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PUBLISH KD EVERY MORNING (Excont Monday) ?At the? DAILY PRESS BUILDING. 211 Twenty-fifth StreoL by the DAILY PRESS COMPANY. C. E. Thackor?Editor and Publisher. 1? IC. Pugh-.Advor?slug Manager. Tho Dally Press Is delivered by car Hero anywhere in tho city llmltn for 10 cents n week. Any lrregubirltltB In delivery should bo Immediately re? ported to tho office or publication. Or? dern for delivery of tho Dally Proas for either residence or places of busi? ness mp.y bo made by postal card or telephone. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. (Payable invariably In advance.) One Month .f .60 Threo MonthB .?1.25 Six Months .12.50 One Year .?5.00 TELEPHONE NUMBERS. BHltorlal Rooms.. .Bell 'Phono No. 14 .Business Omce...Bell 'Phono No 181 No employee of tne Dally Press Company in authorized to contract any obligation In tho name of the company, or to mnko purchnsos In tho name of the anmo except upon order ?Igned by tho PUBLISHER OB* THE DAILY PRESS. JOntcretl at tho Newport News, Vn., postolflco an tvCond-clnaa matter. SUNiDAY, MARCH S, 1908, THIS MOVEMENT SHOULD BE PUSHED. Tlie proposition of certain officers of (he Chamber of Commerce to have that I'.xly take up the question of com pHHng certain lot holders lit Wash? ington avenue to have paved sidewalks in front of tholr property, should have ? aucceasful culmination. It In for just such things that an organization of the calibre of the Chamber of Commerce can wlold a great good for the city, and it Is In such eases lhat they can prove their worth. There are many questions of public Interest which can, bo brought to u "focus by nn Organization composed of public spirited men, while their efforts as individuals would amount to nothing. It the Chamber of Commerce takes Up the question of having better side? walks. In "Washington avenue in nn earnest nnd aggressive manner, there Id ho doubt but that a great good for the city will bo accomplished. That i lie spaces in the avenue which have no sidewalks, except mother Earth, should he Improved nobody will dis? pute. There scents to be a question of whether tho owners can legally be forced to lay sidewalks, but If this Is true, certainly there must bo method!! by which the present law, if 11 Is defective, can be made ho as to allow the proper authorities ._f.o take tho necessary action to bring about the desired result. The condition of some of the spac? es in Washington avenue as they ex? ist at the present time is anything ^hut a credit to the city nnd tho prop 'lerty owner; in fact, they are a dis? grace to a city of tho proportions of ' Newport News. The impression made upon a stranger who in compelled to walk' over them must be most un fftvotftble and Is one or tho things of ; Which he will have a most vivid re collection relative to the city. The plr-a that a lot holder cannot afford to lay sidewalks can hardly be en? ter; ii In this case, a3 It Is perfectly reasonable to believe that any per? son who can afford to own Washing? ton avonuo property, can afford to go to the expense of placing sidewalks in front of that proiierty. ft is lo be hoped that the Cham !"r of Commerco will take up thh ? pe stion nnd fight it out lo the end, and that its efforts to improve the main business thoroughfare of New? port News will receive the hearty | Hupport of the people ?nt large.' If Is a movement that deserves any sup . port that may be given to It. WE CAN ALL DOCTOR FOR THIS AILMENT. 