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Newspaper Page Text
FLUCTUATIONS RATHER FEVERISH HHP ERRATIC Professional Traders Fare Betler Than They Have For Several Days Past. HILL STOCKS ABRUPTLY DECLINE Announcement That Northern Pacific Paid Only Regular Dividend Has Unmistakable Effect?C. and O. Is Very Weak?Money Market Holds Firm and Puts Restraint on Specu? lators. (By Associated Press.) MOW YORK, Oct 8.?Fluctuations! In prices of stocks wert- quite wide to? day and tho purposes of the profes? sional traders were thus betto? serv? ed than in the lethargic market which/ has prevailed for several days. The drawback was that the flu? tu at Ions became rather feverish and erratic, making It difficult for the| roomtraders to take advantage of op? portunities. Decline in Hill Stocks. The Hill stocks abruptly declined' when it became known that Northern! Pacific was getting; its regular quart? erly dividend of i-% and no more. Their strength early had only partly offset tlie heavy tone In the general list which was inclined to react from the sharp advance after yesterday of Its own weight. C. and O. Weak. The reactionary tendency was em? phasized by the weakness In Chesa? peake and Ohio, following the publica? tion of its annual report showing only a nominal surplus left out of the years' results after special appropriationsI and the payment of the 1 per cent d!-| vldend on the stock. Money Market Firm. The maintained firmness of tho money market was a restraint on any speculative ventures. Tho whole mar? ket lapsed into extreme dullness again late in tlie day. Uonds were Irregular. Total salesl par value $1,111,000. 1'. S. 4s do-| cllned 'A per cent on call. Adams- Bxprcsss . 165 Amalgamator Copper . 59 American Car and Foundry .. 34% American Oar and Foundry pfd 91 %] American Cotton oil . 31 v&J American Cotton oil ptu. 82 Amcrlcnn Bxprcsg . 1S5 American Hlderand Leather pfd I I American Ice . AO American Linseed -ll . 9% American Linseed Oil pfd. 19 American Locomotive. 60% I American Locomotive pfd. 99%| American Smelting and Hctlnlng 87 American Smelt, and Refng pfd i>uV*.\ American Sugar Refining . 111%) American Tobacco ptd, certlf.. 77% Anaconda Mining Co . 36% Atchison. 85%| Atchloon pfd . sn Atlantic Coast Line . 77 Baltimore and Ohio . 8K'A| Baltimore and Ohio prd . S2 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 45% | Cnnad] in Pacific . 161% Central of New Jersey . 172 Chesapeake and Ohio . 30%1 Chicago rircat Western ?">. 8%| Chicago and Northwestern .... Ml Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul - 117%j Chicago Terminal and Trans ... 4 Chicago Term and Trans pfd ... 15 C. C, C. and St. Louis . 59% Colorado Fuel and iron . IS Vi Colorndo and Southern. 20% | Colorado and Southern 1st pfd 52% Colorado and Southern 2ud pfd 41% I Colorado and Southern 2nd pfd 41% Consolidated Gas .lft0 1 Corn Products . 12Vi Corn Products pfd . 64 Delaware and Hudstn. lr>7 Delaware, Lakawanna and West 474 Denver and Rio .irnude_22 Denver und Rio Grandel pfd ... r,7'/..| Distillers' Securities . 53',$ F.rle . 18% Brie 1st pfd . 44161 Brie 2nd pfd . 3r, General Bloctrlc . 122 Illinois Central . 134(4 International Paper . H%| International Paper pfd . 70 International Pump . 21 International Pump pfd ., <>0%| Iowa Central . lr?Vi| Iowa Central pfd . :!7 Kansas City Southern. 23% | Kansas City Southern pfd - Louisville and Nasavlllo . 13 Mexican Central. H>% Minneapolis and St. Louis . 30 Mln. St. P. and Sault. Sie. M. 02% Min. St. P. and Sault. Ste. M. pfd 126 Missouri Pacific . fir,'%| Missouri Kansas and Texas ... 31V5 Missouri Kansas nnd Texas pfd 04% | National Lead.? ? 47 National R. R. of Mexico fd ... 44%| New York Central . 102 New York Ontario and Western 31*41 Norfolk and Western . !'>!>% | Norfolk and Western pfd ..... 7S North American . 58 Pacific Mail . 2::% Pennsylvania .' H'_'H People's Gas . BOtC PlttSb?rg, C. C. and St. Louis.. ^66 Pressed Steel Car . 23% Pressed Sleel Car pfd . 78 Pullman Palace Car . 155 Reading . 9.3% Rending 1st pfd . 75 Reading 2nd pfd. 70 Republic Sleel . 19v* Republic Steel pfd . 701,4 Rock Island Co. 16% Rock Island Co. pfd . 42 ? St. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pfd 35 i st. i/ml? Southwestern ...? i? Bt. I/oula Southwestern pfd ? ? ? 