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Object Lesson Furnished by leslj Plant at Fair. TWO FURNACES WITHOUT SfSQKE Although the Plant Has More Than j 1,000 Horse Power, Visitors Do, Not Know It is on Grounds Until They Enter Building. Tho thousands of cltlva-us through? out tho United Stiles who u.e de? manding smokeless cities can find on oxcollont object lesson in the fuel I? sling plant now lining operated by tho technologic brauch of tho United Slates Geological Survey at the Jamestown Exposition. With more than 1,000 ho ho power, the plant is being operated practically without smoke, as the exposition management can attest. Usually a plant with as much horse power as this one would be a nuisance iusl le the. grounds of a beautiful exposition, but so far none of the thousands of visitors has had any cause to complain. The comment Is that visitors do hoi seem to know that tho plant Is in operation, until they enter the building. Of the total horse power, there Is "Hu on the tlireo boilers ami 235 on the gas engine. While tho gns for Ibis engine Is being made at the plant, there is alsolulelv no smoke from it. In the holler room, two <>f the fur? naces, equipped with stokers are be? ing operated without smoke. The third boiler, which is hnnd-flrcd makes n Hille smoke, but hardly enough tu see unless the attention Is directed to tile stack. Here scientific flrlns Is being shown to the visitors. While the pu pose of the plant Is I to show Hie economies in fuel, n sys? tematic study In the abatement of j smoke Is going on. A series of tests I has been outlined in advance and they are bilng followed out with much suc? cess, although the exports will not admit by any means that the smoke problem has been solved. Some of. these tests have been aimed to make tho chimneys smoke. Kit fortunately I for Hie exposition visitors, very little smoke has come forth. When this. work was first started the early tests! showed that the abatement of smoke' was a much mo complex problem than a! first anticipated. It lias been learned that the problem Is as much for the physical chemist as for Hie! engineer In that the chemistry of IheJ -'? combination of coal is involved. For this reason five experts in such lines nre now working alongside of the en? gineers. One or the most efficient methods to produco smokeless conditions con? sists of f-everal serried rows of fire-brick piers on the bridge wall of the furnace. The stream of gas leav-j Ihg (he grate is spilt, mixed und re combined several limes before leav? ing the combustion enterI the cold boiler. It Is declared Hint the flames should nowhere touch I eoM-hentliig surface until the bites'I possible moment. They should touch only white-hot fire-brick walls and ] roof of tho furnace. So far. It is said, chemists and en? gineers do not know enough about the destructive distillation of coil |o| design a furnace and stoker with ce tninty. However. It Is the expectation ] of Hie Survey to clarify many doubt? ful points and to make, the design for' a new coal plant a matter of reason ! able security. 1 A b ead v I lie steam engineering dlvl slim of the technologic branch, head? ed by Prof. L. p. Breckenrldgc, hns been able to deduce some new and unexpected results along these lines nnd officials of the survey state that rhnnv of these findings will be given In those Interested soon by applying | to the Geological Survey. This work is being undertaken bv the government in the hope of con-1 serving Hie fuel sunply of the conn try, perfect coml'.istion mcanina econ omv In coal. The smoke lesls arc I under tho limned into charge of Wa| ter T. Ray. engineer. The entire work Is under the direction Ol J. A. Holmes, Our Boys' and Children's Department is now com? plete in every detail. Suits from $2 to $10 Wertheimer & Co. 26th Ptreot and Washington avenue and 220C Jefferson ave. TRY IT, ANYWAY. Prepare it at Home by S'uiklny We.I In a Bottle. What will appca:- very