Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSION AWARDS CONTRACT TO SHIPYARD Six More Small Craft (or Pana? ma Canal Work to be Built Here. STEEL DREDSES OR DUMP BAFGEb? Dispatch From Washington Says that Contract is for Dredges, but the Price Figures Indicate That Barges are to he Constructed?Other Work for the Commission. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington last night said: "The isthmian Canal Commission lias awarded to the Newport News Ship? building and Dry Dock Company a contrail lor supplying six steel dred? ges for canal work at tfl-'o.onn." The vessels referred to arc probably six steel dump barges, bids for the construction of which wcro recently opened by the Isthmian Canal l out-1 mission at Washington. The yard now has the contract for supplying two shallow water dredges at *a cost or $82,500 each and ti'ley will he the smallest craft of their kind to be used In the canal work. The local yard' only recently com? pleted six steel dump barges for tin? Isthmian Commission ami those ves? sels are now being used in the work on the Panama Canal. The vessels cost about 120,000 each. The yard several months ago com? pleted the hull for a "sucker" dredge for lhe work on the Panama Canal, the contract for the building cd Iho dredge complete having been awarded the American Locomotive Works. GOVERNOR'S FOOT GUARD COMING TO EXPOSITION Famous Old Military Organization Will Participate In Connecticut Day Exercises. Arrangements are being made by Iho Connecticut State Building Com? mission for the entertainment of the First Company of the Q6v0 nor'B Foot Guard of Connecticut, which will par? ticipate in the ceremonies of Connec? ticut Dav at the Exposition, Octohci . IG. I This military organization |fl one of lb,, oldest in the Culled Stales, and, has been Intlmatoly associated with the history of Connect lent and New | England from the revolutionary pert j od (o the present time. From the Exposition the company, will go to It'-htnond. and from there go to Washington, arriving Saturday morning. The Governor's Guard of Conhectl-| nut, as the First Company was origi? nally known, was organized In 1771.) when Hartford was a small provincial town of 3,000 persons. Samuel Wyllys was captain. The organization was known as the Governor's Ouard un? til 1775, when the forming of a sec? ond caused its name to he changed to the Fir.-1 Company. Governor's i Guard, and in 177S the name was changed to the Fi si Company, Gov-J ernor's Foot Guard. There ari- 125 members of the com I maud, and (hey will accompanied) by a band of thirty pieces. Their uniforms are the picturesque grenu die d ess. The officers of the com? pany are Major Louis It. ('honey, Cipl Fred lt. HUI. Wilson L. F.nn. Lieut. Charles II. SIOCUIU LlbUl. William F.. A. Biilkeloy ami Ensign Hohen It. Pen so. Another celebrated military organ Ixnllori that will come to tin* Expo? sition on Connecticut Day Is the Put? nam Phlnanx. A new bridge to cost $25,000 has I'sen authorised by th ? Madras gov crnntrnl to i?. built ovo:' the Mnlnt tar River in Iho South A root district, that province. ^?Hte.vwMtnfi Buy Clothes Right. Boys' Clothing Our Boys' and Children's Department Is now com? plete in every detail. Suits from $2 to $10 Werfiicimcr & Co. 26'th street nod Washington avenue and 2li()t, Jefferson ave. SHIPPING REPORT Tuesday, October 8, 1907. Arrived. steamer Cayo Largo (Or.), Davoy. Gnlvcstoit- in Chesapeake it ml Uhla Ooa| ami Coko Company for bunker coal. steamer Veiinngp (1) .), Bath, Port limlis- tii White Oak Coal Com? pany Tor tunke- coal. Schooner William Booth, Cmuious. New York ?to Cheanpeako ami Ohlu Coal ami Coke Company In ballast. r.arm- Coster from Pall lllver?to lie Oak Coal Company In ballast. Cleared. Steamer Cayo Largo (Br.), Davoy. Copenhagen. Anrhus and Pietlrlch-1 shaven?Chesapeake ami Ohio Cetil ami Coke Company. Steamer Vennngo (Br 1. Math. Stet tin - White ?ak Coal Company. Marge Ctibacn lor Pall River -New lllver Consolidate,! Coil I Company. | Ihiige Lancaster for1 .sow Bedford. ? Chesapeake ami Ohio tidal Agency Company, j Barge Kuos Smile lor Providence?j Chesapeake ami Ohio Coal ami Coke Company. Sailed, Steatite Captain A. P. Lucas, ituheiii. London (towing standard OH barge No. flli.) Vessel did not sail Mon.lav .is before reported. Schooner Helen Thomas. Lcrmond, Hiingnr tan I anchored In hnibor In Ball today.) Oil Boatr Leave. The oil tank steamer Captain A. P. LUcas, which nr Ived at this port from Sabine pass Mondny morning I lowim; the Standard oil barge No. 9B*. sailed yesterday morning lor Ijondou wit;, Ho bnrge In two. Both vessels are loaded with oil ami the steaine. steppe,i here to loa I bunker coal and ship ?_'! seamen. Calendar for Today. Sun rises .t!:0<: u. hi. Sun sets .r,::t7 p. in.' High water ..,.10:53 a III., 11.12 p. m. | l.ow water ....|:|| a in., B:17 p. m. I HEIRIESS ELOPES WITH COLLEGE BOY IN AUTO WASHINGTON, I). C. Oct. S.?Tak? ing advantage of a signal passed by a friend and the temporary nbsencc of the doorkeeper at Hamilton lnsti tute. Miss Anna Clclsslnger Coblelgh. blonde petite, and all heiress to mil-, lions, fled from that school yesterday j morning, pdlned h ??? fiance awaiting her a omul the corner with mi auto mobile, and was whirled away to Bnckvlllc ami matrimony, She |B now Mrs. Charles M. OHoylo. wife of a Georgetown University student and college athlete, whoso home Is at Serapion, no . Itev. Philip 11. McOuIro, rector of the catholic Church or Rockvillc, hne , hardly pronounced the couple man and wife when a loud knock sounded a' the door of the reetorv. .\ county official was ndllllttOU, who gotlglll to nrrest the bride on advices received bv telonhone from Washington. Hut it was then too late. The bride Is seventeen years old. s''e is the daughter of Benjamin Cob? lelgh,, n wealthy r-ssldrint of Kingston. Pa., who received Information of the marriage at the Waldorf-Astoria, in New York, ami started with Ills wire for this city. O'Bovle who is tin? son of a coal magnate, is a Catholic, and his Ivldn is a Protestant an I '.he difference In their religious beliefs made it neces? sary for the groom to oKaln a spe? cial disnonsatlon from Cardinal Olli lions, which reached him Sunday. I Waits for Bride in Park. , *t! 0 o'clock yesterday morning Mr. O'Bovle sat in the park opposite the] institute, while from nround the om? ni r came Hi,, chug-chug of a motor car driven bv his friend. William' Byrne. accompanied bv Charles! Schnei lor, two fellow-students. The venerable negro known to nil. Ihc students al Hamilton Institute as "Aimer Polite." left his accustomed! place at the door for a mom cut: und I a confidant of Miss Cobloigll gave the I signal to the girl wailing upstairs. In a moment Ihn honk honk of an auto <ar bearing the two In Rockvtllo died in 'he distance. When (he authorities at Hamilton Institute became awaro of their young charge's disapn ?a.iinee. they sent In? structions to the railroad depots lo Intercept her. and afterward enlistee the services of the central detective office, hut all was unavailing. Leave for Philadelphia. The nowlv wedded pair returned to the city, ami the bride sent to Hamil? ton Institute for hor trunks. II Is said possession of these was rofusofl at first but they were finally op tnlncd through the aid of a lawyer. Mr. ami Mrs. O'Bovle registered at the Raleigh Hotel, hut left the city ostensibly for Philadelphia on the 4 o'clock train. Friends of O'Bovle said last night that the elopement was s-| for next Saturday but the couple learned Hint Iholr