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Daily press. [volume] (Newport News, Va.) 1896-current, March 04, 1909, Image 3

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Whaleback Steamer 8ay State Makes
Record (or Her Class.
Vestel Went to Beverly, Mas*., Tow
,n<j Loaded Barge, Discharged
Cargo and Returned With1 Empty
Barge in Ten Days?Marine Notes.
W'litii thi> ?hall back si earner Hay
S'ale. e imuiunded by Captain Sneid'
em, arrived in port yesterday morn
in? sin- completed one of the fast" . t j
iri.is ever made on this coast by a,j
vessel of her class.
The vessel left here on the alter
noon i . February 2o for Bevi rloy,
Mass., with a cargo of 2.<Kmi tons of
coal on board and Ihe loaded whale j
back barge Badger in tow She pto
ceedcd to Heverley, discharged her
cargo, and sailed for this |K>n towltis
'he barge Brittania. arriving here
yesterday morning after making tie*
round trip from dock to ?loci. In feu
The distance traversed by the
steamer in making the round trm
is about 1,300 miles and her perfor?
mance is ri garded as a remarkably
?i-?HI one hy the shipping people of
this port
Wednesday. March 3. 1909.
Steamer Bay State. Sneidern. Bever
ley?to White oak Coal Company for
Steamer Chelston (Rim. Hoc-ken.
Itelizt?to Chesapeake Ohio Coal
and Coke Company, for bunker coal.
L'nited States collier Aberenda.
Fincke. Oil'.-altar?to Berwlnd-White
Coal Mining Company for cargo.
Barge Brittania. Lynn?to White
Oat. Coal Company for cargo.
Steamer Powhatan iBr.l. Maxwell,
London via Norfolk; Osceola (Br.).
Mackirdy, Norfolk.
Barges Felix. Providence; New- Jer.|
soy. Providence: Baravia. Portland:
.lohn Forsyth. Providence; Rnosj
Soule. Providence.
Marine Notes.
The value of the exports from this j
i-ort during the mouth of Februar)
just iiassed, was $594.069. The value j
of the import was $74.1 si for the|
The British steamer Chelston.
bound from Belize, Spain, to New]
York, with a cargo of mahogany logs,
stopped here yesterday for bunkerI
mal which was furnished by the Ches-I
npeake & Ohio Coal and Coke Com?
The British steamer Kyleakin elear-|
? d through the i ustom house yester?
day with a cargo of 2.900 tons ofj
coke, valued al $10.150. and 1.995 tons!
of coal valued at $.">.IS7. consigned to[
Tampico. Mexico.
The five-masted schooner Jennie j
French Potter is at the shipyard for
minor repairs.
Calendar for Today.
Sun rises.H:?>\ a. m
Sun sets.?:02 p. m.
High water_7:50 a. m.; 8.24 p. m.
Low water_1:39 a. m.; 2:22 l> m.
The Borrower of Trouble.
He who foresees calamities suffers t
them twice over.?Porteoua.
Of All Kinds
Cuffs Attached and
& Co.
V> ashififlon Ave. * 2.th U
V. M. C. A. Team* Secure Over Four
Hundred Dollars Toward the
Needed Fund.
The wi rk of the varh us icam* en
gaged in Ihe Ten Day Cam aign '
now !>? ing carried on h> ihe local
Young Men's Christian Association
produced >o<)d re*'.ilt3 yesterday, a
total ? $434 heilig collected during
Ihe day. which added to the $200
promised en the tirsi day. makes n
! tal of fiiat secured since the com
m< ncement of the campaign
The banner team for the day wn*
Croup A. of the business m< n.
leader W. M Parker and his group
securing Ihe sum of $|::.'. up to last
The standing of the various team*
Business Men.
Croup A?Leader YV. M. Parker $135
Croup I) Leader S. It. BuxtOII I 28 I
Croup I! Leader I. C Phillips
Croup C I eai^er U'. T. Chapln
Total . $34.
Young Men.
Team 4?Captain O. .1. Brining
ham .?.$29All |
Team 2 Captain I. A. McMnr
ran . 22.5ti
Team Captain C. A. Sinclair 17.50
Team r.?Captain Chester AShby I2."n
Team I?Ca it:i in W I). Chap?
man . Inno
Total .?91.00
From the above it will he seen that]
W M Parker's group led among tin
business men. with S. It. Huxton?|
group a close second, and O. .1 Brit
tingham's team led the young men *|
team, with L. A. McMnrran and his
team in second place.
