Newspaper Page Text
ksmim CommiKee Has Its Eye Jpon Big Slice of Elizabeth City County. SEARCH FOR DATA III PROGRESS Wythe District Association Represen tatlve$ and Messrs. Buxton and Ber E- I nsrd Will Have Facts and Figures Ready Shortly?Ccmmittee Called to Meet Tuesday Night. In carrying cut ibe oil) council's instructions to Investigate into the! annexation question, the Join! <? :n j mil tee is examining into and consider, ing the subject on a more extended scale than has. been contemplated '" , the annexation discussions in the pasi.j Representatives of the Wythe l)is-j trict Protective Association, wiio are! gathering statistics for the committee, have Leen Instructed to report upon the property values, number of resi? dents, etc.. in all of the territory lying east of the city between the old county road and the waterfront, and between Salters* creek und La Salb- avenue, in other wards, the plan advocated by the Wythe ass - elation, contemplates the annexation by Newport News of territory extend? ing almort to the vts r>- limits of Hamil? ton, ami taking in the new car barns Of the Newport News & Old Point Railway and Electric Company. Busy Collecting Data. Messrs. iS. R. liuxton and Murk. Bernard are collecting for the com uttttee da'a concfrnlug i he property and the residents of Hloodfleld. Kion dike and all of the settlements in Warwiek county bordering on the ?southerly limits cf the city, the sec lion between Saltor's creek, and the limits, and thj? seeth n math of the limits in East End. The Wythe district association will hold a meeting Monday night, at which time its investigating commit? tee will make a report covering the result of its work. Then a report council will be made. Meeting Tuesday Night. The council committee has been called by Chairman Harris for Tues? day night, at 7: HO o'clock, for the pur pose of formulating a re|iort which, if possible will be pre-semed U> the e? nimm council an hour later. The committee favors annexation, and the only question is what shall toe taken in. It seem-; 'probable that Jf the report from Wythe district shows that the property valuation and numbvr cf residents In that sec tlcn will wamtnt such a step on the part of the city, the committee will recrmmeiid tha: *ho council take steps toward extending the city limits to a point near l<aSalle avenue. When ask -d now t-he committee contemplated having this large area policed by the city, a member of the eommUtee suggested that a couple cf mounted ottcers coo Id cover the entire territory. 0. b. way ins passes away at sanatorium ] Well Known Local Business Man Dead After Lingering Illness. Mr. P. I! WJIkins. of this city, died yesterday m -rning ni the Star ntronrt Sanaorium. Washington Grove, Md. Captain R. E. Wilkins received a telegram announcing his brother's death, aud he left at <mce f .r Wash? ington to bring the body home. Mr. Wilkins had been in ill health fee more than a year an?j he went To the Starmonnt Sanatorium for ?tr-eainsert about n month ago. For * while he was thought to lie saining strength, "but there was n real change ff r the h?-ttcr 3r?d no hopes had l>een entertained for his recovery. Coming here in the esrly days of the cr:y ?.BT Wilkins be< aim- one of e!ty'? best known business men He was the head of the whob-sale cruorv ?rat of K B Wilkins * Uro . and was idertlfle,j with wWxiss other en robber gets away with whiskey. cigars and cash B. R. Cofer-t gatcon Entered Througo fiodowr Undw Cover of Oar si aV Cofer'a salooa at Washington and Twenty ourtb street. Was sopts? time Wedeewdav nigh' a thkrf wb made off with a quan at bottled nMahvy. tat? cigar? fin ia cash The mnm?y wna In I Jag in ?hieb , hang-c bad left over airbi lor uV man g the place in the nv-tninr fa is sapasased that the robber I t*' mi the pla'e thromtb a uneJI f^sgs** window Ahwu g year age Mr. Cnfr-r '? rd.v-e v frag robbed tarvnral tIsars. 