search sail? ing ships on the nigh seas when they are bound for Morocco. The finest ion has arisen whether this object can be achieved through n simple permit from the signatories to the Algeciras convention or wheth? er a definite commission from the Moroccan Government is necessary. WILL ST AMP OUT PLAGUE AT ONCE IN SAN FRANCISCO President Roosevelt Directs That the Federal Government Take a Hand in Matter. fftv Associated Press.V WASHINGTON, l). C. S.?pt. ?.? My direction of President Roosevelt the public health and marine hospl (til servlco has assumed charge of the measures in stamp out the plague in Sau Francisco. This step was taken today uisni Ihe rcquoul of the Mayor of San Francisco who added thai tin city would do all that is possible *o ward iirovldlng fun.Is to cany mi lite weil.. Acting protiiptly mi telegraphic Instructions rroiu Oystcir Hay. Snr geon General Yyiuan Issued 'In- neccs-;| nary orders ami notified tin1 luayor nt San Francisco Hint ?Tie corps of service officers already on duty there would ho tiugitmontod and additional intasurcH taken to prevent the spreeJ of the disease. MR. TUCKER IS NOT IN THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR Says He Is Too Busy Attending to H>. Duties ar President of Ex? position. NORFOLK, VA.j Sept. r..?Presi? dent Harry st GcoTgc Tucker, nt (he Jamestown Exposition, 'when his at? tention was called today to a dispatch stauhlon announcing his candi? dacy for the next Democratic nomi? nation for governor of Virginia, said: "I am too busy working for the sue cc is of the Jamestown Exposition to lie thinking of anything elso. My work here lakes my wholo time and atten? tion, und to till:; wo U and this alone will I allow tl.lergios of my life to he devoted until its close. I have nut authorized any mich announce? ment." Oliver Gets a Panama Contract. (Hy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. The Isthmian Canal Commission to? day announced the nwni-ii to tin- \v. .1. oliv.- Manufacturing Company, or Kiinxvlllo, Tonn., or n contract to fur nlsli .".no dump cars for use on Hip Isthmus, Hu coiitrnct price being $502,000, TEOPfS ?nCE~lET Reported That President Roosevelt Will Assemble Diplomats. NOT SATISFIED WITH THE HAGUE Diplomat Asserts That Plans For Unusual Convention Arc Being Worked Out At Oyster Bay?Details of the Meeting Sccni to he Lacking. WASHINGTON, Sept. G.?The charge d'affaires of one of the foreign cmhnsslcR, who enmo (o Washington mi a hurried diplomatic errand, Btnti d today thai President House veil i.; planning to break another pre? cedent by calling a conference of nil the Ambassadors us soon as these diplomatists are back in Washing? ton. According In 'be information, ihfs conference is to lie purely informal, but tinged with lhal "Rtjosovtcltian Informality" now well known to Eu? ropean statesmen. Its purpose is to discuss the exact condition of affairs, with reference to the peace of the world, as they will exist at tin- time of tin- meeting. It is an effort will be made, although it will be sug? gested at once thai such an action is not compatible with present-day politic, to establish a Biatl'p <|uo be? tween the lending powers. Tie- charge, in discussing this sit? uation, explained that the President is not at all satisfied with the results of The Hague Peace Conference and is determined to add another wreath of laurels to his crown of peace be? fore he leaves the While I louse. It seems that Ambassador Jusserand, of Frnince, and Ambassador Stornburg, of Germany, have signified their will Ingm ss to participate in such a con? ference, und while they have remain? ed noncommittal as to Iholr colleague3 they do not forsco entile failure. .lames llryco, the British Ambassa? dor, is in bo President Roosevelt's chief support during the meeting, und :f reports in- bollovcd lib has already received authorization from King Ed waul lo en operate with the President as far as possible, the possibility be? ing hfl entirely Id the Ambassadors discretion, it Is reported. Tin- Information added that not ortiy Will the future peace of Hi,, world be g< in-rally dlscussi d, but that sovcrat Other international matters, mich us Chinese