Ajax. Abarenda. Hannibal and Brutus
Take Cargoes Here
The l'niie,| States collier AJax.
which has been at anchor in Ham>
ton Roads for the past lew days was
chattered yesterday to load a cirgo
of coal here from the Smokeless Fuel
Company. As the Aberanda. anothei
one of the government fuel ships i;
reported to have passed in the capes
bound for this port, there will be in
liort tomorrow four of the govern?
ment colliers, the Hannibal and Bru?
tus having been at the ccal docks tor
the past couple of days loading: car
It is expected that the four vessels
will load a total tonnage of about
15,000 which will be more coal ship
ped from this port for government use
than has gene out at one time in the
regular fuel ships for some months.
Bailey's Resolution tu Indirectly Cen?
sure President rigeon?io;eci by
Strict Party Vote.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. V. C. March 3.?
On motion of Senator Al.lrich. the
Bailey resolution regarding Presiden?
tial instruct ions in executive commun.
i< tit ions to congress was referred to
the committee on the judiciary by a
vote of 32 to 2.">. The vote was on
strict party lines.
Mr. Hailev took the lloor to discuss
his resolution, directing the secretary
of the senat' to return to heads ot
departments communications from
?hem made in response to demands
of the senate which purport to tie sent
"Vy direction of the President."
Sir. Bailey eontended for the pre?
rogative of the senate to demand in?
formation in its own right. Incident?
ally, he said that he did not expect
so much 'execitive insolence" from
the next administration as there had
been in'the one now expiring.
Rayner in Thankful Mood.
Mr. Ravner supporter Mr. Bailey's
Dcsition. and in the murse of his re?
marks exclaimed:
"The Fourth of March is rapidly
approaching, thank Providence."'
He added: After that date we
will have a President who will obev
the requirements of the law. and who
will not evade the constitution?one
who knows the limitations of the ex
ecutive authority."
Oeelaring that the adoption of the
Bailey resolution.would be eonstrued
as a rebuke to the President. Sena
tor Dolliver said he hoped that never
attain would the floors of the house
of consress l?- used as arenas for
dipparsitemetit of the motives of the
Chief executive The declaration was
received with applause in the galler?
Mr. Bailey disavowed any intention
of reflecting on the President
Beveridge Delivers Eulogy.
Mr Hevertdge eulogized President
Roosevelt at some length.
He likened him to Washington.
Jackson and Lincoln, and declaring
that they had be^n villifie.j as had
Mr Roosevelt, and seid that their
trad'leer* had be?B forgotten.
He closed with the statemen- that
Mr Roosevelt had wrought mightih
and for the permanent welfare of all
the op!- regardless of their creed
or color.
Mr Heveridse had no sooner taken
his seat when *Ir Bsdev arose Hi?
reply wss confined to one sen,ence
While." he KSid. it is true that
ihe world has forgotten the nsnie*
of the villitiers of Washington and
Jackson, it fs ahm true that it hss
forgotten ?ome of those who d?*"vered
fulsome esttanrlca upon ih'-m '
The vote . followed.
~~ New Yorkers Eat Many Egos.
Aerordlag to the market records 'be
a?;, -.n.-of eggs in New Tork city
aanua?v I? 6.12 for each 'nhsbltant
Storm Broke Within Hour After!
Warning Was Hoisted.
Skippcr? Who Ventured to Cape* Say
Gale I* Worst of Winter. But It Is
Blowing Off Shore and is Net So
Jusi our hour after the northwest
erly si >rm signal Mags warning :ill|
vessels lo remain in harbor w re
hoisted here yesterday aBernoon, one
of the si longest gales of the'winter
arrived. The storm was still raging j
ai au early hour this morning.
Quite a number Of vessels which I
started out from Hampton K ?ads yes.
terday morning returned late yester?
day afternoon to await more favors
ble weather and the captains of sev?
eral tugs which returned to this city
front the cape* last evening reported!
thai 'In' gale was the stiffesl that
they had experience this season.
A curious freak of the weather In
connection with the approach of the
wind ami rain storm was tin' almost
total darkness which descended upon
the city In the middle of the after
noon, the heavy rain clouds obscur?
ing the light from the sky to siio^t
an extent that i: scented as though
night had fallen.
Not a gruat deal anxict) is ft I
among the shipping men here for the
safety of craft bound up and down
the coast, as the wind Is directly off
shore and it is nt t thought possible
that any vessel? can be driven ashore
unless the wind hauls around sudden?
ly to another quarter.
Along the waterfront it is believ?
ed thai it will be fair today if the
wind holds to the west.
Clergymen Are Scarce.
The reluctance of men to take holy
j orders iu the Church of England.
[which is sc. noticeable a feature ai
the present time, is a mutte'- of more
than ecclesiastical interest. It affects
not only the existing clergy but also
the laity: and not the church laity
alone hut the nation ns a v. hole ?
