Newspaper Page Text
Granting Permission lo Erie Road to Raise Money Has Galvanic Effect. RECEIVERSHIP HAS BEEN AVOIDED1, Union Pacific and United States Steel j Also Sustaining Forces for Hie List 5-pCoal Situation Not Hurting Mar. J kct?Tlie Closing Quotations. (Hy Associated Press) NEW YORK. April 1?A galvanic | effect wan produced ou the stock inr.r- I ket at tho outset today by the an- I uuunceiuerit Hint permission had been | KrUattcd to the Erie Railroad \iy the, public/ service commission to Issue j $1,500*000 of notes. It was assumed; Ihat the seiileinent of the financial crlri-i confronting that company wlilcli was freely rumored yesterday'wa:; Hins t.tvoided, , The influence of the news In es? tablishing confidence waned sohiowhat as the day progressed. 1'iilon Pacific wn i a sustaining foreo nnd was heav? ily bought on on upward raupe. The rJiarin tally In United Stales Steel r.'lso relieved the market from the de? pressing effect of the recent signs of liquidation in thai stock. A good ef? fect was produced by the February earn lugs statement or Ihe Pennsyl? vania system on account or the mark? ed progress shown In effecting re- - Irenchracnl of opoittitlng cost. The copper stocks were a point or deprrs i lon again today with American Smelt? ing in comiuiny. The cessation or mining or soft coal neemed to be viewed with equanimity. There was U feeling that the oppor? tunity thus given to work off Stocka might open, ihe way lo an early ad? justment between operators and min crti. The April disbursement did hoi O>UB0 a ripple In the money maiket. 'Bonds were irregular. Total iinles, par value, $1.(",22,000. United Slates bonds were unchanged on call. Total sales today, 505,000 shares, Including: Copjicr 39,900; Smelting 79,400; Su? gar 300; Chesapeake & Ohio noO; Lou k^llle & Nashville 2(10; Norrolk & Western 500; Reading 124,000; South- j ein Railway :i4.r,00. pfd 500: Union P. cillc 89.700; United Slates Steel 75,- ] 100; Sloss Sbemeld 500. j Closing bid. Adams Express . ICG , * Amalgamated Copper . 587?, American Car & Foundry _ 3116 do pfd .:. 89 American Cotton Oil . 2G<j{, do pfd . 82 AnieriiLvn Express . 178 American Hide. & Leathor pfd 15'/6 American loo. 19% Ainerlcan Linseed Oil . 7 do pfd . 17& American Locomotive . 44 do pfd. 92',(. American Smelting & Refining 07 do pfd . 94',-i American Sugar Refining. 123% American Tobacco pfd. 84Tvi Auiaiconda Mining ..;. .17"? Atehlson. r.\% do pfd . 85% Atlantic Coast Line . 70% Baltimore & Ohio . S2% do pfd. 82 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 451.4 Canadian Papille . 11,1% of New Jersey. 170 Clier?peake & Ohio. 31 f'lilcago Great Western . 5 ? Chicago & Northwestern . 145 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 117% Chicago Terminal & Transit .. 2 do pfd . 9 Cleveland. C. C. & St. Louis .. 63*6 OolqnDdp Fuel & Iron . 24% Colorado & Southern. 25 ? do 1st pfd . a. 55 do 2d pfd . 15 Consolidated Gas.'.... 11?.'?. Corn Products ..:. LT do pfd.i. 63 Delaware &? Hudson . 152 Delaware, Lackawanna ,t- W? si 474 Denver & Rio Ornnde. 19>4 do Pfd . f>2% Distillers' Securities .,. . 31M: Erle . 14% do 1st pfd . 31 do Ud pfd '. 20V6 General Elect rie . 125 Illinois Central. 125 International Paper . 8% do nfd. 54 V4 international Pump . 22 do pfd. 00 Vj .lown Central. 12 ? lo pfd . 32 Kansas City Southern . 22 do pfd . r?2 Louisville & Nashville . 07% Mexican Central . 18% Minneapolis & St. Ixiuis . 24 V6 Minn;, SI. 'Paul & Sault Sie M. 1.0?# do pfd . l2r> Missouri Pacific . 