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DRUNKEN IN CUTS ROOMMATtS THROAT (murderous Attack Made Upon W.I B. tan by t P, Glltock at Boarding House. AFFAIR NOT RiPOSTEO TO POLICE When Department Finally Learned of Cutting, Gillock Had Escaped From City?Assault is Said to Have Been Made Bccaucc Slumbers Were Dis? turbed. Because, hl? efforts i<> light a lamp In bin room shortly iiftoi 0 o'clock yesterday evening Interfered wj'llh the slumbers of W. f\ Hillock, a young man who lives With bin sister at $28 F?rty-fourMi street, \V. II. I'xy.un. an employe of ibc shipyard who hoardsI nt tho BUtno iiouso, lies In hl? ukuu I with his Ihtoat out almost trout earl to car and an ugly wound under his left Shoulder, Although the wound' are very dangerous, hopes for his recovery uro entertained by the tit" tending physician. After remaining In the house for nearly three hours after ho did Hie cutting, Hillock loft for Norfolk, und tlln,cutting was not reported to the police by an unknown man until lit o'clock last night. Gillock Had Been Drunk. From what the police were al'V to learn of lite affair. Hillock had boon drunk for sovo si days and when Uxson returned to his boarding house from Iho shipyard yesterday ovoiilng, Olllock was Mug across the former's bed. Uxr.nn llahie,\ a lamp In his room so Mint be coitt I wash Ills face ami hands before supper. Tho noise of the striking match aroused Hillock nud jumping from Iho bed bo Is said to have cursed Uxzon at some length! and then attacked him with n largo pocket knife. Ct'ics Brought Boarders to Scene. Uxr.on's cries brought oilier bonrdors to the scone or the fluht ami Gillock was soon unarmed. Olio of tho men quickly summoned Dr C. S Units, and when the physician reachod (lie house he found lha wounded man In a very serious condition. Ho stopped the riow or blood und look twhety stltchus III the gash in the throat ami fifteen In tho WOUnd under tile left shoulder Tho physician did not make a report of the arralr to Hie police. Detec? tives wo o dispatched to the scene us soon ns the deportment learned of the cutting, but on their arrival they found that Hillock had taken the ?1 o'clock boat for Pino Bench. It Is exported thai ho will ho arrested today. ? rinnrtnns s"BU"inroTi- tnnmrrtCr * THEATRICAL K ?.(UiiJUULS! c ooji_ojiJ?.!Ji O',-v< flosnr "Sherlock Holmes," with Mr. Ram? sey Wallace in the title role, SOCIUed to please fair sized audiences at the Academy of Music yesterday af tcrnoon and last night. Mr. \Vallace Is well known to many local Ihcator-goers, having played Iho loading roles ho t) with the Cntlunn Ruhkol Slock Company a year ago last summer, since that time there has boon a very lioUconblo Improve? ment In Ills work and he gave a good Interpretation' of the character of Sherlock Holmes. "Tho Tourists," pronounced the Shubort's most gorgeous, humorous and most tunefrl musical achieve? ment, will bo at iho Academy of i Music lout lit. It. II. Burnsl.lo. tin librettist and reneral Stage manager of "Tin? Tour? ists," has few equals as a producer. In tho present Instance he Is said to have evolved one of III > most beau? tiful tteiios r*"^r-?' 'fitinln ffUnfjliTi'i' in many a day, ami those wuo him. followed the evolution of musical com ly will understand what this state ii. 'it moans, L '*"o Qarvlo heads Iho cast and bo Is ass... -I ' 'he<. Krooin, Itol'jrt Algier. C'curjes \,. At. . :.