Nineteenth Century.
Try This Plan.
If you have an old bicycle pump
Iaround the house you can put II lo
good service when next you clean your
! sew ing machine. Tiny pieces of lint.
I threads and the like can be blown out
ot the crevices and the machine
cleaned in much less time. An atom?
izer can often be used for the same
Sermon in a Sentence
Beverence the simple, the prosaic.
I the natural, the real; and demand of
'every common thing of life, whether It
I be your body or your money, or your
daily experience, that it shall bloom
I Into fine results in your own soul, and
I In your own Influence on the world.?
Phillips Brooks.
Love at First Sight.
It exists, but it is utterly fallacious
and daugeious. for ?! is based only on
that fragile thing?looks. It may be
romantic, but it is no! lasting, and is
seldom genuine?llliistracion. Barce?
Comfort for the Bereaved.
Mis. O'Toole?'?She's takin' on aw?
ful. Her husband got three years?
but he kin git 12 month* off for good
behavior." Mrs. Dooley? Tell lier lo
rest aisy. Sure an" he may not be?
have himself."?Life.
Encouraging Dream.
To dream that some one bears you
malice foretells a pleasant prospect
in your wordly affairs: and that you
will soon be ad van ted to some im?
portant station
Lew Dockstader to be Guest of Honor
at Elks' Home Again.
When they com?- here tomorrow.
Ia%- Doekstader and his minstrel men
will pay tli- ir annual visit to the
Elks' Home an sweat* of honor at a
social session. The session will be
held immediately after the rerfor
mance at the academy, and 'he lodge
men are making elaborate arrange?
ments .or the event.
Death of Little Boy.
Boiiert K. Fades, the five year old
son of Mr and Mrs. E. A Rades di T
yestetdav morning sr in .10 o'clock
at the home of his parents. 2Z9
Forty-fonrth ?trec: from pneumonia
Funeral services wiil be conducted at
the residence thl? afternoon at 2:J*
o'clock hv Bev tS L Naff The
body will be In'errcd a- C-reen'aww
cemet ery
The Lund Clow of Doom
was seen n the red face, bands and
bodv of the htt|e son of H M Adams
of Henrietta pa Hi- awful plight
from e</ema had for five \?*r* de
fed al] rem'-dies and baffled the iwst
doctors who ?sid ?ne . I.lorvl
had ai'eeie^ hit. Inn** and nothing
conid save him Bnt." writes his
mother 'seven ho'ties of Flertrfc Bit
ters completely enre^ him ' For Erup?
tions. fv'Sems. Sa't Rheum Sores aa<1
al; Blood and Rheumatism.
EH-ctrle Btt'ers I? s ipreme Only Mr
ftuarant?**) by eS frorg'st*.
Day ia Spent in Vain Effort by Gov
eminent to Prove Eighren Cent
(By Associated Press i
CHICAGO. ILA.., March ;: f*he
govei ntoen in the r.-ui;ii ,,: i la
standard oil Oompenv m Indiana for
alleged n<< > i >t ;i nc. i . ??!..!,-. from
llie Chicago * Alton K m'.w.ix , n oil
'ii|.|M'it from Whiting In,I in Kam
Si Louis, today ai tempi ill without
dt finite success, to pro,, ibe js cciil
tariff, which the olHe?ts or the oil
vom pan y say they know n -.thing
about, was published legally i;, tariff
Xd. 2t and rlaaalfled with Illinois
freight tales
Frederick A. Wann, ol l<os Angehet
formerly general freiulu ng<nt of the
Chicago A Alton Railroad; Edward "
Casey, present general agent ,t the
toad. and Horace Tucker, of Xew i
Hochelle. N V.. formerly , hau man <>f|
the Chicago & St Louis irufllr com
mission. Were the witnesses through
whom the government tried to esli,b
Hah i lie publication.
Alb rne> John 8 Miller for the do
fense. contended lhai publication
musi be proved at the imiIiiin where'
the alleged crimes were charged.|
Whiting. Ind., and Chappel, HI
"The publication was in the iiiui"
office where the shipments wen!,
said Attorney J. H. Wilkinson, for the
government. "This Is proper."
The Blkias act was then dug up
and discussed mil 11 adjournment
Represents Endowment Fund for Uni?
versity of Virginia?Conditiona
Imposed Complied With.
RICHMOND. VA.. March It.?Treas?
urer Ki.pa Hunton. of the University
of Virginia Commission, in charge of!
the one million dollar endowment
fund, today received a check from |
Andrew Carnegie for $r,nii.nnii.
