Newspaper Page Text
OVER Ii MILLION. HAVE ATTENDED El Director General .Marlin Gives Out Number ol Admissions for the First lime. CROWDS GROWING LARGER DAILY Many Predict that Attendance During Months of OcSober and November Will be Greater Than.Total for Pre? ceding Five Months?Rumors Not Discussed. Since tho nates were thrown open on tho 20th of April, 2,198,173 people havo attended tho Jamestown Exposi-j lion. These figures were Riven out last night by the now diroctor general, Mr, Alvnh H. Marlin, am) for the Hist tluio alnce the opening. This total la-j eludes the admission ftoill the opening! lip to um) IllolUdlllg September 30. During the tlrsl week in this month the attendance was largo, and it is believed by many that the number of ndmlssioiis during the months ol (hi ober and November win exceed the total for the other live months of tlio Exposition's lire, lr this proves to be the case, nearly live million people will have visited the Tot centennial when (lie closing date nrrivus, Director General Mai tin said last night, when be gave out the llgurotf, thnt ho has come to the conclusion that II was lime for the public to know Just what the attendance had been. Exposition officials are not discus? sing tlio report that Do- govoiiimVit probably will take charge of tho Tor cetitcnnlnal, but It Is generally be? lieved that nothing of the kind will bo attempted, NEW MEMBERS OF SCHOOL BOARD QUALIFY TONIGHT President Puckett Serves as Presi? dent Throughout the Pres? ent Term. When the board uf school trustees meets In regular session In the High school assembly hall tonight, Col. H. W. lruffmnn and Mr. Charles ll, Fel? lows, (lie newly elected members of the board, will take their oaths of office beforo Superintendent of Schools W. 0. Morion, and become full Hedged trustees. I loth men have qualified, President W. E. Pockett, whose term of office expired last June, was re elected by the city council, ami he will servo hs president of tlio board throughout tho remainder of this term. So far as Is known, Ijjere Is noth? ing of especial Importance to come before the board tonight, hut there in a largo amount of routine work to be disposed of, Superintendent Mor? ton's report on tho enrollment of pupils Is expected ,0 be an Interesting one and will show thai the schools have the largest enrollment In their history. IN CIRCUIT COURT. W. H. Johnson Gets Judgment Against A. P. Price. The cn/i of W. II. Johnson against A. P. Price was heard yesterday ill the circuit court before Judge Black stone. W. II. Johnson sued A. i'. Price for the value of seventeen logs that bail been sold to the latter by a third party, the plaintiff claiming Hint the :,nle was Illegal. A verdict for the plaintiff was returned. ?flie caio of W. R. Scull against the Citizens Rtiilwny Light and Power ( o. will be nosrd today, the plaintiff claim? ing damages for mules alleged to havo boon killed by the railway company, MEMORIAL "REST HOUSE" ^PRESENTED TO P.V.A.SOCIETY Mrs. McLean, President General of Daughters of Revolution, Makes Address at Jamestown. At Jamestown island yesterday, tlio Daughters ol the American Revolution transferred to the Society fo. the Pre? servation of Vlr.tinlB Antiquities a memorial "Rest house." built undo appropriations by the Continental Con? gress of the Daughters of the Ameri? can Revolution, for the comfort of "pilgrims" to the cradle of the nation where the hand of cavaliers founded the first permanent English settle? ment in America three hundred years ago. The transfer was with appropriate exercises, in the presence of a large company of New York and Virginia Daughters of the Revolution, and rep? resentatives of the Virginia Antiqui? ties Society. Mrs. Donald McLean, of New York, p e'sldent general or the Daughters Of the American Revolution, made the presentation address. Messrs. Qldowurtel A Rcga'li, cloth? iers, have- l"on awarded the contract for supplying the Old Point Comfq t College students with uniforms. It. Notice. Patrons of the Newport News Light and Wato ? Company are horeby re? minded that water bills must bo paid bv the lot Ii inst. All delinquents on thn nth lost., win iinyo their snppiv cot off pursuant lo notice given all consumers. N'ewnoM News Light and Water Company, by L. B. MANVIt.LK. Superintendent, 10-M0t. Want to sell Real Es t?te, und some have great bargains Why don't we buy thorn ?, Well, we can't buy them all; we want our clients to take Borao of them. Please allow uh to hhow you what we have paying from 8 to 12 per cent, net. Powell Trust Co. BANKING A: INSURANCE Rents & Real Estate 2711 WASHINGTON AVE. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. ajLjUULBJULf kJULXXSLJLSLJULASIJULBJLy ?$ Social-Personal *t Rev T, s. Ounnwny', pastor of tho Btnlthflold Baptist church, ami Rov. D. C. Henning, p. D., secretary ??r | ihe educational commission or Uio General llaptlst Association of Vir? ginia, left inr lliolr hmuoa yostor- ] day, after visiting Mr. ami Mr:;. C.| w. Baltics, 1130 Twenty-third street. m.s. m. h. Taylor and hoii Aubyu, of Joloravlllo, va., are the guests oi Men. Taylor's sister. Mrs. M. W. Gaylo, i I2J Thirtieth street. I Mr. W. J. Wyatt of Aeennine com. I ty, Is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. .ludson Mapp. 2316 Chestnut avenue. Mrs. IlleLs, who bns been the guest 'of he slst.v. Mrs. .lohn Jackson, litl? j Twonly-otghth street, has returned lo I her home In Mathews county. Miss Majorie Pltolps, of 1029 Twen I ty fifth street, had as her guest Miss Nellie Beard, of Amherst county. Mlrses Rose nml Antic I'enltnore are attending the horse show e| Hlch im mil. i Miss Mlldicd Rvnns has retumod ' from Norfolk, where she has been the ' guest of friends. ' Mrs. .1. Webster Springfield, of Dah Itlntoro, Is the guest of relatives in j the oily. Mr. and Mrs. Louts 0. Phillips have as their guest in North Knd, General W. II. Wherry, U. S. A The Misses Kelln have as their guests on the Boult vard. their cousin. Miss Qortrudo Klein, of Philadelphia. Mr. Charles V. Wllklns has relit lieu to Norfolk, after spending a week with his mother, Mrs. II. L Wllklns, In this city. Miss Grace Wllber. of Washington l>. C., Is visiting relatives here. I Miss Kmlly Thomns has returned 1 f.inii lluffaln. N. Y . where she has I been visiting her parents. i Miss Mnrga'ct Heese, who lias been visiting relatives iu Baltimore, hns returned homo. Miss Hilda Plorman has returned I from ti trip through the North. Mr. w. J. rtlnckwoll, of Culnopper county Is the guest of Mr. \V. L?C Hanger In Hast Knd. Brazor Leaves Dock. Having had her p opollnr blades In? stalled and her hull below- the wa terllne cleaned and painted, the new Maliorv liner Brasos was floated out of dry dock No. 2. at Ihe shipyard. ycBlotday, The vessel will he given a dock trial Within the next few weeks and probably will have her trial, trip the latter part of this month <>;? early In November. New Steamer Docked. The new stei'ine ? Maryland, of the New York. Philadelphia and Norfolk railway, was docked In dry dock No 2. at the shipyard vesterlav to under go slight repairs to her hull. Teg Richmond Repairing. Tho Soaboanl Transportation Com panv's tug Richmond Is undergoing I repairs at the shipyard. The vesse1 was slightly damaged In a collision | In Chesapeake bay recently. Coal for Bremerton Yard. The Rrillsh steamer 0?<nn Kl'/a ixtii. Cantata nitson, sailed ye?*erdn j for the United Stales coaling station pi the Rremortm navy vard. Pudgol ! Sound with a enreo of r>.?>27 tons of I coal, valued nt tir.HR.m, , The onlv ? trim eon si I nation rure| must login lt? soothing, healing ?i Hon when it enters the mouth. Hoi I Inter's Roekv Mountain T?>fl rd'ore iie> wholn svatcni to a health v. i?-?ni enndlHon. "S penis. Ten or Tablets 1 J. C. Gorauch Sc Co. Detectives fhink Fugitive Is Kid ng in Norfolk. 6 ED MOTHER WENT WITH HIM Th ce Hours After Cutting W. B. pasaoJO J)3||!0 'P'o.ii|j_ s.uozxia Hampton Bonds and it Was Sup? posed That He Was In Po *smoutli. \V. K. Glllott, who rut \V. B. Dlxzon's throat nlmoHt from ear to rat- at 228 Fiirty-fourth street Tuesday evening. Is still at largo, Tho police detec? tives know Iiis whereabouts, howovoi, ami expect tn capture him today. In company with his aged inolho.-. (illicit lofl this city about three hours after the culling, and the police bo Hi ved Tuesday night that lie had gone to the home of his sister In Ports? mouth. II developed yesterday, how? ever. Hint Ills sister does not live In Portsmouth at this time and that (ill? icit and tits mother are slaving In Norfolk. Although DJXZOII is still in a si" Ions condition the attending physician | Dr. G. S. Bults, nays that the man lias a fighting chance. Pix'/nti had lost considerable blood both from the wound In his neck ami the wound under his left shoulder he-1 fore I ho physician ri ached him, ami for that reason his condition prolmljly j Is morn sie tons than It would have boon had he had Instant attention. 