4-1 Southern Pacific. 81% Southern Pacific pfd . 109% Southern Railway . 11 -14 Southern Railway pfd -..... 47% Tenucsseo Coal and Iron . j35 Texas and Paciflo . 24 VJ Toledo. St. IaiuIs and Went ... 23'* Toledo St. Louis and Woat pfd 44% Union PaclBo . lac.'.i Union Pacific pfd . 81V4 United States- Express . 8S United States Realty . 17 United Stater, Rubber . 26V4; United States Rubber pfd ... 80% United States Steel . 2U-% United States Steel Ilfd. S7*i Virginia Carolina Chemical_ l'.i Virginia Carolina Cbeiu. pfd.. '.??; Wabasb . 0% Wabush pfd . 18% Wells Cargo Kxpress . 22", Westlnghouso Electric. nr, Western Union . 72 Wheeling and nko Erl . s'-^ Wisconsin Central . 16% Wisconsin pfd . ?8 Northern Pacllic . 128% Central Leather . K .. l>o pfd . SI Sloss Sheffield . 41 Croat Northern pfd . 20% Intei Mountain . !i'4 Do pfd . 24% Money. NEW YORK, Oct. 8.?Money on eall Strongi r?rrr t> per cent; ruling rate <!; closing bid r.?4: offered at t:. Time loans very dull ami Arm; sixty days I! per con! and ninety days 0%; six months t*>. Prime mercantile paper 7 per eeut. Sterling oxchnngo firmer with actual business In bankers' bills at 482.300482.25 for sixty day hills. Commercial bills 482, Mar silver 05. bonds easy. Railroad bonds Irregular. Baltimore Produce. BALTIMORE, MD., Oct. S.?Flour? firm, unchanged. Wheat?linn, spot contract 106 & %. Corn?firmer; spot mixed 71; No. 2 white 71. Oats?firmer. No. 2 mixed r.::<Ji %. Rye?firmer No. - western domestic L?5<Ji lit',. Butter?firm, unchanged. Fancy Imitation J?li2">; creamery 31032; ladle 22023; store packed 18020. Eggs?Steady. 2l!(ii27. Cheese?NJew, firmer, rpichnnged, largo 15%; Hats 16%; small 10. Sugar?Unchanged. "Gone to tho Devil." The old Inns of England have lteen i responsible for the origin of many common sayings. An Instance of this Is the proverbial phrase, "lie has gone ' to the devil." On Fleet street, Ixmdon, near Temple Bar, was once n tavern Which was known by the strictly old fnshloniHl name the Devil and St. Dunstnil, It was famous for Its good dinners and excellent wines nnd re? ceived n large patronage from the law? yers of Temple Bar. I It was familiarly known as Tho Devil, nnd when a lawyer left his of? fice to go there he usually left n notlco on his door, "Gone to the Devil." I There were some who patronised the tavern to the neglect of their business, nnd the notice was so regulnrlv exhlb- ] IterT on tb?lr doors thnt It finnfly enmo I to bo used to characterise the man ] who was losing his grip nnd going to j destruction.?St. Louis Republic. Her Vaulting Ambition. "The height of my ambition," said the woman who hasn't always had to work, but to now, "Is to make so much money that I won't have to rec? ognise every piece of lingerie I possess. I want to have so many pieces of ev? erything Hint 1 can take up, sny, a skirt to put It Oil nnd won't know It Is mine because 1 have bad to wear It over nnd over about n hundred times." ?New York Press. REASONABLE BULES FOR RHEUMATICS. Western Specialist Explains a Few Simple Rules for the Avoidance and Cure of Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Dr. George Edmund Flood stales thnt Rheumatism and the various forms of Kidney and Bladder trou? bles are among the most easily eura 14 n diseases?that Is, when they are treated in a sensible manner. According to Dr. Flood, those per? sons suffering from any of these all inents should exercise the greatest moderation in the consumption of rich food?. Dr. Flood has met with great success In his practice in tho treat? ment of those complaints, and he lias advised all of his patients to snbsll tute for such a diet as we have Just mentioned, the simpler and more nourishing soups, broths, fresh milk, fresh vegetables, and plenty of pure wnter?lots of water. Rut, says Dr. Flood, observance of these rules will not suffice to effect a cure, although such observance is ne? cessarily of the greatest assistance In tho treatment. During all his prac? tice, that Is. In the treatment of Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder troubles, this eminent physician has employed one simple prescription which, he states, has proven itself of unvarying curative vnluo. Dr. Flood has kindly consented that we reproduce a copy of this famous pre? scription In this column for the