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HY POSTPONE TRIAL RUN OF THE MONTANA Shipyard Officials Ask Navy De [ partment to Allow Changes In High Pressure Valves. NOT SATISHEO WITH SHOWING Failure of Cruiser's Engines to De? velop Desired Number of Revolu? tions Causes Builders to Want to Make Same Alterations as Were Made on the North Carolina. Having barely made her contract speed or 22 knots an hour during Hi" (ilandtirdl/.alion trials over the MOQi roo island, Me,, measured rhllo bourse >?<stoii|:iy, the now Npwpori Now* built armored bruiser Montana prob? ably will not undertake her lour hour' forced draft run until tho Mulders ran secure permission from Secretary of the Navy Mitealf to so alter the high pressure valves of tho anginen us to give ten pounds additional pow? er. l'< emission to make thrso chang? e's was asked for by tin builders Im? mediately arter the trials yesterday. Tho Montana's SlSturshlli, the North Carolina, falb d to make her contract speed until similar change* to her engines wer,- made 111 the local yard. However. th< Montana's screws were given less pitch I bun those of the North Carolina and when the vessel left hero the,builders thought that she would make er cout rant speed without any changes being made lo the valves. Undor Advcr.ic Conditions. Tho standardization trials yCBtbr day were hold under adverse comit lilotiH an to high winds and heavy Hoas. The Montana was sent over the course' H, being si at led at a Hi knot clip. Her fasti si tulle, which was made with the lire In her favor, wuii at the rale of 32.811 knots an hour, but the average or her five host runs was 22.035. After the runs, the trial board nnnouuctd that nearly 121 revolutions of tho screw.t p. r minute would be necessary to give the contract Bpeod of 22 knots. Developed 120 Revolutions. On a forced drnfl run during thy trip up the boast to Uoelthuid, th* engines iXiuld develop but 120 rcvnlo--, lions n minute and for that reason the offlprala of thi' building company! hhumtuccO last night that they were 1n doubt whether or not they would proceed today with tho four hours endurance and aimed trial, or await permission in alter the high pressure valves. The cruiser developed 20,C08 horse power on Hie fastest run over the mile course yestei'dny and the aver? age- of the five best runs was 94,500 horsepower. Tho engines wore de? signed for 23,000 horsepower. commission expecte'cTIhortly Captain Wllklns is Said to Have Pass? ed Eximination. II was reliably reported In local military circles hist night that Cat pa In R. 12. Wllklns successfully passed the examination before Colonel C. A. Hemp-ay, r. S. A., for bin commission ns tho commanding offlcor of the Huntington Itltlob, Company C. Captain W'llkitiB to>i; the examination Tues? day. It is expected that I he captain jvj'l receive Iiis commission from Govern? or Swanson within the next few days and he will immediately relieve First Lieutenant Franklin of the command of the Rifles. Lieutenant Franklin Ins Ilten the commanding otlieer of the company since Captain Moore left tills city several months ago. Tournament Ende Tonlnht. Tho mild-winter basketball tour? nament ut tho Young Men's Christian Association will end tonight with a double btlir.ler between tho Suxnnsnud llritons. and the Spartans and Creeks. Theso teams are the fastest in Hie tournament and the matches into ox pectrd to lx> about Hie fastest seen ni the association this winter. Bay City Out of Deck. Tito wtialeback steamer Bay City, which him been hiving repairs made in her hull in dry dock No. 1, nt the Shipyard, was hauled oui ofthe basin ytflterday. She will lonl oral at one ?tit Hie local dock* today. Tho Voting r.?dlOB" Society of Trini? ty jMeihndhit church Invite you to at 't*>nd the Food und Fancy Article Sale Saturday. April -Ith, corner Washing ton avenue and Twenty-ninth street. In the store formaliy occupied by Hales & Co. 1-2-R. Notice. Patrons of the Newport News Light nnd Water Company are hereby re? minded thai water bills musl be paid liv the 1011? lust. All delinquents on tho lllh inst. will have their supplv <>:it on" pursuant, to notice given all rphsumefs. NEWPORT NRWS LICHT AND WATER COMPANY, by L. B. MANVILLB, Superintendent. 4-l-10t $1.50 and Up Do y?>iir Intuiting with UB. Four Per Gent, on Urne (iepo.-ilH KintiHt building and the biggcBl trust company on the pen? insula. Powell Trusi Co. 2612 Washington Ave. Social-Personal Mr*. II. II. Ihslby Is III at hot homo I In North End. 