Newspaper Page Text
IRL HANGS HERSELF Miss Louise Clarke, of fronton, Suicided Yesterday In Home of the Misses Morris. SHE WAS FOUND BY HER MOTHER ?he Wan tho Daughter of Mr. Canv bridge Clarke, a Leading Banker of IrontoV), and Buffered From Ner? vousness?Body Taken Back to Ohio Latt Night. Making a noose of her drop stitch silk etooklng, which she tied togeth? er, MJbb Louise, Clnrko, 22 yours old, tho daughter of Mr. Cambridge Clnrko. of Irontou, Ohio, eommltlcd Bulcldu III tho boarding house of tho Misse* Mor? ris, Carey street, at nn early hour y B torday morning, by hanging herself to tho door transonic. Miss Olarko plac? ed one* end or hor Improvised rope t<> tho door transom. Mian (Marke pluo around hrr neck, end thon kicked < chair from under her. When found by her mother nt 7:ii0 o'clock, she wan dend. Dr. Harry D. ifbwo, who hud l?een, treating tho young lady for nor ,yijiislies?, was OnirrlodJy summoned und wns later Joined by Dr. J. Wilton Hopo. T3io physicians found thai lire was extinct and that Miss Clarke hud probably been dead 20 minutes when dlflcoverod. Tho facts of the death were report? ed to Dr. Cloorgo K. Vahdersltco, the coroner, who after viewing tho re miSInn decided that It was a clear ease of suicide and that nn Inqucai was un? necessary. The coroner gave n cer tlfloat.o of death from strangulation. MIsb Clarke, who was the daughter of u leading banker of Irontou, oanio hero threo weeks ago and was living ?with tho Misses Morris. She had been In 111 health some ttllto and her con? dition continued to grow worse, Sun? day aftomoun ehe wired for her mo llier. and Mrs. Alice Clarke reached Hampton late Tuesday afternoon. The mother and daughter were together] until nearly midnight Tuesday, when they separated, Mrs. Clarke going to | her room and MIrr Clafko to hers. Tho remains wert? prepared for | burial by lind? rtakors it. <:. ITnll & , Son, and forwarded to Irontou on tho | Chesapeake & Ohio train yesterday aflernoon. The body was accompanied l.aelt to Ohio by Mrs, (Marke. From all appearances the action or] Miss Clarke lu taking her own life was deliberate and she had evidently plauncd tho net. It Is thoughT that shie probably wired her mother come so thai she might bo here when j tho final art was committed. MISS NAN MORGAN TO BE BRIDE OF PAUL TABB\ Popular Young Society Girl of Aber rfcen, Md., to Wed Hampton Man on April 15th. Invitations have been received here ?to tho marriage or Miss Nan Morgan, of Aberdeen. Md.. and Mr. Paul T.ibb, j of Hampton. The ceremony, which' will be a society event, will occur In Aberdeeu on Wednesday evening April 15th. Mr. Tabb will have as his best man Mr. John J. Qravalt, Jr., FRANKEL & El JENMAN 36 V/. Queen St., Hampton. GET THE BEST Buy of Frankel & Elsennian, you can feel satisfied that you are getting tho best and that you aro well dressed. WE MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER. You can bet your bottom dol? lar that thoy aro mado abso? lutely right and that they will fit you. Splendid IJno of Hats. Great Ldno of Oxfords. Frankel ?b EjLrenman IS W. QUEEN STREET, HAMPTON, VA, Richmond, end Miss Kvu Morgan will attend her sister na maid of honor. The bridesmaids will ho Misses Baler Ijoo, of Hampton, Miss Chayne, and tho Misses Hanway, of Maryland. Nfcaara. R. M. McCandllsh, Blmklmi Jones, Shot-wood Jones, of Hampton, sind Shirley Morgan, of Xberdoen, will bo l ho ushers. Miss Morgan, a most attractive young lady, baa visited In Hampton on many occasions and I? exceedingly popular both Into anil In her Maty land homo. Sh" belongs to a dis? tinguished family. Mr. T?ub, who Is n son of the late Colonel Thomas Tabh, one of the most widely known attorneys In Virginia, la secretary of tho lleffelflllgor L-um lter Company, and a young business man of sterling worth and qualities, TO ATTEND FUNERAL. Carpenters and Joiners Union to Hon oV Memory of Mr. Shelton. The members of the, Hampton Car pentors and Joiners Union will iheet at 2.o'clock this a'fternoon nnd will altend the fillicral of