bene? fit of our readers. This Is the prescription: Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic. |-2 ounce; Concentrated Barkola Com? pound, 1 ounce; Aromatic Elixir, 4 ounces. Adult dose, one teaspoouful after meals and at bedtime; children, one I fourth to one-half teaspoonful after meals. Dr. Flood says it is pleasant to tnke and may bo filled by any druggist, anywhere, or. better still, yon ran gel the Ingredients yourself nnd mix them at home Py shaking well In a bottle. Dr. Flood guarantees the sitccesn of this prescription If taken according to directions'. FREE team OFFICIAL JAMESTOWN SOUVENIR WATCHES To Boys and Girls, and Older Folks, too EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE ONE. The Oflicial Souvenir Witch of tho Jamestown Tercentennial is the most attractive of the Offi? cial Souvenirs. It is a guaranteed timo-piecc, and a very pretty ornament. To begin with, the back case of the watch is the officii! seal of the Exposition, ?uishod in fine colored enamels. This makes the watch more valuable afteitho Exposition, as no more souvenirs of any kind bearing this emblem will be struck off. Those, throforo, fortunate enough to possess any kind of souvenir bearing this seal, will own something thatwill increase in valuo each succeeding yoar following tho close of the Exposition, aside from its intmsic worth. The watch dial is a pictoial representation of three centuries of American progress, 1007-1907 which dates appear on tho fac, the whole finished in oight colors harmoniously blended. To the left of the dial is shown the Hod Spood" and tho "Susan Constant" sailing up the James river, then known as the Powhatan, with;wo Indians watching them. In the centre is an excellent picture of old Jamestown Church as it r,w stands. To the right can b3 seen two modern battleships and a front view of tho Exposition. The whole design is artistic and correot in every detail. Everyone should have a Jamestown Sou?nir Watch. It makes a handsome present for any boy or girl. These watches are made in two sizesfor lady and gentleman. THE RLAINT: The Daily Pibsb has secured a limd number of the Official Souvenir Wn ches of the Jamestown 'Jocutcnnlal, which will be given away u> nwyn and glrlo louring- ,/ subscribers to the Daily Press. With each new v:id-iu-adi'a?r subscription for one year (?5.00? we will give one of tieso watiho either gentleman's or lady's Bize, FREE. With each ?w six j^.ths* subscription (?2.50) and $1.00 in cash, one of these -atubes yl be given. These watches may be seen at the Daily Free Office. ' In addition to this o>r, the aily Pros will give away each week one of these watches the ue?boy selling tbe most papers on the Btreeta of Newport News. Also one watch each week to the boy selling the largest number of papers in Hampton, and one each week to the boy si lling the largest number of papers in Phoebus. Only one watch will be awarded to the same boy. All remittances must be made direct to the Daily Press Company for six months and yearly subscriptions. All subscriptions from Hampton, Phoebus and Old Point, will bo handled through tho regu? lar news dealers. Mail subscriptions will be received from any section and watches forwarded upon receipt of tbe amount required. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, $5; Six months, $2 Hustlep, bo;s, and get one of these fine watches. Get busy, girls, and get one of those handsome souvenirs. In addition to giving all the local news of Tidewater Virginia, the lly Press receives the full Associated Press service, making it the st valuable newspaper for residents of this city, as well as the ?ns and counties adjacent. Sample copies on request. Address communications to the )AILY PRESS Newport News? Arc You Troubled With inefficient seivice and unsaii sfactory laundry work? CALL UP Hotel Warwick Laundry 119 2hth STREET Phone No. 10 OTICE MATERIAL THE BElT MIXED THE BEST ALWAYS THE BEST IT EATS THE BEST DEMANDS THE BEST IT SE.tS WE BEST. lat Jennings9 Butter Bread It is the best?and save your tags. They will get the best prizes. EALTH FOOD BAKERY We Remedy Such Troubles I WasWllg,,0? fll)emle and Tm.,ir5l s/ree). ? 8 8 LOTS! FOR SALE or LEASE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY! Old Dominion Land Co. Hotel Warwick Building s