Newspaper Page Text
GUILD'S FATHER SAVES NEGRO FROM HANGING Posse of Neighbors Had Rope Ready (or Brute Who Assault? ed Little Girl. REACHED JAIL WITH BROKEN LEG Citizens Crowded About Wagon and Dragged Prisoner Out. But Victim's Father Pleaded for Lav/ and Order and Kept Angry People Quiet Until Officers Arrived. MEMPHIS, TF.NV, Oct. P.?lint for tho Intervention of lhe Child's father nnd the timely arrival or offi? cers, Henry Johnson; n nogro, who It in alleged, assaulted the throe-year old datlghtor of Leonard Hroadway, a resident of a suburb of this city, probably would have boon lynched by n posse r neighbors who captured Mm after a two mile chase Into to? day. Johnson, It Is Charged, attacked the child ditrlng a brier absence of Iho other members of tho family this af ternnon. Preparations were being made to Inflict summary pUUlnhinout when the child's father Intervened. Tho negro was dragged from tho wa? gon. In which bo had been placed preparatory to removing him to Jail und fell under wheels, sustaining a broken leg. He was later taken to Jail. Hold Six Golden Weddings. in the house In which they wore married BO years ago. Mr. ami Mrs. George V. Platt, well known resi? dents of White Plains, eelol'ntod their golden Wedding anniversary last night, surrounded by their frlonds nnd relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Platl are particularly protld of 111'' event, because In oole halting their golden wedding they are living up to tho family traditions <>f both tholr families. Threo*.of Mr. Plait's brothers and a brother ami ulster of Mrs. Platt have already completed 60 years of married life.? White Plains. N. V., Dispatch la New York Herald. TIGERS GO DOWN IN DEFEAT BEFORE COBS (Continued from Thro One). will move to Detroit for two gnmos, ri turning here Sunday. Receipts $26,<I30. The rocolpts for today's game ns an nouncod l/y Secretury Druco, of tho National Baseball Commission, to? night were 126,430. Tho players will receive $11.272.20 and each club Is enriched to the ex? tent of 14,760.40. The National com? mission gota the rest. 12,443. The Tabulated Score: Chicago. AH. R. H. PO. A. B. Single, cf.It I 1 3 <) n Shockard, If.15 n i jj n u Chance, lb.3 0 1 ti 0 0 Stolnfoldt, nil . :?, o 0:110 Kling, e. ?! I 1 r, I tl Overs, 2b. l 0 2 2 0 0 Schultz, rf. 4 0 1 1 1 0 Tinker, ss. 2 I 1 6 I I B'felster, p. 2 (I 0 0 0 0 Totals ..2S 3 8 27 10 1 Detroit. Alt. lt. Ii. PO. A. B. Jones. R . -1 0 2 1 (1 0 Schnefor, 2b.4 ft i :t :t o Crawford, cf.-1 (l (I 1 1 0 Cobb. rf. 2 0 1 0 0 0 Rossnmu, lb.4 I 111 I 0 Coughlln, 3b.4 o o 2 1 0 Payno, c.4 o l r> t l O'Lcary, ss.2 ti i 0 f! i Mullln, p.:i ti o i 2 o Totals .:t2 1 10 24 16 2 Score by Innings: I Chicago .0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 x?3 Detroit .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 Two-base hit ? Shockard. Throe I base bit ? Hossman. Sacrifice lilts? I Shockard, Pfelstor. Stolon bases? 11'ayne. Slaglo 2. Chnnco, Bvors, Tlnk Doublo play;. -Tinker to Chance, Crawford to Schafer. Left on bases |?Dotroll 6, Chicago 7. Base on balls -off Pfelstor I, off Mullln :i. Base on errors?Chicago 1, Detroit l. lilt by pltchor?JBtolnfoldl and Cobb. struck out?by Pfelstor' :!. by Mullln 5. Time 2:17. 