Interesting in many people here Is tho article taken from u prominent health Jour? nal, giving a simple prescription, as formulated by a noted authority, wiio Claims that he has found a positive remedy to cine almost any ease of | backache or kidney or bladdo de? rangement, In tho following simple prescription, if taken before the stage) of Rrjght's disease: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half | ounce; Compound Kurgoii. one ounce Compound Svrtip Sarsaparilla. tlirc? ounces. Shake will in a bottle andl lake In leaspoonful doses after each I nieal and again dt bedtime. A well-known local druggist. when] asked regarding this prescription, stated that the Ingredients nre nil 1 .harmless, and can In- ol-'alnod at a small cost rrom any good prescription pharmacy, lie further stated that! while t'lls prescription Is often pre scribed In rheumatic afflictions with Splendid lesults. In could se<- no rea? son whv It would not he a splendid ,',>1.1.v for kidney und urinary rou? bles and backache, as It has n pccullni action upon the entire, kidney struc? ture cleansing these most Important organs and hi Inlng them (,, s|ft nun filter from the blood (he foul acids mid waste matter which cans- sickness and Buffering. Those who suffer ca*i make no mistake in giving it n trial. clilef of the technologic Ii auch and Ii M. Wilson, chief engineer. SHIPPING REPORT Sunday, Oct. 6, 1907. Arrived. Steamer Pallanxft (Oer.), laming Hamburg via New York?to United Slates Shipping Ooinpnnv with |ni poits. Discharging at tiler s. Schooner .lohn A. Rcckormnn, Rog? ers. New York?to New River Consoli? date,! Coal Company in balast. Sailed. steamer Dlpton dir.), Day, Rotter? dam. Monday, October 7, 1907. Arrived. steamer Captain A. F. Lucas, Ru? beln, Sabine Pass?to Chesapeake and Ohio Coal and Coke Company for blinker coal. Cleared. Steamer Tltaatn (Dr.). Peters. Rio .lanerlo?White Oak Coal Company. Sailed. I Steamer Titanla (Dr.), Peters-. Rio Jnncrlo; Captain A. P. Lucas, Rubelll, London (towing Standard Ol! barge No. 05.) Calendar for Today. Sun rises . d:06 a. m. Sun sets . f>:39 p. m. High water ...10: III a. in.. ltL.U p. in. Low water .... 4f02 a- m. -1:.'!!! p. in. Coal for Rio Janerio. The British steamer Titanla sailed yesterday for Rio Janorio with a car? go of 4,807 tons of coal, valued at. $13,040.30. The steamer was loaded by the While Oak: Coal Company. | Dredging at New Trestle. ] A 'mud digger" is at work drodklng the river in front of the new ship trestle that has Just been completed on the north side of the shipyard. I Brazcc in Dry Dock. The new Mallory liner Brazos was floated into dry dock No. 2, at tho shipyard, yesterday morning lo have her propellers installed. This Is the Hi st time the vessel has been in dry dock since she was launched several months ago. Pocomcke eaves Yard. The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railway tug Pocomoke, which has been having a new stern post In? stalled in dry dock No. ". at tne snip yard, was floated out of th? basin yes? terday morning. She left tor Norfolk soon after leaving the dock. j Present Cup to Tennessee. A hnndsome silver loving cup, the gift of thr people of the State of Tennessee, will be presented to the United states armored cruiser Ten? nessee In Hampton Roads at. 2:30 o'clock this afternoon by representa? tives of the Slate. The big cruiser in siS|.. shin the WnsninglOII, win ic,i>,- ?.???> niwn unlay on a cruise to San Francisco in advance of the Atlantic fleet. 1 Out of Sight. "Out of sight, out of mind." Is an old saying which applies with special force to a BOAS, burn or Wour.u that's been treated with Ruck len's Arnica Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and chilblains disappear under Its healing Influence. Guaran? teed by all Druggists. 