Newspaper Page Text
Mille Ughlfoot Gels ?utlei In Each Arm. JAMES BLAND HIS ASSAILANT Annual Battb- Between Negro Foot? ball Teams of Hampton ami New? port New? Interrupted by a Near Tragedy?Bland Jailed. Tho annual football game botwpon tho negro teams of Hampton ami Nowport News at IRlvorvlow Pars yesterday afternoon enmo vory wear resulting In n tragedy. As tho result or the affray SouOde Light foot, bettor known among his no quntntnnccs as "Southlo Parker," hits both urma badly fiitetured, while .lamos Dland, n Newport Notys negro, Is a prisoner In the county Jail with the ohargo of malicious shooting, registered ngnlhst hint. The eonlest drew Ibo Ihrgosl ciowi of negroes lo the park that has over tttfended one of the football games. Everything progressed very nleelv until the ending of the (list half, when .lames Miami, II Is alleged, whipped out his rovolvor and flrou five times Into the crowd of Hump Ion rooters. Llghtfoo) was HtrtlCk Hist In the lefl arm. The ball et, tore,) tho arm at lh>< elbow and pone trated the hone splitting It In several places. The second shol hit I It-lit fool in the right arm about tine,. Inches helow the elbow and ploughe.t through to the fleshy pint of the arm. Three shots wont wild and Just why some ono was not killed Is one of Um mysteri?s, According to Llghtfool and a until I'.-r of witnesses, lllaud became an gored tit the manner In which Light font was "rooting" for Hamilton, nml without the slightest Intimation of tils inlentloas drew (ho revolver from his pookCI and began filing. Dland, how over, declares that LlRlltfoot struck him in tho mouth before ho begun shooting. After emptying his revolver lllaud took lo his heels and ran down Into tho swamp along Hnmnton Roads, Officer .lohn West Cunningham, who . was witnessing tho game, started in pursuit or the fleeing man and suc? ceeded In taking lllaud hit > custody. Offloor Cunningham experienced con? siderable trouble In bringing lllaud I" Jail, owbu; to Ihn Intense feeling against the man. In fact nland was pretty roughly (rented by iho crowd and It was all that t'io officer could do to keep his prisoner from severe Injuries. Wand is said lo have attempted In shoot a railway conductor several years ago, nnd 'M known as a very bad man among his people Wounds Dangorouc. Dr. William 10. Atkins, who was also a spectator nl the game, nttondod Bouthlo l.lghtfoot. 'I'he physician found thut tho injuries are exceed Correctness In Fit Is the Strongest Point in Favor of Frankel & Eisenman Clothes If tae garment fits you fall lessly you havo no kick coin? ing?especially If tho cloth Is of the highest standard, Hie materials tho best, the (-lilting, shaping, nnd hang of tin- gar meat perfect. These are all Btroilg feat- res ,,f the Krankel nnd Eisenman clothing. Yet no higher in price than the ordi? nary made for-you clothing. Wear Krankel and Blsonninil clothes. You'll he more titan satisfied with tho wealing dualities, Men's Fall Suits, $10.00 to $25.00 STETSON SHOES HOWARD HATS FRANKEL & EISENMAN 38 WEST QUEEN STREET, HAMPTON, VA. Ingly dangerous, na it l? likely Unit I.Igln toot may Ioko tho use or hls| loft arm, ami thou Ihoro Ik Iho nddl tlounl it at- ot blood poisoning. This morning Dr. Atklmi, assisted by |)r. J. ,i. Jone?, will oporitto lipon tho wounded man und thou romovo Iho two bullots. As soon as Iho excltontont Hull followed iho shooting subsided, thu game was contliiuod. Hampton won by the score of G to 0. II Is eslltn'hlnd Hint rnlly 3,000 negroes witnessed ihol oxhlbltlott. B~?BXK"515 575ITU tTff ? 8 ? Z ? 