Newspaper Page Text
Self-Boosting Pedagogues. This Is tho tlnio of the year whon. pstiniatos of oducatlonal expenditure being In order In many cities of tho country, tho authorities faco sugges? tions that the salary of this super? intendent or that specialist In some fnd or other he raised bocaUBO he Is supposed to have received tho Offer of a higher salary elsewhere. The lack of Ingenuity displayed In either actually working up such an offer or In creating a hellet that It has boon made or Is pending Is equalled only by the lnck of common sense display? ed In mooting It. Inasmuch us the gag Is usually successful, tho Increase in salnry Is made and nothing more is heard of an urgent call for the bone ((clary's services elsewhere until the time for the next cstltnntCB ap? proaches. The scheme has In the past few years I'ccotne quite systematized, and It would be quite possible to name half a dozen alleged great lights WOMEN Wl Health Is the First Essei Woman j MISS HULDA KUGHLER Thoro in a beauty and attrnotlve Upm in health whloh is far greater than mere regularity of lecture. A slcltlv, irritable, and complaining woman always carrion a oloud of depression with her; she In not only unhappy herself but Is a damper to all joy and happiness when with her family und friends. It is tho bright, healthy, vlvaoloun woman who always oharmn and carries sunsblno whnrover she goes. If a woman finds that her enerfflos are flagging and that everything tires her; If her feminine system fails to perform its allotted duties, thoro is nervousness, sleeplnsaneas, faintness, bncltacho, hoadacho, bearing -down pains, and Irregularities, causing constant misery and melnuoholla, she should romomber that Lydia H. PlnkttKm'a Vegetable Compound nm<le. from natlvo roots nndhorba will dispel all these troubles, lly correct? ing the causa of the trouble it cures where other treatment may have, failed. Miss Elisabeth Wynn, of No. 805 6th Avenue, New York City, writes : Dear Mrs. rinkhaiui? "For monthi I suffered with dreadful headaches, pain In tho bark and <o*?re hemorrhages. I wna woak and out of sorts all tho time. Lydia R. Plukhnm'a Vegetable Compound bolped me whan all othor mcdl clno had failed. It seemed to bo juat what X needed aud quickly rwtorod my health." In popular education In thin country who ore hound to be "mentioned'' on nually in connection with Rome place paying a higher salary than the one they are receiving, hut who, never tholOBB, COUld hardly he driven from the place? they tire now occupying, It It) Heidorn that anyone tnkoB the trouble to run down the rumors of the offers which are given publicity In the press of localities graced by the presence of the aforesaid lights, and lion or dnrohni wadorf gawrfinhmbah tlzod or lionoyfogled boards of educa? tion or school commissioners are In? clined to take the practical view that they should not stand In the way of anyone's bettering himself by using the money of taxpayers to persuade hltn to refuse the rumored offer. lie flisal to fatten the pot for these self boosting pedagogues would, however, put a Btop to the rumors?Potor Pechlii, in Southern Kann Magazine of Baltimore for October. HO CHARM ntial Toward Mailing a \ttractivo. MISS ELIZABETH WYNN MIbs ritilda Kughler, of No, 85, Wont 1.1th fcUreet, Now York City, writes: Donr Mrs. Ptnkhnmi? "For months I was 111 with nn Internal trouble I suffered terrible, nuinn-, win nervous. Irritable, nnd bIcU all tlio ihno. I took dllicrnnt medicines without I . n> tit Lydln K. l'luklmin's Vrgotablo Compound was recommended and within six mouths I was completely restored to health anil I want to rocommend It to every suffering woman." Women who nro troubled with painful or irregular functions, back? ache, bloating (or flatulence), displace? ments, Inflammation or ulcerntlon, that bcnrlng-dowu feeling, dizziness, Indigestion, or nervous prostration may bo restorod to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia 10. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound, Mrs, Plnkham's Invitation te Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink-ham, at Lynn, Mass. Prom tho symptoms given, tho trouble may bo located and the quickest and aurcst way of recovery ndvlsed. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female Ills Mrs. Plnkhnm probably has thu very knowledge that xvlil help your caso. Her advice ia free cud always helpful. Capital Dry Goods House. WASHINGTON AVE. AT THIRTIETH STREET SALE OF WOOL DRESS GOODS TODAY At 50c Yard. You will bo surprised at the Flap Quality and Handsome Stylos shown. Every weave that Is In favor this season Is represented in this collection, The colors are dark and rich In solid and novelty weaves. Es pcclally strong lino of checks and plaids. RICH RUSTLING BLACK TAFFETA SILK For Suits, Skirts Waists or Fine Petticoats, a l.vllllnnt Glossy ?lack, full yard, yard $1.00. Watch and Jewelry We mako a specialty of fine Watch and Jewelry repairing In all of Its branches. Having the LARGEST and most comploto and up to date repair do parttnont In tho city, wo can guarantee you the very best of work at honest and reasonable prices. J. J. PALMER'S SONS THE LEADING JEWELERS 2704 Washington Ave. Established, 1892. " ' ?IAIU Unt DnUlu win Richmond Bookies Lose Heavily on Two Races. GOOD CROWD FOR FAIR'S SECOND DAY Drenching Rnln Causes Trotting Events to be Declared Off?Darnel Fortune, Silver Brook, J Cousin Frances and Flying Virginia, (Special to Tho Dally Press.) RICHMOND, VA., Oct. 8.?Tho at tendance today at the State fair I grounds was much larger than on the opening day. '.On account of the heavy I track, duo to n drenching rnla, the I trotting races were declared off, and] four races placed Instead. The time was not unusually fast. The only close rnco was tho steeple | ehase. Dame Fortune was the fa? vorite. In the first i are, and quite n| sum was dropped on her by tho | bookies. Sliver Brook, a (! to 1 shot, took the first money. The second race had n large field With Coiislu Prances (', to 1, the win? ner. In the quarter In this rncol .Tockoy Jackson, oh Jonah, fell, taitl he was uninjured. Bell Cat the favorite in the third | race, won handily. Plying Virginia took first money In tho steeple chase with wild Range, tho favorite, in second. FIRST GAME A DRAW (Continued from Pnge fi.) to capacity, while a IHin fringe or enthusiasts occupied standing room tu | deep center field, Whatever grount1 rules have been formulated were not in evidence, ns none of the nlnoteei hits went outside the playing space. The game watt called at 2:30 o'clock, but fou;- hours before that lime long | lines of would be spectators were be? sieging the gates and good naturedlyj Struggling to he first through the turnstiles, so ns to secure points of vantage. It was an extremely good nnturcd crowd, remarkable for Its spirit of fair play and courtesy, nnd the half Hundred policemen had no trouble at all in keeping it within bounds. An Even Contest. The game Itself was evenly con? tested. Both teams broke under fire Chicago, mixing two of Its errors with I wo hits In the eighth Inning when Detroit scored all three of Its runs, while the visitors returned the com? pliment In the next Inning, allowing Chicago to tie the score. Captain Coughlln'fl error enme In ?