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Baff*! PUBLISHED EVERY MORN1NO (Except Monday) ?At the? DAILY PRESS BUILDING-. 211 Twenlfyflfth Stroet. by the DAILY PRKSS COMPANY. 0. E. Thnckor? Editor aud Publisher.! L. B. Ptigh-.Advertising Manager.j Tho Da'ly Press Is delivered by car? riers anywhere in tbo city limits fori ?10 coais a week. Any Irregularities! in delivery should be Immediately re? ported to tho offloe of publication. Op oars for delivery of tho Dally Proas | tor either rctddenco or places of busi? ness may bo made by postal card or telephone. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. (Pnynblo luvuriahiy In advance.) Ono Month .$ .50 Three Months .$1.26 Blx Month.- .12.50 One Year .$5.qo TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Editorial Rooms.. .Bell 'Phono No. 14 Business Ofiico.. .Doll 'Phono No. 181 No employee of rno Dally Press Company Ik authorized to contract any obllgaHon In tho name of the company, or to mako purchases In tho Same of Uta sumo except upon order Signed by tho PUBLISHER OV THE DAILY PRESS. Knteron at tho Newport Nowe, Vs.. Poatoflloe as second-class matter.! THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1008 THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN , VIRGINIA. .There was a time when II seemed m?re thnu likely that there would I"' n. ?aerlotiH difference between tb. Democrat8 of Virginia In reference to tho endorsement of William Jenntngrf 'Bryan for the presidential nomina? tion, but now happily the Indications Rro that, the expected clash at Ron Koke Will not take place. There are some of the representative leaders of the party who have been opposed to the renomlnatlon of Mr. Bryan be? cause they honestly believed thai he could not bo elected, but as It Is lining further proved all the time that Bryan Ik growing stronger with each day not only In Virginia, but through nut. the country, they now seem In? clined to submit to the Will of the people rather than to any personal opinion they might entertain on the subject. That the great majority of the Dem? ocratic party In Virginia h for Bryan.i there Is not n doubt, and that this fic 1 helng realized by there who wervi ?tit one lime opposed to ldm la a cause, of congratulation. With the exception of two or three, the newspaper.-) of the state are solidly for Bryan, and In taking this slntid they unquestion? ably reflect the sentiment of the com-! tmiiilty In which they are issued. In Richmond, however, the resirvo con-j tili ion:; hold true, its two of the papers! lit Hint city are strong anti-Bryan in 1 poiilcy, while the city itself is Just as .?dronu' for the Nebraakan. That the people of Richmond are for Bryan was proved every time Bryan appear? ed in the elty. Upon his visits- In Hlchmond the people had no bound ? for their enthusiasm for the peerless leader. The opinion of these papers Iii question cannot, therefor... relied the opinion of the voters of the Capi? ta! City 011 the whole. They givo lltelr sldo of the ease upon every oc MEloii that presents Itself, as do all -itti-Hryan men in the state, but they tniiMt 800U awaken to the fact thai (hey uro advocating a los-t cause. As a staunch Democratic stnto, It U lime that Virginia sent an instruct 9d delegation to the Democratic na? tional convention, or If not a hide .hound instructed delegation,' one that niiows that the majority of the mem orb oi the party will he more than ilt Pied If R supports the great com ,?,nc? Virginia harr showed Itself In timorous ways to.ho In harmony with rlio policies of Mr. Bryan and It would actually be inconsistent for it not to support him at Denver. It ha.i nevei tloue so at the very outset of any con? dition aV. which he has been noml ated, but because mistakes have been made In Hie past la no reason why l:ty should be repeated. SOUTH IS NOT EXCITED A PAR? TICLE. Walter Wollman, the well-known ewspaper writer, has made the start b.ig_ discovery that the entire South 8 greatly excited over what