'Mrs. Glaronco 1'prtcr .Toiuw, who has been undergoing treatment at I ho St, Ertwtcls hospital, Is recovering rapidly and was well enough lb bo moved to her horn. Tlllrty-B Conti sire i yesterday. Mir. flcorgo s. Ford, of Charlottes Ivlllo, Is v tail lug hla dntiglttor-lii-lafW, Mrn. O. A. Ford, 33? Twenty-seventh I street. Miss .Susan P lor man has returned If mm i> visit to relatives In Went Vir? ginia. Mi: s M. A. Ralley, of Boston, I? vls llslhig her nephew, Mr. II. It. Uhllcy. on Fifty-fourth struct, Miss THIIci COtlkp, or ?ilnesvlUe. IPtav.. Is visiting friends and relatives [In this city. Hr. R. T. Styll. who linn heen npoud lug several weeks hl Thron Squares, Va.. to recuperate his health, his re? turned homo, Mr. Robert A. Davis, who has heen visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. It, Davis, on Tlilllty-fonrtlt street, returned yesterday evening to the I'nlvenliy of Virginia to continue his studies, Mr. and Mrs. II. R Unykln have re? turned from a visit to friends In Rloh niond. HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. Students Ralsino, Funds for the Base Ball Team, An ente rtain incut will he given in (he aeai mhly hall of the High school building tonight for the benefit of the uniform fund of tho baseball team of I lit* lust it ut Ion. Two sketches, "Tho 'Persecuted Dutchman," mid "Who I Cits de Reward?" will lie presented by n-oilM of the students. Percy Dom? inion wll pllty the part of the Dutch I man and Jamce. Williamson ami Nel? son Overtoil will Impersonate tho characters of Soo and sim Fixen In Who Cits d ' Reward?" During tho Intermission between the I sketches a literary and musical pro? gram will be rendered by s> vernl oT I the pupils. The High school Im*, kill team has just been organised an l. the season will open about the middle of this month. The proceeds of tonight's en? tertainment wlii be used in purchas? ing new uniforms, balls, bats, gloves, etc. ILOOKSUKE NO RACING IN NEW YORK STATE {Senate Votes Down an Amendment Which Was Not Favored by Govcdnor Hughes. (llv Associated Press) -M.HANY, N. Y., April 1.?Tho Sen? ate tonight by a vote of LT. to 28 in committee of the whole voted to strike from the race track gambling bill the amendment which aimed not to have Hie bill go into effect until Scptcmbcr 1st. next. This restores the hill to the form desired by Governor Hughes anil Us Introducers say that Is pew rends BO as to "take effect Immediately." The oilier bill was: then taken up and without further discussion both were advanced to thin' tendings. Senator (Irmly announced tlint he reserved the light to debate ihe latter bill. Mrs. Roosevelt in New Orleans. NEW OHDICLVNi). LA.. April 1.? [Sight seeing and shopping occupied the greater part of (tie Kmc of Mrs. Roosevelt today In New Orleans. Reiurning to the Vftcht Mayflower jtttrt before lunch this afternoon, she received those of ihe "Hough Rider" vetednns who nrc now living In this city. GRIM RELIC OF THE WAR ?NEARTHEOJDN BEACH Skeleton of United Slates h'aval Officer Found In Sand Near Wopf ison. NO MEANS Of IDENTIFICATION Rust-eaten Remncnt of a Sword, Grass Naval Buttons, .1 Roll of Paper Money and Pour Pieces of Gold Anken From the Shallow Grave by Ernest C. Phillips. a grim relic of civil War limes wag liuuarthod on the Juntos river beael: near Morrison yesterday. a liono protruding fronutho sand led to tin* discovery of the entire skeleton of '1 a rust-on ten remnant of .1 BWOrd and a number of naval bras': luttnn.t of an old hlylo, gave convinc? ing evidence ?if the fact Ihnt the re? main.-, of an Officers of Die United Hintes navy had been uiieniibed. Mr. Karnest S. Phillips, son of .Mr. Thompson Phillips, of this city, made the discovery yesterday morning, Up 011 seeing the human bom- In the sand, he began digging nnd soon brought up the skeleton, which was just below the Mil face of I be ground. A roll of paper money, decayed and lulling to pic es; a twenty dollar gold piece dated 18(11; a live dollar gold piece, dated 1862 am] two two and on" half dol? lar gold piece, dated 1854, and 11 lllim bei of small pearl button.'