> inning nnd was costly with run? ners on on first nnd second he lei an easy grounder from Rvers' hat get away front him. filling the hnses. After that two runs came ncross, Oni? on n passed bull, Schmidt falling to hold Howard's third strike. White this was going ?" Overall (rotlrod from the game and when the visitors went to bat In the extra In? nings they had to face Reulbach'.< speedy delivery In the growing dnrk ness. The tall pitcher was In a rare form, having 'good control, and against his curves and shoots such batsmen ns Schaefor, Crawford and Cobb were helpless. Cobb Gets Medal. The game was scheduled to start at 2: no o'clock, lint nearly ten minutes were consumed While Cobb. Detroit's fielder, was presented With a huge gold medal set with diamonds as a reward for leading the American Dengue In bnttlng In tho season Just closed. A long conference between Managers Chance and Jennings nnd Umpires O'Day and Shetidnn also de? layed the start. Chicago. An. It. H. PO. A. R. Single, cf.f, 0 2 2 0 0 Schokard, if.r. o i 2 o o Chnnce, lb. 4 2 1 15 0 0 Stetnfeld, 3b. .1 l l 2 Kling, c. 4 0 2 8 3 0| Bvors, 21)., ss. 4 0 2 2 3 Schulte, rf. 5 0 1 2 0 1 Tinker, ss. 3 0 0 3 5 0 ??Howard . 1 0 0 0 0 0 Zimmerman, 2b. i 0 0 o o o Overall, p. 3 0 0 0 ?Moral! . 0 0 0 0 0 0| Reulbach, p.o o o o o o Totals .30 3 10 3? 15 3| **Batted for Tinker In ninth In? ning. ?Batted for Ovornll in ninth. I>otrol!. AH. It. II. PO. A. E. Jones. If.5 1 3 3 J 0| Scltaefer, 2b.6 1 1 7 1 Crawford, cf.5 1 3 1 0 01 Cobb. rf. 5 0 0 0 0 01 Rossman, ih.4 o o o 3 o Cougtllln, 3b. 5 0 0 1 0 1 Schmidt, c.G 0 2 12 3 1 O'Lcnry. sa. 4 0 0 0 3 Donovan, p. 5 0 0 3 3 Totals .44 3 9 3G IV '.'I Score by innings: Chicago .000100 00 2.000?3 Detroit .000 ft 00 03 0 000?.". Summary. Sacrifice hltR?O'l^eary. Stelnfeldt nnd Kvers. Stolen bases? Single (2). Sheckartl, Chance, Steln? feldt, Kvers, Howard, Jones (2). Schaefor nnd Rossninn. Double playi ?Rvers to Tinker: Sehnefer to Ross man. Hits?Off Overall, 0 in nine| Innings. Loft on baaes?Chicago, 0: Detroit. 8. Bases on balls?Off Over all, 2: Donovan, 3. First base on errors?Detroit, 1. Hit by pitched bnll?Stelnfeldt' nnd Slmekard. Struck out.?By Donovan. 12: Overall. Reulbach, 2. Passed ball?Schmidt. Time of game, 2:38. Umpires, O'Day| and Sheridan. Hand Painted China, by master painters. ART POTTERY. RICH CUT GLASS. Wo have a fall stock of nil suitable, wedding presents, and our prices are right. Hales Co., JE WE LEI.8. Washington nvenuo cornor of. Twonty nInth street. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIR.OINIA, COUNTY OF NORFOLK BS.: On this m?h day of September, A. D. 15)07. on reading the petition of J. A. Vandegrltt, bankrupt, for dis? charge, It Is ordered by the court, that a hearing bo had upon the saint? on the 22d day of October, A. I) 1907, beforo said Court, at Norfolk, In said district, at 11! o'clock noon; nnd that notice bo published in Tho Dally Press, a newspaper printed In said district nnd that all known creditors and other pe.sons In interest mny np pear at the said time and place and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. Witness the Honorable Edmund Waddlll, Jr., Judgo of tlu> said Court, and the seal thereof, at Norfolk, In said district, on the liGtli dny of Sep? tember, A. D. 1907. Attest: 0. E. DOWDEN. Clerk. By W. B. WALKER, 10-2-9L Deputy Clerk. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR TUR BASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA. SIXTH DIVISION, in the matter of Serafln F. Hoff? man, bankrupt. In bankruptcy No. 708. To the creditors of Soratin F. Hofr man, of Newport News, in the county of Warwick, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is herein- given that on the 8th dny of October A. D. 1907, the said Serafln F. Hoffman was dulj ad? judicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will he held nt room No. 301, Sllsby lluilding, in Newport News, Yn., on the 21st day of Octot'pr A. D. 1907, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, nt which time the said creditors mnv attend, prove their clnlms appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact surh other business as may properly come before snbl meeting. Dated: Newport News, Virginia, Oc? tober 9, 1907. JNO. D. LOCKE, Referee In Bankruptcy. G. M. D1LLARD, Attorney for Bankrupt. 