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CAPF. MOORE RETURNS Former Commsnder of Huntington [lilies Attends Drill NO fflVESTIFMIQl COM MED Report Said Officers of Regiment Would Come Here Last Night to Make Full Inquiry into Company's Affairs. But They Didn't Appear. There was no Investigation last! niKii! ?,r the troubles that occurred In the Huntington Rifles, Cohlpahy O. Seventy-tlrst Virginia Regiment. Na? tional Guard. II was reported yes? terday that officers of the regiment <v?ittd come here hist night dud con? duct a complete Inquiry Into the dif? ferences that existed in the command, but npno of the officers put in nil ap? pearance and. when naked concerning the reported Investigation, an officer of the company said that he knew of no such matter. However, it Is understood from n reliable source that the regimontal officers will make an official inquiry Into tlie troubles of the company In the near future. Captain Clinton c. Moore, formerly commander of the company, who left this city Suddenly at the time of the row in his com? mand", ha i returned and w as present at the armory last night. Major Sholtoil, of Richmond, judge advocate of the Virginia volunteers, was io have conducted his annual in? spection of the Rifles last night, but after reaching Norfolk on hit- way to this city, he was called back to Rich? mond by a telegram announcing the Serratia illness of a member of bis family. He Will come here at a fu? ture date to conduct the Inspection. SHIPPING REPORT. Wednesday, April 1, 1908. Arrived. Steamer Rollesby (Rr.) McKenzie,| nalyeslon?to White Oak Coal Com? pany for hunker con). Steamer Olenfriilii (Br.) Roherl on. Savannah?to Chesapeake & Ohio Coal and Coke Company for hunker coal. Steamer Wormlaiid (Swe.i.) Sand berg, I'aseagonla?to Smokeless fuel j Company for hunker coal. Barge Ban Jooquin from Pi'oVlddnce | m?to' Smokeless Fuel Conm-my In l.:il last. Barge O, P. Sargent from Boston? to Smokeless Fuel Company in ballast. Rarge Annie H. Smith from New York?to Smokeless Fuel Company in ballast: Rarge It. Jt. Thomas f.-im Provl t deuce?to H. U Herbert, ag'jll'., Rarge Knickerbocker from Provi? dence?to Chesapeake & Olil-1 Coal and Coke Company in ballast. Rarge Florida from Providence?la ' Chesapeake & Ohio Coal and Coke Company in ballast. Rarge Francis S. Hampshire from Providence?lo Chesapeake & Ohio \ Coal and Coke Company in ballast. linrgn a. O. Ropes from Providence L ?Not Chartered. Cleared. Steamer Rollesby flJr.) McKenzie. Rotterdam?Furness, Withy & Com I party, Uil. Steamer Werniland (Swed.) Sand l-^rg. Hull?Smokeless Fuel Compa i ny. V Steamer Clenfrtiin (Rr.) Robertson Rremen and Hamburg?Chesapeake & Ohio Coal and Coke Company. Steamer Kllpatrick (IT. S. army Irans'po'if) Rogers, Havana?United \ States Quartermasters' Depot. Rarge Jullar R. Dempsrey for Pow tncket. R. I.?Chesapeake & Ohio Coal I and Coke Company. ! Sailed. Steamers Olenfi-uin (Rr.) Rremen arid Hrimbnrgi kltp'atrick (U. s. army transport) Havana. Naturalization Club. 1 ai the Y. M. a. Hall Tuesday night a Hebrew Naturalization The New Model SPRING jpLjOTHES Really for your In? spection. Ever ' New Idea in Clothes rr]akinc is Correctly Ex? pressed in Our High I Class Garments \ For Spring. is Company 2Gtti t-'t ami wWh Avo tlon Club was formed. Officers werfe chosen us follows; President, 11. M. Pelts; vice-president, N. Nuchmau; secretary, ?. H. Hoffman; treasurer, H. Llphian. The object of the or? ganisation is to induce Hebrew's who art' not natives of thf United State-; to secure their|on papers anil Qualify as voters. Calendar for Today. Sun rises .5:10 a. in. j Sun sets .fi:2!l p. in. High water ..10;67 a. in.; 11:if. p. in, Low wated .....4:58 a. in.; 6:09 p. III. ORDINANCE~\/ETOED BY MAYOR. Amendment to Depository Measure Will be Suggested. Mayor Buxton has vetoed the or? dinance adopted by the council nam? ing the Pirat National. Citizen.! & Marine and Schhiolx Bros, banks us city depositories. The ordinance required that the de? positories