42?/. M Isourl, Kansas &. Texas. 2.1 li do pfd .?'. M National Ix?nd . ,r,r,,'6 National Railroad of Mexico pfd 4?l6 New York Central -i. 97 Hew York, Ontario & Western 32% HAMPT( Norfolk & Western . 63% do pfd . 7? North American . Til) Pacific Mail . 89V4 Pennsylvania .? 11 r?Tvi Peopled Oais. 8? Plttsburg, C. C. & St. Louis . BN Pressed Blee) Car . M do i.r.i. 70 Pullman Palace Car . 101 H? ndhig_1.1 102% ?1<? 1st ._ 82 do 2d pf<|. 80 1 Republic Steel .?_ 18% do pfd .,. 70% Rook Island . 11% do pfd. 27 St. Louis ?? San Kran 2d pfd 26% St, txiuis Southwestern . 12 do pfd . 21 Southern Pacific . 72% do pfd.111% Southern Railway . 12% do pfd . 37 Texas & Pacific . Hi Toledo. St. Louis & Western .. ISM do pfd . 41% Union Pacific . 12.1 do pfd . 78% United Sttltos Express .78 j Uiii'Tnd States Realty . 40 United states Rubber . 21%' do pfd . 84 % Hulled States Steel . 21?; tlo pfd .. 08% Virginia Carolina Chemical ... 19% do pfd . ?10% Wabash _.. 10 do pfd . 17% Wells Eairgo Express . 2150 Wcstinghouse Electric . fi3 Western Union. fit Wheeling; & Lake Erie. 0 Wisconsin Central . 14% ?O prd. 37% Northern Purine ..,. 127 Contra! Leather . 20% do pfd .. 87% Slosa Sheffield. 47 Crrat Northern pfd . . . .-. 122% Intorborpugh Metropolitan. 715 do pfd .1 20 Utah Copper .. 21%. Baltimore Markets, tllv Associated Press) BALTIMORE. MIL, April 1? Flout? Oull, unchanged. WhoatV?Firmer; epot contract 9?i%: on grade 92*4095%. Coin?Firm; spot mixed GU%<ii?Cr,% : Xo. 2 while 138?%; Southern whit" CI%.?J)flC. Onls?Ebider; No. 2 mixed 66. Rye?Dull; No. 2 Western domes? tic S8<?IS9. ' BiiTter ? Firm, unchanged; fancy imitation 2f>ffi'2C; do creamery 30@>31: do ladle 23(fc24; store packed 1fi?l7. F.ggs?Steady, unchanged". 14%. Cherse ? Quiet, unchanged; large 14% j flats 14%; small 15. Sugne?Unchanged; coarso granu iakd 6401 lino 640. Money Market, (By AHSocia'ied Press) NEW YORK. April 1?Money on call oafey 1%<3>2 pi r cent., ruling rate 1%, cloying bid 1%. offered at lft. Time loans dull and steady, 0ft dayn .1 per cent, 90 djays 3%<fi3%. six months 4 per cent. Close: Prime mer? cantile paper 6@6% jter cent. Sterl? ing exchange steady, with actual bus? iness iln bankers' bills at 48(i.4"i for domnnd and at 4S4.20riT4S4.2r, for i>'l day hills. Commercial l)ills 484. liar ?ilvfT r.5%. Mexican dollars 47. Little Hoy?Mamma, I wish you'd .lud out who It was hypnotized me uud punish 'em severely. Mumuin--Wha-nt? Little Hoy?While you was out I was pulled right Into the pantry an' forced lo out a hull lot of those cakes you I mustn't touch. Hewitt?Why did you give up that memory system? Jewett? I got so that I could remem? ber whore I had borrowed monoy. Tho definition of "musician'' Is given In one of the standard English diction? aries ns follows: "One who practices music." There Is a young lady In the tint above ours who practices music from morning till night, but we aro willing to take an oath that she is no musician.?Kansas City Independent. "Is ho a man who uses good Judg? ment'1* "Excellent. But he always puts It to use ubout u duy too lute."? MUWUUkee Sentinel. A Twenty Year Sertter.cs. "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Buckle!)'* Arnica Salve, which cured mo of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes- O. S. Woolever, of l/> Raysvllle, N. Y. 'Hucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and euls In the short? est time. 2f>e at All Druggists. Preferred R. R. Stocks Are netting frpih 4 to 0% per cent. Preferred Industrials Are netting from 0 to 10 per cent. | Selected lists embracing interesting statistics furnished on application. GREAT OPPORTUNITY for appre? ciation in principal invested at Ibis lime. LARGE or SMALL Investments Outlined. SCHMIDT & GALLATIN Members of New York Slock Ex? change. 111 Broadway, New York. President Favors Plan Net to II tow Them to Resign at ill, KNOWLEDGE VALUABLE IN BUSINESS President Also Advises the Secretary of Navy Metcalf to Give the Young Men More Important Duties When? ever the Chance Presents Itself. WASHINGTON- D. C April 1.? President Roosevelt has recomnicuTJod to Secretary Mo teal f that no officer of the grade of lieutenant-commander he allowed voluntarily to retire from tin- navy. The order, Which lias hot been given out to the service, h08 be? come known to several oHleers. how? ever, all of whom see a determination of the President to keep the .younger Officers in the service. Lieutenant eommandcra, It Is argued, tire now to he given important duties to perform, and It would be detrimental to the Service If they should retire lvforo being able to bring I heir experience to hear in their future duties. It Is explained In this connection that many of the younger officers ac? quire special knowledge in ordnance equipment, construction mid stenm engineering und that In the paat priv? ate concerns have frequently offered alluring positions t? them. This may he one of tile reasons for the Presi? dent ';: order. It may also he added that Presi* dent Roosevelt Is very partial to the younger men of the service because he believes the Ideal naval officer would he one who ha,; all the c\p< ri once which conies with years "f train lug aboard ship and til the same time (lie robust health which is hardly pos? sible when an oillcer I? too far pn.-.t the prime of life. Tlie President explained his desire to have younger officers just beforo the fleet left for the Pacific, when many of the older captains Were re? placed by younger men. Later he urged that tin; younger officers lie giv? en more Important duty lo perform. Commanders can now serve as, execu? tive's on battleships and many motu lieutenant-cominsnders are being giv? en iluty as navigating officers on I lie ships. Lieutenant-Commander Vogeigcsarig was recently relieved from the May Mower and sent to the Wlaeonsln, Which goea into commission todav. Lieutenant-Commander Moffet. now on duly In the Bureau of Dqtilpment, will leave tomorrow as navigating oill? cer for the Maryland. There weis other opportunities open to him for sen service, bill the department, it is said, preferred tlidl lie get the addi? tional experience as navigating oill? cer. LILLLY EXPECTS TO GET ADVERSE REPORT (Continued from First Pago.) eral management of the business. John P. Kellogg, he said, was em? ployed for the purpose of conterncl ing in Connecticut alleged misrepre? sentations that were tieing made in Dint slate about the Electric Boat Company. Mr. Kro.-.t said that he had given no Instructions to McH/nry lo employ ?newspaper men to prepare articles on submarine boats or to influence Congress. With tho exception or Mr. L?h y s dte/trict talid that of Mtt Loud, of Michigan, the witness nald Hint so far as be knew, no attorney I I was employed by his firm In any I memtxr's district. Mr. Krost denied that he bad made I contributions to any campaign fnniL Has No Lobby In Washington. He saTd that bis company did not mnlntain a lobby in Washington and declared that no undue Influence In Ibchalf of his company hhd been