affairs, the Pacific' question, Korea's future, tin- brago and the Monroe doctrines, South African ter? ritories ami any other question which interests two or more nations in di? vers ways will be taken up. Win n asked how this conference will he carried on the diplomat re lilled he did not know, because de? tails are lacking, lie merely reltern od H?tt the conference would be held and (hat It would have a wide scope and possibly good results. NEWPORT NIC REO ?HI AW EAGLES FOR OFFICES Administration and Actl-?dmlnislrat ! ion Forces Both Have Tick? ets in Held. NEX1 COMMON IN SEATTLE Jamestown, New York, Alr.o Wants It. But'Washington Stale City Will Surely Receive the Plum?Today the Officers Will he Elected. It Is Expected. (By Associated. Press.) NORFOLK, Y.\ . Sept. .v The fea tur?' of the riftorrioou session of the Kngles' convention her? was the an? nouncements of nomine* n for Iho next ftscnl year's offices, Tin re Is a con? tinued split of Um- Ileitet, heilig a stonily war between (lie adiniiii.drn tlon und nnti aibuinl^tration ticket. Factions from loth sides have select their candidates. The f!ranil Aerie wont in session Immediately oft? r the big parade, and the entire afternoon was taken up re coiving nominal ions. The following ticket was presented and will he vot? ed oil tomorrow, it embraces candi? dates 'mm both factions: (Irnnfl worthy president, Theodore A. Bell, of California; for grand worthy vice pr< sidont, s n. Wadsw?rth, of Iowa and li. J. Mohnghah or Philadelphia; for grand wmthy treasurer, Frank K. Herring of Indiana; for gmnd Worthy chaplain; w. Q; Pett?ii of Nor? folk-. Vs.. anil .lohn A. Cllnc, of Cleve land. Ohio; tor grand Inside guard. Frank a. Drown or Massachusetts and n. M. Armstrong, or Texas; for worthy secretary, Conrad Mann of Wisconsin, I? ,T. litger of Nebraska, commonly' called "Hilly the Hear." and Harry T. Brockmnn, of Ohio; for grand worthy trustees, or which foiir will be elected. It. F. Harvey, of Washington, D. C; Or. D. A. Barrett, of Tennessee; Martin It Orey, of Connecticut; W. C. MoKlnney, of Michigan; -J. Kdwnrd Sulllxan. of Maine; William Walker of Florida and Thomas C. Hayes, of New Jersey. Seattle has been practically decid? ed upon as the next place for the con? vention by both factions and although the name of Jamestown, N. Y.. was mentioned, it is not regarded as Car? rying wolcht, Fred S. Porter, of l.oulsvllio. Ky.. who made a strenuous fight for the offlco of treasurer, with? drew from the contest, claiming thai he would not lake a chance of serving under the administration ticket. WIFE DIDN'T WANT TO MOVE; HUSBAND TRIED TO KILL HER Used a Shoe Knife As An Instrument and Nearly Made Complete Job of It. (By Associated Press.) NEW! YORK, Sop'- -"..? Slashing her repeatedly with a shoe knife asj she lay asleep in her room. Harry Toiullnson made a desperate effort to kill his wife at the home of bis fath? er-in-law, Benjamin Anrsonson, In Mount Holly X. .1., today. Mrs. Tomllnson Is In a serious condi? tion. The police are Boarching for Tomllnson, who fled after the nssault. The man is said to have been anger ,ed because his wife refused to move Io another nearby town to live. SOUTHERN NOT TO IMPROVE ROAD IN NORTH CAROLINA Announcement Made That Adverse Legislation Makes Expenditures An Impossibility. ffU' Associated Press. 1 WASHINGTON, I). O. Sept. r..?It was announced at the Southern Kail way headquarters in this city today thai owing to recent adverse rail? road rate legislation in several South? ern slates and to ?'general conditions" the double tracking of the Southern Railway between Chattanooga ami Ooltnwali Junction in Tennessee and north of Oreonshoro, x. c. had been ordered stopped, pending fnrlhe.' In? structions, Contracts had been ?'"