Newspaper Page Text
HAMPTO For a Warm A bath in a cold room is a . "shivery operation and is extremely liable to cause colds. The bathroom above all should he kept warm. 4 This is easy and the hath is a \ com (ort if you have a (Equipped with Smokeless Device) It may be carried Irom any ollu r room lo the h.ilh room, which il will neat while you arc preparing lor lite balh. Impossible to turn it loo high or too low. The mosl economical heater you enn buy ? intense heat lor 9 hours with one tilling. Thei&sp& Lamp ^'T^ held purposes. Gives a clear, steady li()lit. Made ol brass throughout and nickel plated. Equipped with ibq latest improved central dr.ili burner. Handsome?simple?satisfactory. Every lamp guaranteed. 11 you cannot grl healer or lamp at your dealer's, wrile our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated > m ...THIS WEEK AT THE... jg? EXPOSITION SPEEDY CHAMPION FR EES THE W0RLD-"Twicc Dai!y! FLOWER CARNIVAL OCT. 21 MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF F 0 il EWORKS Lee Parade TONIGHT! ' 1^ WEDNESDAY 1k? V * Q^Ott The Empire State Celebrates New York Day, muRSI"v Apdresa by (?ov. Charles E. Hughes and Re? view of all tho Trons including the .Famous Squadron "A" and the 12th Regiment N, (i. N. Y. Daily Slereoptican Talks-Social Economy Building I (a- Been y i Aside as Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building Day. Special Souvenir Iichets and the Most Val? uable Prizes Fyer Offered at an Imposition. Holders of Souvenir Tickets Will be Admit? ted to the Warpath Attractions at Half Pries. I he Greatest. Day of tho Fntirc Ex? position. :?: :-: : : ;?: TO ATTRACT ATTENTION AND] BUYERS TO YOUR STORE Hi. re's nothing bettor?It us good, than a handsome sign brilliantly Il? luminated olcctrlcity. We will hang, wire ami install any size oi stylo <>r sign you lancy. furnlsli tin s kii Itself if yen like, or put yoiira in fine working order. Let us ostl; male either way. We do all hinds <>i mechanical Job work, and "Frame Pic lures.'' W. W. HARGJS Successor to 11 oil ino & Hargins NORTH KING ST. 'PHONE 193. >N, PfiOEBl CHEAT HERN PAYS AN EXTRA DIVIDEND _I Unexpected Announcement Serves as Ooslacle to Efforts to Drag | Market Further Downward. IBEAR OPERATIONS NOT tXTENOED, Exchange is Still Dull, and Strcncth In Wheat Haa Practically No Effect! As Urgent Foreign Demand is Sup? posed' to Be Responriblc?Bonds Heavy. tin Associated Press.) NWW YORK, Oct. 7.?There wa'a mi coiiHlderhblo revival or speculative Interest In today's slock market, and its surface was uiiruttod by any liking movement of any important vents. I The only feature was the announce I merit ef an ext.a dividend disburse! I inetit to Dreal Northern stockholders. This proved to be the mainstay of tin I narrow market and served as nil ob IStade to the efforts made early In ? session I'v tho professional trad t to extend ths dragging downward I movement which set in on Saturda;. ifter the appearance of the bans statement. Tho Oreal Northern plum counter I aeii.,i tho offcci of some of tin recent I gloomy public tittorniiccn by the head 01 tin- system, which have weighed on tin- securities of ids company. Similar putgtvlllgtt wore repcitled I from tl|d head of .the Atchlson sys? tem today, hut with slluht effect on tho securities of that system. HoMers not Discouraged. The professional bears amongst the traders not practical expo lenco to prove that bidders of securities are not so discouraged as to he willing to pari with them at further sacri? fice, and the tentative operations by llie bears were not extended far. Journal of Commerce throws fur 11. ||ghl on the troubles through which market has