plans were suspected and hur? ried malle s a little. Plans were prob? ably completed nl the Georgetown Field Saturday afternoon, wheri' Miss Cpblolgh was a spectator. UNDER HER BURDEN. Under her burden of dav after dav One little woman goes singing awav; Under her bipdcn of year after year LOVO keeps the lilooni on her red I cheek of cheer; I Under her htr.don. a bjrd in a cave. Turning life's song over page after page; t'tid-r he- l.nrden, with noodle and broom. Keeping the little homo sweet as a bloom: Under her burden, and mine, whore I i ?ihm? God bless the sweet woman who makes a sweet iiOthol ?BalMmojio Sun. CONVENTION Of I. P. ft. .Passeifier Agents Wll "uO" j position In Thorough Style PROGRAM .08 FOUR BU^Y DAYS; ' Trips to Capes and Other Places of Interest, Grand Ban. Old Vi glhla Oyster Roast Among Items on the Lift. cm nrxt Monday night, ami it will be followed bV dvo, otboi entertainments one ?'ach months, as follows: In Nbv*. ember an evcjtilMB of innslo and olocu ?tlott by the Misses Wontworth and enroll anil Professors lllackmoroj ami Sally: I" December the Y, M. ?v \. quartette; in January, Rev. \v. a. ? Christian on 'Robot M iin February tho Hampton Mandolin and Uleo Club, The season will eoloso| 'in March with/a return ongngvment ofi the Y. M. C. A/Quart? tte WARFIELO^F?R SEilE Governor of Rjlarylond Annources Candidacy, Willi Conditions. HIS TpRN TROUSERS. I WHO IS ENTITLED 10 VOTt ? JAMBSTOWN i:xPOSITION. Oct. s. Two days, October i"> and 10. do? ing the HxjKisltlon, one day Blghtsce. lug In iho vicinity "t Iho Pair and! ouo day in Richmond, Is the <i der for| tho thirty filth annual Convention Ol*j iho American Association of Ttuveluig Passenger Agents of the Untied j States, I A more Judicious selection of tin annual gathering place or n inoru op portune season of the yoiir for this pupiilsr organization lo i nvel, could not ho soli otod. j From present indications, when the call for start in?; is made and the (dan lunrKlialhy), iho entire association will I ans? or present. I The tlii-ty tilth annual convciltloi-) or this association win he iho most strenuous one ever pn llclpnled In und when the gall'l days are over, every member will he wis >r. If not richer, through iho days spout In Tidewater Virginia. Tho management of Hie Bxpo.<iHou has extended passes for adlnIsslon to all iiiombo s attending the Conven? tion. Order of Convention. Tuesday, October 15th, will assem? ble in the Auditorium and lie welcom? ed t? Hi" Colonial City by (he Sea, by the President, Harry st George Tucker, in tin nftornooii tho party will vlow tin- Roads, Old Point Coin fo t and the Virginia Capes. In tin evening the party will assemKo at tlii Inside Inn and do the Warpath. Wednesday, October 10th then will be two business sessions, a slghtseo Ihg t.ip ami a grnnd ball in Iho Con voutlon Malt. Th?rs.lav. October 17th the ne in hois ,,r iho Association will go an they please in the morning, in Die af? ternoon there will bo a trip to Vir? ginia Oyster Roast. Friday, October istfa the party wili spend Ihe day in Richmond. Social Economy Ruilding. Social Kcononiy building oxbibilori have exloiidcil invitations to exhibit ors. concossionnrlos ami the Exposition, tlioir ro .i ?......... ... ,,?? nuiiaings] i/.