-.rlos Ailing. Ceo R( K, Itmnaln, Kddlo Row? ers Herbert Prien, l/mlsc llarthel, Florinno Sweet man Leone a Watson, Hattlo Delnro Ilnrn?s, 11 den Cayvan, Mario N'askow. Margaret Sfmplo, Mntguerlto Strassen) and Jessie Slintus. "Peggy From Paris." George Ado, Hie celebrated humor i?l and author of "Pegglo From Paris." though a young man. has attained re? markable success ami has scored heavily, not alone in his books nnd magazine ami newspaper writings, but has attained even greater distinction as a dramatist. Mr. Ado werte not only Iho success? ful musical play, "Peggy Prom Paris,' which Is to ho presented at the Acade? my next Friday night, but ho is the aulhnr ns well o| the "Sultan of Suhl. "Tiie Countv Chairman." "The she Gun" and ' The Collngn Widow." "Peggy From Paris' was go success? ful that It nri for an entire year in New York. Boston and Chicago. "Pcacoful Valley." Sol Smith Russell, one of the liest beloved <>l American actors, won ohr of his greatest successes in RdwnrrJ Kidder',- play of New England life "I'oaceful Vallev.' The role of Hosen Howe, a gawk.v rouatrv lad who Is working bis waj throunh college and whose nobility 0 loul arouses tho Instant sympathy am Want to sell Real Es t?te, und sobih have great bargains. Why don't wh buy them '.. Well, we can't buy them all; we want our clients to take Home of them. Please allow uw to show yon What we have paying from 8 to 12 percent, net. BANKING X INSURANCE Rents & Real Estale 2711 WASHINGTON AV10 NEWPORT NEWS, VA. affection or Hi" audience, was Ion?] Iii? favorite purl. The piece is- being rpvlvcd this Bod< Roil lor (bo Una llmu In many years and W. K. Mnrilii, who is presenting It, In said to have engaged a company of exceptional merit hoaded hy Edward Saxon. The piny will he presented at till Ascadeiny of Music net Saturday matinee ami night. iUULBJLB a HJ>J *l Social-Personal *s Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence I'riddy, of| Baltimore, are the guests of Mn l'rLldyY parents. Mr. ami Mrs. W. \V.) liaiwood, fitOO lluulliigtou avenue. Mrs. io. M. Hammond, of Unltlmori North End. Mrs. T. .1. Smith, who has boon the Ic.uest of her mother, Mis. It. I.. Mo Phcrsou, has returned to her home In I ('m Ington. Mrs. w. Ilerryinnn, who has booh visiting relatives In North Carolina, has returned home. Mrs. Iloborl llurks of 821 Twenty sixth street, has as her guests, MrK. Krank Hundley, Miss Mary Hundley and Misses Lodu and Nanniiie llurks. of lllchmond. Miss Mildred llciisluger has retuin-l ed from Plltsburg, where she has he. ri spending two weeks With relatives. Mrs. Mary make, of Lcomlnstor, ?Mass., Is vls'tlng her son, Mr. A. P, Hinke, 1318 Twoiity-flftli street. Miss Helen Maker, of Baltimore, who has bOOll the guest of her ooiilns-, the Misses Baker, on Twenty-ninth I street, has returned homo. Miss Kalhorlno Flotchor left yes tor day for , nshlnglnn ami Prerlor [ickb'lutrg, where she will spend three ?seeks with relatives. Mrs. Charles Borger and children, if Philadelphia, have Joined Mr. Mer? ger here, and the family will make I its home in this city. Miss Miriam Bowmnil has gone to Philadelphia to continue her study I of music. Mr. W. .1. Illackwoll. "f Culpeppor Icounty, Is visiting the family of Mr. W. Lee Hanger, in East lOad. Mrs. K. IL Kill?, wiio has been the day for KiiiMi.i.?^tTf?'^"".. 5SBBBR her parents before joining Mr. Kins in llluefleld. W. Va. Miss Clara and Mr. I<ouls Thomas I have returned to Memphis. Tonn . uf ? a visit to their hist Or Mrs .1. W. Porter, on Twenty-seventh street. Both Discharged. In the police court yesterday morn ling Justice Brown dismissed all tho warrants in the Hob?Mlch-Conholly "bnlt|o war.'" after reading the "riot act" to both parties. MEDICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS. Dr. Clarence Porter Joner President For Ensuinq Term. The Newpo t News Medical SoclpH met at its loom In tho Colcmah build? ing laSl nlglll and elected the follow |nn officers for the ensiling year: President?Dr. Clarence Porte! Jones. Vice-president - Mr. A. C. Jones. Secretary and treasurer?Dr. A. I'. Derbv. Ethical comntltlooWnr. M. it. flarv llr, Aaron .lof.or.v, Dr fleorao W Williams. Mr 0 cor go E. Newby and : Dr. ,1. W. ?yle . Notice. ? \ Patrons of the Newport News Light ' an.l Wa'e ? Com nah y are hereby r?? l, minded thai water blll i musl l?. paid . bV Mi" Mull Ihsl All dellnii'ienlM on jibe 11th hist., will have Iholr Rtlpplv cut off pursuant to notice plvon nil consumers, Wwnoit News l.l'hl mid I wat-r Comnnny, by I,. B. M A WILLE. I. Superintendent. 