5 6 5 0 ?j ; Mailers Personal 3 .Miss tCdnu Onrdner has returned to her home In RoyklttS, after a visit to her brother. Mr. It. L Gardner, In North King Btroot Mrs .t. R. Lindsay the aged mother of Mr. J, '.I. Lindsay, l?is iofi for I Danville, where she will visit several , months. Miss Alleen llldgcly, daughter of I Captain .lohn Itldgely, of "Hampton Kann." llnmpton. Md., Is visiting Mrs. brgU Keesee Vainhv slice, on I'hoe bus May. IN THE SECOND ROUND. Officer Jdhn W. Cunnlnrjham Uses Mr. Flr.t 00 Wiliam Henry Davis. William Henry Davis, colored dalmlng Philadelphia as ids home, at I tempted to Inlotforo with Officer .lohn Wpsl Cunningham last night whon the I officer was summoning witnesses to I attend the trial of .lames Ulltttd, who hot Southlo Mghtfoot. Arter hink lug sovornl ugly romnrks to officer I Cuuubagluim, Davis nsked him wltoth or be (the officer) was white or i'olored. Officer Cunningham ad Imonlshed Davis thai lie had bettor uo along or else he would find htm self In Finally the officer look Davis In charge and when he reached the Jail office the negro again became Inso? lent and insulting. This proved a lit I He too much for officer Cunningham, liefere William Henry Davis could of? fer the second Insult the officer open ed? up and with three upper shots un? der the Jaw be soon knocked the Phljndotplllnn out Davis, after coin ling lilOk to consciousness, remarked I Inn! bis face hurt llllh, and that the ifflcer would 1)0 inaile to pay for the I assault. Mayor Thornton V. Jones will talk With Davis about bis; conduct in the police court this morning. \0LDP0INT COMFORT COLLEGE WINS FIRST GAME Defeated the Norfolk Academy Team on the Collcfje Gridiron Yesterday Afternoon. Old Point Comfort College football eleven played and won Its first game of the season yesterday afternoon, when Its opponent was the strong team from the Norfolk Academy. The contest was most bitterly fought dur? ing llio two halves and Old Point won by (be score of 0 to 0. ' to jamest^wn*^tiTrday. Stenn Yacht IIa Will Carry Party From Hampton. lly special arrangement the dim steam yacht, Ha, will make a trip to Jamestown isiami next Saturday for the purpose ot allowing the local people the Opportunity or Witnessing the meeting of the "House of Bish? ops," which will convene on the fa ? nous island that day. As the capacity of tile IIa I: limited it Is necessary for ttmse des."lug to make the trip, to Inform Mr, Howard \Y, Snundcrs of iholr intentions at HIGN SCHOOL STUDENTS fcfC TO PUBLISH MAGAZINE Met In the West End Academy Yes I tcrday and Selected tire Staff of Editors and Managers. Wit the view of publishing a first class magazine the students of the Hamilton High School met in the West Blld Academy yesterday and se? lected the editors and others to have charge of the publication. It is proposed to make tlio maga? zine one of the best school papers In Virginia and It will npponr paon mouth. Its columns will contain ab the school news as well as many decidedly Interesting feature stories dach is. iie. Tho editors and others elected fol? low : IMilor in chief ? Mr. Ohas. C. Menrs. class 1008. Associate editors Miss Alleen Cun? ningham, class 1!?U0: Miss G:aro Stiff, class 190S; Mr. S. Hernie Saver, class 1908. Ibisiness manager--Mr. Raymond Brlltlngham, class Hup. Assistant managers?Messrs. Thos.' Robinson, class 1910; Ellloli Hlckmrin, class 1010. Athletic editor?Olho Pnrramorc, class 1909. Class reporters?Miss l.iiclle Wood class Hins; Miss Lolla \Voy mouth class 1909; Miss Mary Franklin, class 1910. The first issue of tho magazine will make its appearance in November. Here'a a Cigar Bargain. The famous 10 cent "InvOnclbleS," K cents on week days and bIx for 26 rents on Saturdays. TDK Johnson PHARMACY, INC. 10 4-to. Bjllle [o Finish May be Slaitei After Next Friday. UNIFORM BILL OF LADING CHANGE^ Unless Agreement is Reached