has been Sjftned tho "Ohio Plan" to reduce the presentation ,of the Southern atatcs it Congress and the elecloral college I will be undoubtedly news to the poo? dle, of the South to learn that they are lieb cd up to the ferment that Wo.ll ;?n e.ays tbey are in his newspaper. ! the newspapers of Ihe South are f; he taken na a criterion, there la not even :t disturbed feeling,to say noth-j Ihr <>f intense excitement. If this ex; cttomont provnlled, It certainly would lie reflected In the press of the South, lint there Is most assuredly m> bucIi reflection. In fact, the "Ohio Plan" has been only In rare Instances li'ent i>ii Seriously enough to call forth i i in in) utterances. it Is generally believed thai tho name plan will bo embodied In the Republican platform, Iho sa. as it was in I0U4. It iliil not alarm tin Smith ihon tum will cause no alarm now, for Ii will ln> remembered Ihnt prominent Republicans three years ago disavowed tin- paternity or the plank on tho negro question, nmi statements wero made to the effect that Its adoption was without the knowledge and contrary to Ihe jiulg mi'tii of Prosldenl Roosevelt, It will also bo remembered that Senator Phitt once trlod to got n rcsolntlou through tin' Senato reducing the con? gressional representation In Ihe Southern states, inn that Ihe measure was not oven given a hearing by Iho committee to which It was roforred. since Hint time men like Orumpncker of Indiana, and Kojffor of Ohio, have urged reduction of the Smith's repre? sentation only to And theinsolvofl turned down most unceremoniously by tlic Republican majority of Ihe House. Rut 6veh ir there was danger of any? thing of tho klpd, tho Smith would refuse to ho bulldozed by such a threat into abandoning its election laws. In commenting on iho possi? bility of Use execution of the Ohio threat, the New Orleans States says' "if necessary, tho reduction will be accepted and Iho South will trust to the future for n vindication of tho Wisdom und justice of Iis laws. Such a reduction would utterly fall to per? petuate the Republican party in pow-1 er. The time would 001110 and com soon when Ihe arrogance and corrup? tion of its dominant spirits would dis? gust even th<- people of the North and thoy would overthrow It, even If the South were entirely deprived of voice or vote In Congress or Ihe electoral college. It Is a rather lute day to re? vive sectionalism of this character. It is of a hind that might hove boon deemed highly doslrablo by Ihe North em radicals or reconstruction limes." in view of the rapidly Increasing migration of the negroes to tho North. It is quite reasonal'ie to believe thai the time is not far distant when the North Itself will be COIupolled to throw around Ihe ballot bos; .inch re? striction us Will reduce the negro us a factor In Northern elections, for nothing is so plain as that the North I is rapidly developing a negro problem 1 of Iis own. No, (lie South Is not ex- j cited and absolutely refuses to he- ? come so. The Irish members of Parliament demand authority over nit purely Irish affairs, ami on refusal threaten (o ill" nipt the British ministry. A truly hi beminn nut lor the stern mludoJ British to crack. The "man haters"?bachelor niaida who denounce matrimony?were given a complimentary matinee at a New York theater yesterday. There aie men mean enough to think that tho selection of Hie date was intentional. I The minority In a legislative body can do a whole lot of good sometimes I'or instance live Democratic senators have made It Impossible to restore the discharged members of the Twen? ty-fifth, regiment to good standing In tiie army. Somehow it Is very easy to thlnlt of rain every time yon read about that Richmond-William and Mary baseball game. There Is a girl in Los Angeles win-1 has been asleep for six weeks. If she' does not awaken when the sailors of the fleet hit the town, she never will.1 There are hints that Roosevelt has a dark horse In view in case Tali cannot win. Can't be that he Is