Newspaper Page Text
TROUBLES Of STOCK Selling of Low-priced Stock at Bottom Figures Follows Week of Sluggishness. RU ?0R 5 CAUSE GRHWINGlMISGlVING ^ ^ , j Unltctd States Steel Suffers as Rcsuit of Report that Rival Companies Pro? pose to Make Steel Rails?Inroads Upon Earnings of tho Railroads Cause Weakness. I (My Associated I'ross.) MOW YORK. Oct. 9.?Thoro were evident signs or renewal of liquidation of securities today, nig ctirroutijiolllng wflli special clearness through tub low priced stock>. those BOillllg helow ?10 being most affected. The majority of the stocks in this Classification sold today at the lowest price of the year and made wide declines In the course of the day's dealings. Other low priced slocks both ninong the railroads and industrials, especially among the non-dividend payers came Into tho movement today. I Amsterdam Scllinq. Amsterdam soiling was attributed to difficulties peculiar to thai market and was not associated with condi? tions ?f the properties, the stocks (.* which were hont? sold. On the domes? tic side, however, industrial and finan? cial condition.- were an Inltueuco and promoted liquidation supplementary to that for foreign account ' Growing misgivings arb >ojfuscd by the persistent rumors Of Tailing Oli In orders for various classes of eqfllp hicnt and or eduction ol labor forces In several industries. I Doth dhe railroad and electrical equipment stocks suffered acutely to? day from the dissemination of rumors of this kind and the nuthorntlvo denial of some of them did not relax the pressure upon tue stocks. Steel Stocks Offered. The United States Steel stocks- wore espeeinll affected By reports of Intend? ed steel rail production by several rival companies. The reports of net earning;, of railroad* for August in several recent instances show such in? roads upon gross.earnings by growth of operating expenses as to affect the net showing materially. The Increase in the volume of tho market and drains ru/nhlng up to three or four points for BOino of Iho active stock.-, show bow effective wore these various considerations on tTio market. Bonds were heavy. Total sales par value $1,734,000. U. S. Conds were un? changed on call. Adams Express . 155 Amalgamated Copper . ?>'i7'h American Car ami Foundry ... "2't, American Car and Foundry pfd 0 American Cotton Oil . 30% American Cotton Oil pfd . 8 American Express . 185 American Hide and Leather pfd 13 American IS: . 30 American Ice . 30 American Unseed Oil . IVj American Linseed Oil pfd. 19 American Locomotive . -|S',-j American Locomotive pfd . 07 American Smelting ami Refining s:i American Smelt, and Rofng pfd 9494 American Sugar Refining . 1I0',-' American Tobacco, pfd, certlf.. 77 Anaconda Mining Co. .''-r> Atehison . 83 Atehlson pfd . nst; Allan! ie Coast Line . 76? Baltimore and Ohio . 80; Baltimore and Ohio pfd .i Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 43 Canadian Pacific . 100 Central of New Jersey . 17J Chesapeake and Ohio . -'0V Chicago and Northwestern .... 1429 Chicago. Mil. and St. Pntll . 115V Chicago Term, and Trans . 3'^ ? Chicago Tormn and Trans pfd 15 i* C. C C. nntl St. Louis . f>0 Colorado Fuel and Iron . i7P, Colorado and Southern . I99i Colorado and Southern 1st pfd 61,1 Colorado and Southern 2nd pfd 38\ Com olldntcd Gas . 9.. Coin Products . 1 Corfi Products pfd . ,; - Delaware and Hudson . 154 Delaware, Lakawanna anS West 147 " Denver and Rio Grande. "!?', - Denver and Rio Grande pfd... 87 Distillers' Securities . 57 HAMPTO Brio . is% Brio isi i>f,i . Brio 2nd pfd . 33% General Electric . n:". Illinois Central . 134 International Papoi1 . it International Paper pfd . 69 International Pump. 20% Intcrnutloiinl rump pfd . 69% j Iowa Central . i"? | Iowa Central pfd . 30% Kansas City Southern . 20 Louisville mid Nashville . I01*j Mexican Central . 16 Minneapolis and si. Louis. :!S Mln. St. I'. and Sault. Sie M. 92% Miu. St. I*. and Sault. Sto. M. pfd 122 MiBBOlirl Pnt die . 64 Missouri. Kansas and T"xas.. 2S% Missouri. Kan-a: and Texas pfd i'.| National Lead . 15 National II. It. of wioxlco pfd... 44% New York Central . 