1 Tuesday night the police men I had Dlxzon's name as Ux'xnii, and the mime or the fugitive was re? corded as Glllock. MTOTHTB oTTTnTOTT; u o & n ,ts flT5"S"? * THEATRICAL *$ ?JUL8JLU CS n.MJUL2JUL2Xir-.*.ILiAJLi "The Touristii." the offering of Sam S. and Sintbert at tin- Academy, id Music last night. Is- one of th,. most1 enjoyable musical comedies seep hero in several seasons. The book, for which ft. II. Burnsldo Is responsible, contains many bright and willy lines and a number of tuneful ami catchy songs uro to bo found In the score. To vay thnt tho production pleased Hie fair sized audience that was gath? ered In I he playhouse would be put? ting It rather mildly. Nearly all of the musical numbers were vigorously applauded and hearty laughter greeted the funny lines ami situations. Most of the comedy work fell to tho pari of Eddie Qarvlo, ami ho handled It iii a capable and comical style. Mr. Garvio was supported by a can? aille ami well balanced dorps or prin? cipals. Miss Leonora Watson who has the principal female, role the Princess Chnlulu, has a sweet and pure sopra? no voice of considerable strength, and she was forced to resound lo many ell cores. Miss Louise Barthel also has a good soprano voice and she shared honors with Miss Watson. The chorus- was an exceptionally strong mid well drilled one, most of tin- girls being pretty and shapely. The production was handsomely staged, Hie settings lor the two nets of the piece being exceptionally pret? ty. Tho costumes were in keeping with the general excellence or the pro diction. "Mr. Blue Beard." "Mr. Blue heard," a musical comedy by .1. II. Woods and Arthus Collins. ,vili be the attraction at the Academy of Music tonight. The Donna Seymour company Is said 10 have a capable cast for the produc? tion and promises an evening of inn. ihi !-lc und frivolity. New scenic orrects and costumes ire stiid to have been provided lot" this sen son. "Peggy Rom Paris." "Peggy F.otn Paris " George Ado's musical piny, will be the attraction at the Academy of Music tomorrow, Friday night, with Miss Helen Byron us Peggy. The very mention of Mr. Ado's name as the author is proof of tho laugh tor ci eating clement of Hie piece. Tin re are d oil characters and funny com pi lent ion a from first to last, in deed. "Peggy From Pails" Is a mirth maker. All the persons in the play and everything they say and do Is amusing. Then there Is the music, which was written by William Lo radio. Take a succession of pretty airs and havo tllhni sung !?? a score of pretty girls in strikingly pIctiirosQUO costumes and there Is something Worth listening to and seeing. Add to this tip Interesting sto y, a company or comedians, a fund of comedy, and there Is about all one could ask for in a musical play. Miss Byron is said to make the prettiest "Peggy" 'of them all. "The Three of Us." About Miss Carlolta Nlllfoh in "The Tine,. (,r Us. the Baltimore Sun last wrok said. imagine a drama so Illimitable plausible h?d realistic, and the acting so uncannily ami Incredibly natural that it seizes one. enthralls one and convinces one In spite of oneself that i? Is nil veritable actual and true! That Is a, fair description or 'The Three of Ha.' No g cater praise could he given lo a stag-' play, "If one has a taste for the finer Out of Slf/it. "Out .of sight out of mind." Is an old saying which applies with Special force to a sore. I'ltn 01 wound that's bfon treated with Buck Ion's Arnica salve. n\s ,,-.( ?f sight, out of, mind ami "m of oxl?tono->. l'lle-4 ton and chilblains dlvnpnca under Its healing Influence. Guaran? teed by all Druggists. 25c. things or (ho Bingo?go lo sec tho performance! Oho will behold scones] bq superlatively rettllitlc-H? bullt up. bit by bit, with touch and detail?so tremendously natural nhd probable? thai ha win' fancy that he 1? looking Into the lives 01 persons be Knows. Ami ho win see acting so extraordi? narily Simple and affective that It will leave von gasping In astonishment. "A detailed description of the play and exhaustive consideration of the acting nrc alike Impossible. Tho I piece must bo Been by all who pretend | to an appreciation for the art of tin stage. Us performance bore is snffi-| <dent to wipe out the memory of many weary evenings of rant ln, huldcrdas'.i 1 and mere theatricality. Miss Nlllson will he at tho Acatle | Uly of Music noxt Monday night. "Peaceful Valley." "Peaceful Valley." an Idyl of New l'.nglaud 'life. In Which the Into ol Smith Kussel achieved such remark? able