Newspaper Page Text
Hawkins, of Mews] County, Purchases Property. DEAL WAGE BY iL S. IHOMPSQH New Purchaser Is the Grandson of the Late Samuel Dcwbrltl, Who Was Owner of the Farm In 185-1?Pur? chase Price War. $10,500. A real eslalo transaction <if consul oiablo importance wan c lotted >???.-!i? r ddy, when Mr, William T. Ilnwklnal of Mathowa county, purchased 'lido Mill Kami, near I lampion. Tho prop ortV was I old Hi rough Mr. Howard S. Thompson lor Mr. W. P. Wllentorofl ami Mis. Itiley, who several yearn ago from .Mr. .1. M. Pullon. Tide Mill farm In Uuowii. through oill the l ulled Stales as one of lie leading henneries In tho country, |t| hits been especially, noted fui duel, rais? ing. There are Si) acres of Hue (arm III); land, as well as a fully 0<|Ulppotl plant im thick raising ami a splendid hennery, mi I ho site, Bovornl years ago L'.' ducks were raised on III lb farm. The purchase of the tar in by Mr.l Hawkins has a tinge of romaiu-. con nectcd wllh It. Hack in IS.M Till?! Mill farm was owned by Mr. Samucll Pewbriei, who was the grandfather! of Mr. llllwklllH, und In Ibis wav Mi. Hawkins is again In pdssossloii of| his old family home. Owing io Iho old mill being on 'he place, ami a natural st-i'oain n( lyalui traversing through tho property* I in f.inn was named ??Tide Mill Farm." According to Hie deed which WtlH placed on record In the clerk's tilth Mr. Hawkins paid 410,500 for tin pioperly. Mr. Hawkins, who has been rOKl'ilOR In Norfolk for some time, will Im im dlalelv lake charge of the prop orty. i Matters Personal i goOOQOQoAoftpOOOQOOQ B 0 0_B Q B Aj Mrs. Harry li. Parker charmingly Whist Club in her residence, 'Sun., Villa,"- last night, Mrs', Joseph Cold ami two children| have hit for a visit to Mr. ami Mrs. David llnlllnan, in Hlcluiitnid. Mr. I. Klrsnor roliirndd yesterday limn a lIn< ?- weeks \isil In Hie north, Mr. KIraner made the trip In Ihn In? terest of iiU liealtb and combined | business with pleasure. After a vlsll to Captain and Mrs. Krank Wilkinson Darling, at "Ccdurl Hall,'' the Misses Ploionee Smith and Kau- Smith hnvo ruturnpii to lliolrl home In Amlover. Mass. MosnYs. City Howard' ami flcorgol l.arm-d. of Now Volk, nie the guests You'll Find Pcriccl Satisfaction In the Faultless B Frankel & Kiiseiiman CL?THENG. Built ricjbt?that's the whole story. We could talk a pace full to you, and after all, the mean Ing would he the same. No clothing in the wo: Id made like ourc?it couldn't be All Hie newest, smaitcst nnd most ex? clusive effects In SUITS and OVERCOATS. Mcn'r. Suits.$IC to $25... Men's Overcoats. .$10 to $30 STETSON SHGES HOWARD HATS 1 FRANKEL & E1SENMAN 36 WEST QUEEN STREET, HAMPTON, VA. of Councilman mid Mis. Qoorgo \V Howe., in Melroso avenue. First [Joiitonnal Jantoa Pulton, of I'm i Moultrlo, S. C. Im spoudlng several days herd with friends; Mr. ami Mrs. A. Tylor Hull nntl Master A. T. Mull. Jr.. will lonvo t<> day inr Richmond, in attend thu horse show, Mr. Illld Mis. Benjamin Mil I. of VVlllluihshUrg, and Ikllsa Lucy Curtis of York county; are thti guests ni Officer an,i MrHj Leslie Curtis,, In Ai III 1st<'ad avenue. Messrs, I', e, liuilil nuil Joseph li. aiii.? of Richmond; who hnvu I.? visiting Mr. kmlld DIuHtli, will rot? n in their homo today. Mr. ami Mr.:. Kltitl Smith, of Mos row, vi.: Mrs. Ocorgo Ludd, of Mos I cow, Vi : Mr. 1. Mclnlyro, Miss flrttco Mclnlyro, of Crown Point, N. Y? and Miss Ma:y Mclnlyro. or llos ion, nr.- Iii? guests of Capt. and Mrs; I'raiik W. Dhrllllg, al ?(???dar Hall Mm. I .add Is llio daughter i>r Mr. Cyrn? 11mlii 11n. rounder of Roberts' CoIIok< in Constant hint ?!?? .and Ik on h?r way to Red Quk, Iowa, whdro ijho will .