been obliged to pass, in Its showing of new securities for the nine months of the current year reaching the ii tips relied total or 11,928,908 500. exclusive of tho kov crumerii bonds, hut Including munici? pal Issues. Irrf Rarities in Outlook. There was some sensitiveness shown to reports of reduction or working forces In some Ilms of In? dustry. Railroad traffic officials ad milted some Irregularities In the jus iness outlook, hut reports from Hast and West agreed in the pressure Of traffic offering, up lo the limits of available equipment and In some Oases beyond. St.onglh In tho when market was associated with reports of iirgenl foreign demand and so was oi small effect on stocks. Bonds Heavy. Bonds were heavy. Total sale*, pa value. 11,380,000. IT. S. 4r declined | 1-4 per cent, on call. Total sales loday. .*Iir.,900 shares, inohldlllj; Copper, I'll,700; Smell lue :?nooo: a. c. Li.; 100; c. & o., 700; V. & w. 200; Reading, 34.0QO; south? ern Railway. B.000; Southern Railway nfd.. 000i u. p.. -12.900; IT. s. Stool 31.700; Northern Pacific, 31,700 Adams Rxpress . 153 Amalgamated Copper. . . . BO' American Car ami Foundry ... :tr,>. American Car nnd Foundry pfd 92<a| American Cotton oil . 31% American Cotton Oil pfd _.. X\l American Kxpross . lsr, Amor. Hide nnd Leather pfd.! Is" American lee . ,lr Amcrlcnn Linseed oil . y American Linseed Oil pfd . 19 American Locomotive . r>7 AtnorlcnnLocoinotivo pfd. 99>,<, AatMteMasflaass^sttBastfi UBatoitta? aus... ...... mug him ituuning pfd American Sugar Refining . lll'.Gl American Tobacco, pfd. certlf. . 79<?| Anaconda mining Co . 37 Alchison . S-'i^ttl Atchlson pfd . 89 Atlantic Coast Lim- . 77',{,| Baltimore and Ohio . SKi^f Baltimore ami Ohio pfd. 8:> Brooklyn Rapid Transit. -17 Canadian pacific . 162 Central of Now Jersoy . 172 Chesapeake ami Ohio . 32%| Chicago Croat Western . s% Chicago ami Northwestern .... II"? Chicago, Mil. ami St. Paul ... 118%! Chicago Terminal ami Trans ... t Chicago Term, and Trans, pfd.. IT, C. C, and St. Louis . 01 Colorado Fuel and Iron .: 1SVI Colorado and Southern . 21 Colorado ami Southern 1st pfd r,:t Colorado ami Southern 2Id pfd 41*41 Consolidated Has . M>0H Corn Products . 12% Corn Produprts- pfd ..-. C''.1'^ Delaware and Hudson . la? Delaware. Lakawanna and West 171 Denver and Rio Qrnndo. 2iy,| Denver ami Rio Cralide pfd .. 07 Distillers' Securities . r>' B r i o . 10M1 Kilo 1st pfd . 4] Brio Und pfd . '"^ C.eneral lOloCtric . Illinois Central . ??4U international Papor . tjVS 1 Inter national Paper pfd . 71 International Pump. '-' International Pump pfd . uO-ni Iowa Central . Iowa Central pfd . ,!> n K.nisiiK city Southern . 2. Kansas City Soft'tLorn pfd - t.:t Louttrv lo ami Nashville . MMli Mexican Contral. Minneapolis and St. Lout;. 30 Mln. St. P. ami Sault Sie M... 93 }4 Missouri Paclflc . 67 Missouri, Kansas ami Texas.. V.'i \lin . Si. I". ami Sault ?te. M. |>M 123 Missouri, Kansas ami Texas i>t<l 64V4 National Lead . -l'Ts National It. It. of Mexico |>ttl- ll'j New Vork Central . H'llVi New York Ontario ami Western 51% Norfolk and Western . 70?,f, Norfolk and Western |)fd . 7S North luorlcnh . f>9 a'aellie Mall . -< Pennsylvania . "9S People's Gas . ?j>V4 Plltaburg, C. C. and St. Louis.. CC% Pullman Palace Car. <"o Pressed Steel Car nfd . 7ll Prccacd Steel Car . 21 Reading . 0**14 Reading 1st |ifd . 76 Reading 2nd pfd . 70 Republic Stool . 10% Republic steel pfd . 71 Rock Island Co . 17% Rock Island Co pfd .r. 48 St. I.ouis and San Kran, and pfd !t5U St. I.ouis and Southwertern ... I?V4 |St. I.ouis Southwestern pfd. It Sou (hum I'aelllc . ^r,i Southern Paclflc . s-lv? Southern Paclflc pfd . mn% Southern Railway . Southern Railway pfd . 