Newspaper Page Text
Populist Convention In St. Louis II be Asked To Do This. WATSOH SLATED FOR NOMINATION D*lea*t?6 Pouring Into St. Uoulo from All Over the Country to Attend the Company?Hope to Combine Many . of th<e 8mallor Parties. ST. 7XH1IS. April 1.?Prohibition 1' contrary to the Inalienable right of every American citizen, according to John Mnddoelc, one of the delegate* here to attend the Populist national convention, which opens at tin- Olym? pic Thontro tomorrow morning. Mr. Maddoek la n merchant of Minneapo? lis, and lias no Interest In the liquor business, but argues the question sole ly upon the construction of the con? stitution of the United Stales. "I will seek to have the convention declaro against prohibition," said Mr. Mnddoelc. Delegate* were pouring In today from ull flections of the United Slates, and It is believe,) that every si ale It'. the Union will be represented by one or more delegates. If the present plans of Us sponsors prevail, out of the convent Ion will come nn Ion which Its orig? inators declare intiBt be sharply reck? oned with in the coming presidential campaign. H will stand for nil thai was repre? sented by tin- Populist parly and will probably l.-.-ar the name of that or? ganization. It will, however, receive a;? Infusion of new blood* and gain Strength front the alllllatiun of Urn or? ganizations taking part. Delegates are wearing little white bndgca upon which In printed "Dele? gate to the Radical convention," and Die assertion h? made thai there will be no nlllllatlou with any political body which does not accept the party platform In full, nor will any candl dates bo ludorsed *nvc those which arc to be nominated In litis week's convention. '"Unless present plans' miscarry. Thomas Watson, of Georgia, tho stand ard bearer of the Populist parly in TjiVI. will bo nominated for President. While the Nebraskan delegation Is In? structed for Hrynn. and the Alabama delegation favor former Congressman M. W. Howard, of that state. Watson In apparently far in the lend for tbo nomination. So far, hut two names tin- mentioned for vice-president. They m<> Judge Samuel W William*, of Vlncounea, Ind., and Prank lc, Hlchey, of St. 1-onls. The latter Is a state? ment today nab! ho wna In no Ben so n candidate for the honor. The paramount plank of the pint form Will be devoted lo tbo money question. This will declare, hi effect Hint the Issuing of money I* a func? tion of government that should never be delegated to corporations or indi? viduals, that all money should be is? sued by the government In such quan? tity . uir shall maintain si ability In price*, all money lo he full legal ten? der, none of which shall lx> a debt redeemable In other money. The do-, maud will also he made that the gov? ernment shall make loans direct to .' the people and at a low rate of Inter out. Minister Properly Rebuked. Secretary ."Wilson, of the department of agriculture, concluded ft recent ad? dress on agricultural economy with nn anecdote, says the Washington Star. "1 URed to know n clergyman, he aajd, "who owned a fine farm, nnd ran It on very economical lines, so that 11 paid splendidly. "Sometimes, though. 1 am afraid, this good clergyman carried his econ ?tuloa a point or two loo far. "Thus, ns he was taking his us-tial dally stroll over his rich, broad acres ono morning, he saw a ploughninn, -while the horses rested. Hitting on the handle of 'his plough. It occurred to the minister that he paid his- plough map ton cent* nn hour, besides hoard, nnd he stopped ana said, gently, but reproachfully: " 'James, wouldn't II be a good plan for yon to have a pair of pruning shears here to bo cutting u few bushes along the fence whllo tbo horses are taking their ?bort rest?' "James returned the minister's se? rious gaze, and In the samo gentle, yot reproachful, voice, he nnswered: "Ixiok hero, air. wouldn't it be n . good plan for you to have a tub of potatoes In thn pulpit, and whllo they're singing the hymns to pool 'em for Hie pot?'" ^? The Only Way. "I don't soe," remarked Miss Gad gjyjfef *why she should go and maivy tbirl old man for his money." /"Why." asked Miss Gldday. "how ''Vise would fdio get It?"