<?? (do in tho fuliiro. ROBERT ALLEN UNDER AHR EST Negro Wanted for Complicity in tho Temple Murder Found in Kork Co. Sheriff lt. K. Curtis has l.i In* formed Ihnl Itoherl Allen, colored, who I : wauled line for aliened complicity In iho shooting of heujainlu Tem|de, near SoliOOIt'S Hani. hau been lirrCHtcd In Vork county. The Vork authorities have a charge, imalllRl Hie man. hut II Ik expected thai Allen will ho turned over In Mm local ofTlcors because of Hie very BO Irlous naturo of Hie crime lie In accups od ?>f. _ ;.. .1. W. PARKS IS Alt RESTED. Capt. Evanu and Mr. Hollow.iy Were Only Slightly Wounded. .1 William Parks, who shot at Capt, Kvans and a man liniued I lot loway in York county last Thursday morning, wan arrested In York county yesterday. Further dotnlls from the affair show ihai neither Can! ICvnna nor Jlolloway was Injured lo any great extent. Uoth of the men soughl shelter hohlnd a canoe, while Parks was firing, ami only two shot hit Capt. Kvans and one slrnek Mr. Hol loway. Parks used a tlonUlo-hnrrollod shot Kiln and emptied both bill reis at the two men. ENCOURAGED DY VISIT. Dr. Moon Tclln Mr. Jchnnon That He Docs Not Fear for His Son. County Treasurer David Johnson re? turned liom Richmond last owning, wher,. he Bl>oii| yesterday In consul lallon with Dr. linen relative to tho examination of (he head of the dog that had billeii his son. Masler Ray? mond Johnson. (in account of the I adlly decompos? ed condition of Hie canine's' head the physician was unable to make a care lul examination, hut after llstonlng to a statement from Mr. Johnson, He. Moon expre sod Hie hollpf (lull the dead don was not suffering from rabies when he hit tho boy. Dr. Uooh told Mr. Johnson thai no u.1 not feel any anxiety for the yOUIIg boy. Master Raymond was bitten by (he dog la.-.t Friday, there being a Blight abrasion on (he hand. Qualified ag Administratrix. Mrs. Lucy .lame . yoBtorday riuallfled before Clerk of Hie Courts llari'v IT. Holt as the administratrix of tho es? tate of her lale husband, Mr. Andrew James. Messrs. Frank W. Darling, I'JIIIoll llndgltlS illld C. II. How'IlM were appointed the appraisers on (he properly. Used Shovel on His Head. August SchrbttdOr, of Maryland, and a fellow Murylnndor, hamod Joseph l.enz, became Involved In a controver? sy in West QllOOh street yesterday morning. Schr?der used a shovel with lolling olTeel on the head of l.enz. officer John Cirjmlngluim arrested Sch render .-.who wld he given a pre? liminary hearing this morning. Look's Conditio.' ':? said t'i lie svrlous. Tennyson's Cynicism. Sir Vere de Yore was (he eldest pon nf Sir Aubrey de Vere, the sonneteer lind friend of Wordsworth, Ills broth? er, Aubrey de Vere. was a more than well known, a famous poet, and 'to him In his .vouth Walter Savage len? der addressed the exhortation: Make thy proud h?mo still prouder for thy sons. He had no sons, however, never hnv liiu married. Neither bad his brothers.. Vere and Stephen. Thus Hie came, as a family name, disappears, The He Veres were early friends of Tennyson's, mid it was from them that the poet look (he nmne^yidcb he made proverbial and i ? i class "the caste of Vere de Yore." l.ady de Vcro, the only I.ady de Vere of fact then living, was Inclined to complain that her name should In- bo*I BtOAVcd upon the black hearled Lady ('Iura of fiction. Tennyson wrote dainty verses, but Will not master of dainty manners. He growled: "Why should you care? Hut of course yon don't. I didn't make your mimosa ko ugly, and I didn't make her stupid. I only made her wicked." Hcre't ; Cigar Bargain. The famous in cent "lnyonclblos," ? cents on week .lays and six for lift cents on Saturdays, TUB Johnson Pharmacy, inc. lo-mu BELL COMPANY MAKING EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS About $25,000 is Being Spent on I Peninsula Lines Exclusive of Amount for Submarine Cables. Mr. s. Cordon Cuminlng yesterday cum' nut tho statement below: "A lend covered cubic containing cine hundred pairs <if wires bus ill