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MAN WHO SLEPT UM ARRESTED AS LONAT1C J. I, Cross LocKed-up After Two, Unsuccessful taps lo Commit Suicide, J?PED!1 FROM OF STREET CMS! Since Ope dtlon which Awakened Him | from Comatose State Last Spring, the Young Man lo Said to Have: Bceri Unbalanced?Injured by Fall] at Shipyard. .1. 1,. Cross, tliq young man of l ?!?'? Twenty-sixth street who. After remain lug In a comatose state for nearly h year, was awakened limt spring by a surgical operation perforinod on bis hoad at the old tleite: al hospital, by Dr. II. It. Gary, was arrested at Wash? ington avenue nitd Twohjy-flfth sii.(I yostcrdii) afternoon by Patrolman] Harp bn lite charge <>f luhriev. Ho was locked dp at the Btntlon house aud| Justice Brown will decide this morn? ing wNolhdr or not no shall bo lioldl for examination by a lunacy commla-l slou. lOvcr sluco tho operation was per formed Cross has, it is said, been Uli' iMlnttccd, due very probably to his long sleep ami the pressure of a part of his skull against the brain. It was this pro8Bliro that brought on the sleep. The police say Ihat'Cross twice ul-| tempted to commit suicide yoBtorday by jumping In front of street cars, but the only Injury he received ivn:i n sprained arm. It Is also nllogofll that he gave several exhibitions <u | dancing and acrobatic work on the avenue yesterday. Cross fell rrom a ship at the ship yard about two years ago. striking| On his head. Physicians who exam? ined his skull found 110 fracture ami I It was llioughl that he was not BO-1 rlously Injured. After the accident however, the young man lay at his home In a semiconscious condition for several moths. The case all nctoil considerable attention from local phy slclmis and after ninny examinations, Or. Gary found that then was a alight fact ure nl the base of the skull ami he decided to operate. When (he operation was performed tho physi? cian found that n small piece ?r |,i ne- lining of Hie skull was pressing ngaltult the young man's brain. ITa o oTTalf ToT"a~o~o"T"r o' a BBoaafloflS & THEATRICAL ? 0 o (JJ! 0 9 <! OS OSt.9 qjjjj g f - *jj b_g_o f Way Down Cast" paid Us annual visll lo the Academy of Mu?ic lust liigbl and was greeted bv one or the large.'! audiences that has gathered In the playhouse thin season. The play was well staged, the com? pany was a well balanced one and the production seemod to please the uudlenco. ., t -j ... ^ 4^ j g^g. "Sherlock Holmeo." "Sherlock Holmes will bo at the Academy this afternoon and tonight. Commenting upon the play, tho st um ton Dally Leader of last Friday, Bays; "The prosetntlon of Sherlock Holmes at the DOvolory last night, with Mr, Ramsey Wallace in the title role canto nH the first dramatic offering of the Benson roally worthy of notice. Mr. Wallace gavo to the great detective not an original characterization, but the very manner, bearing. Jestures, and character with which Dr. Doyle Invested him, and the Impersonation was as* cimnleti?-as any critic might wish. Tho iron-nerved, steel muscled, phlegmatic, immobile detective was to the life, and WO might add that Mr. Wallaco, in point of personality, Is as flue a speclmau of manhood ns is often seen on the stage. He looks nnd nets the part of Sherlock Holmes nnd Is supported \y a capable and ex? ceptionally clever cast.' "The Tourists" Tomorrow. The musical success-, "The Tourists" conies to the Academy of Music to? morrow night for a single perform? ance. The book and lyrics of "The Tour? ists" are by H. II, Hurnsldo, who has recently been promoted to the fore? most rank of native librettists-, and the music Is by Gustav Kerker, who wrote the score of the memorable suc? cess. "The Helle or New York." The cast includes Eddie Garvle, load'-ig comodjan, Louise Marthel, l.eo nora Wat.