- W.aro found In the shallow grave. The gold pieces and pearl button* were in a perfect stale of preservation, hut a. number of other coins, apparently copper and silver, were corroded be? yond recognition. Mr. Phillips thinks thai th} dead olllcer was attached to one of the ships which engaged in tho battle with the Confederate ironclad Vlrgl niii (Morrlmac)'. a large number of {Union officers and men were killed In 1 hove actions, dying on board or going down with their ships. This body probably Moated ashore and was has? tily burled, or lay upon the bench un? til It was covered with sand. Tin? rusty tjword Is in such a slate that II Is Impossible to tell what it originally looked like, and I here are no paper or Other things by which the skeleton can be Identified. largest~wo"?den VESSF.L. Big Six-Masted Scliooner Edward J Lawrence Launched. The big six-master coal schooner I'M ward J. Lawrence, the largest wooden vessel ntloat. wus launched at the plant of the builder.!, the Percy & Small Company, at Bath, Me , yes? terday. Captain Kroginr will com? mand the vet sei, which Is to added to the big Heel or J, S. Wltlslow. The new schooner will ply 111 the coastwise coal trade between this port. 'Norfolk, Baltimore and New England. Few Arrests Made. Chief Reynolds has just completed tho police department report for the month of March. The report shows I that th'ero wers only 282 arrests made .during the month. es-J?--'- -1 ? This woman! says that sick women should not fall to try Lytlla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound us she did. airs. A. Gregory, of 2306 Lawrence Si., Denver, Col., writes to Mis. Piitkbain: " 1 was practically an Invalid for six years, on account of female troubles. 1 underwent an operation by tho doctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad? vised l.ydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it restored me. to perfect health, such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suftcruig as I did with backache, bearing-down pains,and periodic pains,should not fail to use Lydia IC l'iukhnni's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia K. l'ink liiiins Vegetable Cbnipouhd, made from roots and herbs, bus been tho Standard remedy for femalo ills t anil has positively cured thousands of 1 women whohavo been troubled with displacements, inllainmntion, ulcera jtlon, ilbroid tuinors, irregularities, puriodio pains, bneknebe, that bear? ing-down feeling, llatulency, indiges? tion,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it V ! Mrs. IMnkhnm Invites all sick women to write Her for atlvlee, ?ho has guided thousands to I health. Address, Lynn, Muss. A Change Of Bill The electric Hlgns nt either aide uf th? stugu winked mid the number changed to 8. In the audience people glanced nt tholr programs and stumbled over tho phrases which announced Sonor Avar lllo and Dainty Murguerlta In the thrllllug death-defying knife-throwing act. "I wish they wouldn't have Bitch thiiiKs," suld tho woman with the Urin chin In tho first box. "It Is so nerve ranking! What If a knife should BlIpY" The audience held Its breath with the sumo mental question as tho cur? tain went up and disclosed tho large upright board against which Dainty Mafguerltn twice a day was outlined by the deadly hatchets and knives of the Spanish gentleman attired In crim? son and yellow und with the sweeping mustache. Always when ho first cunie on und bowed to the plaudits Sonor Avnrlllo wits wont to waive a hand up? ward and through one uldo of the mus? tache before bo grneefnlly whirled about toward tho board. .Murguerlta. linsmlllUgly bowing, wondered with a dull weariness bow muny hundred times she .had seen him make that identical gesture. There even hail been n time when she, too. admired it. but that had been three years ago, when she had just married him und ho had cured about her. It bud been some time now since she had come to realize that everything was ended for her. When Avarlllo grow tired be also grew brutal. Not that he struck her. Ills cruelty was us graceful and subtle us his stage gestures. When she bud reproached him with the patent fart that he cared for her no more he bud merely murmured endearing phrusos In his own tongue and smiled, and that .smile had piled the last stone on the tomb of her hopes. It was not love for bint. As the watched him sorting bis deadly weap? ons and noted his gratified vanity at the interest of the spectators she won? dered If she did not hate him des? perately. She hud reached such a negative state of mind that site was not certain even about that. She was only deadly tired; tired of Ihn footlights glaring In her face, of the rustling of the half-seen people In the body of the theater, of the orches? tra music, and, most of all, or standing plastered against the board. Once he glanced at her seelugly. and his eyes were malignant. They changed us