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Daily press. [volume] (Newport News, Va.) 1896-current, April 22, 1908, Image 3

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Only Small Party of Invited Guests
Witnessed the
Launhing Followed by the Usual
Luncheon at Hitel Warwick in
Honor of the Sponsor?Big Full
niufjU Ship in Port ? Marine
Li. * -?
With only 11 few Invited guests lb
wllhctui the event, the new steadier
Texas, building at Hie plant of the
Newpori News ShlplMlldlut and Dry
I lock Company for tue i'exus on
Company, was suecesffuiiiy launched
yesterday morning at 11 :.'?*> o'clock.
Miss Helen Hardy, daughti r of Con
kficRutuan Rufus Hardy, 6t Texas,
vlirlutoued the vessel as she starlit!
down the ways for the water. In tho
chrlnti ning party were Congressman
Unfits Hardy, .\irs. Hardy hnd Ml-s
llirdy, and a number of well known
pencilo from Washington and Texas.
tVlllOllg the guests invited to witness
the ovcnl were the oflieers of the Oer
man cruiser Dromon.
After the launching, the sponsor
and her party were entertained it
luncheon at Hotel Warwick by Iho
shipyard officials.
/ Tuesday, April 21, 1908.
Steam >r I'ttv Port, Jensen. 11 isloll
- te While Oak Con' Company in
Ship William P. Fry, Murphy, New
York??Unnsslgneii hiil will load coal
for San Francisco.
St iii oner Samuel W. Hathaway,
Quintan; B03I011?lo Sni?k?lcse Kiiol
Company in ballast.
Barge Tlpton from Boston?lo Her
wind-While Coal Company lu ballast.
Hargo Lancaster from providence?
In Chesapeake- & Ohio Coal Agency
Company in ballast.
Barge Berkshire from Providence?
io White Oak Coal Company Iii Lul
Steamers l.iv (Nor.l Rhamnsscn,
SI. Thomm: I lest la (Br.l MeKclvIc
Clnsgow; Raveuscrnlg, Johnson. Pro?
vidence.; Baj Shite. Bncldcm, Olonces
tor towing barge Hriitania for Lynn.
Schooner Magnus Manson, Tulloch,
Calandar for Today.
Sun rises .15:20 a. m.
Sun sets .0: *7 p. III.
Hieb waler j.wl'.fj 7n. m.; 2:1 "p. in.
Low water ....S::!2 a. m.; 8:;'.!l p. in.
Lieutenant Franklin Resigns.
Viral Lieutenant W. C. Franklin, of
the Huntington P.liles. lias tendered
bis resignation lo Ihe governor. The
rovlpnallon is held up pending a trans?
fer of the company's properly, which
is in 1 he lieutenant's charge nl this
Ihne as Captain It. B. Wllkins has oor
received Iiis com in I ision.
Academy Vaudeville.
Burton and lie AllllO, the musical
team, will be at UlO Academy of
Music tonight for the last time. New
pictures will be liowh before and
after the musical sketch.
Tomorrow 11I3I1I and during iho re?
mainder of Ihe weck. Hall und Web
ster, comedians and' singers, will be
the vaudeville fc?liiro In connection
with the moving pictures.
Buy Clothes Riglif.
Whenever You Think
Spring is Fairly at Hand
or ihe time for NEW
GIOTHES Has Actually
Weil l?o verj glad lu show 1
you the Filiesl I ol of Hood
Tilings 10 Wear ihul ever came
! into ibis town, The) range
! from
l'(H.h K. and Wash. Avh.