-on. Plorlnno Swcotman, Hat tle DoTnro-narnoK, Albert Froom. Koll? ert Algler. Charles Ailing. Charles W. Movers. Alfred Cahlll, George 13, Ro? main, Eddie Mowers, Herbert Prien and others. The production Is said to be one of exceptional beauty. "Mr. Bluebeard.'' The Doiinn Seymour Company's of? fering of the musical spectacular pro? duction. "Mr. Mine Heard." which Is to bn presented at the Academy next Thursday night, possesses the attri? butes that go to make nn entertain? ment popular with all classes of pat? rons. It lr. said. "Mr. Mine Heard" is bricht, snappy r.nd fast, and the fun and music are a kind that make the public sit up and tnke notice, row productions or re? cent years have attained more popu? larity. It Is said that if genuine novelty of plot. Ingenuity or treatment together with an acting, singing and dancing company of theatrical favorites count for anvthliig In the make-up of a suc? cessful pnmndv production. "Mr. Mine jv--'?'? will till tnn bill. ' *The seat salo openB this morning. Want to sell Iteal Es? tate, and nomu have great bargains. Why don't we buy theme Well, wo can't bny them all; we want our clients to take some of them. Plcaso allow us to show you what we have paying from 8 to 12 per cent, net. Powell Trust Co. BANKING INSURANCE Rents & Real Estale 2711 WASHINGTON AVK NEWPORT NEWS, VA. tAJLcjLpjLftJ Q^JLPJUlJLa.OJLyjLlUULv * Social-Personal 5w Mrs, J, Eiscinun rolurnod Sunday front Ktyo Springs, Vn.. whore ahn bus boon attending tb<! summer. Tho Misses TiolSton have returned from Castlne, Mnlnoa whom they spent Hovoral months, und will bo ni Origin Vlow Cottage, Phoebus, for tho wlntbr, Mr. anil Mrs. Elijah Col nor, of VVaynoshoro, who havo boon tho guestu of Mr. John Elend ou Chustnul nvontic, loft yesterday for Ashvlllo, N. c, where they will visit their son, Rev. Atdgjnr Colnor, beforo returning to tholr homo. Miss Coin Patterson hns returned to her homo In Buckingham county utter visiting hot] sister, Mrs. L, Myntt in blast bind. Miss Cniiie Cove who has heen the guest of Miss Ada Head on Chestnut avonue, yofi yosturdny for her home In New Mnrkot. Mr. M. II. King and family were tue guests of Mr, e. m. Itoswoll, blerk of the Richmond County Court, at his home in Richmond Sunday, Mrs*. W. C. Stewart and children have returned from New England, where they have heen spending sever ill montliH. Mrs. Jay Howe and little daughter, who have heen spondllng a week In Richmond .have returned noiuo. Mr. W. A. Renjamln, who has heen the guest of Mrs. E. A. Shook on Twenty-seventh street, bus returned to New York. The Misses Unvldson hnve as their guest on Twenty-ninth street, their cousin. Miss Gladys Jenkins, of Tar hoto, N. C. Miss Caroline Robertson, who hns been spending t.reo weeks with rela? tives In Went Virginia has returned home. Miss Annetob Davis, of Lynchb?rg, is visiting friends In the city. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. W. Meade and little daughter, Mario, of Stnnnton, who have been tile guests'of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Watl Pace have gone to Richmond to attend tho horse show. Miss Katharine Uoyor, who has been tho guest of the Misses Stewart on Twenty-seventh street, has returned to her home In llnrrishurg. Pa, Miss Lawrence left yesterday for Roatioko, where she will spend several week:: with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. \v . Unities and Utile daughter Lilian, returned yesterday from Smilhtleld. where they have been the guests of relatives. Col. W. P. Richardson, of Harris 'burg. Pa., a member of the stalf of Mii> governor of Pennsylvania, and I superintendent of the state arsenal 'nt Harrisburg, was tho guest of Mr. :J. L. Huppert of Twenty : cveiith street Sunday. A Criminal Attack Ion an Inoffensive citizen Is frequently i made In that apparentlv useless Ulli" .lull,, called the "appendix." It's gen orally Hie result of p'Otraeted con? stipation, following live.' torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and es ' tnbllah regular habits of Hie bowels. 