?Philadelphia 5'reaa. WE RECOMMEND 8EX1NE PILLS.' It makes no difference what i* tho ' cause of one's weakness. Jf it he a tonic that Is needod, Scxlne Pills will do moro than any other tpnlc. They ore the ono tonic that strikes at the 'bottom of all weakness-, the nervo centers. They cond new vitality j bounding through tho body, producing, vis;glow and tingle that revive tho lan-\ .'Ruh! energies of youth. Soxlne Pills pagln by bringing quiet repose to. fluttering nerve*, nnd inducing rest fhi and refreshing sleep. Price $1 iv tox; six boxes $5, with full guaran t,.,.?i.\>r pnio by ull druggists. The Deareet Llpa. /?CC Ah, rosy Dpa ot bluahliiK maid Thai thrill (tie lover on hia knee; Oh, naotared, honied tips ot youth? Thn lunti. warm ?>' ecataay? I bow my head In thought* of thee I Fur down tli* liei'tlluK Cleft ot Time 1 K"?? with ycurnlnu I/O of ose And WUVt thy rapture Into rhyme. Ami yet, < > wlnu of June-time low, Iconoclaat I break thy away To draaiu of lip*, ahl dearer far Tha llpa that ktaaed thu teure away I Ali. mother llpa I know of yore. Oh, llpa ao tinft and diluting uueut, 1 give to the* the trupat love. To thee the homage inoal OOUipUtal When "II tho World w?? dark unit cold, When ull Iii? nun waa elillled by teara, Tliy Up?, O mother, none for ay*, Ware Upa that kissed away my fear*. They eama with comfort aivlfl and BUM And wlltn upon toy eyea they lay, With Iqva and feiiiins nil divine, Tiuiy klaaad my fuliiiiK U'ara away I No more when worldly wounda art aor* Shu domes to kl*? my weeping tyaaj No inorw ahe scourge* pain and fear? She aleepa. tit mal In ParadlM. Ah, rony lips of htuahlug maid. Thu llpa you yielded In tho diiak; Ah, etoleu llpa. the llpa of troth, Thu llpi wlt6ae petal* hint of muak, Thy nlorlen ahlinmer on und out, Thy klaaea fad? to elhnr Kray. 0 and. I dranni of moth.i'a Mi>a? 1 Tlia llpa thut klaaud ilia teure away. ?-<s>-? By the Wayside. Sidewhiskuru?The baby's dellcht! ?r it it v Whon n sheriff makes an Hllach niont to an automobile, It goes! it it it Thero Is one nice thing about the | chimney uwuop's Job?ho always aoota blmiiclr. : it it it Have you ever noticed how much more confident you feel when dressed tu u now suit?that Ih, until the lallor'a bill conies Inf it <r it I Some men arc natural born duck hunters?but their reign la ununlly 1 brief. You cau always trust some ' girl to bag 'em early. j it it it \ One of the groatest penalties of marriage In either a husband or u wife. If you are u man, It's u wife] It you are a wife, It's a husband! j ?Ar it it j When n child swallows a fly, give Mm a piece of lly paper In a capsule. Should he drink n quart of Ink, nerve blotting paper with cream aud sugar! it it it \ Speaking of grammar, here is thu remark of ono sheepherder to another, said to be the most uugriiniiniitlcal sen? tence In existence: "Is them slieapa yoiirn'.'" it it it In filling out ii blank certificate of death, an Iowa physician Inadvertent? ly placed lu Uie blank for cause bis own name, and the fool county ofll cials aont 11 buck for revision. it r> it Some of tho new fashions for worn on this Spring look like thu designers had been trying to fasten the donkey's tall on his body while blindfolded. P. 0.?Tho designers and not llie don? keys, blindfolded! ?it it it It used to be the policy to ask for what you wanted and then take It If the favor was granted. Later It be came au fait to tnko tt first and ask afterward. Now the fuahkui 1b to holp yourself and tell tho owner to go to grass! it it it A lnte grapevine wire from Bogvllle. Mich.. Bays that the skeeters of that vicinity are working throe dally shifts sharpening Javelins. This prosages HI for the summer boarders who are be? ginning to pick out the happy hunting grounds for their vacations. it it it An exchange wants to know why a tree on a hillside grows straight up? Another wonders why a pigeon bobs Its head when 11 walks. Some time ego I asked for Information an to why a rabbit always rutis in a curved line? But, come to think of it, this Isn't halt as funny as not knowing why a hill? side on a tree doesn't grow lefthnnd ed, why a walk doesn't bob Its head whon It walks pigeon-toed or why a curved line doosn't trip up the rabbit and give ue rabbit stow for dinner! Hoppertown 'Happenings. When Mlsa Ruphemla Mudge was down to thn Rapids ahe went In a atom to buy a ahlrtwatst. tine told a clerk what tili? wanted und ha Haid: "What huat, madam?" Miss Muds* looked all around narvoualy and replied: "Uleased If t know, sir; I didn't hear anything."