Crowd Gathers at Association lo At
tend the Formal |
Tlio new circulating library ol lite
Young Men's Christum AsaoclaUoii
was formally opened lo Ihn public of
Newport News last night with an en |
lerlaiutnciil in the association. Quite
a large sized crowd attended and
tnr.ny of those present irunllllOd for
membership In the library. |
I The following program wtta render
cd during the e\ enlng: :
Vocal solo- -mi.-?< i.oin went worth. ;
Heading?Mrs. Charles Lewis Sib
Icy. I
I Selection?Hampton Roads tlli'i'
1 Club.
Piano solo -Mian Ethel Colrull. I
Itoadlng?Masur Fit/. Lee Ford. |
Vocal solo?Miss Lola Wunlworlu '
1 Heading-Mrs. Slblcy.
Selection?Hampton Iliads Glee
The new circulating lllvnry con
lain- about 3.000 volumes Of fiction,
I history, science and poetry,
Many Lisls Received Daily. But the
Latest Problem is Still to be
The prise in the Missing Word Con
l"M is three dollars today.
Many communications to Iho Miss
hit: Word Editor came In again yes
lerday. but (Ivbre was not a single
correct tlsi in the lot, As usual many
Of the contestants were close to a cor?
rect solution of tile problem, but In
each list there was al least one slight
I The contest |s Mill attracting n
grtal deal of hit ere-i and the fact
that no correct list has been sent In
' during Iho pa i three days docs not
mean that the number of contestants
?is smallar lhau during ihe first days.
I li Is thought that some one will
1 win the prize today, but If there is n<
: award the prize win ),? f t lomorrow.
Robert Haley Dies After the Third
Mr. Ruber! l'lahy died al St. Knill
els hospital al ?:Jii o'clock yesterday
afternoon of a siiokc of paralysis
which lie BUSlallied a week auo. Tills
was the third stroke In- had auffcrcd
and in- was moved to tha hospital lo
undergo an operation by which tho
physicians hoped 10 effect a cure. The
operation was performed yesterday
I Mr Haley, who was a bollormnkcr
employed at the shipyard, had lived
Ihere for many years, He wns -i
member of Newport News Aerie. No.
.j.".!). P. O. Bagles. The arrange?
ments for the funeral have not been
completed, but the services probably
will be hold al St. Vincent's Catholic
i Typhoid Pneumonia Claims Well
I Known Citizen As Its Victim.
I Mr. David Early, aged 43 years,
died al 10:30 o'clock last nlglll at
his home, B42 Thirtieth si reel, of
typhoid pneumonia. lie had been III
only 12 days and his death came as a
surprise and shock to his friends. j
The funeral services will be held nL
the residence al t o'clock tomorrow
afternoon, being conducted ly Rev.
Asbury Christian, pastor of Trinity
Mrthodlai church. Interment will be
made at Grconlawh. Tlio local
lodaes of Junior Order American Me
ichanics and Macnhees. or which he
I was a member, will have charge of
ihe funeral.
I Mr. Early bad lived In this city for
the past ten years, being employed
al the shipyard as a pipe anil boiler
,1s survived by one sister, Mrs. liar
I voy Wygal. cr ibis city.
, Tug Covington Towed the William P.
Frye Down Coast.
The full rigged ship William P.
Pryc, Captain Mjurphy, arrived al
ibis port yesterday morning from New
York in low of the lug Covington. The
ship is unassighed, but she will later
load a cargo of coal In re for Sun
Francisco, Cal.
I The William P. l'rye only recently
reached New Yoik from 'FFrlsco. She
.s the first full rigged ship to visit
I Newport News within tile past is
i mouths.
j Charge is That They Failed to Slop
for F1re ApapratUB.
w. it. Ijiuupkih; motortnan, ami J.
B. l.ussln i . conductor, in the employ
of lite Newport News fi Old Polnl
Railway ami Electric Company, were
Biiinnionod yesterday attrition to ap?
pear in the police courl this morning
to answer ihe charge of fulling lo
slop Hidlr car for the city lire appar
. a I us.
I The alleged offense uccurcd on
I Washington nvenue about 4:G0 o'clock
lyotshJrday aftori)oh whcii the Central
company was responding lo an alarm
of Arc from Thiity-flrsi Street, The
blase was confined to a chimney ana
iro damage was done.