25c. at any drug store. Notice. I Patrons of the Newport News Light an,i Wator Company are horopy re? minded thai water bills must be paid by tho 10th Inst. All delinquents on the 11th lust., will havo their supply Clll off pursuant to notice given all consumers. Newport News Light and j Water Comnnny, by U B. MANVILLB. Superintendent. 10-1 lot. PLUS FON CAMPAIGN DISCUSSED Republicans are Expected to Make a Hard Fight, and Committee Will do Everything Possible to Dring Out the Vote. Only six members or tho city Demo? cratic committee responded to tho cull of Chalimnn it. w. Perkins for a special mooting nl the city hall at s o'clock last night and the bcbhIou had to be pout polled. The object or the meeting was to discuss pinna for the regular Tall campaign, but as the City Comrivlttco will bold Iis regular meeting next Monday night, It wan decided 10 let the matter hold over until (but i.liui:. j Tho commute, men who gathered at the city ball held an Informal discus? sion of tho campaign und it was gen? erally agreed tnnt there should be little or no stump speaking, but Hint the commit Icemen ^liotlhi make a per-] annul crihVnB of imj voters of their ward and urge them lo turn out in November to support the Democratic nominees for the House and Senate. The Republicans are expected to make a hard light again this fall and the committee will use every effort to bring out the full strength of the parly here on election day and elect Mr. Darret I to the House by a sweep? ing majority. Mr. Rarrott is opposed for office by Mr. .lohn H. I.ocko, who was- recently named the parly candi? date of the Republicans Of the city., Mr, l.ocke Is making a personal can? vas of the voters of tho city and the campaign Is expected to wax warm within a few weeks. state Senator Saxon W. Holt, who Is a candidate to succeed himself, ban Do opposition, the Republicans- having failed to name a candidate for the Stalo Senate. "I Told You So." , Aunt Dinah was tailoring over tho wnshtub In tlie side yard near her cabin when suddenly nnd mysteriously a little negro, as If fallen from the skies, Bprhwlcd upon the grass near by, picked himself up slowly and bo gan to whimper. "Hey, yo', Sam!" cried Aunt Dinah. "Didn't I done severely warn yo' 'bout datV Didn't I caution yo' elaborately-! [Ain't 1 done (old yo' ler >pilt foollu' oruun' dal mulu'i"?Judge. Encourngomcnt. "I'm afraid," said the Soubrette, "Hint I'll not be able to appear to night. I have n sore throat." "Don't let that worry you, dear," re? plied Ute prims donna. "Nothing could happen to your throat that wouldn't help your singing."-Chicago Record Hernhl. Complete Popularity Impossible. "She novel- speaks unkindly ?r any? body," said one woman, "yet people dislike her." "Yes," answered tho oilier, "when they go to her with unkind stories about oilier peoplu they resent her lack of rytnptithy."- Des Meines Hcg , Ister. Rathor Broad. "You ure lucky, kid," said the tdg boy enviously. "| wish 1 had a dad Who was ii baseball catcher." "Do .vim;" replied the little boy. with ii lugubrious sigh. "Well, yon wouldn't wish II long alter ho had spanked you with his catcher's mitt."?Detroit Trib? une. ? Affidavit! Needed Nowndnya. "Why do you seiul two men to get that Interview'.'" asked the managing editor, "One of them," answered the city editor, "Is a notary public."?Wash Ington Star. No Uoo For It. Weary Walker (rending)?DIs paper tells orbout de luvcusliun uv nnoddor labor savin' inerchinc. Tired Tatters Well, I'm n-hopln' ft won't iiivu no labor fer me.