1 Social -Personal Mr. Mild Mrs ? A Reynolds have returned from tlu-h w< d Iiiig lrl|i t< Waahtngton, Philadelphia and New V< rk and in* n w ul homo in Hieir friends in Ii:' Thirtieth street. \liss Meile Abholt, uf Portsmouth, is th.- guest <,f Miss l.ois Leonard, on Twenty eighth street. Mrs Ctinrlea C >rss of Lockhavcn I'll is tin- guest nf Di Itlld M - .lautes K i'nr-\ ai th?- Clinton, Miss Mary Caasldy has returned '<> her home in Lynchburg after a \i?i< Ifl Ii lends in t Iiis eil J Miss Laura FcrHon left yesterday for Mecklenburg 10 vi*!! relatives. Miss Mary Luckoy of York county.] is the guest of Aalsx Carrie Howard. J on the Boulevard. Y M. C. A. BASKETBALL TEAM GOING 10 WILLIAMSBURG Games Takes Place in William and Mary College Gymnasium Tonight. Tin- basketball team representing tin- young Men's Christian Associa? tion of this city will go up to Wll Itamsburg this afternoon, to play the! WlUhiiii and Mary College five in the college gymnasium tonight. Tue contest fs expected to be a fust one as the two dams are very evenly] matched, the locals only defeating the collegians by a narrow margin in a I previous game- played this season ab ut two weeks ago in Ibis city. ' Quite a number of enthusiasts from! here will accompany the team on I their trip, about thirty ladles and I gentlemen having signified their in? tention of making the journey to wti itess Ihe game and "root" for th" as-j sociatiou quintette. The teems will line up as follows: W. ami M. Newport News. Harth . Hurlwgej Forward. Driver . l.enzi Forward. ! II. B. Hughes . Gildnor, Center j A G. Hughes . LMteanley Guard. Schlossberg. Hamilton Guard. CALLED OUT FIRE DEPARTMENT. I Peyser's New Lights Created Sensa-i tion on the Avenue. Something of a sensation was ere ated at the corner of Washington ave. nue and Twenty-eighth street, last night, shortly after dark, when Fire Chief Stow, beading all of the appa? ratus of the Central Company, ap? peared at the corner hulking for a fire. It developed that the unusual bril? liancy of two electric lights of a new type, which bad Just been installed over the front of r.tias Peyser's cloth, ing establishment, had caused the trouble. Someone on the avenue, see. in? the blaze of light at Twenty eighth street, had telephoned for the depart? ment ENGINEER^ KILLED. Several Passrnqer Injured But None Lose Lives in Accident. DES MOINES. IOWA. Feb. 2? ?One man was killed and several were in? jured by derailment of the westbound Overland Limite 1 train of the Chica? go. .Milwaukee * St. Paul at 1:25 this morning at Van Horn. Iowa. The train was going nearly sixtv mill's an hour when the locomotive lift the track and turned a complete M-ntersaatt. The baggage and mail cars were piled en top of each other and the' several nassenger coaches rested on their sides C. H Brown, the engineer, was, crushed to death With the exception of slight bruises ! to two persons in the smoking ear. none of the passenger* were injured Rifles Going to Norfolk. The Huntingdon Rifle* will go ioj Norf ilk today to particiiaie in the parade to 1m- given in i-onnection w/th: N'orfi Ik's celebration or the honu-coin j Ing of the Beet. In the absence of j Captain Wilkins. who was called to Washington yesterday by new , of his | brothel's death. First Lieutenant Hup-1 pert will command the company. Th-' company will assemble at -he arne-ry; at 7:3* o'ekek and leave for Norfolk! at *> i clock. Repa-nog the Kershaw Owing to the delay In finishing 'he repairs on the Merchants a Miner.; T'anaj.i nation Com any'? .?'earner Kershaw tht re wfil he no sailing from this port :o (Ultimo t mot' * night. The re;airs t.? the Kershaw which f":i?i'' <f minor work in the vessel*! tin. bin -ry are l^ntig .j,me ., <"lo sa peake a Ohio p+er \ fi hv th local shipyard and it is exported the' they I will he. e mi ?et.