101% New York Ontario and Western 2'.>~s No: folk nnd Western . 08 Norfolk and Western pfd. 7S North American . 67% Pacific Mail. 22% Pennsylvania . Iis People's Gas . 71 PittshUrg. C. C. and St. Louis.. 66 Pressed S.I Car . 21% I re.'sed Steel Car pfd . 75 Pullman Palace gar . 165 Heading . 90% | Heading 1st pid . 77 Heading 2nd pfd . 7U Republic Steel . 19% | llcpullllc Steel pld . 701 Rock Island Co. I !' Uoek Island Co pld . II St. Louis and San Prall. 2 pfd 33 St. Louis Southwestern . 15%I St. Louis Southwestern pfd ... 43 Southern Pacific . T9%] Southern Pacific pfd . 17*4 SbuTilorn Railway . 11% Southern Railway pfd . 17 Tennessee Coal and Iron . 135 Texas and Pacific . 23 Toledo. St. Louis ami West ... 239J Toledo. St. Louis and West pfd 43% Union Pacific . 123% I Union Pacific pfd . Rl% United stale's Express . sr United Slates Realty . 46%| United states Rubber . 26 United states Rubber pfd. sr. l ulled Stales Stee| . jj-laj United Stati-s Steel pfd . 86% Virginia Carolina Chemical .... 18% Virginia Carolina Chemical pfd 91 Wabash . S Wabasii pfd . 17 Weiis Pargo Express . 22r. WestinghousQ Electric . 120 Western Union . 70 Wheeling and Lake Brio . 7% Wisconsin Central . 14% 7~iscrkUSln Central pfd . 3SVj Northern Pacific . 124? Central Leather . 1?VJ Do. pfd . SS'/j Sloss Sheffield . in tlreat Northern pfd .". 126%! Inter Mountain. 9% Baltimore Produce. BALTIMORE, MD., Oct. 9,?Flour? firmer, winter patent 49.Vnr.nn, siiring patent 500. Wheat?strong spot contract |o77; m %, BOuCuorn by sample titlTi 102. Corn?Siioug. spot mixed 71 a; Ti72: No. 2 white 719itfl)72cmfwyppgwypp No. 2 white 71T,%72. Oats?Pinner. Rye?Firm'. No. ? western domestic 60. nutter?Firmer and ^changed, fancy Imitation 24 ft 25; do ?.eatnery 31@>32; do ladle 22@23; store packed |sl;2n. F.ggs?Steady, unchanged. 20(3127. Cheese?New, firm, large if,; flats Hi: small 16?4. Sugnrr?i(fichnngofl\ coarse granu? lated, 510: fine ?510. Money. NEW YORK, OcT. 0.?Money on rail linn. 2(fl,6 per cent, niiing rSto 5%i Closing i?*fl 2; offered at 2. Time loans firm; ttO days '"? and 9U days 6% to 7: six mouths 6. Close: Prime mer? cantile paper " P'-r cent. Sterling ex? change firm with actual business in bankers' hills at -iki;.ii.v.i 4v7. i?l for demand and at 482.36(8482.40 i*or GO day bill:-. Commercial bill- 482? 182%. liar silver 64%. Mexican dollars f>0:)'H. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds heavy. Yesterday s Pootb.-ll Games. At Princeton?Princeton, ".:!; Wes leyen. 0. At Philadelphia?Pennsylvania; 57; Franklin and Marshall 0. At New Haven- Yale, is; Spring? field Training School. 0. At Cambridge--Harvard, ::::: Baten, 4. At. Hanover, N. H ?Da ??mouth, 10: New Hampshire Slate College. 0. At Ithaca'?Cornoll. 17: Niagara. ? At Annapolis Naval Academy 12; Maryland Agricultural Colege 0. Phoebus Council Tonioht. Tile Phoebus town council will meet In regular monthly session this even? ing. The usual routine business- will he disposed of and it is expected thai thee $20,11110 street improvement bond issue will be disposed of. That taste, That flavor. That cleanliness, That rich, round, aromatic toothsome, ness?is found only in Cheaper than anything "just as good," and better than any Arb u ckles* Ariosa thing "just as cheap." And the best of all for you! AIUJUC?KLB mt03., New York City. \PHOEBl DEATH RATE I ?OMPARAr. Interesting information regarding tin- health of iho army last year is com allied in the annual report of .Sur? geon Genoral o'lt* Illy. 'riic total unmbo, of admissions to sick ii po i was 7".Oil, equal to an art mission rnto of 1,270.83. compared With 1,295.97 tor the previous year ami 1,833,II for the septennial period l sps lo 1901. There were 3.",S deaths from all chtiBoa, equivalent u> a i.e.e ol O.lij per l,(A)o of Bl'.eiigth, com pared with G.28 and 14.02 per 1,000, the corivs ponding rates fur the previous year au I ihe period front 1898 to 190-i.1 respectively. The death rate tor dla-j ease, 3t28, is the lowest attained bIiicu the occupation of ti epical conti t ies. ami com par oh favorably with the rates prior to ts'.is. For disability there were 1.523 IMCll discharged, equal i?, a rate of 2G per i.otni of st:6ngtn, compared with :.'