'empires?Sheridan and O'Dny. The W f/eal1 ?Aa? Doesn't gotiip IheElue You receive intense, direct heal Irom every ounce ol fuel burned? there arc no damp chimneys or long pipes to waste the heat irom a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Oovlcc) Carry it from room to room. Turn the wich high or low?no bother?no tmohs?no 3mell?automatic smokeless dovice prevents. Drau ionl holds 4 quarts, burns 9 hours. Beautifully finished in nickel or japan. Every heater warranted. The ?atitilt T * m *> flives ? bright alrady light lo read by? just what you want (or the long evenings. Made of brass, nickel plated?latest im? proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer cannot supply the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency. STANDARD Oil. COM I* A Pi V (lnr?rve rated) Capital Dry Goods House. WASHINGTON AVE. AT THIRTIETH STREET Fall and Winter For Ladles, Misses and Children. A complete lino of ?11 the best makeB in pure all wool, wool mixed and cotton, at tho lowest prices. we ofFor Ladies' Fine Ribbed, Fleeco Lined Cotton Vests and Pant?, either bleaohcd or unbleached, at, each 25o. THE NANCY UNION SUITS-For Ladies; special value at.50c Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Long Sleeve Corset Covers, each.25c Children's Fleece Lined Cotton Underwear Soft, heavy and warm, eaoh.25c FUEL AND ALCOHOL ?AY AT EXPOSITION Public Will be Shown What Gov? ernment Is Doing Toward Conserving Supply. THINGS OF INTEREST TO EVEhYBODY Manufacturers, Railroad and Steam-, ship Men, Farmers and the Ordinary. Householder May Learn a Thing or. Tvi>j From Demonstrations to bo] Given October 25. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION, Oct. 9.?Fuel and nlcohol day at the Ex I position cm OctolAjr 25 promises to I ho one of tho educational features of ' the Exposition season. On that day the public Will he entertained in the Fuel nnd Alcohol building near the main entrance goto by both the gov-' eminent and the Alcohol Utilities Company of New York. The United siat?>s Geological Sur i Voy will demonstrate lo the people Just what It Is doing toward conserv? ing the find supply of the country, which hits developed Into n serious question of recent years. The 23G j horse power gas engine will he shown as nn example of perhaps the most ? economical power on earth, a power I thai promises to Bttpcrcedo steam, no j cording to engineers who have looked I into the question. This engine has boon operating night and day for over a month and has been verifying right along what has heretofore boon claimed for It. The coals for these tests have boon donated to the gov? ernment by inrge manufacturers of the South who are intensely Interest led In the question of n cheap fuel. I The gas for the engine Is being made direct from the coal at the plant and Is also demonstrating that the gas en? gine Is smokeless. It Is the expecta? tion or government experts that this engine will be ndoptod In all the large cities or the country, thus mitigating the smoke evil to a large extent. While they are showing the liest Performances of the gas engine, the experts have not forgotten the stenm engine. The :t(lil horse power turbine' engines direct connected With genera? tors are in Operation at the plant. Three boilers of 750 total horse pow? er are also In operation furnishing power for the turbines and ulso dem? onstrating to the public how a big plant can be operated with almost no smoke. Another feature of Interest Just now In the plant In tho brlquettlng sec? tion, where slack coal is being mixed With fi per cent, of tar and pressed Into cakes by machinery. R bus al? ready been shown that this Is u su? perior fuel In that It has bettor beat? ing qualities than lump coal from the .same mine nnd Is ulso smokeless. Added Interest Is given lo this fuel by the fact that the United States Navy Is to give It a thorough trial on the battleship Connecticut, when she slops hen- for a few days on her, way to the Pacific. The briquettes will also he used on two torpedo boats and the naval tug Potomac. If the tests are successful, briquettes will be used In the future by the navy. The briquettes will especially attract the! attention of the ladles, for It Is expect? ed that form of fuel will be used In' domestic furnaces