grooming Hooker Washington? Chancellor Day has a severe attack of grip. Hard for him but a good thing for Iho suffering public. That word liar Is Hying around fast enough in the submarine investigation Tor somebody to get hurt prelty soon ? May the healing springs or San Luis' Oldlspo do a good job on Admiral Rvans' bad leg. H Is hard to realize that Helen Mil? ler Could and Mine. Anna Could are sisters. I AR er reading the accounts or tho Clllette execution, nil Virginia must be glad Hint the state has- adopted the electric chair. If Is this desire of the other churches for Virginia Peninsula min? isters, doea not cease soon, local pul? pit committees will hnvo to work over? time. WITH THE PAR AG RA PH ERB. j Peace has Us defeats no less than war. Thy Russian dol/l exi.ds four billions of dollars, and five hundred millions more lire needed at once.? Philadelphia inquirer, The Oklahoma man who claims lo have fouiul u snake in a can <>f mo losses should have *l>e iluiii analysed; ('bailees are It wasn't molasses.? Philadelphia Ledger. A Washington dispatch says that "Mr, Roosevelt is annoyed by third term lalk." So ate Messrs. Rryaii, Tait, l-'.iii banks. Cannon, Kupx et al. ?-Omaha Ree. Governor Hughes is not vindictive Even since >.lug (he Taft (able, as complied by Hitchcock, he says men are nine-tenths good.?Philadelphia Ledger, / When a man says to you. "Here's the political situation in u nutshell," you are pretty safe in Bottling hack for an hour's nap.?New York Mail. It Isn't always thai the hat Itself Is so big, bill thai the woman under it is so Hindll.?Indianapolis News. Hr. David ?'? Hill is U very milch perplexed man, hut Chnrlomagna Tow? er Is In a much worse position.?Phil? adelphia Inquirer. The Alton woman who gave up 147 pieces of her cuticle for n mother-in law probably was patching up domes tie happiness.?St, l-iouls Times. The man who Is always complaining that people are imposing on his good nature Is pretty sure to have a lazy Idea of what good naiure Is.?Chicago Record-Herald. On (ha same day thai a bishop in Chicago urges Iiis followers to live lo tie 100 by drinking sour milk, 2400< Illllk-oarJ drivers In that town go on strike. -Now York Evening Post. and NEWPORT NEWS? The suggestion of Krank M. West colt, commissioner of puMlo works, that Ihe people of Syracuse observe May 1st as "cleaning up" day. is one thai speaks eloquently for Itself. The time Is near at band when housewives .will get busy -with (heir spring cleaning. As n rule, they do that work with a grim thoroughness that dismays tho masculine head of the establishment. Jiut too often die spring cleaning is confined to the In ? terlor of the house, and the exterior Is left to carry the Impression of win? ter's demoralizing touch. For this housewives and house husbands, too,1 are much to blame. It would be a great tiling for the city If some of this tremendous ener? gy of the -house clonners In the spring time could he diverted to die lawns, the back yards, the sidewalks, tie1 arena, rubbish heaps, et cetera, et cetera. Could May Day he celebrated in a better way? Commissioner Wes-i cott thinks It could not. and we think ditto. Every Syracuse woman will deserve to he crowned Queen of the May who at the proper time gendv hill firmly reminds her negllgenl spouse of (lie condition of (he outdoor premises and hints that It is time for something to ho doing. If Ihe first of May should he unl vorsally observed In die way Com? missioner West cott proposes, It will be the most useful day In the year. If not tho most delightful and orna? mental.?Syracuse Hernld. EMPHASIS ON "STEAM." The fact that the New York Cen trnl Railroad 'lias ordered nearly ISO new locomotives is ah indication, of course, that prosperity is returning Rut tills is not the only aspect from which the matter may be viewed These new locomotives, it mny I.?e noted, tire to run by steam. In spite of nil that Itns been said about the crowding out of steam by electricity, steam gets in one more