ready been completed Bovoral blocks | beyond the point where ijiSalto ave? nue crosses the Shell road going to I wards Newport News, and the polos im) oiler malerbil lor completing U new line Com the point where lite cable terminates on 10 the HoUloVll.U mil for several miles on the Boole vnrtl, are arriving now. mid hofort many weeka the Telephone Company will have a fine new line on the Con lovard with amide facilities, and mil subscribers who desire (he same can | then sioil.e special line si 'vice. "Ity the time this work Is coinplel ?d liiere will I" two more Circuits ready holWQOII Hampton and Newpoi News and ninny more between I lamp Ion and Old Point. "A large force of Ilm men Is busily ?imaged In putting ii|i a new leaden '.cd cable Containing one liuniln pairs of wires from Old Poiul Comfort through Phoebus to lltimptoiu Increased Facilities. vVhon this work Is completed ate" Mio new Boulevard line completed, the com pit r y will have facilities fur fully 150 nin e new subscribers Tin oinpanv is doing a great deal ol wo.k In other direction:: and Is vorv desirous of laving the cooperation oil Ills pa Irons to ll.I thai Hampton I I may have a telephone oxehttngo ot ] which all of its ell I/ens will be proud 'The work will cost in the neighbor hood ot $26,000, and this does not in ?l?de Hie largo sum of money which I Iis helm: expended In gelling addition I a I submarine cables l.'jtwoen Old | j Point Colli Tot I nnd Wlllotighby Soil A now lead covered cable enclosing large copper wires heavily |nnn luted has ahead) been completed from Willoiighhy Spit all the way to the 'xchange in Norfolk, and it Is said | that this cable alone cm) 136,000. By the lime all the WOrjt is completed ] from Newport News ami Hampton via Old Point Comfort ami Wllloughhy Spit to Norfolk, the additional amount 1 of money Invested In order to furnls goo,| leb plume service between tills lion ami the City of Norfolk will | I amount to nl least $75,000 .and com puling depreciation nl ten por c; ilnliM'St at seven por cent., and cur [rent inttltoiinncc nl eight por cent.. |i I can readily bo s.i I hat it will cost | the company more than $25 00(1 per j annum, not including operating oxpeni H, to provide this very great con Ihlcncd to the public, ami this In psttlioill show:; Us very great raltll In the fill lire of this section, as the ill business between Hie ul'ive points at present does not amount to one-fourth of the above mini. "The officials of the Southern hell, Company, however, hellere that who I the people wall) Is good ami reliable tolophnuu service al reasonable in tos, lud when this is furnished the httsl [ noss increases cimimouly." RECORD IN APPEAL CASE OF ACC0MAC NEGR0E0 Attorneys for Uzzcll, Burton nnd Converse Will Ark Supreme Court For New Trial. TllO recordB In Hie appeal to the Supreme Omi t of the cases of Bur Ion, IJxr.oll nnd Converse, tho three I negroes from Accommnck county, convicted of causing the race riot at |OntltlCOCk, have been llUllle Up 1111(1 were presented to Judge .1. w. c, Blnckstoiio for his signature in Now port News last night. Messrs. wiliox ami Tunstall, tho ) allorneys for the three min, came to Hampton yesterday and after a long Conference with the prisoners in 'Hampton jail, proceeded to Newpoi1 Nows, where .llldge Hlnckstnuc Is en? gaged In the term of Hie Circuit Court, The Norfolk lawyers were Closeted With the prisoners for several hours, and while they made no statements tor publication II is understood that the attorneys fool certain of secur? ing a new trial for the convicted men. Hxsoll was given three years In the penitentiary, while Burton nud Converse were each sentenced to spend ten years In that lust Hut ion Pr./ell was the editor of the n'gro paper and Bm ton ran n big stori al ('nancock. MOVING plaLTREMACHlNE FILM CATCHES FIRE Accident