tho late Mr. James BheitOtt, who died Tuesday night. The services will occur al 3 o'clock In Iii? Klrst Methodist church nnd will be In charge or Rev. fftorgc W. Wray. THE NEW LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER, j Mr. N. P. Hozler Succeeds Jack Janes at Old Point. Mr. N. P. Hosier, who has been des? ignated as lighthouse keeper at Old Point lo succeed the late .lack Jones colored., has nrrlved and yesterday entered upon his duties. Mr. lloxlor has been connected with tho light? house service for several years and the transfer from Drury's Point lo Port Monroe Is considered quite n promotion, |o Matters Personal | RjLBJULSJLPJL^ .SL?J!. A license lo marry was Issued yes? terday by clerk or the Courts Harry H. Holt ?o Mr. Orln Squires, ml years old, and Mrs. Margaret Shaekleford, 1:1 years old. The wedding took place In Phoebus last evening. Mrs. Thomas Fields nnd children, who hitv,e been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kdward A. Harden, In Melroso avenue, have returned to Ihoifhomo In Crlt tenden. Mrs. J, 'F. Copeland In visiting her daughter, Miss Nannie Copeland, who Ik it student at tho Mary Baldwin Sem? inary In Staunten. Mr. Andrew Ha/.>| Hurst, Sr., and two daughters, of Chicago, who have been the guests of Mj\ John 11. IvJm- I herly, at old Point; Iwll leave today | for the Virginia Ho! Springs. Y. M. C. A. Ladies' Auxiliary. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Young Mi ll's Christian Asocial Ion will meet this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the parlors of the old building. As tho furniture to be placed In the new homo will be discussed, a full attend? ance of the members Is desired. Real Estate Trantfer3. Miss Mary. Shacklofond has pur? chased, through Mr. M. otto Lackey, manager of the Phillips-Lackey com? pany, the residence of Mr. J. W. nen tball, In Chapel street, for |1,600, Council Meets Tonight. The Hampton city council will meet in regular monthly session tonight. When the budget for the coming year will bo considered. Mr. Cooke's Aunt Dead. Mr. J. L. S. Cooko yesterday re? ceived a telegram nnounclng th(> death of his aunt in New York city. Mr. Cooko, accompanied by Mrs. Cooke, left last evening to nltend the funeral servlees. Prof. Alsop's Recital. A recital will be given by a number of tho pupils of Prof. "?. R. Alsop's class tomorrow evening at 7:46 o'clock. The public is Invited to nt tehd. A NE'ER DO WELL. We>e so discouraged 'bout our Reib We don't know what to do. As aoon as he has got one job He's want In1 somethln' new. One day he ll take up with a trade An' work It pretty strong, An' then he'll quit, till we're afraid He'll never get along. He's been a railroad engineer. An* run a grocory store; He's tried a nautical career, An' marched away to war; i I to quit n copper's Job because Ho didn't llko the Btyle Of caps they wore, an' Mien he was A burglar for a while. Wo cheered up for a little time And hoped that he'd succeed. But no, a common life of crlmo Was more than he could lead. And yet, porhaps, he'll get n job Some time where he will slay; Some future yet is left, for Bob Was four years old today. ?Now York American, S\ PH? THE ?MS10 IfHE Trl-State league Teams to leave Soldiers' Home This Afternoon. DAVIS MAKING GOOD WITH THEM Newport News Man Who Will Hold Down the First Ba'j Performed Well During Practice?To Play Vir ginln State League Clubs. The Altoona Trl-Hiatp League team, will K?