.'? per l.oiin for iho preceding year and 22 si for tin1 septennial period 1898 to' 1!?04. The constantly nou-cffcctlvo rate 01 49.79 for Iho yea:- was a slight In-, crease compared win 48.93, the hoh-j iffOCHve rate for the proeodlng year. Tnbci cul?slc Ctftet Fatal uin-asc. As a cause of death Inhere llosls again led. with ti rate of 0.77 per I'.ij r>00< compared with 0,08. ino cor respoudiiig rale for 1906. Typhoid favor waa sceotid. Pneumonia, with a ib-alh rate of 0.24, showed a d elded | improvement, Tho mortality rate for dlnrrhenl diseases was not unite halt as great as for 1905. There w< re 229 ndmlsBlonfl for gllilBhot wounds, with (10 deaths, ?mil 2,953 admissions for wounds other than gunshot, with 12 death!'. Twenty-one enlisted men were kllh d in notion and 7S wounded, of whom r, died as a result <,f Ihelrwounds, and and t comnilled suicide. t)f the kill id it; wo e |,v gunshot mid 5 by imIo. There were ::s deaths from drowning, per cchl of the total deaths from all causes, a slight In j en-ase compared with the p ollution of last year. Thirty-nine suicides and '.? homi? cides were reco 'led during the year, compared with :n ami 20 respectively ti-.- corn Bponding figures for lOOb^ There we a :i ndminstotiB for shako bite in the year 1900, with no fatal result. Alaska as usual bad the lowest nil mission and constantly non-effective rates, and. next to Culm, the lowest discharge and 'otal loss rales. The discharge, death) total loss, and, next lo Alaska, the constant non effective rates, wore lower in Cuba than any oilier count;y where American troops were serving. The United States proper bad the hlghost discharge rate, but, next to Cuba, the lowest death rat.?, and the lowest death rate for disease Whldll has been heretofore recorded. ? The Philippine island had as usual, the admissions, death and constantly non-effective rates, and! rill the rates were a little higher than for ion.-,. The rates for Hawaii were not as good as for last year. Tlte admission :ato was highest In' the field artillery an 1 lowest in the hospital corps, while the death rnte was highen? ?i the Infantry and low? est In the engineers. effect of Abolition of Cantien. The high admission rale of :10.22 por 1,000 men recorded in 1905 for al? coholism was increased to 82.27 In 1900, C n. O'Reilly says that his office concurs in the opinion express? ed by most medical office s of the army that tho abolition or the sale of beer in post exchange has had much I i? do with ti: ? Increase of disreputable diseases and alcoholism In the army by driving 'he soldiers lo disreputable resorts outside oT the post and bovoad tho con'rol or Iho post authorities. As usual, nil rates for colo ed troops, except the death rale, wore connldornlOy lower than those ror white soldiers. All the rates for colored iroopti, bxci pi the non-effec? tive, figure, wc <? much lOwor than those for die previous year. For disease only the admission, ills N ARMY fIVELY SMALL charge iiiul constant non effective ratoa worn boiler fur colored limn for white soldiers, Inn the death rate of the fo.mer clans was nearly two atiit u hall' times us grenl as toi- the latter. The death rate among (he colored troops was greater than QtllOllg the white in nen ly atl Hasse of disease, especialh ao In the dl.< tases ot the resporatory, digestive sind circulatory systems. The rate for tuberculosis was more than four times as great, and for pneumonia more than tenfold. It \$ uoilcablo that while there were twenty-two deaths deaths from drowning lliuotlg! the while troop there were none among Ihe colored. Service In the Tropics. The rates for white troop..- serving In tl.e Philippine Islands exceeded those for colored troops under simi? lar conditions in nil cases except in the point of admission to sick report, Figures seem to sustain the vldw that CQlOrbd troops are more reslsltllll than are white soldiers lb the Injurious ef? fects o( tropical service. Comparison with Other Armies. Tables are given to show the com? parative health of United Slates ami foreign armies, from which It appears thai the highest admission rate, 1,321, was attained 111 the Dutch army; the next highest In the American army, 1.170,0:1, and the lowest. 