Working Men's Voting League.
I There will be a spec'iil ineeting of
the Working Men't VelluT l/CagUf! a'
Central Lahm Hulon hall tonight at
s o'clock. Maliern of Importance are
to be dlsctiar'fd. und a large attend?
ance Is exported.
Jjdge Waddlll Refuses to Conf.rm1
Br^w iry Sdls
As Soon ns Stock Nov.- on Hand is
Disposed of. Employes Will be DiS
charged and Operations Suspended,
(or the Present. |
Upon u mot Ion bi* Attorney (>. I).
' Uatchelor, representing ihn Rouortll
creditors ol Ilia Did Dominion Brew?
ing and lee Company, Judge Waddlll
in Ihe United states l?l>-trl*-t Court
at Norfolk yesterday, refused to con
I drill the t.nt sale of the l*owcr.v
i plant by the receivers to representh
lives of the bondholders. The pro ?
pert} had beeii appraised by court of?
ficer! nt $.134.000, and the sale price
to the bondholders was imly |7G,000.
1 After refusing to confirm the sale
the court ordered that the plant lie
' put out el operation ami the Bale iu
; definitely pbstporibdi
I A- soon its the present slock of
Ihe plant Is disposed of the force will
he discharged sn,i the brewery closed
Heretofore it lllls been operated by
tho receivers.
- I
fctmiiuucil from First Page.)
ordered from Ih'o house and the girl
forbidden lo epa him. This testi?
mony finally was placed before the
Jury. ij
Indian Threatened to Kill.
' Mamie Moore, who at Ihe time of
Hie shooting kept a homo next door
lo Nannie Cordon's, was ended lo iii?
Island and she declared that she had
beard Wltchowah ihn men to kin
j Porn Hull. Witness said thai on
thai night she went lo the Oordan
home to ?et some change ami thai
Wltchowah was at the door ol the
house. She said Ihu Indian stinlched
I ra cut of the door nml told her
that he wo'ild ','Ulow her (5
lnaiiis nil." ' lie also told me that
he would blow III) binins out. de?
clared the witness, "and I ran back
home." After that the witness did
not again sec the couplo.
I On cross examination by Attorney
I Crane, the witness said that when
she ai lived at the place Dora was
Standing inside the hall and WltcllO
Willl Was mil side the door. She ask?
ed Dora to give her five cent pieces,
for a $1 bill ami Dora went hack into
the house to ^et the nickels. \VllchC
wall then went into the hall ami
slammed tile door in witness' face,
tinier the Indian came out with Dorr,
and threatened to kill both women.'
Kalllc White, an Inmate of Momlo
I Moore's house on the night ef Do
comber 7. was called. ? She said that'
I she saw a man ami woman standing
on the sidewalk In from of the Moore
house, the witness being lu tho door
of the homo at tlte lime. She Mild
that the man told her lo -,-el Into Hie
house or he would kill her nml tlliit ,
!f she called an officer he would kill'
I 111" Officer. The witness bent a hasty
retreat and, running upstairs, watch-'
c,| Hie couple from a front window.
They went down the street and the,
woman sal down .on tho steps of .1 ?
house then in the eonr. 10 of erection|
near the Moore house. Loiter she (
saw the QOUpIO continue down HlCi
street and stopped watching them.
Same Stcry Told. |
! Looking through Ihe shutters or
Lena Tale's liou.se. Annie Hrowil, an!
inmate of thai house, and who
.was the next witness, eaw Wltohovvaii]
land a woman sitting on Luc stops oft
I the new i.nil,lor. on Twenty-fourth
I street. The couple walked back up
? ihn street toward ?Nannie Cordon s
and then returned, the woman slltin.;
down on the slop's again and lite man
Islanding. Later the couple went!
down the street toward Wnrwh-k ave-1
hue and when they were In front of)
Hosn Jones-' house, the witness saw
ihe mau si ilk" the woman In I In?
flict; and heard tile woman any, "Oh
Larry, don't do that." When the
(pair reached the alley behind Whilr
[Ilia's saloon, witness saw the mn.i
I push the woman Into tin- alley. Lot
t er she heard the shot tired and saw
the moil run up the street with his
hut in his baud.