ibey swept to the whins, where stood tho song und dntioo wom? an, who came next?nil pink Btitin and rouge, wit h her languid eyes beut upon him. Murguerlta understood, but jealousy did not torment her, for olio gets beyond that ufter n time. She did not care it came to her that If only she could care about something ? could bo happy or enraged?life would look simpler. There cume un excited rustling from the spectators us tho largo frame pasted over with maiilla paper was sot up In front of her us she rented against the bonrd, for tills was the thrilling finale of Avnrlllo's act. When she was thus hidden both from him nnd the people In the theater, tho man. with nn apparent blindfold over I Iiis eyes, hurled his knives through tho i paper up und down either sfdo of her, , nnd then, with a nourish, tore down tho flimsy shield to show Murguerlta safe and smiling unild tho shining steel blades. She counted mechanically the whizzes and thuds. One?the knife at her foot. Then gradually they crept up her left side toward her head. . A sickening disgust, the climax of lior misery, swept over her. With a sudden fierceness she desperately swerved behind tho phper barrier from her position townrd the right to bo in line with the course of tho knives as they should make the turn over heir head aud creep down that side. The singing knives were making tho line up the left side, from which she had moved, ut her wulst, a little high? er?and then from the spectators n smothered cry as tho knife, on a level With her heart, curved and landed three iticboa closer thun It should! There was a pause as If they await? ed her shriek, and tlton Senor Avarlllo continued his throwing. The woman against the board turned her head aud stared with fas? cinated eycB, In which horror grew, ' at the knife that had boon thrown to I pierce her heart. Tho spectators might be deceived Into thinking it a { careless slip?but She knew bettor. : Still sturiug, she swerved back luto I her origlunl position out of the way I of the knives now descouding on her j tight side. I When tho pappr shield was torn , down Senor Avarlllo did not look at her. As ho bowed gracefully to the I people in front of bim sho watched With eyes stlil full of horror. "She looked scared," cheerfully said the woman In tho first box to her com? panions. Off the stago Dainty Margtierita went st.alght to the manager and an? nounced that she had made her last appearance. She had experienced an emotion at laBt and that emotion was fear. "But Avarlllo Is our best card!" pro. tested the angry manager. "Oh, Avarlllo!" repeated Margtio ritt? In a dazed way. "Ho will slay! It is Just myself who is going." "Where?" queried tho manager. "1 don't knuw," said the woman, simply. ._;_ SEI\MAN~ FINDS GRAVE ON MAGDALENA SHORE Francis J. Dowiing, cf the Missouri, a Tuberculosis Victim, U Buried by His Comrades. MAGDALENA BAY, April 1 ?liou ni (i in iirfaih by bis Aurerlcaii brothers an,I by a squad <>f link Bkltllicd mar. lues from Hip Mexican gunboat Tain Piro. Francis J. Howling, a seaman oii Hi- hnttlrtfiiip Missouri, lias booh buried in the fool bills south of the town of Magdalena. Howling was 20 years old. Ills death was caused by consumption. His home was at Kan Oialre, WIs. Aside from the regret causes! by the Illness of tin. commander in chief, Hear Admiral Ryans, the death of young Howling Is the one real note of sorrow that lias fallen on the iloi 1 during Us stay in those waters .While the ships Oil the range w re Illing their '12 Inch gulls at the targets, six miles away. '100 olllcers and men of the Missouri were paying their last tribute to the dead. Tile roar of the guns, like distant thunder, and ITi.: I Boat of mufUed drums on the shore nilngl< il in a requiem symbolic of Both life and death. The (bet went, j on with 11s work, but Hie dead B a man was given his meed of honor. ' It was a mournfully picturesque cor? tege that followed The body from the Missouri to the Shore along the dusty Magdalena street ami up to the bill to the spot where the open grave awaited its tenant. A dozen launches and row boat? carried the officers and men of the fleet, the former In full blue uniforms with white gloves, the' latter In white with black tie*. All, fkigs wore at half mast. In Hie llrst launch, on the carriage of a field gun, rested the plain black box that cohtnlned Hie body. Over It lay the Union .lack, j Arrived on shore, a column was quickly formed, tlto hand lea ling, the 'junior olllcers. marines and seamen of