rhoiild give bonds In the sum of $30,000, with some bondiU". company acceptable lo the council as security, The mayor vetoed the measure so that he might B?ggesl an amendmenti which will allow the banks 1? deposit state or city bonds as security for deposits. Contract for New Schooner. Advices received here from Port? land, Me., yesterday say that Wlliam I P. Palmer, who owns and operates n large fleet of coastwise schooners I has let a contract for the construe- ; lion of a new five-masted schooner to! the Percy & Small Company. Rath. I Me. This vessel will be employed In the coastwise trade. "Dope" Case Continued. In the police court yesterday the ease of Annie Smith and .lohn Thomas, the negroes who were or- j rested Tuesday night on the charge ' of selling cocaine, was continued tin -1 till tomorrow. Annie Smith said that she sold cocaine as the agent of Maltha Robinson, and the cases were continued in order to get the RoHn son woman in court. Kilpatric1' Sails. Carrying a. company of the Eleventh Infantry, a number of army officers and I heir fivaiilles and a large sup? ply of stores for the Army of Cuban I'jcifleation. the United Slates army transport Kllpairick, Captain Rogers, flrf.lcd from this port yesterday for Havana. Cuba. The transport will re? turn here In two weeks. Hamilton in Deck. The Old Dominion iJiio steamship Hamilton was hauled out in dry dock No. 1, at the shipyard, yesterday to have some repairs made to her hull. Dead Fisherman Found. The body or .1. II. Howell, who wtin drowned off his Ashing- boat on the 30th of last Deeembrr, was found near Hog Island. Tuesrday. The body wUl hi- brought here today and interred at Oretnlawn cemetery. Will be Docked for Survey. The [British steamship Ribston. which arrived here from Pensiieola Ip'ctjral idays ago wltjij her bottom stove in, .will lie tlorkoxl in dry dock No. 2. a.) the shipyard, tomorrow to have her hull surveyed. The vessel is dteehnrg'ng her cargo at pier No. .1, in the yard. Chimney Afire. A chimney afire at 552 Twenty fourih street caused nn alarm of fire to be turned in to the department about ? o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tin Rost End company responded and the blase wa? extinguished without, damage to the building. Arionette a Stak? Winner. (Bv Associated ^?ress) NEW ORLEANS; I.A., April 1?The I ndia -slakes. $1,000 add/?l, was won at the Fair (Hounds today by Arion? ette. v-hioh took the race in the first furlong. Fun In Space. I dreamed last night that I wao pres? ent at a committee meeting of-the sun, eurtb, moon and utnrs. "I'm no coward," said the earth. "No, but you have two great fears," suld the sun hotly. "And thewe nre?" "The hemispheres." "You've forgotten the atmosphere." put in the moon. And the comet, whe bad no business to be there, wnggef his tail with Joy. Not the Muslo Ha Loved. Mm. Talkaraore?Your husband la a great lover of music, Isn't he? Mrs. Chatters?Yes, Indeed, I have seen him get up in the middle of the night und try to compose. Mrs. T'.?Wbut? Mrs. O.?The baby.?Stray Stories. Weil Named. ?This Is the parlor, eh7" tentatively remarked the real estate agent, who was looking over tbo house. "Yea," replied the old man Kleider, "but I usually call It the courtroom. I've got seven daughters, you know." If yoK mako monoy your god. 'twill pluguo you llko n devil.?Fielding. New York city bunkers are the most suspicious men In the world. Persons who have deall with bunks In other cities are made extremely uncomforta? ble when they are made lo realite that they u.?? looked oo as dishonest and as trying Li take some unfair udvautage ?New York Herald. "The District School at Blueberry Corners" will be given at Oiaer Methodist church- Forty-fifth street, Frldnv, April 3rd, at 8:15 o'clock p. ? m. ArtmUalon 2?c 4-2-2t. Dr. Heck top's Invitation to V.stt City: "CURE OF THE CHILQ'S HEALTH" Important Subject Which Is Ever Oc? cupying Attention of the Leagues Wilt be Discussed?Meeting Tues? day, April 14. Dr. w. II. Heck, of tin- Unlvoralty of Virginia, baa accepted an invita? tion to visit this city and make an address before tin- Patron's Lengus of Hl? public schools. Hp will in- here on Tuesttty afternoon, April U, and will appear before the iv.'tulnr meet? ing of the Patrons" League or the High and Central schools. The other leagues, and all teacher*; patrons and other friends of the school system are Invlttd t? be present and hear h'tri. The subject of Dr. Heck's address will he Car.