brought to bear by himself on anyone on any member of Congress, nor had any money been paid to intluenco Ilia utxyy department. Mr. Krost denied nil knowledge as to the amendment ofTeretl In the Sen-, ale naval committee to the naval ap? propriation hill In 1007 which Mr. LH ley charged had been drawn by at-, lorneys for the Electric Boat Com? pany with the Intention of suppress? ing competition'. Referring to the time President Roosevelt made n submarine trip In one of the submarine boats Mr. Frost denied that the company had any paid newspaper men at tho trial. - The boat was conirrfinded bv Lieu? tenant Nelson, 11. .S N.. and Mr. Frost testified* that fhe company had pur? chased from Lieutenant NHnon an invention which Is used on the boats, The comjVany paid him $1,500 for it. This was the only money _ pnhi any naval officer by him or his company. Mr. Frost said that no member of Congress or naval official owned any nloek in tho company, Mr. Kahn's Statement. Representative Kahn, of California, whotvi name was mentioned, bv Mr. Frost as the member of the House Bffflirs committee' -with whom Attorney McNetries hnd hnd any In US AND OL torvlcw. mode n statement. 1 Ho Haiti Utnt Mr. McNelrlea sug? gested ho- had Introduced d bill urb vldlui; for '* number of submarine* vfor Iho Pnclflp coast. Ho aatd thai Mr. UoNolric batl hol mentioned Hie hahici of lite company h-> wan con? nected wiih uiul ho (Kahn) tibi not know what company it waa. Muurlcor Barn Ott, oi Now York, Iho Hecrotary-troiuntror <>r tho Blocirio Company, unld ho had no knowledge! of any money having In on paid by Iho company for the purpose of ?Ubald* iv^ng tiew.-HKipjevs. He also denied | Unit any money had been contributed Vy Uia compnny for tho purpose ?>f helping to elect or defeat any metn l?er of Congrcas. lie sold the presi? dent and counsel of the company were authorized to aptMitl money for the coin patty, but had never drawn any inonoy without Blgnlfylng tho pur i>ose for whftfli it was given, Charles Ferry, of Bridgeport, Conn., the metallurgist and salesman or the Bridgeport Brass Company, said that he had requested Mr. l.llley to vott> lor Iho bill providing for more sub? marine bontB because bis company i might have ti chants, to sell some of Its producta should the boats be or? dere d. ,Vt. Lliley Indle.-.t.d. 'e raid, Iba* l.e v.i nld vote fir Hie putonarlnes be cau?p Ihr Bccreinrv n| lh<; navy had naked for them. Mr. Ferry admitted .thai be had at to made an effort'lo Influence Repre? sentative lini In the Interest, of his company's buslncun. Denied Mr. Llllcy'o Charges. Mr. Ferry Is the Bridgeport man? ufacturer to whom Mr. l.llley referred in Iii? statement before The committee r,n rules, when bo told of the alleged attempts to influence him to vole for submarine legislation, as having told hint thul bin company probably would receive n $20,000 order on which Iho profits would be about $2,000 If the submsirlnoa were authorised. r/r. l.llley In bis statement before the j-uloa committee paid he had told Mr. Ferry that he would prefer to pay hlin the $2.000 hlmsoif rather than tp vote moro than $100,000 of the people's money for these boats. On Oio stand today Mr. Forry sub? stantially contradicted thin statement, but Bald his attempt to ? ? ???ire Mr. Liilley's support for the bill waa made from a bushier: standpoint only, and that. h?t knew of no atlempVto unduly Influence any member of Congress for thin legislation. BASEBALL NOTE8. Although the great Wagner Is mlss kig, Pittaburg