? tercd for double track work in Ten? nessee aggregating about $'15,000,000, Tip. money Intended for iho proposed Improvements in Tennessee and No th Carolina has been withdrawn and will bO used in operating the road. William MclntOtih Haoqed. fllv Associated Preist NORFOLK, VA., Sept. 5.?William Me.Intosh, a negro, was hanged hore today for the murder Of C. W. Parks in April. lie protested that he did not kill Parks, laying Ibis to Tom Las sltor, convicted with him but who subsequently hoenmo Insane and is new in an asylum. >YS- VA., . IN DAY, SI CHINA WARNS JAPANESE TO QUIT KWANTO AT ONCE Commander of the Mikado's Troops Told He MUCt Not Mvtcmpl to Ad n-.inlstcr Al.iilrr.. TOKIO, JAPAN, Bcpt, 5.?The num? ber of Chinese troops Is increasing tidily in Kwniito, the territory in din puto between china nod Japan. Tito Chinese command, r Itus warn? ed 'In- Jtipnitoso commander that lio um .1 desist from any altompl al ad inliilslralion and w I (It draw immediate? ly. The situation is doubly critical, ho eanae of tit<- presence ol a few us t-apoil Corcaii soldiers, who arctirylng tu incite the ('moans ngutnsl I ho small force of Japanese r< presenting tin- Con an government nuthorlly. Japan'"' ridnforcomcnia are pro Cl ' dim: t?i the territory. Fifty chlne.-e laborers, recruited fdr work on the Japanese government railway, have In en prevented by the police from landing at Kobe. Tile Chinese ,ne destitute mid Without means to return. They ate refliBi : aaslslauee by the government, which, asserts the contractor, alone Is ro spun Ilde. The contrncloc had previously ob. tallied official consent tu Import uio] coolies, but the activity Of labor guild liiflunced Hie govornnu nt in refuse the aliens admission. The promotion of Mr. Iwnnakl to be First Secretary of the vVii?hlhg-| imi Kinbnfsy is gaxctled. .to Is now. Second Secretary. Charier Oak Raccc Abandoned. (My Associated Press.) 1 HAIt i Pdltli. t ?NN.. s, pt r..?The charter Oak Grand ?lj'culi races have' Inil 1.n declared off, This decision was reueheii today al n conference of tin drlviis and repreiicntatlvos of the stables tutored in tlie Severn: clnsses as a result of the continued inch incut weather. Life Insurance Men Meet. (P.y Associated rrOSB.) INDIANAPOLIS, IND.. Sept. :.. Si veiny five representatives of life in-' surauce compnnies of the West um; South met here toduv under the title I of the \mcrlcan Llco Convention. I Welcoming address? s ami ilio roporl Of tile executive committee oceiipieil I the first session. Today's Exposition Program. HARRISBURG DAY. Special Features of the Day. SiOO a. hi.?Drill, twelfth II. s. Cavalry. 11:00 a. m.?Concert! Exposition Hand. Mines an,I Metallurgy build lag. 1:00 p in - Special Violin Re? cital. Earl J, Pfouis, assisted by Edwin M. Shoncrt, Pinnist. 1,30 p. in. -Concert lOxposllloii Hand. Athletic Field. ' 2:00 p. m.?National a. a. it. Championship, Athletic Field. 3:00 p. in.- Daylight Flnoworks. I p. in.?Organ Rooltal, Claude P. Lnndl, Auditorium. i.i.', p. in. Cnmaronl's Slide for Life Warpath. 4:30 p. m.?The Flying Ban vnrdn, War Path. 5:00 p. in.? Pi-ss Parade, Twen? ty-third i*. s. infantry. 9:16 p. m.?Cnmoronl's slide for Life - Warpath. 9:30 p. in. -Tito Flying Ban vards, War Path. Stated Program Every Day. 7 : 30 a m. Cad s Open. 9:30 to 10:30 a. in.?Concert. Ex? position Hand. Main (into. In n. in.?And hourly thereafter Exhibition of wonthor bureau. Earthvptake recorder* Qbvornment llulldlng A. 1U:30 to 11:30 a. m.?Concert. Phlnnoy's United states Band, lla Iclgh Coiirt. II a. in.?Preparation of large weather map from reports from all sections of tho country. Gov? ern men t Building A. 1! to I a. m. Session of Chil? dren's School Farm. 11:30 a. in.-Concert. Mexican National Hand. Raleigh Court. ? 11:30 a. hi.?Illustrated lecture "Reclaiming the Desert" by Mr. 0. .1. itlancha H. U. s. H. s.. In? terior Deportment Government building A. 1:00 p. in.?Biographie and stre optic,in Exhibition, Scenes on In? dian Reservation with lecture, In? terior Department, Government building A. l' p. m.?Biographic Exhibition and lecture: Scenes In YOSemltO Volley, Government Building A. ?. to t p. m.?Phlnhoy'a United Stales Hand. Auditorium. 2:30 p. m.?United States Lifo Saving Service Drill nt station. :l p. hi.-?Illustrated Lecture. "The Land That Cod Forgot," by C. J. Blancharil, U. S. lt. s. In? terior Department, Government Building a. I p. m.?Illustrated lecture "Yel? lowstone National Park,'' by Mr. B. C. Culver. Interior Department, Government Building A. 5:30 to r.:30 p. m.?Mexican Na? tional Hand Concert, Reviewing Stand. 