>t. liway rrom the National Sol? diers' Home this evening, after hav? ing been in training there for the past wi ? k und begin traveling over ttu? Virginia state league circuit. The Mountaineers will meet Portmnouth on Friday and Saturday. Norfolk <>" .Monday ami Tuesday, and Richmond on Wednesday und Thursday. The club will then jump to Haltltnore t<> play a series of four giitn? s with Hie Orioles of the Mastern League ami will land at homo on April llthto open i ho homo season with Uinkhatnton or I ho New York State League. The r< g tilar Tri-Stato League season opens oil Wednesday, April on which dato tho Allooiia it am will meet Johnstown on tite home grounds. Manager John J. Parrell, is plea si d with the treatment accorded to him Slid his team at the Home and by tho pcoplti of Hampton and Phoebus, The old soldiers found pleasure and en? joyment in watching lite squad going through its (raining stunts. Mr. Pnrrell would have bei n pleased ,n leave played a game with otic of the teams of this section, but. owing to flio inclement weather, could not make arrangements that would havo \\ ?u Batlslktctory, Had the weather! been good he would have lined up tho \\r minim ? it ngalnst I ho Hampton Institute club and one of the teams at (Fortress Monroe, Just to show the peoplo or tills vicinity that the Trl Siate clubs play fast baseball and that tho clubs are composed of llrsl class men. Tho Altoona team Is composed of the following players; Btarnagle and i Frnmbes, catchers; Hoot, Lee, McCar? thy, Glassbnrner, Jonea, Croft and Quarry, pitchers; Davis, first; Kar? tell, second; Ward, Bhort; McCarty, third; Hartley, Killar, Hurke, Stroas ser, llcntou outfielders. On tlu? way to Altoona the team will bo joined by tour other players who are now mem bora of big league teams. Manager Kamill Is much pleased With the work? er Paul Jones Davis of Newport News, who will hold down the Initial hag for the Mountniueeis. He sees In him a ball player of considerable promise. Davis Is the type of player that will reach the big league and It need not, be surprising at the end of the com? ing season to see him drafted by one I of the major league club-;. In practice Davis has shown good form nnd after | a se.ison In the Tr 1-8t?te he will bo r.lpo for drafting by one or the big league clubs. BRISTOL'S POSTMASTER FREED OF UGLY CHARGE Postmaster General Decides That He I Did Net Use Office For Political I Purpose. j (By Associated Press! WASHINGTON, D. C, April 1 ?1 The charges ngilnst Postmaster A. B. Warren, of Bristol, of using the post office for political purposes and intox- ' icatlon have been dismissed by the posliniu-tor general following the re? port received from Hie Inspectors who Investigated the charges. Tho case of Postumster Warren was one of several which prompted the ac? tion of the civil service commission In ?endlng a letter to the Preeldent to tho efTect that any mm violating the ijulea iLKSarding political activity while In the public service Is liable to dismissal. Attenllon was called to this letter In ti post office department order print lud. together with tlv letter in tho j liostn.! bulletin Issued'yesterday. The I President sent copies of the letter of ?the commission to the brads of all the government departments. LOAN SHARKS RESPONSIBLE FOR UNIQUE PLAN TO ROB Carrying Out of Remarkable Scheme to Plunder a Safe in Chicago Prevented Just in Time. (By Associated Pressl CHICAGO. April 1?A remarkable scheme to rob the safe In the office of Hie Chicago Hallways barn was sjiolled by detect I v<? just as It was Hearing fruition. Michael C. Croft, a 17 years old extra conductor em? ployed by the coniirany, was nrreflt ed as he was about to flnl.di boring a pa-wage from n cVsyrted store room Into the offlpo where> stood the Rife containing notrly $3,000, After con fosHliiK guilt to the police CroR blam yd loan sharks for Iii? Tall. He au,hl liny bad lilm In such a.tlghi i)laci> Dial h? hail lo get money Rome way. Of lila luHt month's salary of 110.05 Hip sharka got $ir.."