3IS. in Uie Kassian army. The highest death rate. R.61, was re? corded in the llritlsli army, the Ameri? can army having Hie next highest rate, 0.28, and the Prussian army the low? est. 1.8ft. The figures for total loss, the com blued rales for deaths and discharges, form one of the bOl t bases for soin pnrlson; according to this standard American troops rank fourth, alter those of Belgium, Rnssia and Great llrltnln, but far abend of all others.? Washington Star. Should Not Kill, Then Preach. Dr. William .1. Long, the nature writer, some of whose works have been critctisbd "H ''hnturc takers'' by President Roosevelt, has returned from a nine week real in the Maine woods. Ho had this to say about ihr President's I^ulslann bunt: "The last time ho went hunting hears II was In the spring when mother bears had ( ubs and were weakened by the long winlei's fast. "According to Ills own boastful ac count, he and Ills heroic hand killed 11 bears, till mother 1' ars and their little cubs after n pack of dogs hail driven tile poor creatures Into trees and they were nbsolutcly helpless; Then h,. prenched on Hie heroism of hunting, and urged nit sportsmen to unite In saving our few rrmnlullip henr'S and other game nnlnuils from d< st ruction. "This time 1 none he will omit either the killing or the preaching To Indulge In both shows n lack of ? liber humor or eonslntenov "- Stam? ford, Conn.. Dispatch In Nj Y. World. Youthful Kentucky Couple. On Thursday evening Mr. Ilyri' Ultima nod Miss Polite Hayes wore united in wedlock. the bride and groom both being only 12 years old. They are the youngest persons to be married to our knowledge In Ken? tucky.?Orleans Correspondence Thou snndstlcks. House of Bishops ...3f.? Jamestown Island SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th. in order that tho people <if Hump Ion. Phoebus and Old Point may at (??ml ihis celebration tho trim Btetun| yacht "ILA" will mal..' a special trip to Ibe faille Island on Hint dato, leaving Pier A, Newport News, at 8:30 a. m.J Persona wishing in inako this i.lp I must make known their Intentions hl I once as iin> capacity of the, yacht [llhilted. Tickets and in form a i Ion ] j cap he secured ai tho office of iONES, SAUNDERS & CO. FARE: For Round Trip, $1 001 W. N. THGNOR Hampton's Ocni Notion Store Headquarters ?For-r ftlen's, Ladles1 and Chil? dren's Underwear ? f In Cotton and Wool. infants' Wool Wrappers, all sixes, for 25c and 35c Wo are showing tho b.-st vhltin in Ladles' Ribbed Fleooi .1 Vests and Pauls. while thoy last at 25c Worth ::r.e. Soo Window Display. Ladles' Kxna Heavy und Medium Weight Ribbed Fleeced Vests mid Pants, flno quality, 50c Missis' shaped Itlhbdd Fleeced Vests ami Pants, Special value ,nll M/.<s, 25c Hoys' Heavy Floecod Lined Underwear 25c Men's Heavy Fleeced Liner: Underwear in ecru color. Special value at 50c Worth fi!?c. Child ions' Underwear from 10c. 10 fjOc. Special value in Chlldrons' Tain O'Shantors In Navy lllui', Hark Rod ami 'Ian. Just the thing for Bchool girls, 25c Jusl recolvod a big line or Rugs. Special value for 98c W. N. THGNOR Cor. Queen and Wine Streets, Hampton, Va. 'Phone No. 261. TO ATTRACT ATTENTION AND BUYERS TO YOUR STORE there's nothing better- If ns good, than a handsome sign brilliantly Il? luminated W olectrlclly. We will bang, wire and Install any size or style of sign you fancy, fumlBli the ti go Itself If you like, or put yours in fine working order. Let us OBll mate either way \V"d do all kinds ot mechanical job work, and "Frame Pic tu res." W. IfV. HARCIS Successor to Hollins & Harg,n3 NORTH KING ST. 'PHONE 103 NEW DAYLIGHT LINE TO - WAvSIilNGTON - AND - RECHMOND TO RICHMOIND SC QUfc?BlN A INNIG 9 9 Will make regular dips between tho above points, leaves Norfolk Cnnipboll's wlinrf Perry ikick, Tuesdays and Thursdays ai 7:;;11 a. m. and Sundayn al 12 in. Fine Reach I'ii.