htta sixty players out practicing on tho lot. ? Sioney" McGlynn of the St. Louis Cardinals recommends roller skating as a menus of keeping In condition during the winter months. Manager Joe Boan of tho Jersey City team has nine pitchers on his staff. Most of them havo had export' once In fast company. Joe Delchanty. brother of Jim, one of the Reds, ami many othera. Is sold lo In; sure of hla job In the outlleld of the St. Lottla Cardinals. He la said to more closely resemble hla brother, the late Ed., than any other member of the Tamlly. A Cuban expert declares that ho baa the man who can cop for him Hie of? fer or $r,00 for a duplicate or Artie Hofmnn, made by President Ebbets or tho Brooklyn club. Mr. Ebbets will have a look at tho wonder. Josh Clarke, brother of Fred, man? ager of the PJrales, Is being doped out as a second Ty Cobb by the critics with the Clevelands In the South. Josh hna been In the business loo long lo over be a second anybody. A number of Tom Dow.l's Holyoke friends are planning to give him n groat send-off when ho leaves that city to take up his residence at Hartford, where he is to manage the club. Wlfiter. the star Princeton end. Is baVlng bis troubles with conditions and lias several to pass off before be can play baseball this spring. Tho Chicago Nationals are worried over the third catcher. Campbell, the college recr'.lt. has not made good so far and Evans, the other kid catcher. Is feeble nl the hnt. "Wild Bill" Donovan bag issued this hit of advice to young pitchers: "Find out the batter's weakness and then go ;arter lt. The head wins more games (than the arm." ; Hess, tho Cleveland twirier, has been given a new bat by the manage? ment, it finally dawned upon Lnjole that, the young tree Hess was using could be 'swung properly only by n giant. Kid Carsoy, the old Philadelphia pitcher, lit to officiate as umpire at the games bei ween the New York Na? tionals and the college teams which are to J.-j played before, the league I season opens at tho Polo Grounds. : "Bugs" Raymond was tipped off the other day that. It .was far from a sure I thing that he would be carried by the jCardinaln. "You're too much of t. Joker" Bald McCloskov. "RaschaU U a serious game, and'I don't want any clowns on my team.'" "I've cut all that out." responded "Bugs." A Chicago specialist told Frank Chance that the trouble with his foot was due to Iho shoe.he wan wearing tho trouble being aggravated by the spikes, which caused a pressure "undor Hie .seal of tho trouble. Splkeloss shoes are he!nK mado for Chance, arid ir It can be demonstrated that a ball player tan get along without spikes Chance's- trouble will have served to bring about a groat good. A Cut In Sailors' Wanes. Tin- bark lloylston lies at nuchor In tb.< barbor awaiting a favorite Oppor? tunity to get away for a trip lo Port Johns, Porto Rico, lit),Vtrig on board it',1 empty barrels, which she will, buve filled with molasses at lite Per-! 0 Rlc'an port to tiring back to this 'outitry. Sin? hag n full orcw on board.I und obhtrary to the experience <>f. tunny commanders of doop sea Bulling aft up to recent date the captain of. 1 he DoyUlon had neither dlBlcutty m rounding up u crew uor In keeping the men aboard while waiting for a favorite wind. The fact Is that for (he first I Into I in mouths there uro many more sali- | ors loukiiig for bertha than there are berths to IUI, which Is due to the tie. niondoua ?hupp in the ottering of freights of .sailing vessels. So dull tire freights that the vessel owners have li lt compelled to retrench on ex? penses, ao us a general rule they have made a Cut In the wages pojtl the sail? ors. On coaktwlao (ohoontir?i on which the ral.'S held at $:[?