0:00 lo 7:00 p. m.?Concert, Ex? position Hand. Raleigh Court. 7 to ;i p. m. Concert phlnnoy'r Cnited Stales Hand. Raleigh Court. ']V l'KM Wliii 0, 1007. HFiy THOUSAND SENT TOUNCLESAfl/ITHlSWEEK Exposition Company Makes Second Poyment pn Million Dol? lar loan. TALK OF NEW NML STATION From Washington Comes the Report Thai Government Wants to Acquire Title of Tercentennial at Clone of Fair?Eagles' Day and New Hamp' ?hire Day. _j (From a staff Correspondent.) JAMKSTOWN IMPOSITION, Sept Fitly thousnnd dollars has hewn iionl l>) tho Kxpoalilon Company to ilm Treasury Dopiirliuoni this wool;, maIUnr. a total ol more than one bun du d thousand dollars that ha ; been i>ahi Io tin government since the open inr, oi the rcrcunlonuial. The tompnny owoij tho government $1,0011,000, I lie aiuouni of iho special loan made by ihr last Congress With, iho dnll) nttcndnuco sleuilily in? creasing, It is believed thai tin- com pany will Ik- nlilo to |ia) oil the ro lunilldor id tho loan wilhoiil a groat ikal oi difficulty, in Bpiio of in,. pre? dictions to tlio uonliury that have been made. Talk of Naval Station, from Wa Itlugtnn comes reimrl Io tin. effect thai the government prob ably will secure possession of the im? position property at tin- close of the lair and establish a great naval train? ing station on the shore of Hampton ft bads, The idle Is regarded as an Ideal one for Hie purpose..; of a naval Hint Inn, and it Is said that HioNav) Dopurtmciil Officials have had their i yes Upon It every since the fair opened. A loint Celebration, jointly with the Kaglos' Hay cole luation today was observed as Now linilipshlri Hay at the l-'Aposillou with hundreds ol residents or the White Mountain State in an. lldnhcc, headed by fiovi rnor Floyd, ami a large dele? gation or New Hampshire state of? ficials. i were no rpocch-mnklng core mon|os in connection with Hie New Hampshire observance, th,. prlnolpal 'feature of the day being a military demon trillion on I ,ec Parade grounds, royiowetl by Governor Floyd, Gover? nor Swansqil, of Virginia, and others. Tonight (hurt was an* elaborate re copttoii by Governor Floyd at the Now Hampshire state building. FLOATED ABOUT IN BAY ON COOP OF CHICKENS William Rolph, Gloucester County Far? mer, Rescued After Thrilling Experience. News reached this city yesterday of a thrilling experience encountered py William Itolpb, Gloucester county far ntcr, In lower Chesapeake bay Rcvorai days ago while III was on his way to j Ulis city ia his small two-nmstoo schooner. The vi SScj was deeply laden With Water melons and chickens, which I were to hayo boon sold here, and when she passed In'o Hie bay from York liver she ran into a squall and was capsized. The members of the crew sue.tied in getting on the over lit r mil craft, inn Mr. Hoiph was swept away by Hie tide and waves. He suc? ceeded, however, in gelling bold of one ol Hi.- chicken coops, villi had floated "in of the vessel, and bv the aid of he succeeded in keeping on the sin face id tin- water. Arier a struggle Hint lasted several hours, Mr. Itolpb was picked up by a passing sail boat, and, with his orewf was taken back Io Gloucester. KAISER WOULD COAL FLEET. Asks German Colliery Owners and Shippers to Consider Proposition. i'AltlS, Sept. 5.?A dispatch to tar Ijiburto from Itcrlln says the kaiser has invited several colliery owners and shippers Io study a scheme for a contract to coal the American battle? ship flocl on Its way Io the Pacific, whereby Gorman coal will I?1 supplied by German ships at lower rates than those id Kllgltsh colliers on Knglisb ships, In tills way the katserd wishes to give another proof of his pleasure at seolng Germany co-ojidrnlo in the Pn fclflc Initiative of his friends in America. 'flu- correspondence of the LlbCrtC affirms that leading coal and shipping firms have received orders Io send (lib most complete estimates on this point direct to the Imperial cabinet.. Monument to President McKinley. Illy Associated Press.) BUFFALO, N. Y.. Srpt. 5.?The monument war; dedicated h< re today hi memory of William McKlnl.