blow, and a heavy one, at its upstnrl rival. Of course, diese new locomotives are to be used on roads not yet fit? ted for operation by electricity. That would he a good enough reason for ordering- steam machines. Hut has electricity yet passed beyond Hie sta? tus of an experiment, for long dis? tance work on trunk lines? Anyhow, it seems to be the same with steam a? with Its older rival, the horse. Progress is often merciful to Hie old. Only a few years ago we were hail? ing the automobile and bicycle, and talking about n horseless age. And of lale we have been looking forward to a time when the steam locomotive will no longer puff Its .smoke In our faces. Rut the horse Is still here, and steam has not loosened Its grasp. ? Buffalo Express. I __ THE GOOd'mAN. He never wronged his fellow-man. He neither drank nor stole nor lied, Concocted ne'er on evil plan, Yet died Unsatisfied. Ho never gambled, never swore, Nor wooed another's maid or wife, From very evil he foreboro Sans strife His holy life. But, envy not. nor be siirprl-e<| At this mun's piety and worth. Deaf, dumb and 1 lind and paralyzed From birth He was. Hence his life's dearth. ?St. Iouls Globe-Democrat. Mother?What Is the matter, ClaruT . You look distressed. ! Clara (a bride)?George has?has bad , to go off on a?a trip, and r.e won't bo j back for?for two days. Itooboo! j Same Mother (some years later}? . now long will your husband lie away? Same Clam?1 forgot to ask. Gld Ap. Why, dum It, Oil* buinoroul atunt I* ? joku They'* iiothln' t* do but t" loaf au' V amoke! ?Hat tend th' machin* with y*r greas* CHn uti' ?Meura I T* uhop ort th? lln?> an" f II? up th' s-ear*. It's funny th' Jig* that thein typewriter*' do? I mean the machine* ot th' humort?t new; They'* barrels an' burn-Is of Jokaa In th' : tllltlRH Th*t only need tlcklln- I' aturt 'urn, b' Jmga. OlHt prese on th' poi-try atop an' ? hooray! Tii' kius cum itltln' an" amellln' o' May. YOU nip off th' tape when th' little bell liliR* An' Jlnu In th' ohoru* th' typewriter ?Intal Next thliiK I* th' key with th' mothor'n IKW ?tO|l. You kIvi- It a pok*. HI! tilut see th' thing Hop! Th' Adorn Joke'* next an' th' dog sail sure tale t'uiiia rlppln' along in th' typewriter sale! Th' topics of ylstcrday, now an' last mailt I With .- nuppers an" crack* In their tails? Klat u fright? i Th' quip and th' inw mid the thrlco lwl?l?d gag? Jump onto th' paper-|lt onto that wagl Yew don't need a thought ?r a rhyme er u wblm? I (list ult th' machtue In a flna workln' trim; | Touch one of th' atopa, an' then laugh at th' IhlriK* ' Till* doilguated funny old typewriter t slngal ?-?>-? t\ 8clntlllatlona. The mosquito's bill always calls for j blood money. ft (i it A fellow always feels bts oats after { he has taken his rye. mit it it A llttlo woman sometimes gets a I uiau Into big trouble. it it it When praying for rain, to be con tdstont, entry an umbrella. it it it Too many women tell a Joke tho lama way they throw a brtek at a cat. a it ^ When a hold-up man with a gun asks for anolutance he usuully gets It. it it it Some men who give Interviews to j tho newspapers should write a dutdal j of the Interview by first mall. it it it Thank goodness, the sleigh-rldlnc? j rnlo of driving with ono baud holds over for carriage rides oa moonlight j ulgbts. it it it Before I say anything more about tho glad springtime. I want to know, "Is the openwork fashion coming In attain?" I it it it A wise man traded horses with a fool and tho fool's horse ran away and broke lhe wise man's neck. Thus is true vlrtuo rewarded! it it it Who ever heard of a hen laying two eggs u day? Why, then, should a man I work overtime? Answer?Because tho man doesn't scratch hla mutches Uiat way! * it it I When a man is sick and in the hos? pital. It Is surprising how few friends he has who think enough of him to i wasto an hour from business calling on him. it it it At twenty-one a man starts In to re? form the world. At thirty ho htw his doubts about It. At forty ho decider tho world can't be reformed. At fifty ho Is busy hanging on by his eye? brows and letting the world reform him! ?