nt Con? ference AuthJ rizeij by Interstate; Commerce Commission, War Will Do Declared at Once. MOW YORK. OH. 7. An flnpo I a nt conference called to reach an agrot in en I on eorlnlh proposed nmond? in.nls Ui tlx- Uniform hill Of ladini; Bonn in he authorised by He1 Iplor slate Couimorco ? Commission will be held In Mils city on October II. Should the ohjeel of tlld meeting fall. H Is! said that the fight. With the railroad.; on the one side ami the Kg shippers and hankers nf tin- COUIltry on Iho oili? er, will he waged In a finish. In I hi: event the Interstate Commerce Coin mission will he Hie court of Ins! re sort, thai body having boon given full newer under the new railroad rate law in proscribe the form of the now hill. Roprosoiitntlvos or nil the h ad 1 lug railroads, many of the prominent hankers and shlppen; of the country ami a committee representing a large number of lunmlilcitl commercial bod Ion have signified their intention of Inking part in the conference. All the questions Involved in tno various atnondtnenls will he dlacuRRod, the avowed purpose of the hankers and shlppen: helng to Induce Iho railroads to endorse nil Iho amendments as proposed These amendments, h.tsl 11088 men generally contend, If adopt ?d, will remedy what they regard an the leal dangers of the law III Us preseni form which already have re? sulted In hankers In various sections of the country refusing to loan money dh Ulla class of collateral. The dan? gers of the present law, which they seek to romove by the adoption of lite proposed amendments, Include, ne? on ding to the supporters of the pew measure loss now freiptently Incurred hv morctinntn paying bill of lading drafts, by bankers making advances Oil bills of lading and by third parties giving advances on these lust Ittiiouts. The specially appointed COtllplltloe from various commercial hodles which win attend the conference In support of the adoption of the proposed (Oontlnuod On Rage Seven). SCU.Y ERUPTIONS COVrBEDHlS BODY Itched Constantly?Scratched Until Blood Flowed ?Suffered 10 Years ?Doctors and Medicines Were Fruitless?Tries Cuticura and Is Completely Cured BY THREE BOXES OF CUTICURA OINTMENT "When I was about nine venrs old small sonn appeared on each of my lower limbs. 1 scratched them with a lirnss pin iind shortly ufterwarils both of those limbs became so son- thai 1 could scarcely walk. When 1 had been suffering for about a month tho sores began to heal, but small scaly eruptions appeared where the sores had been. From that time onward 1 was troubled by such Bevern itching that, until I bocarao accustomed to it, I would icratoh tho Soros until the blood began to How. This would stop tho itching for a few days; but scaly places would appear ogain and the Itcbmg would accompany them. After I suffered about ten years 1 made a renewed effort to effect n cure. The eruptions by this time had appeared on every part, nf my body except my face ami hands. The l>e.-,t doctor in my native county advised mo to use arsenic In small doses ami a salve. 1 then Uf -d to bnlhe tho son* in n mixtum which gave almost intolerable pain. In addi? tion I used other remedies,suoh as ii ..line, sulphur, zinc snlve, -"s Salve, -Ointment, nml in fact I was con? tinually giving somo remedy n fnir trial, nover using less than one or t wo boxesOT bottles. All this was fruitless. Finally my hair began lo (all out and 1 was rapidly iMvoming bald. > 1 used ???'a ??, but it diu no good. A few- months after, having used almost every thing else, I thought 1 WOllld try Cuticura Ointment, having previously used Cuticura Heap and Ix'iog plca.Mil with it. After Using three boxes 1 was completely cured, und my hair was restored, after fourteen yi MS of suffering and an expenditure of nt least $.11) to $00 in vainly endeavoring to find a cum. I shall Im- glad to write to any ono who may l>o Interested in mv cum. R. IMrnm Mattinglv, Ver million, s. link., Aug. is, moo." s<>M ihn.iiRh.sit thi? world. FMter Drua A Cbe-m. I\?m . S<?l,' l*roiw., llt.Mnn. Mui ?S-MMlvd ?reo, Booklet oa Iba ?klu ?na Blood. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?HOOD WORK 11 OR SR: cheap to quick buyer. P. K. N1CO LOPOOLQS, 40 Wist Queen strc Hampton, 10-?-3.L FOR SAL10?TWO HOOn WORK horses. R. B. QATBWOOD. 'Phone 177, corner County and Curry streets, 1'hoebuH. 10-1-31. House of Bishops Jamestown Island SATURDAY, OCTOBER I9lh. in order Hint tho people of Ii.-imi?-] Ion, Phoebus ami old Point may at tend ililii celebration the trim steam | yacbl "ILA" will ninko a special trip to tho famous bland oil that date, lent lug Pier A, Newport News, nt 8:30 a. n..| Pirmins wishing in make tbla trip must make known tin Ir Intentions ill mice an tho capacity of tho yacht la limited, Tickets ami information can be scoured at tho office of JONES, SAUNDERS & CO. FARE: For Found Trip, $1.00\ 5? S? ft* & The Greatest Conve? nience of Modern Times: A GAS IRON. CALL AND SEE IT. HIMPfOH 5 PHOEBUS GAS CO. Hampton, Va Wines and Liquors I belong to the tost tribe that stray? ed away from Dublin betoro Mosen nailed on the Hed Sea. l'ui a price cutter. Im a money-maker: I'm the one that ?eil? all straight Whiskies retail at wholesale prlcos. The fol? lowing high graao 10c Wulskles 1 sell for Sc a drink: Paul Jones Pure Kyo, Bherwood Rj? Whiskey, Carroll Springs, purp. Maryland Rye Whiskey, Overholt Hyo sVhlBkey, Parkwood Rye Whiskey. All of the above named Whiskies are strictly high grade; watch my prlcos If you dar?, beat me it you can. WhWiey In i?ulk at following prices: Old Nick Pura Rye, % pt., I6c;; gallon.S4.00 Leonard's Farorlte, % pt. JOo; gallon.1.00 Hunter's l.nltlmors Rys, M pt, :5c; gallon . 4.00 Maryland Club, \i pt., 25c; gal? lon .4.80 Paul Jones Puro Rye, % pt, 20c; gallon.2,76 Star A, Ryo, gallon.2.00 Moss Rose, gallon., 2.00 f.arkwood Pure Rye, gallon.2.00 Jefforaon Puro Rye, gnllon...... 1.75 Kentucky Bourbon, gallon.1.40 Dounle Stamp Gin, gallon.2.00 Tho following brands of Califor? nia WlneH, Port, Sherry, Ca tnwbn, Claret, Blackberry at 25c per qt., per gallon, 75o. Pride of North Carolina, 4 years old, gallon. 2.00 Kuronielll, per gallon.2.00 Carroll Snrlngs, gallon.....2.50 XXXX Baker Rye. gallou.2.50 N. LEONARD'S ! Barrel And Bottle House 10 AND 16 MELL&N *T? I Phoebus, va. 'rnona SM. Now Fall Styles Are arriving dally nnd tho showings are far superior to anything wo havo ever offered In tho lino of hlgn-class tailor? ings. Just as well bo In the "push'' and got your order In early. We guarantoo tho most por feet. fit, and wo challengo others to duplicate our prlcos. Order now and havo the salts ready when fall la horo. S.Marbach THE EXPERT TAILOR. Corner Court nnd Quoon Street, Hampton, Va. ! FOR 8ALR usti ACRES OK LANDJ near Morrison, Va., with good! growth of beech ami white; guiu| llnibbr rciuly for uihrkot, at $ir, per' acre. Apply r.t YOUNG'S DR I ?. STORE, Hamilton, Va. "Rhein? 20. !' 2?0t. Why Not Be And Look Nice in a n SUIT? Our garments combine Style, Qualify und Fi', und we defy OJmpolitors to an de well us. It's a fact that uothiug that leaves our store cati be duplicated for the price at other place?. Thou we guaiantco sat? isfaction or money back. Kirsner's Clothing Store, /? Kirsner, Prop. 18 und 'JO W. Quten St. Hampton, Va. I AIR LINE FERRY 1 6TEAMER8 Eleanor, Squirrel and Gouldman iWill land you at the new government Pier at the Exposition Grounds. Leave Old Point A. M. 8:00 8:46 9::i0 10: IS 11:00 11:46 P. a 12:30 1:16 1:00 2:45 3:30 4:15 5:00 6:45 6:30 7:Ui K:0C 8:45 0:30 10:15 Leave. Exposition j A. M. 