-J In Montis' Mr Cal?w*tl Recovering Mr C M CuntseR who has br> n! c* fined to his horn* <?n the Ifartile i vani fo' s me dav? by severe Injurie^ received in an accident + snfft den ly iint-roved to l?- owl of 'heirs for n ?bor> ' '?k > sirdar. For tJOO W ? Olfrr l I.- ise j, .? .r. |. I mate oa Twen v thirj street near Wlekharr. a venae Would take nah tV' cash, balance %(. per month Musi told a> once Re <jn'rk SoMv'li: VILI.K TRIST COMPANY Ire Three ?hoacs. ^ I MEN DESERTED VESSEL I . _ j Skipper, Wate and Life-ravers Work? ing on Schooner Benedict. ANCHORED NEAR ASSATEA6UE, III. Captain Is Supposed to Have Dropped Anchor in FoQJ Without Being Aware of the Ship's Dangerous Position. Marine Notes. News whs received here yesterday! tu the effect that the ihr.masted schooner Helen H. Benedict, which siiih'd this pun for Portland, Main.-, on Monday lust, with a cargo 01' coal loaded In the Smokeless Fuel Company, was anchored in a very | dangerous position ahout three and one half miles south southeast of the life saving station at Assuteague, Vir.' glniu. The crew is said to have left the -vessel, and the life savers, with the skipper and male, are aboard.1 endeavoring lo keep her afloat | The captain of the Benedict Is be? lieved to have lost his bearings in the heavy fog late Wednesday alter noon. an.) achored bis ship to wait for tile fog to lilt, without being aware of the dangerous position of the yes Bel. When the stiff gale which swept . up the Virginia coast Wednesday night struck the schooner she begun io pound heavily, and the men left her in an open boat, landing safely , on (he Ijrarh. but the captain and ' mate refused to desert the vessel ami remained on board. i At the last report the schooner was: in a dangerous position.. Nothing fur-' the,, co ild I" learned last night. j CURBING GRADES GIVEN ON TWENTY SEVENTH STREET Cltj Engineer Pearse Keeping Prelimi? nary Work Par Ahead of Con- j tractor's Gang. tirades for the concrete curbing was laid oif by City Engineer Pearse yesterday on ? Twenty-seventh street., but W een Washington and West ave? nues ami it is expected that the curb will be laid on tl)is street Immediate? ly after that on Twenty-sixth street Is finished. Nearly- all the stakes along both sid<s of the street were driven yes? terday, and it Is proposed to keep far enough ahead with all the pre? liminary work so that there will be no mure delay than is absolutely nee-, fssary in tin- laying of the curb. Contractor .1. W. Davis, who is to layVthe Peebles block pavement, has a good deal of his material on the ground and ready for the work, and he will set to work as soon as suffi? cient progress has Iven made by the curb-layers. I CAPT. QUALTROUGH'S ? I SENTENCE IS APPROVED Only Part of Courtmartial's Decision Required Secretary's Affirma- j tion. Which is. Given. j WASHINGTON. 0. C. Feb. \ S eretary Newberry has approved thai pan of the sentence which the! font mania 1 at Gibraltar, which *eii-' tenced Captain Qualtnough. cf the luttlcship Georgia to the loss cf ten numbers in rank following a trial on charged of intoxication and c nduct unbecoming an officer. That portion of the sentenc- sus? pending Captain Qnaltrnaigh tr m duty for six months, which was a;>-1 proved by Admiral Sperry. required no action by the navy department PROVISIONS FOR SMOKER ON BATTLESHIP NEBRASKA George Loshe Hat Contract for Fur? nishing Estimates?Sailors Are the Ho?ts Mr George l.oshe has the contract lor furnishing the refreshments for a smoker to h.- given tonight on board the battleship Nebraska In the crew of that vessel t > about four hundred men in the battleship fleet. j Enormous quantities of sandwiches and other light luncheon n.-e.