- ol tit.- Child's Health in School.'' Tills important subject Is ever under consideration in tie- pat? ron's meetings-, therefore the address should he of especial Interest. A gnat deal of good has neon ac? complished by iire Patron's Leagues since their formation, and the num? bers of the board and Superintendent "Morton are doing everything possi id, to keep up the Interest in the or? ganisations. IUDGE T. A. WICKHAM MAY STAND FOR CONGRESS If Friends Are Sufficiently Urgent He Will Oppose Captain John Lamb This Fall. RICHMOND, VA.. April 1.?The an? nouncement was made today that Judge T. Ashby Wlckham, member of (lie state Senate from Henrico county may enter the race for Congress oh the Democratic ticket in opposition j to Captain John Lamb, the enctim hunt. Some time ago It will be re? membered Senator W'ickham state 1 I that in- would not oppose Lamb. It ws intimated at the time, how ever, that the action of Judge Wiek linra would depend in great measure Upon the pressure brought to hear j upon him liy his friends. The an- \ nuiiuccmcnt today is to the effect that while Judge Wlckham will not : make n tight on Captain -1-nmh, who Cimported him. he will nevertheless t.nter the race for Congress If the call is mode upon him by his' pariy. FOR A SURVEY OF THE \ INLAND WATER ROUTE{ Resolution Introduced in the Senate Directing that a Survey be i Made for It. (By Associated PYess) WASHINGTON, D. C April L?' Senator Simmons today Introduced 1 Joint resolution directing a survey of j a continuous waterway by the route J deemed most available from Boston j to Wilmington, N. C, by way of Long Island souod, to New York to Rar I- I l nn bay. thence ncross New Jersey to Delaware and through Maryland thence to Chesapeake bay to North Carolina bv the sounds and Cape Pear j river to Wilmington. This- survey is to be for a waterway of a minimum depth of 16 feet. For Ulis purpose, $100.00(1 is appropriated by the resolution which was referred in the committee on commerce. Engages American Jockey. (Ry Associated Press) ST. PETERSBURG. April 1?M. 1 aznreff, one of the most prominent representatives or the Russ-ian turf, who last year won the Russian derby, lias engaged Herman Rndtke. the well known American jockey to ride hts horso? In St. Petersburg. M. Ijiz hreff also maintains a stable at Mos- j c.iw. where another American, Wing-' Held; i.-. the principal jockey. Ate 28 Plates of Raw Oysters. I CHESTER. PA., April 1.?At the/ Inquest in the case of William Steel-, man. who fell dead in the street fron heart disease, it developed that life day before he died, he ate flftetn plates of raw oysters, and that ail j the day of his death he devonied | thirteen plates of bivalves. Rehearsal for Opera. Another rehearsal for the o)orn Cirnifa-Olrofle will lie held in the hall of the Young MenV Christ Inn Aso? cial ion at 8 o'clock tonight. Th^ re iiersal will be conducted l y Profes? sor Cyril Dadswell, of Chicago. She Lead to Him. Vie (during quarrel l?You decflveil m" liefere our marriage. She?It's false. He?I asked you to soy theiword thff would moke me the hnppio^ man en earth and you said "Yes."?Jost on Transcript. Plenty of Trouble / In cai">ed by i: ngnation of Hf> liver and bowels. To get rid of It and headache and biliousness and <io pol v>n that brings jnnndlce, tike Dr. Klne's New Life Pills' the/relhihle purifiers that' do the work'without grinding or griping. 