-?-o Bed Covers. It waB tho much-read Ittobert lnger soll who referred to Santo DoiDlngn as the country where one needed, at a bed-quilt, only a cloud. Occasionally In the olden days, a hobo would wander lato our newspaper office and ask for a few exchanges. Ho was ar? ranging for bia cloud. Tlse difference between his somnambulistic ar? rangement und that designated by Mr. lngersoll was that bo .slept on Ids cloud Instead of uuder it. Having panhandled a "dooklo" from some charitably Inclined housekeeper, Weary Walker would proceed to tho nowspapcr ofllce to beg his bed. Thtu j with bed and board,"he was well pro? vided with Imrnedlata wants. With the "dooklo" inside IJm and the pa? per under him. to ke?p out the damp? ness and the cold, ho would snooze in some friendly boxcar until morulug. Did you ever soe a crowd of hoboes at a "shipwrecking"? For threo con? secutive years the hoboes over tho country, under the leadership of Charles F. Noe and "Onion" Cotton, held conventions. Tho burns attended In goodly numbers, and during each eonventlon many "shipwrecks" wero duly colebratcd. A "rfiipwreck" con? sists ot nil the fresh ck&r obtainable. Tho shells aro broken open and the eggs nre turned Into a pan, tho yolks floating unbroken lu the whites. When the pan is full or the eggs have nil boeu opened, some hero of tho frowsy coterie grasps a stick or rudo ladle and makes scrambled eggs of tho floating Islands. Thds la termed the "shipwreck." When tho eggs have been cooked they nre dipped out and placed between slices of bread aud eaten as sandwiches. EBgWBg CT.OTHES for MEN QJ Ring Up No. 25C Bell 'Phorie or No. ?'? Citizens 'Phono if yori can not conic, it it i J your wauls will have strict, ami careful attention, In anything in .Men's Wearing Apparel. our Spring Showing In Men's Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings nre worthy of the most fashion? able dressers' consideration. See us for all that's correct In Men's dress. 2715 Washington Ave Newport News, Va. TRANSPORTATION GUIDE. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.l Fait Trains ?o Richmond and the West. DeaTo Newport News 10:05 a. m., j 5:26 p. m. Local Trains to Richmond. li:30 a. in., 6:45 p. m. Trains urrlTO Newport News, 10:00] a. in., 10:35 a. m., 6:35 P- m. and 7:20 ] p. m. Steamer Service for Norfolk. Leave Newport News 19:40 u. m., 6r40 p. m. THE NORFOLK & WASHINGTON \ STEAMBOAT CO. Tho New and Powerful Iron Palnco Steamers NEWPORT NEWS, WASH? INGTON AND NORFOLK will leave | daily as follows: Northbound. Leave Portsmouth, North ; street . 5:00 p m j Leave Norfolk, foot of Wa? ter street, at. 0:00 p m| Leave Old Point Comfort at 7:00 p Arrive Washington at.... 7:00 a m Lv. Wash Ar. Phila. Ar. N. T. B.'&O.RR. I 9:00 a ?11:66 a 2:00 p m' Southbound. Lv New York. .|*12:00 in |*12.00 m 2:25 pm I Lv. Phlla. ... Ar. Wash. .... Lv Wash. _ Ar. Old Point . Ar. Norfolk .. Ar. Portsmouth ?Dally. 5:40 pm ? :30pra 7:00 a ni 8:00 a m 8:30am 2:08 pm 5:20 p m fi::t0 p m 7:00 a m 8:00 Mil 8:30&m j For information apply to J. N. Smith, Agent, Untoa Ticket I Office, Chamberlain Hotel, Old Point, j Vs. P. M. Prltehard, Gen. Agent, Jno. L. WllllamB, City Pass. Agant, cornor | Grnnby and Plume Sts.. Norfolk. Clyde ^tsamskip Ct>. #le?i.iere to Philadelphia MONDAY. THUR8DAY ans SATURDAY. Sailing from 1 niladelphls, Tueaday ThurHdny and Saturday. Freight received and delivered dally I at a Sfc O. Pier No. C. Office. River) Koad JAS. W. 'cOARRlCK 'den. Southern Agent CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. 