-n Oni tomorrow between the hours of 10 u, in. and '"> p. in. Souvenirs are to bo|Hn distributed to holders of cards- of vltatlon. Simple- and ] Effective Graft Schern? Woifed In Now York. Here Is tlujstory of a graft so simple und effcctlvtt? work that some enter-1 prising stratger should patent it. Itj was practical by u New York genius am) had Us try-oil nil tin- res|icctahto ,-ppor Most 4flO ot the big i lly. The lirlglhlipr oni dressed us a I workman, nil clones rusty, but neatly' pat. In d. A'rtlvljw.ln iho uetgliliorhqoO lie bad liceBted > work, ho stepped Into on an hway iiml, hauling out a knife, slit the rig' leg of his trousers from flip to knee. Xexl ho prod -od a newspaper, apreail it <-ut hndiold it over the silt In Ills trousers. Leaving the arch? way, be hurried |ii!lg the sidewalk, making apparent' a grciil oiTort to hold the iiewspnpi In place. The wind was b\vltlg it nil whoever oared lo look imtkil the man's pre? dicament. At the Dps ,,r a big bouse III Seventy second It reel lie stopped j and pretended to > the paper about bis leu-. By a perlus not very strange chnnce, since the hr was 5:111 p. in., the owner of the hso appeared, Tins grafter greet! Ihe man briefly, lifted the newspsp'inid remarked: ?-l .lust hud mi indent over on o> llimhlis avenue. ?ink shoved me n gal Its! a slake a lure Vie pants Bomethlll' awful. Wonder If you couldn't lend me sei safety plus':" It was successfuljFrom that house the man carried ray not only a readily salable pair! trousers, but a hat and coat as wo A quick trip to a corner saloon to posit his bundle and the tale of th orn trousers leg was carried to unter house lu the block. 1 An oh.-ervor wltliore sheer curios? ity than police lnnl watched tho collection of six miles from six' houses III Seventy-mid street before ' he reluctantly leftio window ami went III to dinner. Now York Cor. Washington Post. Iiis Question and Various Other* Must be Answered Before the Lxc cutivc Will Finally Atjrcc to Enter Ihe Field. I Head b SMYTH SCI? Head IIALTIMORK. MM. Ocl. 8 06V.I Wnrfleld has announced his candidacy lor the United Slates Semitic, ship. Attached to his oaiididacv, however, are certain coiidlttoiis. When uhkod is lie would ho a candidate if I hose wer,, not accepted )>\ the other cattdl dates, ho replied lll?i ho would not ho in position to answer thai question until fully sail-tied whether bis bub*. ! g.slions would or would not bo adopt ed. ! The conditions, sol forth In a let '.or mid leased to Chairman Vlllliilvor, of iho state committee, uro; "First?Thai a definition ?t 11 l'cni ii nil cit tilled to vote at the Sonata I linl primaries ho agi'OOd Upon. "Second?-Thai lliu sovoral candl ! dates tor iho Setutto agree among themselves to adopt the plurality plan. "Third That th<> limit ot expend I lures in the prima y campaign shall he $1,00X1, und Ihal all olhor conti Mm lions in the general campaign shall lie made known lo other candidates lor the Sonnte upon request. "Fointli?Thai each candidate shall BROS.-McCLEARY-McCLELLAN LIVE STOCK COMPANY Norfolk, Va. 1 nig sale Wednesday, October It 1007, W Heises ami Mules fur this sale, and bolter have bad at any sale sine - last May. Most will be here lor lb.6 fli'st time mis Betlsoni ? will have more quality than wo or our shippers I hoy linvri boon 8 s I SP Bevornl weeks selecting Ihoir stock, and I hoy all advise us thC) will have mi exceptlenallx good lol of Horses rilid Mules. iiorseU consist of smooth d ivers, wllh speed, lilocky chunks an I heavy draft hOISCI Sillies uro SlllUOtll ami good qilUllty. We will sell for ihe high dollar thirty big, smooth mules that wi have beeil working at-iho exposition grounds. Those mules are int ami in good condition. Wo especially invite von lo attend tills sale Wednesday, October 0, P.I07. Smyth Bros.-McCleary-McClellan Live Stock Company 8 8 I 8 UNION STOCK YARDS. NORFOLK, VA. s t Ii" pow or to oh j, el lorks. mid upon nbjei I and clerks shall he httVc and Judg cd." Politicians C-lleve (lie will not lie accepted, ami th-id win bvehluall) decldi into the right. to Judges Huns new substllitt coiidlllotis thai Wn I EXP?SIW Bxclltdlllg about S0.0Q0 small vcai ein. Ihe eommorco of the wo h| Is auled on by 30400 vessels of a lo a' iounilgo of about 25,OUO,OU. Order of the tytanthsmum. The order of t Chrysaiilbetuuni, which the .Tupanecui|ieror Is goin? t?tend lo Prcsldenfnllleresof Frauen as n memento of tslgnlng <>f the re? cent Importnnl FrP-Jnpaiicso treat v. Is the highest duet Ion which tllO ifflclals of mikado tins at blpposnl In the way mil l|<;s. Like the Bug. at ij1(f"'',,r" " ls bnly con llfcrred putifct0 j Japanese empire on 'I rings, erjpei,, and disllnuulsheil lieads of hnj0" It cannot, however, Tho Social F.conomy linlldliig con ':o"'"'"e i of years and In hi-.