-ssaries were packed up last night, the entire lot filling quite a number of barrels. The provisions will he conveyed to the ship sometime today REVENUE CUTTER MOHAWKm STUCK FAST ON ROCKS Vesse; I? Leaking Badly. But Pumas Keep Up With Flow?Tugs Useless (By Associated Press *? NKW YOKK. Feh The InHcl S'at.-s rvvenue riitfer Mohaw k. >. ind from New lxu:don be- Totupklnsv ilb rsn on the rocks In HeS, Gate off Ward's Island, known as Little Hoa Rack" late today, and at a late hoir tonight sas stir hard aground de- | spite Ihe efforts of several ?i.irs to move her The cutter's how is resting on ts.v edged rorks. asd it is feared thev will ' tear a hot- !u h. ship's l??tt<itn Of P?rrr T*vtM' rafctknW 0>M esvrr war TV,r>k ?f it' A - i <p**ey bntlte is InvMi? ? na ?? 1 >- : ? w mvpr ?Plan .? ->?? m Wk ?~l haet" Sal TtSs ? ?ii?lf?t SSSSSk M ?? ttM. sain ?f tnrr.lws Iso n? nr hrotaps It . ?Iis i ?? ski aasjsaa at ?ears'^w I. . ??4a* rrsi-.s*. ?USV dlkrrSTheis. ?C' ?.. br ? kaSlts oS |<sr Shs+re* jBSt sew. rmmll (? lh? f.e?l Mgn OHMlSr TW tan *n? tmtlle h ~J* sSStSJ ?m* ?Wt? r- ?I?. is* ?? eswt sms S> nrt* ???l SruBJht ii's r** Pern Daria'. CAR MACK WAS HOT IN A BlUtR MOOO (Continued From i>;ie>- One.) automatic Colt, and ione found by Lieutenant pilehier. Later be received Ironi Sergeant ( It.-id a nickel plated revolver which I had not been fired and which was said to have been taken from Colonel Duncan Cooper. Sharpe's Brother Custodfan. On cross examination lie could not positively Identify the guns. He had turned them over to ihe lieutenant I of police at the station, and on the next day took lliein to Ihe clerk of I Ihe criminal court Vernon Sharpe, brother of John Sharpe Major w. O Vertrees. the next wit-j ness. was to try a suli in chancery i court with Itoliin Coopei the day Ofj the tragedy. 1 Roliin Cooper during ihe morningI twice had the suit continued, and I when he arrived at I p. m.. said: "I am sorry to have detained you. hut I had a matter I could not leave for any law suit." I "Did you see Senator earmark or talk with him on Important topics Sunday night'.'" "I did. I was ealliiiL' on a young lady." "Don't give her name.' Loaned Carmack a Revolver. The call was Interrupted by a tele? phone message that Senator Carmack wanted him. Major Vertrees went to Senator earmark's office. "What did Senator Carmack ask of you?" "He saitl h?> wanted n revolver and I loaned him mine." "Did that revolver have anything on it?'* "Do you mean a scabbard? Yes. I! had a little rubl'-r lip " "Is this scabbard yours.'" "Yes sir. The revolver is mine. too." "Was it loaded in . very chamber?" "It was." The witness said the next he saw uf this revolver was in the presence of t,ho attorney general when he iden? tified it as his," and the revolver found near Carmack's body. "You knew Mr. Carmack." "Yes sir. I was his liest man at his wedding." Mrs. Carmack in Tears. At this Mrs. Carmack turned to her sister, buried her head on ner should ei and broke into tears. The state began cross examination at this point. The de i en so objected to testimony as to Carmack's demeanor tin night before the shooting and was sus? tained. Judge Hart ruled that Major Ve> trees could not testify as to what transpired in Carmack's office the night before the shooting. The state then resumed cross ex? amination through Attorney Oeneral Oarner. "Did am one ever object to your telling the whole truth about this case?'