the Missouri following and the Mexican marines bringing up the rear. The march to the grave began to the music of a dirge that emphasized the lonllncsg of the udjaeent h?ls. I At the grave Rev. M. C. Gleesen* .chaplain cf Ihe Connecticut, pronon lerd the ritual for the departed boa man, and the body was lowered into Hie gr;\vo while the Bind played "Nearer, My Cod, to Thee." The Am? erican marines then fired Hie usual three volleys and the Mjexlcan squad ? paid a like tribute of respect. I Seaman Cowling docs not sleep alone in this isolated graveyard. An-! , other American seaman was burled here just before the 11?.ct arrived. Be? sides there are graves of a score or more of Mexicans. Baseball Games. (By Associated Press) Ai New Haven?Y.ile .r>. Trinity 2. At Providence*?Bowdoin "., Brown 1. I At Princeton?Princeton 7. Bioken - son 0. '? At Durham, N. C?Trinity Ceillege ft, Colgate University 0. ! At Chapel Hill. N. C?Unlvirsily or ?North Carolina n, Cornell 2. I At CharlottORvillo ? University rr Yngit ia Atiili? ist College 1 I iAt Wliftiliifrloti'?Georgetown Uni? versity 1.3. Galf?udel 2. I At. 'Phllf.delphia?P. nnsylvaiila IS. Albright 2. 1Huston Pool Champion. CHICAGO. IhU, April 1.?Thomas Huston, of St. I oui.s, tonight defended .his Htle as pool champion, defeating l.loromo Keotigh, of Buffalo, HI to 110 j In the final block or three matches! ? The total for tho three nights is ? Houston 150; Kcottgh 403. aus* LtH More Sacrifice Selling at our present sloro before re? moval, then for our Grand Open? ing on Saturday. April -I. at Washington Avo., and Thirtieth Street. CLOTHING CO. Corner Washington Avenue and 33rd Street. Prcf. ti. F. THEEL. 536 Norin Sixth St, sassta SSSffi 11.? t;>ftMAN TKI lT*U%T the nnl; puar.iBt.r4 _iumfar hurt-Mr > li.<?l VuUon olh.r. ran i ?.*r?. All I Messrs, l.u. lh....V,,A,,.. ..>1-lJ, UrMlltr.I-mt n*nl:0*l.llr?lns. lA?r.,Tstli^AMtlttur#, (t.u rottUfl BUhMJ .'- ItU.lhr.BmaU bkrnnlun Uryan.. 43 j?ar* pfarltral 1 II >mr? I * I rSixrlfSife In Hrrwis}. ?-...W. r 1! V. I ? ' i - .* I I ' t '. I "lr> .!..,!... ?Vi--.:.. K;r.M;...r.n,..:. ?! l ' t t r, Mi.i I. I. I ,:i ..r CHARGES AGAINST DAY RULED OUT BY BISHOP Ruled That They Wore a Direct At | tack Upen Free Speech and Free Prec^. (Ily Associated Press) [ NEW YORK. April 1?The charges pn U rri d against Chancellor O.i'y of Syracuse University, by Rev. Q brgo A. Cooke, of llraudnn, Vt., were ruled I out of court by lilshop David H. Moore ai the opening of the 100th session of the New York Methodist Episcopal conference today. Bishop Moore, jn dlsnriffcthg lite [, said he regarded the. com? plaint against Chancellor Day as a idlrocl attack upon free speech and free press. The decision w:<< greeted with cheers and long continued applause. The eharg/s against Chancellor Day contained five counts and were to the < ffect that lie had defamed President Ror&eycil In softie of his public ut? terances. Mr. Dav no < fforl to answer the decision to throw ort the charg? es Of Air. CoeUe. Bjshop Moore nald the sanic charjys might Jirst as well bo brought against sonic member of the Pulled Stales Senate as ag.iinsl Mr. I la y. AI Ihr conclusion of Ills address, wh< n h/ asked "Shall the. character of .lames R. Day be pasped?"' the hand of every one of the several huudr. d d,.legates in the big hall fdiol up nnd another ronnyl of applause r.ll ed the auditorium. I Greatest spring tonic, driven on!, all linpurlllet. Makes the blood rich. Kills yon with warm, tingling life. Moil reliable pnrinc regulator That's lloHlaier's Rooky Mountain Ten. .Ilie Ten or Tablets.?J. C. Oorstich & Company. The more yon examine Hip Giaci Edelweiss Refrigerators lite m< you'll bo convinced of tliolr gr< merit. Booklets telling nil nb< tlieni herb frcei VV"o sell other mal of rtefrlgerntora Including the Imperial and the former having a largo poroolai lined iron tank which serve.; the in pose of water cooler (made by I Ourney Refr. Co.) .WeCallAttentioi to some new things just receive ?quartered oak polished Buffets, H Racks, Perfection Oil Cook Stovi Mattings and Matting Rugs, Tapesti Druggets, Porch Settees, Dini Chairr. and Rockers. Buxton & Parke Bloch Oo-Carts,- Bernstein 3-ploj Beds, High tirade Fell Mattress Ideal Cribs. Where Quality Is Uppermost. 71 Buyer of r our lino Oxfords ?to carefully look lOV(' i of Spring Slioos before buying! The selection |., complete and the Styles are" cofVecli What you want is her.-.' i WE FjfT FEET. ^' EISP'NMAN' 2/pO Washington Avenue. [rCTrrmiMiwiiiini