- Chicago News. To Cpeed the Parting. The Straw Hat (departing for Skldoo rHie) -You'll never lie as popular as I wns, you big stiff! The Derby Possibly not. yet my sn perlority Is felt. Kansas City Times. Tr.o Rctioon. Cnssldy?I kin nlver git ine wife to k-ee thing" as I see them. She's that Casey-Thriie for >e! 1 hear she nlver touched a drop In her life.? Philadelphia PrOSS. Tho Revorso of tho Mcdai. "When a bird can sing and won't" "Yes?" "It Isn't half the trouble us a bird I that can't slug and will."--Baltimore I American. * It Sounded Heartless, j "Were you much hurt In the auto accident':" ".lust the merest scratch." "I'm so sorry!" ? Cleveland Plain Dealer. if taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most obstinate cases of Indigestion, constipation, bad blood, bad llv.-i- no matter hoW long Bland? ina, That's want Hplllster'H Rocky Mountain Ten will do. :'.'. cent.-.. Tea Of Tablets. J. C. Qorsuch & Co. Two of a Kind. A well known clubman In Now York likes nothing better tbou to bunt "big game" In lliitlsh Colombia. During bis hist expedition to tlmt region bo whs In camp ?villi n frlon? from Minnesota. To Ward morning, snys the Now York? er, be awoke shivering with cold. The' Hit; wns very low. Ills companion ?ras fnsl asleep. It Isn't nice i" got out of a warm blanket lo roll frosty logs to the lire, no the wily New Yorker gavo bis friend a kick nml then protended to be asleep. There WuB lib response, and presently the man from New York tried another Lick. At tills the iveslomer broke into a laugh. "I did Hie biiiuu thing to yon twenty minute; ago," he explained, "and that's Im,-.- you camo to be nwake." Then of course both turned out to build a tire. Treei In Churches. The parish church of Ross. In Here? fordshire, Is remarkable for two Due elms which grow beside the pew for? merly occupied by the fatuous .lohn Kyrie, the "Man of Ross." Trees were scarce around ltOSH In Ids lime, und tree planting became part of hi.-i philanthropy. The story goes that a ruthless rector of ItOSS cut down somoi trees Kyrle had planted near the! Church, whereupon these two elms forthwith sprang up by way of pro-! test. Several other country churches; have trees grow lug beide. In the chancel at Kcnipney, m ar Worchestor, I has licb? presor?-ed a horse chestnut, that springs from the beautiful tomb of sir Kdthuud Wylde. An ir.-ittr peda? gogue threw a chestnut, with which he caught one of his school children playing durlug service, upon the p .ab, wheVe It took root and has nourished. ?Wostmluster Gazelle. UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. Mm nml Women Unanimous About it Many women weep and wall nml refuse] to bo comforted because their unco ma nillcant tresses have Iwcomo thin and | faded. Many men Incllna to profanity hcrnuso tho flloii bite through lho lliln thatch on their miniums. It will he good nowii to tho miserable of both uoxch, lonrn Newbro'a llorpleltlo bus t? pl.u-ed upon tho markot. This hi tho now sc,dp germicide ami nnlisoptlc that nets by destroying the ficrm or microbe thai 1? tho underlying cauno of all hair tie ?tructlon. llerplcldo Is n new prepara lion, made after n new- formula on nu entirely now principle Anyone who bar tried It will testify as lo Its worth. Trj It yourself ami bo convinced. Bold by lendlnir drugulMH. Fend iftc. |n rt.imni | for cample, to The HorplcldO Co.. Da troll. Mich. j Two sizeB?60c and 11.00. , ALLEN'S DRUG STORE, SPECIAL AGENT?. I |! Where Quality Is Uppermost. ? I ll The ^Stetson Sftoe| For Men/ _ P every requirement of the las g tld ions. ^ In all Icnthors, $5.50 lo $6.5U. WE FIT FEET. EISENMAN'Sli SHOE PALACE % 1 IS a Shoe of character, con? structed on scientific principles Its a shoe that comes up to 1 a 2600 WASHINGTON AVENUE. I! The l'lano with tho Tone." Any Intelligent Child Can play anything from rag? time to grand opera on the Stieff Player Piano It is