* , "Never. I asked tne defense not to use me. but made the attorney prom? ise that If they deeiib-d to use me. they must give me notice In time for me to consult with attorneys for the state." Shield Would Slip Off. "The shield or seaboard on the sun would remain In the pocket when the revolver was drawn, would It not?" "Unless it were held upon the re? volver barrel by the hand, it would remain in the pocket." R. T. Creighton. a civil engineer, was next called. He made a plat of the scene of the crime and swore to the accuracy of his measurements The next witness was R. P. Siegen thaler. city foremen of linemen for the Western Union. He removed ope of the police at the scene of the tragedy to the storehouse. He never exam? ined the pole and knew nothing of any lullet holes. A. H. Wright a contractor, told of examining the 'pole and finding no bullet holes. Sandy Brown. Blacksmith O'Brien and Dr. X. K. Brown contradicted Miss Lee. who said Colonel Cooper was in Attorney Bradford's office about lu:.10 or 11 o'clock on the morn inir of Xovember 'J. They- said at that hour Cooper was t'-ying a horse he wanted to buy. Identifies Cooper's Gun. Thomas S. Hutchinson, a police commissioner of Nashville, said he lent Colouel Cooper a revolver the night l?efore the shooting. The wit? ness examined the nickel plated gun which the officer took from Colonel Cooper and said it was his. The defense th.-n called T. Leigh Thompson, deputy state insurance commissioner, who got to the scene of the tragedy, about five minutes after It occttrnd He saw earmark's body in the street a pool of nlood st his mouth. He produced a buMei which he found there a steel j?< k.-ted 32-calibre bul? le*. The bullet was very .los- to to" dca i msu's lips D'd rest s--c s cigar between tne fingers of his left hand?" "I saw a rigar near his left hat. . or In his fingers The right hand w?s above his hi* bodr turned on his right side and his left hand Serosa his 1 o i% resting on the sroend ' The state attempted to bring ail a conversation sum as had with < ar ms"V the altern on of the killing The defens? objected and connse again *n?--r-d <ii*>n lengthy argu? ments Indge Hart anno meed that he would render | r. .rlor. fornorrow and lour- adjourned until Ja m v M C A Star Course Ren'? - ? >s a cone rt company, ..nip ?: ' . 4o masters nn-ler , rixteen ...r. ,,f aae who perform on different musical Instruments will b. rfcs mar conrse srtrartkm I st the Voting Mens Chtrletian Aaao-' cist ton Mond? night T%? harys are sat.I to t?< , |. v r and they have re re:\ed ? itr.e ...r, good press criti? cisms from r ?|es in whkh 'fcey have appeared I THE BLACK BALL ?y Stuart B. Stone. Twelve men gat at dinner in an up l>er room- 12 ehntterinf. excitable men. and u woman. Two other men stood guard at the door, and no one passed in or out without the exchange Of cabalistic sienals and the matter ing of mysterious passwords On the walls of the room the crown weighted lords of Europe reposed head downward, with black crepe draping and hemming the pictures about Kindly expressions of "Ueath to Monarch?!" ami The Oaggi r lor Desitois!" i wuied aUive and below the spectacle of the kintts of the earth upturned. The 12 men ate prodigiously, while the lady, who was most ravishlngly charming, flitted about from one to the other muttering smiling incendiarisms and passing the things they ale At the head of the lable was a bushy-whiskered, red-faced individual. "Brothers," he began, "we have a single purpose; it only remains to, ascertain which of us will be the in? strument of of the wrath of the peo-' pie down trodden and oppressed." There was a pounding ol clenched fists on the lable. a chorus of assent ing voices in a half-dozen barbarous' dlulects. and a noinpadoured Swede' shouted: "Down with tlie usurper!' j The speaker resumed: "We shall now see who is to be the instrument j of righteous vengeance. Mlie. Aimee | will spread'I he ballot, and conduct lie! drawing. The black ball means well.I we know that. I think." A low murmur went round the long, table as the pretty Aimee procured II j white bails and a black <me. These! she placed in a wooden box. having a lid opening at the lop 'lilting the lid so thai the contents of the box were' screened from the observation of the drawers, she approached the first man.1 a