In the near future. I on account of Its smokeless qualities. The farmer Is not forgotten In this exhibit of the government. Tests are being made daily on the efficiency of denatured alcohol, gasoline nnd kero? sene In fifteen and to horse power engines. The figures so far obtained Indicate that alcohol must bo sold cheaper before it can compote with gasoline as a power, although there is much in favor of alcohol, It being odorless and non-explosive. Another exhibit of much Interest by the government is the testing of re? inforced concrete. This new building material hns sprung into Immediate and Immense favor and the United SL.icn *,r. tr?tfy**t."MttaissM^adaassfrBSM that accidents may bo averted. The fuel nnd concrete testing plant Is under the general supervision ot J. A. Holmes, chief of the technologi? cal branch of the United States Geo? logical Survey and H. M. Wilson, chief engineer. J. C. Roberts Is acting en? gineer in charge. A feature which will lend import? ance to the day will be tho presence of the National Advisory Hoard on Fuels and Structural Materials. This board, composed of twenty-five of the I most eminent engineers of the coun? try was appointed a few years ago by President Roosevelt to Blipc*Vl80 the tests in fuels nnd structural ma? terials. A number of notable enter talnmonts will bo given In their lion or. Including an elaborate luncheon at one of tip' popular enfes on the Exposition grounds and an excursion to Jamestown Island. An exhibit of much moment is that of the Alcohol Utilities Company Here every known device for the util? ization or denatured alcohol will bo shown from babies mllK-wenrlng bot? tles up to cook stoves. This company has arranged to distribute fifty prizes to bo numbered on coupons which will be attached to the tickets of ad? mission to the grounds. At tho Fuel and Alcohol building during the dny there will be concerts by two bands nnd by the Flsk Jubilee Singers. Souvenirs of coal nnd ce? ment briquettes will be HstribUted 1?' the government. Invitations have been Issued by the C.eologlcnl Survey to tho prominent ! fuel and structural muterlnl men of the country to be present on this day and undoubtedly there Will bo u nota? ble gathering. The Charleston V. M. C. A. Is run? ning a series of fishing excursions, und bin catches are reported. His Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother, who Is now eighty-three years old, thrives on ISlectrlc Bitters." writes \V. B. Ilrnn son. of i>n!?]in. (la. "She has taken them for about two years and enjoys an excellent appetite, feels Btronp: and sleeps well." That's the way Rlectrlc H?ters nffect the aged, and the same happy results follow In all eases of female weakness and general debility. Weak, puny children too. are greatly strengthened by them. Ournnteed nlso for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by all Druggists. 60c If taken patiently and persistently will relievo tho most obstinate cases of indigestion, constipation, bad blood bad liver no matter how long stand? ing. That's what llolllster's Rocky Mountain Ton will do. 35 cents. Ton or Tablets. J. C. OorstlCh & Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL j ESTATE. As executor of the estate of the late Mary Mitchell, deceased. I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in baud, on Tuesday. October 22, 1907, the following reai estnto, on tho premises, beginning at I - o'clock noon: ? First?that ?certain tract of land located in tho County of Elizabeth City, Virginia, oh tho line of the Now port News and obi point Railway & Fleetrle Company from Phoebus to Duck roe, und bounded and described as follows: On tho Fast by the N N. & O. P. Rnllway ft Bloctrlc Com pany; on the North by the lands be longing (o the