at Pythian Castle Causer. Ex? citement Among Spectators?Lit? tle Damage Done. A film In Hie moving picture ma chine at (lie Pythian Castle last nicht j caught fire and created considerable excitement in West Queen street. The auditorium was very well tilled1 With people witnessing the exhibition. when tlte flro occurred. The nla m caused the spectators much uneasi? ness, hut those In charge of the show suci.led in keeping very good order until the%audlenee dispersed. The alarm of fire was hurrledlv In, lied in and the i" spend, ,| with unusual quickness. The blnr.e was soon extinguished with tin use of a patent extinguisher, and thd damage will not amount to a gnat deal. Davis It. Fined $2C. Willltm Den y Davis, the Philadel? phia negro arrested by Officer .lohn W. Cunningham, was fined $20 and costs by Mayor Thornton F. .Inn'.?, in the Hampton police, court yosterdaj morning, for interfering with liv offi co in the discharge of his duty, Da? vis, whoso face was black from the POINT, humping given him by Ilia nfflcor lliln'l have (In- cash anil went In jhhl for sixty layu. Lost Hie Revolver. Officer .lohn rigour, <>r Uio county polio.1 forco, Is loiuonnlug tho loss of his faithful rovoSor The officer Was going from llninitou to tho Soldh rs' Homo through he Normal school -rounds. Wlion la losl the rovolvor. ? WAMTKD WANTED -P08I ION AS HOUSE koefior ami lamdrcss by competent white Ihtlyj ji? i? l> MICHAEL A. IIRECK, Ward A. Soldiers' Homo Hospital, j 10-9-111. fOR SALE. K"OR SALE MOOD SVORK IIORSH5: cheap to l|>uk Inner. P. K. NICO l.opooi.O} in West Queen otroej Hampton. I0-C-3L *? 5 Stw S? 5? The (jealcst Conve? nient ot Modern Time A ks IRON. CALFjlNI) SEE IT. Iwi'TON, Va I.08T RBTWBBN HAMILTON AND Ohl Point, black and white cilfjf, containing gold link cliff tuition, en? graved "J. W. II . l?00." Liberal reward if returned to Dr. .1. WIL? TON HO'l'B, North Slug street, to :> it. TjSUKggailMW 111 IMMII i|i (I iy,|pn?rew.T> Why Not Be In Style And Look Nice in a KIRSNER tWfnes ai I belong to tho loilrtbe that'.rsy >d nway from DulA soforo but sullod on tho lied in. I'm ?Vrlci cutter. Im a nionumsker: I'llu ouo that sells all Jrulgbl WUTo? retail at wholesale prices. Ttfol lowing high grace 10c. WuU* I soil for it: n drink;Taul Joneurt lye, Slierwocnl H>e\vulskey, foil Springs, puro Marylnd Ryo WVv. Overholt Ryo v7hlsliy, Parkwoc.yo Whiskey. All of lie shove Mil Whiskies are ?trlily high |e; wntch my prices l\ you darowi me If you can. \V'A>\key In jci following price,*:( Old Nick Pure Rye, % pt, ICc gallon.Do Ijoniinrd's Favorite, Vi pt., 10( gallon.k) Hunter'.? 1 nltlioore Rye, % p: 16c; gallon .....? Matylatid Club, V4 pt., 2:0. v Ion.p Pnul .Innen Pure Rye, % pt, 201 gallon.6 Star A, Rye, gallon.b Moss Kose, ga'.ion.b ijirkwond Pure Rye, gallon ...o Jefferson Pure Rye, gallon.,..5 Kentucky Dourbon, gallon ...1) Double. Stump Oln, gallon_P The following brands of Callft als Wines. Pirt. Sherry, (J tnwbn, Clnrel, niackberry , 25c per qt., per gallon, 7C Prldo of North, Caroiioa, ' I years old, gallon.j Kummelll, per gallon.j I Carroll Springs, gallon.J XXXX Maker Ryo, gallon.J Our garments 00111 bino Style, Quality and Fit. and wo defy competitors to uudersell 11s. It's a fai l thai uothiug that leaves otir store can be duplicated for Iho I n ice at other plat e?. Then we guaiauteo eat idfaoti'-n or money back. Kirsncr's Clothing Store, riirsner, Prop. |^18 and 20 W. Queen St. Hamilton, "Vit. AIR LINE FERRY STEAMER8 Eleanor, Squirrel and OouZdinan Will land you at the new government Pier at the Exposition Grounds. FALL STYLES s ICc, 125c., 15c. An almost ,?.!!. ,s variety to select from, small and dainly pat? tern;, t? 11,0 more elaborate plal,ds ami floral patterns. ?ROWE'S DEPT. STORE HAMPTON, VA. A NOBBY DISPLAY OF HIGH GRADE MILLINERY. That's exactly whal the many