- Hoy K. Uoultyn. Demands $100,000 of C. D. Nil son, VanMllt's Man. ALLEGES PROMISED TO MARRY HER Norfolk Cirl in Her Complaint Saya 8he Wae Lured From Home by Horceman?Didn't Know Wlloon Had a Wife nt Time. NKW YORK. April 1.?Summon* and complaint In a suit for I10O.OOO. brought by Miss Florence H. Schenck, against Charles II. Wilson, manager of Alfred O. Vnuderblll'a string of rac? ing horses, were Mod today by Duvl.l Welch, of :!f? Nassau alreet, counsel for Miss Schenck, who Is under ago. Is suing through her guardian. Milton A. Wlllmi'iii, who was appointed by ih? court on December 21, last; Miss Schenck charges that Wilson, under a promise of marriage, lured her away from her home nt Norfolk. Va? In October, 1900, following which he brought her *o the city, where they lived together as husband and wife. Subsequently they went lo London, where Wilson had charge of Mr. Van derbllt'a horses at the international Horse Show In that city June last. Rotumtllg here, Miss Schenck said. he discovered thai Wilson was al? ready married. The complaint sots forth that on October 27, H'tlfi. Miss Schenck prom? ised to marry Wilson, after he hud proposed to her. Were to Marry in Washington. "October 28, 1906," the complaint nays, "the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, mid relying on bis promise to marry her. accompanied him to Washington. D. O, to be mar? ried. Arriving Ihoro, the defendant Uten nnd there failed to marry tho plaintiff, nlthotigh she was ready and willing to marry the defendant. But the defetidnnt requested her to accom? pany 'him to the city of New York and promised that If she would ac? company him there he would marry her on their arrival. She agreed to the postponement, believing he would carry out his promise, "On arriving in New York tho de? fendant, at the plaintiff's request, re? fused and railed to marry her." Said He Was Single. Miss Schenck then goes on to nl lego that at the time Wilson promise 1 to marry her ho represented himself I a? n single man, and that she, belley I lug It to be true, nnd relying on his : promises, left her father's home. I "That, by reason of Ihn facts hero l in alleged." the complaint, continues. ? "the plaintiff has suffered damage to liter feelings, keen mortlllcatlon, insult, Indignity, shame, ana humiliation; has sufferod greatly In her reputation, has bocome estranged from her relatives j and friends, has received great and I unpleasant notoriety nnd has been Injured In mind and body, and has .been damaged in the sum of $100,000.'' I Wilson has signified, through hi* counsel, his Intention to defend the j action, but so far has not Hied an au Iswer to Miss Schenck's allegations. STATE LEAGUE WILL REVISE THE SCHEDULE Protests From Several Cities so Vig? orous That They Will Have to be Heeded. I 'RICHMOND, VA., April 1.?A.spo elal meeting of the Virginia State League magnates is to bo called, prob? ably for next Saturday, for the pur? pose of reopening the quostlon of a schedule, serious flnws having been discovered in the schedule adopted. Tho schedule decided upon by the promolers nt their recent meeting was that substituted by Charles- Shaffer, or Ronnoke, formerly manager on the Richmond team. This schedule, for Instance, called for a serious of games between Danville and Richmond to bo played In Danville on May 18, 19 and 20. On the three following days. May 21, 22 and 23. Dauvllle is scheduled to i come lo Richmond for a series of ' games. Richmond Is then scheduled to turn right around and go back to Dan? ville for three more games, making nine straight games In all. The same conditions will exist In Norfolk, Nor? folk and Portsmouth being scheduled to get here In this way for several se rlea of gnmoa. It. is declared that these Haws, with other*, will be ruin? ous lo the game. .lack Wells, president of the leagoo. is In receipt of formnl protests from both Norfolk nnd Portsmouth, with I Richmond concurring. Danville will . doubtless Join In also. Tho reopeulng of tho schedule matter will probably mean that an entirely different sched? ule will ho ndopled. The protests re colved are vigorous and explicit. The date for the meeting has not yet been decided upon, but President Wells stated today that ho would probably Issue a call to the magnates . for Saturday. He Got What He Needed. "Nino yenrs ago it looked as if my time had come." says Mr. C. Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. "I was so run down that life hung on a very I slender thread. It was then my drug? gist recommended Electric Bitter*. I bought a bottle and I got what I need? ed?strength. I nnd one foot In tho grave, but Electric Ulttora put It back on'the turf ngnlu, and I'vo been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at All Druggists. 60c. "wear the separate jacket. Garment Will Qo a Feature of the Coming 8eaion. Quito a feature of the coming sea? son's fashions will be tho separate tailor mndo cloth Jacket, made for wearing with odd aklrti and simple frocks In light weight cloth, pongeo, etc. For some scasone past It has uot bean faoblonable to weur separata Jackots except of silk or lace. Tho Jucketa havo all been mude to match tho skirts, and when n coat of differ? ent material bus been used It bus been u tup coat quite long, or at lenst three quarters, and loose In build, whether made of cloth or silk. But the now fashions show a very dellnlto place for the tight-fitting sop urato tuilor-piade coat of cloth, such aa Is shown, a ttght-littlng cutaway with very little trimming, and thut little of the most severely tailored order. White cloth Is most attractive In tbeuo separate tailored skirts. It may ho used with stitching or braid of tho same material for Its only garniture, but tho smartest cunts have collar and cuffs of black velvet. The only style of coat which Is most success? ful In this severe dovelopmeut Is a double-breaatcd cutaway, not very long, and having only a slightly cut? away effect, not sharply shaped at the bottom only, but curving beautifully from the top of the front to tb* bot? tom. A little braid la used In conjunction with the velvet on the collar of the coat, but on many of the most attrac? tive models the braid Is not otherwise employed. ADVISES QIRL8 TO STRETCH. It Cures Plmplea, Red Noae and Dis? content, Says Discoverer. "Stretch, glrlB, and be bountiful," la the latest cry ot health agitators. "Again stretch, stretch, stretch aud be happy and good. The secret of the Joy of dally living la dally and hourly stretching." Just how fur the new Stretch system Is to go Is not known, but according to last reports from tbo front tho limit boa not been reached. Stretching is the latest fad advanced by a fomal* stretcher, who expounded her theories to a number of women who were anx loua to be beautiful yet happy. This new method is guaranteed by Its dis? coverer to cure dyspepsia, discontent, red noso, blues, humpback, bad lum? per, run down at the heel, und It will change your mind after you have been rehearsing what to say to bubby when ho comcB homo late. In fact, at all crucial moments of Ufa remember ths slogan: "Stretch!" Chocolate Cure for Thinneaa. There Is a new cure for oxcosslve thinneaa for which many woman are going to an obscure little town In Oer many. It seems to be a nervo cure aa well aa a chocolate cure, for the peo? ple tuklng ths cure are out of doors moat of time enjoying the scenery aad exerclalug a little. Then the pa tlenta cat chucolate?lota of It?and all the time. Tho secret of the success of the treatment seems to be In the fact that the people become stout in tho right places. The urmu become plump and round and the neck and buet fill out gracefully. The boat part of It all la that the cure can be taken nt home Just as well and It la strange that people will travel so far out of their way to get auch a simple treatmont. The treatmont consists Biroply of eat? ing chocolate all the time and drink? ing