2fie at A\ Drug? gists, ARMY MEN NOT EXTRAVAQANT. Mrs. Franklin Bell Talks of Conditions Past and Present. "Wheu I hoar persons talk aliont iho oxtravugtuice ol army folk I feel a lit Ho warm," said Mis. Franklin Reil, wife of Oon. Dell. "In the ",? years In which I have known army life, the salary of officers baa net Increased lo a perceptible extent, hut Jost look where |he price ol living hits gonel In my early mauled days we lived In Foit Lincoln, Dakota, and I had one maid of all work, a Swede. 1 gave her exaetly four dollars a month, and she performed every item of the house work, except baullug the water, Her cooking was a Joy and n wren could not be nenter abottt herself or her sur? roundings. She aided me to mend the linen uud to make my gowns. Now I should like to see any kind of muht, eveu In the wilds, condescend to ac? cept less than tout dollars a week. Ex? travagance! Why, It's a wonder to me thut army men who have not private fortunes are able lo keep up appear? ances nt uil. Let me give you knottier Item: I formerly bad my best gowns made in Minneapolis for live dollars and six dollars apiece. Compare those figures with the prices asked by modistes to-day, and then think of the persons who have to pay the new prices on the old salaries," HAD IT FIGURED OUT NICELY. Washington Girl's Good Reason for Marrying Nsval Officer. Richmond Poarson Halcion, rrpro aeututlvo from Alabama, Is one of the new members of congress. His con? ferees were discussing Hobstin Ihu other evening, nud one raised the ques? tion as to whether he had treated his fame fairly In leaving the navy, where his reputation wuh established, nnd iaking up a political career. "That reminds hie of what a young Washington girl once said in me." re marked Representative liutler Ames, who was one of the party. "She had married a naval Officer, ami I asked her why she did that, ns naval offi? cers are away from home so much. "'Well,' she said*'I figured up the thing pretty carefully, and I concluded that If my husband didn't turn out lo be my aftlulty ho would be away half tho time, anil if he did he would he home half the time. What more could one aBk?' " Counting Crabs. The crab known us iho scale-tailed apns was belloved lo have become ux tinct In Great Britain CO years ugo, I the last recorded specimens being I tuken In the ponds on Hampstoud j Heath. Rut now It has turned lip I again In some numbers In two ponds ' on Preston Morse, near Southwlek, In I Kirkcudbrightshire. About two nnd a half Inches long, the apus bears a very striking likeness to that remarkable ' creature, the king crab, aud this tie cause the forepart of the body Is env ered by a great semicircle shield of carapace, while, as lu the king crab, ' It swims on Its bock. In the great , number of IIa legs the scale-tailed apus baa few rivals, while In the ntitu ' ber of joints which these sharo be? tween them no other creature can I compare. The naturalist Sehaffer I once essayed tho tubk of counting them and madu the mugnlOcunt total ! of 1.802,601. I.tutellle put down the i number at a round 2,000,000.?Wash l lugton Herald. The Bachelor's Dream. Idke the fox and tho grapes, many a man bides bis lonelluess' by a pro? tended contempt for home and mar ' rlago. This Is not always due to lack of faith or seltishueSB, but rather luck of money. It Is said that an excess of motley le usually a woman's strongest | j enemy, that ft often bns power .to , mako her give up the man she truly ' loves for a man who can give her thv hiiurles of life, j Deep down In his heart the bachelor dreams that somewhere In the wide world "she" Is waitlug for htm, If he oidy could Hud und support "her." Was there ever a man who was Im u)une? Certainly not, except when he and money uro a thing apart. The Last Word. i "Keep bIIII? You can't make mo koep still!" shrieked the wife of ;' Pharaoh. "No?" queried the king, raising bis brows. "No?" mocked the queen, "nor can any other man!" "That's all right." replied the king, "the embuliner Will mako you dry up." Those who huve Been the queen's mummy must acknowledge that the king was right.?Houston Post. Smart, Wasn't He? "I wsb named after George Wash? ington." "I thought your uame was Peter Paul?" "So It Is; but I was christened in 1832, Just a hundred years after."