Newspaper Page Text
NEGRO DEATH RATE HIGH Twenty one Negroes and Only Nlnej White People Died Last Monti: HEALTH IN CDUNiY CT COOO Comparatively 8mall Number of Fever] Cue's?Dr. Plcckcr Thinks Exposl Iton Has Something to Do With] Small Number uf Births. Tlx- death rail- during Ihn month of September In lOllaubelh Oily county among Iho negroes mure Ihnn doubled Hint or Die whites, hccbrdliig in He'; monthly mortuary report of Dr. Walter A. Plockor, tho health officer, tin bounced yesterday. Thoro wer? mirty deaths during iho inonlb. nine of which wer,' vvllllO and twenty-one colored, Tho report shows that of (In- deaths reported tb the health officer live wer,, whlt?. nuiloaj four white females, seven colored innlos und fourteen colored females. Twelve of the deaths Woro among Children under live years of ngo. The ncttscK of iloutli as assigned In thv report follow: Heart di: case Ulhorcplosls fij typhoid fever 2; acute nephritis dlarrboe 2; llrlghts (Iis en so 2; locniuotor itluxul, accident of pregnacy, diphiuerla. drowning, gnn trltbt, congestion ,,r the lungs, mars: urns, pneumonia. senility, congenital debility, HlOlimtltts, tubercular porl tonltls. At present there are eighteen ciim'S of tvphobl fovor In the countv and lour eases of diphtheria, which for this sea : on of the year shows a healthy stale of affairs on tho lower Virginia penin? sula. All of tho typhoid en:vs. stive Olio, used unboiled water. Dr. Plocker believes thai Iho birth rale in the county for tho present year is going to fall short of previous years, Up to September SO there were reported to the officer III while births and 1311 colored?-Rn while males, fit; while females, i;s colored males ami OH colored females, Kor 1006 the white births numbered jfifl and Iho colored 219. In I90!i Iber?' were 200 while births reported und 2M colored. Low Birth Rate. ?'Tho into Hi ere tore fbr Iho. Oral Ihr.fourths' of lite presold Near," Hliys the health Officer, "Is much below tho nverage, especially among the whites. The Jamestown Bposltlon Is, 111 my opinion, largely responsible for this condition." Dealln for the past nine months number |uT whites and 1*7 colored. All the Hll/abelh City county pity shlnns have made roconl reports, ex? cept one who stales, verbally, that he has Bhotil ten white births to re? pot t. Dr. Plocker Buys that Newport News physlelnns, practicing in ItilUa belli City county, are in some Instances negligent m making reports. I hough there Is some recent Improvement. Tin1 fact that exposition years will idiow a big decrease in Iho .birth rate among the white population has cans ed much comment among the physi? cians, You'll Find Perfect Satisfaction in the Faultless Frankel &Eiscnman CLOTHING. Built right?that's the whclc story. We could talk a pace full to you, and after all, the mean? ing would be the same. No clothing; in the v/o. Id made like ourc?it couldn't be. All Hie newest, smartest and most ex? clusive effects in SUITS and OVERCOATS. Men'c Suits.$10 to $25... Men's Overcoats. .$10 to $30 STETSON SHOES HOWARD HATS FRANKEL & EISENMAN 38 WEST QUEEN STREET, HAMPTON, VA. ttB56Bff?rB?5ffBS05?Cfl5<S5S5 0t \ Matters Personal \ ! a a i a s aa a a ? a a a jui asjlc a t aajiV Mr. M, P. Htirko, who Imh boon vis? iting In Leosb?rg mid New lork fop several months, returned in lliiiii|>inii| yesterday. Mr. Durko has decided to remain a citizen of tinmpton. Mrs. fleorgo w. Phillips |8 In Rich? mond, Wlioro she Is Urn guest of Mis. (!. W. Pnlcouor niiii attending tho horso show. MlBBOfi Lillian ami Katie Pnlllln aro Ihn guests of tholr brothor, Air. 0, NVi Phillips-, In Locust Btreot. Mis. It. It. Houston, of llolotonrt] county, Is visiting hor daughter, Mrs.