10 1 10L Big Vessels Dragged Anctior and Smaller Ones Fared Badly. RO SERIOUS DAMAGE REPORTED Mercury Dropped Before Callling Blasts From the River, und When Night Came on City Got a of White Weatehr. A howling uor'onsl wind storm U'Oko over this auction about 1*1:30 o'clock! yesterday morning, ami Ifur nearly two hours tllb city was in the grasp | of the worst gale of the fall sea son. Although all of 111?- larger ves? sels in lite harbor had put out extra| anchors before (be sto.m broke, the velocity of the wind was so great l|iai practically all of Ibein dragged Ihelr anchors, hu* so far as has been reported none of them were dam? aged. The smaller craft In the harbor ami] the oyster boats anchored several | miles itotilr of the city did not fait; so will, however, many of I belli be? ing driven ashore mid damaged. Tlio slot in began about' :', o'clock! yesterday morning with a heavy down? pour of rain, which was accompanied I by a i'iff southeast wind. The willO'l changed several hours later, movliii! around to the north and later to the iiorl Insist. The illllCllry dropped early iii lilt I day, and last night Newport News| had a tasle of winter Weather. CHIEF STOW IN PHILADELPHIA. Attending International Convention of Fire Fi{.hteri;. I'lre Chief w. K. stow is attendingI the thirty-fifth annual convention of| the luternallounl Association of Fin Fighters, which convened in Washing? ton yesterday. Chief Slow Is widely known In fire el clos throughout the earn and the current issue of (lie Fin men's Herald cental.I a very com? plimentary notice on tin chief an I the work of his tlopartmcnl here. Mr. .lohn II. Cordon Is acting chlor| of the local department during the chief's absence. Mr. Fred Lud low, the assistant chief being III at this time Slightly Mixed. Illy Assiielrted Press.) SKATTLK. WASH.. OCt, K.-Tho. cruiser Philadelphia, referred to lll| a dispatch from Sidney, N. S.. last night, which stated thai a wireless llicssnce from Manila, had been "pick? ed lip" by the station at Morien, C. It., saying that the cruiser had reached Manila. Is at tho Hremerton navy yards, sin- is out of commission ami is now employed as a receiving ship (hero. Dr. Porter to Deliver Address. | Rev. J. W. Porter. 1) D.. pastor of I I ltd Newport News Baptist church. I has accepted do invitation In rtollvo. Hie uddiiss of welcome In the Sie Iprome circle of the RrOthorl.i "f America. which will hold Its annual I convention at the Inside Inn in the ICxppsltion. begluuiiig Monday, Octo? ber 81, The subordinate circles or this Clly will he well p presented at I ho meeting which will last for three day. Duyn a Thoroughbred. Clerk of Courts I). O, Smith has I purchased a thoroughbred Jumping at (he stables at the pine Bench ?o bourse; Mr. Smith Is a lover I of good horses mid Ills new nulluni may ho entered in future inclng events In tills vicinity. Fire Box Key. Announcement was made at fire hcudqunttors yestoirday that tin- key to fire ala in |mx ::">. locale I nl Wash Ington avenue ami Thirty seven'n Strebt, Is in the custody of tho wnlcit men at the main gale of the shipyard ami any one desiring to turn In an alarm of lire from that box can sc? enic the key by lepo ling the fire to the watchman at the yard gate. ^^^^^ Judge John w '<!. Blackstono opyu III the October term of (he Circuit t'oupri In thii cliy yesterday morn big, selling a mi in her of eases for trial which WO',0 hold ovet from Hi ? last