tho beverage In largo quantttloa. Ornamental Lace Berthaa. For the satin princess gown or the satin separate wuist there are beauti? ful oriental laco berthas of exorbitant prices or cheaper oneB of beauty at much less cost. Some of tho finest lace ones are aa sheer as cobweba and abow a touch of oriental work in tinsel effect. The metallic, arrange? ment, when good, Is attractive and really Imparts a decided touch of ele? gance to the rich lace. The filet berthas with rich point lace edgou are fragile and look their best when used decoratlvoly upon soft cbtffona of dull oate tint PIIHAv Tubing. "I want some of the cheapest and widest pillow tubing you havo!" ex? claimed tho woman, leaning over the linen counter. "You see, I got thl* wide tubing to covor my beat'dreeaes. All one has to do Is to sew up one eud and put a drawstring in the other. Our houae la duaty and this lu the only way I can protect my clothes from the furnace dual and gaa ac? cumulation." The idea certainly Is a good one, for often a dress will look Old when not kept perfectly clean, and a whole suit could be slipped lu the tubing and kept perfectly clean. EIGHTEEN PER CENT. OF RAILROAD MEN ARE OFF Nearly Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Railroad Men Now Idle in This Country. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO. ItiLv, April 1.?On seven teen representative railroads of the United Slates constituting one-third j of tho mileage of the country the totai number of employes Is 18 per cent, smaller than on June ,'|0, 1907. This statement is based on nulhorallve figures Just obtained by the Chicago General Managers' Association for in? formation of Its members. The rail? roads from which reports were re celved traverse practically all sec? tions of the country and the figures are said by ralldoad managers to be talrely typical of railway conditions generally. The percentage of men laid off Is much the same among; tho lines run? ning from, IB to 2!i per rent, of the number employed last June.* In one or two nlstnncea the figure is larger. The total mileage of the seventeen roads, amounts to 71.S72 miles. On .lime 30, 1908. the number of men em? ployed on these roads aggregated 581.713. Ar present the number Is 470.917. n decrease of I04.7GC or 18 per cent. A consideraMy greater number than this have actually been laid off because the number of-em? ployes In last October was greater than In June, the time that the pre? sent conditions are compared. Eighteen per cent, of all the rail? road employes In the United Slates last June was .105.000. There were approximately forty thousand more men employed on all the railroads in October than in duly. Making al? lowance for this fact the number of Idle employes at present is probably in the neighborhood of 346,000. Have your prescriptions Oiled by cradunte of pharmacy, Allen's Drug Store. Patents at cut rate. 3-22-1 m Good Card at Henning, iliv Associated Press) WASHINGTON1, 1). C. April 1? No better card of overnight event a has been offered at the present Hen? ning meeting than that of today. Thej first race, a selling affair, three year | olds' proved to be the best of the day. Green was made favorite, but I not figured. Edgely winning by half| a lenght from Bob Calahan, Jr. ? 1 ? . , irrwi The General Demand of the Well-informed of tho Woild has always been for a bjmplc, plcusuut und efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com? ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its ex? cellent combination of SyTup of Figa and Elixir of Scona, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for its remark? able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given tho preference by the Well-Informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine?manufactured by the Cali? fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. UNDERTAKERS. Wv nnfT&i? good berv . Ii. ?UU?jjj3 leo and fine hacks. My showroom compares fa? vorably with the one at the Exposi? tion. 234 Twetity-ilfth St. 'Phone 61. J. HUGH CAFFEE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM. balmer. Ofllce 'Phones Bell and Cltz. No. 1. Residence, Bell No. 4L 1-30-tf._ TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION RAGGAGE TRANS fer; offices C. & O. Station. 