red-bearded Slav The Russian j thrust his hand into the box and drew ?forth a white ball, whereat he seemed! much relieved. "Lucky Alexleff." said the Slav's, nearest neighbor. The black ball is! certain death, for how can a mat: slay! a king and escape? Vei the work! must he done." The speaker dived into the box as. he talked and capttired a white ball, also. The third man was (lerard. the Parisian, his smile nevei changing as he. tcxi, drew a ball white as snow j "Himmel!" muttered a llambuigeri by his side "I think the black hall' is to be mine." Hut the Uerman drewj white also. I The fourth and the fifth of the con j spirators ? Flnlanders, who knew! something of Siberia?obtained white1 balls with never u sign of ruffled! nerve, but the sixth man. a Bohemian,' shivered the least bit, requiring two attempts before he entered the fateful box to bring forth another white ball.' "Half gone, and black yet remains."' whispered the president: and there was an uneasy shuffling among the' other five. But the president diewi fori It a bull of the while dazzle. The next three men drew rapidly?white,1 white, white?-amid little whistles oil amazement. Dainty little Aimee stood now bej fore Brother Stathoff. the clean cut, i kindly-seeming young Bavarian. It1 the 12 had noticed carefully they; might have seen that the lady's red( lips quivered the slightest and that her bosom heaved. But they looked only at the mild blue eyes of Stathoff: of Bavaria, who reached for the fatal! box Almost had he obtained the ball when the dainty Aimee stumbled, near1 ly falling "Mercy!" ehe stammered, laughing, but It was necessary for Stathoff tej draw again. i And this time as he reached for the! ball?hidden to him. bnt in plain' view of mademoiselle?the ltd snapped to, as by accident and for the third, time the box must be made ready for young Hans Stathoff This time, with the brown eyes of Aimee following his every motion, the gentle Bavarian made successful entry?drawing a gleaming white hall. "It is well." murmured the gray bearded Vabadrsky, as he brought forth the black ball of death, and the Pretty Aimee and young Hans; Stathoff and all the o'her plotters drew deep breaths of relief But only the pretty Aimee knew how love, entering even the close guarded halls of conspiracy, had dealt life to a young Bavarian giant mid death to the worn grayiieard of Little Rassen Probing Wsll Street. It reminds me of the time when ?[ small bnt ambitions country town| elected its first commissioner el: health, says the New York Press Thel people were as proud of this Individ i ual as the Chinese are of their tod dring new baby eiU|s?ror Me decided to clean up things The first move was made asainat an aged negro, a mild, hartnlesa. fatthfal fotmer slave claiming the respect of every one In the pla<e nl'cle Mose." said Ihe com missloner yon know I hsve got to clean owl 'hlngs In this town and make Ii ?mell aweet. I have sworn to do m? dwty Your cabin doesn't smell sweet G<>t any catr and does arourd <>r>.. yas. ash. seven c;:i* en nine dogs'' Kot an> pigs'" 'One. sab Got any chickens? Po n*n> en a rooster, nah en some aUis Any thing else fai the way of animals'' Dai's all."| Weil. I ' ? ? >?? s. thev'll ail got to re von. <a'nn stini:? ' Say. Mars 'Mtsstower dor. ? h' l! ol, de sr.i ?als It me dat st'nks I sla't bad a a sab la nigh ob ie yeah' s t Capital Dry Goods House WASHincTon avenue at thirtieth, street Today Special Sale Ladies' Spring Suits At $15.00 FOR SUITS WORTH $20.00 i Look ?xt Thi?