| W. A. I'lockor, In Kast Qucon Blroot, WnV hor son Mr. Hurry It. Houston, I Mrs, lt. V. Hoiiklns, wife of llov; if. I". Hopkins, uccoinpniod by hor two juhlhlroil, will leave Hampton on t)ot ,6bo|" "_'i for Now York, from which] .point oho_wlll will Intor for Culm to spend 11iT-' ' wTntbr with her paronls, Mi. und Mis. It. C. Jenkins. ! Mr. W, cr. ntirfenn, Jr.. of droonvlllo, Ky., is Hi,- giicst <>f Counollmnn W. \v. IthjhnrtUoh, in West Qucon Blroot. Mr. IS. s. ilush, wlm lina booh onllo sick In his home In Wine Btreot, wan said to lie liittch Improved yesterday. , Mis.; Minute Morris, who has boon I: ir ndtng the Bummor in MPntroso, T'a., 'la oxitopl'od 10 roach Hampton Friday, i>r Saturday. Mr. mid Mis. .1 neon Hcffoinngor Hnvo I returned from a month's stay at Mo> liouk I.alii1, X. Y. Mrs. A. ('. Kaioa will leave thin I morning for hoc homo in lloanoko, after visiting Ihm- sister. Mis'. ('. \v. 111(1. man. In Kast Hamilton, for scv oritl mouths. I MIssoN Addle Soymour, Vlrglnnln Seymour and Mr. .lohn Boymotir.'whn hnvo boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ar? thur 10. Hall, in North King stroot, hnvo returned to titolr homo in UrUUBWlck county, I Mr. Manhal von Schilling, cashier of id,. Morchnnts' N'allonnl Hank, lofl i?i .i evening lor Now York, wlioro he ?III spend a work on business. I Among those who will go to Iclelt inoini today to hoar H?h. WlTTtnm .1. Ttrytvn speak will ho Messrs. Harry jit. Houston ami ilonry ('. Sholton. JOHNSON.i _ STRIKE NOT CONSIDERED. Western Union Stockholders Re-elect Old Directors. Ill', tin1 Associate,! Press!) nkw YOHK, pet !i No notion touring upon Hi.- telegraphers' strike was .lain ti al tho annual mooting pf llu- stockholders or tho Western Union Tolograph Company today. Ii. was said after the mooting Htnl Hie mail 01' did liol come liel'ore the stockholders in any fo m. nor was II mi ntlonod In nny way during tho i.I iu;r. The old hoard or directors was re ' elected with thiu oxcppllpn thai Ooo W. Atkins, and .lames I). I^nvng were clios.-n to succeed Snmm l Sloan ami Samuel Spenee -. deceased, GOT SIX OYSTER PIRATES. j State of Vlrplnla Comes Into $90 by the Capture. j Hon. McDonald l?op. chairman or the state hoard of fisheries, arrived In Hampton y?istordny morning. Mr. sah! that, tho oyster host ICinlHne liUjl lieen hound since Monday. Mon day afternoon while cruising In the Nnnsoniohd Shoal, Mr. f.oo ami the ?-row or the Rmillno found the river I lined with oyster pirates. Six of the crew, woro taken prisoners, and Mr l.e- thinks at least 150 escaped. j The six irtoh arrested wore taken before a .lustIce of the peace, who fined lue two lenders $25 each ,nnd ImpoBOd a fine id' $ie each upon Iho remaining four pirates. Mr. I.e.. said that the work or the pirates has boon more nelivo Hits Boason than last year. Schreadcr Held for Grand Jury. August A. Sell reader, who i.-trnck Joseph I.on/ over I no head with a, wns given a preliminary hon? ing in the police court yesterday morn lilg ami after hearing the evidence. Mayor Jones remanded the ease op In die maud jury. HchrPndor was hailed lu the sum of $ton ror his apponraiico al iho November ti-rm of tho Circuit Court. Dr. Porter to Suenk. Til.- rov. j. w Porter. h IV. IlitStor of the Newport Nnwfl llaplisl church will sneak In the Kast Hampton Hap tiM church this evening, taking as his Ihcirio "Palestine as I Saw It." Dr. Porter is a splendid talker an<:| In- will be jrrolod by a largo crowd, nit thoro will he no admission foci charged. COUNT WINS FAMILY. V.niclerhiltr. S.ild Not to he Opposed To Miss Glady's Marrinqe. There is to bp no divided hphso over the Vnnderbllt-HtccliQri.vl nup? tials. Mrs. hpt won ove; ? family and the eonip'.-t? reeonclllntlon was oolol<ratod today, when Mr. and Mrs. Itculnald Vander idii nttendnl the dinner glvfri hy the moth t or tho lirldoto-bo In (.honor of| her flanee. It I? nc-ooii timt tho promise flladvi irave hor Into fnlllCr to lake none hut an American husband shhil be forgot ton henceforth nnd the pro|udlc< AirntnBt forel?rii?