I Although cross examined m lenglli
jby Attorney Crane, the witness could
? not |$ny how long .die watched Iho
j pair, nor how long after tin- couple
disappeared Into the alley she heard
I the ?hol.
i C. F. Lockwood, who conducted
what vviik known as a mission house
on Twenty !bird street m-ar Washing
ton avenue early In December. was
I r ailed. lie said that a week or
Imore l.oforo (he shooting Wltchownll
land a woman and another man came
to his place otic night and engaged
I a room. The three sat In the room
I for a rew minute* nnd talked. After
considerable questioning by Captain
Berkeley, witness linally admitted
that the three talked so loud that he)
luiil lo tell Ihc-ni to keep quiet. Tho
unknown man left a few minutes
afterwards, but Wltchowah and the
I vvonian romaincd all night, They de1
I parted ihe following liiornliig, going
I toward Washington avenue.
Maria Dandrlgo, a negro mnid who
was employed |n a house on Twonty
fourth street, on December 7. fluid
Hat she went lo Ilm rear door of li t.
^Milling saloon that njgfit to gel
I changed. Sho saw Wltchewnh ami n
wohiun sl'tlng tu U>" rear room ol
Ibe saloon, but heard no conversation
pa is between them. Bolii were sll
i luv dowh. tbe until ?Uli Iiis bttOlt to
Ibe Witness ami the woman faring
lior, As soon ns the bartender gtivt ?
Witness change lot' the *G bill she
left Ihb plneo and when ?ho returned
ItplUo ihe beard a shei.
OHicer Vail on Stand.
Pollco c nicer tiioinus Vail, of ute
D|oo.ltlcld force, wik ihe noxl wR
ncss. Ho said (hat lie nrrested I
Witehewnli on Sunday, l)e< 'inbor s. |
about ii a. in., on l\< avenue When]
arrested, Wltehewah asked .in- officer
If (he wohin?! was dead. The nfllee.
loott the imlinn'r Run nrd n beb of:
blank ran riders. The Indian win
locked up in BloOitflcId, but later
biourlu io the Jail In Uiis city, The
Witness saw the Italian searched nt I
the local jail anil haw .mi officer lnke|
a bill cart rid go frr.til Ihe pocket of,
tiie prisoner.
Police Officer Oliver, of the local'
force, who searched Win bewab when
brought hero irotn IM.Illeld, was the
next witness. Me snld he look a
bull cartridge from Ihn Indian's
pocket. At Ihn? Juncture. Chief.
Reynolds stated that Hie cartridge
had I von ml-phired r.iul could not be!
found. However. Captain Borkelev
had a I .'.calibre cm Irldgo which filled,!
Wltehewah'.- Rlii'.. In Ihe conn room'
and ihe Witness snld ihe cartridge
iiiken from WllohoXrah was about ihe
rIxc or thai cartridge.
Il win ."> o'clock when Kills Morns |
whs called io toe stand. He was
noi al Ibe court and bad to be sent
for. lu Hie meantime. Captain Berke?
ley slated that be had been feeling!
badly since ibe morning and asked
that the conn adjourn tor the day. j
Jury in a ti C. A. Mahciic objected to nn i
adjournment at i Ii lit hour, urging Unit I
Ihe case should be disposed of ns |
inpidlv as possible. Juryman I
(leorgo C. Ghaptii then stated thai j
the Jurors were willing lo slay in tho I
court nn extra hour o. inorc each day
.to as to reach ibe end ol Ihn case as'
rapidly us possible. Captain Berke?
ley Iben stated' 'hat lie would con- ,
llnuo examining witnesses ami. afinr
the captain had taken a dose nl a
headache cure, licit llooth of Nor?
folk, was called. She said thai
Wltehewah nud Dora Hall lived at
her house lor f?lir weeks prior lo tile
?shooting, b'tivlng during ihe laid r
pun of November.