17' Tcunosseo Coal and Iron . Ho Toxht and Paclflc. -r> Toledo St. I.ouis and West ... 2li% Toledo. St. Louis and Wosl pfd ii% Union Purine . 12SV? Union Paclflc pfd-?.- sl 'j SHIPPEfirfpftlLllS (Continued from Page 6.) amendments, Include representatives from the Cotton Bxchnnge, the Now York Hoard or Trade and Tranapo la lion, tho Merchants' Association, the New Yoik Mercantile bixchungo, the National Poultry Association, the Na? tional Hay Association, and man) othor organisations, The Joint meet lug of these several bodies which up pointed tlie committee to attend the New York conference, adopted res? lutlons dcuinndlng that iho roa'nonal blljl) of the railroads bo more clearly del lied in the now bill of lading than it (a under the present law. The largo commercial organisations of the country have expressed deep concern over the situation which has inade this conference necessnry. Qe?rgo W. Neville, chairman of the |>lll of lading committee of th? New York Cotton Exchange, In speaking of the situation said he regarded It as a menace lo the business of the country. "So many heavy lossei) have boon Incurred by those making advances on defective bills of lading" said Mr. Neville, "that bankets In va? rious sections of the country have now refused to make loans on this lias's Of collateral. Then one realizes that tho crops of the country are now entirely financed through the medium of 'order' bills of lading, II Is obvious Hint If other banking IllBlltutloni should adopt a similar policy the com? mercial and agricultural Interests would find themselves In a grave pre llonmcnt In this matter the consig? nees are In tho same boat with the hankers, for the responsibility of car tie, s to consignees, bankers or any third parly other than the shipper with whom Iho bill of lading is exo I cuted, is at present a matter of gravel dotllt under numerous court deci? sions. The highest courts of Alaba? ma, Mississippi and North Carolina hold that patties braking advances upon 'order' bills of lading, are re Bpdnslble for the quantity and quality of the shipment represented. In the majority or tho states there Is no log' Islatlon protecting advances or vast Bums In the flnnnolng of the crops through tho medium of 'order' bills of lading. "The Interstate CPmmerco Commis? sion now has under consideration pro visions for a new uniform hill of lad 11>f: which It Is proposed to require -ach railroad throughout the United Slates to issue after January 1. This proposed new uniform bill of lading while It confers tho prent lien of it oi uniformity, docs not protect mor chants paying hill or lading drafts, hankers making advances on hills of .l"'1!"? or other lh:-a? purl lea giving advances on hills or i.-.dlnK. inasmuch ?is the Interstate Commerce Commis? sion can only proscrlbo the form arid pquirc tho Issue of a uniform bill of lading il Is necessary to nsk Congress for additional regulation to protect the advances on mich documents. Merchants and consignees then for" consider It necessary that amendments to Hie proposed uniform bill or lading bo lirgod upon the Interstate Com? merce Commission so as to prrtteel bartles advancing value upon sticli hills or lading and they also deem it absolutely necessnry to secure ear? ly congressional action upon this sub Jeet." Came to Hampton to Wed. A marriage license was Issued yes torday to Mr. Paul Clyde Lenrv, oi I Dayton. Vn.. and Miss Flossie Lam-I jherl, of nridgewator, Va. The couple now reside In Rll/alt'ath city county! The wedding look place yesterday. Klrrjs Dpunhters to Meet. The fl st mooting of the year of the Kings Daughters win tnko placo! in tho Y. M c A. parlors tomorrow morning; Delegates to the stale con? vention in Danville will foo chosen. With Mrr. Schmelz. The first moctfng of ih.