-g which has nnlmat ed most of the Vandorhllta ever since CoiibuoIo'b atllunco with Marlboro?gh iiuK boon dissipated by tho devotion >r tln< Count himself. Tho function ul tho Itrcnkora was a very groat affair. All tho loutllng ptirBonngcs pl Nowport attended and Ii it ncclnlming Sxcchonyl as a model suitor. Tho family of Miss Vnndor idit will lorivo next week f<>r tho Adlronducks, In tho hope or galnlur at least a week's privacy before II"' ceremony lakes place. Mrs. Alfred Vanderbllt's camp hi Bagamoro Is ho lug prepared for a largo party, and the CoilnI will go along as gucsi of honor, There he will do bis final comiing. ami iipoh the return the Insl arrangements for the wedding at the llrnnkora will be made In spile of lb" prominence of the Szechonyl house, the family has nt tallied so little wealth thai the Hull' gar in n napes admit that the Vanderbill acquisition will not prove nnwleldly. For hall a century, how ever. Ille S/.cchcnvl beds have been notable fur their discretion in Hintrl monlnl nffalrs. Some married wealth a few gained higher position 'hrough their wives: at tho present lime no less than three others lire about to become most fortunate brides or hrld'ogj ooins, Rome sur -eis,. in still expressed that Hie Count should have gone to America for lib wife, for the Hungarian nHsloerncv lins heretofo e mosWsteadfastly Rcorn el plutocratic wealth and deemed money worthless <io nroeuro position In society Newport Dispatch in New York American. IN THE SOUTHLAND. A <.ii hunting parly at McKwen, Tonil . got III ol the animals in one night, und reports that the woods arc still full or them. Unfits Kllpatrlck of Lnwroncb Tonn., has been l!3d by the stork, the latest a. rival in the family bringing his children up to Hint number. The local papei claims for him the rocortl of being the "most parent in the Stale." T. I'. Owen, n cotton planter near Clnrksvlllo, Texas, sohl his long sla pie cotton for Si] I I cents a pound, a single bale I ?ringing him over $11" In addition he is making money In Hie seed, which Is sold, separately. Hooker T. Washington and others have acquired some 18,000 acres of hind known as the (.'outer estate, |n Mullock and Harber counties, Alaba mn, with the design of subdividing I ho property and selling th,- same In small farms and on easy terms lo ne? gro colonists, William Mosloy, a well-known old in pro of Chattanooga, Tenn.. claims to be 233 years old, and says be once lived ill Ml. Vermin and often hold George Washington's horse. The Chattanooga Times says II Is believed to be a fact that lie passed Hie cen? tury mark yen:s ngO. The Stale editor or Ilm Mullas News doesn't Ilk.- the latest rashlons in mil? linery, and speaks Iiis mind In the editorial page department he runs. He says that In all his lifo he lias seen nothing unite so monstrous In style as the present woman's hat. ami be lived in and romcinbors the lime or (he hpppskirt, when a man could got within leu feet of a womnji with out tilling her dress up on the oppo site side from which he approached her. All In all. he says, the present fashion In bats Is horrible. A man who has lived through the boopskirt era ought to bo able to Bland nnv thing. SEEN ON THE STREET. Tho women who wore their feather boas twined around their summe hals have now rescued those orna? ments and are wearing them In their proper places--about I heir iifcks. The costume of (be moment Is n heterogeneous one?part winter and part summer, with a touch of spring and autumn. Last winter's bat. resurrected for the beginning of tills season. Is so fur a cry from what Is being worn now as'to startle Its unfortunate own? er, who hud dreams of being able to use II without alteration. Tan boots, higher than of yore, am; I'lttoiied. are conspicuous among the footwear shown for cold weather. Certain makes of gloves are higher in price than last yea:-, lo the con? stellation of the girl with nothing n year. The linen coat suit now discovers what genuine popularity Is. The men have begun to wear glove* ami Carry canes- sure sign of frost. Furs have made Inolr appearance, but tho boa of marabout