/*! For Sale and Lease! REAL ESTATE BUSINESS LOTS MANUFACTURING SITE FARMING LANDS. ETC.. Lots 50x150 above Fifty eighth street; very desirable lots between Fiftieth and Fifty eight streets; lots in Second and Third wards in rapidly growing communities, within 10 minutes of postoffice. PRICES RANGING FROM $150 TO $1,800 ON VERY EASY TERMS. Call and get Particulars. Old Dominion Land Co. NEWPORT NEWS. VA. HOTEL WARWICK BUILDING Froncb Dry Stop This and Adopt THE MODERN WAY Which Does Away V* ith the Dir., Saves time, trouble and expense. Make use of the most up-to-date con? venience of the present-day life?the GAS RANGE or STOVE. Let us show you how easy they are to ma? nipulate and Jhe many other exclu? sive features about tbem. Newport News Gas Ce. Washington Ave. snd Thirty-first St. SEARCHING FOR RECORDS. Cleaning Having added ? French Dry Clean? ing Department >o our equipment we are prepared to handle the most deli? cate fibres, silk waists, dressed and undressed gloves, aa well aa cleaning and pressing ladles' and gentlemen's suits. If you wish strictly hign-ciaas won on short notice, and at a reasonable price, glTS as a trfcU. Both 'Phones 10. r Hotel Warwick Laundry 119 24th St Newport Newe Interstate Commerce Commission Agent Excites Railroad Circles. RICHMOND. VA.. Feb. 2?.?Consid? erable excitement prevails in local road circles, and much discussion is in progress at the lederal building over th" fact that an agent from the Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington was in the city last night where, it is alleged, he was engaged in searching tor certain records and evidence to 1"? used by the govern? ment in the prosecution of railroads for practicing certain illegal and fni'jdulem acts in defiance of the rales and regulations of the Inter? state Commerce Commission at Wash J ingtnn. The memory of the recent prose? cution and fine inflicted upon the Chesapeake A Ohio Railroad at the hands of the-government in the local f< deral courts Is hejng revived In i.iany circles today. At the federal building it was stated that the evi? dence gathered by the government agent on his present visit to Rich- j mond is to is- used in railroa] pros-1 rcotieu In an entirely different part' of the rouufrv. In other circles 3 I more sensations: interpretation is placed on what is looked upon as a more or less sinster omen, and sus? picions of rec.trring railroad disturb? ances m Richmond are .? predict? ed. II is believed that the gnveromen* i agent fh qnortion has kf| the city, j He male no r* port to the I'nited State? marshal's office during hi* brief stay. Newtoerry Leaves for Norfolk. .'By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. D C. Feb. 2??, Secretary Newbern left Washington today for Norfolk where tomorrow he expects to observe the operstion of the reorganisation plan in force si the navy yard there. He will return Sunda niorninc Loans! Get together all your SMALL BILLS. Use OUR MONET to pay them off. We are making PRIVATE LOANS on your personal note of $5.00 and upwards oa short notice without publicity or ad? vance charges. DON'T HESITATE to call on us. We will let you have tbe MONET QUICKLY and put the matter in such shape that you can repay tbe loan In e??y weekly or monthly payments to* salt your own con? venience. We also loan on PLAIN NO iE to SALARIED EM? PLOYEES, holding permanent positions. If you will cart, write or phene. we will cheerfully ex? plain our terms, etc. SOUTHERN LOAK CO. 29th Street a ""aaningtoo Ave. Entrance 2L. ?9tti St. Bell 'Phone. 1S8. Repeater, or English Lever, or Duplex or Swiss Watch %$t% It sWswf ftf ? af reaper* tats* lata* tswk rrlaarr. *?*?< SSV St sMsev Trna%#*. sad want a certain fSsssast kerb rsSSsf Ossi Wnswat tu-, irr ?esaer titsy'? '' acstr a Li *"?-Uta F ?' it t? s ?f?. rsitab's ssssjsjsi es* rerere? an r? aast Waats?***?. USrhKlInr. tafaaaiatlen ?rwl i' -eratloss. Hetswetiyi asstisH*? tut to HM sy OrsseW* or mm: t?r satt Ml e rent* ?iys j? Wttttt A44res\,lM Sotaer <e-(v Repairing A Specialty If not satisfactory, no charge* Twetitvooe years e\p In th ? watrh making bsslm a, N. Suttle 240$ Jefferson Avenwi Estsb '(shed irMs