< Kocough-j Ian Literary Circle will he held at1 jMrs. I lenrv Lane Sehmelv!' on Tues day. October S. at 4 p. m. A full I attendance Is particularly desired, as business of great Importance i? be? fore the Circle. D POINT?C WORLD'S SERIES BEGINS IN WINDY CITY TODAY Jennlgs' Tigers and Chance's Cubs Battle For CLamplonshld Honors. CUBS ARE FAVORITES IN BETTInG ? Wild BHI'I Donovan Will Open Seilen (or Detroit and "Three Fingered" Drown Will Twirl for Chicago? Both Teama Arc In Good Shape? Record Crowd Will Sec First Battle. CHICAGO, Oct. 7.?Detail* for tho world's hasn't'.ill championship series heiwcen the Chicago Club, winner of tho National Ixaguo pennant, und the Detroit team, pennant winner 111 the America league, were nrrtlhgno at a mooting of tllO National Itasoliall commission yesterday. Tho schedule o fgnnioa follows: Tuesday, Oct. x. at Chicago; Wed nesday. Oct. (I, III Chicago; Thursday OCt. 10, nl Detroit; Friday, Oct. II, III Del.oil; Saturday. Del |2j at Detroit; Sunday. Oct. 13, at Chicago. If it sevenlh name Is necessary to decide the series the city in which It Is to he played will he decided by the Kommission. The schedule ns adopted was determined by lot. \f any of Ihn dimes Scheduled Is postponed on lie count of rain, or for nur other reason, the teams are required to play the poslponcl game on the first day avail aide at tho same park. Itv agreement of all tho clubs ron resenting both leagues, the rules ai ready existing governing Hie playing of the championship series were (intended so that CO per cent of the balance from the first four gnpucs played shall form a pool for the play eis of Hie two teams, t',0 per cent ol this amount to go to the winning ami to per cent to the losing team. Players Eligible for Scries. The players OllgllCo to play In tin championship series were tloslgtintod as follows: Chlcngo?Thrown, Chance, DurbJu EvorS, F user, fldfftnau, Howard. Lundgron, Kling, Moroii, McCorinlck Overall. oils. preistet-, Reulbach. Shccknrd. Blnglo, Schulte, Stoinfohlt, Tinker, Walsh and Zlnimormnn. Detroit?Archer. Cohb. Qoilghllll Crawford, Donovan, Downy, .lonrin, .fcnnlngs, Kllllnii, Lowe, Mullen, Mr Inlyre. Payne, O'Loriry Rosstnnn. Schmidt. Blevcr, Sciiaeffor and wi: lett. I President Ptilllara, or the National League .selected Henry ODny as um? pire for his organisation durlm: the Beiles, President Johnson, of the American League, named .lohn P Sheridan as his umpire. Official sen nrs are a. J, Finnner and F. c. Rich tor. The games will bo called at 2:.':o Iii Chicago und at 2 o'clock In Dotrolt American League Scores Sunday. At St. Louis?First game?St. I/mls. 10; Dotrolt 4, Second game?SI. Louis, 10; Detroit. 3; At Chicago?Chicago, 4; Cleveland, National League Scores Sunday. AI st. Ixuils?First gatno?Chicago 7; St. Louis. 1. Second game St' Louis. I; Chicago. 0 (seven innings). At Clnnlnati? game? Plttsbuig 4; Cincinnati. :t. Recomi game?Cln clnatl, 13; Plttsburg. 1 (seven Inn lugs). TO MARRY IN MATH EWS. Miss Carrie White Will Become fie Bride of Mr. Charles R. Smither. Captain and Mrs. .lohn E. While, Of Madlows county, have sent Olltj invitations t<> the marriage or tholrj daughter, Miss Carrie White, to M . Charles It. Sinilhfr. The ceremony will occur in SI. Pauls Methodist church, in Mathews on Wednesday, October ?::. lit 0:30 a. in. Miss While has made her home 4u Hampton for several years and Is a very attractive young woman. Mr. Smither Is connected with the New port News shipyard In the machinery department! Following the wedding