Bartender Mjrris' Story,
Kills Morris, the bartender al
Whlting'a sn)oon then reached the
court nud wan placed on Hie stand.
He Identified NVltehowali and declar?
ed Unit on the night or Ihe shooting
the Indian came to Hie saloon, asked
fcr^somo poker dice, look a drink and
departed. The witness tald thai fi
half hour Inter while he was poking
the lire in Ihe stove in the saloon, ho
saw Witehewnli enter the room lu lite
rear of the liar. He did not, how?
ever, sc ? a woman with him. Wit?
ness snld thai ho diil not go into tile
room after seeing Wltehewah. but
that later Ibe Indian came to the door
leading lino the saloon and then went
back into Hi? room. Almost im?
mediately the witness heard the shot
He wdnl to ihe icom ami round Bora
Hall silling beside the table with a
wound in her hea l. The man bud
disappear! d.
On oross-eitai.it Inn I lop Attorney i^-rt
brought but the fact thai Wllchowrih
hnd been drinking. The attorney
asked tho witness If ihe Indian was
not "Ibo.xy." Captain Berkeley oh
Jeelcd lo the nucslloh. but after u
lonq argument he withdrew Iho ob?
jection: The witness also denied
positively Uhu he went into Ihe rent
room lo kIvc nny change to Maria
The In'i witness or the day was
Joseph Nicholson, brother or a Nor
roll; pawn brok T, at whose place
Wltehewah pawned his revolver In
November, The witness could not
remember Iho oxacl date on which
Ihe Indian redeemed the gun. but
r.iought ii was either the fifth or
sixth of December. Captain Rerke
ley then announced that he would
summon the bookkeeper of tho pawn
shop for today, bin later the nttornoys
for the defense agreed to Iho evidence
that ibe gun was redeemed on the
?lay of the shooting.
Court adjourned shortly after f>
? ?'clock, to reconvene at 10 o'clock
this morning.
Resolution Dinding Them to Tall was
Defeated?Platform Calls for He
vision of Tariff.
(itv Associated Press)
CONCORD, N. II.. April HI. -Six of.'
the ol&hi members cf the Now llnhtp |
shire d donation i<> the Republican ?
national convention at Chicago worn
selected hoto today ?' Hid state and)
district convention and tho platform
.which was Identical In each case, com i
iaim>d a resolution to the effuct Hint'
Hie real Interest", of the part} and el
ihe presidential candidate to he muni*]
nutcd at Chicago will he best served
by the ommlssloii of instruction!
. peclflc oi implied in ihe form of
resolutions of preference, t
The platform also favor, il an early
revision of the tniirr and endorsed'
President Roosevelt, I
The delegates ein? en Were: A!
large?United Stale Senator Jacob II.I
tiallingor, of Concord; former ilo\ j
eriioi che.-ter I), Jordan, of Linien,
terj Attorney General ICdwIu O. KaHl*'
man, of Exeter ami Kdwln F. Jones.'
of Mnuchhati r,
Secbud district Lestor I*. Tliurbbi
oi .Nashua ami 15, ll. Richardson, 01
A' the stale convention nn amend I
incut to lite effect that II wna the!
"earnest lifllef that the man cm
bodying overs oiohieul of a triune'
pliant candidate \VllS William II. Taft"!
was tallied !?. a large majority, ohlj .
":? out or n total or "Oil dnlOgaiea vbl;
lup In favor et the resolution; j
Inseparable for Their Eighteen cYarr, j
They Now Have Apartments
Under One Hnof.
(My Associated Press)
HKItlDKN. COW. April HI Mm u
on the same day itlld iusupnrahlo du."
hip, tie Ir IN years of life, Ihe Misses ISv.i
and ICthe) Dillon, who look BO much
alike that one can scarcely tell them
apart, ? loped. Knelt was married at'
the same lim . and liny will nave
Hats in (he same house.