2fiC Death of An Infant. Samuel M., tin t months old son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. il. Long, died nt the residence of the parents. r,2s Twenty seventh street, at 0:30 o'clock yester? day morning after a short illness. Service's will be held f' om the homo nl 3 o'clock this afternoon, con? ducted Hv Rev. M. W. Butler. Inter? ment win bo made In (i'reenlnwn. Hard Times In Kansas. The old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the prosperous Kansas of today: al? though a citizen of Codcll, Ka 1 Sham burg, has not yet forgot ton a hard time he encountered. lie says: "I was worn out and discouraged by coughing night nnd day. and could find no relief till I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. it took loss than one bottle to completely cure me." Tho safest and most reliable cough ami cold remedy and lung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed j hy all nmggisln. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlo freu. GAPTAm^LAYTON DERO' Pioneer Citizen Passes fwiy Mter Long Illness. :CME HIRE IN THE EARLY DAYS Having Moved to Richmond from His Home in New Jersey, He Settled Here When Building of C. and O. Road Began?Funeral Yecte day. ' Captain Enoch Clayton, United I States shipping cohthilsslohei at this, port, died at his homo, 552 Twenty I seventh street, nboul I o'clock Sunday | I morning after it long illness dm- to a i goncral break down. While It was I known that Captain Clayton had been seriously ill ro. several -lays the news i of his death was heard w ith coiisld- ( i erablo surprise by his many triruds. Funeral services were held nl the late residence at 4:30 o'clock jester . day afternoon, conducted I'/ Rev. W. j Anbury Christian, pastor of Trinity I Methodist church. Interment was made at Creenlawn. BreillOUd Lodge No. 211. A. F. und A. M? of which the deceased had long been a member, [directed the services ami the Inter? ment, the lodge unending in a body. The funeral was also attended by a Itumbo; of Captain Clayton's friends ntiii theto weie many beautiful floral tributes. 1 Captain t'laylor had been a resident of Newport News for nearly twenty five years, hud been Identified with j the city's growth from tin' beginning, ami was perhaps one of the mosti widely known men here. He was] Ibo;n In English Creek. N. .1., seventy five years ago. He moved to Rich-' I UlOIld in 1S7S and for five years he was th,. head of one of tin- largest stevedoring I'.tslncsses iu that city. i When In 1883 the work of building the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad to this city began, he entered the serv? ices of that company ns a stevedore ' ami assisted in transporting consider able material for Ibo local te: initials down .lames river from Richmond, Utter he was awarded the contract I for dumping nil of tito company's coal here and he held that coiit:acl for several yea's. Soon after coming ; here he was elected sheriff of War I wick county on the Republican ticket, 'and ho bold that office until 18112. j when he was defeated by city Ser? geant E. ..I. Mllstead. . Ten years ago Mr. Clayton war. I made United States shipping comnils I sioner at this port and since he has I given over his time to the duties of that office. lie is survived by his widow, one daughter. Mrs. W. IV Doshor, ami a son. Mr. Nicholas Clayton, of this I city. i DESTROYERS FOR TRIP TO PACIFIC SELECTED Commander Cone Will Command Flo 1 tills of Six Durinr. the Long Cruise. Six torpedo boat destroyers which will compose the second torpedo boat flotilla to mnkt the cruise (o the Pacific have been selected by the Navy Department, and are being pre:j pat oil for the long journey. They nru the Hopkins. Lieutenant Alfred G. Howe, commanding; thb Hull Lieu? tenant .lames T. Tomb; the Stewart,' Lieutenant .lulltis F. Hcllwlg; the Whipple. Lieutenant Edward Woods; the Lawrence, Ensign Ernest Fried-j rick, and the Truxtoh, now in reserve.' Lieutenant Commnndor Hutch id Cone will ho |? command of the fh>-! Ulla. It will i/o accompanied by tho Arcthtisa ns a supply vessel. ' The Arolhti*n has just