Mr. Smither Will take his Pride on a wedding trip and tho ywlll return to Hampton about November I, REV. T. R. SANFORD TO REMAIN.' Has Withdrawn His Resignation as Pastor of Church. After a consultation With lllO con? gregation of Ihe West F.nd Memorial Raptisi church Sunday morning, Rev. T. Rylami San ford withdrew his res? ignation ns pastor. Tho congregation unanimously requested the popular minister to reconsider and he was fi? nally prevailed to do no. Mr. Ban ford's decision was received with a great show of enthusiasm among the members or his clnirch and the Information will bo rocelved with pleasure by church people generally In Hampton. Fresh lot of Hyacinths, Tulips, Jon? quils, Frelsiasiaid Chinese Lily llulhs. also Clant Poarl Onion Sets for salo at George R. Wood s. Crockett's tor Quality. BUTTON, GUN METAL or PATENT COLT C. Lo Crockett & Co. 5 Queen St. Hampton, Va. Choice Cuts of Roast Beef Many people say llioy are hard to find- hard If you ddll'l Know, easy If you do. To make II i-any, note address below when In of tell der, Juicy .altogether satisfying CUttt of heef for rousts und steaks. B.C. KAISER CG MELLEN STREET, PHOEBUS, ?PHONE 0. We deliver In Hampton. aaesssaar FOR RENT fjor. Linden and Oraco Aves., s rooms, modern conveniences. ,| Rivorvlow, 4-ioom cottage . Rivorvlow, shell ltoad. I*. i-oomsdwulllhg . s on Laude.dale SI., near car hums, i; room dwelling . 12.00 La S?lle Ave., 7 rooms and one ncro . I2.UM N. King St., "'rooms, modern convenience.! . .Marshall SI.. 12 rooms, modern conv< 30.00 Holt si., fi rooms, cistern water . 7-"0 Boulevard, i:t rooms, modorn convoiileiicou . 25.00 FOR SALE A huautlful lloi.i the Boulevard. 10 rooms; modern conven? iences; half acre land; will mil cheap on easy terms. A nice home on Nowport New? Avenue, Hampton, Va. Will sell cheap to quick linger. An elegant home on Victoria Avenue, Hampton, Va. .near Darling's comor, Oan ho had at a very roasonaMu piico. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS, Real Estate, Rentals, Fire Insurance Auctioneer & Notary Public 8 S. King Street. Phono 50. Hampton, Va. R ? BROTHERS WATCH THIS SPACE. BUSTER BROWN Will be in Hampton Friday. We want every boy and girl to shake hands with him. Buster Brown Shoes for sale at 8 and IO West Queen Street. r The Phillips-Lackey Co. * (INCORPORATED). Real Estate, Rents, Loans, Insurance 18 Bant Queen StreeL 'Phono 3? HAMPTON, VA. FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. r/i rooms. Academy street city wale.- .rJ. .$ ?.00 f> rooms. Academy sin Ot, city waler . 0.00 f> rooms, Locust street. oily wnler ., 10.00 0 rooms. La Salle avenue. City water . 10.00 in rooms, Hampton Roads, modern coiiv., large lot, 25.Q0 King street, modern COnv., 35.00 U looms, old l'olnt Rd., City water . 10.00 ;i rooms, modern conven? iences, fine lawn, water view on Victoria Ave.. 35.00 Him street, f, rooms, elly Wilier . 6.25 STORES. 10. Queen street .$10.00 B. Queen street . 15.00 W Queen street . 12.50, W. Queon street . 12.50 N. King street . 8.00 N. King street . 10.00 HOTEL, on Queon .street; modern con? veniences; possession at once. OLD BUCKROE HOTEL property, seventeen acres land attached. Your Business Solicited. FOR THE TOILET TABLE W'e have everything Hint the most fastidious tosto demands In oniollohts and footls for the skin, pure so,rp<i: cold cream, camphor Ice, cocoa hut tor, benzoin, refined glycerine tal? cum powders, fine face powders' and rouges, nprfunica and toilet waters, and most ov< rylhlng to enhance and p.-osorve the beauty. Try our Violet Witch Hazel for tho hath. Meet your friends at our fountain. Montauk Cream. GARDNER & HUDGINS, Thk Kkxai.l Stork.