Old Point Comfort College; on the West by the County Road; and on tho smith by the land of Sarah Hnrtness which was convey? ed to her by Mary Mitchell, Dcc'd. Second?Those two certain lots or parcels of land, situated in the Town of Phoebus, 'Virginia, fronting on Hooker street nnd known and dcslg nated us l^ots Nos, Sixteen (If.) and Seventeen (17) on a certain map or plat entitled "Plat of Harry Llbbey s Land, Chesapeake District" made b> 10. A. Sem pie, civil Engineer. These lots will bo sold separately. A deposit of $50.00 will be required from the purchaser of each lot or tract of land on the day of sale. All bills owed by Mary Mitchell will be presented to nie tor payment. This property lias been previously advertised, but the change In the date of the salo was made necessary lay my qualification as executor under the terms of the will of the late Murv Mitchell. JAMBS MITCHELL, lOxccntor Fslate Mary Mitchell. 9-2C-4t-TlMirs. PROF. D. D. BRUCE, M. D. THE GREAT AMERICAN MEDIUM. tho only living apostle of the Science of Mys? teries. He has acceptable qual? ities and Is In? fallible In the line of his busi? ness. The world has never seen his equal. He tells at a glance the object of your visit, he unites the sepa? rated and brings back the lost one: lie traces lost or stolen ?oods. and unearths hidden treasures; he re? moves evil Influences, cioss spells and ill luck. Olves luck nnd success in nil you undertake. He Is the only one that will give a written Rtinrnnteo to complete your business or refund your money. All letters containing $1.00. with ques? tions, will he answered in full. Call or address 510 S. Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Office hours: 10:00 n. m. to 9:.10 p. m.; Sundays: 3:30 to 0:00 p. m. Prof. Brace's Magie Remedies may he Been red al Drs. Forninn's nnd Whittakor's drug store, corner Twen? ty-fifth Street nnd Jefferson Avenue. ONLY RESTAURANT IN TOWN THAT SERVE8 CHOP 3UEY AND YOKOMA. Any person wanting nice Chinese or American meal go to New York Reslro'rnnt. 2100 WfJrwb-fc avenue. Fine Stationery. I^ends tone to your tnisl ncss and creates a favorable Impression. Wo make good impressions on stationery at prices consistent with good work. Wo carry tho following well known brands of paper: Honda ? Houaatonlc. Har? rington, Kanlror, Cnmbrlc, Carthnge. Flat Writing ? Windsor, Ivanhoe, Palo Alto nnd River? side. Our specialty, all kinds of commercial printing. Engraving. Wo represent one of tho best ongT.iv-Ing houses in tho United States nnd guarantee quality and prompt delivery. Warwick Printing Co. (INCORPORATED.) 211 Twenty-fifth 8L Bell 'Phone 123. Architects In many instances are specifying electric plate warmers In new houses being constructed. A Cordial Invitation Is extended ALL SOUTHERNERS to visit The JELL-O Booth at the Jamestown Exposition Ijoentod in Food Products RuiMiug nt eiu trance to Horticultural Court. Wn have provided n spacious Rest Room especially for your convenience, where you may meet friends, writo letters, read your favorito magnsino, etc., etc. Our demonstrators will be glad to servo vou with JKI,L-<), the dainty dessert, and Ice Cream made from Jell-OICK CREAM 1'owder, free, and explain how easily they enn bo prepared for tue table. The Gencsoo Purs Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. AMUSEMENTS. Academy- Thursday.] DONNA SEYMOUR Presents the Musical Spectacle "Mr. Blue Beard" Prices 25c. to $1.00. Sale now open. MMEMY--FRIIM HELEN DYRON. The Sunbeam of Musical Comedy In "Peggy From Paris" Qeorge Ado's Comic opera 10 !K!t. M ATlNlitJ AND MUHT | October 12th EDWARD SAXON ill Sol. Smith Russell's Createst Success 1 'Peaceful Valley" I ACADEMY-MONDAY I A GUARANTEE ATTRACTION CHARLOTTA NILLSON IN THE GREAT AMERICAN PLAY "The Three of Us" Original Madison Square Company. I Epworth League Star Gourse I SUNSHINE & SHADOWS] Entertainment by "Sunshine" Hawks Chestnut Avenue Methodist Church. 