10 9-11. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT court OF TUR UNITED STATUS FOR THIO EASTERN DISTRICT OF Virginia; sixth division. In the matter of Iyiuls Oser. Bank? rupt. In Bankruptcy No. 707. To the creditors of Lculs Oser. of Newport News, Vs.. In the county of Warwick, nnd district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 36th day of September, A. d. 1907. the said Louis Oser was duly adju? dicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at room No. 301, Sllsby Building. In Newport News, Vn., on the 16th day of October, A. d. 1907. at id o'clock In the forenoon, nt which time the said creditors may attend, provo their clnlms, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transttct such other business ns may properly come be? fore said meeting. Dated: Newport News, Virginia October 9, 1907. JNO. B. LOCKE. Referee In Bankruptcy. W.M. C. STUART, Attorney for Bankrupt. 10-9 It. Fine Stationery. Lends tone to your t*ist ness und creates a favorable impression. Wo snnke good Impressions on stationery at prices consistent with good work. Wo carry tho following well known brands of paper: Bond3 ? Hotisatontc, Bnr rlnglon, Daulrer, Cambric, Carthago. i Flat Writing ? Windsor, Ivnnhoe, Palo Alto and River? side. Our specialty, nil kinds of commercial printing. Engraving. Wo represent one of the beat engraving houses in the United States and gunrantee quality and prompt delivery. Warwick Printing Co. (INCORPORATED.) 211 Twer.ty^flfth 8t. Bell 'Phone 123. AMUSEMENTS. Academy ? Wednesday SAM. S. and LEE GHUBERT (INC.) Offem the ringing, swinging musi? cal (Jem, "The Tourists" with EDDIE GARVIE Prices 23c. to $1.50. Sale now open. Academy- Thursday. DONNA SEYMOUR Presents the Musical Spectaclo "Mr. Blue Beard" Prices 25c. to $1.00. Sale now open. ACADEMY?FRIDAY HELEN BYRON. The Sunbeam of Musical Comedy in "PegQY From Paris" George Ado's Comic Opera d0-9-3t Epworth League Star Course SUNSHINE & SHADOWS Entertainment by "Sunshine" Hawks Chestnut Avenue Methodist Church, 25th nod Chestnut. Monday, Oct. 14, 1907. 8:15 p. m. Admission 25c. RENT LIST. REYNOLDS BROTHERS. Oct. 3, 1907. Houses. 135 Twenty-sixth street .$22.30 2:i:i Thirty-second street . 30.00 .121 Forty-second street . 15.00 326 Forty-third street . 15.00 336 Forty third street . 15.0c .115 Fifty-fourth street . 45.00 520 Thirty second id root . 7.50 520 Thirty-second street . 7.50 52S Thirty-second street. 7.60 52S Thirty-second street . 7.50 634 Thirty second street . 7.50 511 Thirty first street . 6.00 1021 Twenty-eighth street . 8.00 1154 Twenty-eighth street. 12.00 1251 Twenty seventh street _ 10.00 1255 Twenty seventh street _ 10.00 Flats. .1500 Washington Ave. (1st)_$25.00 .1506 Washington Ave. (2nd)_ 20.00 2604 Washington Ave. (2nd)... 15.00 Dr. Jones' Building (1st). 15.00 Trade Building (1st). J2.00 Trado Building (2nd). 10.00 Trade Building (3rd). 8.00 EDUCATIONAL. PROF. E. B. ALSOP'S SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Room 5, C. & M. Bank Building, Twen? ty-seventh Btrect. Next session opens Monday, Sop tombec 16. The most progressive nnd artistic system taught. Best results in shortest time. Studio will bp open Monday and Tuesday, September 10th nnd 17th, from 0 n. m. to 4 p. m., for the recep? tion of pupils. 