-y. It was erected by the Slate of Now York on a site provided hy the city of Huf ruht. Ii Ih In tho form of im nholtsk Ot wltltu niiiVhb . SO fool high Kllil IH rtllualoii :ii Nmgnra Square, the In tot sect Ion of .Niagara and Court streets ami Delaware avenue. Tito ? I" Ii i is ii|inn ii pedestal Ii fool high, ihn baso of which is 12 foot U ho VC (ho street level. The whole Is surrounded by a ItHsolltUod promo nail'. embellished with or III! to para? pets mill hnitisl i mies ami splashing fountains. FIFTEEN Sf\lO TO H/W/E PERISHED IN HOTEL FIRE Occurred in Shcllon, Woshn., and Ten are Known to Ue Dead ? Jumped From Windows. TAGOXIA, WASH.V, Sept. Kiro doHtroyed im- Wohl) hotel ut Shottoh, twenty miles from Tiicomn last night. It la reported Ifi persons perished. Tho fin- was dlcovcrod uboul 1:40 Hill llioi nine. It slai led in i he hotel .inn. \. plohaldy from a lighted cigar droppi'd in the ample room. The hotel was a three story Ktrucluru, Within ii few minutes the botol won a tunas nl name Persons in the up per stories wei..tltely cut off from III.- tali way and at h ast BOVI u or eight lumped D'Olll the wllldoWa be? t?r,, help could ri ach them. T< n are Known (o he dead and one dying. All but 11|roe were killed by Jumping Koni wlnd?WB, All About a Peanut Stand. .1 M Sw.. i/er. who Ii*.I hllll for $1.000 damages arulnst M. Jon, in Ihn clerk's office <>r the Corporation Court KOveral days ago. Ih suing to recover llnmngeH because he was deprived ot his flghi to conduel n peanut stand at pine itoneii iifiti? iihylng $50 for Hie eon.mloii. The defendant claiiiiH that Sweelr.or was ejected from (hp park because bo trespassed on other people's propel i y, ami Hint the Nor folk A Portsmouth Trnellon Company offered In refund his $50. IN ClftSH TO HINDIS Department of Justice Not Falls fled With the Judge's Ali? WAY BLOCK GOVERNMENI'S PLANS If Chlcatjo Judge Dock Not Aid De? partment In TIiIe Instance, It Is Feared That No More Convictions Will he Secured. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 5?it was openly hinted ut the Department or Justice to-dny that ihoro was h sharp clash between Attorney-General Itonaparte and Judge l.andls, of the I'lilted Stillose District Court, nt CM cago, which may entail serious re? sults' to the government's anti-eorpo ration campaign. And. Incidentally, the official head of the United States District Attorney Sims, of Chicago, may fall. Tills is owing to Iiis apparent reluciancu to cany out the policy of the Attorney General as regards the Alton case. The failure bl District-Attorney alma In rdnd to tllO special grand Jury the letter he received from the Altorl.Vy General, advising that no prosecution be made. Is viewed bj( department officials us Indicating a lack of-loyal? ty, to express it most mildly. 'it may lie stated on absolute author? ity that Attorney-General llonapario himself Is rar from -approving) the course Ot the district attorney. Tin re is no question that Judge 1 .mulls is absolutely his own master in this case, so far as following his own predilections Is concerned, but Iii? fear Is expressed that, .should he fail lo gram (he Alton immunity after Its officials gave the govorninonl the Information necessary to convict the Standard nil Company in the celebrat? ed n" case-, which Information was si cured upon promise that there should be no prosecution, it will be extremely difficult to secure the con? viction of any other company charged with rebating. Hallway corporal ions will not supply the Information, with? out which conviction will be practical? ly impossible. It is admitted that should Judge l.andls stand pat ami charge the jury to indict tin- Alton officials, liiH.chargg would have far greater weight th&u the letter from the Attorney-General to the district attorney, expressing the opinion hat the falthl of Hie govern? ment had been pledged against prose? cution. It is probable that the Idler of Mr. Itonnparle will be published, in order lo make his position clear. As to District Attorney Sims, It la qillto natural that, having devoted much of his time to fawning u case against the Alton, he may now U0 averse to a policy that will not per? mit, of the use of evidence he has CO? lectcd. That he Is more or less in sympathy with the position nssumco by Judge Land la Is regarded here as a