><>. A Belated Secofjnltion. it wan Lo Fontaine, I'he fable-writ? er, who, In hu tton'a absence during several yours In pursuit of an educa; lion, quite forgot lilm. and was noi reminded of his existence until a friend arranged a surprise meeting, snys Youth's Companion. Tho father was pleased with the manners and wit of the young man presented to him, bill failed to recog? nize him, and as soon as Ihby parted Iiromptly forgot him again. Ha Fontaine was a genius ami a kindly mnn; hut one can hardly ills sever absent-mindedness of stielt a .tort from shallowdiearledness. Nev? ertheless, in the ease of professor? let us say Jones, who failed to recog? nise Iiis daughter after a year's Bep a rut Ion. the bond of a If eel Ion was both strong and deep. Mary, his only daughter, married and went abroad with her husband. Their return wa,; a week or two 1'3 fore the dale appointed, and owing lo a Kerles of mlsunderstaudings and er? rors, the professor was not Informed, was not at home when they arrived, and met them first at the 'house of a neighbor, where they had gone to In quire at.t him. A reception was In progress there, and he arrived some time after thorn, as a guest, ami Btlll unaware of thole return. Strolling Into his- friend's li? brary, away from the crowd, he be? came aware, as ho was Inspecting the hooks, of some ladles In conversation on the other side of the jiortlere, one of whom displayed an astonishing amount of knowledge of his own par? ticular hobby. He was surprised and delighted. "There's a lady In Iho next room you must, positively present me to." he saitl eagerly to his host, who had Joined him. "A most Intelligent wom? an! Sho'n been talking of the pre? historic, races In a surprisingly dis? criminating manner. Who Is she?" "A Mrs. Smith, I believe." replied tho host, much amused; since ?he knew who the ladywos. "Come?I will present you now." They passed the curtain, and the professor, who had failed to connect the name of Mrs. Smith with his Mnry. overheard his Inquiry and the reply, and were disposed to keep up tho Joke. Peering shortsightedly through his big glasses, which, by his usual mistake, were his reading glas? ses when they should have been ob? ject glasse.i, he did not recognise Mary when be saw her, and the lather and daughter actually opened a con? versation on prehistoric man, and car rled It on for several minutes before the strain proved too much. Then the listeners broke down In: laughter, and Mary, with a cry that she could not keep It up any longer. | caught the bid gentleman round the neck and kissed him. ''Bless my soul. Mrs. Smith." he gasped, bewildered. "Why?Mary!" ""HOUSEWIFE'S EXPENSE BOOK. Behold, the housewife, young and fair, Now earnestly commneccs To "keep a strict account" of all Her Income and expenses. She hns a lovely llltle hook, Of aspect most oltlclal; In gold and green upon the back Appears her own initial. Sho knits her brows and proudly aays: "Hereafter I'll nccottni for Haoh cent I get, and also note What I spend each amntint for." She opens It most carefully. And ?soon she Is inditing The day ami dnte In angular And stylishest handwriting. Two months from now, If you should aeo The hook-, 'twould he quite musty: The pages would be clean aid white, The covers very dusty. There's but one page?the leading one? "Received J10." on the "lst."t And "Spent it," on tho "2d.r Have you heard Dr. Knight at the First Baptist church? Services to? night. 4-l-3t. Logical. The 'Bachelor?I wonder why tho rail the boya about a hotel "Buttons?" Do you know? Tlic Benedict ? I suppose it Is 1" cattse yon can never llnd "cm in Ihe placed where thoy should lie.?Yonk or? Statesman. Large crowds alloh'dliig tho services at the Flrsl Baptist, church. Come tonight, he has something to say to you. 4-1-.''.I. There are revival services at Ihe First Baptist church this week. 4-141 Come to hear T)r. Knight preach at the First Baptist church tonight. 41-St. To keep healthy, drink Holly Springs Ltthia water. Johnson Pharmacy sole ?gents. n-20-lm. Take your prescription to Hull's Cut Ttatw Drug Stora. 