success Is beiitg revived this sea- I son by K. K. Martin, who Is said to' have given tho play a nmsslvo produc? tion. ICdwnrd Saxon, a widely known | character comedian, is to play the role of Hosen Howe, and ('arson Bradford, a young southern nctor, Is- assuming, the leading itvcull? role. Wrecking Tug Rescue Here. The Merrlit-Chnpninn Wrecking ttig Rescue arrived In- e yesterday morn? ing and raised the small launch which j fell from tho arm) trans|Hirt Monde In the bar!Or Tuesday afternoon. The launch was oulv idlchtly damaged and I was taken lo pier F, Wl'.oro the not sa'y Cpttirs will be made. Advocatrr. Parc^ln Post. . (Rv Associate-' ProBS.I ATLANTA. A. t.i-t. ":?. -In his annu? al address lo the convention m Ihe1 Rational Rural Free Delivery T^Hrlors] Aisoclation nt It? session today.' T*rosl-1 dent Paul Lindsay, of Georgia, strong? ly ndvocnted a parcels post system! lii connection with the United Stales j post offlco department. Chicago's Most Beautiful Woman. Sidney C. Love. Ihe New York arid:] Chicago Stock Exchange looker who| war. divorced two years ago from Mr?.. Minerva Cool Love. Is to marry MIsbI Murpotie Diirnus. one of the society] leaders of Lake Shore drive, Chicago. I The young woman has boon called by] Sir Philip Dnrno-.lonoB "the most i beautiful woman In Chicago." Mr ! Love's first wife was recently mar-' rled.? New York Dispatch in Wash? ington Post. Any Intelligent Child Can play anything ftom rag? time to grand opera on tho Stieff Player Piano It Is the greatest thing In the world to make home at? tractive, b- cause any iuombvjr of the ratniiy can play I'. No music lessons necessary. If you wish, you can play it in the usual way, same us any piano, or. In an Instant, ad? just the roil so that anyone can operate It. Chas. M. Stieff Ii. C. STICKLE, Mgr. Hi Oranby St., Norfolk, Vu. ALLAN EDWARDS. Agent P. O. llox 458. Newport News, Vn. Official Piano, Jamestown Exposition. Figure It Out! How a full quartered oak round pedestal Dining Table can be sold for $16.00. Such a lino of Dining Tables IIB wo have Is seldom seen un? der one roof. Our latest addi? tions are extra fine, quartered onk. round, S-ft. Tables, with itndivldabte pedestals. Eacn Table has nine nickel ball bear? ing castors. The style (>f these TnMca nro new and very, very attractive. CARPETS, RUGS, DRUG? GETS, LINOLEUMS We call particular attention to this department. Wo have an unusually largo stock, and we know our styles and prices a e right. All we ask is th" pleasure of showing you our line of Floor Coverings. Buxlon & Patker Furnishers for Every Room In the House. ?Sil A matter of choice ^ x Which will you have?1 dry, chalky, tasteless oyster cracker3 dipped out of a barrel, or Oysterettes dainty, appetizing bubbles of crispness that melt on your tongue with a savory suspicion of salt and add zest to your soup or oysters? in moisture proof packages . to NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Fine Stationery Lends tons to your business and creates d favorable impression. We make good impres? sions on stationery at prices consistent with gocd work. Wh cau-y the following well known brands of paper Bonds: llonsatonio, Harrington, Danish, Cambria, Carthage. Fiat Writing: Windsor, Ivanhoc, Palo Alto, and Riverside. Engraving Wc represent one of the best engraving nouses in the United Slates, and guarantee quality and prompt deliveiy. OUR SPECIALTY: All kinds of Com? mercial Printing. Warwick Printing Co. (Incorporat ed) 211 Twenty-fifth Streat. Bell riione,.. No. 123. "Before We wore married you told me you were well off." "So I did. I remember distinctly tellinc; you that." "You lied, then?" "That would be a question hi casu? istry. I was well off all right, hut didn't know It."? Tuck. Ifta" othirTf7i!7o<eTirman Treatment Ii Oil only cum, Pflf,0.F.THEEL,82f teifi > *?*<l?ll,l I? Aaurrtw. Ik ?tall Prlm? niB-n, K,r,.^*. lt?.r*,lr,t| <n,lll??l I'ol., d J oir.r r. ...-!) B,r,... Djl.lllt; 1-tl ?u>?4, l.?,.r, Varlnvttf * .?1,1,1,,,, |>. dtllfitl, r, |?l?Uv<.rnl! 1 Str.nlrti l>nai,.,l!il<M'- IHwai. * Makrld , *. ...r t, Pr?lat?. Ottl, m>a t* run r.r... ... ?. ,n 4 U II* W?. 4 0 ,,,?.? j.r,,Mf.l A rt ,aara'*9, filial ,ij.fil,.f,l,llffaMf. ?- 4 rar-ilonl.-li-ll. .:U,rn.ln, ...r, rar-Hral *.l>rtrlW?, ' olxrthtM (jrwakl mmtj for mtn Prhitf Oi Hn ChecV? In taaj Cure? ihf moat difficult ?in in ihr?-? riji io,p;:aU and dinlcf. Sold hy CORSirCH'S DRUG BT m ???in ?T?tiT. Moeroi*. (?MO W??HI?1TM ?1??,, Klart nil i -td 0# ORIt