? judge; Points of View. Her Admirer?Doris always keeps Lent bo strictly. Her Female Friend?Yes, the rest is a good complexion cure, and I he de votloual, demurely saintly air Is ho be? coming to her stylo.?Baltimore Amer? ican. Shifted Responsibility. "What did you do with your money?" "I tried to be careful," answered Mr. Slrus Barker. "I was too timid to In? vest it myself, so I turned It over U. other people and let them lose It." Seen Through a Keyhole. In Urn April Aihvrlcah Miik-ikIuc Lincoln Steffens t"lla the slor.v 6< I).the MuniS anil how hO naught tliu crooks Iii sjh Fro?clsco. Hilms la the greatest detective hi America, ami ihl'i was his hardest job. Follow Iiik la lh? Story of how Roy bribed l.uucrgitu. mi uidermui. Rums was In an adjoining room, looking through n key-hole, tin and Roy bad pui up iho job on l-oneigan. "l.'nyergaii r:nic. Ho walked Into Roy'? ofllec. and ii was all up to ltoy. W'idl. 'Hoy Is a wondc.r.' says Hums. Who watched hint. Ills voice WOK steady, and his hand. Ho llivlted Liiutgau to sit down; LOhbrgtltl didn't c are to sit. hut Hoy lush ted and whoil l.onergan moved the chair to obo) Hoy put it back. Hoy was p< i forming ills part with precision and finish. " 'l.onergnn.' be said, 'we skating rial; men have made up ti ptlrSO lopav you fellows for heating this ordlnanco and to protect \is hcreiitti r Will yon stand in?' " Sure,' said l.oncrgan. i "'All riebt.' said Hoy. 'Now here's' your money,' and. so that the wit ? ncsatca might and si e, Hoy count? ed the money out hill by bill: 'Fifty, one hundred, two. three, four, live hundred dollars. Is that right?" "'That's right." Bitld Loiiergau, jpive \ hundred plunks. And I'll be your friend as long oh you live, Hoy." ??'tlood. anld Hoy and f?r the stcn { ortapher to take down he added: 'Hut there !:t no Writing, of COurso, so II must be understood bed ween us, that you accept this money unit JfOU agree In consideration (hereof to vote against that ordinance,,' oVe? etc., glv i lug the exact tedms of the corrupt I contract, as dictated by Honey lb lit i the jaw. 'is that understood?' asked Hoy. I "That's understood,' raid Lonorgnn I " And Ihere'll be other things?' , Hoy Baid. I "'Well, you can depend on 1110 for , anything, Roy.' I "Then Lonorgnn raid that Coffee another supervisor, told him to 'get Iiis.' j j ""'Oh. no.' said Hoy, the nerveless. ! "Yon loll Coffee to conic and ro| his himself. I want nil understanding with eacli of you.' " Its ChleTrjefect. nigley?You don't believe In n col? lege edlicnllon. then? Jlgley?No; It unfits n man for everything except to sit around croak? ing a boll t how much more Intelligent? ly he could enjoy wealth than llie average man doe.-.?Catholic Standard j and Times. Gratitude. An old farmer who lived by himself sent for the parish grnivedlggur ami explained to blm where he wished to j be burled. "And bore. Sandy," said be, "Is ID sbllllugs for digging my grave. Ye see, ye wiidua, maybe, bo sae sure o' the per efter I'm uwu'." " 'Deed, sir," replied Sandy, over? come nt such unwonted liberality, "it wad be n great pleasure tae me tan dig yer grave for naetlilug ony time." II coaxes back that well feeling, healthy look, puts the sap of life In your system, protects you from dis? ease HoltlBter's Rocky Mountain Tea has no equal as a spring tonh. for the whole family. 35c. Ten or Tablets.? J. C. Gorsuch & Company. Death Was On His Heels. Jesse I'. Morris, of Skippers. Vn., had a close cull in the spring of limfi. He says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fear? ful cough that my friends declared consumption had me, and death wan on my heels. Then 1 wna persuaded to try Dr. -King's New Discovery. It helped me immediately, and after tak? ing two and a half holies I was a well man again. I found out that New Discovery Is (he best remedy for coughs and lung In all iho world." Sold under guarantee at All Druggists. -Giio gud 1,0 ? Trial Lot tie free, li EMBRACE THE OP? PORTUNITY and order your Spring Suit Early, g You Needn't Worry about the fit or the stylo of t suit if you give us your order. We guarantee to malte every garment absolutely right. CORRECT IN STLYF. Irreproachable in lit. Hvery suit we make beam (be mark of the exclusive tailor. Spring ami Summer Goods' now In Stock. 