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:46 P. M. 12:30 1:15 2:00 2:15 3:30 4:15 6: f>0 5:45 6:30 7:15 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 chnngo with Schedule subject to out notice. Last Boat Leave* Exposition at 11:00 p. n>. Special Continuous Round Trip | Tickets, 25c. Good aftsi' '.' o'clock P. M. IA Little Talk on REAL tSTATt I am offering some of the choicest building lots in the Last and West Ends Of (lie town at very law prlcos land easy terms, and this Is no excuse for a in sin not owning his house if Lyon are looking for improved propi rty of any kind. I enn procure you better 'bargains which will bring you surer ine eases in values than anyone in 1 (ntnpton. W. E. LAWSON. Uauk of Hampton Uldg. llaioptou, Va. 5 FALL STYLES Flccccdowii lCc? 121c, 15c. An almost endless variety t-> boIccI from, small nnd dainty pat loins to llio more einheirate plaids and floral patterns. HAMPTON, VA, i A NOBBY DISPIAY OF HIGH GRADE MILLINERY. That's exactly what the many ladles who came to our display Ulis woe!, lohj us, and if you wish to see the exhibition you hau bettor come In wltlilii the next few days. We never shown n prettier or most up-to-the-tlmcs lino of millinery. It is known that wo established the reputation for low prices, and this season's showings am made oven more attract''.-e by the small money we ask for Hum. Mr*/*. L M. St&xy THE M*ILLINERY STORE OF QUALITY. No. 31 E. Queen Street. Hampton, Va. HENRY L. 8CHME'. Z, President. FRANK W. DARLING, Vlce-r*r?sld?nL The Bank of Hampton Hampton, Virginia I? THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEWS. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $100,000.00 $125,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated Depository In the Stats of Virginia Is Eastern Virginia. We make loans on Real Estate?NOT PRO HI}! IT ED?si are the National Dunks, FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS ? rj NELSON S. GROOME, Cashier. I Just As Well Keep This In Mind! Thai when you are down town looking at Millinery that there la no pret? tier place lo visit than BURGES" MILLINERY STORE We have the stock complete and the exhibition embraces nil the lat? est Persians styles ami the creations of the American doslgliors. eltally you ??anno', afford to miss seeing the display. We are ready to lake the fall order and have tho hat for you In a few days. ? Burges* Millinery Store BURGES' MILLINERY FASHIONS, BAST QUEEN STREET. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. FOR RENT! Wh have Reveral nie? dwellings that will be for rent within the next ft!w days. You had better speak quick if you want one. M. H. MORGAN & CO., REAL ESTATE, RENTAL & INSURANCE AGENTS 18 S. Kimj St. Phone 91. Hampton, Va. _.-. fc? r ? SEE CHAS. f . TAYLOR of Hampton, Va., The reliable plumber, who carries the largest stock of Plumb? ing. Steam and Hot Waler Fixtures on tho Peninsula. AU wor? guaranteed. Repair work promptly attended to. 'Phono 173, Cor. Court ant Queen Streets. Get Ready for ...nter Now. "! 'fctMsaagimninMinTi?i^ For Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating COOL AND COZY. You're In fo ra pleasant time If you seat yourself at one of thu tables in an ice cream parlor whero my cream is sold ami order a dish of cream. It's refreshing. palate pleasing, hca|thful and nourishing. Many fla? vors to choose from?all good. Try our peach Cream. Nothing but cream from The Virginia Polytechnic Insti? tute Creamery used In making all my ice cream, Ra E. Gate wood. Corner County and Curry Streets. Phoebus. 'Phone. -. Daily Press, SO Cents a Week