9-15-tf. Virgil Piano School and School off Public Performance. Washington Avenue and Twenty ninth street, Newport News, Va., opens Tuesday, October 1, 1907. The most scientific and progressive meth? od traught. The method of the greal conservatories of Europe. MISSES EWELL, Directors. SEALED PROPOSALS. OFFICE PURCHASING COM MIS sary U. S. Army. Newport News, Va., October 8. 1907.?Sealed propo? sals for furnishing and delivering sub? sistence stores In tills city, nnd at Camp U. s. Troops, Jamestown Expo? sition Grounds. Virginia, for the month of November. 1907, will be received In this office until 11 o'clock n. m. on October 18, 1907, and then opened Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing bids should be marked "Proposals for subsistence stores to be opened October 18. 1907,'' nddrossed to CAPTAIN J. N. KIL? IAN. Commissary II. S. Army. 10-9-5L ONLY RESTAURANT IN TOWN THAT SERVE8 CHOP SUEY AND YOKOMA. Any person wanting nice Chinese or American meal ^o to New Tork Restaurant, 2409 Warwick avenuo. 8-30 3mos. MESIC'S CASH GROCERY 8510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. A'few specials for week ending Oct. 12. 1907: Flour (Hold Medal) two 121b. hags fo- 7r>c or $t; n bbl. California Canned I'oachcK at 20 c a can, or $2.25 per doz. Good Canned reaches and Peas at ir>c a can, worth 20c (Baltimore packed). Heinz Baked Beans (the best) at 10 and 15c a can. Try our Succotash, the best on the market( New York State pack). Van Camp's Red Kidney Beans. In cans (they're fine). Swift's Silver Loaf Lard, 3, 5 and 10 lb- cans at 40c, 05c and $1 25 a can. Upton's Perfection Coffee (Mocha and Java) at 25c a lb. Try our nil pork country Sausage, at 15c a lb. Jones' Hams, the best at 17o a lb, worth 18c. New Prunes, just arrived, largq and medium I! or I lbs. for 25c. Sllceil Beef (In glass jars) at 20c a glass, worth 25c. ? Just received a fresh lot of Bird Seed only Pic a pkg. Try our Apple Blossom Toilet Soap (it's fine) at 15c a box, or 2 for 25c. Kippered Herring lit mustard, at 20c und In nil nt 15c a can. Full Cream Cheese nt 20c a lb. New Pig's foot, highly spiced and pickled. :t lbs for 25c. New Buckwheat already prepared at 10 and 15c a pkg. At MESICS 8510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. Clt. Phone 109. 9 WHY DON'T YOU RENT YOUR VACANT ROOMS INSTEAD OF LETTING THEM STAND IDLE? A 25c For Rent Ad. in "Daily Press" Will bring you In Many Dollars for them. Those who w? rooms don't go up nod down the streets looking for nig The first thing they do is to scan the "For Rent" column of tho Dally Press. If you ore Interested, call us up. Our representative will call and get your ad. or glvo othor Information It desired. Bell 'Phone 181. , WANTED. WANTED?GOOD BOTTLER. WILL pay good salary. Apply NEWPORT NEWS BOTTLING COMPANY. ion-2t. WANTED?GENTLEMAN TO OCCU py nicely furnished room, all con? veniences, Apply 119 Twenty-eighth strcot. 10-S-tf. WANTED?'-SMALL BOY TO AN swer 'phone. 209 Thirty-first street. 10-9-tf. WANTED?MEN AND WOMEN CAN vasseds. Apply at once to 209 29th street. 10-7-:;t I WANTED?BOARDERS?130 Till It ty-first street; modern conven? iences! references cxchnnged. WANTED?TO BUT, 8HLL OR Ex? change furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS, 2502 Huntington avenue, 317-3m. WANTED?THH PEOPLE TO KNOW we are buying and selling new and second-hand Furniture. Measles: A Choadle, 2S0S Huntington avenue. 8-2-Sm. WANTED?TO nUY ANY QUANTI ty household goods for cash. Good prices paid. Address OLIVER, can this office. Will call Saturday. 9-25 if. FOR RENT. FOR RENT? BEAUTIFUL FURNISH' ed homo from Dec. 1. Known as "Old Military Academy." Now known as Elmwood. For' particulars call at premises or address W. K C., 2700 Washington nventKi. New? port News, Va. 10S7t. FOR RENT?ROOMS, WITH HOARD. 