221 Twenty-fifth Street, KEATING & WRUBLE 428 Main St., Norfolk, Va. 1> l-m .1 a iii v. TAIinuQ Put This Stove In Your Kitchen It is wonderfully convenient to du kitchen work on a Hove that's ready at the instant wanted, and out of the way tho moment you're done. Such a stove is the New Perfection Wick Ulue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. By using it you avoid the continuous overpowering heat of a coal lire and cook with comfort, even in dou days. Tho is so constructed that it intuit add perceptibly to the heat of a roothj the llamc being directed up u retainino. chimney to the ttove top where it is needed for cooking. You can see that a stove sending out heat in but tut di? rection would be preferable on a hot day to a stove radiating heat in all directions. Tho "New Perfection" keeps a kitchen uniformly comfortable. Three sizes, fully warranted. If not i i i!i your dealer, wiitc our heard! agency. the Ideal lamp v*tes?^ for family use?laic, convenient, economical and a great light giver It not with your dealer.wute our near etl agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) r gg??? MM I IHM IIHIllJli'a^ttWUaireyffl^^ me. Washington Avenue at Thirtieth Streut. Easteir Hat Is Here...i^ THE CHOICE WE OFFER GIVES YOU A SELECTION FROM' EVERY NEW AND APPROVED STYLE, FROM THE FINEST TO THE LEAST EXPENSIVE?YOU'LL GET THE PROPER STYLE, AT THE LOWEST PRICE IF YOU GET IT HERE. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW?LADIES* TAILORED HAT8 Smart Styles at $4.88?A collection of all the New Ideas in These Popular Hats?All Colors. The "Merry Widow' Trimmed Hat All the Rage. $3.98. Hats Trimmed Ready - to -Wear All Shapes and Colors, $2.50 and 93.00 Values for $1.98. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THAT EASTER HAT AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE?ORDERS ARE COMING IN FAST AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE LATE?EVERY ORDER TAKEN WILL BE OtXTvERED PROMr- TLY AND NO DELAV. For Sale! The LAFAYETTE HOTEL. | COR. 27TH ST., AND HUNTINGTON AVE. This property is going to be sold cheap. Can he made a good 15 Per Cent. Investment. j& j& jtW Call for Particulars. Old Dominion Land Co. HOTEL WARWICK BUILDING. Mrs. Godwin Dead. Mk*s. Ptrj?rho Godwin, 88 yearn of age, dif-.i Lite Tuesday night ni the homo of her son. Mr. O. H. Godwin, 3215 Virginia avenue. Mrs. T.othvln had been feeble for some lime, but was 111 for only n ft w days. She came to this city 2i) y-rars ago with her son and had made b'er home here since that time. Funeral services will be conducted nt the residence thin mornlg at 10:30 o'clock by Rev. 13. -T. Wcllfor.l, pastor or the First Presby? terian church, of which the deceased was a memt? r. The body will be in Hrred at Greenlaw cemetery, OF FINE HOUSE AND LOT AT RIVERVIEW, SATURDAY, THE 4TH, AT 3 P. M. For further Information consult JXHHS C. PHILLIPS. Refree, Slls hy Building. 'Phono No. 100C-. EVERY YOUNG MAN should carry as much Life In? surance as ids Income will per? mit, whether he has anyone der pendent upon him -or not, It is the easiest way to lay the foundation of nn estnti?the safest way to Invest snvings. The payment of a fixed sum regularly for Life Insurance H a lesson In thrift. A policy taken by a young man matures ' when he Is in Iiis prime?Thon.-' his savings may be drawn in cash?or the Insurance c.intinn ed If he has a family or other dependents. The Equitable has many forms, of contract particularly Gi-'ited tO ' younc men?all offering an ab-' solutely safe investment and lib? eral dividend?. la Wa General Agent, IIIS Hast Main Street, RICHMOND : : VIRGINIA..