- . tains exhibits showing: How to flsjhtji ?cnl "ske/jioiis with the Oarler, consumption, dangers of child labor,rf\i.m founded ihlrty- | value of playing (r ounds and how[w? years'$i l?y Iho present emperor ] to equip them, progress and products"1" elf. Ifje the less it is n hand- ' of nrganiezil labor, handiwork of Irnd.v'une lleedlloh, the broad band "I- ' and others pormotlhg human welfare. II.bon or. the Rhotlhicr lielllg et red BCllOOl farm Hardens. ill;, wRhl violet border. The lu Thls building is equipped with ai?,,In ir?, |:, nf gold with much or-I lecture room where brief talks lind?,,.,??, ,? ,?,,?,.,1 em.u.el. whlell star op Can exhibitions are given dally, ?,?,.. , ., , ..... to explain those subjects, ln\ ' ?f ""' """""!" The plan of this building has- boon put In a concrete way a picture c iho work being done by a number < the foremost agencies engaged In Ui I Fits In Coal Mines. jFor flu-lit.;: flro lu Its anthracite coal line forward movements, so that the Btul*"? a chdilcal fire engine Is now. bo dent might se,. in a comprolionslvijs "sod bj a ? oniptiny in Pcnnsylvn wav what is being done for ilie hottorVB' ThUr.onglne la built on a (ruck inent of condlHons. and Bomathlngflleli CQii'nin upon truck's tbroiigboilt of liow it is being done. io mine. When nn alarm of lire is -* ? nth'detl ihe engine is attached to an eoltle mine locomotive and ruslied tie scene of trutiblo at high si.I. GOING TO NORFOLK TO-DAY'1' idhywi upoa a coal uro is ai KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ARE Members of Hampton Commander)! With Their Ladies. Will Parti cipate in Celebration. ,st Instantly ecu vor (?d hito steam, I further disintegrates, formlug a illffocailng liiht It drives nwny Today I? Delaware Day A Special Exercises Review of All the Troops. MORE OLD HENRY SOLD THAN ANY OTHER. WHYf BECAUSE QUALITY 1? bep""" P'JH 8AH EVERYWHERE, week, i The inen ficht im.* the lire. Rlno flames ii slie,it .nit when water strike but coal often set ablaze pockets I lampion CoiiiinaVulory. Knlghtjgas i:i the celling. When a chpinl Templar, will go in a body lo Norfoljcnglnc plays upon burning ooal the ami the Imposition groundn tomo|Vy gases evolved cjlng lo do floor row to participate in II.iitortaltl Bnjo(iior the bhi/e by excluding ment of the Grand Commanded nlr M).? ?,,.)t nnuoybu by tlm ?hieb is III session In Norfolk <l'\,.s ami .an stay elose enough "tod., , ,, ctlre work. Sir Knights and their ladle_ will leave Newport News on the 'o'clock car lor Old Point, where the Farewell. Foolish Sparrow. .will be Joined by tho Soldiers Hom[ler l0,,? arguments pro and eon. hand. From old Pdlni the party wlfs seemed lo he pretty well recog I proceed i<> Not folk and lake purl U1 <llilt the Rngtisb sparrow doe -j the parade from the Masonic tempi!) more harm than good and that it j to the Hay Line wharf, where a boalllo be was eradicated from this will ho In waiting. try. Dr. C. Hart Morrlam of the 1 A trip around Hampton Roads- wiltrtment of agriculture lias prepared I I luncheon on board, lauding at Deomsciisns of reports from many I iWati-r pier, BxptlSltton, al - o'cloCkjoB containing cvlilenco for and .participation In Iho exercises 'meiden,st ,|?, sjMlrrow< These reports lo New York Day, and a grand PBradijg )n fllvor of t|m bird, 837 against I *t*< VEf 1 fl P? rCC% f fl Mil .in tho Exposition grounds nro rtmonfe twutrtll These reports contain I l" a" llh?. rCa.l.Mr0a._0L..l.h,?.. . ,..a'!'