-, Exposition Grounds 8:10 n. in. nn I Newport News 0:00 a. in., week days; Sundays, i2';3? und 1:15 p. in., will leftvo Clyde Uno Pier, Richmond, at S u. m., Monday's Wednesdays und Fridays. By this rouio the annoyance und delays of stop? ping at nil river landings Is avoided. Regular Meals or nice lunch sorvlco ns may he tie ?sired. Mates:?S might fan1, $1.25; Round Triii, goo'l for 30 flays, $'_\0<). Special Round Trip RqteS from Richmond gi|??>Q on Wednesdays and Fridays, 3 day Limit.. {StegHBU TO WASHirNQI OIN Steamer "MOJNTAUK 9'J> Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Leave Norfolk, CnmplioU's Ferry Dock ...7:15 a. m. Leave Exposition, Pino Bench Pier.S:ir, a. m Leave Old Polnl Comfort .8:45 n. m. Arriving Washington RHoy'a Wharf. 8:00 p. in. Round Trip, Good for 30 'straight Fare, $1 50. Through Fast Line. No tiresome Stops at River Landings. Regular monlu or nice lunch service as may he desired. ( RICHARD WALKER, (Bell 'Phone 160) For information, apply to < City Ticket Agent, (3102 Washington Ave., Newport News. Crockett's for Quality. Gun Metal Patent Colt - $4.0< BUTTON, GUN METAL or PATENT COLT C. L. Crockett & Co. 5 Queen St. Hampton, Va. Choice Cuts of Roast Beef Many poojilo Biiy thoy arc hnnl to find tuiit) if .Mm don'l Know, easy if you do. To make II easy, note Ilia address bolow when In of len? der, juicy .altogether satisfying cuts of liecf for rousts und steaks, B.C.KAISER 26 MELLEN STREET. PHOEUUS, ?PHONE 6. Wo deliver in Hamilton. FOR RENT l.lmleU and 11 race Av I loom cottage ?a , S roouiH. modern conveniences. .$2' Hlvervlew. KU 01 view. Shell Road. 6 roonisdwolllng . 8.00 Laude dale SI., near ear hums, ij room dwelling . 12.00 IM Salle Ave.. 7 roOIIIB and one aero . 12.00 N, King si., 7 rooiiiB, modern conveniences . 20.00 Marshall St.. 12 rooms, modern convonlunoos . 20,00 Holt St., fi rooms, cistern wntor . 7.00 Uoutovnrd, 12 rooms, modern conveniences . FOR SALE A beautiful Home on the Boulevard. lit rooms; modern conven? iences; lialf acre laud; will sell cheap on easy terms. A nice homo on Newport News Avenue,-Hampton, Va. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. An elegant homo on Victoria Avenue. Hampton. Va., nenr Darling's corner, fan he had at a very ronsounMo price. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS, Real Estate, Rentals, Fire Insurance Auctioneer & Notary Public 8 H. King Street. Phono 60. Hampton, Va. RANSONE BROTHERS MOTHERS AND CHILDREN: We give you a cordial Invitation to see Buster Brown and his Dog Tlge. ? Friday Afternoon tit 1 o'clock at Pythian Caatlo Hall, Hampton, when Blister Drown and his Dog will give an enlerlalnnient. ? Come and enjoy a good laugh and HEAR ABOUT BUSTER'S SHOES. RANSONE BROS. 8 and lO West Queen Street? The Phillips-Lackey Co? (INCORPORATED). Real Estate, Rents, Loans, Insurance 18 East Queeu Stroot. 'Phono 3? HAMPTON, VA. FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. 5 rooms. Academy street city wate.- .* 0.00 5 rooms, Academy street, illy water . 0.00 5 rooms. Locust, street. City water ..* 10.00 '.I room: . La Salle BVeil 110, city water . 15.00 in rooms. Hampton Roads, modern conv.', large lot, 2.",.on King stroot, modern conv., 115.00 6 looms. Old Point ltd., Cltj water . 10.00 li rooms, modern conven? iences, fine lawn, water view on Victoria Ave.. 35.00 F.lni street, f, rooms, city Willer . 0.25 STORES. B. Queen street. .$10.00 B. Queen street . 15.00 W Queen street . 12.50 W. Queen street . 12.50 N. King street . s.on N. King street . 10.00 HOTEL. on Queen street; modern con? veniences; possession at once. OLD BUCKROE HOTEL properly, seventeen acres. land ntlachod. Your Business Solicited. FOR THE TOILET TABLE Wo have everything that (he most fastidious taste demands In emolienln and foods for the skin, pure soaps, cold cream, camphor ice, cocoa but? ler, benzoin, refined glycerine, tal? cum powders, fine face powders and rouges, perfumes and toilet waters, and most everything to enhance Etile preserve the beauty. Try our Vlo'c: Witch Hazel for tho hath. JJool yocr friends tit our fountain. Montauk Cream. GARDNER & HUDGINS, Thk Kkxall Stork.