'Phones, Bell, Nos. 401 and 185; Citizens No. 12. tf. COAL and WOOD I and plenty of It?of the vury beat duality All coat kept unaer shed* and al? ways well screened. Pine Wood (i cord) $&.80 [Mixed Wood (k cord) $1.85 jOak Wood (* cord) $1?90 Satisfaction Guaranteed. I Distilled Ice Co. 85th St. & C 4. O. Ry. Bsll 'Phons 98. Cits. 'Pnera SOS. HIGH SCHOOL TONIGHT "The Persecuted Dutchman" AND "Who Gits de Reward?" A funny show and a good lnugli Admission, 10c nnd 15c. Heuefit Haseball Team. , ACADEMY mSTClv April 3 America's Famous Comedienne MISS ISABEL IRVING In Jerome K. Jerome's Comedy 8uc ?e8"SUSAN IN SEARCH OF A HUSBAND." PRICES?25c lo 11,50. Sale now open. Your Business WILL BE INCREASED BY THE USE OF THE CLASSIFIED COLUriNS OF THE DAILY PRESS. These little workers are business builders. You will be gratified with the returns. Others are using these columns to advantage, and you ought to be doing the same thing. Spe? cial rates on contracts for 1,000 words or more CAiX US UP TODAY WANTED. WA NT KD? r. FIRST CLASS M1LL1N ers at (men. Good wages to the right parties. THE BOSTON STORK. 2908 Washington Avenue. 3--27-lit WANTED ? PERSONS DMSIR1NC pleasant rooms, modern improve mints. 'Phone No. ;!CC or call 130 ThlrtyJIrst street. WANTED?TO BUY, SELL OR Ex? change, furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS. 2502 Huntington avenue. 3-17-31. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?TWO NICELY FUR nUhed rooms. Southern exposure. 119 Thirty-first street. 4-2-lit. FOR RENT?FURNISHED. FROM April 22nd for Summer months, de? lightful home on FiBy-flfth Street. Address box 45, City. 3-31-3t. FOR SALE. FORj SALE?TUESDAY. APRIL 7TII, a lot of wines and liquors with fix? tures; also lot groceries at 133 Eighteenth Street. FOR SALE?OOOD FARM. WITH good buildings, good dairy with guaranteed milk route. For further Information, apply to F. M. CAT IjETT, Phoebus, Va. Investigate at once . 3-29-12t. FOR SALE?DESIRABLE HOME near West avenue. Ten rooms; all modern Improvements. Including hot water heating plant. Price, $4.500. Address "HOME," care Dally Press. 3-2C-tf. I WILL CONSIDER OFFERS FOR the following valuable * Improved property; No. 3G02 and 3504 Wash? ington avenue; No. 319 49th street; No. 323 49tll street; No. 555 29th street; No. C39 27th street; a line house and lot at Rlvervlew; the Ruckiughum Hotel at Pine Beach; also for vacant lots, as follows: Two (2) on 29th street near Jef? ferson avenue; one (1) on 27th street near Jefferson avenue; six (C) at North Newport News; four (4) In the East Hampton Develop? ment company, and one on 102ud street at Pine Beach. 1XMIIS C. PHILLIPS. Trustee In Bankruptcy of A. D. Wallace, bankrupt. 3-7-tf. LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Call and get prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO.. Hotol Warwick Building. t- ? . -! . . ? 1 g? SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re celved at Office of Treasurer, South? ern Branch, N. H. D. V. S., National Soldiers' Home, Ellzal/eth City Coun? ty, Vn., until 1:30 P. M., April 14. 1908, and then opened for furnishing and delivery of supplies and labor and materials, as follows: Valve Sealers, extra parts, brass unions, radiator air valves, automatic water heater, benzine, white lend, cement, Portland; removing old and installing no.W sewerage pump end; repairing metal railing at Hospital; repairing concrete pavement near Mess Halt. In accordance with instructions and jp? cifleations, copies of which, with blank prois>sals and other Information may be had upon application to JOHN T. HUME, Treasurer. 3-15; 4-2. Sealed Proposals will be received at oltlce of Treasurer. Southern Branch, N. H. I). V. S.. National Soldiers' Home. Elizabeth City County, Va.. un ? til 1:30 p. m.. April 20. 1908. and then opened for labor and material for in? stalling beating and ventilating sys? tem In Three Barracks. Mess Hall, etc., in accordance with instructions and specifications, copies Of which, with blank proposals and other Infor? mation may be bad upon application to JOHN T. HUME, Troasnror. 