2910 West avenue. 10-fi Gt. FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOM with heat, light and hath, for mar ried couple or two gentlemen. 2.'!1 Twenty-ninth street. 10-fi-:R. SPECIAL NOTICE. LOTS FOR 8 A LB OR LEASE IN ALI [?arts of the city. Call and go prices. OLD DOMINION LAN! CO.. Hotel Warwick building. LOST. I LOST ? GOLD HORSESHOE PIN. Finder will plcaso return to 323 19th street 10-8-2L LOST SUNDAY NIGHT BETWEEN Baptist church and 2611 1 SuntIn'gtoii avenue, ladles' golrl watcli nnd chatelaine pin; child's picture in pin. Reward o'f returned to 2011 Huntington avenue.' 10-9-11. HELP WANTED MALE. PERMANENT SALARIED POSITIONS I fo- ?tto-aI really htsh Krailo specialty anleamrn?tllo 1 kind BO aalnrv offer would onltnarlly lntereht mon wbooiBesra tnoo s.'?n a year ,.i ling blab ?min I tinea. Toany iMircea,rul sAU-amanriTivintfrMnlilljdi.-d 1 trn'to we ean oiTrr r icellent iironoAUIonn wltli Minn or ihn Inrue-, well known h-.iu . wc are. ?.-?:: .-. Wrllo uk ioday Mallni; exMrjenoe an.I *alnry de. ?Jred. Oftlrea lnTJ cttlca. l\,n/I<Jrn<(<il gcrvivf. /or men now rmiJoyrd. HAPOOODS (Inc.) Brain Broker?. 1213 CeaBtavultt Trait UUg., ruiHe'.pil* FOR BALE. FOR SAUS?OLD ESTABLISHED restaurant and rooming house. Ap? ply Dally Press office i?-0 6t FOR SAI.K - IIOI'SH AND LOT, 21E Twenty-third street, between Hunt? ington ami Washington avenue, $1 500; $i,iiiiii cash, time on balance Address Box -lilt, Georgetown, Washington. in Ulm. FOR SALE?FINE KNADB PARLOR Ornnd Piano, cheap. 20:1 Thirty first street. 10-9-tf !FOR SALE? SAW-.MIL1. PLANT COM plote. 10,000 ft. dally capacity, r, 11? in res timbor in fee. Will exchange for Improved Newport News real es? tate. For particulars, address ,i. E, I WARRF.N. Newport News, Va. 10-7-1 wk. Ifor SALE?100 LARGE RARRED Rock laying hens. lo25 22nd st. 10S-2t FOR SALE ? CHIPPENDALE MA hognny sideboard, handsomely in? laid cost $150. To quick buyer, $85." Fine old piano, In first ClOSB condition, $40. LAPIDARY, Phoe? bus, Va, io-8-:it. FOR SALE?A LITTLE MORE Mil? se for a little less money than you ever saw before, from 7 cents up. Tills month we are giving one copy ? free with each 26 cent purchase-. THE QEO, D. HAMPTON PIANO CO., 21S Twenty-eighth street. l?-5-tf. ? . J FOR SALiS?NICE HOME ON Forty-eighth street for $1,800. $;:00 cash; assume straight C per cent, loan of $1.200; balance $12.50 monthly. St wer, bath and mod? em equipments, SUMMERVILLR ?TRUST CO., INC. 10-6-31. WE SELL AND RENT PIANOS, cash or easy payment plan, accept' second-baud pianos or organs n.i part payment on new instrumenta. Tuning and repairing a specialty. I All work guaranteed. Ferguson Music Co., 209 Thirty-first strcst Clt. Phone 95. 7 10 4m FOR SALE?NEW MILK COW; very gentle; excellent for family. J. N. LAWRENCE, East Hampton. 10-1-12t. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. S. HUGH CAFFEE Oitlec ninl Show Ilnnin* N6.32I2-82I4 Hunting t >n Ate, Finest carriage narrten in Btstoi ipe i-IhI for marriages and fiiucriiU. OPFICB PHONHS: Itoth No. 1 Reald?DnaJ.H.Calle?, 1*0 It,Bell, Residencl A-MiIhiii I), It. Ovoiton, Ko.'IMA, Hell, Tli* very nest servier rendered, all clinsn-.i. Modoratn i liarKCs. W. E. ROUSE, FUNERAL DIRKO tor, 234-2:56 25th street. Ofricq 'Phones 51; Residence rhono 110. TRANSFER COMPANIES OLD DOMINION BAGOAOB TRAN1? fer; offices C. ft. O. Mtatloi). 'Phones, Bell Noa. 401 and 1S5; Wts.. No. II. MONEY TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN IN HUMS OF ?50 to $1,000 at 6 per cent. Merchants Mechanics Ravings Association, Al? lan D. Jonas, Secretary and At tor Bey. First National Rank Huttrtinfr