12-29-tf Attention Members of L. U. 887. All members of Local Union SS7 are hereby notified to meet In their hall. Thursday, April 2nd, 1908, at 2 p. m.. to attend the funeral of our lale 1>: Hier James Shellou. CADY CII1LKR. "resident. JAS. M. WOOI), IL S. It NOTICE. Trustees Sale of Valuable Gasoline Launch. The undersigned, as Receiver-Trus? tee in Bankruptcy; in Hie matter of Hoiiert L Oardner, Bankrupt, will on the 12th day of April, 1908. receive bids for the gasoline launch. REX formerly owned by the firm of Gardner & Hudglns. Said launch is alunt 2", feet on Ihe water line and I about 30 feet over all. with n beam of 7 feet, and is equipped with a "Watkins" In horsepower, two cylin? der, make und break engine. The launch is covered except at how and stern with n raised decking and is protected further by canvas curtains. Togetlier with the boat will be sold all paraphernalia now on bourd tho same, including, lights, whistle, life preservers, bunting, boat hook. &c. Sealed bids only accepted by the j Trustee. Terms of sale CASH and Immediate delivery to purchaser. Re | sponslbie parties desiring to Inspect Hie boat may do so. and all Informa? tion desired can be ohtnined from the Trustee. Receiver-Trustee reserves right to rejoe' any and nil bids. Bids will lie opened promptly at 12 o'clock noon. Motlday, April 12th, 1908. April 1st., 1908. 1 B. A. LEWIS. Tteceiver-Trusteo. Bank of Hampton Building. Hamp? ton, Virginia. 4-2-4-G-7-9-10-11. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?RESIDENCE OK MRS. Mary B. Watkins. No. r?4 South King street. Fourteen room house. lx>t 50 by 150. Entire house reno? vated. Apply by 'Phone 167 for particulars. 3-29-tf. WANTED. COOD PASTURE ? GUARANTEED as best, plenty of water. Apply to 1 C. L. SINCLAIR. Hampton, Ya. fl-29-?t. ?srAmi TIGNOR'S HAMPTON'S BEST NOTION STORE. For the best valuer, in Lace 'Embroideries, Ribbons, Hosiery and Underwear whnt you kant find at Tignor's must be sknrce Easter Novelties'. W. N. Tignor Cor. Queen and Wine Sta., Hampton, Va. Phone 261. Will ho absolutely In Btylo nnj thoroughly up to dato If It comes from I BURGES' MILLINERY STORE Suppose you drop In nnd Ml!; hats with us. LEADING MILLINERS OF THE PENINSULA. SURGES' MBILJNERY STORE Under Afjusta Hotel. FOR YOUR ORDER FOR A Spring Hat or Bonnet Our successful opening Is a lource of pleasure to us and we he llevo Ii demonstrated our clnlm\t 'or high-class Millinery at tho smallest cost. Mrs. I. A|. Stacey Collier Build ngi East Queen Street. ,D POINT Close at 6 P. W!., Except Saturday. Easter Footwear Tho smartest and snapplo*! lino we've ever offered. Easter Footwear for lite entire faintly made of all leathers In Hie newest shapes. QUEEN QUALITY OXFORDS. $2.50 to $4.00 They'rs all here now, and you'll agree with Its that the., are posi? tively beauties. Conio now and select yours?Don't wait. p Department Store ? Hampton, Virginia. Ransone Bros. Sale This Week LADIES* READY TO WEAR SUITS. BARGAIN3 FOR EASTER. Quit Department, 2nd Floor. Ransone Bros. 8 and 10 West Queen Street. The Phillips-Lackey Co. (Incorporated) 3*eal Rotate Brokers 18 E. QUi i'N STREET, HAMPTON, VA. For Rent BUCKROE COTTAOE FOR SUTd.MI3H SEASON. Desirable Modern Home?Hampton Rooila ? ?.$20.00 For Sale PESIRARLK HAMPTON ROADS HOME?ft rooms-, city water, bath ele. Property cost over $5.500 ?'Will sell for $4.000? Terms easy. 12 Acres desirably situated near town. First class pro i position. $G,000 TO LOAN ON CENTflALLY LOCATED REAL ESTATE. tssKaessssaoKXK 9-11 North King St. & CO., Hampton, Va. For Sale! A truck farm of fifty-three acres, five room house and out buildings, line state of cultivation, three and half miles from city. A bnrgala at $2,500.00. Terms to suit. Five room house nnd three lots on. Erwin Street, n good home for $1.300.00. $100.00 cash and $10.00 per month. A hnrgain in Went Queen street properly at $1,876.00, paying 3 2 per cent. Klondyke Avenue home, large grounds, for $l,S7?.00. Term:; lo You will find In our list all of I he desirable houses for rent. Money to loan on Improved property at six per cent. HENRY L. 8CHMELZ, prealdtnt. FRANK W. DARLING, Vlco-Preeldtnt. *fampton, Virginia. I? THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEWS. Capita!, Surplus and Profits, $100,000.00 2125,000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated depositary in the State of Virginia to Eastern Virginia. We make loans on Roal Eatate?NOT PROHIBITED ?as are the National Banks. FOUR PER CENT INTERE8T PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. - Cashtei