been ordered to! the navy yard at Norfolk, whore her j repairs wil bo completed in time to enable Ik r to go with the flotilla, I which Is to be read)' on December IS. ? It Is estimated that the destroyers , Will be able to make about 240 miles In day. atiii on this basis they tiro nl I lowe,| In their schedule seventy-one ? days for .steaming and sixty five days | j In port. ????mAIRv&T?NEB'.'cXGER HERE. I -. New Teacher of Sc.ence in High School, Enters L'jon Duties. Mr. J, T. Stonehurgcr. Jr.. who was! elected teacher of science In the local High school by the board of school| :trustees early in September, arrived 'in the city Sunday and assumed his Idutl68 yesterday morning, j Mr. Stoneburger was unable lo teach at the opening of the session oh nc 'count or his ho.-ilt. . and Miss Katonla1 Dandrldge was temporarily placed in charge of the High school .science work. ALLEGED SPEAKEASY RAIDED. : Negro Restaurant Keeper Charged With Sellinn Liouor. ] Fred Ruff, a negro restaurant keep? er on Twenty-third street, was bofo o 'Justice llrown in the police court vei 'tordny morning charged with selling] llbpior on Sunday. After hearing thoj I testimony Of Lucio Massie ami Larall Vnughan, the "dupes" used by Ser? geant Mitchell an' Detective Pearson lo catch Rudd selling whiskey. Jus? tice Rrowit continued the caso until this morning. I Rudd ha; boon arrested for tllO same offense several times within the last month ami has been lined heavily once or twice. '.The pain In Ma's head baa gone. I She's hnpp.V as can lie 1 Her health Is llKht. her temper bright. I Since taking llolllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea at nlSllt. 1 j. c. Qorsuch &. Co. Applying the Test. "Thon? wns u barber in up Indiana city who. having boon out late tho night before"* hail n shaky hand tho lio.xt morning ami out n patron's check four times," Ftidl the man who insist el in- saw the Incident. "After enclil nccldenl the barber said as ho spong. od nwny the blood, 'Oh. tleor mo, hew cureless!' und laughed nnd lot u go tit| Hint. "The pntron took nil Ihose gashes ln| grave silence, but when (ho shave was over he lllled n ghlss tit the Willer| cooler, too'; ii mouthful of water and, with compressed lips, proceeded to I nhnke his iiend from phlo to side nnd] la (o ; It up nnd down. " 'Whal Is the matter? the barber asked. 'You nin't got the toothache, have you''1 " ?No." suhl tho customer. ?! only Just wanted to r-oe If my mouth would] mil hold water without leaking, that | was all.'"?Phllndelphln Itecord. Anoihor Reason. An English clergyman visiting In Ibis country told or n Jilting that bad happened In his parish, lie said Hint he b nl mi appoint met to marry rouplu at -1 on a certain afternoon, lie appeared duly; nnd the bride appeared, but not the bridegroom. The clergy? man and the lady, client and embar? rassed, waited In the ipilet church] from -I till (5. Then they sadly depart id. A week biter the same couple wrote (o the clergyman again, ap? pointing another afternoon at -I for the ecromouy. And again (be clergy-. man nnd the bride were on hand duly, j nnd again the groom fulled to turn up. As the (wo walled time passed slowly In the Kllll and empty church. It, grew darker. I-Tvo o'clock sounded, j Iben ll. And then the bride broke tho, silence with n fierce ejaculation. "Oral him!" she cried. "'Tnln't his trousers this time, 'cause I bought bun a pair." Willis lo Barking. Edward Rulwer l.ytten Dickens, the youngest son of the novelist, cmlgrnt-' td lo Australia and died In Sydney nt Bio use of nrty-ono. lie represented a constituency In the parliament of Now Koutll Wule:-. for six yours. Hue,, when he was tiddn-sslng the house In Syd? ney he was again and again snappish? ly Interrupted by a member named Willis. At last Mr. Dickens stopped to remark-. 