-M"l Of Iho native birds Ihal havo I SPEEDY FREE! Rc-enua$]cd for the Week. WORLO'S CHAMPION HIGH OIVJL.R. -:- -:- -: UBBRAN and His Band Cominericing October 10th Don't Forijcl that the '] ^ iMaiuiSactures and Liberal Arts Buildiiip; Day ho e ihem all. Vnluiibh souvenir lick- t. The , prises ami one to each purchaser' at" Oct. loth. Interesting Stcrcoptkan T.ilkr. at the Social Economy Guilciing Daily. HAULING Promptly Done Qov. Charles E.H ughes Will be the Orator on New York Day,Thursday auioiii,. jibe features of tho day. Allel Monday, Oct. 21, will be FLOWER CARNIVAL DAY ("ash prises will ho given lo Hie host decorated Vehicles as follows: 1st prise, $7?.oi?; 2nd prize, $50 110; (Jrd prize, $25.00. Btilrlen should ho sent t., lliu carnival ntt'rcau, AudilorUirti Ruild? ing. )*>X(K)ivHlc,ii Grounds at one*. fro Lingine ..' :. KHBJBJHBflBJBJBJffBJ ?bar; ?Iis llitio sparrow, and Iiieso In i Tho local commit t 'arrangements for the trip Is compos ???? v. ion. bluebird, martin, king? ed ?.f Win. Rniilch, Dr. Clarence Pprjbornetl lark, hermit ami wood 'let Jones und A. L. F.vans. Jes. mocking bird, purple grackle, I a - ?-j >w lark ami many woodpeckers. EPV/ORTH LEAGUE STAR COURSE w,? '"' Nl"'<'d the Uli _ h]0 guest.?Washington Herald. Scries of Entertainments for Wintci -~ Month-- Oeqins Monday Evening. Typesetters In Bull Ring. The Bpworlh Loague of Chostnn ledloght given by the members Wenuo Mcthodlsl church lias adopted?"tenlicrg ryppgraphlcal union a very unique plan for creating inteilinahna was highly amusing and lest In Hi woik.. A scries of ehtortainltcnded by a larjn? crowd that inenis lias been arranged fpr Hie wlnll the amateurs ngnin anil again, lor months, which has Bpproprlatoljjiiioa wer.' skillfully placed, and beert called a "Star Course," as, will ,(?. i?.ijs wnR killed In a way the exception of the first, the onterhs creditable to the young iflght (alnments will given by tho i'V.h,hough in others the.v were not local talent ol the p,on'n8"V,;^^ The ifaX'kno?'Vs "sunshine.1' ?ksW? of iynesetter I , fumi., ti? Urning number. HdW ">?? "e WfB nlen show ' will give hi" celebrated evening nullify In their abjllty to dp such [.?Sunshlno and Shadow," fort after their sedentary ^a' This entertainment will lake 'ilaci;ase.-Chlbup.bun Cor. Mexican j K?ij/?OV.?P*/1uIjE< FREIGHT, HAGGAGE, FURNITURK ANO SAFES CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY MOVEO ia Transportation Do. Storage Warehouse SH 520 27th St. RATt;f> Sola k>y Irruxelm? ? i.nt In rUi" *r?o*/f. i ???????. prep?rJ. Jflfr cthtri fail, the 5rnrin trpjvr.cit Ii \ht only euro. Pnf.G.F.THEEL,527^{hrs,h. .Oi.,. t.a-l, r,.I'.lilllj, ? ?t.lrl.e. .?...Hl-,.. In. K,SfhMV IH....?* DtaMHl iv?i1...|.,.?,i.(.?..,, tWlMWMSlI *l Ske." w, I?.i?. <>.ir 40 f\ A a,?-l.o-pli.t r. U 1 ? i ' ?. " i; .i. ' ? - .11^ tinilM ..... m...i..i Jk.l.tlrtaal, The native wOnicn of BcundOr arr so ii..ed to strong heal ami light thai they even do Ihelr spinning out of ?loots in the blazing sun. LADIES! 'Ihe l.tiosl craze Is Plltfsl Puffs! Puffs! For (ho latest designs in all kinds of hair goods, go to NICHOLAS' HAIR DRESS? ING PARLOR Ml 27th streot, Sllsby liuldg hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bu.y Mr.: (.ii fnr Busy Peaple. OMiisGnldri llulth :rd Rrrewcd Vicor, A ?r?clnoforOM|at|reuioB, In<llirr:.tlon. Llvnr rn.l Kliln-y troul)l<K. Plmiili s. l-k'Wro?. In.piifc IU..O.I. llr.fl llreaiii, nbinrlsb ll'iirclg. Hendncti? ind Iln^Uftche. 11s Rock* Moiniiotn T*? In ml> !rt form. Tvl rents ft lot. Clenulnn mitne by Hoixivrra narr, Co?i'-.xr. Matfiioo.'Vis. '.0L0EN NUGGET!) TOR CALtO'W PEOrLE I