13 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Pa. Merchants airliners Trans. Co STEAMSHIP LINE8. Passenger and Freight Newport News to Baltimore. Dully except Tuesday, 6 p. in. Fare $3.00 one way, $5.00 Round Trip, Including Stateroom Berth Tickets to all points. Norfolk to Boston. Every Mon? Wed. and brl., 6 o'clock p. m. Norfolk to Providence. Fiery Tucr., Frl., and Sun., 6 p. in. FoV tickets und further Information, iPPly to H. C. A VERY, Agent. Newport News, Va. Alrcmnrknble botanical specimen of Japfui Is u hollow tree truuk slxty-llvo feet In circumference containing n liv? ing lree nine feet In circumference. The older tree was destroyed about 1.10 jears ago, leaving tblrl.v feet of trunW nnd the Inner tree la about 110 years ild. A pissenger on a Brooklyn avenue' ear haided tho conductor a crumpled transfer with ono corner torn off. "What kind of a transfer Is this?" the conductor demanded. The passenger j nnswerek: "Thut Is a street car trans? fer. Wlbt did you think it was, a real I estate tr)nsfcr?"?Kansas City Star. ) VAULTS FOR J|VALUABLES I Bankers Where do yo? keep your valuable] papers, insurance policies, elc? Wo offer yon :i Safe deposit libs In our Modern Bire and Burglar Proof ' Vault for $1.',0. Jo $:j.oo per year. The Strongest Bank In the City. THE STRONGEST BANK Is the Hank wllh a Hoard of Conservative Directors who give their attention to the affairs of the Bank. The Directors of CITIZENS & MARINE BANK meet daily and give their personal attention to its business, attention to its business. A. C. GAP. RETT J. M. CURTIS E. T. IVY D. S. JONES DIRECTORS: A. B. MALLETT E. W. MILSTEAD H. E. PARKER ELIAS PEYSER EDWIN PHILLIP3 L. P. STEARNE3 W. B. VEST' GEO. B. WEST _ SlUL: 3 v.JUJLSULxJULSL^ ; The First National Bank *g;.; OF NEWPORT NEWS, ''r ' [ has splendid facilities for prompt service In till lines of commercial banking. United States Depositary 0.00 Surplus $100,000.00. Capital $100,00 W. A. POST, President. ~> ' C3Tr*.. . J. lt. SWINERTON. VIce-Presldent. 3. A. WILLETT, Cashier. ARTHUR LEE, Aas't Cashier. There are no "refractory noaos" when the "SO EASY Eye Glass" U used. It practically adjusts llsolt as It is put on, and it stays on with perfect comfort and security till you are ready to take it off. HULL & HULL, Largest Optical House on the Peninsula 121 TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, Opposite Post Offlco. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. FOR SALE Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams, Promptly Delivered. A. ASKEW 133 Thirtieth Street. In Russia they want A "U. S. R." And a President, Like America. The proper agitation of the merits of a contemplated move has been the foundation of the accomplishment of many worthy objects. We give the public logical reasons for talking about the merits of critics of our Red ASH COAL. It commends Hie approval of the severest of critics. Once you try a ton of It, yon will laud its* many superior tpinlities. W. R. DAVIS 1 Citz. 123 Both Phones Bell 125. It NORFOLK & ATLANTIC TERMINAL COMPANY. ???JB.?.??? malte? no difference how clean the ?hirl is; 12 It Is not properly starch? ed, it will look dirty nnd mussed. Oood work Is worthy of a good flu Ish, nnd no one can appreciato this in collars, cuffs and shirts more than the wearer. Our customer!: will testify that our work stands alono In this- respect. Give us a trial this week Norfolk-Newport Newt Ferry. Effec? tive Feb. 17, 1908. Subject to Change Without Notlco. 6:30 am | C:4.r? am | 7 8:45 am | 9:00 am I 9: 10:15 am |10:20am) 10: 11:45 am |12:00rn ) 12: 1:15 pm 1:110 pm I 1 2:46 pm 3:00 pm 3: 4:15 pm 4:30 pm I 4 5: 15 pm 6:00 pm j 6. 7:15 pm 7:30 pm | 1: ~B. CT" HAT I i A WA Y, nger. WM. It. ALLEN erlntendent Railways. 20 am) 8: .00 urn j 9: 30 ami II: 00 m 12: 30 pm| 2: OOpml 3: 30pm| 5: COpml 6: 30 pm| 8^ General [j General 00 am 30 am 00 am 30 pm 00 pm 30 pm 00 pm 30 pm 00 pm Man~ Sup FOR MEN Frnti? Drum Chfcki lo ftoui (.'ure* the moit difliculi vumi in thjee ,U. i. livd kf bospltali aod clinic*. Sold by aOBBirCH'S DRUG STORKS 004 H?,N Inill, ,n. V?. |3M w?cMiN?T*n Unman, mmw cu^j. C*> PROMPTLY DONE From a Parcel to | an Eagind. Freight, Baggagte, Furniture and Safes Carefully and J Promptly Hoved. Virginia Trar.snq^taiion Co, fcitorage/ Warehouse 514-520 27th Street Reasonable Rates.