'Mr. Speaker, my father coined u ramous phrase, 'Barkis Is Wlllln'.' Uiidcr present clrcumstnticds I am Strongly tempted to reverso It and siiy, 'Willis Is barking/" The house laughed nnd the Interruptions censed. Chamber of Commerce. A meeting of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce called for yesterday evening was postponed as there was llttlu business to bo transacted, excepting the authorizing of payment of certain bills, which was attended to. A regular members' meeting will be held Friday ovonlng, und business of Importance transacted. Are You Troubled With inefficient service and unsaiisfactory laundry work? CALL UP hotel Warwick Laundry 119 2lHh STREET Phone No. 10 We Remedy Such Troubles HAULING From a Parcel to an (Engine FREIGHT, BAGGAGE, FURNITURE AND SAFES CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY MOVED Virginia Transportation Do, Storage Warehouse 514-520 27th St. REASONABLE RATES National Commander Army and Navy Union SdyS: "I Have No mi In Endorsing Ptruntt As An rh." 3. r.dwtn Browne,NationalCommander Army and Nuvy Uulonot U.S.A., um HU street, N. K., Washington, R. c, writes: "I havo no hesitation in onilorsiufr your Pcnmn as a most oflicient euro for catarrh. My own experionco and that of many friends who havo boon benefited by its uro rccoinmond it to nil persons suffering from that complaint." Says Prninn Saved Ills Life. " reruns has cured mo <>f catarrh. 1 can work nil tiny, est hearty, Bleep well, snd my digestion Is all rlxht. I wax u?t able i<> do a day's work lost year. 1 oandldly feel thai using ymir inctllclno \mis the niosns of savin}; my llf". I ilml II Is jlittt what It Is recom liiended lo lie,slid I speak In hlghett praise of PeftlttO. I shall r.mmoiid II lo all my friondM."--Alvls A. NollOU, Virgilinn, Va. When any one hascatarrh of ilu< bend or throat they know it. SnulUng, snoop lug, coughing, spitting, gagging, chok? ing ? these are some of the t*y iii plums. W hen any one bus oatarrh of the bron? chial tubes they sronotquttosoaptto recognise their trouble as catarrh, al? though there aro n great many people who begin to appreciate the foot thai pa turrh of the bronchial lubes Is puro'to create a cough. Catarrh produces symptoms according lo Ihn place In the body where t he ca? tarrh is located. Catarrh dorangoi thu function of any oigan. I f thu catarrh be in the stomach It pro ducna dyspepsia. 11 tu the lungs it is apt to set op con? sumption. If located in the kidneys or bladder it produces urinary disorders, I f in the bowels Itdorsngoi Ibo bowel,*. Catarrh medicine, In order to be effec? tive, should Im an Internal remedy, ami not a local application. Porous has maintained Its reputation for maby yearn as an Internal catarrh remedy. It operates throughout the v holosystoin. It bonoflts s'slarrh of the pelvic organs the same as caturrh of the head or throat. The ramlly Helles on Pcruua. A. llowiu NIcKorson, Copt. U. 8. Army, Adjutant Qoneral on General McCouk'a staff, writes from the Consul Building, Washington, D.O., as follows: "It'afford* mo groat pleasure to ro commond Portiha as a most excellent tonic with many medicinal qualities that assist iiutlire In overcoming the various Ills with which tlie human fam? ily Is often aQlletod, and is always In danger. ? Ai s gonoral thing, I havo boon op? posed to what ore known as patent medicines, but l'critiio hns lung sinco overcome this fooling. It Is now, 03 It has been for a long time, n well ostali llsbed family modlctno with us, upon which we rely lo glvo tired nature sub? stantial restoration." Terrible Case of Indigestion, Mr. Donald Itobb, dr., 10 Wrights Ave., Halifax, Novo Scotia, Deputy Su? premo chief Hunger, Independent (Uder of Forresters, writes: "While on a visit to lloston I must have eaten something thatdid not ogrco with my stomach, an a torrlblo enso of Indigestion followed, Pcrttna won ro Dolillliuudcd to mo, and after using ihren bnltlos I wna entirely cured. I thoro foro recommend Portill* to any ono suffering With stomach troubh'," Every Trace of Catarrh Gone. Mr. James P. Bracken,niOTenth