the greatest thing in the world to make home at? tractive, because any meml'M of the family can play it. No music lessons necessary. If you wish, you can play it in tlie usual way, stimii no any piano, or. In an instant, ad? just Hie roll no that aoyoilO can operate it. Cha.s. JM. Stieff L. C. STEEllK. Mgr. Ill fif.mby St.. Norfolk. Va. ALLAN HOWARDS, Agent P, O. Rox lf>S, Newport Nows> Va. Official l'lano, Jainc3town Exposition, How illogical we are to have fresh succulent oysters deliciously cooked and then spoil the feast with hard dry oyster crackers when we can get Oysterette? Those delicious little oyster crackers that are always fresh and crisp and flaky, with just suffi? cient salt to give zest to either soup or oysters. in moisture proof packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY STEER 'CLEAR of speculative ventures, bouutifu] engraved bonds (V). pretty mining stock certificates, offered you with glided promises of enormous rolurns, tlio risk you take is even greater than these promises; YOU SEND YOUR MONEY OUT OF TOWN; IT NEVER RETJRNS. speculations in This Is tb? usual result of things you know nothing about. BETTER KEEP THE MONEY IN TOWN, and lot It work hero for you while you wait, and Can get It wbon you want It, nt the same time benefiting the whole community In which you live. i The Mutual Home & Savings Association of Newport News, Virginia. (Organtxed January IS, 1856.) "THE DIVIDEND PAYER," offers you the medium for the right kind or IN? VESTMENT. Paid-up stock shares, $100.00 each; Certificates Issued on receipt of face value. Dividends six per centum paid semi annually. Stock Withdrawable at Face Value at Any Time. WM. C. STUART, Gen'1 Mgr., F.R5T HATlonAL BftnK BLOG. K NEW DAYLIGHT LINE I TO - WAvSIilNGTON - AND - RICHMOND 8 TO RlCriiV\0> O PO WASHINGTOIN t c QUfciBiN AINrNE" Will make regular trips between the above points, leaves Norfolk Campbell's wharf Perry Dock, Tuesdays ami Thursdays at 7:30 a. in. and Sundays at 12 in. Pino Reach Pl?ri EStfos?piu Ci'w.'f? 8:U0 n. in. and Newport News 9:00 a. Ill,, wee'.; days; Sundays, 12:30 and 1:16 p. in., will leave Clyde Line Pier. Richmond, at s a. m.. Monday's Wednesdays and Fridays. Uy this route the annoyance and delays of stop? ping nt nil river landings Is avoided. Regular Meals or nice lunch service as may be de ?sired. htt*t<es9z?S'raight fare, $1.25; Hound Trip, good for 30 days, $2.00. Special Round Trip Rates from Richmond ?J.5Q on Wednesdays and Fridays, ? day Limit.'. Steamer "MONTAUK" Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday s !.?:?'?? .^";'r>'.-;:, Ca^dy^JT^F-rry D-.cU ...7: !5 a. in. Leave Old POlKt Comfort .8*45 .1. m. Arriving Washington Rlloy's Wharf, 8:00 p. in. 8 ? Round Trip, Good for 30 r A Days. . $Z.5\) g 8 Days Straight Fare, $1 50. No tiresome Stops' at River Through Past L Landings. ? Regular meaJs desired. or nice lunch service as may be ( RICHARD WALKER, For information, apply to < City Ticket Agent, (3102 Washington Ave. 1 Newport News. ^ Special Invitation To see Vrs. Tonssnnt, Expert Chiropodist, before going to tho lOxposlt'ou. Manicuring for ladles and gentlemen, electric face tnassngo, su?nijioo, hair dressing, 2hc. Marcel wave. r,0n; scalp treatment; hair goods, puffs and switches, made out of combings. 2!i07 Washington Avelino. Phono Number 217-Y. Roll THE PEERLESS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 302-3-4 Twenty-eighth Street v Desires to announce tri tho public Hint they are In a position to make, at short notice. Mantles, Dank and Office Fixtures. Alaji special attention given to nil kinds <* repair work. Alterations In stores, banks and offices, inado at short notice. Estimates chseri fully given. The Peerless Manufacturing Company ?;! Successor to Aaron M'f'g. Co. C. S. STOUT, Mgr. v.i.-?v.vljoft?,'.