25th ami Chestnut. I Monday, Oct. 14, 1907. | 15 p. m. Admission 25c. RENT LIST. REYNOLDS BROTHERS. Oct. 3, 1907. *-irmiMBiffiMa^-IMi,!.!,. 135 Twenty-sixth street .$22.50 2:::t Thirty-second street . :!0.0(i 321 Forty-second street . 15.00 326 Forty-third street . 15.00 :::ir, Forty-third street . 16.01 316 Fifty-fourth street . 45.00 520 Thirty-second street . 7.50 520 Thirty-second street . 7.50 528 Thirty-second street . 7.60 628 Thirty-second street . 7.50 634 Thirty second street . 7.50 641 Thirty-first street . COO 1021 Twenty eighth street . S.nn 1164 Twenty-eighth street. 12.00 1261 Twenty seventh street _ 10.00 1255 Twenty-seventh street .... 10.00 Flats. :t;.or, Washington Ave. (1st)_$25.00 3506 Washington Ave. (2nd)_ 20.oo 2(104 Washington Ave. (2nd)... 15.00 Dr. Jones' lluilding (1st). 15.00 Trade Rulldlng (1st). 12.00 Trade Ruilding (2nd). 10.00 Trade Ruilding (3rd). S.OO EDUCATIONAL. Virgil Piano School and School of Public Performance. Washington Avenue and Twenty ninth street, Newport News, Va., open;i Tuesday, October 1, 1907. The most scientific nnd progrorsive meth? od traughL The method of tho great consorvatorlos of Etirnpo. MISSES EWKLL, Directors. MESIC'S CASH GROCERY 3510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. A few specials for week ending Oct. 12, 1007: Flour (Hold Medal) two 121b. bags fo:- 75c or $0 a hid. California Canned Peaches ?t 20 c u can. or $2.26 per doz. Hood Canned Peaches and Peas at 15e u can, worth 20c (Baltimore parked). Hein/, naked Beans (the best) at 10 ami 15c a can. Try our Succotash, the best on the market! Now York State pack). Van Camps Red Kidney Beans, in calls (they're flue). Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, 3, 5 and 10 If cans at 40c, CCo and $1.25 a can. Upton's Perfection Coffee (Mocha and Java) at 23c a II). Try our all pork country Saitsa.ce. at 15c a lb. Jones' Hams, the best at l"c n lb, worth ISr. New Prunes, Just arrived, large and medium :: Or I lbs. for 25c. Sliced Beef (in glass Jars) at 20c a glass, worth 25c. .lust received a fresh lot of Bird Hood only 10c a pkg. Try our Apple Blossom Toilet Soap (it's fine) at 15c a box, or 2 for 25c. Kippered Herring in mustard, at 20c and in oil a*. 15c a can. Full Cream Cheese at 2Uc a lb. New Pig's feet, highly spiced and pickled,. lbs for 25c. New Buckwheat already prepared at 10 and 15c a pkg. At MESIC'S 3510 HUNTINGTON AVENUE. CIL Phone 109. WHY DON'T YOU RENT YOUR VACANT ROOMS INSTEAD OF LETTING THEM STAND IDLE? A 25c For Rent Ad. in the "Daily Press" Will bring you in Many Dollars for them. Those wbo we rooms don't go up nnd down the streets looking for slg Tho first thing they do Is to scan the "For Ilent" column of tho Dally Press. If you aro Interested, call us up. Our representntlvc will call and get your ad. or glvo other Information if desired. Bell 'Phone 181. WANTED. WANTED?JANITOR FOR SA1LOKS Rest. Apply to SUPERINTEN? DENT, Sailors Rost. 9-10-21. WANTED?BY GENTLEMAN AND Wife, three rooms rurnlshed for light housekeeping; second floor preferred. Address "D. \\. K.," rar.; i>f Daily Press. 9-10-2L WANTED?GOOD BOTTLER. WILL pay good salary. Apply NEWPORT NEWS BOTTLING COMPANY. 10 9-2t. WANTED?GENTLEMAN TO OCCIT py nicely furnished room, all con vonienccs. Apply no Twenty-eighth street. lu-8-lf. WANTED?SMALL BOY TO AN swer 'phono. 200? Thl: ly-flrst st root. 10-9-tf. WANTED?MEN AND WOMEN CAN vassers. Apply at once to 209 29th street. 10-7-:it WANTED?BOARDERS?130 TII1R i ty-flrst street; modern conven? iences! references exchanged. WANTED?TO BUY, 8BLL OR Ex? change furniture aud stoves. C. W. LEWIS, 2602 Huntington avenue. 