Ave., New Vbrk i'liy, N. Y., ban occupied tho oflloo of W ater Inspector of Now York City, for thu past fifteen years. Ho carrion oil on extensive plumbing I1u.1l neSH at (110 lotll Ave. He !a Fast Deputy of Or ami K night? of Holgna ("olio Coun? cil. Knights ot ColuitibtiB, N. Y. Ho writes ns follows: " For nearly a dozen yenrscatarrh hns bothered hie In ono form or another. I was troubled with nasal catarrh, that had affected my stomach, which troub? led tue mosl in the morning, My appe? tite was poor, nnd I did not seem to rollt h m y food. Indigestion bothered mo at times also. 1 was advised to lako I'oruna, and T took It nn prescribed for a month when my euro was almont com? plete. Today thero la not a trnce of ca? tarrh In my lyslom, and I can any with? out boat to I Ion that Poruha cured me," Agreeable and Effective Tonic. General John Finn, Washington, D.C.i veteran soldier of tho civil war, a prominent Grand Army man ami com? mander of thu oldest post in tho United states, John A. Kawllnn Post No. I, department of thu l'otomnc, Urand Army of tho Republic, wrltoBt " I'eruna woh recommended to mo by many of my nKHoetntosond 1 have given it a fair trial. Hnvo found It ? net ngrccablo and cffecllvu tonic, plonoa'nt BOOtblng, and leaves one freo from tho deleterious effucls produced by tho many nostrums now on the mnrkot. I havu suffered f rom catarrhal allllotlons Ihn pant winter, anil have found Perunn most beneficial and commond it for what II has Uono for mo,'* Reliever. Mind and Body. Mr. Q, W. Woodhury, Rogers, Ohio, formerly Captain and Center of the Hiram Collcgo llankot Doll Toam, wrltos: "When body and mind alike word weary and refused to work,2 /ev? dosofl of Pqruna restored lost strungth and in? vigorated quicker nun moro perma? nently than anything 1 know." OVAL SALE WE HiV'E MOVED THE REMAINDER OF OUR STOCK OF HIGH GRADE FURNITURE TO 2\h Twenty-eighth Street (Formerly 2703-0 Washington Avenue) Where we will continue to dlsposo of It nl ami below cost. We still have a good assortment nnd over) pl'-ee is of th,, best (puilliy. During the closing days of our stile you can get u nice article ut a lower price than you will pay for inferior goods. Investigate this. bb llJl^ll^l???lldllllllllllllll**'?'''^^^^w^^' 1 im?ii?MM>B??aiia?.Ji?ii?i' ? i CoaS7 Wood, Lime and Cement YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED BOTH PHONES, No. 7 Fed Bad Can't think? Gut hea-l or Lark acln-7 I'ainl nil ev, r your i uJy? Try HICKS (?) Bottle IT'S LIQUID 10 C,s LARGEST OPTICAL HOUSE ON THE PENINSULA 121 26th St., Opposite l'ostofflce ? ESTABLISHED 1899? FKCTS IMMEDIATELY REMOVK3 Till-: CAUSK. IMHoVei Imli ?< si ion. I'alni auKi IgUttr baa liic & Wo at UruKsUu. The latest craze Is Puffs! Puffs! Puffs! For tho latest designs In all kinds << hair gOOOB, go to - NICHOLAS' HAIR DRESS I NO PARLOR 203. 27th street, Sllsby Ruldg. Tho beauty and charm of the face Is In the eye.;, and the selection Of ICyoglassos Intimately suiieii to the noso should be made before any nth or lea! ore of pe.'honai adornment cull bo considered, The "SO KASY" Ryc-glasscs Is the oint/odltnent of stylo ami bounty. They tiro made in a large variety of nous iircments to conform w)th tho con tour of the nose, ji suiting In a per feet Ut iu each individual case. Figure It Out! How a full quartered oak round pedestal Dining Table can be sold for $16.00. Such a Hue of Dining Tables ns wo have is seldom seen un? der one roof. Our latest addi? tions aro extra fine, quartered oak, round, S ft. Tables, with iimltviilahlo pedestals. Hncli Table has nine inckel ball hear Irg casters. The style of thoso Tables are new und .very, very attractive. CARPETS, RUGS, DRUG? GETS, LINOLEUMS \Vo call particular attention to this department We havo nn unusually large stock, and we know our styles ^md prices ato right. All we ask la (he pleasure of allowing you our line of Floor Coverings. Buxlon & Parker Furnishers for Every Room In the Houso.