ladies who came to our display Ibis week told us. and If >'bu wish to see the exhlb lion you hau hot tor come in within the nest lew days. We have never shown a protllor or most up-to-lho-tlnics line of millinery. It is known thai we established the reputation lor low prices, ami ibis season's showings aro made even more attract vo by tho small money we ask for them. Mr./*. L M. Sts^cy THE MILLINERY STORE OF QUALITY. No. 31 L*. Queen Street. Hampton, Va. HENRY L. SCHMELZ. Pr?.ld?nt. FRANK W. DARLING, Vlce-Pr.sld.nt. Hw Bank of Hampton Hampton, Virginia IS THB OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON DR NIWPOnT NEWS. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $100,000.00 $125,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILL'ON DOLLARS. The only designated Depository In the State of Tlrglnla In rf??v*?.>"lrglnia. We make loans on Real Estate?NOT PRO IIiniTED? as are the National Bank*. POUR PER CE/JT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Leavo Old Point A. M. 8:00 S: 15 0:::u JO: 15 11:00 11:45 p. 12::io 1:16 1:00 2:45 .1:30 4:15 5:00 5:45 C:30 7:15 8:0C 8:45 9:30 10:15 M. Leave. Exposition A. M. 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:45 M. 12:30 1:15 2:00 |j NELSON S. GROOME, Cashier. Just As Well Keep This In Mind! K\?"oT4re?tWM town ,0<,ki"e :it M,,,,ntiry ,,,:,t l,,ero p?t BORGES" MILLINERY STORE est Persi ins's.'vr "-1"'^ 1^""",I',,t, ?'"' exhibition .embraces all the lat few 'diiVs.'"? lbU fa" r,r^'- a"<>" "avo the hat for you It, a Surges' Millinery Store LAST Q?BEN BTRBB1 BURGES' MILLINERY FASHIONS HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. :45 :30 G:45 G:30 7:15 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 a x. , . 11:00 oufioSci? BUbJcCl ,0 Chn"BO WIlh Last Boat Leaves Exposition at 11 ? 00 p. m. Special Continuous Round Trip Tickets, 25c. Good after ? o'clock P M. N. I Barrel And Bottle Hi 18 AND 18 MELLfcN SI I Phoonua, Va. Now Pall Are arriving dally showings nro fur Kiiperloj anything we hnvo evi In the lino of high rJi It'RS. Just as well bo tri "push"' and get your ordi early. Wo guaranleo tho most feet fit, nnd wo dial others to dUpllcato our pri Order now and have the!"'"' enRy ll"ii! ready when fall Is hero. "' n '"?1 i+i%mvnm. iimnii.m^mw^-^,^ FOR RENT! We hkyesoveralnice,dwellings that * will be for rent within the next few days. You had better speak quick if you want one. M. H. MORGAN & CO., REAL ESTATE, RENTAL 6 INSURANCE AGENTS 18 S. King SI. Phone 91. Hamplon, Va. rmi^ww^r.???.hi.I lillli Ii Ittmiww For Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating 713 '? "TT r' ' SEE CHAS. f. TAYLOR of Hampton, Va., The reliable plumber, who carries tho largest stock of Plumb? ing Strain and Hot Water Fixtures on the Pdhlnsilln. All wor" guaranteed. Repair work promptly attended lo, 'Phono 173 Cor Court Rod Queen Strcela. ' Got Ready for ...nter Now. 1 S.Marbac THE EXPERT TAILO Corner Court and Queen S Hampton, Vn. A Lillle Talk on REAL tSrAJt 1 am offering some of the choicest building lots In the (Bast and West Ends of tho town at very law prices and this la no excuse owning his house If you are looking for improved propi rty pf an> kind. I can procure you better bargains which will bring you suror line'cases In values than an j one in ?lampion; W. ?. LAWSON. Uauk of Hampton H'dg. Haiuplon, Va. COOL AND COZY. You're In f<> n? pleasant tlnio If you seat youraolf nt rtno of tlio tables in nn Ice (jrcani parlor where my cream Is sold and order a dish of cream. it's refreshing, palate-pleasing, healthful and nourishing! Many fla? vors to choose from ?all good. Try our Peach Cream. Nothing but cream from Tho Virginia Polytechnic Insti? tut,. Cream er j used in making all my Ice cream. i R. E. Gatewood. Corner County and Curry Street* Phoebua. 'Phone. Daily Pms, 10 Cents a Week