This amount was promised by Mr
j Carnegie, contingent on the inlversity
jiaislug a similar annum'
President Alderman last week an
Inounced that the entire sum bad
been raised, and Mr. Carnegie's check
came promptly upon notification to
I him.
Cal forma Assembly Again Defeats
Anti-Japanese Bill.
(Bv Associated Press.?
Another vain attempt was made by
the ami-Japanese element in the a :
sembly t day to exclude Japanese
I from the public school* An unlm
|iportaiit school bill was called up for
final passage when an amendment
barring no; only Chinese and Jan
(anese but all Asiatics was offered
1 The amendment was voted down.
Hill is Maine Chairman.
WASHINGTON. I). C. March 3.?
Former Governor John P. Hill. < .'
Maine, member ef the Republican |
national committee 'from that State. |
has been named :\i acting chairman
of the commi'tee bv Chairman Frank!
H. Hitchcock.
Book-Loving Scots.
More books are printed in Edin?
burgh in proportion to population than
In any other city in the world.
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lost my leg." writes
J. A. Swenson. Waterloo a, Wis.. ' Ten
years of eczema that !."> doctors
could not cure, hrd at last laid aw
up. Then Bucklen'a Arnica Salve [
cured it sound and wail ' Infallible'
for Skin Eruptions. Eczema. Sab
Rheum, Boils. Fever dores. Ritrns. I
Scalds. Cuts and Piles. 25c at all ]
Quest Room
You want the impressions of
jo:t guests to l?e favorable. You
want them lo be charmed with
th?ir visit.
Therefore your juest room must
be most attractiw
We are receiving large additions
to our stoci: in
Bedroom Suites
Odd Dressers
Brass and Iron Beds
High Grade Felt
|>?t us show von and eeote prices
?oxton &
Furnisher* for every room in the
We're ho'ding the helm of popularity and steering
X>OQ??f straight for success. We could not do this if it were
not for the confidence or the people, a confidence
which we believe we have merited. Our Discount
Sale saws ca?h buyers one-third of their monoy and
those who are not so fortunate, but buy on time,
1> Per Cent. It is our aim to furnish the people of
this city good* at the right prices- Sash or Credit.
To get the business we hive cut our profits; these
we pass to >ou, in the hope that th- increased
amount of business will make up the total profits.
And the i you know our expenses are not as great as the other fellows and
we can afford to sell the same thing for less money. A visit to our store
will convince 3011 of the fact that we can supply what you want, and at
the price to save you money. See the iioosier Kitchen Cabinets in our
window. This is undoubtedly the best Cabinet made. Let us show you
how it does one-half of your work.
The Harvey Furniture Co.
226 Twentv-iighth Street
10 Per Cent. Off on Contracts. One-third Off for Spot Cash.
Cor. Washington Ave. and 31st Street
Newport News. Va.
Look txt Thi./*!
For Sale and Lease!
Best Ever Made
For Sale by All Grocers
? t!
Do yon tuink that you can not (et
a Nose tilass that will hold on? Woy
then, we have ibe So-Ea.<y, Vici, Its
It, Shur On, and other styles of
mounUng* that are sure (o fit you.
Eyes examined end glasses guaran?
teed to give satisfaction.
121 2Mb St.. opposite Post ana
Lots 50x150 above Fifty eighth street; very desirable lots between
Fiftieth and Fifty eight streets; lots in Second and Third wards in
rapidly growing communities, within 10 minutes of postoffice.
Call and get Particulars.
Old Dominion Land Co.
The resources of the First National Bank of. Newport News are
ample guarantee of Its financial strength.
Your account nnd banking buslnesi inviicti.
The First National Bank
United States Depositary. Capital $100.000. Surplus $100,000.
F]rom a Parcel
to an Engine
Freight, Baggage,
Furniture and Safes,
Carefully and
Promptly Moved.
Storage Warehouse
SU 520 27th Street
Reasonable Rates
Schmelz Brothers.
City and County Depository.
8tesdy ?growth evidences satisfactory service:
Deposits December 31st, 1904 . $ S18.C43.95
Deposits December 31st, 1905 . 742.192.82
Deposits December 31 at, 1906 . 788.721.35
Deposits December 31st. 1907 . *2b,238.16
Depoiits December 31st. 1908 . 1.048.324.27
The Urges.** Strongest Bank in the City
Who ntiedi- an accommodating and secure
Hank will do ?eil to open an account with
Capital Dry Goods House
WASMincTon AVEnue at thirtieth street
Today Special Ladies' Fine
t Black Petticoats
J Made with tirir ntji? KLfn**d and Kmbroidcrpd
Klonrif*'- regular $1 4S ??ln? fur

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