'With n corps of distinguished phy? sicians, the Orthopaedic hospital In 'latjelphla is maintaining an unique out:;! clinic," which would he con. en- I to nmnck of Christian Science "pyschlc healing." were not the ..:<? of Dr, S. Weir Mitchell at the d of the attending medical staff.1 ,w conditions- create new needs ami -,v remedies. This free "menial nlc" aims to cure the mental tle -sioii?otherwise called, iu old -htsr.ed speech, "the blues"?which ?umoro?s instances are a by pro-j cl of our overstrained American The ??f/?gglc or life seems to .veHfltttefj/with greater neriousae?,'' nnd eutered upon wUk inteiiEer en? ergy, In our own land Hum else where, and the consequence Is an sp? inning number of nervous break? downs. One or the attending physicians at this clinic la reported to have said! thai Ike cominonest complaint treat I ed. when stripped or Its scientific ver-1 bage, Is nothing more or less than im-J warrantable worry. "Kindness and1 sympathy." runs the report, "are the ( principal remedies used." nnd the ob-j Vloua suggestion Is that In thlB com? monest of diseases, every man can ] safely be his nelghl'Jr's physician. There Is staut danger of giving thoj patient an overdose of either kindness] or sympathy. 'Everybody can help j everybody else on toward a cheerful, cheerier, saner, healthier !lf<\ It Is] to bo remembered that every place] where pooplo resort, be It a parlor, shop school or store, may be made an] nmntour clinic In this sort of heal? ing. A maddened row in enmdon, N. J.. out led a pole on which wns located n nin'l box, and Its horns getting locked In It. toro It from Its fasten lings, ami before the animal was rup? tured had distributed letters for sev? eral blocks. Sort of a female niall| , eanler. wasn't she'.' The new arbitration trenty with] France has been ratified by the Sen-a 1 lite, and President Roosevelt has been forced to backdown from hU I position that the President should be I given the power to submit questions] to arbitration on his own Initiative] and without the consent of the Senat? as provided In the constitution, The tanners of Illinois will doubt I loss feel highly llntlered by the eoni-i ; parlson mode by a leading New York hanker while making a defense of tho j hononty or the hunkers or thnt city. He says that they are as honest as ^tlie average farmer of Illinois. I The Florida Tlmes-Unlou wonders l( Maxim could not givV us a nolselesi President, Maxim Is no doubl a won? derful man, but there are some things Unit, are even beyond wonderful men. Maxim Is human'and Is not n mira? cle performer, I A couple of burglars who "burgled" a store In Indiana, the next day seut to tho proprietor a receipt for what tltey hud taken. Was It their object to glvo the proprietor something to show that they could not collect again If they ever made n nqcoml vls'lt ? I Wonder how long it took the par ' sgraphor on the Florida Tlmes-Unlou figure this out: "If the woman j exclaims Ree! when the mnn tells or his love, Is that giving him the mil? lion? Anyway, putting the O to love I spells glove." j Tin- Taft boomers have hlin si. , roiuly nominated on the first ballot, I tmt as only n few delegates have so I far been elected, they may be mis j taken, but why discourugo the White I House figuring based on beautiful I hope, j Another scandal in the government printing office and Charge.? made that Congress Is being influenced by I lobbyists, and yet many people will support tho Republican party instead of punishing It. Several boys stole an automobile In Cleveland and the owner overtook them on foot and got his machine back. Seems to us* that n marhlno that cannot bent a man on foot Is 'oot worth running after. Ir a news dispatch Is to be believ? ed, there Is a Maud in real life. A highwayman near Hue Grove, pa, j wns bowled over l?y a mule while he was robbing n man. I It Is one best bet that "William H. I Taffs name will never appear on the I register of Simeon Ford's tavern lit New York. Mine. Komisnrzlievsky's name was a source or great worry to New York* ? first along, hut they have solved the problem by calling her Miss Com? missary. Taft must have forgotten by this j time thnt ho is supposed to be hold . Ing down the job of secretary or war j of the United States. j The headgear that tho yotnig King I of Portugal wears hi valued at J8. 000,000. When some women read this (tlicy will turn greeu with envy. =jn-,? _!