feathers is most used in Hie "between'! season. Asked for Dollar, Got Black Eye. Thomas MrNully of IIa winlon. of-/ tor some trouble, got a wife by ad verllslng. lie and Miss Connors or New York were mar-led without de? lay. Last RatlirdaV Mrs. MeN"lty up' nea-od tofbro Ontrd Juror Cable with a black eye. She said her new hn . hand bad elvon it lo her when she asked him for some money. M.cNujfty was arrested and fined Jl? and Casts. Mrs. McNulty has gone home to her mother. "I wouldn't have got married* If f had known all women we e ullkf " ex ?dallied McNully. "I knew the women, un hero didn't nro for anything but ?noney; but i (houvht If I ijmyd ln>: '?ort one from outside It would be nl! ?debt. Whv. Ibis woman hadn't been honored, with mv namo 21 hofrs bo 'ore. sh.? naked me for a dq!|,v\"?' Waterbury, Conn., Dispatch In N. Y World. Here's a Cigar Bargain. Th? famous id cent "InveiiclblcH,*' 'i cents on week dava and six for 26 :onta on Saturdays. TUB JOHNSON PHARMACY, INC. 10 1 gl for. sale. K?R KALK- (JOUR FRESH MILCH| cowh. FAY S. CURTIS, 2C3 L?o street. 'Phono 2"^, Hamilton, Va. in l0-3t. FOR SALE ?AUTOMORII'K). FOUR| seats, good condition; dcnionstro lion Riven. ?. \V. VAN WAGONER, Hampton, \'a. M0-3t. _^^?^?:_ W A NTBD? POSITION AS HOUSE keener ami laundress hy competent while lady. Apply MICHAEL A. IJRBCK. Ward K. Soldiers' Nome Hospllnl. 10-9-31. The Greatest Conve iiiciice ot Modern Times: A GAS IRON. * CALF, AND SEE IT. Hampton, Va &3 j* 5* Wines and Liquors I belong to th? tost tribe Uiat Itrmy ?'d away from Oublln before Mose* ar,llod on tho Red Sea. I'm a price cutter. I'm a nioney-maker; I'm thi 'one Uint sells all straight Whiskies retail at wholesalo prices. Thi* fol? lowing high grauo 10c WiilskleB I sell for Sc a drink: Paul Jones Pur(> eye, Sherwooet R-, o Whi?key, Carroll Springs, pure Maryland Rye Whlsk.y, Overholt Rye Whiskey, Parkwood Hye Whiskey. All of the above nnroe< Whiskies are strictly high grade; wntrh toy prlcer If you dare, best mo It you can. WhWtey In jiiltt at following prices: Old Nick Pure Rye, % pt., J5e; gallon.(4.00 Leonard's Farorlte, % pt., SOc; gallon.3.00 Hunter's l.nltlmore Rye, % pt., 25c; gallon .4.00 Maryland Club, ft pt., 2Dc; gal? lon .4.00 Paul Jones Pure Rye, % pt, 20c; gallon.2.75 Star A, Rye, gallon. 2.00 Mobs Rose, i ..-n., 2.00 Uirkwood Puro Rye, gallon.2.00 loffernon Pure Ryo, gallon.1.76 Kentucky Uourhon, gallon. 1.40 Oouhlo Stamp OIn. gallon.2.00 The following brands of Califor? nia Wines. I'jrt, Sherry, Ca tawba. Claret, Blackborry at 25c por qt., per gallon, 76c. Prldo of North Carolina, 4 years old, gallon. 2.00 Kummelll, per gallon. 2.00 Carroll Springs, gallon.2.50 XXXX Bnkor Rye, gallon.2.50 N. LEONARD'S Barrel And Dottle House 16 AND 11 MELLfeN ?T? Phoebu?. Va. Tnon? SSO I Now Fall Styles Are arriving cjally and the showings are far superior to anything WO hnvo ever offered In tho line of high class tailor? ings. Just as well be In tho "push*' and get your order In early. Wo guarnnteo tho most per? fect fit, and wo challenge others to duplicate our prices. Order now and havo the salts ready when fall Is hero. So Marbach THE EXPERT TAILOR. Corner Court and Queen Stroot, Hampton, Va. Miss Knimn Drnnt, the deaconess o( the Cnllfornia dlocesu, who will ad? dress iho Ladies' Ahl Society of old si. Joint's K|ili?conal chinch tomorrow tini rnoon, win be tin- guest of Mrs. Charles H. Ilowlhs, n( Park Place, during hbr stay In Hampton. Deacon ?'?s Drnni has been attending tho Epis? copal convention In Itichmond. Why Not Be i s And Look Nice in a KIRSNER SUIT? Our garments combine Stylo, Quality and K?. and wo defy competitors to undersell uy. ll'fi a fact thai uothiDg that leaves our Btoro can bii duplicated for tho price at oilier pla? es. Thou we guaiantec sat is facti n or money back. Kirsner's Clothing Store, Kirsner, Prop. 18 and 20 W. Queen St. Hampton, Va. I AIR LINE FERRY STEAMER8 Eleanor, Squirrel and tiouldman Will land you at the new government Pier at the Exposition Grounds. Leave Leave. [ Old Point Exposition A. M. A. M. 8:00 8:00 8:15 f 8:46 9:30 9:30 10:15 t \ , 10:15 11:00 , 11:00 11:45 11:45 P. M. P. M. 12:30 12:30 1:16 1:15 1:00 2:00 2:45 2:45 3:30 3:30 4:15 4:15 6:00 5:00 5:45 5:45 6:30 6:30 7:15 7:15 8:0G 8:00 8:45 8:45 9:30 I ? 