term. Conducts Examination Here. An examination for unskilled lal'ir in the Federal services was held at I'th'o local cusjnm house yosterdav by Dr. .1. S. Jamison, assisted by District Socrotary H B. A. Booker. The o were live applicants for do cxnminn Hon. but only three put in an ap pen ranc ? Attended Undcrtaknrr' Convention. The funeral directors of tills city. Hampton Phoobhs are making n rangnmchls for attending the Stale I association of funeral directors, which will hold Its annual convention al t i Pine Beach hotel today. Thursday and i'riday. Fined For C?ttinq O'Brien, in the police coin t yet lorday morn? ing H. A. McOarwIls, a sailor of Hie cruiser Tennessee, was fined it" and costs by Crown for assaulting Thpmas O'Brl'nn, the baseball pile.or of Ibis clly. The eha oe of disbrdcrl) conduct placed against O'Brien by the police was- dismissed. "'look out another accident policy, I lid be " I "Yes; bill be ain't had a log out off vet?not men an arm broke:" ' Atlanta Constitution. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Cleanses, preserves and beautifies (the teelli, and Put inks tin. breath A supejior ecu til rice lor people of rclinemcnt listnblilicd in I ?66 by r Opal is the Bioistone ober. Wc iavc OPAL RIMS in great varijy. " $3io $100 WhC!\jM|ty |3 Unn/rni?nt. #{ 8 ISfefsc Shoe 1 Foflvti! =3 ?o Ihnractor, con Sillium S IS a 81 structcd "ii klflc priuclpl Us a ?hoc ponies up ovory i<-(|ni|t nr the fas- g tldlous, In nil lcit5G.50 Li $G.!>0. 5 WE CEET. Ieiseian'sI Fine Stationery Lends tone to your business ami creates a favorable impression. Wc make good impres Bibufl <>n stationery at priocB consistent with good work. Wc catry the following well Known brands of paper' Bouds: Flousatonio, Harrington, Danish, Cambria, Carthago. Flat Writing: Windsor, Lvanhoe, Palo Alto, and Riverside. Engraving We represent one of the best engraving nouses in the United States, and guarantee quality and prompt delivery. or Ii SPECIALTY': All kinds of Com niercial Printing. Warwick Printing Co (Inci)i'porat eel) 211 Twenty-fifth St;e ?t. Hell Photic, No. 1' Any ligent d Can play atfroni rag lime to B?1?? on the Stieff IHPiano li is the i tiling in the W?dd Milium- at? tractive, bee] mcml'ir ,,f ihe fanili.'v p. No music icBWnaary. ir von wish. >'4ay it In iiij. usual ?I its any piano, or, blunt, ad? just the ron anyone ran operate | Clias. efff L. 0. s|gr. ill oranby [Ik, Vn. ALLAN KUAgOnt P. O. Upx 4Ht Nowr. official Phostown Exposition. I NEW DAYLIGHT LINE ? TO - WASHINGTON - AND - RICHMOND g 8 TO RlCHMOfN? 6r, QUfc?BCN ANNB 99 will make regular trips between the above points, leaves Norfolk Cnmpboll'8 wharf Perry Dock, Tuesdays ami Thursdays at 7:30 a. sit. and Sundays at 12 m. Pine ncarh Ph .?. Exposition Oroniuls 8;.00 a. in. and Ncwjiort News 0:00 a. hi., week days; Sundays 12:30 and 1:16 p. III., will leave Clyde Line Pier. Richmond, at S a. in., Monday's Wednesdays ami Fridays. by this rou e the annoyance ami delays of stop? ping at nil river landings is avoided. Regular Meals or nice lunch service as may be do 'sired. tV?t?s?:?Straight fare, $1.25; Rqu?d Trip, go id for 30 days, $2.00. Special Round Trip Rates from Richmond ?1.50 on Wednesdays ami Fridays ;i day Limit.. -.-8 TO WASHING ! OIN "MONTAUK" I iWoiulays, Wednesdays and I'rida) s- 1^ L-:,v.. Korfojic, Cajpnhojfs.Ferry Dock . ..7:45 a. m, ^ Leave Exposition', Pino Bench Pier.8:16'a. m A Leave oi l Koliit^niforl .8:45 a. m. V Arriving wasfilngton RI ley's Wharf, 8:00 p. m A Rouncl Trip, Good for 30 (jJ2 GjQ ^ Straight Fare, $1 50. b 'hrough Fast Line. No tiresome stops at River Tin Landings. Regular nc-al? or nice lunch desired; Slops m y ice aa may be a I RICHARD WALK?R, | BeJI 'Phone 160) For information, apply to <. City Ticket Agent, ( 3102 Washington Ave., Newport News.