With (heir husbands, Kmli nicking
ai*,tl Kdwnrd Werner, the twins iir
rived in Manchester (nun Springfield)
Mass.. today, and confirmed die news
of their weddings, which Hi y con
voydl yesterday by telegraph to their
pcn in-. M,v. ami Mit. Ucqrge M. Dil
Ion. They led home Saturday, say
la:- ihcy w re going tp visit in Hart?
Where Quality Is Uppermost.
West Point
on (he new swlny toe?Just
enough extension to show tho
foot off iileel}: medium low
Walking In el; at] widths and
Price, $3.50
2C00 Washington Avenue.
Capita! Dry Goods House
Fine Wool
Dress Goods
$1.00 TRENCH TAFFETA SUITINGS Light Colored Plaids and
Checks, Reduced to 75c yard.
PANAMA3. Reduced to 75c. yard.
$1.10 BLACK AND COLORED VOILES, Very Fine Quality, Re?
duced to 13c yard.
r,9c PANAMAS. 50 Inches Wide, Black, Navy Uluc and Garnet,
Extra Value at 50o yard.
of FINE DRE5G GOODS AT 50c yard?In This Lot arc Silk Warp,
Eolicncs, Nub Voile?, Plain Voles, BaCr.tc, Set:;: und a Complete
Line of Novelty Checks and Striped V/ool Suitings In llic Newer,,
Spring Colors.
Begin Saving These Coupons f
C Each package of Piedmont Cigarette's now contains
two coupons. KiO of those coupons will bo redeemed for
50c in cash. These coupons are jtist flfl fjoOfZ rxa maiicy.
C No other cigarettes have such fragrant aroma,
sweet laste and unrivaled qualily, because no other
cigarettes arc made from such choice selections of fine
old tobacco grown in the famous Piedmont district.
10 for 5c
Piedmont Ciftttreltcii nr?; packed in TIN FOIL
tir'T'ii'iF11" iimiiMiii'iiiii iiiM'Miiii'iwnhuww.iJiHiHnirnBi
Furnish Your
Wc will credit you and make the payments to suit your
convenience. Special discount for each. Coupons redeemable In
handsome Enamel Ware with ail purchases FREE. Prices Guar?
anteed as low as the lowest. Satisfaction of your money refunded.
Largest assortment in Newport News to ccicct from.
Newport News Furniture Co. ?
3CP7-9 Washington Avenue.
Are Your Lace Curtains
After your curtains havo hung up all winter, after they have ru'r
reived a season's usage and handling, have absorbed a winter's
smoke and dirt?und U"- du. i 'if many sweepings?It la not unlikely
that they need laundering.
When y/pu take years town (hi- house eloatiliig lime, send Ihctl)
to us to launder. We'll hi. lie r,)ieiu carefully; launder them uicoly
for the reasonable charge >f Tai con la per puir.
Our M'tigOu shall he glad lo call at any lime you ina> telephone.
Will he lea's if .Mill buy from lllu Ori?
ginal Cut Rate Drug Store.
If there Is anything at all you need
in the Drug line, see its, or 'phone us.
'Phone ordet's will receive Immediate
attention, and v.e deliver goods to any
part of the city.
Let us he your Druggist,
3SSBU3E3RS inKffiT
You Can Expect
Nothing sliorl of gctiulno
?nilsfaction In tho matter of
Laundry Work if yon havo
your work done by as. Wo
eater lo a dhicrlminuttiig public.
Our aim Is u, give every one
Ihe be;.! for their money In.
Ilrst-class work, ami that wo do
not misB il Is evidenced by tho
Increasing number of our Satis?
fied Customers.
Steam Laundry
Washington Aveuua
Newpott News, Va.
3 Moth Plumes U8. ?
': ^i.-yri'iv^fvf^^^'ss^x^^^^

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