_ im j .Maxim has invented, the noiseless J gun, now If some one would tell us how to quiet the noisy "Republican spoil binder, our Joy would be full. j Kalsulf can not be such a tad sort /after $11. He has declined an offer to appear In a freak museum. WITH THE PAR AG RA PH ER9. Why should thord bo such a furor"! -over turning eight lloston churches 1 Into lodging houses? Sleeping In church Is nothing new.?Pittsburg Gazette-Times. The average man takes up so much of hl? time talking aboul shls nmbl | tloil Hint he never has time to realize lt.?Alchlson Globe. An Optimist always looms up ?trenter If he has a pessimist for a neighbor.?Washington Post. Maybe the Hon. the lamb and I ho ground hog have formed 11 weather trust.?Chicago News. The Black Hand appears to posses* a fair Ben-re er th? nhaurd when M ] tries to get money out of an Italian count.?'St. lxmls Post-Dispatch. The noiseless gun foreshadows tha death of the novelist's favorite char-j acters. Cannon Roar nnd Ofuaket' Crack.?Atlanta Journal. A bushwhacker Is a ninn who Is not with you In politics.?Newark Even-j lug Journal. DUTY TO THE CHILDREN. j The children are sent to School with pot a thought of danger, and on< fell day they lose their lives In scores In choking smoke and cruel flame Colllnwood, O. They are allowed lo go to an Opera house for an after? noon's entertainment and are trodden under foot nnd burned by the In a lire panic?Roycrt?wn, Pa., and ( Chicago, 111. They are taken for an outing on the water nnd are drowned or burned In hundreds when the boat catches lire?New York harbor. There appears to be no place where death may not call nnd catch the children from amid everyday rcenes with whirlwind suddenness and unpltyllig cruelty. Somewhere among parents thorn should be a man who can devise -i precaution which, taken In the ease of all gatherings or little people, can be counted on to save tholr lives. It It be simply that or having more doors lo schools and opera houses, of hnvlng them always unlocked whon l he children are In the buildings, or if It bo rules which the older persons In charge must obey Impllelty, or if It be more stanchly built edifices or I'jats or more plentiful equipment ? let It be taken up by governing bodies nnd Insisted on relentlessly. Too many little ones have been burned and trampled and lost In the greedy waters for further toleration of In? competence or niggardliness or care? lessness longer to hold sway. Then have been examples a-plenty, In all conscience, and too little .heed bat beeil paid to the lessons pointed by all of them.?HnfTalo Express. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Even a pavement made of good in? tentions- Is slippery. Poverty is no disgrace?as loug as your credit la Rood. No man Is necessarily simple be? cause he lived the simple life. If you would retain your friends, don't make them envy you. You can't blame n dressmaker ror wanting to work on pay trains. The time or a man who walks a mile to save a nickel isn't very valu nhle. ?New York Press. ?Chicago News. One Way to Care. Knicker?Roosevelt wants to abol? ish trading on margin. Rocker?Groat: probably hard times can be avoided by making mortgages Ulegnl.?New York Sun. Residents of Newport News Cannot Ooubt What Has Been Twice Proved. In gratitude ror complete roller from aches and pains of bad bocks?from dlstrossing kidney Ills ? thousands have publicly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. Residents of Newport News, who no testified years ago, now say their cures were permanent. This testimony doubly proves the worth of Doan's Kidney Pills to Newport News kidney sufferers. Mrs. H. E. Horton, living at 1240 26th st.. Newpo: t News. ya. says: "Mr. Horton suffered from kidney complaint for some lime caused no doubt from Iho fumes of turpentine which n man In his occupation is forced to inhale. His back gavo him considerable trouble, there was ii pain through his loins and his kidneys were disordered, tho secretions being Irreg? ular in action. Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to his attention, and he procured a box at Allen's Drug Stoic. They did him a groat iIohI of good nnd 1 have heard him praise them on many occasions." (From statement given Jan. 13th. 190*3). Cured *o Stay Cured. On Aug. 29th. 190". Mrs. Horton confirmed her previous statement aaying: "The euro Doan's Kidney Pills nff.'cleiT In Mr. Horton's ease. In I 1003 has proven a permanent one and j It gives me pleasure to confirm it ; at this time." I For sale by all dealers. Price fiO ???mis. Festor-Mllhti n Co.. Buffalo. I New York, aolo agents for the United S'atcs. Rememl-or the name?Doan's?and take no other. iPiPOiPElft CLOTTKES fer/TOil' wants to make that Spring Suit For you. Why not see him? Do it now. 2715 Washington Ave Newport News, Va. Who Are Your Druggists] If you need, anything In the Drug Lino, you will always be on the sate bide when you buy I mm us. In pat ent and Proprietary medicines w? buy mostly direct from manufacturer:,, and arc In a position to mdko tho very lowest prices. In our Prescription und Phnriun Ceutlenl work, we use only the highest Oratio standard drugs and chemicals. The department is In tho hands of Registered Pharmacists exclusively, nnd prices as low as Is consist" nt with safe business methods. Wo guarantee our patrons tho very highest standard in efficiency, cour- | Icons treatment, prompt service, nnd ? very possible effort that an ambiti? ous business house can offer in return for the liberal patronage of the peo? ple of the city. Wo guarantee satlstecllon on every article Kolng otit under our lab? 1 and especially call your attention lo thia lino because wo know It Is good. J. C. ?crs?ch & Co. DRUGGISTS The Original Cut-Rate Drug Store. Bell Phone 303. Cltz. Fhone 301. FOR? THIS STORK HAS 8TOOD FOR ALL THAT IS RELIABLE AND AUTISTIC IN Silverware and Jewelry WE AIM TO CARRY A RTICLES WHICH HAVE THE MERIT OF DISTINCT1VENBSS ?ARTICLES T ILjjV. T CANNOT BE FOUcl) IN EVERY JEWELRY STORK. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE STRANGERS TO VISIT OUR ES TABhI SU M E N T WHETHER OR NOT WISHING TO PUR? CHASE. Sprague, Jeweller Mid Silversmith. G??JLSL9 p a o o o o o o o o o o cjLSJliULPJU1 MERAN0W0ME* 0? PI? ? for ?nn.tqr?; ?Si?fh?rK'>e?rnfn?!ioTi?. _ IrrlUtiotil ?f nlr.isJiont .. .-??trt?lir?. %t muCOQI Biimh-.ftM i r.-..?v. r.,ti^-j P.lnitw. ?ml not ?CO? .TieCvmCMMeuC?. (.ol or ?oil.'tioi.? " SMS br "Ort,xS'?Ol jf Mitt IB ?l?ln l>r ??p?o??, rr?r?ld, '<* ? l.ce. of ir-et?l*iri'? , nuwrfv *** -* w?* HOLLISTER'S A Busy Mtdlcine for Buy P?p!?, Bnit? Ooldtf? HtxltD and feroed Vl?0f. A SPKlfle for Cocfttlp&llon. lodjKCtUnn. l.irrr ftD.i Klduc trouble*, l'itn ige?, Bcsem?, Impute Iflood, Jtart Hreeth. SPiiirlnti IJoweli. Heartache tod Bark.;he. tu?Rf city JlouotnlnTe?lo lab let forrt. 3S ?mi? n tyjx. Gepttln? ot?<1o by '.'oi.i.tma tntu.i C. nt- i.-.-t. Muclrtoo. 'ViJ. 40L0E? MUQGETS f?n SAUflW PEOPLE TRANSPORTATION GUIDE. - i Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Fast Train? *o Richmond and the ; West. I l/nrii Newport New? 10:05 a. m., 6:26 o. m. i Local Train* to Richmond. 6:30 a, m., 6:45 p. m. I Trains arrlvo Newport News, 10:00 a. m., id:35 a. m., 6:35 p. m. and 7:20 p. m. Steamer Service for Norfolk. j I<eave Newport News 1<5:40 w. m.,' 6:40 p. ni. THE NORFOLK & WASHINGTON i STEAMBOAT CO. The Now and Powerful Iron Palaco ' Steamers NEWPORT NEWS. WASH? INGTON AND NORFOLK Will leave dnily as follow.s: Northbound. Lenve Portsmouth, North I street . 6:00 p ra Leave Norfolk, foot of Wa tor street, at . 6:00 p m Leave Old Point Comfort at 7:00 p m Arrive Washington at.... 7:00 a m Penn. R. R. B.&O.RR. Lv. Wash ...I 8:00 a m 9:00 a m Ar. Phtta. ... 11:01 a ni ?11:66 a, rn Ar. N. T. ...| 1:15 p m 2:00 p m Southbound. Lv New York..1*12:00m 1*12.00 ni Lv. Fhlla. . ...1 2:25 p ml' 2:08 pm Ar. Wash. 6:40 pro. 5:00 pm Lv. "Wash.I 6:30pm I 6:30pm Lv. Wash.I 6.30pm I 6:30pm] Ar. Norfolk ...I 8:00am i 8:00am ? Ar. Portsmouth I 8:30amj 8:30 am] For Information apply to J. N. Smith. Agent, Unloa Ticket Office. Chamberlain Uotol, Old Point, Vr. P. M. Prltchard, Gen. Agent, Jno. L. Williams, City Pass. Af-ont, corner Granby and Plume Sts., Norfolk. Clyde Steamship Co. Steamer* to Philadelphia MONDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. Sailing from 1 nlladelpbls, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Freight received und delivered dally Bt a 4k O. Pier No. fi. OITIce. lllver Road JAS. W. 