tact: but thai, as an officer of the Department of Justice, ho should sub? ordinate all other feelings to that or loyally, pressing home the conclusions of his superiors, Is none the loss strongly urged. THE WEATHER, r.iir Friday and Saturday; litjlit northwest to north windo. PRICE TWO CENTS DRIVE HINDUS OUT OF ! TOWN BY HUNDREDS Whites of Belllngham, Washington State, Drag Offensive People from Mills and Homes. I ARE FLEEING T? THE BRITISH LINE Hope to Receive Protection Under a Flau Different Than the Staro and Striper.?Pollen Utterly Pk>werlc?? to Subdue Moh Which Had Its Own Way For Hours. ? / (in- Aasofdatod Prosa.) HFd.ldNvNIAM, WAtfl IN., Sent. r..? Six liadly heat on Hindus nr<< In tho hospital, four hundred frightened and half nailed Sllths are In Jail, the ror i id. i). ill Hie city hall guarded by policemen, and somewhere le t ween ll< lllnghnm ami the Itrltlsh Columbia Hue an' 71.II Uvea of India, beaten, huugr) and half clothed, malting their way alone the Croat Northern Hall? way in Canadian territory, ami the protection of the llrlilsh flag. Tim long uxpeeted ory, "drive out Hie Hin? dus" was heard throughout the city ami along'the water front last night. The police were I|0||||OSS| All Ml Ihorlt) was paralysed, and for five hours a moh of half n thousand white moil raided Hie mlII? where the for i Igunrs Were working, battered down Hu- doors of lodging houses and drag? ging tie victims from (heir bods es corted tboni to the oh* ilmitK with or deis to keep going. The mob BWUpt down tO the water front, and mill af? ter mill was visited, the white em? ployes Joining tho mob. lOvery Hindu was hustled outside. At the sugges? tion of the police the mob victims w.-ie lallen to Jail. The mob kept up Its work along tho water front uutll early ibis morning, Tfli re Is a strong undercurrent of opinion which apparently approves (ho act inn of Mie mob. Many whiles have i.ii replaced in tho mills by tho Asiatics. Frequent Instances of women being pushed Into the gutter or insulted on Str?dt cars by the for? eigners were also reported. The Hlnf.iis are all llrlilsh subjects. MRS. ROSA S70NE WAS SUN BURNED; NOT BLACK She Was Forced to Ride In .Urn Crow Car and Now Attorney Enters Suit. SUFFOLK, VA . Sept. I).?Stilt for ll.ono damages against iho Norfolk and Western Railway Company has been Instituted by Mrs. Rosa Stone for being compelled lo ride in a .Ilm Crow car with negroes. Mi Stone; while n very respecta? ble while woman, Is considerably sun? burned. She boa Mod a Norfolk and Western train at. Myrtle lnsl wee with a ticket stamped to Suffolk, On the appearance of the conductor the sun-burned traveler was requested ami then required to louve the white eoach and enter the compn-dmont re? served for negroes. This she did with much prolest. She was recognized \>y some of the negroes .who exclaimed nmilnst'the proceeding. Mrs. Stone is the wife of William Stone, a farmer residing al. Ilm little town of Myrtle. Tho suit is said to be tho n.*u or its kind yet presented. JUDGE DUDLEYdIeS SUDDENLY IN OFFICE President of Rappahannock Bank and Former Jurist Passes Away While Alone. WASHINGTON, VA., Sept. G?Judge ll. M. Hud ley, president of Rappahan? nock National Hank, of Washington, VtC, dropped dead at about 7:30 o'clock.* lb- was alone in the bank working on Iho books, and was round soon after he fell. The doctor says that appoploxy was tuo cause of his death. Judge Dudley was fifty-three years bid, was ex-Judge of the county court of Rappahannock county, mm a most useful citizen, and will bo missed I by a great many people. He was o I brother-in-law of Judge w. w. Moffetf, ? of ItOnnokO, and was widely connected [in this county. Ho loavese a widow |and n daughter, .\riss Delia Dudley, auad a son. Master 7,. H. Dudley. Judge Dudley's death was a givat .-heck, and cast a gloom all over tho country. Ho will bo buried with Ma? sonic honors at his old home place, four miles east of here. Immigrants for-Georgia. , (My Associated Press.) SAVANNAH. OA,, Sept. F..?It Is announced that the first shipload of Immigiiants to Savannah win ar.'lve about the middle of October from Trieste. There will bo more than a hundred lu tho party. _,