3-20; 4-2. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN TYPEWRIT? ERS FROM $5 UP. We guarantee to save yon 50 per ceid. or more on any machine that you wish to purchase. Typewriters shipped With privilege of examination. AMERICAN DESK & TYPEWRITER CO., 188 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111 3-21-? SPECIAL NOTICES. $25.000.00 TO TX>AN AT fi PUR cent, oll Newport News Heul Estate In amounts of $2.000.00 or more. One to ten year;.. NELMS ?- CO., inc., 2.",i7 Washington avu. 3-31-Gt AFTER. MARCH 30TH FOR NEAT dressmaking, ladles' tailoring u SpeeiaRy, call at 231 Forty-seventh street. Miss WILLIK PRICE 4-1 fit. FOR WHITEWASH LIME, GO TO HENDRICKS HARDWARE, 2105 Jefferson avenue. Hell 'phono lit',. Roll 'phone 120. 3-15-tf. REGULAR MEALS 266. THERE ARB others Just us- good; none hotter. DEI.MONT LUNCH. tf. WE SELL AND KENT PIANOS, cash or easy payment plan, nccept second-hand pianos or organs as part payment on now Instruments. Tuning and repairing a specially. All work guaranteed. FKROUSSON MUSIC CO., 3110V4 Washington avenue. Cltz. 'phone 95. 2-2-tnt. NOTICE TO BREEDERS ?TUR thorough bred horse, Twelfth Night, is now In stud at Caffee'a Stables, cor. 33rd St., and Huntington ave? nue. 3-14-tf. We wish to announce that we have moved our office lo Room i, Coleman Building. We will collect your had bills. MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. GEORGE C. BLAND. 4-2-3L IN THE COIUORATION COURT OF the City of Newport News. Old Point Improvement Company, v. M. B. Crowell'a Ex'r. By decree of tho Corporation Court of the City of Newport News, Va., ren? dered on the 24th day of March. 1908. In tho above entitled cause, I have been directed to lnvito bids for tho various lota and properties of the es? tate of M. B. Crowell, deceased, here aftor described, and report such bids to the Court at the April Term. Tho properties are well located aud most of them well rented. This Is an exceptional opportunity for Invest? ment. The properties are as follows: 1. "All those certain lota, pieces or parcels of land In the City of Newport News, known and designated by tho Jx>Ls numbered Eighteen (18), Nine? teen (19) and Twenty (20), In Block Number Two Hundred and Twenty three (223), shown on map entitled 'Map of Part of the City of Newport News, Va.,' recorded In Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Newport News, Va.. In plat hook- I, page 3." These Ihren lots are located on the north Ride of t!3rd street hot ween Vir? ginia avenue and Huntington avenue, and on them are erected double butld lgs, making four dwellings. Each double building Is two stories high and built of brick. 2. "All that certain lot, piece, or par? cel of land In tho City of Newport News, knotvn and designated by I/>t Number Twenty-four (24), In Block One Hundred and Forty-nine (149). shown on a mnp entitled 'Map of Part of the City of Newport News. Va..' re? corded in the Clerk's Office of the Cor? poration Court of the City of Newport News, Va., in Plat Book 1, page ;:. This lot is located on the east side of Washington Avenue between 29th and 30th si reels, and on If fa erected a three-story brick building." 3. "All thoso certain lots, pieces or ?News. Va? known and designated by parcels of hind in the City of Newport the I?ts Numbered Twenty (20). Twenty-one (21), nnd Twenty-two (22), In lllork Number Thirty-nine (39), shown on a certain map entitled. 'Map of Part of the City of Newport News. Va.,' which map Is recorded In tho Clerk's Office of tho Corporation Court of the City of Newport Newh, Va., in Plat Booli 1, page j These three lots are situnted at the northwest corner of 23rd street and i West avenue, two of tho said lots fronting on 23rd street. On the corner lot Is erected a two I story, brick building facing on West J avenue. On tho lot next, to the cor ; nor is also erected a two story, brh k ! building facing on Wn-)t aver tie. T.h.i ] key lot facing on 23rd street Is a va? cant lot BUla will be received upon the30 pro? perties until 12 o'clock M. April 15th, 1908. .Executor and Receiver. Estate of M. - R. O. KICKFORD. B. Crowell.