'tCARRICK 'Jen. Southern Agent CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. 12 Couth Delaware Avenue. * Philadelphia. Pa. j Merchants & Miners Trans. Go STEAMSHIP LINES. Passenger and Freight. Newport News to Baltimore. Dally except Tuesday. R p. m. Fare $3.00 one way, $5.00 Round Trip, Including Stateroom Berth Tickets to all points. Norfolk to Boston. Every Mon., Wed. and HI., 6 o'clock j). m. Norfolk to Providence. Every Tuos.. Frl.', and Sun., 6 p. m. For tickets and further Information, apply to H. C. AVBRY. Agent. 'Newport News, Va. NORFOLK & ATLANTIC TERMINAL COMPANY. Norfolk-Newport News Ferry. Effec? tive Feb. 17, 1908. Subject to Change Without Notice. a* V. 6:30 am 8:45 am 10: i? am 11:46 am 1:15 pm ": 46 pra 4:15 pm 5:45 pm 7:15 pm 0:45 am i , 9:00 am I |l0:30Rra j 12:00 m I 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 0:00 pm 7:30 pm So *~ 'A 9:00 ami 9:30 am 7:30 am) 8:00 am 10:30 nmjll :00 am 12:00 m 112:30 pm 1:30 pmj 2:00 pm 3:00 pm I 3:30 pm 4:30 pmj 5:00 pm 6.00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm| 8:00 pm E. C. HATHAWAY, General Mnn ago'r, WM. R. ALI.F.N. General Sup? erintendent Railways. It makes- no difference how clean jthe shirt Is; If It Is not properly starch? ed: It will look dirty nnd mussed. Good work Is worthy of a good fin? ish, and no one can appreciate this in collars, cuffs ami shirts more than the wearer. Our customers will testify that our work stands alone in this respect. j Give as a trial this week Prof. Q. F. TBEEL 535 North *!U ttekt.rfer Slitb St. TV. UKOTMX TWr?rirZAT IW ?1; M IW HpvtlW Bl?4 r?>n? ?Ilm-. ????? r..r?. . " a. TffaWi.M >, Sfr-w. i ,VartrM-4aft?tr1 4J1 !-,..,I. 1IW. TTf.lL Schmelz Brothers ggg*^ CONSERVATIVE STRONG ACCOMMODATING THE STRONGEST BANK IN THE CITY Citizens & Marine Bank NEWPORT NEWS. VA. Statement to the Corporation Commission Feb. 14, 1908. RESOURCES. Loam pii'I Discount** SnIt iinil lliiml', Kvnl Ejlnleiuut Hxtnrc?, Uaih, Hub from ISank*, S-vj.ti I W Ian In Vault, |31,8iS, 10 s.w,iw in wm? ::'.i.:;;\>.i>7 LIABILITIES Partial Mock, Surplus Fund, Uodivldod Profil?, l>cpoilt?, Hill? 1'nrnMe, s'.hi M.O00 h? 6,26946 S7?,6?$.i0 ? Strong, Efficient, Conservative. The First National Bank Is all that a reliable bank should bo Strong. Efficient and conservative. This is attested by the unanimous confidence of the people. Your account, subject to your- chccl^ 13 cordially invited. The First National Bank NEWPOrtT NEWS, V/> United States Depositary. ^ CAPITAL* 1100.000.00. Burplua, 1100,000.00 LOT FOR SALE or LEASE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY! Old Dominion Land Co. Hotel Warwick BuUcUi.jg 1 a Anna Could, from dear La France inu's sail, ? For trouble begins lo brew, ' And, as she leaves the Count and Prince. She waves a fond skiddoo. Our American Heiresses can blame themselves for their marital WQon. Rut If yon want to stop the trouble you are having with your cook stove, you Should use- our RED ASH COAL in it and then see the smile On your wife that won't come off. Sold onlv hy St. DAVIS \DryOak & Pine Wood Citz. 123 Both Phones Bell \2rj. ?'The Piano With the Sweet Tons" NOT ONE IN 10,000. How -many people do you think aro really able to judge Of a piano? Are you? la not buying a piano really matter of confidence in the seller? If so, and you know It is; don't you think it will be safest for you to come to us who have ?been making pianos for over 03 years? ?We hear no complaints of our treatment. % Do you? Do you hear anybody abuse the STTEFF? Tho shaw is another of our own mnke. a littlo cheaper, but a flue instrument. How about one? JL.C?iccU.SHr. I Oranby St.. Norfolk. Va. Allan EdwardR. Agent, P. Q. Box 458, Newport News. Official Piano/ Jamestown Ex? position, PROMPTLY DONE From a Parcel to an Engine. Freight, Baggage, Furriiture and Safes Carefully and Promptly Hoved, Virgin i a Reasonable Rates. Transportation Co. Storage Warehouse 514-520 27th Street