9:30 10:15 10:15 11:00 Schedule subject to chango with I out notice. Last Boat Leaves Exposition at 11:00 p. m. Special Continuous Round Trip Tickets, 25c. Good aftetf 7 o'clock P. M. A Little Talk on REAL tSTA TE I am offering some of Ine dholci s.\ building lots in (he Mast ami Wosl Knds t>f the town at very law prices and easy terms, and this Is no excuse for a man npl owning bis house if you are looking for Improved property of any kind. I can procura you better h/irgnlnn which will bring you Btlror Increases In values than anyone in 'lampion. W. E. LAWSON. I>auk>f Hampton lildg. Hampton, Va. D POINT Have Your Dress Goods Materials % SPONGED, SrRUNK & PRESSED ' on our new DUPLEX SPONGER Tin; only method thai will sponge nil clauses i>r poods properly. The price, 5c. a yard, Is established by Iho manufacturers ot the machine. I ROWE'S DEPT. STORE, 1^ HAMPTON, VA. | A NOBBY DISPLAY OF HIGH GRADt MILLINERY. That's exactly what (ho many ladles who came to our display this week told us. and If you wish to see the exhlb'tlon yon ban heiler eopie in within the hoxl few dnys. We have never shown a pi etile - or most tip-to t ho time-., line of millinery. Ii is known that wo established the reputation for low prlcos, and this season's showings are mad-; even more attract ve by the. small money wo ask for them. No. 31 E. Queen Street aftSJJ*umsiiwss?s???BBSBHBSBSiSMsai THE MILLINERY STORE OF QUALITY. Hampton, Va. HENRY L. SCHMELZ. President. FRANK W. DAHLINO, Vlco-Presldent. The Bank if Hampl Hampton, Virginia 18 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEWS. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $100,000.00 $125,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated Depository in the State ot Virginia la Fustem Virginia. We make loans on Real Estate?NOT PRO? HIBITED?as are the National Banks. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS NELSON S. GROOME, Cashier. I Just As Well Keep This In Mind! That when jim are down town looking at Millinery that thero Is no pret? tier place to vis- it than BURGES* MILLINERY STORE We harp 'he stock complete and the oxhlblllon embraces all the Int? al Persians styles anil the creations of Iho American deslgnors. eRally you cnnnol hfford to miss seeing ills display. We lire ready to lake the fall order am' have the hat for you in a few days. Burses' Millinery Store BORGES' MILLINERY FASHIONS, 13 A ST QUEEN STREET. HAMPTON, VIRCI.N'IA. ,A?gwa''.A,,'iiimi|i 'i'" n i'ii's'i ?I"iiiiisiiii^i ? H'li'wuiumfwrtif'i' FOR RENT^ Wn have several nice dwellings that * will be for root within the next few days. Vou had better speak Quick if yon want one. M. H. MORGAN & CO., REAL ESTATE, RENTAL & INSURANCE AGENTS 18 S. King St. Phone 91. Hampton, Va. mBSKSBSSSSBSSSSSOSKBin f For Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating CHAS. SEE T. TAYLOR of Hampton, Va., The reliable plumber, who carries the largest slock of Plumb? ing. Steam and Hot Water Fixtures on iho Peninsula. All war* guaranteed! Repair work promptly attended to. 'Phono 173, Cor. Court and Queen St reels. Get Ready for ,,,nter Now. I " COOL AND COZY. You're In f? ra pleasant titno If you seat yourself at one of tbo tables In an Ice eream parlor where my cream Is sold and older a dish of cream. It's refreshing, palate pi,-aslng. healthful and nourishing. Many fla? vors to choose from?all good. Try our Pea'ch Cream. Nothing but cream from The Virginia Polytechnic Insti? tute Creamery used in making all my lee cream. R. E. Gatewood. Corner County and Curry Streets. Phoebus. 'Phone. Daily P*ess, IQ Cents a Week fllflKflllSi^H^H^KHfltnVtflHBi^B