> while freights were plenty, the new rale la $25; mi vessels lor tho West Indies [wages have boon cut from $25 to $211. und on vessels sailing to South Amer? ica the wages have been reduced from $2:t to $1K. At tho new figures there lire plenty of sailors available.?Hus? ton Transcript. The I us, t Statue. "And what was your fatnlly'u deel irlon?" "Practically btiaulmoUB In my fa vor,"' answered the young lawyer, "mother voting uye and father dis? sent ing "?Louisville CoUrier^Journal. Risk Not Over. Ulla?I'm in he married tomorrow and I'm lorrlll.V nervous. Stella--! BUiipos'O there always Is a chance or tin man getting awny up to the last mil i.e.?Urooklyn Life j "WellJ nnybow," said Cassldy. "tho now milt Is titled up line Sburo, everytblng'H In its right place." "Nut at all," replied ('nBoy: "whin 1 wlnt through there 'th* other day 1 seen a lot o' red buckets marked 'Fur Fire Duly,' an', falx, there was Wather In tblml"? Philadelphia Press. I . ~ " '.I j I A buttermilk diet will cure tho gout It contains more casein than whole milk, cream, Bklmmed milk or butter. The fact that ensetn does not form uric acid adiiptH It for tho use of the gouty. As guut und rheumatism ure first cous lus, buttermilk la good medicine for the rheumatic. The Good of L.-niehttr. Mau's capacity for seeing Iiis owu ex? istence hi u humorous light, the various Sprlngd of bis laughter uud everything implied therein?few subjects tiro moro philosophically Hliggcstivo tiian this, yet | few have been so entirely Ignored by Hpcculatlve thought. After ull may it not be that In u deep sensu laughter rather than gooduesa Is your true anti? dote for evil 7?Glasgow Herald. Nature's Cold Storafie. On the shores of Beech Hill pond ntl Oils, Me., there Is what Is known ns ti cold cellar. This 1b ono of nnture'a wonders. It Is a largo roura with walls of rocks In which Is a most wonderful spring of water noted for Ita health giving properties and Is so Intensely cold In tho wurmest weather that It forms Ico which has lieen taken from the celiar In July.?Kennebec (Me.) Journal. Take your proscriptions to Hull's I Cut Rnto Drug Store. 12-29-tf Two registered pharmacists at j Hull's Cut Rnto Drug Storo. 'Phoiii 288. 3-29-tf. PHOEBUS WINE & LIQUOR CO. Wo sell all kinds of Im? ported and Domestic Wlnos and Liquor,', retail, at whole? sale prices. I Whiskey by the Gallon $1.00, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $L0O per gallon, put up in stone Jugs and packed Id plain cases. We represent one of the largest dlsttllorlea in operation, and glvo our customers tbo best goods pos? sible for the money. Wo can ship goods to your near? est express or freight ofllco, its you may dosiro. Special attention paid to Family trade. All export Beers and Family Portj, 75c per dozen, delivered at your door. Sond for 'tir Cut Rate Price List. Ren.etnlK-r Hie addros3, that all. PHOEBUS WINE & LIQUOR CO. Phoebus, Va. P. A. FULLER & SON. I have roved over mountains, I have crossed over floods, I have travelled tho wave rolling sands and at last I have landed In Old Virginia to save your Sole, fix your Furniture file yottr saws, sharpen your scissors and knives, in fact to do anything to please my patrons and all for cash, but I will not "Frot" No. 3 Court 8b, Hampton, Va. Continued. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS, $1.25 lo S3.50 i MEN'8 GUN METAL, PATENT OR TAN OX? FORDS, $3.00 10 $3.50 None Better For the Prlco. M. F. DIGGS & CO., NO. C a QURI3N ST. HAMPTON, VA. M F7 O R R B IN T Center St.. 11 rooms, modem bonvehloffloea ,.$23.00 'North Klnj: St., 7 rooms, modern convonleno?B ....$10.00 North King St., 8 rooms, modern conveniences.$18.00 Marshall St., modern conveniences.$40.00 Kim St., ft rooms, cistern water .....$12.00 Rally St., n roonia city water .i...$ 7.60 ltoll St., 5 rootnn, cistern water .$ 7.00 Holt St., 0 rooms, cistern water .$10.00 Chapel St., 0 rooms, cistern water.$10.00 Rlvorvlow, Shell Road, <: rooms ami barn. .$ 8.00, STORES 10 North King SI.$18.00 0 Arinlatond Avo., _,. .$ 7.00 201 W. Queen St.$10.60 212 Armlstead Ave.$10.00 FOR SALE Two thirds of an ncrce well net In Umber on La Hallo Avenue. Will sell this cheap for cash to quick buyor. a desirable home, well located on Victoria Avenue nenr Darling's Comer. A bargain at $1,875.00. OEO.W, PHILLIPS Real Estate, Rentals, Fire Insurance, Auctioneer and Notary Public 8 South King Street. Phone SO. Hampton, Virginia, Love Chickens? Want More Eggs? Then food CORNO tho greatest of all combination foods for both hens and chlckeiu. Send for sample. The J.W.ROWE CO.- Inc. Hampton, Virginia. THE IDEAL HOME. is Iho one you own. You enn never feel tlio same comfort, nnd Bocurlty In other people's housed. \Vo hnvo sev? eral houseg that would make Ideal homes. Wo would like you to have one of them. They vary In prlco, but every ono Is a real ostato bar galn. Como and nHk about terms, etc. They aro oasy. IV. E. LAWSON Bank of Hampton Bldg. Phone 3. Crab Meat j Fresh Every Day. j Familie;--will find them a de- | light fill, delicious delicacy and a j decided change In menu. TRY ITI 'Phone 185. The Hampton j Sea Food Co. i |jjfj Near Hampton Wharf." |jj MRS. S. B. FIELDS Hair-dressing, Marcel Wave, Sham? pooing, Manicuring, Massaging, Chiropodist. Facial and Scalp Treatmsit a Specialty. 124 Wine Street, Hampton, Va. Phono 802. Rain Water Used. Formerly of N. Y. eity. Wines and Liquors I bolong to tbe lost trib? that strayed away froin Dublin bet?rt Moses salted on tho Herl Dsv I'm a prlco cutter. I'm a money-nisker; I'm the one that soils all straight t. Whiskies retail at wholesale prieoSji Tr tollowlug high grade lOo Wnia klos 1 sell for Do a drink; Paul Jones " Pure Ryo, Sherwood Rye Whiskey, Carroll Springs, pure Maryland Rye | Whiskey, Parkwood Ryo Whiskey, All ot the above named Whiskies ar? ? strictly high grade; watch my prices s ir you dare, beat me If you can. Whtfixoy In bulk at following prices'. Old Nick Pure Rye, Pt, 2Eo; gallon.M.Ufi,: Leonard's Favorite, pt, 80c; gallon .$?W Hunter's Baltimore Rye, *(, pt.. 25o; gallon .,.?4,0? >' Maryland Club. % pt, 25c; gal k>a . .|4.Wt> Paul Jonos Pure Ryo, % pt, 20c; gallon...IJ.T6 ; Star A, Rye, gallon .$2,00 Moss Roso, gallon.lil.i'O Larirwood Pure Ryo, galloD .$2.0? Jefferson Pure Rye, gallon ,....$1.76 ? Kentucky. Bourbon, gallon .(1.40 3 Double Stamp Oin, gallon .$2.00 : The fallowing brands ot California Wluea, Port Shorry, C&tawba. CJa- i ret, Blackberry, at 25e pur at,; p?K gallon. 75o. PTlde of Nortti Carolina, 4 years did, gallon.??...$3.0*' Kummelll. per gallon .$3.1)0 Carroll Springs, gallon .,..$S60 XXXX Baker Rye, gallon ......$250 Barrel And Bottle House 18 AND 18 MELLEN ST. Phoebus, Vs. 'Phono ettf.: Spring Styles! The Prettiest Yet Can now be seen at T*'o Tailor and Clothier. Suits made hero have the right ap? pearance.