3-17-3m. WANTED?TUB PEOPLB TO KNOW wo are buying and selling new ann second-hand Furniture. Mosslck & Chendle, 2S0S Huntington avenue. 8-2-Jm. WANTED?TO RUY ANY QUANT1 ty household goods for cash. Good prices paid. Address OLIVER, care this office. Will cull Saturday. 9 25-tf. FOR RENT. BOB .BK \ UXfi/UL FURNISH? *o7,^n.^'^Tm"^^"?. r'TTO'WS'Swt "Old Military Academy." Now Known as Elmwood. For particulars call at premises or address W. L C, 2700 Washington avenue, New port News, Va. t 10-8-7L FOR RENT?ROOMS, WITH HOARD. 2910 West avenue. 10-8-6L FOR RENT?FURNISHED l!()()V witli hoat, light ami bath, for mar rled couple or two gentlemen. 2:11 Twenty-ninth street. 10-6-31 SPECIAL NOTICE. LOTS FOR SALB OR LEASE IN ALI parts of the city. Call and go' prices. OLD DOMINION LANI CO.. Hotel Warwick building. SEALED PROPOSALS. OFFICE PURCHASING COMMIS sary U. S. Army, Newport News Va.. October S. 1907.?Sealed propo sals for furnishing anil delivering sub? sistence stores In this city, and nl ('amp U. s. Troops, Jamoatown Expo? sition Grounds, Virginia, for the month of November, 1907. will be received In Ibis office until 11 o'clock a. m., on October IS, 1907. and then opened Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing bids shoujrtjrbo marked "Proposals for subsistence stores to be opened October lx. 19(17." addressed to CAPTAIN .1. N. KIL? IAN. Commissary U. s. Army. 10-0-5L FOR SALE. KOR BALIS?NILiS RRICK DWELL lugs nl $3,600, $6,000 ami $10,500 each; also Inrgc frame dwellings at from less lliail j-i.son to $7 000; all III North Kml. NKLMS .V- ('<).. INC.. Real Bstato, Rents, Insurance ami loans. 2517 Washington Avenue, Newport News, Va. 'J 10 lit. FOR SALIC?OLD ESTABLISH El J restaurant and rooming house. Ap? ply Daily Press office 10-9-CL FOR HALF.?HOUSE AND LOT, 216 Twenty-third street, between iluht Ingtnn ami Washington avenue, $1. .'?00; $1,000 cash, time Op balance. Address llox -KM, Georgetown, Washington. 10-9-1 m. FOR SALE?FINE KNABE PARLOR Grand Piano, cheap. 200 Thirty first street. 10-9-tt FOR SALE? SAWMILL PLANT COM plete. IO.Oiiu ft. daily capacity. 612 acres timber In tee. Will exchange for Improved Newport News real es tat<>. For particulars, address J. E. WARREN, Newport News. Va. 10-7-1 wk. FOR SALE ?CHIPPENDALE MA hognny sldolioard, handsomely in? laid, cost $150. To quick buyer, $86;' Fine old piano, in first class condition, $10. LAPIDARY, Phoe? bus. Va. 10-8-3L FOR PALI'?A LITTLE MORE M? sc for a little less money than you ever saw before from 7 cents up. This month Wo tire giving one copy free with each 25 cent purchase. TUB OE?. D. HAMPTON PIANO CO., 218 Twenty-eighth street. 10-5-tf. WE SELL AND RENT PIANOS. ,,ff.?r.uA-^-.Jr'nr^^ .I part payment on new Instruments. Tuning and repairing a specialty. All work gunrnnteed. Ferguson Music Co., 209 Thirty-first stroet. CIL Phone 95. 7 10 4m FOR SALE?NEW MILK COW; Very gentle; excellent for family. J. N. LAWRENCE, East 1 lampion. 10-1-12L FUNERAL DIRECTOR. i. HUGH C?FFEE OlMi-r mid Sheiw Itiioins NO.R2I2-B2M Hunting hi Ave. Klneit csrrUst service lu State;"sno< -laI loi marrlegei ami Ouii-mM. OPPlCB PHONES: Itolb No. I RrstdtnceJ. R.CaflTee.Ko II, Bell. Residence I '],:.? (i, It. <>vi-rl?ii, No. M5, Iti-ll. I lm ?ery liest tervlce rondercd, nil classes. Moderate cluuge.*. \V. E. ROUSE, FUNERAL DIREO tor. 234-22(5 25th street. Office 'Phones 51: Residence Phone 110 TRANSFER COMPANU-.j OLD DOMINION BAOOAOfJ THAN1* ter; offices C. ft. O. .it.itir.i . 'Phones, Bell Non. 401 an* 1S6; ?Mtl., No. 1?. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN IN taUMS OF $5? " ~to~"$l,000 at 6 per cent. Merchants Mechanics Ravings Association, Al? lan D. Jons?. Secretary and Attor aey. first National Bank Hntldtng.